St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 30, 1915, Image 2

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Publlahod Evory Friday
At 117 West llurllnRton Street.
Tun RitVlKW Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mall matter
oi tlie second class unucr tue Act ot con
gress of March 3, 1879,
Statement o ownership mid management ol
the St. Johns Review required lv the net ol Au
gust 3. 1911: Jtuunrnnti utiumner, a. w, .-inr-kle.
Owner, A. W. Mnrkle nnd It. II. Markle.
Strom to nnd subscribed before me thl firl
any ol April, 1915. J,. J. Wright, Notary Public.
Offlcul Ntwspspsr of tlii City of St. Joans.
Subiorlptlon prlost $1.00 par year.
Councilman G. L. Pcrrino's
nlan for a public comfort station
at the city hall grounds is a
most commendable one, and is
both a necessity nnd a conveni
ence, and he has been given
authority by the council to go
ahead with his nlans. Ho con
templates making the city hall
Elot a thing ot greater beauty
y planting shade trees and
shrubbery and flowers thereon.
and provide comfortable seats
for use of tno weary traveler.
Ho would bo glad to receive sug
gestions as to the best sort of
shade trees to nlant, with refer
ence to longevity and usefulness
for shude purposes. Any one
having knowledge of such shade
trees should confer with Mr.Per-
One of our friends was heard
expressing himself in pretty
strong language the other day
over huving been introduced in
the legislature several hundred
bills. Ho said: "It's absurd.
Our entire lawmaking bodies,
even nntionnl, nro absurd. Wo
have too many laws now. Drop
into my attorney's ollico and see
the scores of books tilled with
laws to govern us. And wo are
told that ignorance of the law
excuses no one. How on earth
is n follow to know what tho law
is? Even a lawyer, who makes
it his business to know the law,
doesn't know tho law. How.
then, arc wo who nover dovote
an hour's study to our laws to
know them "Dallas Itcmizor.
Tho Portland Public Docks
commission will force tho people
of that city to votoon a $5)00,000
bond issuo in June to build a
great public grain elevator nnd
storago wnrohotiHo. Tho bonded
indebtedness of that city has
reached a (liruru that makes the
tnxpnyor shudder to think about
it, but it seems tho end is not yet
reached in tlio program of city
enterprises. Ul course, no one
can explain why a grain elovn
tor is needed any more than a
municipal coal bunker or a hop
or wool warehouse, but tho Docks
Commission must keep busy at
something. Municipal grain el
ovators havo been impracticnblo
every where tried and tho service
to bo rendered is now entirely
supplied by private capital and
transportation companies. But
that fact alono is enough to
start tho agitator, and ho points
out to tho voter that the inter
ests now handling elevators need
regulating as all big business
docs. The state and tho polili
cians aro tho only possessors of
tho brain power renulsito to
hnndlo big business right, whilo
tho citizen is only fit to oporate
n peanut stand. Pacillc Coast
Shall dogs bo tied up nnd led
by a string when upon tho
streets, or shnll thoy bo allowed
to run nt largo without strimr
nnd without muzzle, is tho ques
tion that is causing more or less
agitation at present. Tho dog
regulation question is an old
nnd vexatious ono for city ad
ministrations to contend with,
Naturally tho dog owner and
the citizen that does not possess
such an animal look at tho mat
ter from dilioront points of viow.
Tho formor believe they bIiouUI
havo ns much liberty as possible
and tho latter beliovo that tho
less liberty a canino enjoys tho
bettor for tho community nt
largo. So between tho two di
verging opinions tho only thing
to do is to try and strike a hap
py medium, wounciinmn Uow-
ney, with tho unhappy experi
onco of having boon severely
bitten by a dog, believes that it
would bo no moro than right
that all dogs do Kept in leash,
whether at home or on tho
streets. Another citizen con
tends that dogs would moro
likely go mad from being tied up
than from any other cause. Tho
previous council experienced a
trying timo with dog regulation,
in making ordinances and then
amending them to suit exigen
cies as they seemed to appear.
So what shall bo done with tho
dog, is tho question. It is
a question m Portland thnt is
continually causing moro or loss
discussion, bomo havo suggest-
ed that all dogs bo prohibited
lrom incorporated cities, somo
contend that all dogs found with
out a muzzle should bo shot on
sight, others claim that dogs
should be permitted to run at
largo freely and untrammeled
except during "dog days."
