St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 16, 1915, Image 3

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    New Herald Range $35.00
$3 Down; $3 a Month
"While !Tictj ast
The Herald Range is madeby the Pacific Stove and
Range Cotnpuny, St. Johns. Patterned after the1 Cres
cent. We have only a few.
For the next two wevks we offer many bargains in
ranges on Kusy Terms.
Hot Point Electric Iron,
Ormandy Bros.
( brighten up
House Cleaning Time Is House Painting Time. Wc are the
Agents for the Shcrwin Williams PrcparcOalnt, None Better.
We nru giving Double Stamps this week with all Paints and
J'hyslottm mnl Srirfoon
Drugs Furnished
Glasses Accurately and Scientifically Fitted
107 S Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Notice of Appointment of
Notice is hereby given thnt
the undersigned. Mabel Clair
Lee, has been duly appointed ex
ecutrix of the Last Will and
Testament and of the estate of
Mary E. Crawford, deceased, by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Multnomah County
and that she has duly qualified
as such. Now therefore all per
sons having any claims against
the said estate or against the
'said decedent are hereby noti
ficd and reauired to present the
same together with the proper
orwl fllllu VPrlflPfl US llV
Vliutlicia u . - . . .
Jaw required to the undersigned
..,..;, of Vipi- residence at
Voodstock. in said Multnomah
rn.,Yv OrPtrnn. within six
UUUIIV;, . o - - - ----- -
months from the date of the first
mill ipotinn nt tms nonce, or uu
4V.mtai hnrrpfl.
natpH Anril 8th. A. D. 1915.
of the Last Will and Testament
of Mary E. Crawford, deceased.
B. A. Kliks. McMinnvifie,
Oregon, Attorney for executrix.
FOR BENT. crrf t this rifle
Special - $3.00
City of St. Johns, Ore.
Sealed proposals will be receiv
ed by the undersigned at his
office in the City of St. Johns,
Oregon, until five p. m. on the
fourth day of May, 1915, for tho
sale of tho whole or any part of
bonds of the vxty oi ai. jonns
taonnrl nndor Ordinance No. 058
at not less than par and accrued
Said bonds to be dated as loi-
$3223.70, December 12, 1914.
740,94, March 13, 1915.
Amount inn- In nil to S3964.64.
All of said bonds are issued in
denominations of Five Hundred
Dollars or less, and all or tne
Rjild bonds nro navable ten years
nftnr flntfl of said bonds. All of
said bonds are Coupon bonds
bearing interest at me raie oi
biv nor nnnt. uavnble seml-an
mtnllv mihipft. tn nil the condi
tions imposed, directed, and
stipulated by Section 131 of the
Charter oi tne cuyoi at. dunna.
Tho ricrht is reserved to re
deem any and all bonds at any
interest paying period ai or
after one year after date.
AM hirls must he accompanied
by a certified check for two per
cent of theamounto: tne ma.ana
tho said check shall be navable
to the City of St. Johns, and the
snid check shall be retained by
the City oi St. Johns as aam
the. bidder to whom
Ihn hnncls are awarded fails to
accept and pay for the same with
in hfyjen days alter the accept
anno nf tllfi hid.
The mnnev is to be naid and
the bonds are to be delivered at
St. Johns, Multnomah County,
The right is reserved by the
Houncil to reiect any and all
Published in the St. Johns Re
view April 16,23,30, 1915.
, NoU U UM en w gigtr.
Local News.
Send in your news items.
K. Knutson is having a neat
little dwelling erected on Astor
A skating rink has been erect
cdon North Jersey street adjoin
ing the McDonald building.
Mrs. J. C. Scott is on a ten
days visit with her son, Dr. W.
Scott and family at Seattle.
Mrs. E. E. Gambee. who was
operated upon for appendicitis
during the past week, is recover
ing as rapidly as can be expect
Ladies! Here is your chance to
get nn electric iron, for $1.98,
almost one half less than the
regular price. Inquire at Tho
St. Johns Pharmacy.
Prof, and Mrs. C. H. Boyd en
tertained the Jolly 'Steen club
n n delightful manner nt their
home on South Jersey street
Wednesday evening.
Ex-City Attorney Parker is
nssociated with the law firm of
Jeffrey & Lennon in the prosecu
tion of the Westrumitc Jersey
street improvement case.
Tho Psychology Club will meet
with Mrs. Scott Kellogg Monday
afternoon at 2:30. I' our new
members were added last week.
All interested arc invited to
attend these meetings.
