Scrim Curtains s 1 Reduced jg With the ml vent of the briRht spring days the fastldi .,bus housewife will notice that some of her Curtains have become worn and dingy, nnd she will want to replace thenl with new ones that arc appropriate, new and not too expen sive. Ormandy Bros. Big Furniture Store is .f offering special bargains in Scrim and Voil Curtains and r Curtain goods by the yard lor her needs. v Scrim nnd Voil Curtains, late designs and weaves, very . sutable for Htingnlows and modern windows. .. REGULAR PRICE - ?2.25 to 57.50 Priced - $1.50 to $5.00 , Scrim Curtain Goods 36 iticlns wide, new patterns, Reg. 7c to .JSC Now I2c to 30c Yd. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE CASH OR CREDIT Local News. SAN-TOX. Send in your nowB items. "THE MASTER-KEY." Take a Sample Can home with you. Makes everything under the Sun New and Beautiful. I Get busy with that Garden, we have the Gar J.deh Tools, Seeds, Etc. Double Stamps on Wednesdays BIG SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Regular 10, 12 and 14 qt. Granilc Dish Pans, Special . . - ..... 25c ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. i I DR. W. J. GILSTRAP 'i.vmohi and Stiroun Drugs Furnished Glasses Accurately and Scientifically Finished ST. JOHNS, ORI5GON I Thnk it Over! Those opposed to.St. Johns nnd her institutions ami who favor mer ger with Portland are attempting to mislead the minds of voters by mak ing, bare assertions without n single fact to bear them out. The ngita- tors who are promoting the dissolution of the City of St. Johns advance , tue following theoretical statements: ' Statement No. 1: Cheaper City Taxes. Taxes are governed entirely by local conditions. St. Johns tuxes are generally lower than the taxes of Portland. Statement No. 2: Portland Water Rates. It required many years for Albina and other Portland suburbs to secure Portland water rates. The Peninsula now haB Portland rates but little water, especially iu summer when It is needed most. Statement No. 3: Portland Fire Insurance Rates. We don't want Portland rates St. Johns rates are cheaper. Statement No. 4: Portland terminal freight rutes for the benefit of the Manufacturer!). St. Johns HAS Portland terminal freight rates now. efficiency iu city security to the Statement No. .5: It means a larger measure of f.overnment, thus affording encouragement and greater nvestor. Portland government experimental; St. Johns government establish ed and successful. Portland bonds sold below par; St. Johns bonds sell at a premium. Statement No. 6: To merge now means immediate and favorable results; failing to do this simply meaus the postponement of that era of progress which we as a community are entitled to. How? Show the people, . Statement No. 7: Our High School is on ground dedicated for High School purposes and will be maintained and enlarged. Canuot be confirmed by Portland School Board. Statement No. 8: (We will be well policed and our Fire Department will be increased. ' Absolutely refuted by police and fire protection afforded all of the suburbs of Portlaud, of which St. Johns would bs the most remote. BUSINESS MEN'S TICKET Mayor A. W. Vincent KCity Recorder ...... A. E. Dunsmore Treasurer .,-. J. IS. Tanch v - City.Attorney Thad. T. Parker CounciltBen at Large -At Larrowe, K. E. Gambee, H. M. Waldref FirstiWard Councilraen C. E, Garjick, Roy Ingledue J5 'Secoad Ward Couucilmen , , . A H, W. Bonham, C. R. Chad wick V WE ARE FOR ST. JOHNS. '!. By order of St. Johns Anti-Merger Club. JOHN NOCE, Secretary. O. E. Learned, candidate for City Treasurer. adv. E. S. Wright of Cook. Wash ington. snont Sundav with his family on South Ivanhoe street. The Loyal Temnerance Lcirion will be he d March 22. nt thn home of Mrs. J. Rass . 823 South Jersey street. All children in vited to como nnd join. A meeting to discuss the mer ger proposition will be held in the high school auditorium Mon- day evening. A number of local speakers will address the meet ing. Everybody invited. William Delapp of Estacada was a guest of W.A. Carroll this week. Mr. Delann and Mr. Car roll pioneered together in South Dakota many years ago, and this was the first time Mr. Carroll had seen his old tiillicum for thirty years or more. A campaign has been launched nt Eugene to raise $150,000 for the establishment of a lace fac: tory at mat point, it is said the Pacific Coast nays out $500. 