Home Furnishing Bargains lfor the week offering wc have pIckH n M nf ntticlM tnuoli in demand. Tliev re jit picked nl mndom. Wc have mkhch more jnt nn attractive. Linoleum, Cash Only, la foot printed endurable patterns, Regular 8tc Sq. V., SpWhl this Wwk Sq. Yd. Laid ,60c Kitchen Cabinet, Special Terms. Koynl Oak, laiRg has, nkkoloH lop Hour bin, inlfc boxas, jjIiim doors, utc $17.00 $1.0O Down; $1.O0 a Week , Crescent Steel Range, Special Terms. Oven 18 inches wide, bv 194 inches deep. Thermometer on ovuti. Mndc ot Wdhvillc Polished Steel with Nickel Trimmings $55. OO $5.00 Down; $1.00 a Week Dinner Set, Easy Terms. Fifty piece white nnd gold, or decorative patterns $8.00 50c Down; 5oc a Week GAS RANGES ALL ON EASY TERMS Aluminum Ware Carries Special Discount This Week ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE SATURDAY AND MONDAY Reasonable Bargains Buy on these two days and save money Reg. $3.50 Garden Cultivator and Plow Combined,' Complete with - 5 Attachments, Special , $2.98 Reg. 90c 5 Prong Garden Cultivator, Special 68c Reg. 75c Long Handle Shovel .... 58c Reg. 65c Stcef Garden Rake, Special 48c Reg. 45c Steel Garden Hoe, Special . ., ..3Sc Double Stamps on Wednesdays ! ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. mi 1 DR. W. J. GILSTRAP 1'hynlolim timl Surfsvtm Drugs Furnished Glasses Accurately and Scientifically Finished ST. JOHNS, OR KG ON I I ORDINANCE NO. 646 ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTIONS I AND II OF ORDINANCE 010. "An Ordinance providing for tho muzzling of dogs nnd declar ing dogs not securely kept muz zled to bo a public nuisance and declaring an emergency to exist and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith." The City of St Johns does or dain as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the owner or person having possession or control of any dog within the limits of the City of St, Johns to keep tho same muz zled or inclosed in a good and sufficient inclosure during the months of June, July, August and September in such a manner that will Insure safety to per sons or animals from being bit ten by any such dog. The muzzle to be used shall be made of wire or other suitable substance, and so adjusted about the head and mouth to insure safety to persons or animals from being bitten by such dog. Section II. That divers cases of rabies have been found to ex ist among dogs in the City of St. Johns, Portland and elsewhere, and it is found that it is neces sary for the protection of the rnhl?i ripnon nnd health that dogs should not be permitted to ... " 1 ...lii 1. u: run ai large wuiiuul uciiik t.IpiI dnrintr the months of June. July, August, and September of each year. Therefore all dogs found out Ride of an inclosure. as hereto fore provided or running at large within the City of St Johns, without being safely and aoMimlv muzzled, as herein provided, are hereby deemed and declared to be a public nuisance. Section III. That the Chief or other police officer, upon the discovery of any dog hereby de clared to be a public nuisance, is hereby directed to immediate ly remove and abate any such nuisance by killing, executing or CASH OR CREDIT IBCMl I otherwise disposing of any such dog. Section IV. That inasmuch ns tho public pence and health of tho city demand that immediate action be taken for its protection nnd that there is no provision by which nuisances as herein doclarod may bo abated, an emergency is therefore declared to exist, and this ordinance shall bo in force from and after its passage. All acts and parts of acts in conflict horowith aro hereby ropoaled. Passed by tho Council This 9th of March 1915. Approved by tho Mayor This 10th day of March 1915. A. W. VINCENT, Mayor. Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE. Recorder of tho City of St Johns. Published in the St. Johns Re view March 12, 1915. REGISTER Registration books are now open at the City Hall for the General City election. Last day to register for the City election, March 30th. Office will he open for regi9' tration Saturday evenings March 20th and 27th and Wednesday evening March 24. Register Now A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder All members of the Local Tem perance Legion and any child ren wishing to join are request- pA tn hn nrnsent at a Snecial meeting to be held next Satur day the 13th at 2d:3U p. m. at tne hnmp nf Mrs. Jeffcott. 