Mrs. J. C. Scott is having a
handsome and modcrnly ap
pointed residence erected on the
corner of Central avenue and
Charleston street. J. R. Kerr
& Son have the contract.
Mr. Charles Lcland and Miss
Ada Phillips of this city were
ninrried in Vancouver, Wash.,
ast Saturday. Tho happy
young couple will make their
homo nt Osweiro. where the
trroom holds a good position.
Their many friends hero wish
i i i i ...
mem unuounneu nnppincss in
their wedded life.
Dr. S. C. Cook has been mnde
chairman of the street committee
which is the most important com
mittee- of tho council. This was
certainly n most wiso selection.
Mr. Cook has a wide and
varied experience on street
work, is thoroughly competent
and reliable, and the streets of
St. Johns will surely not suffer
from neglect while lie is head of
the committee.
The crnnd roads bonds enrriod
in fine stylo Wednesday, there
being about two votes tor tne
bonds for every one ntrninat.
There was but little interest
manifested in St. Johns on the
question nnd scarcely fifty per
cent of tho electors voted, fol
lowing wns the total vote in St.
Johns: 'Precinct 294. 134 jos.
70 no; precinct 295. 54 yes, 1G
no; precinct 29G, 73 yes, 81 no;
precinct 297, G7 yes, 49 no; pre
cinct 298. 47 yes, 25 no; totnl.
375 yes, 241 no. I'reoinct zyii
wnn tho onl one in the citv to
castn majority against tho bond
Tho Progressive Study Club
met nt the home of Mrs. Gilpin
on Superior street, April 8th.
Tho first hours of tho nfternoon
were given over to n short busi
ness Buasinn followed by complet
ing tho study of Irving. Mrs.
Page, the organizer of tho club,
was reinstated to membership.
Piano solos were given by the
Misses He en Story and Leona
Gilpin. A sandwich and saiau
contest was held, Miss Helen
Story winning tho prize.
Dainty refreshments were served
by the hostess, assisted uy her
daughter. The next study will
be on Urynnt.
Ponnnilman G. L. Perrino's
Rchomo nf constructing a under
ground comfort station for men
and women, which he unioiueu
nt. the session of the citv coun
cil Tiiesrinv evenincr. is a most
admirable one, and will undoubt
edly receive tho united sup
port of every citizen in St. Johns.
Hinlrfon is to have it constructed
at the edge of the city hall plot
near the tountajn and patterned
somewhat after the comfort
ntntinn nn Sixth street. Port
land. The need of such rooms
have long been apparent, and it
is hoped that Air. i'errine, witn
the aid of the council, will lose
no time in carrying this most
worthy project to completion.
Mrs. Tnkerman Davis died at
her home.215 Smith avenuo.bun
dav of Bright's disease. She
was born in Ontario, uanada,
and had been a resident of St.
Johns for the nast nine vears.nre-
viously being a resident ot
North Dakota, bhe is survived
bv her husband. Inkerman Da
vis, and three children viz:
Hnrold Davis. Miss Lvdia Davis
and Mrs. L. J. Wright; three
brothers, uev. Konert uinus-
hnmitfrh. nnstnr nf the Oreiron
City Presbyterian church, James
Langsborough, booding, Idaho;
Samuel Landsborough of Park
Rivers. N. D.; and three sisters,
Mrs. R. B. Burtrer of Goodiner.
Idaho, Mrs. Joseph Cudmore of
Sellwood, and Mrs. ueorge ing
mm nf Orecron Citv. The fun
eral took place Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the home, uev.
G. W. Nelson officiating: inter
ment in Columbia cemetery.
Full blooded Barred Rock baby
chicks. Call nt 315 W. Uuchanan.
Steinway Bquare piano for
rent. 1014 N. Learned.
If in need of glasses Dr. Gil-
strap will fit you und guarantee
For Sale New high grade $300
piano, will taKe zuu lor same,
some terms.--can ml Tioga
street. Mrs. W. C. Deese.
"Watches" made over into
Time-nieces" nt reasonable
rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
Stool Lookl Listcnl Alex.
S.Scalcs. Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Fruit and Vegetables in
oeaBon. Phone Columbia 210.
Wc desire to thank all the
friends who so kindly assisted
us in our late uereavement.
Mrs. Charles Bredcson and fam
ily. Rcirulnr business meeting of
the W. C.T. U. will be held at
the Libary Monday, April 19 at
2:30. Everybody welcome.
Mr. Fred Warner, who has
spent tho last four months with
Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Monahan,
returned to his home in St. Joe.
Mo., Tuesday last.
