1 'Spring Necessities ON EASY TERMS Our Special Hnsy Terms BarRnhis for the week include just t what you need for spring and mu miner. Refrigerators, Oak Case, White Enamel Lining $10.00 to $28.00 $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week Lawn Mowers, Some fine Ones. .$4. to $7 50c Down, 50c a Week Garden Hose, 50 ft. Length. .$3.35 to $11 $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week Washing Machines $7 to $16.50 $1.00 Down, ?2.50 a Alonth Express Wagons and Velocipedes 25 per cent OFF I Ormandy Bros. FURNITURE CLEAN May 4th to May lltli I UP AND ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. I DR. W. J. GILSTRAP !'hynloltui mid Sirfooi Drugs Furnished Glasses Accurately and Scientifically Fitted ST, JOHNS, I EDMONDSON CO. 107 S Jersey Street Plumbing, Tinning AND furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 Notice of Appointment of Executrix Notice is hereby given that he undersigned. Mabel Clair Lee. has been duly appointed ex ecutrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate of Miry E. Crawford, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County and that she has duly qualified as such. Now therefore all per sons having any claims against the said estate or against the said decedent are hereby noti fied and required to present the sama together with the proper vouchers and duly verified as by law required to the undersigned executrix at her residence at Woodstock, in said Multnomah County, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or. be forever barred. Dated April 8th, A. D. 1915. MABEL CLAIR LEE. Executrix of the-Last Will and Testament of Mary E. Crawford, deceased. B. A. Kliks. McMinnville, Oregon, Attorney for executrix. f OR ItENT card at thla office , MHlIODS ' IB ' CASH OR CREDIT IIP is GLEAN UP WEEK We nre nucnts for Sherwin Williams Paints, the best Paints made. We have n complete stock of Varnishes, Stuius and Huuuiels. Wc arc giving Double Stamps with all Paints and Varnishes Purchased Next Week. I OREGON J SO PROPOSALS FOR 'IMPROVEMENT BONDS City of St. Johns, Ore. Sealed proposals will bereceiv eJ b.v the undersigned nt his office in the City of St. Johns, Oregon, until five p. m. on the fourth day of May, 1915, for the sale of tho whole or any part of bonds of tho City of St. Johns issued under Ordinance No. 058 at not less than.par tlnd accrued interest. Said bonds to be dated as fol lows: $3223.70. December 12. 1911. 740,91. March 13, 1915. Amounting in all to $390-1.01. All of said bonds are issued in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars or less, and all of the said bonds are payable ten years after date of said bonds. All of said bonds are Coupon bonds bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semi-annually, subject to all the condi tions imposed, directed, and stipulated by Section 131 of the Charter of the city of St. Johns. Tho right is reserved to re deem any and all bonds at any interest paying period at or after ono year after date. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent of the amount of the bid, and the said chock shall hn nnvnhle to the City of St. Johns, and the S.l -1 I. 1 - . i. 1 1 I swu chuck anau uu ruiuineu uy the City of St. Johns as dam ages in case the bidder to whom the bonds are awarded fails to accept and pay for the same with in fifteen days after the accept ance of the bid. The money is to be paid and the bonds are to be delivered at St. Johns, Multnomah County, Oregon. The right is reserved by the Council to reject any and all bids. A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re view April IG.23,30, 1915. Not th Ubtl on your papr. PANT Local News. SAN-TOX. Send in your news items. H. J. Wirth is having an at tractive residence erected on Ti oga street. Subject for Christian Science Lecture Sunday: Everlasting runishment. The Psychology club will meet with Mrs. Scott Kellogg next Monday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. J.C. Scott has returned from a very pleasant two weeks' visit with her son und farm v at Seattle. M1I. 11 . . ine lauies rest room on North Jersey street where the cars stop has been completed, ana is an attractive room. Tho now citv council is hnnd. unc municina matters in ox. cellont style, and everything is working smoothly and sntisfac. lorny. R. W. McKeon. nftur snnnrlinc? tno past month or so at Cannon Beach and other seashore re sorts, returned to St. Johns last week. He looks as if the outing nigniy agreed with him. I" Five hundred miles of Germans, Five hundred miles of French, And English, Scotch and Irish- men All fighting for a trench: And when the trench is taken, And manv thousands a am. The losers, with more