What is best to do and how to
do it satisfactorily and in justico Miss Myrtle B. Anders find Mrs.
to all concerned is still a ques- Mabel F. BurghdulV.
tion for which a truo solution Miss Nellio M. Stevens was re
has apparently not yet boon dis- elected principal of North gram
covered, mar school, and Miss Flora Mc-
Dont BLAME THE World, it owes
The poorest excuse anybody makes is: "Never had
a chance. Every now day is a new chance until that
curfew of your life rings out "TOO LATE." If you
are young and strong, nothing can make you a failure
but YOURSELF. The worldis against no man, it is
too busy looking out for itself. You put your money
in our bank ana see how soon the world SMILES on
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
Series of Lectures
"What the Catholic Church is
nnd is not, tenches and does not
teach, w ill be tho general scono
of a series of lectures to bo com
menced on Monday cvcning.Mny
.'ird. at eight o'clock at the Moose
Lodge Hall, bt. .Johns, nnd to
continue for an entire week.
Rev. Charles M. Smith of St.
Johns and Rev. J. H. Buck of
Forest Grovo are to be tho speak
The purpose of these lectures
is not controversial, but educa
tional; to give intelligent per
sons reliable information on a
subject which is discussed a
great deal, but understood most
mpcrfcotly. A certain Methodist
l(o v. J. U. Hem
moon, recently said: it is a
strange and lamentable fact that
not one Protestant in ten thou
sand knows the truth about the
teaching and practice of tho
Catholic church When a
person of common sense wishes
to obtain information about any
thing, whether political, religi
ous, scientific, or it matters not
what it may be. ho goes to head
quarters for authentic informa
tion- nover to tlioso who seek to
destroy, or who aro the enemies
of that which ho wishes to study.
Not ono Protestant in thou
sands over socks information
concerning tho Catholic Church
from Catholic sources."
The "Question Box" will be a
special featuro of these exer
cisos. Any one may ask any
serious question or questions on
tho subject of religion or tho
Catholic church: writo It on a
slip of paper, and hand it in nt
tho door, where a box will be
placed for that purpose Ques
tions can also bomailed.nddress-
ed to the Pastor of tho Catholic
Church. SL Johns: ordinarily
thoy will all bo answered on tho
same evening on which thoy
wero asked, and publicly in the
hall. This courso of lectures is
absolutely froo: there is no col-
ect on of any kind. Those who
can should bo at tho opening ono
on Monday ovoning, at which
important general explanations
will bo given. Reported.
Teachers Reelected
Tho St. Johns school board at
its mooting Thursday of last
weok reelected for tho cominir
yenr tho ontiro faculty of James
John high school, consisting of
Principal Charles A. try, math
ematics and science teachor;
Miss M. Dorothea Clinton. Latin
nnd Gorman teacher: R.G.White,
history teacher nnd nthletic
coach; Miss Beatrico Rundall,
English teacher, and A.H.Babb.
commercial instructor. City Su
perintendent of Schools, Charles
II. Boyd, also continues in oflice
tho coming year. School clerk
J. E. Tanch was reelected for
tho coming year.
l ie following special teachers
in tho high school nnd irrammnr
schools wero reelected ;M iss Elfio
McDaniols, art and sewing; Mrs.
E. Lonora Coovert, music: Miss
Agnes Wntkins. manual train
ug. and Miss l-abon LnMont.
1 fie following crane teachers
of Central school wero reelected:
Miss Grace Rogers. Miss Lula
E. Parmoly, Miss Eva B. Clark,
Miss Lvdia M. Villeneuve. Miss
Maud McPherson. Miss H. Mao
Jefferson, Mrs. Opal Crecraft,
put your money in
the Bank and be
ready for a 600d
business chance
Nivcn. Miss Anna B. Kennedy
Miss Ella Scott nnd Mrs. Mae
Wright of tho North School fac
ulty were reelected.
Miss Daisy B. Hush. Miss Al
da M. Overstreet. Miss Marcia
Bomig and Mrs. Myrtle B. Weeks
of tho faculty of Central gram
mar school were reelected, as
were also Miss Emma I. Clan
ton. principal of tho East gram
mar school, and Mrs. Lucy Iloye
Miss Kutli Croud) and Mrs
Frances Chivington of the fac
ulty of the East school.
