St. Johns is Calling You Hai seven churches. Has a most promising future. Distinctively a manufacturing city Adjoins the city of Portland. Has nsarly 6,000 population. Ha a public library. Taxable property. f4.500.000. Has large dry docks, saw mills Woolen mills, iron works, Stove works, asbestos factory, Ship building plant, Veneer and excelsior plant. Flour mill, planing mill, Dox factory, and others. More industries coming. St. Johns is the place for YOU. St. Johns is Calling You Is second in number of Industries. Is seventh In population. Cars to Portland every 16 m!n. Has navigable water on 3 sides. Has finest gas nnd electricity. Has two strong banks. Has five large school houses. Has abundance of purest water. Has hard surface streets. Has extensive- sewerage system. Has fine, modern brick city hall. Has good payroll monthly. Ships monthly many cars freight. All railroads have access to it. Is gateway to Portland harbor. Climate ideal and healthful. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to the Interests ot the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest VOL. II ST. JOHNS, OREGON, t-'RIDAY, MARCH 26 1915. NO fo NOIL IVIEETSi Matters of Importance Receive Attention All members were present nt the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Vincent presiding. A petition for tho cement side wnlkimr of Ivanhop street -be tween Burlington and Richmond street was received, and tho city attorney directed to draft u res olution directing the engineer to prepare the necessary dnta for such improvement. A remon strance against this improve ment by Milton E. Kohn was re ceived, but as it was too, early for action was taken. A petition for an arc light nt the corner of Newton and Olym pia Btreots was referred to tho water and light committee, an was also tho request of the Bar-nes-Lindley Company for a hy drant near their cross arms fac tory in East St. Johns. I. B. Martin was granted per mission to break the curb und construct a driveway to his prop erty on Buchanan street. Tho following bids were re ceived f$r tho improvement of Swcnsori street between Myers nnd Oswego streets: V. V. Ma son, $3130.01; Cochran-Nutting Co.,$3G10.42; Andrew & Ilarrer, $3284.17: Hahn & Uebman. $4. 438.57; Majeske, Martin & Os born. $3507.70. The bid of V. W. Mason being tho lowest he was awarded tho contract. Upon motion of Councilman Davis it was decided to improve Catlin street between Central uvenuo and Willamette boulevard by sidewalk and grade, and n resolution to such effect was or dered drafted. Tho improvement of Macrum avenue botween tho city limits and O. W. R. & N. right of way was accepted. A resolution providing for tho 8idowalking of Ivanhoo street between Philadelphia and Catlin streets was adopted, as was also a resolution for tho sidewalking of Hayes street between Phila delphia nnd Catlin Btreets. An ordinance authorized the city recorder to draw $2500 from tho street bond sinking fund to the street bond interest fund, owing to tho fact that interest in paynblo semi-yearly nnd street payments are made annually. The plans and specifications for tho sidewalking of Chicago street between Willamette boul evard nnd Smith avenue were accepted and a resolution provide ing for such improvement order ed drawn. Figure "Juggling" Our esteemed friend, D. C. Bowls, has mado tho stntoment Beveral times that the Rev iew, while not intentionally diverg ing from the truth, yet juggles figures somewhat fearfully. The trouble is wo do not juggle them in the manner Mr. Lewis would desire. Ho states that he would personally save ten dollars per year in taxes this year were the Portlnnd mill rate in force here, and also $15 on water, so we will juggle a few more, fig ures for him. The difference in tho mill rate total of Portlnnd and St. Johns is 1-21 more in the latter place. Mr. Lewis property is assessed at $1400, and his taxes this year are $33,74. Now 1-24 of $33.74 is about $1.45, instead of $10, as he avers. Again he pays $1.(35 per month for water, nnd by the installation of a meter could prob ably get it for $1.40. Deducting the Portland rate from this, it would take a marvelous lot of juggling to show a saving of $15 per annum. He also stated that St. Johns' folks must pay a tuition of some magnitude to enter the trade schools of Port land. We can name five different persons within our knowledge living in St. Johns who have and some of them are now at tending trade schools of Port land without paying one cent of tuition, nor has any been asked for. The names of the pupils will be furnished upon request, and would be published were we aware that they had no objection to their names appearing pub licly. As a matter of fact any one can enter these trade schools from St. Johns without cost. COO fiaUt th Ubl on your papor. cinAumen.s A public meeting