slaughter. Kctake the trench again. Ex. The numerous friends of for mcr city attorney. Thad. T. Par ker. will regret to learn that ho suffered a stroke of paralysis f riuay ot last week, and has been mute ill since. An carlv anu complete recovery is earn estly hoped for by his hosts of friends. C. E. Williams of Colorado Springs made the Review office a pleasant call Tuesday. Ho was a former resident of Pennsvlva nin. a native o! the same county as the editor. In company with his wife ho has been making a tour of the Pacific coast, and took in the Fair at San Francisco before coming to Portland. The friends of Mrs. Mabel Mc- KidJy wh'h to express their thanks to the Oregon Grape Oil cle, No. 511. for promptness In payment of $1,000 insurance and !M)0 funeral benefits. Also for tho kindness of tho members of the Circle during her illness and death. G. H. McKce has been appointed guardian of tho four small children by the Court. Mr.Elnstein was about to take the train for a long journov. nnd was busy giving his fain y or ders. At tho last moment, when it was thought ho had finished, ho turned, after takincr a look at his youngest son, and said to his wife. 'Und m ini. Bcckv. save A bio's new glasses all you can. Von ho ain't lookin' at nodding in particular, dakc dem on." ban I'rancisco Argonaut. On July 5. Portland will enter tain a distinguished party of business men nnd financiers from China who will visit this section on a gonerai business survey of tho Pacific Northwest. Ore gon's Oriental trade In grain, lumbe nnd manufactured rro ducts has bi'en increasing in im portancu for several years, large ly us the result of a visit of prominent business men to Chi na, and the visit here in July will bo in tho nature of a return call. Tho Knights of Pythias and their friends had a most enjoya ble time in Bickner Hnll last Friday evening, in which danc ing and speech making were the leading features. Frederick S. Attwood. thrice Grand Chancel- tor of Minnesota, made tho fin- est and most interesting address ever heard in the hall, and was thoroughly appreciated by tho assembled crowd. Many old timo dances were in evidence, ns well as tho modern ones, and the occasion was thoroughly enjoy ed by all. The people of St. Johns should feel proud of its paid firemen. Messrs. Mackey and Peterson. They are always on the job, and when an alarm is turned in, it is surprising the celerity with which they get the truck out and reach the scene of the con flagration. And when they get there they know just what to do and how to do it to get the best result. The fire department as a whole is a credit to tho city, and have saved many thousands $f dollars amnlrA from going up in DO YOU GET Good groceries? Are you satis fied with the quality of the goods and the brands and the service? Now, when the first of the month is coming, is the time to make a change if you are not perfectly satisfied. Where you can buy every thing of the highest grade and guaranteed qualities.from a bar rel of flour to a box of tooth picks, therVs a good place to trade, uive us a trial for one month. Alex. S, Scales. Phone Col, 210. If your eyes are troubling you see Dr. Gilstrap. "Watches" made over into 'Time-pieces" at reasonable rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey street. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles; we have them all at cut rate prices. The St. Johns Phar macy. Mrs. J. V. Scott left Wednes day morning for a two or three weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Tacoma and. Seattle. Alex. S. Scales, popular irroccr. Good groceries, right prices and good service. That s all. Phone Columbia 210. 601 Fes- senden street. Protect your young "chicks by using Instant Louse Killer, and make them grow by using Hess' Panacea. You can get it at the St. Johns Pharmacy. Found A purse. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. Call 312 Trumbull street, after G p. nv W. W. Sanderson. Auto tor hire by day. hour or trip, at very reasonable rates. Good opportunity for parties of four or less to make a trip into the country at a low price. II. M. Waldref.G0JFessenden street, Phono Columbia 200. Mrs. A. M. Purknpilo desires to publicly express her sincere a a 1 thanks to all who aided her in securing, atrip to the World's Fair at San I'rancisco through the Lauthers' Mercantile Com pany's contest, and assures one and all that their kindness in her behalf is deeply appreciated. A UARGAIN. The Willamina State Bank, Willamina, Oregon, oilers on quick sale, for short time only, the two story house and three lots at 718 N. Edison atreet, and house and one lot at 911 N. Hayes street, in St. Johns, both for $,'1000. No trade. They never