000 to $700,000 annually for lace and it is believed that a oca factory cou d secure the bulk o the business. Jack" Camnbell. a former well known citizen of St. Johns out wno ior the past severa years has been enjoying the life of n farmer near Beaverton, was a visitor to St Johns last week. He says ho hones the nconlo of bt. Johns will not be foolish enough to annex itself to Port land. in t wo ucs re to num c v oxnress our sincere thanks to the neigh bors and friends who so kindly rendered their aid and assist mice (luring tne illness and death of our son and brother. iiarry aayior, and can assure them that their kindness and sympathy will over bo gratefully remembered.--Mrs. J. P. Saylor and lnmily. Frank Nownk.n resident of St. Johns since 1005, has launched in tho jitney business, stnrting last bnturuay. lie has a 32 pas senger car which is fullv cmiin- ped to take care of tho traveling puuilc. ino car is in charge of a first class chauffer nil the time and tho most courteous treat mcnt is accorded all passengers. Mr. Nownk is the only resident of St. Johns to cngngo in the jitney business, Tho North School Parent teach- ers association will hold an' open mooting in tho North School building next Iridny evening, March 2G. Prof. Alderman of Portland will give an address on tho subject. Grease for the Squeaks." A good musical program is promised and n so cial will bo held nt tho close of tho lecture All are invited. It is honed thcro will be n good attendance. At Chnmnoog. on May 1. will bo celebrated tho seventy-second anniversary ot the organlzat on ot tho first American civil gov eminent west of tho Rocky Mountains. This will bo tho fifteenth celebration of the event, the first having been hold in 1901. On Juno 17, at Portland, will bo he d tho Forty third annual re-union of Oregon noneors those who camo to. or were born in. any part of the original Oregon Country pre vious to 1859. Mrs. Mabel N. McKiddy died nt the Portland Sanitarium Thursday, March, 11th of blood poisoning, -blie was born in tho state of Illinois nnd had resided in St. Johns for a number of years, isho was aged 30 years, 10 months and 20 days, and is srurvived by two boys aged 11 and 8 years, and two girls aged 9 and G years respectively. The funeral took place from tho St. Johns Undertaking parlors Sat urday at a p. m. ; interment in Columbia cemetery. Ground has been broken for the construction of tho great in terstate bridge which is to con nect tho city of Portland with Vancouver. Washington, which will be an important link in the Pacific of the most remarkable thoroughfares in tho United btates. As far as possi ble all contracts for the work have been let to local firms and preference will be given to lo cally produced materials and lo cal labor. Necessary funds are available for driving tho work to early completion. W. L. Markle, who has charge of installing the machinery of the new Stanley-Smith saw mills at Greenpoint. Hood River Val ley, spent bunday with his brother, A. W. Markle. While Greenpoint is only twelve miles from the town of Hood River. yet he says there has been from two to four feet of snow there since last November, and an odd experience was to leave Greenpoint where the snow was two and one-half feet deep and before he reached Hood River to find the roads dusty. One can get almost any kind of climate in Oregon and not have to go very far to get it. A. E. Dunsmore for City Re corder, ndv ; Subject for Christian Science lecture Sunday: Matter. Picture framing done at Portlaud prices nt II. F. Clark's, the furnl lure man. Adv. mi it ri.. 1. Aiie merger uiuo win nolo a meeting in the library building next Aionuay evening. All in vited. For Sale 120 egg Mandv Loo Incubntor, good as now. Cost $21.00. Will take $10.00. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap. San-Tox preparations are crimr anteed to please you or we re turn tho purchase price. Get one of tho Blue Books free at the St. Johns Pharmacy. Rheumatic sufferers will find something to their interest in the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company ad. in another column. Their "5 Drop" treatment has become famous. For Sale Chean 1914 Detach nuie uvenruao Motor lor row- boats. 