well'attended was held by those who believe in having a little kite of their own instead of being the tnil piece of some other kite--in other words, the Anti-Mergerites in the high school auditorium, Monday night. C. C. Curn'n, tho well known pharmacist, pre sided as chairman of tho meet ing. The first speaker was Mayor A. W. Vincent, who told how much easier it is for tho people of SJ. Johns to get things needed through local government than to" try and secure it through a commission form of govern ment. He also told how the school children of Portsmouth ! were refused admission to the schools there unless vaccinated, nnd how dill'erent it was here. He said he was strongly opposed to merging at present. K. C. Couch followed with most convincing statements, in which he stated that St. Johns had more arc lights and more fire hydrants that there are in tho entire territory between St. Johns limits and Piedmont: that tho local city government always improved all streets that the properly owners desired to have improved, that arc lights and lire hydrants were placed where they were needed. He took Mr. Lowls down the line whoif he stated that that gentle man was most active in haying the wages rf school teachers raised and at the same time worked just as actively in com pelling parents to purchase school books instead of having them provided free; that many parents would have been unable to' purchase school books for their children the nnst year. and that free text books was the only way In which they could have their children attend school. Ho was authorized to make the statement made by the superin tendent of the woolen mills to tho elTcct that if a certain meas ure now being considered by tho Portland authorities passed and this place merged with Portland that it would force tho mills here out of buisncss; that the company could ns well have lo cated In Portland as St. Johns, in fnct removed a portion of Its plant from Portland to St. Johns, nnd they liked it here best and are more than satisfied to stay out of Portland. Ho told how tho Wostorn Cooperage company would, have been forced to pay $500 for tho installation' of a meter from tho Portland Water board, whilo It cost nothing in St. Johns, and that this plant would not, in all probability havo been built in this section, had this been part of Portland. Ho brought out tho fact that St. Johns manufactures more goods than any other city in Orogon with tho singlo exception of Portland. Mr. Currin. in Intro ducing Mr. Couch, took occasion to state that Mr. Couch was a former Legislator who sought to build up St, Johns rather than destroy it. Attorney Howard O. Rogers, who has given moro time to dealing with franchises than any man in St. Johns, was the noxt speaker, and he proved conclus ively irom united btates &u-j preme Court decisions that the franchise of tho local water com- i pany would exclude all compe tition until April, 1919, when the exclusive franchise period expires. Ho also showed that the average difference in the mill rate of taxation between Portland and St. Johns for the past nine yenrs was only G4-100 of one mill, or 04 cents on the $1000 valuation in favor of Port land. He also showed from fig ures derived from Portland head quarters that the loss of saloon license in Portland next year would cause an increase in taxes of 1.25 to 1.45 mills, while in St. Johns it would not increase to exceed 1.25 mills. He effectually squelched Mr. Lewis' argument on the water franchise and tax ation. C. V. Zimmerman's closing address was a happy climax to the meeting. He poked fun at Mr. Lewis and the long-haired apostle that is his speaking com panion, and showed the utter in consistency of their contentions. Mr. Zimmerman is an orator of much ability, and he has a most pleasing and interesting deliv rey. His remarks were greeted with vociferous applause. Sneed's Orchestra furnished excellent music -in the audito rium, while Perrine's famous trombone band attracted much attention on the exterior. Not the label on your paptr. Some Straight Facts The communication published below was written by the father of tho editor, who has visited St, Johns several times, nnd has followed its course as closely as possible through the Review. The statements ho makes con cerning consolidation arc very familiar to tho editor as he pass ed through the experience also, ' I !.. II. ! iinu ia wiu prime reason wny we have so urgently opposed merg ingwe know just what it means: Editor Review: I have been reading the Review for some years and sec that the minds of your people are divided on the question as to whether or' not the time has arrived when you are no longer able or fit to gov ern yourselves or as to whether or not it is now necessary to ap point trustees to govern you: to tell when, where and how to make improvements