THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. V. MARKLE , , Published Kvury l'rldu 117 Went liiirllnstoii Ktroct. At Tub Uxvikw Is entered nl jot office In Saint lohim, Omron, ns Jimll timtter of the second clnss under tin; Act of Cou gress oi March 3, 1879 Offlcltl Vwippr of thi Oltr of Et. Joan. Subscription price $1.00 par yoar. Some neonlo seem to have an idea that mertfiiiK with Portland would have a tendency to bring more industries to bt. Johns. Now how could this bo true? Portland has no industries that she wants to drive to St. Johns. In fact, proportionate to popula tion St. Johns has secured many more industrial plants than Portland during the past ten years. This is a fact that cannot bo denied. As a matter of fact mighty few industries have been locating in this region of the country, but of those that have St. Johns has received its full share. It is said that Port land discriminates against St. Johns and that Portland Com mercial Club also tries to pre vent industries locating here. How unjust this statement is. is demonstrated by the fact that the Portland Commercial Club has boon furnishing voluntarily to the St.Johns Commercial Club periodically lists of firms and in dividuals seeking now locations, with the suggestion that if St. Johns had anything to oiler it would be advisable to at onne get in communication with the parties seeking locations, the names and addresses of which wero furnished. The President of the Portland Commercial Club has repeatedly stated that his club would be only too glad to co-operate with the St. Johns Club at any and all tunes, and would do anything in its power to aid uh, Tho chief trouble hare is that suitable land for factory sites is too high in price. The "Woman Voter" in an ar- tfflo olHuwlinrn in tliiw imio him HV.I0 4B0W mim-mi ii mow i iirnci inn HiitrirnH. lion to relieve the situation when she suggests that tho city of St. Johns bond itself for $100,000. and that this sum be used in purcuasing one hundred acres of land, and that same be cut into five aero tracts or less to be given tho use of to manufaclur ing concerns at a cost of tho in terest only, tho said concerns to have full use of the land as long ns the plant is active, but as soon as closed down or abandon od tho land to again revert back to the city. As the city could borrow tho money for thirty years at probably live per cent interest and as properly ownt'i by the city is not assessed for laxaiiio purposes, nutnuiacturing plants could have live acres of land as long as they were doing hiisinojw at a yearly rental of $250, or loss than $21 per month. If that would not bring Indus trios, and at the same time prove little or no oxpoiwo to the city, they would wifely be hard to secure. Probably tho city dock could be sold and proceeds invested lor the above purpoxo, Certainly the "Woman Voter" has hit tho nail on the head, and nor idea should lie taken up by tne uommomni (Jinn and given deepest consideration. "Portland Water Kates" is the chief argument of the promoters oi tno merger movomont. To the unthinking such argument might hear much weigiit. but when one studies the proposition in all its details he soon becomes convinced that Portland water rates in St.Johns would not hap pen for years to coino in case of merger this summer. It has boon repeatedly said that as soon as merger will have been oliect en mat roriumu win oegm ex tending its mains and supply our poo Hun water at Portland prices. Thofalacyand futility of such reasoning is clearly manifest when one roads tho franchise of tho local water company given liy tho local authorities uaclc in li)0U. Section 11 states: "Tho rights herein granted of laying mains on tiio streets of tho town of St. Johns shall bo and remain TUB EXCMJ. SIVB H1U1IT of the grantee herein lor the period oi lit toon years from and after tho taking oliect oi tins lrancluse, saving, however, tno right ot any porson or corporation within same city to provido iiis or its own private supply in any manner Kur ro quiring tho laying or use of mains in tho city." ino iraneniso was givon m July, 1903, and thus it will bo seen that tho local company has an exclusivo franchise for sever al years yet to run.during which time neither a private corpora tion, tho city of St. Johns or the city ot Portland could under any law in the land put in a compe titive water system. Tho claim has been made that exclusive franchises