3i horse nower. has boon used lor demonstation on v. Call at this ofllco or phone Main 3097 for further information. Auto for hire by day, hour or A J l 1 inp, at very reasonaoio rates. Good opportunity for parties of four or less to make n trip into tno country nt a low price. II. M. Waldref.GOO Fcssendcn street. Phone Columbia 20G. We desire to express our sin cere thanks to tho no chbors nnd friends and the Women of Woodcraft for their aid nnd sym pathy during tho illness and death of Mrs. McKiddv Rola- tives nnd children. Monday afternoon the Psy chology emu met with Mrs. Johnson. Subject, 'Auto Sug gestion." Any one intcrcstJd are cordially invited to attend. Next meeting Monday the club will meet with Mrs. Bonham. The home of II.Knarcson East Charleston street was partially destroyed uy lire Wednesday. but the local fire department put out tho fire after about $350 damago had been wrought. The loss was fully covered by insur ance. All members of II. B. Comnson W. K. U. no bz are requested to bo present at the next meet ng. Saturday, March 20. At the last meeting of tho Corps they took in four new mcmbors. Tho next sowing will be held at the home of Mrs. Fanny Mnrlott, 231 Swen son srteet, rriduy, March 27, at 10 a. m. 'Ihe president would ike all to attend theso meet ings. Press Cor. Tho District Forester at Port and has announced that an area of brushland sufficient to nccom odato 20,000 to 25,000 goats is now nvni able on tho western slopes of the Cascade range. It is believed that pasturing goats on these lands will lesson the chances of firo by clearing off tho underbrush, nnd that it will go far toward clearing tho land for other purposes. If tho ex periment proves a success, other nrgo tracts will bo set asido for pasture. aii residents 01 at. jonns nro icrcby notified to assemblo all rubbish and other debris around their premises nnd place sumo on 10 curb in front of their homes in boxes or barrels Monday. An- ril 5th, from whence sume will bo removed by tho city authori ties. The dumning of irnrbniro or debris of any sort on tho prop erty 01 tno city, any private or public corporation or individual is prohibited by Ord nance No G, which provides a penalty of fine or imprisonment, or both or violation of the ordinance. A. E. Dunsmore,. Recorder. The establishing of a plant for tho mamuacturo ot potato starch is being discussed by the busi ness men ot itedmond. Madras and other Central Oregon points. As large areas 01 that part of the state are peculiarly adapted to the production of snuds. and as unfavorable markets arid the usual percentage of culls some times make the business unprofit able, it is proposed to use any urplus and all culls in mak ng starch, of which Central Ore gon's potatoes nro said to contain an average of 18 per cent. A aetory costing $10,000 should care for all cull potatoes from 5000, acres. One should be locat ed at St. Johns. Tho meeting held in tho audi torium of the High school build ing last night by the Anti-merger club was addressed by W. M. iillingsworth, one of the oldest inhabitants on tho' Peninsula, who advised against merging with Portland at this time; that f the people would unite and work together they could ad vance more rapidly than if part of Portland, that Porland had no industries to give and we would have to get them ourselves whether in Portland or out of ortland. Attorney Howard O. Rogers presided at the meeting. Mr. Bahlke was detained until ate and his wife who was billed to talk, was unable to appear owing to illness. Mr. Balko stat ed that he would make an ad dress at a later date. It is prob able that a debate on the merger question will be pulled off in a week or so. J. E. Tanch, City Treasurer. candidate adv. for For accurately fittintr classes. see Dr. Gilstrap. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fry iiiesuay, Aiarcu io, a son. Wanted High School irirl. who wants homo to work for board. Inquire at this office. Intercstinc Hich School notes nrrived too late for publication this week, but will appear in the next issue. For Rent One 6 room house. $8.00; one 7 room house with acre. $8.00: one G room house all remodeled, $10.00. Peninsula Security Co.. Room 5 over First National Bank. Patent medicines at cut rate prices. Columbia Granhonhones and uecorus, Ansco Cameras and Films, Lowney'a Fnncy Candies, largest line of drmrs nnu drug sundries on the pen n suln. At tho St. Johns Pharmacy. J. T. Harbin, the well known blacksmith, has invented a tint- ent clothes reel that is most meritorious. It permits of low. cring the lino to place tho clothes nnd a simple device raises them well out of the way. He hns already secured a number of or ders, nnd is taking more right along, ihe ladies are greatly pleased with the reel, and Mr. Harbin bids fair to mako a for tune out of tho ingenious inven tion. In reply to Mr. Minors state ment in Inst week's issue, in which he says he paid more tax cs after St. Johns was a