THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. MARKLE " Published Kror Frlder At 117 West llnrllnirton BlrroU "XilK Rkvikw I entered at post office In Salut Joint. Oregon, , mall matter oi the cconil class under tne Act ol Con itretsofMarcuJ, 1879. HUlemtnt o tiwntMn n minsicmttil f tlx M. John Kflw trnultnl ! the BU.1 14, 191 1: iMiler nii jHiMWtrr. A W. . Msr El. Owners. A. W. Msikl anil II ; Msfklr. Kwirn to nnd wW rltwl twlore mr lhl firl !rol A.rll. 191$. t, i Wright. Nelsty 1'ut.lle. Subscription price $1.00 per year. The old set of city olHcinls lmve been displaced by the now. Recorder A. 12. Dunsmore nnd Councilman R. Graden arc the only ones retained from the for mer administration. In pass ins from the old to the new, it might be well to cast a glance backward at the work and per sonnel of the retiring adminis tration. The officials as a whole have conducted a succccssf ul ad ministration. Much good work has been accomplished and ad vancement made. Of the good work accomplished, while some may differ with us, yet we be lieve the best act consummated was that of securing the im menso plant of the Western Cooperage Co. for St. Johns. It required the expense of a road way to the water front from VVil lamctte boulevard, yet personal ly. we would favor the expendi ture of a like amount every year to insure as important Indus triea. Another good act was furnishing the unemployed with labor at wood cutting during the past winter. A number of streets have been improved, arc lights and (ire hydrants added. and streets kept in good order. Of course there has been the us ual complaint bv those ever will ing to find fault about the city council. This is also true of any city council that ever existed and will bo so long aH the world shall last. It is caused principally be cause people fail to realize that all councils must bo guided by their charters and must consider both sides of every proposition. But it would bo u most difficult thing for nny man to point out any act of the late council that was detrimental to the city's in terest. One of its very best nets was the purchase of tho II ro truck and placing paid llrcmcn in con troi. Dr. A. W. Vincent has made one of the best mayors that any city over possessed, uronri in his views, tactful, wide-awake. resourceful, conservative, con scientious, witty and progrcs sivc, with a fine knowledge of parliamentary law. he has made an ideal presiding officer, and he can well feel proud of tho splen did record no lias made. A.R. Dunsmore. Recorder, has executed tho duties of recorder nnd police judge with entire sat infliction to all. Courteous and obliging at all times, ever will ing to explain, accurato and efll cient in his. clerical work, a pleasant and congon in gent o man, tho people of St. Johns can congratulate themselves upon retaining Albert 15. Dunsmore in this capacity. Thud. T. Parker has mndo a conscientious and painstaking city attorney, tie is a man wel versed in mim e tin aw. con sorvntive, faithful and reliable, easy to approach, genial and ac commodating, and probably has as ninny friends in St. Johns as any man. He can look back tin on his record as city attorney wmi n great tieni 01 pride. Frank A. Rico served tho citv in a most faultless manner as city treasurer. His ability, ac curacy and carefulness is a mat ter of common knowledge, and everything ho does is done well. No man could llll the officii in a moro cnpnblo and satiafactorv manner. To know him is to like him, and his friends are lemon. Tho councilmen as a whole tried to do their duty and servo tho peoplo well, nnd wo main tain that they havo been success ful. They may have mndo somo mistakes, but if so, they were of minor importance and did not prove detrimental to tho city's interests. Thoy have worked to gether practical y in hnrmonv. and having met with them ev ery session throughout tho term. wo can attest to the fact that in our judgment at least, thoy havo serveu liiuiiiiiny anil well, and can feel well satisfied with the record they havo made. Of tho new sot of officials. most of them aro familiar faces in tho council chamber, having served in ono capacity or other previously. More concerning inem win no utKen up later, out the peoplo may rest assured that the city's welfare will bo well looked after while its destiny is in ineir nanus, Captured Weekly Prize Solon Hugbeo again won the weekly prize in the Lauthers' World Fair Contest. Tho total vote to dato follows: Solon Bugbee - - 901,688 Mrs. A. M. Purkapilo - 347,700 uenoviovo Aiuricit - ?Ji,if0 Lucy Buckles - - 83,735 Valkyrie Larson - - 4(5,855 Mrs. Elsie Knowles 41,125 uarnec weam - - ay, 625 Beulnh Waters - - ,21,050 Roy Clark - - 20,000 Our national bank, MAKES A SAFE PLACI FOR YOUR MONEY aLLfi&tvJ N-ll A National Bank must conduct its business according i ii- - 1 i ji .1 l i 1 . tti 1 n j j . . y-i to tne laws mm uown uy uie united states uovern ment at Washington, called the National Banking Act. Restrictions for the SAFETY of depositors are em bodied in this Iaw,and the U. b. .treasury Department, inrougn its duiik. rjxuminurs, investigates iNationai Hanks REuULAltLi. Besides, there are men of CHARACTER and FI NANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY behind our Bank. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON r. OJQ Make Your Feet Joyfuij O i by wearing those very comfortable and time defying shoes we are selling at the price of the ordinary shoe. The best way to find out about these shoes is to wear a pair then you will know and will not . want any other. They all say the same after a trial. Our new line of Childs', Misses' and Ladies' Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Mary Jane Pomps are already Proving Popular. We have., these in all sizes. Come in and look them over. We will gladly show you. In our Dry Goods Department you will find some very attractive select ions in 10 and 12 l-2c Ginghams, that are Rare Bargains. Triangle uon are 2 rZ5 c Von Znndt .)(icoisfrCoTroy.N.Y. U TEN FREE STAMPS Fnee s. & H. Wnip lire thcCuttomcr'nI UUcount.OliT IT. 1 ThliCouuon Good For Ten 10 S. & II. & FREE ! II ptcwiitrtl llpnii Hinting n nin.line aintnint In if to OOc or more, ihtfc Uinp will be In ml 1 tlliloii to reKiilm rtmtiim Riven with the urclae j Not Good Aflor Apr. 30 t COUCH & CO. j Gcncrnl Mtlse. Columbia 137 ST. JOHNS, OKI?. ORDINANCE NO. 657 An Ordinance Dcclarinc; (he Cost of Improving Alacrum Atcnue in the City of St. Johns from tho Southerly City Limits te the O. W. R. & N. Company's Right of Way, and Assessing the Property Benefited Thcrchy, Declaring Such Assessment and Directing the Entry of the Same in the Docket of City Liens. The city of St. Johns docs orilnlu at follow: 'flint the council tins considered the provided assessment for improving Mncrum nvenue In the city of St. John from the southerly city limits to the 0. K. & N. Company's Right of Way. anil nil objections made thereto, nnd hereby ascertains, determines mid declares the whole cont of said Im provement hi manner provided by Oidi nance No. GUI to be the sum of f 3M9.42. and that the special nnd peculinr benefits accruing to ench lot or part there, of or txirccl of laud within the as sessment district, by reason of said Im- irovemcul ami in just proportion to such enents, nrc In the respective amounts set opixislte the number or description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of laud in the following annexed assess ment ndl.uml Mild assessment toll. which Is numbered 115, is hereby adopted and approved as the assessment for said Int. movement, nnd the recorder of the city of St, Johns is directed to cuter a state ment of the assessment hereby made in Ihc docket of city liens, nnd cause notice thereof to be published as provided by charter, which assessment Is us follows: Addition Lot Block Amount If. St. Julius ..1 3 J23.T2 II 10.28 1 14.07 fi 0.37 18 63.20 17 367TO 10 28.29 IK !t 14 11.24 1 4 53.29 2 35.78 3 28.20 i ! l & 11.24 18 63.20 17 w t ? 357B 10 28.29 15 21.22 14 11.24 1 5 63.20 2...., 35.78 3 28.29 4 21.22 5 11.24 18 63.20 17 35.78 16 28.29 15 21.22 14 11.24 1 6 63.20 2 35.78 3 28.29 4 21.22 5 11.24 " 13 21.22 " 14 ...11.24 " 9 13 53.20 " 8 35.78 " 7....- 28.29 " C...... 21.22 " 5 11.24 " 10 53.20 " 11 35.78 " 12 28.29 " 13 21.22 " 14 11.24 " 19 10 112.31 " 20 69.84 " 21 29.00 " 8 15 53.20 " 0 35.78 " 7 23.29 " 0 21.22 " 5 11.24 " 10 53.20 " II 35.78 12 28.29 " 13 21.22 14 11.24 Couch & Company OIO J RESOLUTION It is resolved by tho City of bt. Jonns: Hint it dooms it oxnediont and necessary to improve South ivanhoo street from the East line of Burlington street to tho jnmn . I " ui AVlbllllluilU DLItX'l ill rouoj.'ii 1 1 1, ru.. nr ci Ti.un 11.- r-i n-...i 1... .!... ti ., . ' I y"u yi'ijr ui ov, uumia in mu iui a. ;.i n '"" "uy ' Iowiiik manner to wit: Atmrovcd bv the Mnvor this Mtli dnv By cradinir said nortion o of April, i9io. street to grado or subgrado to A..-.I. a if nnMMn, fl,ftyor- 1)0 established nnd by laying a G Attest: A, It. DuNSMORlt. f ...n. m -.