and charge the bill up to you; to look after your police, fire department and schools', levying and collecting taxes, etc., etc. Fifteen years ago wo had a nice little town on the west side of a river and on tho cast side, a town of about four times as many inhabitants. A majority of our people came to, the conclu sion that the people on the other side were wiser than wo and therefore could govern us much better than we could, so wo con solidated with tho other town. The agitation for merging was done by two classes, and I think this is the case in your city those who think they and they only are fit for office and there fore should havo office but fail to convince the voters to believo as they do; and therefore, after election find they are short on votes, and tho other class,- those grouchy people who cannot be lieve that their near neighbor can possibly do anything right unless tho neighbor docs just ns they tell them to do. Our battle for and against consolidation lasted about 17 years and if wo could have found a cure for the grouch nnd had had offices enough to give all seokors an office, wo could have held out 17 years longer before they could have mustered the majority for consolidation. Be fore consolidation, if wo wantod improvements, wo could muko them just ns wo wantod them. Wo were then tho wholo gov erning power: now we are i, there being four wards in the town. Each ward has throe councilmen. Now, If wo want improvements, wo have to ask tho other three wards and con vince four of their councilmen that wo aro worthy and In need of them. But if we got them, we have to pay for tho improve ments because they will boo to it thnt wo don't got moro thnn tho taxes of our ward pays for and wo hnve no right to ask more, neither have you. Tho differ ence before, wo bossed the job; now they boss us and tho job also but wo pay for it the same as before. The arguments used hero for consolidation were similar to what I see they use out there: First Less taxes. Now in 15 years tho millage on the same assessment when wo had our own little town, raised from 17 fii a - nn 1 JI 1 ...Ml nuns to ,ju muia unu u inuy win build tho proposed High school building, it will be necessary to add 3 or 4 moro mills. Second We were to get more industries. In the 15 years we got one and lost two and this one wo got because wo had the place to suit the parties and much cheaper land nnd not on account of consolidation. Third Real estate was to in crease in value at a booming rate. This has not reached us yet maybe it is on tho way. Fourth Prestige. Living in a large town would bring that. We live in a large town but if that is a benefit or or has been, I am too ignorant to realize it and am sure it brought no breakfast yet for any of us. Fifth Better government. The larger the city the better the government. But if we be lieve the newspapers printed in our large cities, they prove the fallacy of that argument. As a rule, in the large cities, you will find plenty of bonded in debtedness, high taxes, ring or boss rule, grafting and stealing, plenty of thieves, pick pockets, highway robbers and gunmen, murderers, drunkenness, hell holes or saloons, slums, immoral ity, houses of ill fame, soup houses, squalor, poverty and want. I don't mean to say that this is the condition in Portland because I don't know, but I do Franchise Will Hold Editor Review: Lnst week through vour columns I exnlain ed to the voters of St. Johns the legal obstacles which would pre vent the city of Portland from extending its system of wnter sunnl.v into the territory now constituting St. Johns, for four years to come, without purchas ing the company's franchise and property. A week ago 1 sent tho lion. D. C. a long letter m which I cited that Vicksburg decis on. quoted from it and told him to go read it. There is no wny he can get around that man date of the U.b. buprcme Court. nnd he very well knows it. That point is settled. But in spite of this U. S. Su preme Court Decision our friend, the Hon. D. C, brazenly stands up on the street comer nnd tells the people that under tho 1903 St. Johns charter the city had no power to grant nn exclusive franchise and thnt therefore the franchiso of Company can not bo exclusive and so( he says, Portland could establish a com peting water system out here right away without buying out tho tho Company. He reads let tors from city attorney La Roche and Arthur Langruth of Portland to the cfTcct that exclu sive franchises aro no good un less tho power to grant them is expressly delegated1 to the city in the Charter. Of course that is generally conceded to be the law and nny lawyer in a "pot shot" opinion, for which he got no fee, would sny so. But con ceding that such is the law, it has no application in tho St. sny, ns a rule, they do exist in the large cities and I say