part of Portland than he did before. This comparison is unfair for the reason that before St. Johns was taken into Port nnd. St. Johns had no city irovernmcnt. It as just plain old country farm land nnd rather rouch and tin productive at that. I would like to ask Mr. Minor in all fairness to compare what he pays after platting in taxes now or anv time when tho St. Johns govern ment was formed us ngainst tho tax rate in Portland today. .'ho Portland rate is lower than t. Johnd and valuation in St. Johns nro as high or higher tlmn any other district that is as far out as wo are and in nny event the valuations arc given us by a county oiiicim and arc suppos ed to be equitable, and if not it is up to the County ocas not tho city to adjust them. D. C. Lewis. Condensed Statement of the Condition OF Peninsula National Bank At St. Johns, Oregon At the close of business March 4, 1915 As reported to the Comptroller of the Currency Resources Uxuis nnd Discounts $210,041.89 Overdrafts . . 82.42 United Stales Ilonds nt Par EO.000.00 Stock In.Pcdcral Reserve llauk 1,200.00 Bonds nml Securities . - 07,216.08 Hanking House l'unilture nnd Plxturcs . 3,000.00 Cash on Hand, Due fromjllauks and United Stntcs Treasurer 76,053.04 f13,424.33 Liabilities Capital Stock fully paid In . $ C0.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 11,630.30 National Dank Notes Out' standing . . . 47,800.00 Dqwsits 304,088.03 1413,424.33 Deposits March 4, 1915, (Comptroller's Call) Deposits March 4, 1014, (Comptroller's Call) J nuronso $304,088.03 248,810.01 fitijon.oi 4 0 ON SAVINGS Safety Deposit Vaults for Rent 4 0 I'KTHR Autziw, President John N. Kuuti'siw, Cashier V. C. Knai'1', Vice President S. L. Down, Assistant Cnshicr This Bank is a Member of the Federal Reserve Bank Christian Church bachelors and cats will stand in jeopardy if two bills pending in the present legislature should receive favorably action by tho solons. Tho former will bo nlTcctcd in n financial way. and tno lenncs nice extinction ns a species in very short order if tho measures arc placed upon tho statute books ol Now Jersey. Assemblyman Ostrom. Demo crnt, introduced tho bnchclor bill, which provides that all unmar ried males over tho ago of !10 years shall pny on nnnunl tnx of SCO. provided howover. that thov are earning nt least $50 a week. A Kcpublican. O. ii. Ham mond, is responsible for tho con templated war on cats. Ho has put in a bill which nlls for 1 censing nt $1 a head. The sponsor of tho proposed Inw wants to climinnto tho hundreds of stray animals that prey upon young game such ns rabbits and birds. A good timo was enjoyed Inst Sunday by all. Why? He v. J. it. Johnson.otir ex-nnstor" was with us again. Ho hns been fill mg the Central Christian church pulpit temporarily. Much good work has been done while he was in charge. Several being added to the church. Rev. Hawk in is to bo hero tin til Rev. II. J. Jones urrivos. Don't forget Miss Louise Lott is representing tho Christian church in the Multnomah Piano Contest. A party is to bo given in lion or of MiBS Esher Lindley's,MisH Mabel 1 homo's and Mr. uric Carlson's eighteenth birthday, in Rickner's hall, Snturday, March. 20. S. P. I. G r la wcro ahead last Sunday. Speed up, boysl Wo won't let tho girls beat us, will wo? No! (Remember the repor tcr is a boy. ) If you hnvo no other plnco to go next Sunday night, como to our Christian Endeavor. Wo will expect you. Reporter. Captured Weekly Prize Solan Rugbeo captured tho wookly nrizo of tho Lauthera Mercantile Co. 'a Woild Fair Con test on last Tuesday evening and which consisted of half dozen a i r-m., i im silver tea spoons. Following is ah May Chipman woro married at tne nomo ot tno uride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Chip- man, luesdny afternoon. Dr. Lovoland of tho First Methodist church, Portland, performing tho ceremony. Tho homo wns beautifully decorated for tho oc casion with Oregon grape, varie. gated holly and daffodils. The happy young couple were tho recipients of hnndsomo and cost y presents, including beautiful cut glass pieces. Only the inv mediate friends of tho contract ing parties were present. The groom is a prominent nttornoy of St. Johns and was formerly city attorney.nnu is well liked by all who know him. Thobrido is a charming young lady with hosts of friends. After a week's honeymoon thoy will tako up their residence at Last ulst and Hawthorn streets, Portland. Tho best wishes of all go with them to their now home. tho total vote to date. Solon Bugbee