,wc. lttlfj St. Johns is Calling You Has seven churches. Hat a moit promising future. Distinctively a manufacturing city Adjoins the city of Portland. Has nearly 6,000 population. Has a public library. . Taxable property. f4.50O.00O. Has large dry docks, saw mills Woolen mills, iron works, Stove works, asbestos factory. Ship building plant. Veneer and excelsior plant, Flour mill, planing mill, Dox factory, and others. More industries coming. St. Johns is the place for YOU. St. Johns is Calling You Is second In number of Industries. Is seventh in population. Cars to Portland every 16 mln. Has navigable water on 3 sides, lias finest ko and electricity. Has 3 strong banks. I las five large school houses. Has abundance of purest water. Has hard surface streets. Has extensive sewerage system. I las fine, modern brick city hall. I las good payroll monthly, Ships monthly many cars freight. All railroads have access to it. Is gateway to Portland harbor. Climate ideal and healthful. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center ot lb Northtfeit VOL. II ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1915. NO 23 COUNCIL M Old Council Steps Down and New Ushered In Mmday nvoning witnessed the pacing of the old city officials and the installation of the new. All members were present, with Mavor Vincent presiding. W. S. Basey presented a com- m inir-nMnn with affidavit at tached in which he questioned the ability of one or more officials to qualify, in the belief that tiny were not free-holder. At torn ay Parker decided that it would not be n matter for the outgoing council to decide, and on motion of Councilman Gar lick the document was accepted and ordered filed. Attorney Parker, in response to an inquiry of the mayor aB to what legal matters were still unsettled, stated that the West intmite paving case was still pending m the courts, as was also the case of D. C. Lewis in re sisting payment of street nssoismcnt on Willamette boule vard. The business of tho meeting bcin? finished, short speeches wore made by Councilmen Gnr lick and Graden and Mayor Vin cent. Mr. Garlick stated that during his two years in office ho had taken a great interest in tho work, and never fnvored any particular interest, but tried to serve the people impartially. Ho thanked tho people for the fine vote he had received. Mr. Graden expressed his pleasure at receiving such n largo vote, and said ho hoped to carry out tho wishes of tho peo ple, to the best of his ability, lie predicted a harmonious re gime for tho three months tho new officials have to servo. Mayor Vincent expressed his thanks to tho members of tho council for their cooperation and faithful service, and that he believed every member had did his best for tho community at large. He said ho believed that he had demonstrated to tho peo ple that a man may bo u rensrn nblo 'man and at tho samo time bo a Socialist. Ho admitted that miit.ike3 had been male, but they wero unintentional and that they had all learned some thing by tho mistakes that had occurrod. Ho said he believed the council had fully demonstrat ed that they were ublo to govern tho city, and were now ready to turn it over to their successors. Mayor Muck stated that it would now bo in order to elect the president of the council, and upon motion of Councilman Bon ham, R. Grndon was elected unanimously. Mr. Graden is the only member of the old coun cil to be reelected. The new officials were then sworn in by Recorder Dunsmoro in tho following order: A. A. Muck mayor: B. C. Geeslin, city attorney; S. C. Cook, J. S, Dow ney and I. B. Martin, councilmen at large; D. Tallman and R.Gra den, councilmen first ward; G. L. Perrine and. H. W. Bonham, councilmen second ward. Addresses were then made by Councilmen Perrine. Downny, Bonham, Graden, Tallman, Mar tin and Cook, Recorder Duns moro and Mayor Muck. Mr. Perrine stated that he was not a conservative, but a radi cal, and that he did not seek the office, but since the people had seen fit to elect him they would have to suffer tho conse quences; that he believed great er good would follow merging; that it was now up to the people tn prof rncrether. Mr. Downey stated that he would stand firm with the peo ple and do his best to carry out thnir wishes. He said that he believed it would be a fine thing for St. Johns to merge; mat both cities would mutually honnfit therehv. He naid a trib ute to D. C. Lewis, and said he believed him to be a clean man. Mr Bonham stated that he was n hnneless minority, beinir the only anti-mergerite on the coun cil, but that he would do his du ty to the best of his ability. Mr. Graden stated that it was a bad thing for the water com pany when Graden came to towi; that he had been fighting for lower water rates ever since; that he had served from the low est to the highest offices in his home town, and would serve the people to the best of his ability; that he believed none would be sorry after merging had been fully carried out. Mr. Tallman