St. Johns is Calling You Hat even churches. Hai a mott promising future. Diitinctively a manufacturing city Adjoint the city of Portland. Hai nearly 6,000 population. Hai a public library. Taxable property, f4.5OO.O0O. Hai large dry docks, saw mills Woolen mills, Iron works, Stove works, asbestos factory, Ship building plant, Veneer and excelsior plant. Flour mill, planing mill, I Dox factory, and others. More industries coming. St. Johns is tho place for YOU. St. Johns is Calling You Is second in number of Industries. Is seventh in population. Cars to Portland every 16 min. Has navigable water on 3 sides. Has finest gas and electricity. Has 3 s'rong banks. Has five largo school houses. Has abundance of purest water. Has hard surface streets. Has extensive sewerage system. Has fine, modern brick city hall. Has good payroll monthly. Snips monthly many cars freight. All railroads have access to it. Is gateway to Portland harbor. Climato ideal and healthful. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to the Interests of (he Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. II ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. NO 24 COUNCIL MEETS Should Be Spent Wisely Matters of Importance Receive Attention All members wero present nt the rcgulnr mooting of the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Muck presiding. The appointment of Lee Cor mnny as Chief of the Fire De partment was confirmed by the c.'tv council. P. T. Hanson naked for n do nation from the city to be nnnl cd toward procuring decorations for tho old soldiers on Decora tion Day, which matter was re fcrrad to the finance committee by Mayor Muck. T 10 matter of the opening M thnwk street between Willam ctte boulevard and Decatur street taken up and tho engineer directed to prepare tho neces sarv data relative thereto. Ciuncilman Grndcn stated that complaint had been mnde to him concerning tho water pipe on Os w.'uro street leaking, and the m itter was referred to the wa tcf 'ind light committee to take up with tho water company ant enuenvor to nnvo now pipe wmcn is on mo ground to be laid as soon as possible. Tho engineer railed attention to tho fnct that tho sham cor nor at Crawford and Burlington streets should be blunted oil, and Mayor Muck stated that there wero other corners in tho City that needed n like treat ment. The matter was referred to tho street committee and en gheor to make report. Councilman Downoy advancer tho theory that all canines in tho city should bo kept tied at nil times, and the city attorney wns directed to prepare an ordi nance mnking such n law. Tho proller of nn ncro of ground for comctery purposes by William uatton wns the source of considerable discus sion, and n committeo consist ing of Councilmen Martin. Downoy and Porrino and Engi neer Burson was appointed to investigate tho proposition. Councilman Perrine objected to its sizo and location, while Co incilman Graden said it might at least tnre as a Potior s field. A gentleman oifored to sell tho city nn improved road machine at prices ranging from $550 to $750. which wns referred to tho street committee and engineer. 1 he recorder was directed to notify Mr. A. G. Long thnt his fire engine which he had loaned to the city would bo retained here only upon the owner's risk and the city would not bo re sponsible for any damnges it might sustain. Mr. Beach made objection to the speed of steamboats passing up and down tho river, stating that some of them mnde n speed of a high as 20 miles per hour, and broke chains nnd cables by tho suction and swells, ensting his boats adrift. As tho marine laws only permit of n speed of 12 miles per hour in harbors, tho mayor agreed to take the matter up with tho proper author ities in an attempt to have tho speed reduced to lawful rate. The matter of a water tank to be erected close to Willamette boulevard by the Western Coop erage company, and which was remonstrated against last week by some of the property owners, was discovered to be a minor matter, since the tnnk will not be over two or three feet in heighth. Attorney Geeslin stated that the Fessenden street case had gone by default nnd had not been decided on its merits, and that it was his intention to at tempt to have the judgment set aside and the case decided on its merits. - Chairman of the Street Com Imittee, S. C. Cook, reported twenty box gutters in bad shape and seventeen streets that need retouched with tho grader, and .on motion of Councilman Bon ham it was decided that $650 be set aside to make necessary re pairs. It was decided that 25 cords of