1118 S. Gresham street. Officers will be elected and a good attendance is desired. Local Nows. SAN-TOX. i Sond in your iiowb Items. "Till-: MASTI5R KKY." Subject for Christian Science Lecture bun day: btiltstnnce. Trade irood Oman for chick ens or buggy. Phone Col. 055. The Ladles' Aid of tho Con gregational Church will give n 25 cont supper March 17, from 0 to 8 . m. Mr. ami Mr. R. K. Mooro left Tuesday evening for Snn l rancls co whore Mr. Moore enters the Southern Pacific Hospital for 11 surgical operation. Hesa'a Poultry Panacea will in crease your egg production. If we do not prove it to you wc will refund your money cheerfully at the St Johns Pharmacy., Georgia Rich Lydick will re move from 311 North Jersey Btreat to her residence studio 812 North Kellogg street. Classes will be resumed baturday, March 13, 1915. George II. Lynn of Hood River sncnt n few days this week visiting relatives: Mrs. Byerlce of St Johns. Mrs. McLane of Portland and Mr. I). N. Byerlce of Linnton. the jetty at Nchnlcm is com pleted for about 1,200 feet mid is already having a marked effect upon the channel. Rock is now being dumped into about 20 feet of water. In recording the council pro ceedings last week in the Review an error crept in. regarding the improvement of lylcr street which should have read from Dawson to Fcssendcn streets, instead of to Smith avenue. The Merger club held its rcgu ar weekly meeting Monday night, with addresses by D. G. Low is. W. A. Carro . S.C. Cook. I. 13. Martin and others. The next meeting will be held in the Library next Monday night All invited. R. E. Southworth, aged 1G years, died of pulmonary tuber culosis Feb. 27th, tho funeral taking place March 1st from i s homo in Portsmouth. The St. Johns Undertaking Co., had charge. He was a native of Nebraska. One day Father resolved to try and treat Mother as he used to when they wero first married. So when he got homo that night rather tried to nut hiB arms around Mother and kiss her. And Mother got highly indignant and bawled Father out for coming homo drunk and acting like a dtirn fool in front of the children. Ex. Margaret Bardwell, aged 3 years, 11 months nnd 23 days, died February 27th and was buriod March 1st Sho was tho bright littlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bardwell of Tioga street St Johns. Interment took place in Columbia cemetery, the services being conducted at the home. Tho St. Johns Under taking Co. had charge. Tho Psychology Club met with Mrs. Sargent Wilson on the Willamette boulevard Monday afternoon and held a very inter esting meeting. New members are being constantly added to the club. The club will meet with Mrs. II. W. Bonham next Mon day afternoon at 2:30. All per sons interested in Psychology aro invited to attend the meet ings. Dr. W. J.Gilstrnp, assisted by Dr. E. E. Gambee, both of this place operated on Carrel Bard well.tho six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bardwell, last Friday night tho 5th inst, at tho St. Vincent Hospital for ap pendicitis. The boy is now at home under the care of a trained nurse, and is making a good re covery. Harry H. Saylor died at tho home of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jerry P. Saylor, 903 East Burr street, Tuesday morning. He had been a sufferer for the past seven months with Brights disease which developed into dropsy. Hp was aged 30lyears, 7 months and 18 days; was un married, and a railroad man by Erofession. The deceased was orn in Oneato, Oregoi. He is survived by his parents, two brothers and one sister. The funeral took place from chapel of the St Johns Undertaking Company yesterday; interment in Mount View cemetery near Troutdale. On Tuesday, March 9th, a number of friends met and sur prised Mrs. John Flinn of East Richmond street, it being her birthday. At two o'clock a bountiful lunch was spread, en- 1111 m 1 J joyeu oy an. 1 nose present were, Mesdames John Flinn, Parker, Marlett Basey, Everet, Byerlce, McClellan. Morgan, Johnson, Fletcher, Lear, McGregor, Kel ley, J. Flinn. L. L. -Flinn. K. Herwick, Jeans.Lindley and Han na. Also Misses Gladys Jeans, Bernita Jeans, Virginia Kelley, Masters Marion Johnson and Eugene Fletcher. After spend ing an enjoyable afternoon they left for their separate homes, wishing the hostess many happy returns of the