thanked the voters for the honor conferred upon him; that he had never pro viouslv served in an official ca pacity in St. Johns, but had serv ed continuously for five years on the council nt Newberg; that ho had always believed m merg ing; that while ho believed the people could rule themselves successfully, yet he believed there wero big propositions that a larger city could handle bet ter. He predicted that harmony would prevail in tho council chamber until merging had been eirected. Mr. Martin thanked the people for the vote ho received, and said ho believed tho majority of 300 in favor of merging should nrove satisfying. Mr. Cook caused a ripple of amusement to make the rounds of tho room when he jokingly stated it seemed to him that instead of being city dads they appeared somewhat like a bunch of grand dads. He said he believed all wero conscientious on both sides of the merger question and that he harbored not the slightest ill will to any who differed from him on the question; that wo were now in a position to do more for this section than the city could do alone; that wo would all have to unito and stick together. Mr. Dunsmoro expressed his deep appreciation of the confi dence tho people placed in him by returning him to oliice in spito of tho well known fact that ho was ananti-mcrgeritc. Mayor Muck made tho follow ing address: To the Members of tho City Council. Gentlemen: As this will probably be tho last City Council that will ever sit in the City of St. Johns.! deem it prop er to present a short message. At tho recent Primary Elect ion, one lono Progressive caBt his vote for me, and due to that I became the nominee for Mayor on tho Progrcssivo ticket. Af ter a most exciting campaign in which questions vital to our fu ture welfaro wero tho issue, l bocamo your Mayor by a majority of twenty-four. in a total of over 1,300. and as Mayor, now desire your full cooperation to tho end that St. Johns may bo tho bene ficiary. At tho election held on April 5th, the people spoke in no un certain terms. Tho campaign issues wero we 11 defined, and the voters by their ballots paid that which thov wished, and selected us as their sorvanttHo carry that expressed wish to comploto ful fillment, and to refuse to do so, or oven to falter, to carry such wish into execution, would show a lack of good citizenship, to an extent bordering on deprav ity. The city government has had as its Mayor for the past year a popular man, clean in his person al life, but politically speaking, with views at great variance with mine. His admin strntion is now a matter of history; tho things nc comnlished or nartially accom plished, or partially finished or left undono are before you. uan wo do as much and as well, pro portionately in the time allotted us, or can we do more and bet ter; these are questions that con front us. The past is gone; let us forget it, except as we may look to it to learn to avoid mistakes in the future. Wo wero elected under differ ent conditions and with different issues confronting us than were the elective officers of the pre vious administration, and to faithfully carry out our pledges, and to carry them to fruition, and to so conduct tho affairs of the city that when the time ar rives for us to cast aside the mantle of authority, and volun tarily surrender the reins of government with honor to our selves and credit to the people should be our highest aim. We were elected at least seven of us on a specific pledge, to-wit, that we favored merging with Portland, and would use our honest endeavors to bring about that much desired result, and the people having spoken fully on this Question, and the major ity being full and complete, it is up to us to properly prepare the way for merger by so arranging the matters and affairs of the City that the union of St. Johns with Portland, can do maae with the business affairs of the city in such shape, that as little criticism shall follow us into our private Iive3 as possible. The act of any person to now attempt to overthrow the man ifest will of the people would be an act of bad citizenship. One thing I earnestly recom mend in the city affairs is, strictest economy, and this, Rawson's Fruit Wiper and Grading Machine coupled with efficiency and hon esty, will leave our city financial ly sound. I think I can seo where there has been somo waste, but of this I do not now care to speak fur ther concerning. Some changes can be made in the manner of street work, street improvements, granting of permits, tho passage of ordi nances, thnt will bo of improve ment, mul to tho city's benefit. Of these things I will speak Inter. Times arc hard, work is scarce. Let us aid tho suffering in our midst in an honorable way, by fair methods in wnges, employment of tho deserving, ana in making improvement in such a way that the hungry muy bo fed and tho property owner not be deprived of his property, to any greater extent than possible. With a feeling that there are great