A Splendid Success
Georgia Rich Lvdick, tho pop
ular young piano instructor, pre
seated her pupils in recital at
the Baptist church on Friday
evening last. Sho was assisted
by Flavins West, violinist. Tho
church was beautifully decorator
for the occasion, ami was crowd
cd to tho doors with an interest
ed audience, iho program was
carried out splendidly, and each
and every ono of tho pupils ac
nuittcd themselves in nflncmnn
nor that reflected great credit to
themselves nnd their instructor
ns well. The hit of tho evening
was made by Joanna James sing
ing "Life's Seo Saw." and little
Miulnlino Munson and Everett
Henry "seo sawed" on tho pint
form to tho great delight of tho
audience. It would bo impossi
bio to pick out any ono of tho
pupils nnd say that his or her
porformanco was tho best num
bcr on the program, us each one,
according to age, did their part
in a very capable manner.
number ot them maniiested very
marked talent, nnd all showe
careful training. Georgia Rich
Lydick is to bo congratulated
upon tho successiui showing
mado by hor pupils. Flavins
Wost is a promising young vie
linist, litis splendid talent aw
will no doubt make a name for
himself in tho musical world I
tor on.
"The Sky Riders"
"Tho Sky Riders" nro com
ing. This play will bo given by
tho Juno '15 class, Friday even
ing, May 7. it is tho host yet.
The entiro cast is enthusiastic
and tho play promises to bo a
great success. The H. S. orchos.
tra makes its first public appoar
anco at this timo. Tho cast of
tho play is as follows:
M. Brown -Bill Teutsch.
M. Saunders Wesley Wrinkle.
Teddy Nixon John McGregor,
Koma Everett Dny.
Juliana Brown Mario Brede
son. Helen Brown Alico Wrinkle.
Mrs. Brown Gladys Palmer.
If I FAIL to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat
btloro It POISONS dp elands irittichstibMt
Ka X Kay or .oh- r
oimlle. An l.'uul
J limit MitVra the tiiim
SORE on llto Hp, ( .)
ur Uuly -nu la CANCER
110-PAGE BOOK Slot If
IVttlinulitaW ol 10,000
CURED. Write to aoiuo
It alwan Bailout (Imp (lands mul KRIS QU'CKIT
1'oor cuml at lull iri- e II cancer U yet small
ufon Old Dr.& Mrs.Dr. Chamley&Co.rM
434 1 436 Valencia St, San Francisco, Cat
Full blooded Barred Uock baby
chicks. Call at 315 W.Buchanan.
by wearing those very comfortable and
time defying shoes we are selling at
the price of the ordinary shoe. The
best way to find out about these shoes
is to wear a pair then you will know
and will not want any other. They
all say the same after a trial.
Our new line of Childs', Misses' and
Ladies' Patent Leather, Gun Metal
and Mary Jane Pomps are already
Proving Popular. We have these
in all sizes. Come in and look them
over. We will gladly show you.
In our Dry Goods Department you
will find some very attractive select
ions in 10 ,and 12 l-2c Ginghams, that
are Rare Bargains.
A Close Ball Game
The North End Champions
defeated tho James John School,
April 21th by tho closo scoro of
8-0. Tho irmno was excitinpr
thruout, but tho "students" had
to Ilk'liL an uphill battle. Bill
Crouch received a pugilist's optic
when ho endeavored to stop
"Tex" Williford's grass cutter.
"Bat" Nelson did mound duty
for the victors, nnd succeeded in
whiHing a dozen or moro of tho
opponents, while ho was found
for ton safeties, tho majority of
which canio near tho end of tho
gamo. "uovorend" Cunning
ham twisted thorn over for tho
"future professors." His steam
appeared to be about hard enough
to break a window pane, but
tho North End sluggers found
him for only 10 hits, two of
these for extrn bases, a triple
by ParsonH and n double by
Captain Larson. Jower. Cun-
ninghnm nnd Johnson featured
witli the war club for tho High
School, whilo Parsons, Monroo
nnd Ty Lnrsen did elVectivo hit
ting for tho winners. "Bazoo"
Hawkins was tho"Hitlos3 Chnm-
plon" of tho dny, besides whif
fing n fow times ho booted somo
chances. "Mut" Kelliher was
also anothor "cheese" in tho
olllcinl score. "Slick" Mnher
and Johnson rival center each
featured with a spectacular tun
ning catch. Mnher plowed the
earth on his digestive portions, '
and nabbed a euro hit, which i
would havo altered tho score.
The North Kndors tako peculiar
delight in pounding learned!
twirlors. "Sk nner" Mnr ott
of Christian Church fame, who
was clouted a fow weoks back,
was also a famous Hitrh School
slabster. Contributed.