Services St. Johns Congrega
tional church. Daniel T.Thomas
pastor: 10 a. m. Bible School.
11 n. m. A 1'ence Message."
0:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor.
Alex. S. Scales, populnr grocer.
Good groceries, right prices and
good service. That's nil.
Phone Columbia ziu. uui ies-
senden street.
Tho new city officials have tak
en hold of the reins of govern
ment in good style, and it is safe
to predict that they will serve
the people well so long as they
continuo in office.
Dr. II. O. Brown. Chiropractor.
has removed to corner Dwight
and Lombard streets across the
street from tho Scott-Wood Co.
green house. University Park.
Sumo phone number, Columbia
Wo wish to publicly express
our sincere gratitude to the
many kind friends who have
shown nnd expressed sympathy
in our bereavement and also
for the many beautiful floral
offerings. Inkormnn Dnvis nnd
Recorder Dunsmoro has receiv
ed several congratulatory let
ters from prominent citizens in
Portland, in which they com
mend tho good judgment of tho
St. Johns people in re-electing
him to tho olllee, which ho has
been conducting so satisfactorily
to all concerned.
Harry H. Rawson. son of Ed.
Rnwson.the inventor, has accept
ed the position of foreman in
tho mncnino sIiqp of the Wash
ington Machinery company nt
Spokane. Ho has been employ
ed the past year in shop of tho
PeninBuin iron worKB, nnrry
is a very Intelligent and ener
getic young mnn nnd hns numer
ous friends in St. Johns who
are plcnsed to learn of his hue-
cess but will bo sorry to lose
him and his estimable wife from
tho church and social circles of
our city.
At St. Johns Concrrocrntionnl
Church Rev. D. T. Thomas, the
pastor, Sunday pointed out that
good roads were indication of ma
terial and moral progress, and
lnelared it tho dutv of everv
citizen to go to the polls and
vote for good roads, uev. Mr.
Thnmns discussed at lcnirth the
economical value of good roads
to the farmer, which ho pointed
out could not be overestimated.
He urged that tho slovenly
methods of road construction in
this eountrv should cease, be
cause of the tremendous econom
ic waste.
IJesiMents nf Linnton nnd
nnints ndineent mnv own their
nwn rnrllnn to Pnrtlnnd if a no-
tition presented to the County
Commissioners is granted. Tho
petition asks lor a 20 year Iran
phisn for a road to take the nlace
of the United Railways line,
which ceused operations April i.
The petition is signed by O. M.
Clark, Kicharu aneparu and J,
B. Holbrook. The new road,
whifh must ho comnleted nnd in
operation one year after the
nrlnntion nf tho tironosed fran
chise, will be constructed at a
cost of approximately 100,000
and will run to the northerly
limits of Linnton. Construction
must begin within six months.
A five cent fare will be charged.
Tho censorshin ordinance was
snstnined nt tho election last
week, and therefore will be in
force until this city is absorbed
by Portland, when it will give
wnv for tho rules of censorship
trovernimr that citv. It is said
thnt. n number voted to sustain
the ordinance when they really
intended to vote for its reneal
yes meaning that it should be
repealed and "no" that it snouiu
not be repealed. Likewise some
mnv have voted to reneal it when
they really intended to vote for
sustaining it. However, imper
feet ns it is. it must remain
without alteration until morerer
takes place or is repealed by a
voiu oi nit; ijcujjiu, wiu cuuiivii
being powerless to alter it in
any manner whatsoever,
See Dr. Gilstrap about your
Picture framing done at Portlaud
prices at II. F. Clark's, the fiirni
lure man. Adv.
Wanted Competent girl for
general housework. Apply 410
K. Chicago at.
Subject for the Christian Scl
ence Lecture Sunday: Doctrine
of Atonement.
Tho Loyal Order of Moose will
give a dance in their hall next
Wednesday evening. Everybody
Are you tho owner of a cow or
horse or any other stock ( If so.
you are entitled to a large free
package of Hess' Stock Ionic,
if you call at the Pharmacy.
Notice I deliver groceries any
place in St. Johns. Deliveries
are made four times a day, at 8
a. m. and 10 a. m. and 1 p. m.
nnd 4 p. m. Yes, my solicitors
call if desired, i'honc Columbia
210. 501 Fcsscnden street.
J. E. Kilkenny, formerly of
Columbia Electric Engineering
Co. of St. Johns, now has his
icadquarters at 107 S. Jersey
street, and is prepared to furn-
sh estimates on all kinds of
electrical installations. He has
lad more than 12 years experi
ence in this line of business.