wood be transferred from the city's wood yard on the Gatton tract to the city hall yard. The improvement o Oswego street between Columbia boule vard and Smith avenue was ac cented by the council. Reports of the city recorder and treasurer were referred to the finance committee by the mavor. The engineer's profile and es timates for the improvement of The proposition of voting bonds lor good roads in Multnomah county carried safely Wednes uay. it is said that eighty per cent of tho cost will go for labor for the unemployed. Good roads is a subject that most people are more or less interested in, and as tho bonds have carried there are things thnt should' be taken care of, one of which is that tho la borers should not bo employed nt starvation wages, and that American labor should bo given tho preference. There should be some method devised where by Multnomah county would not get in like Columbia county on tho Columbia highway. M. II. Hutchinson of that county states that $250,000 wero bonded for by thnt county for tho highway. that the roadway was changed from original plans and instead of helping the farmers, was di verged along the river at much greater expenso than originally planned, thnt tho money has all boon expended and tho road far fro.n being finished and tho county's credit exhausted, that instead of tho farmers being given work with their teams as promised, the contractors brot their teams from Portland, thnt the laborers were paid a verv small wage and chnrged a high prico for board, that many of tho laborers were foreigners. Ho says that the road is only finish cd in patches, and of little or no value to the farmers. Multnomah county should prevent anything of a like nature occurring upon the roads in this county. Most people would sooner pny a little more so thnt the workmen should hnvo better wages. That better roads are needed there can bo no question tho moro tho better. It in surely better to mnkn 'good roads than to keep patching poor ones, and if tho money is used wisely nnd well, oven thoso who wero so strongly opposed to tho londs will bo glad they wero not defeated. School Savings Accounts The following interesting nnd valuable urticlo was written by M. F. Burghduff, and is well worth reading: Education for life includes a great deal moro than reciting from text books, nnd working out assigned tusks in n labrato- ry. Instruction should bo iriven S at m in tne simple principles ot eco tember 1914, organized themsel ves into U body politic under the name of "Central City," and besides conducting regular city business, established u saviniral account nnd with the kind as- HIGH SCHOOL sistance of Mr. Russell of the Incidents Of High SchOOl First National Bank of St.Johns, Interestingly Told l the savings amounted to $33.44 in less than four months. When the class graduated in February, 1 1915, individual bank books were issued to twelve depositors, who had one or more dollars to their I he James John High School cordially welcomes two new stu dents, Ruth and Lawrence Lav ton. Ibis means an addition to the Freshmen nnd Junior classes nomics nnd habits of thrift. credit and tho remaining depos- 1 ho organization and increase itors were paid in cash. No in ot school savings uanks have terost is paid on schoo savings. demonstrated thnt a practical ed- The forty new pupils entering respectively. ucation is the aim of many edu- Room 15 in February, 1915, have A morning assembly of the cators. Tho child's individual!-1 organized a national government High school on Mondny was call- ty and sen responsibility are de-'unaer tne name oi uoyn lionub- eu lor the nurnoso of obsorv ntr veloped nnd if tho proper ideas ' He with a complete corps of nn Patriots' Day. National songs in the teaching. pennies becomes Will Vote Next Monday The city of Linnton will vote on the question of consolidation with Portland April 2Gth. A 'straw" voto was taken on tho question Inst Fall, which showed a majority vote in fnvor or con solidution. Editor Bycrlco of tho Linnton Lender has tho fol- owing to sny regarding the proposition in his Inst week's is sue: Yes, vote for tho merger with ortlnnd, laboring man. If you utvo n little home and want to improve it. all you will hnvo to do then will be to got an archi tect to make your plans, send them in for a permit to build, have a month's delay, unwind- ng their red tape, until the va cation is past or tho few idle days are gone that you intended to use in making tho improve ment. And if you should got tho kitchen or woodshed built after a time a series of inspec tors coming out each