things in store for this section, providing wisdom pre vails, 1 subscribe myself, A. A. Muck, Mayor. In winding up tho meeting Councilmen Downoy and Perrine debated tho good roads bond issue, tho former advocating and tho latter declaring against it, Mr. Perrine making tho remark that he would not vote for bonds at any time. Adjournment to meet in regu lar session tho following oven- ing. Tho now city council took hold of tho reins of city government Tuesday evening with all mem bers present and Mayor muck presiding. Mayor Muck announced the ap pointment of tho following com mittees: FinanceMartin, Bonham and Cook. Streets and Docks Cook, Gra den and Tallman. Water and Light Graden, Martin and Bonham, Firo and Police Downey, Graden and Perrine. Buildings and Grounds Per rine, Tallman and Downoy. Liquor License Bonham, Downey and Perrine. License Tallman, Martin and Cook. A suggestion from the Com mercial club that'the bill of $25 for a Polk's directory contain ing a page ad. concerning St. Johns be paid by tho city coun cil, was disregarded and the bill ordered returned to the club. A street assessment against the city's property in tho city of Linnton was referred to tlie finance committee. Adjutant General Geo. A. White wrote for information con cerning the probabilities of a company of Coast Artillerymen being organized in St. Johns, but no definite action taken, except to have it placed on file. D. C. Lewis, in behalf of sev eral property owners, objected to the erection of a water tank on Wilamette boulevard opposite the Dr. Jayno property by the Western Cooperage Company, and suggested that the matter be taken up with the company in the belief that an amicable arrangement could be made whereby the tank could be placed farther down the hill and serve the purpose as well without be ing unsightly and offensive to the residents of the boulevard. Mayor Muck referred the matter to the city attorney and build ings and grounds committee. Councilman Graden was ap pointed a committee of one by the mayor to look after matters pertaining to the city's supply of wood which was cut by the unemployed last winter. Ordinances providing the time and manner of improving Hayes street between Philadelphia and Catlin, and Ivanhoc street be tween Philadelphia and Catlin streets were passed. An ordinance assessing the cost of improving Mncrum ave nue in East St. Johns, and an ordinnnco directing the city re corder to sell improvement bonds in the sum of $3,9G1.G4 were passed. The engineer's plans and spec ifications for tho improvement of Ivanhoo street between Phil adelphia and Richmond streets by cement sidewalks were ac cepted and a resolution provid ing for such improvement adopt ed. Bills amounting to $299.80 wero allowed. Dr. L. E. Graves was appoint ed health officer, with the under standing that she receive tho regular salary of $100 per an num and bo allowed extra for au tomobile hire in case of epidem ic, Councilman Cook pointing out tho fact that tho health officer and city physician wero separate offices, and if ono person Borved in both capacities extra pay should bo provided for addition al sorvices. Upon request of Mr. Moody, Judge McGinn was permitted to make a short address in tho in terest of the good roads cam paign, and the judge made a .vigorous appeal for tho good roads movement. Councilman Perrino called his attention to tho incomplotonessof tho Colum bia highway and stated thnt tho hard surfacing could bo la'd for 41 cents per yard, whereas an cstimnte of $1,20 per yard had been made by tho promoters of tho project. Ho asked if it would solve tho unemployment problem, and Judgo McGinn re plied that it would do so par tially. After the good roads discus sion had ceased, Mr. Perrino ur gently ndvocated tho necessity and feasibility of constructing a comfort station under the ground at tho edge of tho city hall plot, and volunteered to Iny all the tile himself without any compen sation whatever. Ex-Councilman Wnldorf heartily concurred in Mr. Perrine's idea and said lie believed it would be one of the best things that could bo done for the city, It was decid ed that Mr. Perrino should make a detailed report of tho conven ience and submit it later. It was decided that now broom bo placed on tho street sweeper so that it might bo placed in serviceable condition, although Councilman Perrino objected on the ground that it only was for the purpose of keeping the pav ed streets clean, while the streets not thus .improved could not be cleaned and yet these property owners had to help foot the bill, Councilman Martin called his at tention to the fact that money was spent in keeping tho cross walks cleaned in the streets not hard surfaced, thus somewhat equalizing the burden of street cleaning all around. Councilman Downey held a liko opinion as Mr. Martin, and said he believed under present conditions matters could not be remedied.and a like method was adopted by all mod ern cities. FOR SALE. I will sell on