day. , hsr ncyuruloly fitting glaMon, too nr. UMirnp. IK YOU WANT Baby chick, hoc A. Carl Nolnon at Couch iv Co. Picture framing done al PottUtul prices at II. V. Clatk'R, the fund lore limn. Adv. Mrs. AHco Learned Is recovor Ing from a ncvoro attack of grippe The Pythian Sinters will give thoir cant party Thursday even ing, Mnrch 18, lyirj. Tho Dobonnir club met with Mrs. Hi or on bmiiii avenue on Thursdny afternoon. For Sale- 120 ogg Mandy Lee Incubator, good ns new. Cost 21.00. Will take 10.00. Dr. W. J. Gilstrnp. Otis Learned and family have been confined to their home by a attack of grippe but are now convalescing. The Library notes were crowd- ed out this week owing to lack of space but will appear in the next issue of tne paper. San-Tox preparations arc guar anteed to please you or we re turn the purcnaso price. (Jet one of the Blue Books free at the St. Johns Pharmacy. Wanted Several responsible boarders in a nice quiet home, landy to car line, use of piano. All home privileges. 402 E. Mohawk street, St Johns. Rheumatic sufferers will find something to their interest in the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company ad. in another column. Their "5 Drop" treatment has become famous. E.L. Perkins started for Yom- lill county Tuesday morning. driving through by the way of 1 sboro. and expecting to get to Carlton on Thursday, where le will till tho soil. "Tomnkin's Hired Man." a drama in three acts will be given on the evening of St. Pat rick's day, March 17, at 8 p. m. in the St. Clement's Hall. Ad mission 25 cents. Regular business meeting of tho W. C. T. U. at the Library Monday. March 15th. at 2:30. Subject, "Tithing." Everybody invited to express their own opinion on this important sub ject Miss Mary Monnhan who has been spending tho winter with icr uncle and aunt. ilr. and Mrs. T. J. Monahan, loft for her lomo at Savannah, Missouri, ast Thursday over tho S. P. S. & N. P. Railways. Wanted Two lady soprano singers, one alto for vaudovillo work. Must bo of good moral character and como of very respectable parents. St. Johns at es preferred. Inquire ot Mrs. C. E. Cnrson. 512 Oswego street, St. Johns, Ore. Rov.Charles M.Smith, pastor of tho Catholic church of St. Johns, made an address in U10 Moose lull Monday evening that was istened to attentively byn largo crowd of people. Tho substance of his remarks mny bo found in the "Open Letter" elsowhero in this paper. The Ouid Libet club was de- iirhtfulv entertained at tho homo of Mrs. Roy Ingledue on South Jersey street on Tuesday after noon. A short business session was held. Dainty nnd delicious refreshments wero served. The next meeting will bo at tho homo of Mrs. Johnson. Miss Mertn Gatton was tho lucky winner of tho third prize in the Journal Trado and Circu lation Contest just closed. Sho will have her expenses paid to the World's Fair at San Frnncis co and all her expenses paid or a week at one of tho best hotels and $25 spending money. Congregational church- Sun day school at 10:00. preaching at 11:00, subject. "Tho Coll of the Church Bells." Endeavor at G:30. Address by Mr. Lloyd Carrick of Reed College who will have charge of tho evening ser vice. Pres. Charles H.Bushnell of Pacific University, Forest Grove, will give an illustrated lecture in tho evening on "Col leges and Universities." S. G. and Ray Wright receiv ed the sad intelligence Monday that their father had died that morning at Newark, Ohio. He was aged about 78 years, and pneumonia and appendicitis combined were the cause of his death. Besides the above named, three sons and two daughters survive, besides the widow. The deceased spent a few weeks with his two sons in St. Johns last summer. Mrs. E. F. Day entertained thn A I.n Bon Heur Bridge Club in a charming manner at her home on Alta street on Friday afternoon last. Delightful refreshments were served. Present were: Mrs. P. II. Edlef sen, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. W. R. Evens. Mrs. Walter Ormandy, Mrs. Roy Ingledue, Mrs. A. W. Markle, Mrs. John Keeler, Mrs. IJnmhn. Mirs Drinker. Mrs. Dav. Miss Malena Long. Mrs. Tuthill, Mrs. Shriner. and Mrs. of Portland. Miss Drinker will nntfirtnin noxfc with a Bridge luncheon at one o'clock on March 19th. J. 15. Tnnoh. candidate for City Treasurer, ndv, For Sale Houac Boat cheap, or will trade for a good cow. Inquire at this office. Mian