with his ttle fee, is a nice asset to liv ing in the city of Portlnnd. It is a nico littlo plan to spend a few extra dollars in taxes, Some f our wise guys are figuring to nave rortland absorb our bond ed indebtedness, but they do not know that Portland makes her ictims foot their own bills nnd charges them a good bonus be- ides, Who is it that is father- ng this movement? Is it labor ing men? Or is it thoso who live off of tho laboring man? When id you ever hear of a jackal iving milk to a lamb or a hawk carrying fish worms to a robin? When a lion lies down with tho nmb the mutton is usually on the nside. There is nothing heard f it after. So it will bo with Linnton. Catlin street between Edison and Central avenue were accept ed and a resolution providing for such improvement ordered pre pared. An ordinance providing the time and manner of improving Chicago street between Smith avenue and Willamette boulevard was passed. FOR SALE.-I will sell on easy terms at a bargain my half aero of choice garden land with small house in St. Johns only two blocks from car line. Would accept a moflern five passenger auto as part payment. What have you to offer? For particu- ars, see Dr. u lis trap. Full blooded Barred Rock baby chicks. Call at 315 W, Buchanan, uro imparted tho saving of nn incentive of industry, honesty nnd generosity. Realization of tho nccumulntivo force of small sums of money creates a desire to save from wnstc. Americans know better how to save. If paupers and criminals, who nro n drain on society nnd a menace to civilization, had been given instruction in practical economy when young, few would bo what they aro today. It is nlmojt impossible to tench thrift to men nnd women who have grown up ignorant of its first principles; but with child rcn wo have unwrought materia to handlo nnd we enn ns readily train them in hnbits of economy as we can teach them arithmetic and Latin. I'rugnuty is one of the most important factors of citizenship n making the child's futuru se cure, nnd as a developer of char acter. About one-tenth of the II. S. l'osiai savings depositors njc children between tho ages of ton und fourteen. This exemplifies tho willingness of children to profit by tho opportunities offer ed them or saving money they might otherwise waste. It also Indicates tho propriety of giv ing systematic instruction. No matter how anxious the Postal directors and receivers nro to help tho children, they hnvo lit tle opportunity to do so. Tho system of teaching child ren to save was formulated by l' rancols Lnurcnt, who wns born in Belgium in 1810. In 1873 af ter a thorough experience in con ducting savings accounts, ho was awarded the Guinnrd prizo ot 1U.UUU francs for his pamph let. "Conferences sur 1'Espargno dans los Ecoles" (Lectures on Snvings in Schools). Twelve thouunnd copies of this pamphlet were distributed nnd served to multiply school savings nnd also to increase tho number of depos itors nmong tho laboring classes in other Savings Banks. In 1874 S. S. B. wore orgnnized in every school of Franco, und pen ny snvings banks opened in Eng lnnd by voluntary action of teachers. There aro today S. S. B.s in France. Belgium, England, Ger many. Denmark. Italy, Austra lia, Sweden, Switzerland and Canada. Tho W. C. T. U. in 1908 introduced the system in Iceland, und in 1898 a mission ary established a S. S. B. in Mexico. Tho first systematic attempt at a s. s li, in the tho U. s was made by Sereno F. Morrill ofBeliot. Wisconsin, in 1870. In 1885 John H. Thiry. a native of Belgium, placed tho bank of tho U. S. on a permanent foot ing. Ho began operations in Long Island: ho trained tho teachers to enjoy tho philan thropy of helping the children to earn, save and bank their small amounts of money. Ho explained to the bankers that by caring for the children's savings they would later bo handling larger sums, deposited by these same children when grown, and by other children and adults in fluenced to save, by the child ren's success. Ponular interest was aroused and by 1891 tho movement had reached such a high tide that it was a subject of discussion at the first triennial meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington, D. C. In 1892 Mr. Thiry reported that there were S. S. B.s in twelve states with 27.430 depos itors and deposits amounting to $207,428.70. In 1910 the Massachusetts Leg islature passed a bill providing foi compulsory instruction in thrift in the public schools, and in 1911 passed an act authoris ing savings banks to receive de posits from school children. This Massachusetts plan has1 been