St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 26, 1915, Image 2

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Published Kvery i'rlda.'
At 117 West Uurllugtbn Streot.
TilK Rnvntw Is entered nt jwst office
in Snitit Johns, Oregon, ns innil matter
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gress of Mntch 3, 1S79,
OfflcUI NiwjipM of lb Olt or fit. Joui.
Subscription prlco $1.00 per year.
An old doctor of venerable ap
pearance and hair Ihal lias not
known the barber's shears for
a number of years, held forth
in a homemade "jitney" at the
Peninsula Bank corner Saturday
evening. Una venerable doctor
gave excellent reasons why St,
Johns should stay out of Portland
so it seemed to the Antis
Ho plainly brought out the fact
that merging would bo good
for Portland, but couldn't show
how St. Johns would be benefit
cd. Ho seemed to impress the
people with the idea thntMonta
villa, with its 780 inhabitants
and without any local govern
mont whatever, did tret Bull Hun
water after a while, and that
nothing was gained in the
way of industrial plants. It is
said the old gentleman took oc
casion to state that the Review
would go out of business if
merger took place. Now this is
most distressing news. Wo had
figured that the Hoviow wouk
continue to do business in spite
01 annexation, thut if the glow
ing promises of great activity
after merging would come true
that wo would just coin money
thai tlio new factories which Mr
Lewis talks so much about wouk
need printing, and that wo won
even got a chance on tho city
printing of Portland. And now
to have it announced publicly
that wo shall have to go out of
tho printing business here in case
f -j it-. . i- ...
01 merger just uaiurauy muiCH
us feel heartbroken. The city
printing for the pant four months
totalled tlio sum of $lb'J.ls3, par
of which was for job printing
and part for advertising. Do
ducting the price of stock, cost
of setting the advertising, lime
of measuring up .and making
alladayita (an atladavit having
to bo riiado out for every item
of advertising) this office cloarei
on the city printing in the past
Tour months the munificent sum
of $18 per month. Now wouldn't
we have to bo hanging on by
our too nails if the loss of $18
per month would throw us out
of business? As a matter ol
fact tho printing from one man
ufacluring plant in St. Johns
which this ollice turned out dm
ing thosame time totalled a mini
bur of simoleons more than the
city printing amounted to. So
if Mr. Lewis troU in tho other
factorios he says Will come bore
after merging, what has tho Ho
viow to fear Perhaps it wouk
no a kindness to this old cliirop
idist if tlio Hoviow would discon
tinuo if merger takes place, but
Homonow wo have decided not U
doso. Again. nor haiw tho voner
ablu gontlonwn him in mind that
tlio city of Portland may be w I
confiscate tho Hoviow printing
plant as well an the water work
uno could oe done as legally as
tho other. Tho only thing that
could drive the Hoviow out o
business would bo forconditionn
to become so dcprotitiud that no
other uuninoBS man could auccoei
in uusinesH in bt. Joium. ant
this is what we fear would hap
pen in caxo ol merging, and is
why wo fight it. It is true that
wo would lie sorry to lime tho
city printing, because we like to
get all the work wo can, but we
realize it must continue to get
less ovory year; that ordinances
cover ng most every contiiigen
cy have already been passed and
that tho streets havubuon pretty
woli improved, so that we couk
not figure much over fifteen
dollars per month profit from
this source henceforth, and that
doesn't go very far in paying our
$300 per month expenses. To
bo very frank, it is true
that tho city printing in tho
past has been unite an import
ant factor with this olfice, and
has helpod over many rough
places, but since the bushiest
has gotten firmly established and
the excellence of our printing
has attracted business even from
Portland, it is not so essential
now to its oxisieuce, ami we
can note its dwindling with
moro complacency. Perhaps the
good old doctor might explain
how tho paper at Lents and tho
one at Sellwood and the one in
Montavilla continue to exist
and prosper in spito of these
places losing thomselvos in tho
city of Portland? If any one is
imbued with tho idea that morg
ing with Portland is going to put
tho Huview out ot business, ho
has another guoss coming.
t .
Extract from Monday's Daily
Abstract, Portland's ollieial
City Engincor
Hater is plan-
ning to add o
usual estimates
per cont to tlio
of tho cost of
street and sewer
m view ol tlio recent passage
of tho ordinance requiring that
tlio wages to bo paid on all mu
nicipal contracts shall bo the pro
vailing wage paid by tho city.