aro notbindingontho grantor. This may true whore exclusive franchises aro given for an indefinite period, but it may bo relied upon that when this franchise was given there was no law in oxistonco whore by tho City of St. Johns could not legally give an exclusive franchiso for a poriod of fifteen years. If there has boon such a an WHAT ' OULD :come OF YOUR CHILDREN IF YOU DIED lOUAY ? WHO GETS THE MONEY VOU EARN ? There's a question for you to answer for yourself. If you are putting money in the bank you know they will be PROVIDED FOR. If you are spending and wasting every dollar you get, you don't know what will become of them. Who gets the money you earn? If you put into our bank what you spend or lend fool ishly it will protect those children dependent on you. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON law passed since, we are ignor ant oi it. and even so it could not possibly be rolroactive, or in other words, all'ect any contract made previous to its passage. Therefore, in the event of mer ger, rortiand simply could not run Hull Kun pipe lines to bt. Johns in competition before the fifteen years have expired. There are several Supremo court Una nllWt .mil wn i .-... - - r - ,,MU"K. rvineu, roriiauu Luy miornoy LaUocho or any of the Commis sioners to bring proof to the con trary. The only possiblo way that Portland could give us Bull Hun water before April, 1919, (franchise starling April. 1901) would bo to purchase tho local plant and at a price commcnsu rate with its worth. Section 12 of the franchise states: "Tho people of tho town of St. Johns (fo further agree to and with tho said grantee heroin that during tho PEHIOI) OK THIS FRANCHISE it will con tinue to tiBo water supplied by tho grantee at tho rates herein provided for all purposes for which tho town shall require tho use of water." This frnnehiso was granted by tho duly authorized agents of tho noonlo of bt. Johns and s just as binding by reason there of na ii every resident ol bt. Johns had signed it personally. bo whan people tell you that f merger takes place Hull Hun water will bo served the pcoplo of St. Johns immcdiatcv after ward, loll them they do not know I what they are talking about. It simply could not bo done. A tranchiso is just as binding up. on the grantor as upon the grantee. If it wero not so a tranchiso would not be Worth the paper it is written on. bo- cause (t would afford no protec tion to tho party investing his monoy in public utilities. Hut tho law makers have wisely pro. vided such protection and the vested rights of corporation- owned utiities arc just as sacred as the vested rights of individ uals. It is said that a letter was read to St lohna wt tho l0,'K' meeting in the Li nli u lih nVill ,)nu'y Monday ovoning signed n, ii . J by Commissioner Daly of Port- land, in which tho statement is made that in ovent ot merger Portland will either buy tho oca water plant or install a now one. Tho proposition of installing a competing plant is exploded in another place in this issue. As to buying tho plant, can Mr Daly assuro us that tho peoplo of Portland will vote bonds to buy? Horn! issues aro most unpopular in rortiand, and aro invaria bly turned down in recent years. In fact Mr. Daly knows no more about it than you or I, and any statement ho mnkes regarding water matters in event of merg ing is merely theoretical and not assured. Ho tried hard to get tho peoplo of Portland to pay three months water rates in nd- vanco not so long ago. but his little entorpriso was knocked in to "a cocked hat." Mr. Daly has probably mado his state. monts in good faith, and it was tho boat encouragement he could olfor upon insistent urging that ho give some statement for bon- out ot tno morgerites. no is a man that is evidently willintr to oblige, oven though he knows his statements aro theoretical. ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce myself as Independent candidate for tho oflico of city treasurer to bo election to bo 1915. Mrs. J. voted for at tho hold April 5th, M. Shaw. Regarding Albina uuiior ucvicw: jt is neces sary for me to come back at you on account of your erroneous comments on what I said about Albina. I said Albina got debt $50,000 for parks and I di not know whether they got any nnrlfH r not. Wiw liwlnlir SSKO . -"- : ... 000 for boulevards and streets and was $10,000 in debt for current expenses and that Port land had to pay the entire $110. 