-i Recorder of thu Kt. iuu WHirv JIIIU X. IOOI, l'ubiubcd.iii the St. Johns Review on cm'b on bothsldcaof said street, wun necessary woouen uross necessary walk and Catch Basins. a . ll. k it Accoruinir 10 ino n nns an( specifications of tho city emri neer on file in the ofllco of tho City Kecoruer relative thereto, wnlcli said plans and specitlcn (ions and estimates are satis ft 1 1 inciory ami aro nereov annrov- cd. Said improvements to bo made in accordance with tho charter nnd ordinances of the city of St. Johns, and under the sunorvision nnd direction of tho city engineer. Hint tho cost of said improve mcnt to bo assessed ns provided by tho city chnrter upon tho n-operty especinlly nnd pnrticu nrly benefited thereby, and which is hereby declared to bo 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 1. ti 1 11 1 11 63.20 35.78 28.29 21.22 1124 7 63.26 ....35.78 23.29 4 21.22 6 11.24 18 ....63.20 17 35.78 10 28.29 IK "l 14 1 8 63.20 2 35.78 3 28.29 4 21.22 6 11.24 18 ....63.20 17 35.78 10 28.29 15 21.22 14 11.24 1 10 8.41 2. 7.32 3 6.24 6 12 82.80 4 49.68 3 17.91 6 119.10 7 30.69 5t.t,,,, 11, 183.80 4 142.94 3,, , 68.60 Di14tt 53.26 8 35.78 7,., 28.29 6,,..., ,...21.22 5 11.24 10 63.26 11 35,78 12 28.29 April iu, rj id. SIMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. J. A. UKke, Plaintiff, vs. Jessie A. Locke, Defendant. 1 o Jessie A. I.ocke, Defendant: Iu the imine of tliL-Stnte of Ore gon, you are Hereby required to appear and answer the comnlnint fi t . . uieu nnumsi you lu tne above en titled Court and cause within six weeks Iroin the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or be fore the loth day of March. ioi.. 1 le if.. w mm 11 you mu 10 appear or answer, tor want tnereot, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief as : n0f ot8i mts of lots bjocka I-or a decree dissolving the bonds Li nnnio f i,.,. i, u t ..-), 1 t 1 Mint i.v,a ui Itlliu UObllKUII LI1U s i. 1 . "iciuiore mm now termini of such improvements vwh Ul .m.. i.u .mi uc- abutting upon, adjacent or prox iei. .1111, niiu lor si en other ami imnto to snid street, from the liiiiiici ICIICI US IO Uie COlirt IliaV mm-miml inna nt onl.l ifnl 11 1 ...... ..i... ....v. uiuu ot&i;ut mmw. . hnck to tho center of tho h nek 1 IDs summons is made and nub- lished pursuant to an order of the ting thereon or proximato there- aawu, iwuwu vj, iuunuw. DICdHllIiir I tn jtiUKeoJ tne obove Court, slutted That nil tin nrmWv Snnlnrln.l in said improvement district nforesaid is liereby declared to bo ''Local Improvement District Wo. 127." That tho city engineer's as sessment of tho probable total cost of said improvement of said street is 81H79.73. Hint tho cost of said street to bo assessed against tho proper ty in snid local assessment dis trict ns provided by the charter il. nil.. rti i oi mu oily oi at, jonns. Adopted by the council this lUtli day of April. 1915. A. IS. DUNSMORE, Recorder. Published in tho St. Johns Re- and entered on the 17th day of marcu, 1915. GUUSMN & SKVKU. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1026 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication March 19. 1915; date of last publication April 30, 1915. Notice of Cost of Improvement JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day A NIbt Offlca In UcChesnij blk. St. Jettn. Ortgon. THAD. T. PARKER ATTOfiNIlV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Rooms 7 and 8 Holbrook BullditiK ST. JOHNS DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Office Hours 9-12 to 1:30-7 Sunday 9-11 Office I'hone Columbia 140 Resident I'hone Columbia 274 DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month in incKiiers Hall. Visl tors welcome. Chns. A. 1'ry. W. M. A. V. Davis, Secretary. RESOLUTION OR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia 61 First National Bunk building. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. L. E. QRAVUS, M. D. Plijslcian and Surgeon Office I'hone Columbia 10 Residence Phone Columbia 4 ST. JOHNS, ORKOON LAUREL LODGE No. 18G I. O. O. P ST. JOHNS, OHCGON MmU ch Monday evening la Odd FV lows hall at 8:00. A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers.. John J. OooJuun. Noble Grsnd A. l. Dovruev. Vice Oraod iohn Rercrs Rec. 8cc, Glcndrolng. Pin. Sec H P. CUik, Tress. Notice is berebv eiveu that the assess inem ior uie improvement of Mucruin avenue, from the houtherly city limits to the O. W. R, & N. Comivtuy's RIkIU of Is 3539.42, wis declare b v Ord vl April lGjtnd April 23.1915 k. irn . .t.i 1 1. . I I IT rTo rLZZr Pronosa s fnr Stmfit Wnrk nvttlt1l fr(ltl IllM sMilliu1 rtlt.. a I Uie O. W. K. & N. Co.'u RiKht of Way. and asc&3iliL' the nronertv U-ni-tlt.