Mrs. A. M. Purkapilo Genevieve Aldrich Mrs. Elsie Knowles Valkyrie Larson - Garnet Beam Lucy Buckles Beulah Waters Roy Clark Miss McKinney 302.728 1!)0,!130 141,(505 41.125 35,925 33,5)15 23,410 21,050 20,000 7,375 Hlrcrt JIB w AhK E. C. Geeslin Republican Oandidato for City Attorney rld Advertisement In conversation with a promi nent St. Johns street contractor Tuesday, we asked him concern ing tho ordinance in rortiand rolntivo employment of Portland labor exclusively on streets and a wnge of three dollars per day. He stated that he had now a number of St. Johns men work ing for him on tho streets of Portland, although he had been requested to use tho unemployed of Portland as much as possi ble, but there is no ban on St. Johns labor, Regarding the three dollars per day, which affects all contracts let after March 2Gth, ho said it meant less work to do, and that only workmen most capable of earn ing $3 per day would bo employ ed, and that men who were worth on streets only $2 to $2.50 per day would have no chance what ever to get work on the streets. I For this reason ho said the or dinance would work a hardship on tno laboring man, us oniy rapid workmen would got a chance to work. That times are improving and business again reaching normal nronortions is indicated by tho demand which Western railroads are making on tho lumbermen for material. Tho Union Pacific has recently placed an order for 1,200,000 feet of fir lumber to bo delivered immediately to car shops in the East, and it is ex pected that a further order for 1,000,000 feet from tho same road will bo placed with mills in I this section very soon. M. E. Church Notes In anticipation of moving next month, Mrs. Dr. Brown resign ed her class nnd work in tho Sunday school. Mrs. V. W. Ma son was elected to tako her placo as treasurer. A teacher for her class has not yet been selected. Wo regret most ex ceedingly to lose Mrs. Brown, as sho is one of our most faithful and efficient workers in tho church nnd Sunday school. James Owen, one of our boys, loft for Seattle Wednesday morning to join his mother and will possibly go from there to Idaho soon. Preparations are being made for special Enster services by tho Sunday school classes which will bo held in tho church Sun dav evening of Easter, April 4th. Services next Sunday morn ing ns usual. Sunday school at 9:50. Preaching 11:00 Epworth League, G:30 p. in. Wo nro to bo favored with n special servico at tho preaching hour next Sunday ovo in tho nature of an illustrated lecture by Robert H. Hughes. Editor of our Pacific Christian Advocate, entitled, "Tho Making of u Book." Mr. Hughes will use n lantern nnd slido to show up our great publishing works. Tho Methodist Book concern was founded by n Methodist preacher 120 years ago, on SfiOO borrowed capital, so it actually started $000 worse than nothing, nnd today It has 50,000,000 In invest ments. At first it employed ono man ns printer, now it hns over 1100 employees and n pay roll of nearly a million dollars a year. Has turned over to tho support of worn out ministers several millions dollars. Paid out last year nenrly $200,000 in postage and express alone, besides freight. Uses 11,431,405 pounds of paper and 88.44G lbs. of ink annually. It is tho largest pub lishing company house of Sun day school literature in tho world. It is impossible to meas ure tho amount of good accom plished and the work dono iu the udvancement of the King dom of Christ by this great re ligious publishing agency of tho M. E. Church. Como out nnd hear his lecturo and see theso pictures. They will bo instruc tive and a great inspiration to see and know how such great forces are at work assisting to advance tho welfnroof humanity nnd the Kingdom of God. Come and welcome. All free. Bring your friends. Attorney General George M. Brown and General Supt. of the Anti-saloon League of Amer ica will address a great mass meeting in tho First Presbyter ian church at 12th and Alder streets, Sunday March 21st, at 3:00 p. m. Tho Wets are pre paring an attack on tho dry law. The best way to defend it is to hnve tho law understood. The Attorney General for Oregon will make it clear. It is a great thing to have the help nnd de fense of so high an oflicial. Help the cause by greeting him with a packed house. Bo there. Don't fail. Business men nro being benefited by tho wets in the manner of tho boycott. That's a game two can play at, equally effectual. The battle is no yet done. Bo there and stay on tho job. Reporter. NoU th latMl on your papar. J