St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 30, 1915, Image 1

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    HJtiorfeal Sorf.j,
St. Johns is Calling You
Hai seven churches.
Has a most promising future.
Distinctively n manufacturing city
Adjoint the city of Portland.
Hat nearly 6,000 population.
Has a public library.
Taxable property, J54.500.000.
Has large dry docks, saw millsj
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant.
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
St. Johns is Calling You
Is second in number of Industries.
Is seventh in population.
Cars to Portland every 16 min.
Has navigable water on 3 sides.
Has finest gas and electricity.
Has 3 strong banks.
Has five large school houses.
Has abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system.
Has fine, modern brick city hall.
Has good payroll monthly.
Ships monthly many cars freight.
All railroads havo access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
Devoted to the Interetti ol the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present nt
the regular meeting of the city
council Tuesduy evening, with
Miyor Muck presiding.
A petition was received for
the improvement of Leonard
street between Charleston and
Chicago streets by sidewalk and
graJe. which was accepted and
a resolution directing the city
engineer to prepare the neces
sary data for such improvement
onl 'red prepared.
A petition for nn arc lightmid
wav between Fcsscnden and
Tr i nbull streets on North Ivnn
ho i was referred to the water
nu I light committee. St. Johns Planing Mill
Company protested ugainst the
proposed improvement of Pitts
buig Btrect, unless credit be
gjvun for mncadam placed on the
stro it several years ago. The
co n nunicntion was ordered filed.
A communication from Ed.
Ha vson protested ugainst the
priposed ordinance compelling
do owners to keep their caninoH
tiud. contending thnt dogs would
go mad quicker from that cause
than any other.
Suveral property owners com-
?lained that the sidewalk on
!ylt'r s tract at Seneca wis too
high, and asked that an invest!
glion bo instituted beforo the
improvement wus accepted.
The matter was referred to the
engineer and street committee
for report.
A communication waa receiv
ed from the Commercial Club in
which- the request was mado
that the city lend its decoration
paraphernalia and assistance in
'decorating thocity dock for May
Cth. when the boats pass up the
river from the Celilo celebration
The request was granted and
the buildings nnd grounds com
mitteo requested to render its
A donation of $50 was granted
from tho general fund for dec
oration purposes for the benefit
of the old veterans on Memorial
Clfnlrman of tho water and
liirh; cmir,itt e. R. Gruuen, re
norUd that the water company
had agreed to lay the new water
mains on Oswocro street as soon
us its crew had finished tho work
on Tyler nnd Swenson streets.
Tiie committee on cemetery
asuud und wus granted further
time in which to make a definite
Gmncllmnn Pernne, who had
been appointed to investigate the
proposition of constructing n
comfort station at the city hall
plot, reported that he had gone
into derails to some extent: thnt
the cost would bo between $1200
and $1500; that provisions of the
plans he had contemplated pro
vided for a ladies' entrance on
Philadelphia street and an en
trance for men on Burlington
street; that it would be part un
derground affair walled with ce
ment; that he would tender his
services in construction free of
co3t. All members of the council
and the mayor expressed ap
proval of the station, and in
structed Mr. Perrine to secure
all the details relative thereto.
Chairman of the street com
mittee, S. C. Cook, reported that
the city was not in the market
for a road machine, which report
was accepted.
Attorney Geeslin read a pro
posed ordinance restricting dogs
running at large which he had
prepared, but as several amend
ments or alterations were desir
ed, it was held over for another
week. Councilman Downey ad
vocated the tying up of all dogs
when upon the streets and at
horns; he told of being" bitten by
a d)gand said one of the mail
carriers was also bitten several
times, and therefore believed
the safest plan would be to have
all dogs tied It was pointed
out that when St. Johns becomes
a part of Portland, all our ordi
nances become void, but Mr.
Downey said he believed if we
had a good dog ordinance Port
land might reject its dog regula
tions and adopt ours.
The following bids were re
ceived on cutting off the sharp
corner at Burlington and Craw
ford streets: Andrew & Harrer,
$G3.40; M. E. Kilkenny. $67.90;
Daniel Brecht. $65. The latter
bid being the lowest, Mr. Brecht
was awarded the contract.
The engineer was directed to
make a report on the cost and
excess upon the hard surfacing
Reply to Communication
The communication by Mr.