-.l thereby, ilcclarini: such assessment and the office of Sealed proposals will be received at tne recorder of the citv of St. "ji directing the entry of the Mute iu the Johns, until May 4th, 1915. at 8 o'clock .jockci 01 uiiy i.ictu," IL iu. ior ine improvetueni 01 North The cost of said improvement Is levied Have street from the Center line of upon all the lots, parts of lots and par- Philadelphia street to the center Hue eels of land within the boundaries of the 01 Tallin street, iu the manner pro district described as follows: Ketweeu vided by Ordinance Number 666, subject the southerly city limits and the O. V. to the provUions of the charter aud onli R. & N. Company's RKht of Way. nances of the city of St. Johns and the A statement of such assessment has I estimate of the city engineer on file. been entered In the docket of citv liens i.ligiueer's estimate is f4.176.58. April 14, 1915, and said assessment U!"s must be strictly in accordance Is now due aud payable at the office of with the printed blanks, which will be the recorder ol the city of St. Johns, Or- luriiUlietl on application at the office of egon, aud will be deliiuiueut aud bear I ",c recorder of the city of St. Johns, interest alter April 24, 1915, and if not And said improvement must be corn paid on or before May 14, 1915, pro- pletcd on or before 60 days from the date O. J. GATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Bank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT & FEALTT CO. H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 ti, Jitny Street Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined Phone Columbia 255 ceedlnus will be taken for the collt-otlon t A. 01 me Mine uy saie oi property as pro- A. . iJUKSJIOKK, Recorder Published in the St. lobus Review mi April 16 and 23, 1914. urin to your job prtaunjt wmi you thluk of It, Doat wait until you w entirely out. We are equipped to turn out neat and taaty prtatlns prerapUy at PortU&i prices or lew. of the last publication of this notice. No nruiiosalsorbids will be considered unless accou3vtuied by a certified check payable to the order of the mavor of the city of St. Johns, certified by a responsi ble bank for an amouut equal to ten per cent, of the aggregate proposal. The rik'llt to refect auv and all bills is hereby reserved. Hy order of the city council. A. I. UUNSMOKK, Recorder of the citv of St. loliiu. Published in the St. lohns Review April 16, 23 aud 30, 1915. 1 Central Market! 20S S. Jaraay Street See ns for (Tie Choicest Cute ef th Best Meats ObtaintiMe, QrV nfef mmi ttrndty Trsrfe SeSdtcst T. P. WARD, Praprktar. Preack lfee Kael oi SU Jekas. It is Resolved by the City 0 bt. Johns: Thnt it deems It exnedicn nnd nucessnry to imnrovo Pitts hurjr street, from tho North Side lino of Crawford street to tho Ferry slip in tho City of St Johns in the following manner to wit: By Rradinir said portion of said street to sub-crado nnd by lay inpr on each side a G foot cement walk with 12 foot curb and by lay inpr a C inch standard concrete pavement between tho curbs accoruinir to tno pinns anc specifications of tho city oncri neer on file in tho ofllco of tho said City Recorder relative thereto, which said plans and specifications nnu estimates are satisfactory and aro hereby ap proved. Said improvements to bo mndo in accoruanco with the chnrter and ordinances of tho city of St. Johns, and under tho supervision and direction tho city engineer. mat tne co3t or said improve meat to bo assessed as provided by tno city charter upon th property especially and partial lariy ueneiited thoreuy. anc which is hereby declared to bo all of lots, parts of lots, blocks and parcels of land between the termini of such imnrovements a . . . . auuttinp; upon adjacent or proxM mate to said street, from tho marginal lines of said street back to tno center ot tne block or. blocks or tracts of and abuttmtr thereon or proximato thoreto. lhat all tho property inc uded in said improvement district aforesaid is hereby declared to bo "Local Improvement District INO. lZo." That the city engineer's assessment of tho nrobab 0 tota cost of said improvement of said street is $4,850.29. Ihnt tho cost of said street to no assessed against the prop erty in said local assessment dis trict as provided by tho charter of the City of St. Johns. Adopted by tho council this 6th day of April. 