Love This Magazine
McCALL'S Is Ihe l .ihlon Guide inj tlouic
iccpint Helper of mora somen iho toy other
lumilnc in the orlJ. All the Itten styles
every nionth; alto liciiihtlu! s lories thil enter
Uin. and ipecial derarimenit in cooklae. home
drenmtkini. (tncy work. etc.. Ihtt lilbttn I:
haute orl an J save money. Price, only SUc fj
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THE H.CaU CO. i 1. 2t6 W. 37ia St, New XtA. K, Y.
In order to Insure a chango of ad
vertisement the copy for such chango
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
rcmombsr this and mvi the printer
r fuii t
I 1 iujyMrM I
Couch &
Proposals tor Street Work
Scaled roX)Mls will lie received nt
the office of tlie recorder of the citv of
St. Johns until Mny lltli, 1915, nt "8:00
o'clock p. in. for the Improvement of
Chicago St. from the east line ot Wlllnin
cttu houlevard to the west line of Pmlth
uvcniie, in the inniiiier provided by
Ordinance No. CCU, aubject to the provln
Ions of tlie clmttcr nnd ordlimnret of the
city of St. John, and the estimate of the
city engineer, on lile.
The eniiinccr'a estimate is 54281.10.
Illds must lie strictly in accordance with
printed blanks which will he ftirn
lied' on application at the office of the
recorder of tlie city of St. Johns. And
will improvement must he completed on
or before 60 day from the date of the
lust publication or this notice.
No proowils or bids will be considered
uuicm accompanied by a certified cueck
ixtynble to the mayor of the city of St
Joints, certified by 11 rconslblc bank
or un amount equal to ten per cent, of
the iik'k'rck'iite proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
liereiiy ivsarvcd.
Ily order of the city council.
A. 15. PUNSMOlUi,
City Recorder,
Published in the St. Johns Review
ApiU23,nO,nud May 7, 1915.
Pain Icavci almost
as if by magic when
yon begin using "ft
Drops," tho famous old
remedy for Kheurru
turn, Lumbago, Gout,
Sciatica, Neuralgia
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to the
spot, stops tho aches
and pains and makes
life worth living. Get
a bottle of "5-Drops"
today A booklet with
each bottlo gives full
directions for use.
Don't delay. Demand
"3-Drops." Don't ac
cept anything else in
tilacaof iL Anr drug
gist can supply you. 1( you Livo too far
lrom n drug storo 6cnd One Dollar to
Swanson Hheumatlc Curo Co., Newark,
Ohio, aud a bottlo of "5-Drons" will bo
sent prepaid
For Father and Son
Two and a half million readers find it of
aosormng interest, Everything in it is
Written So You Can Understand It
We 1 sell 400.000 copies every month without
Kivinir premiums and have no solicitors. Any
newsdealer wul show you a copy; or write the
publisher lor tree sample a postal wU do.
Popular Mechanics Magazine
O No. Mlohlflan Aw.. CHICAGO
For Rent- One G room house,
$S.OO: one 7 room house with i
acre, ?S.00; one 6 room house nil
remodeled. 810.00. Peninsula
Security Co., Room 5 over First
Nntionnl Bank.
Note tha Ufctl on your papsr.
v cjjl i are z fz5
VnrvZnttdt .JncohsfrCoTrpyN.V.
Pnee 3. & H.
tUnmp nte the Customer's
IIMCOUItl, uiu u
It is resolved by the City of
St. Johns: '
That it deems it expedient
nnd necessary to improvo Cat
lin street from tho East,
lino of Edison street to the
West lino of Central nvenuo in'
tho City of St. Johns in tho fol
lowing manner to wit: j
By RraditiK said portion of 1
street to Krado or suliKrado to '
bo established and by laying a Gi
foot cement walk nnd 12 foot!
curb on both sides of said street,
with necessary Cement Cross
walks. Iron Gutters and Catch
According to tho plans nnd
specifications of the city engi
neer on fllo in tho oflice of the
City Recorder relntivo thereto,
which said plans nnd specifica
tions nnd estimates nro satis
factory nnd are hereby approv
ed. Said improvements to bo
mado in nccordanco with tho
chnrtor nnd ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, and under tho
supervision and direction of the
city ennineer.
riti lit
mat me cost 01 said improve
ment to bo assessed ns provided
by tho city chnrtor upon tho
property especially and partial
inriy nenenteti tnereuy. nnti
which is hereby declnred to be
all of lots, parts of ots. block
nnd parcels of land between tho
termini of such improvements
auumnfr upon, ndjncont or prox
imnto to said street, from tho
marginal lines of said street
back to tho center of the block
or uiocks or tracts of and abut
ting thereon or proximnto there
Thnt nil tlu proporty included
m said improvement distr ct
aforesaid is hereby declnred to
bo "Locnl Improvement District
Wo. 128,"
nil a a .
a mic tno city engineer s ns
sessment of the probab e totn
cost of snid improvement of snid
street is $3079.18.