000 which statement is absolute ly correct. The records at the city hall Portland show as fo lows: Pond issues, Juno 1, 1891 municipal expenses $40,000 Juno 1,1891 construction boulo vnrdB and roadways, $50,000 Juno 1, 1891- Purchase and im provement parks, $50,000. Do you dispute it? Tho $50,000 for boulevards and streets was for tho purchase oi Willamette boulevard ntu others and was not for street improvements as you stato am for that reason was not a debt upon property owners, and Port land did borrow tho money ant pay every dollar of that $50,000, 1 said 1 did not know whether they got any parks or not bo cause one ot the old residents had told mo that Columbia par had been donated to tho city I have been since informed that it was Columbia park that was purchased. That it contains 150 acres. That tho prico paid was $50,000 or $1(!GG.GG per aero That it was assessed that year 1890 at $50 per acre, from wliic i assessment i presume the lam was worth 5iui) per aero or $3000 for tho 30 acres. Paying sou.uuu for $3,000 worth of land, oh well, why kick about a littlo thing like $47,000. It was only 1G 2-3 times what tho stilt was roasonablv worth. After al what happened, or did not hap pen in Albina 25 years ago, has so littlo to do with tho legiti mato discussion oi tho merger question today that I thinK we would better lot it rest. S. C Cook. As to Albina. if Portland hat; not deemed it worth whilo it would not have taken it in And didn't a cortain party last year try to sell to tho city o bt. Johns a three aero tract ot land for $5,000 that was assessed at less than $100 per aero? Another articlo from Mr, Cook on insurance rates will appear next weeu; too lengthy fortius issue. Ed. REGISTER Registration books aro now open at the City Hall for the General City election. Last day to register for the City election, March 80th. Office wilt be open for regis tration Saturday evenings March 20th and 27th and Wednesday evenitig- March 34. Register Now A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder For Sale. IIouso Uoat, cheap, or will trade for a good cow. Inquire at this olllco. HPIiE present mili tary styles of dress require a special style of corset and brassiere. The military style means, an erect form, and a trim looking figure. You can get all of this, combined with comfort in our new styles of military cor sets and brassieres. 0 Kabo Pioneer Merchants ORDINANCE NO. 651 An Ordinance Ordering tho Holding of a General City Election for tho Election of Ofllccra of Iho City of St. Johns, Oregon, und for tho Purpose of Submitting Certain Propo sition! to tho Qualified Elect ors of tho City of St. Johns, and Fixing tho Time and Place Thereof and for Naming tho Judges and-Clerka toOfllciate Thereat. Tho .City of t.. Johns docs or dain as XollovJs: Section 1. That tho City oi St. Johns shall hold a general City Election on tho fifth day of April, for tho purpose of elect ing ofiicers for the City of St. Johns as follows, to wit: A Mayor, City Recorder, City Treasurer, City Attornoy, Two Cotmcilmen for tho First Ward, Two Councilman for tho Second Ward, and Tliveo Councilman at Largo. Also to submit certain ques tions to tho qualified electors of tho City of St. Johns, as follows, to wit: Shall Sections XXIX and XXX of the Charter of the City of St. Johns bo amended, fixing tho dnto of the Next General Elec tion to be held on tho first Mon day in April, 1917, and biennial ly thoroaftor. and permitting all ofiicers elected or holding oflico at tho time of tho taking effect of this amendment, to hold oflico for a period of two years or until their successors aro elected and qualified. Shall the neonlo of tho C ty of St. Johns incur a municipal bonded indebtedness in tho sum of $130,000, for tho purchase and extension of tho Water Plant of the St. Johns Water Works and Lighting Company?" mat urdinanco no. 017. an Ordinance creating a board of Censorship, regulating shows, theatres, motion pictures, dis tribution of literature, bill boards and advertising matter, and fixing a penalty for tho vio lation of this Ordinance, passed by tho Council tho 8th day of beptomuer. 