Kilkenny in the last issue of
this paper rather slams me, as I
have an advertisement in the
same issue stating that the peo
ple can save 30 per cent by hav
ing their electric wiring done
now beforo merging.
Now, Mr. Kilkenny is right in
stating that the city of Portland
has adopted the National Elec
tric Code rules to govern tho in
stallation of electric wiring, the
only difference is that he forgot
to add that they have added a
great deal to it. It is this diff
erence thnt makes the 30 perj
cent. Any discussion calling
attention to the exact particu
lars of this difference would of
necessity bo too technical for
the layman to understand, and
so the easiest way is to believe
neither Mr. Kilkenny or myself,
but, if you are interested, call
up the Underwriters' Rating
Bureau or the Portland electric
al inspectors nnd ask them.
I believe myself to be fnirly
conversant with tho electric
wiring in this city and think
that the most of the dwellings
are very near code, tho only ex
ceptions are the houses wired or
partly wired by tho owners them
selves who. in the majority of
cases never heard of tho code.
Mr. Kilkenny should not slnm
them for ho nnd tho writer have
wired the most of them.
Now, I still contend that a
code job is, to all practical uses,
as good as a Portland code job,
for if tho insurance company
thinks it is a good risk, I can
not see whnt more is to bo de
sired. Therefore call up tho
electric inspectors to satisfy
yourself thnt I om right nnd
Only A Dad
Only n dnd with a tired face
Coming home from the daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fume
To show how well he hoa played
the game,
But -glad in his heatf that his
own rejoice
To see him como and to hear his
Only a dnd, of a brood of four,
Ono of ton million men or moro;
Plodding along in tho daily
Bearing the whips and scorns
of life
With never a whimper of pain
or hate
For the sake of those who at
home await.
Only a dad. neither rich nor
Merely ono of tho surging crowd,
Toiling, striving from day to
Facing whatover may come his
Silent whenever the harsh con
demn, And bearing it all for the love
Only a dad, but he gives his all
To smooth the way for his chil
dren small,
Doing with courage stern and
The deeds that his father did
for him.
This is the line that for him I
Only a dad, but the best of men.
Detroit Free Press.
of Columbia boulevard.
Bills amounting to $185.23, the
greater portion of which was for
street work, were allowed.
An ordinance providing the
time and manner of improving
Pittsburg street between Craw
ford street and the ferry land
ing passed to third reading.
A resolution providing for tho
sidewalk and grade on Catiin
street between Edison street and
Central avenue was adopted.
The city attorney was direct
ed to prepare resolutions direct
ing the engineer to prepare plans
and specifications for the im
provement of John street be
tween Central avenue and Wil
lamette boulevard and Char
leston street between Hudson
and Hayes street by sidewalk
and grade in each instance.
Upon motion of Councilman
Martin.Attorney Geeslin was di
rected to represent the city offi
cially on the merger question
with the Portland officials.
To trade for St. Johns proper
tyA dandy chicken ranch of
two and one-half acres at New
berg, Oregon, with good build
ings. Call at 408 N. Jersey
street, or phone Columbia 1.
Rose Carnival Notes
Sixteen of tho most pictur
esque Indians of the Blackfcet
tribe, who make their home in
Glacier National park, in North
western Montana, will come to
Portland for tho Rose Festival
as the guests of Louis W. Hill,
president of the Great Northern
railway. Mr. Hill has sent the
Glacier Park Indians on many
trips over the United States the
Inst two years to call attention
to the new nutional playground,
and other scenic wonders of
Montana, Oregon and Washing
ton with a view to attracting
.tourist trade to the Pacific North
west. His etforts have been
most successful nnd lust year
more than 30,000 people visited
Glacier National Park. Many
were prevailed upon to continue
their journey to include Seattle.
Spokane, Portland and Tacoma,
and the many interesting side
trips from these cities. Mr.
Hill believed that tho presence
of theso handsome Red men,
with their women folks nnd
children all in war paint und
feathers, would serve to make
people in nil walks of life ask
questions. It did with the re
sult that thousands of tourists
who have been in Oregon nnd
Washington the last two years
wore attracted to tho Northwest
by tho unique publicity methods
of Mr. Hill in his work of ex
ploiting Glacier National park.