that, ns a rule, such conditions do not exist in small towns or cities. The ofllcinls of the other town told us before election how good and kind thoy would treat us if wo came into their town by merging. After consolida tion, 1 was elected one of the councilmen of the third ward. A question of paving streets costing $00,000 came before tho council. In our town paving streets is not done by petition but tho council hns entire con trol of paving and they pay for it out of tho general fund, ex cepting the curbing which they charge to the abutting property ownors. Tho 3 councilmen of tho third ward agreed to the amount of paving they olfcred to do in the third ward, but asked for tho right to say what streets should bo paved. Tho council- men of the other three wards refused us this and paved tho street they wanted paved. Ono of tho streets wo wanted paved and needed it most is not paved yet, but there is only ono mud nolo In It now, but thnt covors tho wholo length and breadth of that street which we wanted paved. I simply tell you this to show you how it works after consoli dation, I havo road your councilmen's proceedings for several years nnd I don't see how any official body could bo moro responsive to the wishes and needs of tho peoplo than they have been. If 1 were allowed to givo you advice 1 would say, on account of tho oxporionco I had, don't merge but lot well enough alone. Now, you can do ns you please; make improvements all you want If you havo tho money to pay for it -after you merge, If you want anything changed or improve ments made, you will have to go to Portland proper and beg for it. If tho authorities feel like granting you your request, you will get it. Not likely they will givo you any moro improve ments than the taxes you pay will pay for and they will do it the way it suits them. If you have to pay for it, why not keep your little city and not give it to Portland? Mnko your im provements jourself and make them just as you want them. I see Mr. Cook and Mr. Lewis are very optimistic and tell you of a whole lot of good things which you will get if you merge. How do they know? Our people Eromised us the same things ere, but we have waited 15 years and still they are not here. They promised us lower taxes, which are almost double now and will still go 3 or 4 mills higher if they go ahead with the High School building. I wonder why Mr, Lewis thought in necessary to protect the school teachers by law, if, as he says, you will lose nothing and gain bo much. If home rule is good for Ireland, why is it not good for you, or if not, why not? H. H. Markle, Clearfield, l'a. How One thing Mr. Lewis omits from his discussion in favor of merging, nnd that is his well known antipathy toward a com mission form of government. Ho has written several articles in tho past condemning this form of government in the most radi cal terms, and now he fnils to tell us why we should reject a representative form and nccept a non-representative form that he is so strongly and bitterly op posed to. Johns mnttor bocnuso tho Legis lature in 1905 gnve St. Johns a new charter, Section 133 of which expressly vnlidnted all ordi nances or attempted ordinances with rights and privileges there by granted, which had thereto fore been passed under tho old charter of 1903. The St. Johns Waterworks franchise was thereby ratified and validated. And tho-IIon. D. C. knows this. If ho don't, he had bettor find out before ho goes around ped dling half baked, pot shot opin ions from lawyers who evident ly have not been presented with the fncts. Let him find the lnw himself, nut practice ''!. i n b. ft We next come to a considera tion of the question as to what Portland could or would do about purchasing tho St. Johns sys tem, in tho event of merger. The franchise has 14 years to run. Under the terms of tho Portland Charter its water sys tem must bo self supporting, it can not receive support from general taxation. Its water fund is supported entirely from the salo of water and water bonds. Wnter bond interest and redemption, also cost of maintenance, extension nnd acquisition of wnter facili ties must bo paid out of the wn ter fund und not otherwise. See sec. 227 of Portland Charter. In tho event of merger, If Port- land could bo provailcd upon to undertake tho acquisition of the St. Johns waterworks, how would the money bo raised By bond issuo of course. We muy as- sumo that in this case it would tako an issue of from $100,000 to $130,000 to buy tho plant and tho franchise (the Railway Com mission said nnd judicially de clared that tho net physical val uation of tho system on July 1, 1913. was $89,500). Physical val uation plus franchise value would be tho selling value of the system. Section 227 of thtf Portland Chnrtcr prohibits tho Council from acquiring or building wa ter facilities