save, they waste away Their money, and then try to borrow : They always want to spend to day Tho coin they hope to earn to morrow. Harry Wilson, night editor and assistant managing editor of the Philadcplha Record while in Portland last week said that the Rose Festival was better known throughout the East than the Panama exposition at San Fran cisco and says Oregon is secur ing much desirable publicity this year as a result of tho fiesta and tho city beautiful campaign. A delegation of Oregon City firemen paid a visit to tho St. Johns department Monday night, making tho trip by automobiles. Those who made tho trip were: Fire Chief I'rost, Harry Bradley, Joe Bealiau,L.A. Noble, Al Cox, Gera d Warner. I-rnnk Schoen born, Francis McGaughcy, Char es Nichols. J. W. Schertizinger. J. H. Sheldon. Bob Austin, 1 rank Kool nk. Henry Henrickson. William Prieboand Ilnrry Seiler. A movement has been started for the completion of tho works of tho Portland Cement Compa ny nt Oswego, which has been at a standstill for nearly three years. Tho buildings are ready for tho machinery nnd tho mate rials are at hand from which to make n high grade of cement. It is stated that recent sales of stock havo been mado amount ing to over $300,000 nnd that the company has $50,000 on deposit. If the plant is put into operation it will be tho only cement mill between Bollingham. Washing ton, and points in California, Tho plan inaugurated about three months ago by tho Port land Union Stockyards whereby tho school children of Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho, by sign ing a 10 month note at u per cent, could rccoivo high grado sows already bred and treated for cholera, has met with such unexpected success that it has been necessary to call a confer ence of the raisers of stock of that class to devise meanB for filling all tho applications for stock. It is believed this cam paign will be nation-wide in its effects on the industry. Monday evening, Miss Mary Gagen. one of St. Johns' most beautiful girls, and the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gagen of this city, was united in matrimony to Mr. George Haytias. a well and favorably known young man of St. Johns. The wedding was solemnized by Rev. Joseph O'Brien, at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs. T. P. Murphy, 365 Halsey street. The bride looked charming in her wedding gown of white voile, and wore a wreath and veil. She carried a bouquet of white carnations. Mr. Michael Finn was best man.' The bride was attended by her two sisters, Misses Bessie and Helen Gagen. Miss Bessie wore a pale blue voile, and Mibs Helen wore a pale pink organdy. Each carried an arm bouquet of pink carna tions. The house was beauti fully decorated for the occasion. The happy young couple will make their home in St. Johns, the groom having provided a co zy home, of his own at 028 Wil lamette boulevard. A. Not th Uol on your paper. See Dr. Gilstrap. about your eyes. Picture framing done at Portland prices nt II. .P. Clark's, the furni ture man. Adv. Now is the time to spray your roses with Nicotine Rose Spray. Get it at the St. Johns Phar macy. For Sale Houshold furniture and five room house, lot 100x100 'lo l Kast Richmond street. Wi i i oe sola at a bargain uy owner, A. J. Uuler. The Debonair Club was enter tamed by Mrs. Alex. Scales last ween. Dainty refreshments were served. The club was entertain ed by Mrs. Markle on Thursday ot this week. Notice I deliver croceriesanv place in St. Johns. Deliveries are .made four times a day, at a. m. ana 1U n. m. and l n. in and 4 p. m. Yes, my solicitors call if desired. A. S. SCALES Phone Columbh 210: 501 Fes senden street. Regular Mothers' Meeting of the W. U. 1. U. will be held a the home of Mrs. W. R. Hollen beck, Monday, May 3rd, at2:30, Residence corner Hayes and A ta street. Program and 10 cent tea. Come and bring your gn. Lome friends. . The Quid Li bet Club met nt the homo of Mrs. Morrow on Jer soy street Tuesday of last week Mrs. Morrow entertained her tfuests with two interesting readings. Dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Charles Muck will bo hostess for the club on Tuesday next. I'UU salw. i win sen on easy terms nt a bargain my hal acre of choice garden land with 'small house in St. Johns only two blocks from car line. Wouu; accept a modern live passen ult0 ns Wt payment. W passenger hnt have you to oiler? For particu lars, sec Dr. Gilstrap. The A la bon hour Bridge Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Tuthill on Lnr- rabco street, Portland, at the last meeting. Delicious refresh ments were served. Mrs. P. II. Edlcfscn is hostess for the club today. Any ono knowing of a case of destitution in St. Johns