Tho Blackfcet Indians will pitch
their tepees near tho Festival
Center, hold daily receptions,
take part in tho pnrudes and
give nn exact reproduction of
the primitive life of the Black
fcet before their reservation in
tho Montana Rockies was tuken
for n National park.
Luthor Burpank, plnnt wizard
of California, may como to Port
land as one of the judges of the
floral display at the festival qen
tcr. Tho festival governors will
invito Burbnnk to Portland as a
special guest. If he accepts tho
invitation ho will bo nsked to do
liver lectures on Rose culture in
connection with tho annual rose
show at the Armory.
Athletic events this year will
bo an important division of the
coming Rose Festival. Charles
F. Berg, secretary of the fiesta,
nfter n conferenco with officials
of tho Multnomnh Amntcur Ath
letic Club announces the list of
events us follows: 100 yard dash,
220 yard dash, 440 yard run,
half mile run. mile run, five
mile modified marathon, 120 yard
dash. 220 yard low hurdle, shot
put. discus throw, 16 pound ham
mer throw, 56 pound weight,
running high jump, running
broad jump, polo vault, javelin
throw and a mile relny. each team
composed of four men. The
meet will be held June 11 and
will be known as the P. N. A.
track and field meet. It will bo
under the auspices of tho Mult
nomah Club and the festival
associaton. Tho games will
serve as a tryout to select a team
to represent the Pacific North
west in tho Far Western
track and field championships
at San Francisco. Entries are
being received from all athletic
clubs of the Northwest, includ
ing those of Vancouver and
Victoria B. C.
To Clean Up the State
Govrenor Withycombe has ad
vised that the entire state de
vote the period of May 4 to 11.
inclusive, to the cleaning and
painting up of unsightly back
yards and buildings. Mayor Al
bee has designated the same
dates for the same work in Port
land, and to insure that the work
is done, and well done, the Port
land Chamber of Commerce has
appointed a committee from
among its most energetic mem
bers to organize the different
sections of the city into effective
units and exercise a general su
pervision over the work, It is
almost certain that the present
year will see a greater move
ment of tourists and visitors to
Portland, and to all other sec
tions of Oregon, than during
any year since the Lewis and
Clark Fair, and a concerted and
persistent campaign should be
carried on to make city and state
cleaner and more attractive
than any other section of the
Northwest. California andWash
ington have been wielding paint
brush and rake for a long time,
and it only remains for Oregon
to get into line and make it
three of a kind.
If in need of glasses Dr. Gil
strap will fit you and guarantee
A Big Celebration
Seventeen cities of theColum-i
bin River and its tributaries
have perfected arrangements
for a series of celebrations com
memorating the opening, of the
Dallcs-Celilo Cannl of theColum
bin River, at Big Eddy, Oregon,
nnd tho Willamette Locks of
the Wilnmottc River, at Oregon
City, Oregon. The work of the
various committees, while stren
uous, has been performed in the
spirit of mutual co-operation,
which provides a remarkable ex
ample of community effort. Pro
grams of distinctive character,
embracing many unique feat
ures have been prepared at ev
ery celebration point and the
curtain is now ringing up on a
commcrcinl drama which will be
observed in its performance by
probably the largest number of
people ever gathered together
for a common purpose in tho Pa
cific Northwest. Supplement
ing the efforts of the principal
uctors in the play, arc represen
tatives of tho multitude of cities
nnd communities on tho Colum
bia Waterway who will take mi
nor, but none tho less important
pnrts in tho great commcrcinl
presentation. From over forty
towns, reaching from British
Columbia, Western Montana,
Western Wyoming, Eastern Ida
ho, and onward to tho Pacific
ocean, will como n bevy of beau
tiful young ladies, bearing bot
tles of water from tho various
tributaries of tho Columbia, to
be broken in connection with tho
formal dedication exercises May
5th, at Big Eddy. Accompany
ing these daughters of the river
of the West will be sturdy pio
neers, survivors of early steam
boat navigation, transportation
promoters, minors, agricultur
ists, hard headed financiers, und
merchants, representatives of
commcrcinl organizations, offi
cials of tho United States, nnd
tho Northwestern States, nnd a
largo outpouring of the gonornl
public, including Visitors from
afar who will tarry to witness
tho canal opening exercises in
connection with their journey to
the Pacific International Exposi
tion of Snn Francisco.