Phono Columbia 92.
First Baptist Church
Tho Baracca Philcatha Class
met with Misses Hazel and Vida
Evans. Wednesday, tho follow
ing officers were elected. Presi
dent, Mrs Paul Behnke; Vice
President, Arlinc Shaw; Sec.
Ruby Davis; Treasurer. Earl
Keliher. The Sunday School is
growing rapidly and plnns are
being worked out to provide
more room for tho various class
es. Morning preaching at n
o'clock. "Now is tho Accepted
Time" is tho subject of the ser
mon. Evening service nt 7:45.
Tho first fifteen minutes of this
service is given to song accom
panied by tho orchestra. The
Wednesday evening service will
bo held at the home of tho pas
tor. 310 Lesscnden street. Ln-
dies Aid all day Thursday to
sew. Strangers am always wel
come to any of our services. If
you nro not attending church
or Sunday School anywhere you
should begin to do so at once.
You will thoroughly enjoy doing
so after you make the start. U.
P. Borden.
Oregon Grape Circle
The Oregon Grape Circle met
nt tho homo of Mrs. Ella Aiken.
Friday. Feb. 19th. Thero were
seventeen members nnd twelve
vis tors present. The fol owing
officers were elected : I'rcsident,
Lorcttn Armstrong: Vice-presi
dent, Emma Bcnm; Secretary,
Anna Canright; Treasurer,
Alice Woimer; Managers, Sarah
Hricc. and Ella Beam. Refresh
mcnts where then served by tho
A's and u's.
On Friday. March 19th they
met at tho homo of Mrs. Effa
Beam, thero wore nineteen
members and six visitors pres
ent. The pink side entertained
tho green.
On Friday April 9th.Mrs. Zella
Dunbar entertained tho club.
Those present were Mesdames
Armstrong, Brice, Beam, Coon
Canright, Chancy, Dahlin, Dun
bar. Gage. Martha Hoover.
Keough, McKinney.Muhm, Mil-
ler.Nolan, Ormnndy, Seal, Shaw,
Catherine Shaw, Teeling, Tracy,
WHlumsen. Yates. Carrie Arm
strong, Emma Canright. Ida
Teeling.Master James and rrank
Chnney and Helen Dunbar, Em
ma Beam.
Evangelical Church
Sunday April 18,Sunday School
10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.
by tho former pastor, Rev. J. A.
Goodo: Chrisian Endeavor at 7
p. nl. At 8 p. m. the new pas
tor, Rev. A. v, Layton, will
preach. Come and near him.
Everybody will be made to feel
at home with us.
Sans Do Riens Class will meet
at tho home of Miss Cordelia
Cross. 519 E. Mohawk street.
Tuesday evening, April 20, for
their monthly business and
social. All young poeplo invited.
The members of tho Ladies Aid
of the Evangelical church gave
their president a postal card
shower on Wednesday afternoon
in honor of her birthday.
Does Iiuilding, Remodeling,
Cubinet Work, Painting and
Papering, Signs. General Re
pairing and Saw Piling at the
Variety Work Shop
114 E. Burlinglon Street
ravc word at nontuw & CurtUr', I'hone
Col. 31, or St. Johm Hardware Co., I'bonc
Col. JJ.
If your eyes are troubling you
see Dr.'Gilatrap.
Pktkr Autzun,
John N. Em.mi-shn,
An Ordinance Directing and Re
quiring tho City Recorder to
Sell Certain Improvement
Bonds of tho City of St.
Johns, Multnomah County,
State of Oregon, in tho Sum of
$3964.64, and in Denomina
tions of Five Hundred Dollars
Each or Less.
Tho City of St. JohnB does or
dain as follows:
That Whereas, under tho pro
visions of the Charter of tho
City of St. Johns, pertaining to
said improvement bonds nnd
salo thereof, applications have
been filed with tho City Record
er by interested parties under
said charter and tho bonding
provisions thereof, aggregating
the sum of $3964.64, for Street
Improvements in the City of St.
Johns, nnd
Whereas, under tho said Chart
er and its provisions tho Bond
Lien Docket has been mndo up,
Whereas, the Council is here
by authorized to issuo bonds in
denominations not exceeding tho
sum of Fivo Hundred Dollars
each, and in all equal to tho total
amount of unpaid assessments,
Whereas, thero is unpaid
assessment for which bonding
applications have been made in
the sum of$3964.64, and
Whereas, it Ib provided that
bonds by their terms shall ma
ture in ten years from the dato
of said bonds and bo payablo in
gold of tho United States,
and bear interest at the rate of
not to exceed six per cent per an
num, payable semi-annually; said
interest to be evidenced by cou
pons attached to tho said bonds.