It is bolioved that this ordinance
will incroaso tho total cost of an
improvement to this extent.
U. S.
A National Bank, before beinp permitted to do busi
ness, must first receive a CHARTER from the U. S.
Government. Before this charter is granted, the Govern
ment must be satisfied that there are men of both
behind a bank. A National Bank must operate under
strong restrictions for SAFETY, laid down by the
Government at Washington, which includes being reg
ularly examined by representatives of the Treasury
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay A per cent interest on Savings Accounts
One thing that all citizens of
St. Johns should bear well in
mind, and that is if merger
takes place it means for all time
to come. It is something that
cannot be undono. Carry this
thought with you to tho polls,
and think well before you vote
to destroy the only power you
will over possess as a municipal
ity tho power to govern your-1
selves. It is something that riv
ers of blood have been spilled in ,
order to obtain. It is some-,
thing that has caused moro wars,
than any one thing. Consider
deeply if it would not bo just as
well and bettor to postpone this
unretraceable stop at feast un
til Portland has grown out to us
and there will not boa long!
stretch of practically vacant
laud lying between tho two
cities. It is a most solemn thing
to do, and should bo pondered
over in tlio moat serious manner.
This oflico is in receipt of a
comnupiicntion from a lady, but
as she fails to givo her namo,
we shall not publish it, with this
evidence of good faith lacking.
However, she pretends sho docs
not know how to vote, and
loesn't know il it would he
right to tako tho editor's word
for it. we ask no one to wko
4 a .
our word lor it; wo give our
minion supported by fads, and
then leave it to a person's intol-
licence to guide them aright.
Wo would advise tho lady to at
tend some of the Anti-Merger
meetings and become enlighten-
. 1 r 1
cd on tins question, ursnomiiy
consult most any of tho leading
business men of St. Johns.
l'hey aro practically all of the
same mind regarding merging,
and they aro not candidates or
olfice holders, nor aro they bent
on destroying tho city govern
ment, because tlieyhavo been do
feated tor ollice.
Mr. Lewis makes tho state
ment that all the present schoo
teachers In St. Johns would re
tain their positions in tho event
of merger by virtue of an act
passed by tho recent Lcgisia
Hire. Can Mr. Lewis givo posi
tivo assurance that all the teach
ers now Holding positions nero
will bo reappointed by tho schoo
.ward 11 May. when teacliers aro
supplied for tho following term?
Tlio contracts ot all tlio teaciiors
expire in June, but they are re
appointod or their successors are
appointed or elected in May,
lefore merging can possibly
tako place. It is entirely op
tional with tho St. Johns school
.ward as to whom shall teach
tho schools in St. Johns during
tho term of llf-lU. Bo Mr.
owis' bill doos not apply to tho
present teachers unless thoy are
eappointed. This does not mean
that any present teacher will be
et go. lor we do not think. any
will be, but doos mean that it
s up to the school board, not
tho Lewis law, to say who shall
teach in St. Johns next winter,
merge or no merge.
Ono potent reason why St.
olins is desirable 111 tlio eyes
ot tho Portland city officials is
because an outlet through St.
ohns would thus bo allorded
lor tlio Wg Hast side sewer.
While St. Johns remains St.
ohns tho sower cannot bo run
through it, it is said.
According to Portland ordi-
nancos all stables within tho city
must have cement fioors with
rain in cesspool. So if St.
Johns merges with Portland all
stublos in St Johns will have to
bo cemented. This is tho law.
so it is said.
Registration books are
now open at the City
Hall for the' 'General
City election.
Last day to register
for the City election,
March 30th.
Office will he open for regis
tration Saturday evening
March 20th nnd 37th nail
Wednesday evening March 24.
Register Now
Something To It
Oregon City. Ore.. March 23,
For tho second time within a
few months tho town of Milwnu
kco has been enjoined from ob
tabling a supply of Bull Hun
water, a temporary restraining
order being secured here by At
tornoys U Ken and 1 lease of
Portland, acting for tho Mil
waukeo Water company, con
trolled by rneodoro risen am
B. M. Finch. It is alleged that
this company has a 80 years
franchise giving it tho exclusive
privilege until 11)31 to furnish
water to tho peoplo of Milwnu
kce. II10 injunction was issued
by County Judge II. S. Amlcr
son. Tho original restraining
order was obtained by Fred W.