Plnns nt every point involve
features that will not only pro
vide entertainment for tho mul
titude, but set forth fully tho
practical bearings of tho open
river to the development of a
great region exceeding tho Ger
man Empire in extent. Special
ly chartered steamboats will
mako tho journey to and fro be
tween Astoria, Portland nnd oth
er points, to Lewiston, Idaho
and return. Special trains will
perform a battledore and shuttle
cock stunt in carrying tho peo
ple to various celebration points
and return. The week promises
to witness tho moving to and fro
of a multitude of human units
and their commingling in joyful
congratulation akin to tho sweet
singing of tho currents of tho
mighty river of tho West in
their journey from tho Canndian
Rockies and the geysers of Yel
lowstone National Purk to tho
bosom of the greatest of oceans.
Tho human interest of tho oc
casion centers in the participa
tion of tho old timers, who have
been prominent in the develop
ment of the Pacific Northwest,
as well as in the visitation of
the great men of the nation and
of the northwest who will bo tho
guests of honor at various
points, and the orators of the
week. Prominent among the
former is Captain William Pope
Gray, of Pasco, Washington,
who has been designated Admi
ral in command of the fleet of
steamboats, nearly a score in
number, which will make the
journey from Lewiston, Idaho,
five hundred miles inland, to
Astoria, the Port of entry of the
Columbia river. Admiral Gray
has named an official staff of
Admirals, Assistant Admirals,
Vice Admirals, Rear Admirals,
etc., covering the list of retired
and active steamboat men and
men engaged in transportation
service of tho Pacific Northwest,
supplemented by an honorary
staff list, embracing men high in
business circles.
While great features are pro
posed at all points of celebration
interest naturally centers in tiie
formal dedicatory exercises of
the Dalles-Celilo canal at Big
Eddy, where the United States
Engineers and their staff who
have had the responsibility of
construction will have the.happy
privilege of turning over the
completed work in the presence
of a vast constituency. Esti
mates of the number of people
who will be in attendance at Big
Eddy vary from 15.000 to 80,000.
Lewiston, Idaho, has the honor
The Foolish War
There have been religious
wars, Indinn wars, tho wars of
the roses and many others, es
pecially designated, and all of
them bad enough, but now we
have the Foolish War. Tho Ger
man Crown Prince so named it
and the world so regards it. The
man who brings tho war to a
stop will be the big stattsmnn
of his time. If tho King ot Eng
land had in his personal employ
a servunt who would set upon
another servant, day after day,
and seek to kill or maim him,
previously making preparations
to take care of his victim if hurt
and bury him if killed, the said
King would fire tho servant on
the spot ns a crazy man. If the
German Emperor had a servant
of this character ho would send
him to the mad house. Yet the
two Kings arc doing all this.
They ure deliberately maiming
and killing men und preparing
vust systems to handle thoso
who are to bo maimed and bury
thoso who arc killed. As mat
ters aro viewed in this enlight
ened period these two men ure
not in8unc yet us mutter of con
templative fact, who is to prove
that they are wholly sane? Are
men quite normal who set out
upon tho errands thnt have been
moving tho kings of Europe? Is
the public that submits to the
system quite normal? What
would happen if tho people sud
denly became normal and sat
down, nnd refused to do tho bid
ding of the king or captain? An
absurd fancy? Perhaps; but no
more absurd than tho thing thnt
is going on this very day and
hour. There arts pleasant waters
nil about tho coasts of England
and Franco and Germany wa
ters that turn to gold and silver
in tho sunlight nnd under the
paler glimpses of tho rnoon wa
ters for romanco and song and
tho cnlm process of peaceful bar
ter. Those waters now find men
raging nt each other men with
out any personal feeling at nil.