Boulah Titun captured n handsome piano in the Portland Journal contest which has just closed. I vvlnh tn nvtirnitn vni-v ilrwm appreciation to all tnv friends who helped me to win third priiso in the Journal Trade and Circii lation Contest- Mortn Gatton. Vnr Hunt- flno fi ronm lintun. $8.00; one 7 room house with i acre, $8.00; one G room house all rnmmlnlixl SM.00 Pnnlnmtln Security Co., Room 5 over First National Bank. Pntnni. modlclnna nt cut rain prices, Columbia Graphophones and Records. Ansco Cameras nnd Films, Lowney's Fancy Candies, largest line of drugs and drug sundries on the penin sula. At the St Johns Pharmacy. All owners of dogs in St. Johns arc hereby notified that by vir tue of the action of tho city council Tuesday evening, all muz zles may be removed from dogs, beginning Saturday March 13th until the first day of next June. John Port Chief of Police. I wish to thank my many friends who helped me to win in the recent Journal contest It is almost impossible to thank each one personally so will ex press my thanks to one nnd all through the columns of the Rc; view. Beulah Titus. The following Moose officers were installed last evening: Dictator, C. S. Currin; Vice Dic tator, F. A. Yates; prelate, L. E. GcnBtnan: Secretary, P. G. Gilmorc; treasurer. S. L. Do bio: inner guard, II. D. Beam; outer guard, F. B. Granger; trustees, W. B. McMillan, C. E. Royer, John Nocc. Other offi cers will be appointed later by the Dictator. I hnvo a friend who owns 18 acres of the very choicest fami ng and. one nnd a half miles from Sheridan, Oregon, with im provements and unencumbered, lie wishes to sell and take louse and lot in St. Johns that is worth from $2,500 to $3,000 as part payment Will take balance on long time payments With low rate of interest Rcnsons, ad vanced age. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap, First National Bank Building, St. Johns, Oregon. Alton Strcuble fell dead from heart trouble at his homo on Swift boulevard Thursday morn ing nt 9 o'clock, while out In tho yard. He was a widower, liv ing by himself. Is survived by 0110 daughter, Miss Mcmcta Strcublo, of Moscow, Idaho; a brother at Troy. Idaho. 'Ihe re mains wero taken to the St Johns Undertaking parlors until arrangements for its disposition havo been made. Ho was agud about fifty years, and had resid ed in St Johns for tho past six or seven years. flhnntnr f!. nf P. R. O. Sister- hnnri hold its annual election of officers in the homo of Mrs. John M. McKcnzio at tho Brown. Mrs. John F. Beaumont was unanimously elected president, and other officers aro: Vico President, Mrs. R. G. Brand; Recording secretary, Mrs. II. W. Bonham; corresponding sec rnrnrv. Mra. fi.A. Carter! Treas- urer.MissMary S.Hornor; Chap, lain, Mrs. A. M. Odoll; guard, Mrs. E. S. Currier; Journalist Mrs. 11. iJ. liusti. Delegates to thn rnnvnnttnn to be held this spring in Forest Grove aro Mrs. Beaumont and Mrs. A. M. uray; alternates, Mrs. Brand and Mrs. Odell.- Telegram. Tho local firemen wero called to Portsmouth Sunday night at about iz:ib to quencn a lire at tho homo 01 Mrs. jamiie Apacn, MG9 Macrum avenue, but the cnll wan lntn in beincr given. and by tho timo the truck got there the house was in ruins, a strange thing about the fire was that thn Portsmouth lire nenart- ment did not know anything 1 . . Lit . 1. t ! ... auout u uniii uiu iiual jiiuuiiiiK, it is said. But that is tho differ ence between tho fire system in that end of Portland and St. Johns. No wonder tho people of Portsmouth and University Park would ho or ad to consoli date with St. Johns, so tiicse places can get something. What Merger Means A possibility of losing our high school. It means greater burden upon property owners in street im provements. St Johns pays excess over 50 per cent. Portland assessments are unlimited. It means property owners will be compelled at once to connect with sewers. It means that no building can be remodeled or built without inspection causing delay and great expense. It meanB your cows will be im nounded over in Portland. It means you will bo controlled by the big interests. Contributed. "THE MASTER KEY." Csniietuari Statamant sf tha Cantfltlen or Peninsula National Bank At St. Johns, Oregon At the elese of business March 4, 1915 As reported te the Comptroller of the Currency Resources Liabilities lxum nm4 IHkm.hiiU 121(1,041.89 Overtime . 