Birkenheimer upon techn cn
grounds, but tho circuit court
ruled against him and he took
an appeal, which is still pend
ing in tho Supreme court. Tuos
day's 'lolegram.
Now if tho ofiicinls of Milwau
kee had known about our distln
guished townsman, D. C. Lewis.
and his knowledge of exclusive
franchises, it no doubt wouk!
have employed him and the in
junction ot course would nover
havo been issued, Ho solemnly
states that exclusive franchises
aro valueless, but somehow Judge
Anderson holds a different opin
A Challenge
St. Johns, Oregon. March 21.
1915. Hon. D. C. Lewis. 1108
Willamotto Boulevard, City. My
uear fair: Un benalt ot tho ox
ecutivo committee of the Anti
Merger Club. I am challencinc
you as a member of tlio executive
committeo of tho Merger Club.
(and as tho bellweathor of tho
whole merger agitation,) to a
good old timo debate on tho
merger question. I suggest
tuat a debato be milled 0 1 in
tho High School at an early dato
noxt week. I am having this
letter published and am also
sending a copy of it to Mr. Car
roll. 1 think that the neon e
would bo glad to hear n good
debate. If you want to accept
this challenge, pleaso communi
cate with mo or Mr, C. C. Cur
rin, our chairman, and the de
tails will be arranced. also tho
date. Yours truly, Howard O.
Merging with Portland means
that tho East St. Johns passen
ger oil ico will bo discontinued,
it is said.
HPHE present mili-
tary styles of dress
require a special style
of corset and brassiere.
The military style
means, an erect form,
and a trim looking
You can get all of
this, combined with
comfort in our new
styles of military cor
sets and brassieres.
Pioneer Merchants
To the Workers of St. Johns.
Greetings: The Socialists of tho
world belicvo that tho things
socially used should bo socially
owned and administered, that
things private used should be
privately owned.
The mission of tho Interna
tional Socialist movement is, to
secure for tho workers of tho
world, the earth and its fullness,
substituting for our present cap
italistic system of profit, rent
and interest, an Industrial Do
The various National bocialist
ic parties bcliovo in tho nbovo
fundamentals, but to gain their
point their tactics necessarily
in tneso united btateo. a ma
jority vote is tho highest power
in tlio land.
We socialists bcliovo in Politi
cnl action, nnd thereforo in Po
itical parties. As n major por
tion of the population is working
class, so the Socialist party is
tho working class party: not
that wo have no other class in
the party, but because each
momher of tho party has equal
voice in its policy and acts, and
the majority boing workers, the
party reflects working class
The Socialist party of our na
tion dilfers from all othor par-
tios, in that we uso tho Initia
tive. Heferendum and Hccal
within the party. That means
that oflicors of tho party and
candidates for public office aro
governed by tho membership;
tho various candidates boing re
quired to sign an undated resig
nation, to be dated and present
ed to the City council, at any
time that a majority of tho par
ty dotormino that the olllcer
olect is acting contrary to tho
host intorests of tho working
As to local issues Merger.
Censor Board Ordinance, etc.,
tho party being committed to
pure democracy, is content to
nbido by tho decision of tho peo-,
pie. 1 he undersigned candidates
agree to do all in their power,
consistent with tho State law and
tho City charter, for tho work
ing class of St. Johns.
Bo truo to your class.
A. W. Vincent-s-For Mayor.
M. A. Hathaway For City'Ke-
Gcorgo J. Bouffioux For City
hrnest L. Pernne lor City
H. C. Stokes. Richard Hisel.
lenry Luiten For Souncilmen
at large.
Aaron H. Bloomberg, W. K
Davenport-- Councilmen First
Hudolf Moser, G. L. Perrino
Councilmen Second Ward.
11. C. Stokes, Sec.
A prominent citizen from Port-
and stated tho other day that
ortland would be glad to get
St. Johns but that they would
not bo proud of St. Johns peo
plo if they were so foolish as to
turn this city over to Portland.