Ships go to the bottom merely
for somo reason of u king. They
tell us It is n matter of commer
cial supremacy. As if it would
make any difference to London
or Paris or Berlin or St. Peters
burg in a hundred years. And
if it did why should either caro
if ho go on living now? They
toll us it is pridoof rnco and
prido of nation. Where uro tho
Carthagoninns now? They toll
us thnt Germany and England
fear each other when the Pom
merland boy nnd the man of
Trafalgar Squaro might call each
other cousin! The Uhlnn and
tho Cossack aro sleeping out tonight--the
long sleep and even
they do not care, now: but it is
nevertheless the Foolish War,
such n foolish wurlSt. LouIb
Were Watching Her
A littlo girl traveling in a
sleeping car with her parents
greatly objected to being put in
an upper berth. She was assur
ed that papa, mamma and God
would watch over her. Sho was
settled in the berth at last, und
tho passengers were quiet for
the night, when a small voice
piped: "Mammal" "Yes, dear."
,4You there." "Yes. I'm here.
Now go to sleep." "Papa, you
there." "Yes, I'm hero. Go to
sleep like a good girl," This
continued at intervals for some
time, until a fellow-passenger
lost patience and called: "We're
all here your father and moth
er and brothers and sisters and
uncles and aunts and first
cousins! All here! Now go to
sleep!" There was a brief pause
after this explosion. Then the
tiny voice piped up again, but
very softly: ''Mamma!" "Well."
"Was that God?"-Kansas City
of staging the initial celebration
on May 3rd, as the farthest in
Innd navigation center of the
Pacific Northwest and. to quote
the language of the late Senator
Heyburn, "Idaho's only sea
port." The St. Johns Commercial club
will send a delegation to Van
couver on the Cth to participate
in the festivities there.and come
back with the fleet to Portland.
Arrangements are being com
pleted for securing a vessel to
transport a number of citizens
thither. The city council has
been asked by the club to decor
ate the city dock in honor of the
occasion, and the council has
agreed to lend its aid and the
use of decorations. Whistles
along the water front will also
blow salutes,
Electric Mail Service
Tho Electric Mail Service
which the Telepost Committee!
of the United States Senate in
its report of March 4, 1915, rec
ommends to the consideration of
the Postmaster General, means a
telegraph service throughout tho
United States in conjunction
with tho United States Post
office. The rates at which the
Telepost will give this service
arc one cent a word for 10 words
and one half a cent n word for
50 words or more. The electric
mail service will differ from the
present telegraph service in
rates and in that the postal fa
ciitics would bo used to collect
and deliver messages sent nt the
reduced rates. In case Special
Delivery or messenger service is
desired an ndditionul payment
of ten cents would bo required.
This service is made possible
by the Telepost Automatic sys
tem of telegraphing by which ns
high as 1,000 words per minute
can be transmitted over n sin
gle wire.
From tho point of view of the
Post Office, tho Electric Mail
means a letter or card handled
by the Post Office just us nny
other letter or card is today
handled, with tho single excep
tion thnt instead of being enr
ried by train tho contents of the
letters or enrds uro transmitted
by wire between tho two Post
From tho point of view of tho
Telepost, the Electric Mail means
a message sent by Telepost, just
as any other telegraph messngo
is sent, with tho difference thnt
the collecting of the message at
ono end nnd tho delivering of it
at the other end is done by the
regulnr collectors and enrriers of
tho Post Office. Where a mes
sage is dolivered on n Postal
Card it will bo called n tolecard,
which moans 10 wordB for 100
cents. When it is dolivored in
sealed envclopo, the messngo is
called a telepost. which means
50 words or less for 25 cents. nnd
5 cents for each additional 10
words or less. Theso rates will
bo uniform, regnrdless of dis
tance, between nny two points
connected by Telepost lines.
The Electric Mail will bo for
quicker than a letter much
chenpor than a telegram. By
this scrvico several communica
tions may bo ox changed during
business hours between tho bus
iness sections of all cities hav
ing frequent Post Office collec
tions nnd deliveries.
The Telepost is now ready to
introduce tho Electric Mnil be
tween St. Louis nnd Chicago and
to extend it ns rapidly ns its
lines uro built or leased,
It Never Came Back
A fnrmor went to town to spend
Some of his hard earned dough.
And in a merry jest, and just
To show his printing skill
He printed his initials on
A brand new dollar bill.
He spent that dollar that same
Down in the village store,
He thought 'twas gone forever
And ho'd 8eo it no more.
But long bofore the year rolled
One day he went to fill
A neighbor's order nnd received
That same one dollar bill!
Once more ho spent tho dollar
In his own neighborhood.
Where it would do himself and
Tho most amount of good.