into new districts unless the sale of water therein would be sufficient to produce 0 per cunt on tho amount invested in said facilities. If tho sulo of water in St. Johns now pro duces moro thnn 0 per cent on tho investment, why should not tho City of St. Johns purchase tho Water works and make the extra profit by either reducing the rates to tho consumer or us ing the extra Income for any mu-, nicipal object it desires to? And ; if the sale of water is not sum- dent to produce 0 per cent then tho City of Portalnd. in the event of merger, would bo pro hibited trom taking over tho Water works. Tho City of St. Johns can solve its own water question und tho people will have n chance to vote on municipal ownership at the coming election. ; It is not necessary lor the people of St. Johns to surrender their municipal existence, their right to govern themselves in order to solve the water question. Even if St. Johns does merge with Portland it will bo a good long time before the latter takes over the water system. The logical and economical thing for Portland to do would be to wait till 1919, in the event of merger, and then they would bo in a po sition to threaten municipal competition' and use that as a club to force an agreement on tho price of the water system. And nine chances out of ten that is just what will hannen. In the meantime we of St. Johns will keep on paying tho same rates, in the event of merger, and will have thrown away the right to manage our own affairs, thus becoming a dead, servile suburb, a functionless appendix to a city in whose Council we would have absolutely no repre sentation. If we onco get into Portland we aro there for keeps and we will be a "a long time dead." What does the water question amount to as an argu ment for merging? Should we barter away our constitutional right of home rule for a husk? Howard O. Rogers. HIGH SCHOOL Incidents of High School Interestingly Told The Teacher's Training Class hns begun the review work in preparation for the June exam inations. They havo taken up the work with much enthusiasm, ono evidence being tho fact that tho hours of meeting is nt 8:15 in tho morning. Because a num ber of the girls tako cooking on Wednesday mornings, tho class will meet only four dnys of tho week. Maggie Dickie is another wel come addition to those classified for post-graduate work this year. She has just closed a most suc cessful term's teaching nt Wnpi nitia. Monday of last week the high school people had the delightful privilege of listening to nn ad dress by President Bushnell of Pacific University. His subject was "The Chnllcngc of the 20th Century." Ho suggested with his hearers rests the solution of the vital problems of today and that in order intelligently to solve them, devoted preparation is necessary. Humorous stories told in illustrating various points of tho theme wore hugely ap preciated by the boys and girls. James John will be glad to have Dr. Bushnell visit them again. The basket ball season for James John High is closed, and every one concerned feels that it has been most successful. Tho boys playing Grcsham, Esacada, Franklin Trade School, Orient, Forest Grovo, nnd Camas, won 0 games out of 12. Tho girls have added a second year of un broken victory nnd may well lay claim to the championship of tho Columbia and Willnmetto riv er valleys. During tho year, thoy hnve played Hillsboro, Grcsham, Franklin, Forest Grove, Orient, Park Place and Stevenson. Tho two closing games of tho season were played with Steven son, Washington. The team of this Columbia river town hud been undefeated for six years, and in search of other worlds to conquer sent a challenge to St. Johns. Tho first gaunt, played on tho J. J. floor on March 0th, rosu tod In the score of 34 to 7. Tho gamo was a good ono, tho at no time was the result in doubt. Tho the Stevenson girls were (illicit, and good nt basket shots, tho homo girls were quick er and shot baskets from nny nn gle. Tho Stevenson coach refor eed tho game throughout. On Saturday, March 13, the return gamo was played ut Stovcnson. Tho score was close, being final ly 13 to 8. Tho James John coach hold his team strictly to girls' rules and this mado it difficult to accomplish anything, for the Washington team played boys' rules with tho solo except ion of playing "within bounds." The fouls called on Stevenson's guarding would have been fouls ovon in a boys' game. Mr. White refcreod the game. Tho trip by boat was a most delightful way to end tho season's work, Tho tho wind was terrific it by no means kept the girls Inside. To most of tho girls tho famous sights of tho Colum bia wero new, and from the dock of tho good ship Tohoma they pointed out to ono another each now discovery of beauty. It was a great novelty to he pull ed by cable over the Cascade rapids nnd lifted 10 or 12 feet