easy terms at a bargain my half acre of choice garden land witn small house in St. Johns only twn hlnnks from car line. Would accept a modern five passenger auto as pari payment, wnai have you to offer? For particu lars, see Dr. Gilstrap. For Rent One 6 room house, $8.00; one 7 room house with nnro. $8.00! one (5 room house all remodeled, $10.00. Peninsula Security Co., Room 5 over First National Bank, That is Bound to Meet With Splendid Success Most Ingenious Invention Mr. Ed Rawson has invented a fruit wiper and grading ma chine thnt is different and su perior to nnything on tho mar ket and is now making them at his workshop nt tho corner of Richmond and Jersey streets. Mr. Rawson is an inventor and a master mechanic of marked ability. He has invented a num ber of machines that are of par ticular value. In his latest invention, how ever, he has something that bids fair to yield him a largo for tune, besides being of inestima ble value to fruit growers. Ho has also invented a potato sprouter, grader and packer that is a marvel. The probabilities are tlyit ho will booh have to greatly enlnrgo his capacity for turning out tho work, and may be the mentis of St. Johns later on securing an important in dustrial institution. Mr. Rawson is fully deserving of all tho suc cess that (abound to come to him through his inventions. Tho wiper and grader covers a space about twelvo feet long and three feet wide. Each table occupies a space approximately six feet square. Tho weight of tho ma chine is nbout 200 pounds. It can handle nearly fifty bushels of apples per hour, which is as fast as tho fruit can go through and not bo bruised by rolling to gether. This machine is as rapid as any wiper nnd grader on tho market. It will wipe better than can bo done with the hands. Fruit polishers nnd graders have como to stay, for fruit growers cannot nflford to wipo and grado in the old expensive way. The Rawson wiper is so simple that a child can operate it with ease. It will wipe and grade peaches without damaging them. Ho manufactures these ma chines in three sizes, to make six. nine or twelve grades. Tho Rawson Fruit Grador and Wiper is the result of a careful study of tho needs of fruitgrow ers in tho Northwest and else where. Its superiority over other machines of its kind aro easily seen. It is simple, light running, easily operated, does thorough work and does it rapid ly. Lightness and durability aro features of tho Kawson grader that will appeal to all fruit growers who want a strong machino that can bo easily mov ed from place to place. The low prices of $95 to $120 places them within tho reach of all. By using the Rawson Fruit Grader and Wiper fruit can be handled with one-half less ex pense than is now necessary in wiping and grading it in the old style way. This machine will handle fruit as carefully as a nurse would handle a new born babe. It is simplicity itself. Women or children can operate it and save the expense of em ploying high priced experts. With this machine you can wipo and grade apples, peaches and pears and by using attachment you can sprout, grade and sack potatoes. His double machine gives the operator a chance to separate fruit on the feed table, red cheeked apples going through on one side and lower grades on the other. This machine is operat ed in the samo way as the oth ers, but has double capacity. Auto for hire by day, hour or trin. at very reasonable rates. Good opportunity for parties of four or less to make a trip into the country at a low price. li. M. Waldref,G09 Fessenden street. Phono Columbia 206. THE LIBRARY Interesting Notes for the Library Patrons Hours: Afternoon, 12:00 to 5:30. Evening, 7:00 to 9:00. Sunday, 2:30 to 5:30. Clark Old Homes of Now Americans. "Never did a country have such problems of immigration to face as ours. Never was the fato of any land so interwoven with tho fate of other lands, and with tho men nrtd women these lands send to our shores. Not withstanding this, there is in America an abundnnt indiffer ence nnd carelessness concerning Inrgo numbers of our fellow citi zens which must be replaced by sympathy and active Interest if America is to become tho great homogeneous nation for which wo all hope. Wo exhibit a crass ignorance concerning tho neigh bors who jostle us on every side. People that como from entire ly different points of tho Euro pean compass are surprisingly mixed, and all are often embrac ed under tho one contemptuous tltlo"Dago." Tho noblo history, tho patriotic struggles, tho fa mous literature, tho great states men, poets and artists of the countries from which these new Americans como aro unknown or lortiotton. This ignornnco would not fso much matter did it not breed not only indiffer ence, but downright contempt, brutality, and race hatred. Mr. Clark'a book, by way of protest against this ignorance, gives an interesting discussion of the country and peoplo of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and their contribution to tho