Now, Therefore, tho City of
St. Johns does ordain ns follows:
That tho City Recorder of the
City of St. JohnB bo and he is
hereby ordered nnd directed nnd
required to issue Nine bonds,
which shall be improvement
bonds of the city of St. Johns,
Multnomah County, Oregon, and
which said bonds and Coupons
thereof shall be properly signed
as required by law and tho City
Charter of tho City of St. JohnB,
and which said bonds shall be
in tho follow ng numbers, dates
and denominations:
Number. Date. Amount.
766 Dec. 13, I9I4...J5'0
767 " ... 500.00
768 ... 500.00
769 " ... 500.00
770 " ... 500.00
771 " ... 500.00
772 ... a37
773 March 13, 1915... 5
Thnt tho Recorder of the City
of St. Johns shall publish no
tice of tho time and place when
sealed bids shall bo received and
opened for the sale of said bonds
which said bonds shall bo sold
for the highest price obtainable,
but shall not bo sold for less
than par and accrued interest.
Right is reserved to reject
any and all bids for the said
bonds and re-advertise for other
bids and sales for the same.
Passed by the Council this 13th
day of April, 1915.
Approved by the Mayor this
14th day of April, 1915.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE,
Published in the St. Johns Re
view on April 16, 1915.
Building Permits
No. 18 To K. Knutson to
erect a residence on Astor street
between Macrum and Tnft ave
nuea; cost $500,
to save and it will be one
of the most valuable lessons
he will ever learu. Why
not open an account in his
name with the Peninsula
National Savings Bank?
Then give him the book
and let him see how money
in the bank makes more
money. In years to come
he will thank you again
and again for the lesson.
P. C. Knait,
Vice President
S. L. Donnt,
Assistant Cashier
GON. Tho city of St. Johns docs or
dain as follows:
Tho council of the City oi St.
Johns, having ascertained tho
cost of improving North Hnycs
Btrcct from tho Center lino of
Philadelphia street to tho Center
line of Cntlin street in tho City
of St. Johns, as shown by tho
resolution of tho Council of said
city, dated on tho 23rd day of
March, 1915, and recorded in
the offico of tho Recorder of said
city, and notice thereof hnving
been published in tho St. Johns
Roviow, a weekly nowspnperof
general circulation, on the 26th
day of March and 2nd day of
April, as shown by tho nffndavit
of tho foreman of said paper
which atfadavit is on fiio in the
offico of tho City Recorder; nnd
legnl posting of notices of such
improvements, as shown by the
nindavit of tho City Engineer
on file in tho offico of the City
Recorder, and no Remonstrance
having been filed and as provid
ed by said resolution, the Engi
neer a preliminary cstimato of
the cost of said improvement is
$4176.58 but shall be more accu
rately determined by said Engi
Now. Therefore it is hereby
ordered that said street bo im
proved and tho time for the com
pletion of said Improvement is
hereby fixed at Bixty days from
tho Inst publication of notice of
proposals of said work, which
said proposals must be filed with
tho Recorder of said city on or
before tho 4th day of May at
eight o'clock, p. in., of said
1 hat said street sha I bo im
proved ns follows: By grading
snme to established grade by cut
and fill and by sidewulkingsamo
on either side with 6 foot ce
ment BidownlkB, 12 foot curbs
entire length, together with all
necessary wood crosswalks and
Iron gutters, curb to havo stand
ard drain tile every fifty
feet; hitch rings to bo placed in
curb as directed by tho City En
The City Recorder shall give
notice by publication for not less
than threo insertions in tho St.
Johna Review, tho official news
paper, inviting proposals for
making said improvement.
Said improvement shall in all
respects bo dono and completed
in conformity with tho provis
ions of Ordinances Nos. 163, 204
and 400, except as otherwise
provided in this Ordinance; all
work to bo dono under tho direc
tion and supervision of tho City
That tho cost of said improve
ment shall bo assessed against
tho property in tho local improve
ment district described in said
resolution and designated as and
declared to bo "Local Improve
ment District No. 124."
Passed by tho Council this 13th
day of April, 1915.
Approved by tho Mayor this
14th day of April. 1915.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE,
Published in tho St Johns Re
view April 16, 1915.
Plumbing and Gas
Job work promptly attended to,
l'Uouc Columbia 618
109 Burr Street St. Johns. Oreeen