Four times in two years it came
As some bad pennies will;
And each time he'd go out and
This marked one dollar bill.
Had he been wise that dollar
Be in his town today,
But just two years ago, you see,
He sent it far away.
The people who received it then
I know havo got it still,
For 'twas to a mail order house
He sent his dollar bill!
No more will that marked dollar
Come into the farmer's hands
And never more will help to pay
Tho taxes on his lands.
He put it where it never can
Its work of life fulfill;
He brought about the living
Of that one dollar bill. Ex.
For Rent Ono 6 room house,
$8.00; one 7 room houso with J
acre, $8.00; ono 6 room houso nil
remodeled, $10.00. Peninsula
Security Co., Room 5 over First
National Bank,
The Chipmunk Club
Have you heard of tho Chip
munk Club? Perhaps not, for
the busiest people nro not always
in the public view. In any event
this is a very live organization
"busy as n chipmunk."
Its members are boys between
the ages of 10 and 15; its time
and place of meeting, 7:30 on
Tuesday evenings in the library
study ;and its purposes arc stated
in tho constitution as follows:
1. "To become familiar with
the plants, birds nnd general
outdoor life of our neighbor
hood." 2. "To stimulate a similar in
terest nmong the people of St.
3. "To protect the birds nnd
nntivo plants from persecution
and destruction."
4. "To make StJohns a moro
attractive plnco in which to
Membership in the club is n
good teat of a boys' willingness
to work nnd his real interest in
the out-of-doors, Ho must an
swer to roll call each week with
a memorized verse on some out-of-doors
subject; ho must rend
und reviow ono book on out-of-door
life each month and ho must
keep his eyes open for each new
bird nnd flower. A certain num
ber of credits nrc nwnrded nt
each meeting to tho members
for each new flower identified,
each new bird identified, each
hour spent in gardening or clean
ing up a yard or street, for each
bird house of Iu'b own building
which hns been utilized by tho
birds, and for each time ho has
been ablo to protect a bird or
animal from threatened harm.
The presidency falls to tho mem
ber who wins the highest num
ber of credits during tho month.
LowIb Hnskin hns this honor nt
At the Inst meeting there was
a diversion in the way of ico
cream and enko and the boys
proved themselves oxcellcnt
dish washers and sweepers' af
ter the spread. Keep your eye
on the chipmunks.
The Jitney Question
"A remnrkablo spectacle is
presented these days with tho
sudden incursion into tho passenger-carrying
business in
many cities by tho jitneys. Of
course tho street car companies
aro tho losors ami to a heavy ex
tent. It is a condition not calcu
lated to appeal to the senso of
fairness or most men. Enormous
sums of monoy hnvo been in
vested by tho street car compa
nies with every reason to sup
poso that thoy would continue to
receive public patronage. Take
the case of tho Portland company
us nn illustration: It employs
nn nrmy of men nnd its payroll
and oxpenso disbursements sup
port thousands of persons direct
ly nnd indirectly: it paid last
year nearly $700,000 in taxes; it
gives a service unsurpassed in
efficiency and in respect of tho
number of miles covered by a
nickel outlay by any company
in tho land; it is held to a strict
liability for personal injuries
und hns paid out large sums on
this account; its franchise cost
a large nmount of monoy. With
u withdrawal of a considerable
percentage of its patronage its
recoipts fall at once below what
it has a right to count upon in
regulating its expenditures but
at tho samo time it is compelled
by tho terms of its franchise to
maintain tho efficiency of its
service. On tho other hand tho
jitney owners may bo hero today
and gone tomorrow and the pub
lic is nbsolutely without protec
tion in a financial way in case
of accidents. It is said that tho
profits of tho jitney service is
small but there will, doubtless,
bo othors to follow thoso now in
thabusiness under tho belief that
they can make monoy out of it.
When a number of persons havo
been killed in jitney buss acci
dents and no ono can collect
damages both cities and tho
state will demand regulation and
protection. Newberg Enter
prise. Building Permits
No.23-To H. J. Wirth to erect
a residence on Tioga street be
tween Smith avenue and Seneca
street; cost $1200.
Wanted To exchango twenty
acres of land for St. Johns prop
erty. Inquire 723 N. Willam
ette boulevard, St. Johns,