1 hat tho cost of snid street to
bo nssessed ngninst the proper
ty in snid locnl nssessment dis
trict ns provided by tho chnrter
of tho City of St. Johns.
Adopted bv tho council this
1 27th dny of April. 1U15.
Published in the St. Johns Re
viow April 30 nnd Mny 7, 1915.
Officers of the City of St. Johns, Oregon
Mayor A. A. Muck
Recorder A. It. Dunsmore
Treasurer Mt. J .M.Shaw
Attorney K. C Oeetlln
Hnjineer J. O. liutnou
City Health Oflicer-l)r. L. J' Graves
Cbwl ot Police John rofl
Day follce Henry Muck.
Wsht IMIIce O. V. Norene. JS. Jonea.
8. C. Cool.. 1. B. Martin
J. 8, Downey
R. Graden. , p. Tallman
II. W. Boohant Q. L,. ferrlne
Strcetsand Docks S. C Cook, K. Graden.
P. Tallman.
Licen&e D. Tallman I n xr.rtln r
cwk ' "
11. W. Uoahatu. ' "
nuance 1. 11. Martin. II. V. Ponham S.
C. Cook.
Health and IVliccl. S. Downey. K.
Graden. G. L. Pcrrlne.
Liquor Liceu 11. W. Bonbam. J. 8.
Downey. G L ferrine.
Ruilillnca anil f.nMin.lin T 11 :
Tallman. J. S, Downey.
Joyful j
Thlt Coupon Good for
Ten 10 S. & II. & FREE
It presented upon making n ttirc1mc amount
ing to 60c or more, Hick stamp will lie In ad
dition to regular stamp given with tlie purchase
Not Good Aftar May 15
General Mtlsc.
Columbia M7 ST. JOHNS, ORIS.
s n brilliant clour
does not rub c it or ilust oir tlint
nnnenls In tlia Iron that lasts (our
times us lonir ns nay other.
Black Silk Stove Polish
Is In n class by llclf. It's mora
aieltlr mailonml ittuilo
It 01a Oftur HJlrriJii,
Try It on rit parlor
stove, yourivuk acuva
vr jour va Jn7
rvor.uaeu, your
larilwara) or
rw r ot-Jcr It
hui uiUti re
fund ynur
Shlno In
Every Urop
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby nlven that apportion
ment of tlie cot,t of tniprowiiieiit of
Oswej-o street from the northerly line of
Coluinblii Uiulevaril to the southerly line
of Smith Ave., tutitl coot of which is f2,.
249.39 hits been a))rtiniiel anil Is oil file
in the oflice of the iiiukrxljjiuil, subject
to exaniiiiHtlon.
Asesiuent district extends back to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
land ubutllnn on said street as provided
by the city charter and resolution.
Remonstrance ngRlnst said apportion
ment may be made iu writing and filed
with the uudersiKued until 5 o'clock
1'. 31, Mny 10th, 1(116.
l'ubllslied iu the St. Johns Review
April 28 nnd 30. 1016.
Does Duilding, Uemodelitip,
Cabinet Work, PamtiiiR anil
Papering, SiRiis. Oeneral Re
pairing and S.iv I-'iliug at the
Variety Work Shop
114 E. Burlington Street
Leave word at lion ham fi; Currirr'a, Phone
Col. ji; or St. Johns Hardware Co., Phouc
Col. Ji.
Plumbing and Gas
Fitting .
Job work promptly attended to.
rhone Columbia 518
109 Burr Street St. Johns, (Moil
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Transfer and Storage
We deliver vour trood tn nnA fmm
11 pert of Portland, Vaneouyer, Linn
toil. Portland and Suhurl
Co., city dock and all point accsibl
Wanted To oxchance twentv
acres of land for St, Johns prop
efty. Inquire 723 N. Willam.
ette boulevard, St. Johns.