going thru tho Cascade locks. The speculations as to which wero Indian chief faces and which pappooses or squaws wero many as they steamed past Cas tle Rock. And as for the falls, tho girls counted 43 which could be seen from tho ship on both sides of the Columbia. On tho return trip the sunshine added the last touch of enjoyment and mado the team forget oven the rough-housing of the side lines of the night before. The Pacific University Glee Club of Forest Grove will appear in the High School auditorium Saturday, March 27th. The Club is composed of sixteen young collego fellows and the students of the High School aro looking forward to an evening of good entertainment. This Glee club comes to us highly recommended and we are certain that they will furnish us with an evening of good vocal and in strumental music, easily worth 25 cents. the price of admission. Tho club appears at the Y. M. C. A. of Portland on Friday the Need a Stepmother? Does St. Johns really need a Stepmother? What would you think of a boy, almost man grown, who was too lazy and in dolent to take care of himself, and because he had not prosper ed ns well as he thought he should, he looks around for some one to adopt him, and clean him up and expects his new mother to untangle his hair and smooth out all the wrinkles and work all his problems out for him. And all he has to do is just to pay over his money, and be a good boy. Do you imagine for a min ute thnt this new mother would tako any more care of him than she does of her own legitimate children, like Kenton, Univers ity Pnrk, Peninsula and Ports mouth, Arbor Lodge nnd several other small ones? We who hnvo been here for the past seven to ten yenrs well know thnt these children have been sadly ne glected and have not fared near ly as well as this big lazy St. Johns who is more than half in clined to admit that ho is not- competent to manage his own business, and would almost throw himself nway or do tho equivalent, put himself under the enre of a greedy and heart less Stepmother. Wouldn't it be much better for thnt big boy to go look into tho Willnmetto or Columbia River, where it rolls smoothly along and get n glimpse of himself and stay long enough to collect his scattered senses and look at his .own opportuni ties und if he still is too indo lent nnd lazy to do things ns ho should he still has ono more chance which to me is much bet ter than a Stepmother. This is his own real flesh and blood mothers nnd sisters und aunts. I think he has really forgotten that ho had such relatives who he must know havo much more interest in him than any Step mother, much more one who has so many of her own children so badly neglected us we nil know. Stop! Look! Listen! Before you leap. An interested citizen who has no axo to grind.- S. W. Rogers. ' 20th und comes here the 27th. This entertainment Is not being put on as a money making scheme but merely ns a good. clean entertainment for tho bene fit of tho High school students and the people of St. Johns, nnd wo sincere y hope thnt overy ono will encourage the plan by coming out to tho entertainment. Remember the date, balurday, March 27. Last Wednesday afternoon n meeting was called for those in terested In tennis. Notwith standing that several of tho boys were at manual training and some of the girls at cooking, the attendance was largo. A resolution was passod to the effect that no ono not a momber of tho High School should bo allowed the privilogo of using tho courts. Thursday afternoon some of tho boys wero givon a period oft to put tho courts in condition. The backstops had to bo mended, the grass scraped oir, holes filled and the court rolled. Ono of the courts was put in shupo Friday but tho de cree is that no ono can play on either court until both aro clean ed and ready for use. Tho Hill grounds have boon secured for baseball. Somo of the national game enthusiasts put the grounds in condition last Saturday. The turn out for baseball indicates thai a good team will bo secured. Next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock the Pacific University Glee Club will appear in tho High School auditorium. Tho students of the High School aro selling tho tickets for the per formance and judging from tho salo up to tho present a largo audience will be present. The Glee Club has a reputation of being ono of the best in tho country which will assure good program. The club is composed of 1G young men from the For est Grove school all talented singers. The admission is set at 15 cents and 25 cents. Don't fail to take in the Glee Club per formance. ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce myself ns an Independent candidate for the office of city treasurer to bo voted for at the election to bo held April 5th, 1915. Mrs. J. M. Shaw. For accurately fitting glasses, see Dr. Gilstrap.