the basis upon which the first S. S. B. in St. Johns has been founded. The pupils ofj Room 15, Central School, in Sep- tionnl officials, necessary to prop er instruction. The Secretnry of tho Treasury. Miss Nettie Moe, and Mnster Harry Crouch, another cabinet officer, have boon conducting u s. s. lianK, according to Room 15 system. Tho Pupils' Roll Book is kept nnti depositors' nnme, dnto and amount recorded; three itemiz ed, carbon copies are made, ono given to tho treasurer, ono to the tencher.nnd ono to tho bank or: each pupil depositor is given u louicr. ns a reco nt. show nir uuto and amount oi each deposit. A national ledger is nlso kept where euch child's entire nccount is kept separate. Thus I hove, six complete records oi every cent. Twico during the term all books and records nro turned over to a class committee, acting us expert bank examiners and trial balances mnde. All moncv is collected by Mr. Hnrry Crouch and Inter given to Miss Nettie Aloe, who receipts for it und pluccs it in a smnll bank, loaned nnd locked by Mr. Dobio of the l'eninsuln National Bank. Mr. Dobie's pat enco nnd encourage ment have helped tho minils in snving 28.07 in less thnn two months. J ho success of these two classes should teach all chil dren in St. Johns whnt benefits may bo derived from tho nccu mulution of smnll sums. Last term's savings mado possible an entrance into high school, by the purchase of books, and tho pos session of necessities otherwise denied. Shnkespcaro says, "Ho that wants money, menus and con tent, is without three good Irlonds." John Wesley tolls us, Mnko nil you can: savo all you can; give all you can." Lord Iiyron thought that "Ready money is Aladdin's mini). Sam uol Johnson said, "Men nro sel dom moro innocently employed thnn when they nro honestly Qfivtnfr nnrl mnbfnrt mnrmo -(- tuna ittttikitffS IIUMVJt Addison ndds. "Gold is n won derfjil clenrer of tho understand ing." this is true today. During tho past summer. nf tor tho Corona Club, Juno 1914 class, had accumulated a class und, I spent tho vacation in so curing data on S. S. B.s. Mrs. A. R, Cowles of Barton, Vt., for ten years W. C. T. U. superin tendent of S. S. B. in thnt state. said the Stato Superintendent of re.i is i r n i the people seethe value of train ing boys and girls in good hnbits and frugality. Miss Helen Gar rett of Edgemoor, Del., claims that influenced by tho school work, some parents have started accounts. Supt. Marshall of Augusta, Me., adds, "Thrift teaching is invaluable here." From Birmingham, England. where S. S. B.s are in all the schools, peoplo consider that "Boys and girls are learning the bearing thrift has on cleanliness and industrious habits." Mr. Call of Hartford, Conn., said, "It has decreased the use of cheap candy and things hurtful to children. A candy shop near the school has been closed for lack of trade." S. W. Straw. President of American Society for Thrift, says, "Thrift is not a luxury; it i3 a necessity." For information secured and used in originating tho Pupils' Savings Bank in St. Johns I am indebted to P. P. Claxton, Com missioner of Education; Mrs. Sara Oberholtzer. assistant, and to tho many educators whose sanction of the S. S. Bank has placed it as an object for achieve ment of every teacher, and to Supt. C. H. Boyd, for his grant ing the privilege of teaching the boys and girls the habit of thrift before they leave the grammar grades. In 1912 the statistics show savings in 1,149 public schools, with 1C7.529 pupil depositors who have deposited $3,482, 162.6G. Tho figures do not in clude the New York fenny Pro vident Fund, as the 1910 report was the latest report I could so- wore sung by the students, nftcr which Mr.lwy gave a short talk. On Snturdny a number of the Hiak Klatnwa irirls hiked to the Vancouver forry 8 i. Thov stopped for lunch nt Bridgton nnu explored tho is and nnt about 3:30, when they started home. They took n round about way homo, down Wi nms nve nue to Columbia boulevard: then down Columbiu botilevnrd to Col- umbiu Park, and from there home. The girls enjoyed them selves immensely, especially the two seniors, who almost lost thoir proverbial dignity. Senior secret, "Gus." 1 ho next will boa 5 o'clock hike, which is nnnounced for Sunday, April 25. Tho members nro to meet at tho High school. but the r destination has not ful ly been decided upon. St. Johns' Population Editor Review: Cnn vou give nny idea ot tho present ponuln lion of St. ,1011118.' 