Vendors of milk should re
member that in Portland a license
necossary in order to sell
:iis commodity.
Corset Company
Couch & Co.
St. Johns, Oregon
It is resolved by the City of .St. John,
OrcKon: "
That it tlcems It cxticillrnt ntul iicceit
iiary t o improve Ivaiilioe street
(rout the north side line of I'hiliulelpliln
street to the Center line of Catllti
street In the city of St. Johns in the
following tnnnner, to wit:
Ily k fd I iik wild portion of mid Street,
i;rudc or Mib-nrmle to he established nnd
by InyhiK n G foot Cement Side-walk nnd
12 foot curb on both sides of mid Street,
with ncccsiutry Cro-wnlks nnd Cntch
basins. Work to be done according to the
plans mid specification of the city engi
neer on file in tint office of the
city recorder relative thereto,
which said plnn nnd specifications
nnd estinintes nru satisfactory nnd aie
hereby approved. Said improvements
to be mnde in accordance with the
charier nnd ordinances of the city of
St. Johns, nnd niftier the supervision
nnu direction ol tue city engineer.
That t lie cost of said improvement to be
assessed n s provided by
citv charter uiwii the protKrtv especially
mid particulnrlv benefitted thereby, nnd
which is hereby declared to be all of lots
parts ot lots, blocks anil im reel sol land
ktwecn the termini of such Improve
ments abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate to said street from - the
marginal Hues of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts of
lnud abutting thereon or proximate
Tin; nil the property included in said
impr ".'emeut district aforesaid is hereby
deci.iied to be Local Improvement
dls r ct No, 123.
That the city engineer's asstssmcut of
the probable total cost of said improve
ment 01 saui street ts f 4,aoo.w.
That the cost of said street be
assessed against the property
in said local assessment district as pro
vided iy uie cimticr 01 utc city ot M
Adopted by the council this 23rd day
01 aiarcit, lyio.
Published in the St. Johns Review
March 26 and April 2, 1915.
An Enjoyable Party
A party was given by Miss
Esther Lindley, Miss Mabe
Thorpe and Mr. Eric Carlson
celebrating their eighteenth
uirtnuay last Saturday evening
at uickner's hall. A splendid
time was enjoyed by a . Many
old fashioned games were played
and songs were sung. Tho hall
was beautifully decorated in pur
plo and gold. Punch was served
in a little booth by Miss Delia
Mrs. L, E. Lindley and Mrs.
E. W. Kearns served the refresh
ments which were cake, sand
wiches, fruit salad and coffee
Three tables were spread. A
large three layer birthday cake
was on tho "honor table" with
eighteen burning candles. Wo
all had a taste of that cake and
several remarked that the
"three" ought to have a birthday
twice a year. Those present
were: Misses Esther Lindley,
Mabel. Bernice and Beulah
Thorpe, Hazel Peterson, Esther
Carlson, Esther and Mildred
Rood, Mary Stevens. Lucy Buck
les and Julia Johnson. Francis
Erickson, Lillian Werth, Delia
and Bill Lindley and Mrs. A.
Carlson, Mrs. E. W. Kearns.
Mrs. L. E. Lindley and the
Messrs. Eric and Frank Carlson,
Clarence and Fred Herwick,
Kenneth Drake, Stanley Rood,
Ryder Cormandy, George Mar
ietta Edward and William Wirth.
E. Barton, Frank Jones, Edward
Powell, Archie Gould and Ed
Westhefer. Reporter.
FOR RENT cards at this offlci
Coll ors 2 or25 e
Van Znrvdt .locob.s&CoTroy.NY.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given
on all Cash Purchases, and on Charge Ac
counts when Paid in Full at least every
30 days. Premiums now on Display.
lis I
j o'i'i art I
.11 l QaftfrS I
It is resolved by the City 0
St. JohtiB:
That it deems it exnedion
and necessary to improve North
Haves street from tho center
line of Philadelphia street to tho
center lino of Catlin street in
tho Citv of St. Johns in-the fol
lowing manner to wit:
Bv cradnig said portion ot
street to crude or subgrade to
bo established and by laying a G
foot cement walk nnd 12rfoot
curb on both sides of said street
with necessary G foot wood cross
walk and catch basins.