arc re quested to communicate with Mrs. IS. IS. Gambce. Mrs. E. S. uurncr. Airs, w, j. unstrap or mm mm Mrs. A.W. Markle. and tho mat tor will ho given prompt atten tion by the (juid Libct club. St. Johns United Evangelical church: Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; worship at 11, theme. "You Are One of Them." Sunday evening tho K. L. C. E. will meet at 7 o'clock. A pleasant and profitnbln hour can bo spent with the young people at this tme. Bishop W. II. Fouko of Nnnorville. III., will sneak at 8 o'clock. You are invitod to all these services. A. P. Lnyton, Pastor. I'ho Parent-Teachers' circle of the North School held their reg ular meeting on Tuesday after noon in the North School build ing. Mrs. Wright read n very excellent paper on tho "White Lifn for Two." Iho program consisted of piano solo by Miss Kennedy, a reading by Mrs. Behnko. songs by pupils of Mrs. Wright's room, and Mother Goose rhymes by the little ones of Miss Stevens' room In cos tume. The city of Linnton voted to mergo with Portland Monday by a voto of 109 in favor and 81 ngainst. Portland will probably vote on taking Linnton into that city at tho Juno election. The Portland Commissioners, it is said, will not order tho measure on tho ballot unless petitions re quiring them so to do nro circu lated and properly signed, winch will likely bo done. Linnton by a voto of 150 to 99 carried a $50,000 water, bond issue. Judge J. E. Williams helped to canvass tho vote. Tho ladies of the St.Clement's parish will give a May Day danco in the St. Clement hall, Monday evening, May 30th, at which cot ton dresses will bo worn by the ladies. The event promises to be a most enjoyable one. Tho pat. ronesses are Mesdames J. W. Mackey, E. E. Gambee, E. W. McLean, J. W. Atckinson, W. A. Bennett, F.A.Rice. R.P.Thomp son, Unas, muck, J. N. hdletsen and A. Larrowe. Admission, 50 cents per couple; extra ladies 25 cents. A jitney will leave the bank corner at about eight o'clock for the accommodation of those attending the dance.and make n return trip about twelve o'clock. DO YOU EAT? Good vegetables or do you take anything that comes along? There is no need of putttng up with poor, tasteless vegetables when you can get tho crisp, sue culent variety always fresh at my store. Good vegetables are noi only more palatable, but also more nutritious than the doubt ful kind and they cost no more than tho inferior kind. Alex. S. Scales. 501 Fessenden street. Phone Col. 210. Not th labil on your papr. A Bank PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK ON SAVINGS 0 SAVINGS 4 SAPliTY DKPOSIT I'KTKK AUTZItN, Presided'. John N. Km.itrsiw, Cnsliier A. C. Gesler of Contralln, Wash., was a St. Johns visitor this week. After satisfying themselves that St. Johns' financial condi tion was exceptionally good, the Portland Commissioners have ordered that tho question of merger be placed on tho ballot at tho June election. S. W. Rogers presented the editor yesterday with two eggs that were exceedingly Inrgc and which were laid by a couple of his last year's pullets. One; measured Glx71 and 01x72 re spectively and each weighed four ounces, when it is known that eggs usually average about 25 ounces to tho dozen, it will be realized that these were un usually large. Tho 07th annual session of the Willamette Baptist Association will be held May -1-5 0 at the Grace Montnvilla Baptist church. Hie following delegates were ap pointed to represent the St. Johns Baptist church: Kev. atul Mrs. E.J Borden, Mrs. L. II. Shaw, Mrs. A. Foul, Mrs. Paul Behnke, Mrs. J. II. Brannman, Miss Hazel Evans, Miss Vida Evans, Mr. S.J. Holt, Mrs. Julia M. Parker. Everybody invited. Rev. A. P. Lnyton. the new pastor of the United Evangelical church, and his family, were welcomed to St. Johns Monday night at a reception tendered them by members of tho congro gation and townspeople in tho main auditorium. Rov. .J. A. Goodc, his predecessor, who was forced to resign becauso of fail ing health. delivered the address of welcomo and the new pastor responded. Readings worn giv- on by Miss Cordelia Cross, Mrs. G. M. Hall and Miss Helen Crouch. A social In tho church basement followed, the new pastor is a veteran of tho Platte Ivor, Neb., conference. Be causo of poor health he moved to ivorott. wash., ast fall, lie ias recently conducted evangel istic services at Everott, Van couver nnd vndor, wash., and at tho Wichita church. He join ed tho Oregon conference a few weeks ago. With Mrs. Lay ton and their four children ho is now domiciled in the parsonage, 09 West John street. Journal. I HAVE An Electric iron I want to talk aboutNo. I want to shout about Listenl An electric iron for tho price of $2.85 guaranteed brever get