10U, bo submitted to tho local voters for their ap proval or disapproval. Section 2. And it is hereby ordered that said election be held on tho fifth day of April A. D. 1915. between tho hours of nine o'clock A. M, and seven o'clock M. of said day in tho manner provided by tho City Charter of the City of St Johns. Section 3. It is hereby order ed that the following judges and clerks of said election be. and they are hereby, appointed, to wit: Judges for the I'irst Ward: Day Judges F. W. Valentine, Mrs. A. C. Gaines. Mrs. T. H. Short. Night Judges-T. F, Bush, J. Herrold, C. E. Royer. Judges for the Second Ward: Day Judges Mrs. Nora K. Cor- bm, Mrs. Anna J, uanngnt, lenry L. Whisler. Night Judges John M. bhaw, II. Lemon. Geonre Brokaw. Clerks for tho First Ward: Day Clerks Mrs. Fannie E. Smock, Mrs. J. II. Gammel. Night Clerks A. R. Davis, Corset Company Couch & Co. St. Johns, Oregon A. W. Schnfcr. Clerks for tho Second Ward: Day Clerks Mcrta Gatton, Mrs. Gcorgo Brokaw. Night Clorks-C. O. Rogers, J. II. Geo. Section '1. That tho polling or voting places of such election bo and they aro hereby fixed as follows, to wit: Polling place of tho First Ward Lccturo Room, in tho Public Librnry. Polling place of tho Second Wnrd-City Hall. Section 6. That tho City Re corder bo and ho is hereby or dered and directed togivo notice of said olection by publication in (ho Official City Newspaper, published in tho City of St. Johns, for at least ten days prior to the said election. Section C. That tho Chief of Police bo and he is hereby or dered and directed to post no less than ten days bofore sue election notices thereof, whic a . said notices snail no preparer and signed by tno Uity Record or, and shall specify the officers to bo elected, tho questions to bo submitted to tho electors ant tho timo and place of holding such election. Passed by tho Council this lGtli day of March. 1915. Approved by tho Mayor this loth day of March. 1915. A. W. VINCENT, Mayor. Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE. Recorder, Published in tho St Johns He view March 19. 1915. ORDINANCE NO. 650 Au Ordinance Providing for the Submission to the Legal Voters of the City of St. Johns a Prop ositlou to Purchase a Public Util ity, as Provided by Subdivision V. of Sectiou 70 of an Act En titled "Au Act to Incorporate the City of St. Johns, Multnomah County, Oregon, and Providing n Charter Therefor, and to Re peal All Acts or Parts of Acts in Conflict Therewith. Adopted By the People of St. Johns in the Year 1907; and Directing the Recorder to Place Upon the Of ficial Ballot the Propositiou"Shal the People of the City of St. Johns Incur a Bonded Indebted ness iu the Sum of $130,000.00 for the Purchase and Exteusion of the St. Johns Water Works aud Lightiug Company's Plant? And for the Mailing a Copy of said Notice to Rach Legal Voter of said City. The City of St. Johns does Ordain as Follow: Section 1. anau tne uity ot st. joUiw incur a municipal bonded indebtedness iu the sum of $130,000.00 for the purchase and extension of the St. Johtis Water Works and Lighting Company's plant? Said bonds to be coupon bonds issued iu denom inations of $500.00 each, and shall uot bear a greater rate of interest than six per cent per auuutu, in terest payable semi-Qutuiallv. and may be retired any time after one year after date of issuance, but ia S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given on all Cash Purchases, and on Charge Ac counts when Paid in Full at least every 30 days. Premiums now on Display. I IIS!! . A n a B c 5 o c o Jn j 01 o o n u n 3 3 v. in O ORDINANCE NO 64.9 An Ordinance Providing for Hav ing Referred to the Legal Voters of the Citv of St. Johns at the Klcctiou to be Held on April 5th 1015 Ordinance No. 617 lfor their Approval or Disapproval and Providian for the same to be Placed Upon the Official Dallot Whereas, on the day of Feb ruarv. IQI.S. there was filed with the City Recorder a petition, sign cd by more thau twenty per cent of the legal voters of tne city, direct ing said council to refer Ordinance No. 617 to the legal voters of die city at the next general election to be held on the 5th day of April 191.S. Therefore, it is ordained by the City of St. Johns: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 617, being an Ordinance entitled "An Ordi uauce creating a Board of Censor shin regulating Shows, Theatres, Motion Pictures. Distribution of Literature, Bill-Boards and Advcr Using matter," and fixing a pen' ally for the violation of this ordi nance, which was passed by the council on the 8th day of Septem her, 1914, be aud the same is here by referred to the legal voters of the City of St. Johns for their ap proval or disapproval at the gen eral election to be held on the 5th day of April, 1915. bectlou a. The City Recorder is hereby directed to place the proposition, shall Ordinance No 617, designated as the Censorship Ordinance be re pealed ? X Yes X No. Sectiou 3. The Citv Recorder shall nrenare aud mail to each legal voter of the City of St. Johns the title of said ordinance; said mailing shall take place not later thau twelve days prior to the date of election. Passed by the council this 16th day of March, 1915. Approved by the Mayor this the 16th day of March, 1915, A. W. VINCENT, Mayor. Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re view on March 19, 1915. 110 event shall the retirement of the bouds extend beyond a greater period than thirty years from the date of issuance. Section 2. The City Recorder shall place, or cause to be placed upon the official ballot the aforesaid proposition to be voted on at the election to be held on the 5th day of April, 1915, Section 3. The City Recorder shall mall, or cause to be mailed, a copy of the foresaid proposition to each of the egal voters of the City of St. Johns. Said copy to be mailed on or before the t2th day from the date of the election herein mentioned. Passed by the council this the 6th day of March, 1915. Approved by the Mayor this the 6th day of March, 1915. A. W, VINCENT, Mayor. 1 Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE. 1 Recorder of the City of St.Johns. Published in the St. Johns Re- iew March 19, 1915. I HTri angle uon are 'tfrLo 9 VtmZnndt .Incobs&CoTroyNY. I &S-S H ro 3 n 3D rn m 0) H u m S5n sen? o a CO S3 27s 73 m m J NOTICE or CITY ELECTION Notice is hereby given that in ac- cordauce with Ordinance No. 65:, au election will be held on Monday: the 5th day of April, A. D. 1915, in the City of St. Johns, Orcgon.j for the following purposes to,wltr For the election of the following . named officers for the ensuing ycar viz: One Mayor, one City Recor der, one City Attorney, oneCItjr Treasurer, .three Cotmcilmen "at Large, two Councllmcu .JroiuVtbi? First Ward, two Councilmen from the Second Ward, iu the manner providcu by hw and the Charter of the City of St. Johns. "S Aud at said election there will be submitted to the qualified electors of said City for the approval or re jection the following propositions tovit: "Shall Section XXIX and XXX of the Charter of the City of St. Johns be amended, fixing the date of the next General Ulectlon to be held on the first Monday in April, 1917, and biennially thereafter aud permitting all officers elected or holding office at the lime of 'the taking effect of this amendment, to hold office for u period of two years or until their successors arc elected and qualified?" Shall the people of the City of St. Johns, Incur a Municipal bon ded indebtedness in the sum of One Hundred aud Thirty Thousand Dollars (1 130,000,00) for the pur chase and extension of the Water Plout of the St. Johns Water Works and Lighting Company?" "That Ordinance No. 617, an Ordinance creating a board of Cen, sorship," regulatiug shows, the atres, motion pictures, distribution of literature, bilt boards aud adver tising matter, and fixing a penalty for the violating ot this Ordinance, passed by the Council on the 8th day of September, 1914, be sub mitted to the legal voters for their approval or disapproval. The follow ing places have been designated as polling places for said election: First Ward In the Lec ture Room, at the Public Library. Second Ward In the Council Chamber at the City Hall. 1 he polls will be open at nine (9) o'clock A, M,, and will remain open until seven (7) o'clock P. M,: of said day. By order of the Council. A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder of the City of St. Johns, Oregon. Published in the St. Johns Re view, March 19-26 and April 2. HANGER III WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIl to CURE iwj CANCER W TtiMM I treat bifora It POISONS ifej gta4 irtttKkts t km NO KNIFE, NO PAIN, NO PAY UNTIL CURED i WRITTEN GUARANTEE Vo X-IUy or .other windle. An JIand punt maxti ins cure AkY TUMOR. IUMP OR SORE on the Up, ure or body long Is CANCER 12S-PAEC MM Stftt Fre Testimonial! ol 10.000 CWCO. Write to tome ANY LUMP In WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER It lwayi mImm itn tlM nj BUS OMCKLV Ior cured at hall price It cancer li jet unall uim m Dr. & Mrs. Br. Ckaaky & Ci 434 & 436 VmU St, Sm FriMlwe, CL YWVi MAIL THIS to jomeor.o With CANCER