1 hnvo heard it said and read it in somo of tho Portlnnd papers that the population of St. Johns is now 1000. Is it not moro thnn t int? Also about how many voters does St. Johns possess npprox 9 i s 1 'a imaieiyf ii you Know or nnv mir way or giving an estimnto. I would liko to know it. nnd I believe there nro others moro or less curious.- Citizen. In reply to tho nbove. will stato thnt, in tho opinion of the editor the present population of St. Johns is about 5700. Tho way this opinion is deduced is as follows: Inn government census of 1910 gnvo St. Johns u popula tion of 4872. In 1912 a census wns taken by a committee of a proposed Elk lodge to bo estab lished here, and tho nnmcs and addresses of 5058 persons tnken in this city. 1 lie committee ad- mitted thnt thoy did not finish the census, but ns 5000 popula tion wns nil thnt was needed to show, they censed to continue tho work. Since tho census was taken in 1910, there hnvo been nbout 300 now residences erected in St. Johns, Io bo moro exact. since July, 1910, to date there have been 307 building permits taken out, nbout 300 of which wero for dwellings. Counting four inhabitants to ench resi dence, wo hnvo n total of about G072. But allowing for about eighty moro empty dwellings now tliun thero woro in 1910, wo hnvc nbout 5700 population nt the present time. It was said that thero wero moro than 100 empty dwellings in tho city when tho official census was New Wings for Dry Dock Toward the last of tho month bids will bo opened by tho Port of Portland for the construction of new wings for tho St. Johns drydock. Tho specifications which had been prepared woro approved vestordnv hv f hn irv. dock committee, composed of Commissioners O'Reilly, Spen cer nnd Inmnn. The successful contractor Will ha tiormirrnrl t.n do the work in any part of the harbor ho chooses. Hn will lu given seven months to complete the job. The dry dock hns ton winrrs. each towering 73 feet nbove tho deck nnd extending 7G feet in leniUh. It S est mntnrl Mmf 700,000 feet of lumber, n irood sizeu enrgo lor n coaster, w uo requireu 10 uuild tho wings ino lumucrmustbo so oct vn low fir, according to tho specif! canons, ino nest that can procured. Tho job is expectec 10 represent a disbursement o many thousnnd dollnrs. During tho construction Mm drydock will bo ava ab o for nor vice. Not moro than two of tho pontoons W bo out of onmmia Bion nt tho same time. Tho re mnining thrco.cuch 80 feet long, nro expected to bo amnio for hand ling nnv ordlnnrv vnsan which mny como a ong for i rv docking. In tho new wintrH will hn hnllf snit boxes, something not placed in mo oid ones, it is held that tho salt in the boxes will mh ongovity to tho wood, net! the sumo principle us brine docs on lresh meat or sauerkraut Except when submerged tonllmv a ship to enter, tho wings nro ontirely out of wnter. After the new wlnim lmvn been built tho pontoons them solves will bo drydocked for cleaning nnd nn overhuuling. Onoutu time thoy will bo placed on ino other pontoons. Any repairs thoy mny need will bo given them and tho bottoms of tho hulls will bopninted. When tho proposed work hns been com poted, it is clnimed tho drydock win oe in auout as good condi tion ns when first built. Sntur dny'8 Telegram. Will Hear Above Communication taken, and the firemen's record tuken Inst October showed 1G8 empty dwellings, so it will bo seen that tho estimate of eighty empty dwellings moro than in 1910 cannot be far wrong. As to the number of voters, that is estimated in different ways. Somo say that since the ladies aro eligible to vote, that there aro two voters to every four persons, others say two to every four and one-half, while still others claim there aro two voters to every five persons in a com munity, on nn average. So you may take your choice, although wo aro inclined to the belief that tho latter is the moro correct, which would mean thnt St.Johns has 2280 persons eligible to reg ister and vote, less thoso thnt have not yet taken out naturali zation papers.- Ed. cure. At that time this fund amounted to $1,527,334.01. lake care of the nenn es and the dollars will take care of them selves." "All silver is quick silver." The habit of saving money, timo and health is an es sential part of a truo practical education. For Sale Now high grade $300 piano. Will take $200 for same, some terms.Call 731 Tioga street. Mrs, W, C. Deese, In reference to tho discussion of tho increased expenso of elec trie wiring when tho bo culled Portland restrictions como into eliect, I would like to say a few words. It has been stntcd that parties wno contempinto having electric work done can savo 30 per cent by having same done beforo tho two cities merge. This state mont is