that, guaranteed brevcr. nnd it means just that. All in nickel and mado by tho oldest manufacturers of electric heating goods in the United States. Now let mo toll you that an electrician knows an iron when ic sees it. nnd I toll you this is some iron. Tho makers of it, tho American Electric Heating Co., havo been making irons a ong timo and havo sold millions f them and I havo boon repair- ng irons lor six years, guess 've repaired at least 1000, may- ie zvw in that time, but rve never repaired or heard of this mako of an iron being repaired. low's that Let me tell you some more. Buy your electric goods of an electric man and you won't go wrong. Ho knows what you want. Again, tho best iron in ho world for $2.85.-E. A. Gons- man and Son, 217 N. Jersey. Back to the Farm Would you like to own a choice ittlo farm in Yamhill County, Oregon? If so, come in and see what I can co for you. I havo a few ' friends with cholco little farms who wish to exchange for City property.-Dr. W. J. Gil strap. First National Bank Build ing, St. Johns, uregon. Not Ut label on your papr, Account Is a business thermom eter. It shows at all times exactly how you stand financially. You will find an accouiit with this bank a de cided help not alone in the conduct of your business but in your business standing as well. Why not open one and learn V 0 VAULTS FOR RUNT p. C. Knait, Vice President L. Down, Assistnnt Cnsliier 1 s. Mrs. A. W. Markle entertain ed the Debonair club at her homo on South Ivnnhoe street yesterday afternoon. Leo Cormany left this week to accent a responsible position near Chehalis. Wash. His manv fronds here were sorry to see him leave. We understand that Ben Hoover will act as fire chief during Ins absence. Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. Derrle en tertained the Jolly 'Steon club in a pleasing manner Wednes day evening. The game of 500 was tho principal diversion, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Marklo winning the first prize, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Evens tho second prize, and Mr. and Mrs. Thew tho guest prize. Delicious refreshments were served. Two fires took plnco Wednes day in St. Johns. Tho first was a chimney firo at the home of Chas. Muck on Oswego street in the morning, but it was extin guished without doing any real damage. Tho second was at tho homo or John Jacques at tho cor ner of Hudson and Mohawk streets. This was also a chim ney firo, but had gained mora headway than tho other fire, and about $50 damago had beens wrought beforo it was extin guished by tho chomlcnl. Ow ing to the high wind prevailing at the time, it was oxecodingly fortunate that St. Johns possess od an auto truck und alurt firo men. otherwise much damage would undoubtedly have unsuod. Mr. Henry Adam llarror and Miss Myrtle May Worthon woro united in marriiiL'o Thuisdnv. April 29. 1915. nt 0 p. m. nt 007 Hudson street. St. Johns, t in homo of the olliciating clergy man, Rov. G. W. NeUon. Thoy were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Andrew. The groom was for n number of years in the employ of the O. W. R. & N. Co.. but is now a member of tho Andrew & Hnrror contracting firm. Tho brido is a dauirhtor of Mrs. A. M. Worthon of M(U Killingsworth avenue. Portland. She lms been a faithful operator for tho Pacific Status Telonhono Company for over sovon vonrs. Sho is a charming young lady and is held in tho highest os toom by n largo circle of devot- ed frionds. Tho happy and wor thy young couple will begin housekeeping at tho Emorson Apartmonta on Williams avonuo and Emerson stroet, whoro thoy will he at homo to tholr many frionds. PROIUTE Charles Hamlin Massoy astute. . Notice is hereby uivon that tho undersignud has boon ap pointed administratrix of tho as tnto of Charles Hamlin Massuv. deceased, by the County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Mult nomah county, nnd has quali fied. All porsons having claims against the ostato aroheroby no tified to present tho same to mo or my attorneys, Goealin & Se ver. 1020 Chnmbor of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verifi ed within six months from date hereof. Dated and first published Anril 23rd, 1915. Mary A. Massey. Administratrix. Geoslin & Sever, Attorneys. Last publication, May 21.1915. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The follcv.'ing list of legnl blanks are kept for sole nt this office ami others will tie added as the demand arises: Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds. Realty and Chattel Mort- gaeti, hututaction ot .Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills of Sale, Lea.sas. If in need of glasses Dr. GW- strap will fit you and guarantee satisfaction,