82.42 United HlMr IVtmU nt l'r - M.W0.00 Slock lH.t'cttcrnl Krcrvc Hank 1,200.00 lVm4 ml Scrltle . C7.34C.08 llankltiK lloitte furniture amt I'Uturc 3,000.00 Cath en llnuil, Due fmmllauV and United States Trcfliurcr 75,853.04 f413.424.33 Deposits March !, 1915, (Comptroller's Call) Deposits March 4, 1014, (Comptroller's Coll) Inurciisv 4 ON SAVINGS Safety DcjKJsIt Vault for Kent PltTKK AUTZltN, President John N. Kpi.ki'shn, Cnnhlcr This Bank Is a Member of Spring Opening Thursday, March 1 8 SI. Johns Millinery We will have a nice lino of HATS to show you, and will be pleased to have you call and inspect same, and will be pleased to show you although you may not be ready to buy. Bring your friends with you. MRS. E. J. MARTIN, Phone Col. 670 PROP. L Commercial Club Doings Tho Commercial club held its mnnthlv meetlnir Wednesday evening in tho club rooms. Af ter tho business ot too club iiou been transacted. A. S. Iionson Kavo an interesting talk on Rood roads, and Samuel C. Lancaster, consulting engineer for Multno. mnli nnnntv. irnVH Jin illllHtmtOfl descriptivo talk on tho Columbia Highway. Air. Lancaster nau a series of natural color slides of scenery aloiifj this famous road way, and tho talks and pictures wero well worth whilo seoint?. Mr. J. Ii. Yeon oxpected to bo present nnd bIvo an address, but was unablo to do so. The nronosed bond issue of S1,SU,- 000 for hard surfacinB roads in Multnomah Co., was indorsed by tho board of Boveruors after tho meetiiiB. t ne lectures wero well attended. A social party followed, in which dancinB and Barnes wero indulBCU In. Tho deleBation from tho Com mnrnHil nlnli. Mfivor Vincent and mvnnm nf fWtnrv nnd other in dustrial plants aloiiB tne water front met with tho county com- m!uainriP-H VVuInoSllnV in rGlHll'd to bavins a fire pump establish ed on the lorry ooat. much en couraBoment was received, and the probabilities aro that tho ap paratus will bo installed in tho near future. C. E. Garlick was added as member to the club Tuesday. Tho committee on the Celilo canal celebration May 6th was authorized to arranBo for deco ratinB the rivet boats and water front more particulars of which will appear later. The co-operative cannery at NewberB paid to farmers of that reBion $24,454 last year, practi cally all of it for produce which would otherwise nave been lost. The cannery made a net profit of about $3,000. which was better than expected for the first year. Co-operative establishments of this kind nro likely to prove the salvation of thousands of Ore gon farmers. Cupltal Ktook fully tnlil In f CO.OOO.fM ,Surrlu ami Undivided Trent ll,WO National llank Ktitc Qttt Minding t)C.))t 47,f00.00 .10ti0flH.03 Ml:ii424.3JI $.'101,088.03 2-iH.8io.oi jj,itmoi 4lo V. C. Knai-p, , Vice President S. L. Doimt, Assistant Cnsliier the Federal Reserve Bank ii j Captured Weekly Prize Solan Uugbco captured the weekly prize of tho Lauthers Mercantile Co. 's World Fair Con test on last Tuesday eveniiiBand which consisted of half dozen silver tea spoonB. Following is tho total vote to dato: Solon BuBbee - - 257, C03 Mrs. A. M. Purkapilo - 1(58,330 Genoviovo Aldrich - 134,925 Mrs. Elsie Knowles 40,085 Valkyrie Larson - - 35,925 Garnet Beam - - 33,915 Lucy Buckles - - 23.410 Beulah Waters - - 21,050 Roy Clark - - 20,000 North School Notes For tho month endlnB March 5th, Lillian Topper of 5th A had the most credits. Eula Secrest was very close haviiiB 39 credits. In tho 5thb, Louretta McCarty stood stood first, having 39 cred its. The Parent-Teachers' meeting last Tuesday afternoon was very interesting. Undo Sam is wasing a relent less war on the deadly house lly and in a late bulletin prepared by tho Department of Agricul ure, valuable informnion is giv en on tho best means of com bating this deadly pest. The most effective way of extermi nating tho fly according to tho bulletin is to eradicae his breed ing places. The breeding sea son of the fly begins early in March and continues through out tho spring and summer months. All dirt should be re moved from the premises, sta bles cleaned and decaying vege tables destroyed. Tho fly has rightly been called the undertak er's traveling salesman, and in addition to his regular line of "typhoid bugs," ho carries a side lino of tuberculosis, Asiatic Cholera and other disease germs. Now is tho timo to "swat tho fly."