1915. A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re view April 9 and 16, 1915. Proposals for Sireet Work Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Recorder of the Citv of St. Johns until May 4th, 1916, at S o'clock nt., for the improvement ot Ivanhoe strtet, from the North line of Phlladel phia street to the Center line of Catlin St n the manner provided by Ordinance No. 655, subject to the provisions of the Charter aud Ordinances of the City of St Johus.oud estimate of the city engi neer, on file. Engineer's estimate is f4.SO5.0O. Bids must be strictlv in accordance Kith printed blanks, which will be furn ished on application at the office of the Recorder of the Citv of St. lohns. And said improvement must be completed on or before 60 days from the date oi the last publication of this notice. No proposals or bids will be considered uulesa accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of St. Johns certified "bv a resoon- sibfe bank for an amount equal to ten per cent, of the aiyjregate proposal. The right to reject anv and all bids is hereby reserved. By order of the City Council. A. K. DUNSMORE, Recorder. Published in the St. fohnik Review 011 ORDINANCE NO. 655. An Ordinance Providing (he Time and Manner of Im proving IvanliocStrcet from Philadelphia Street (0 Catlin Strci't in the City of St. Johns, Oregon. The city of St follows: The council of the city Johns docs ordain nn of St. Johns, Having itkCcrtaintHi lliccot of iiuproviiiK ivauiioe street irom the North line of Philadelphia street to thu Center line of Catlin otrevt, in the city of St. Johns, ns shown by the resolution of the council of dl city, fluted on the 23d day of March, ly if, nnd recorded in the office of the recorder of said city, nud notice thereof having been published III the St. Johns Review, a weekly news impcr of iieral circulation, on the 2Glh ol March mid 2nd day of Aprll,19l5, ns shown bv the affidavit of the foreman of Mid iiapvr, which Maid affida vit is 011 tile in the office of the city re corder; and legul Mitiii( of notices of such ituprovviiiriit, ns shown by the 11 111. davit of the city engineer on file iu the office of the city recorder; nud no remonstrance having been filed, ami, as provided by Mid resolution, the tunf liter' preliminary otiitiate of the cost of said Improvement is f 1 .1105.00, but shall lie more accurately determined by said viiKiueer. Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that said ttrcet be improved aud the time for the completion of said im provement is hereby fixed at GOdays from last publication of notice of projiokals of aid work, which sold proxsais imnt be filed with the recorder of said city on or before the 4th dav of Mav. 1915. ut 8 o'clock, p. m. of said day. That said street shall be improved as as follows: Hy KnidiiiK same to the es tablished Kratfe bv cut and fill aud by sidewalkiiiK same on either side with 6 foot cement sidewalks 12 foot curbs en tire leiiKlh, touelher with nil necessarv cement crosvalks and catch basins, curb 10 nave standard urain tile every titty feet; hitch riuus to be placed in curb as directed by the City ltnuiueer. The city recorder shall uive notice liv publication for not less than three in-. scrtious iu the St. Johns Review, the of- ficiul iiewsnaDer. iiivitlni' nninnol. Inr tnul; hit; said improvement. batd improvement shall in all respects be done and completed iu conformity witli the provisionsof Ordinances No.IGn 204 and 400, except as otherwise provid ed in nns ordinance; an work to be done under the direction and supervision of the citj engineer. That the cost of said improvement shall be assessed against the property in the local improvement district lies. 6cribed in said resolution and designated na und declared to oe jocai improve. ment District No. 123. Passed by the council this 13th dav of April, I9l5. Approved by the Mayor this 14th day of April, 1915. A. A. MUCK, Mayor. Attest: A, I. DUNSMORE. City Recorder, Published in the St. Johus Review on April 16, 1916. . HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS Of PYTHIAS Meets every l'ridav night at 7:30 o'clock in B'lCKNER Hall. Visitors alwavs wel. come, H. C. PINCH, C. C. A. CAR1.NELSON. K. R. S. We buy or sell St. Johns Property McKlNNEY & DAVIS ' Real Estate List your ptoperty with tis if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns- J. ft. WEIMCR Transfer and Storage We deliver your cooda to and from 11 ptzts ot Portland, Vancouver. Linn- ton, Portland and Suburban Exprasa Co., city dock and all points accessible Wy wagon. Plane v4 funuture awvtiz April 16, 23 and 30, 1915. Note the label on your paper.