According to the plans anc
snccifications of tho city cngi
hecr on file in tho oflice of the
City Recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifica
tions and estimates aro satis
factory and aro hereby approv
ed. Said improvements to be
mnde in accordance with tho
charter and ordinances of tho
city of St. Johns, and under tho
supervision nnd direction of tho
city engineer.
I hat the cost of said improve
ment to bo assessed as provider
by tho city charter upon tho
property especially and partial
Iarlv bene ted thereby, and
which is hereby declared to bo
all of lots, parts of lots, blocks
and parcels of land between the
termini of such improvements
abutt nc upon, adjacent or prox
imnte to said street, from the
marginal lines of said street
back to tho center of the block
or blocks or tracts of land aout
ting thereon or proximate there
That all tho property included
in said improvement district
aforesaid is hereby declared to
be "Local Improvement District
No. 121."
That the city engineer's as
sessment of the probable tota
cost of said improvement of said
streJt is S117u.5a.
lhat tho cost of said street to
be assessed against the proper
ty in said local assessment dis
trict as provided by tho charter
of tho City of St. Johns.
Adopted by tho council this
23rd day of March. 1015.
Published in tho St. Johns Re
view March 26,and April 2,1915.
Thirty-four and one-half acres
of very choice land, two and one-
fourth miles from bheridan, Or
egon. one-iourth mile irom
schoo, all creek bottom but four
or five acres, twenty-five acres
in cultivation, fine water at
home, running water on place
the year round, some wood.
enough for several years, five
room house, barn, five chicken
louses, grainary. wood shed.
young orchard about forty trees,
hrst apples last year, price
$160.00 an acre. Will take $2,
500 in unincumbered St. Johns
or Portland property, some cash
and give good terms on balance.
A bNAP. ror further particu-
ars, see Dr. W. J. Gilstrap,
irst National Bank Bldg.. St.
Johns. Oregon.
For Sale 120 egg Mandy .Lee
ncubator. good as new. Cost
$21.00. Will take $10.00. Dr.
W. J. Gilstrap.
1 m 1 11 1 11 - y-v a ji 11 im
M 8 y I
i 11 1 a m
-4J I J
The City of St. Johns docs or
dain as follows:
That whereas, under tho op
eration of the "Bancroft Act"
as the same has .been adopted
by tho City of St. Johns for tho
purpose of improvement of
streets and construction of sow
ers a deficiency has developed
in the street bond interest sink
ing fund owing to the provisions
of the City Charter providing
for the payment of interest
semi-annually and that nt the
close of the first year from tho
dato of application.
Whereas, to provide tho nec
essary funds with which to
promptly pay tho face value of
nil bond coupons ns the same
shall becomo duo tho City Re
corder of said City bo nnd is
hereby authorized to draw a
warrant against tho street
bond sinking fund and in favor
of tho streot bond interest fund,
in the amount of Twenty-Five
Hundred Dollars ($2500.00),
which act and trnnsfer shall be
for the purpose of loaning and
transferring said sum to tho
stroet bond interest fund and
that said amount shall be trans
ferred and returned to said street,
bond sinking fund at any time?
sufficient funds are in said street
bond interest fund to meet
current demands on said fund
including previous loans of this
character which retransfer shall
be made by said Recorder with
out furthor act or direction of
this council.
Passed by tho Council
23rd day of March. 1915.
Approved by the Mayor
sum day ot March. 1915.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE,
Published in the St Johns Re
view March 26. 1915.
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby civen that apportion.
ment of the cost of improvement of
Macruci Ave. from the southerly Hue of
The City Limits to the O. W. R. & N.
RiKht Of Way. total cost of which is 3.-
539.42 has been apportioned and is on file
in the office of the undersigned, subject
to examination.
Assessment district extends back to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
land abuttiiiK oil said street us provided
by the city charter and resolutions.
Remonstrance aeainst said apportion
ment may be made in writing and filed
Willi tue undersigned until 5 o clock
P. M. April 12th, 1916.
Published in the St. lohns Review 2G and April 2, 1915.
For Sale Cheap 1914 Detach.
able Evenrude Motor for row-
boats, 3j horse power, has been
used for demonstation onlv.
Call at this office or phone Main
8697 for further informntion.
Not tha Isbal on your' oap'fr.