new world. Galsworthy Tho Mob. A book which may bo read with profit by overyone, particu larly in the times now with us. It gives n keen analysis of tho mob spirit by which war is made and gains in forco by its form that of a play. Ross- Changing America. Tho average man's mental pic ture of his society is at least two or three decades out of dato, so that half tho tuno he is fighting windmills instead of grappling with tho enemies that riso in his path. In this book Mr. Ross aims to bring tho picture nearer to reality by describing certain contemporary social develop ments. Ho realizes this to bo a hazardous understanding but ventures in tho knowledge that after all it is only 1 ving tenden cies that man can work with.curb or guide. Somo of the topics treated are: The Outlook for Plain Folk. The Falling Birth-Rate. The Significance of Increasing Divorce. Commercialism Rampant. The Suppression of Important News, Buy your tickets to the Mult nomah Theatre from tho Rebek ahs and receive a chance for each 10 cent ticket. on the Ten Dollar Ansco Camera, now on display at tho St. Johns Phar macy, which will be given to the one holding the lucky number at the Multnomah Theatre, Wed nesday evening, April 21st Re bekaliB' night. For Sale Cheap-1914 Detach able Evenrudo Motor for row boats, 3J horso power, has been used tor demonstation on y Call at this office or phone Main 3097 for turther information, HIGH SCHOOL Incidents of High School Interestingly Told On Friday evening, Mr. Frank Branch Riley of Portland lectured under the auspices of tho Grade Teacher's Association on "The Columbia Highway." After a preliminary discussion of the advantages of good roads to the county, and of the pro posed road bonds, the sneaker showed the famous slides of Col umbia River scenery from tho collections of Mr. Lancaster and Mr. Hill. The pictures wero well worth seeing and the lec ture interesting. I his week II. S. num s are taking the mid-term examina tions. A hmc number of tho II. S. girls aro taking gym work under the supervision of Miss Rundnll. All tennis players tiro waiting patiently or dry weather. Both courts are marked off and all ready for play. Tho II. b. mini 8 uro wisely taking advantage of tho splendid opportunity to sec the Finley bird nnd animal pictures at tho Multnomah Theatre this week. Tho St. Johns Parent-Teachers' Association has made it possible ior them to do this at the nomi nal price of five cents. Tho pic tures arc splendid and well worth seeing. Words of Appreciation Editor Review, St. Johns. Ore gon.- Ucnr Sir: Having refrain ed from asking for space in your pnper during the heat of tho campaign when your time nnd space was so taken up with your fight, as well as that of others, I would now nsk for just a little space to thank tho voters of St. Johns for their hearty support in my hohalt which resulted in such a largo majority above my numerous opponents. I feel nm niy repaid for my struggles to carry out that which I knew to bo tho wish of the masses of tho peoplo of St. Johns, and also for my struggles in trying to olovato tho standard of tho government of our city, which was asked for by nt least throe numerously signed petitions, and in order to evade doing something thnt they did not have in Portland, nnd which would apply only to tho class of citizens in St. Johns, it was called class legislation anil tho ordinnnco was vetoed by tho mayor, and sustained by all but ono councilman, which leaves no doubt in my mind that it was tho principal cause for tho retire ment of mayor nnd councilmen. But of courso thoy would not ad mit of that but say it was only on account of tho morgor ques tion. II that is true then how about Mr. Bonham's election, but may that be as it is. if we can not have anything in bt. Johns that is not in Portland, and we must follow tho way things aro done in Portland, then wo wero certainly justified in annoxing or voting to annex to Portland nnd save tho oxponso of follow ing m her footsteps. But now that the battle of ballots is over, tho now council has quito a lot of work on its hands in cleaning up and adjusting things for that great event (in case our proposal is accepted) that wedding of St. Johns with Miss Portland, and after that event has passed, wo should all join in making this part of Portland, which will al ways bo known as St. Johns, tho best and greatest of all Portland, for in union there is strength. Yours for Greater St. Johns. Randolph Graden. St. Johns is No More But listen to us. If you intend to have any electrical wiring done or if you intend to chango your fixtures, better do it right now beforo Portland restrictions come into effect and savo thirty percent. Now this is a straight steer and when doing it remem ber your only electric store and Gensman's electric service. Wo repair free of charge any wir ing done by us, if defective, at any time, Let's talk. -E. A. Gensman & Son, 217 North Jer sey. If your eyes aro troubling you see Dr. Gilstrap.