misleading. The city of I'ortinnd has adopted tho Na tional Electric code rules and re quirements governing the instul lation of electric wiring nnd ap paratus. Tho Underwriters' Equitnblo uating ifurenu has adopted the sumo codo as their standard; in rncl all tho installations of elec trie wiring and apparatus any where in tho United States arc governed by tho rules as sot forth in this codo. This in eludes St. Johns. Thoroforo if Portland and St. Johns use the same rules governing electric wiring how can tho samo class of installation bo 30 per cent cheaper in St. Johns thnn in Portand? Hero is tho reason: In Portland thero nro inspectors to see that tho codo is lived up to, to seo that the proper ma terial is put into tho job and is properly installed, while in St. Johns (excepting largo installa tions which aro inspected by tho Underwriters), unless the party having work done understands tho National Electric codo, any thing goes, and in this way enough material can bo "left out" to reduce the price, no doubt moro than 30 per cent. This saving in price is in versely in proportion to tho grade of material used und the amount of material left out as well as tho quality of workman ship. In fact the only difference thero should be between the price of electrical worx in St. Johns nnd Portland is the amount of inspection fee which rarely runs over 50 cents on tho ordinary residence. If tho peoplo knew the firo hazard of poor wiring they would gladly pay this 50 cents to know thoy were getting a comn eto and safe job. J. E. Kilkenny, electrical engineer and contract or. (Written by a deaf lady) As tho train comes speeding on ward, With tho locomotive in tho lead, Followed by a row of passengers. With the baggage coach ahead. Do you hear the locomotivo whistle. Blowing mightily loud und cleur, With the great warning of danger, Which may sound in every ear? No, I do not hear the whistle. As it blows so loud and clear. Tho locomotivo muy bo a milo away, And there may be danger near. In spite of nil its wnrning. With its power my life to snve, Although I may be on tho track. All is silent as tho grave. Suppose you were in a factory Where tho wheels go round and round And tho running of tho machin ery Mtikos n great nnd noisy sound. Do you hear it all a-going? Do you know when it is still? And, when tho noon hour comes around, Do you hear the whistle of tho mill? There's a great and noisy sound In the runnintr of tho mill. It's enough to mnko your head acno But to mo it is all still. You may hear tho whistle blow ing, And tho wheels go round nnd round. I nm living in n silent world, Anu uo not henr a sound. Suppose you nro at a party, With a gay and merry crowd, And all their Bhouts nnd Inughtcr fliuy sound very clear and loud. Do you hear somo nimblo fingers Tripping over tho niano kovn? Could you join tho crowd in singing As thoy sing with perfect case? No, I do not hear tho singing as tney sing with sweetest tunc. Liko tho birds ns thoy go chirn- ing, In a warm and nlonsant Jtmo. Tho nir is full of music With tho birds from far and nenr, is nil for mo und others, Even though 1 cannot henr. As tho rain comes pouring down ward, Prattling on tho window imno. Sending nil tho littlo rivulets, Running swiftly down tho lnne. Jo you henr tho thunder rattle? Do you hear tho nrattlo come. As It comes liko showers of blessings, Over n quiet and happy homo? No. I do not hear the rainfnll. Ah it falls with might nnd main Sending nil tho littlo rivulets Running swiftly down tho lane. lo who has the power to make it, Sends his hlcssimrs over all And, although 1 cannot hear it, I can seo it swiftly fall. As you wundor through tho woodland, Wherotho brooks and rivers flow wiftly they will go a singing At tho fall of evening glow. Do you hear what thoy aro sing- inrr? Do you hear the water fall. Liko tho falls of Minnehaha With its laughter over all? God has mado all earth so beauti ful, With its music in the air. Io is great and ho is powerful, Ho can keep us in His caro. Io will givo us His great bless ing, In our deeds of faith and love, do not hear earth's sweetest music, I will hear in heaven above. Mrs. Elsie Litherland. Not th Ubl on your paper. Dr. H. O. Brown. Chiropractor. uis removed to corner Dwight and Lombard streets across tho street from the Scott-Wood Co. reen house, University Park. Samo phono number, Columbia 273. Auto for hire by day. hour or trip, at very reasonable rates. Good opportunity for parties of four or less to make a trio into io country at a low nrice. IL M. Waldref.609 Fessenden street. Phono Columbia 200.