St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 12, 1915, Image 2

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    tub st i&m ncvinw
A. W. MtftRUl
his rwc-
' t"
m?u htm jlmJw
gbrtpWH 9ir It. Oft pryAr.
prominent Mtiwiw rt
tlie oUmt ly that he
th Kviv will m.
to tear the mm mr tiokvt
'all to dImm." A i mutter of
rK th Kvw will to Nettling
of th kind. It km n Afriit with
imllvidtMM. and it nurely will
ikh pica out any en idldnl or
KTotttt of candidates and I wont
Uwir candidacy. Tl a Review
ia in the flrhl ajcai.tal murger
only. It hai friend on both
lickata ami while we may dia-
nura on the merxei iiuoalimi,
with the merjrer advcalea, yet
wo have no diapoaition to cast
HlOHea at their ticket. Wo will
light against merging because
wo uanevo mat way, nut it ia
tip to the people to select their
own carididatos, and thu worst
tho Raviow willl do will be to
indulgo in tha hopo Hint thu
boat mun may win mid hnvo
plenty of timo to nerve out thuir
torin of 0III00.
ino atatumunt appearing m
thu Kuvlow hint wook wherein
it statod that initirnnce rates ih
bt. .lohiiM aro ten per cent holow
that at Univiimity Park and
Lunta, ban been challenged by
one or our oilmen, who chums
that ho sold insurance in Univer
sity at u lower rate than in St.
.Minim, uur inlonnHlion catno
from J. N. McCuno, secretary
or tiio uonrd or Underwriters,
who him given puriniHHion to
lino hiM imiiip in thu Hlntcmont.
IIu nay that the bank- rate of
iimuranoe for Univoraity Park
from Van Houtoimtrool, north to
St Johng city limita, i 50 cents
per hundred: that Lunta i'm the
amnii, and that -15 cents in tho
bimic ratu in St. John. If this
informatiun Ih wrong, our state
inunt wai wrong also. Hut there
m no higher autliurity on the
subject than Mr. MuCuno. It
is poMihlo, however, that vnriu-
I ion from llio basic rate are pur
milted in some caaoH where
in the Bank.
9 DAINl "
VVg all know the story of Mr. Rockefeller, and Mr.
Carnegie, or Schwab, or any of our other great fortune
builders. They began by PUTTING THEIR MONEY
IN THE liANlv. Not because they had too much oh.
no! They wanted that money in the bank so it would
bo safe and so it would be there to grasp the first good
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. None of them dabbled
in get-rich-quick schemes peddled around by smooth
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
Wc pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
next year If the rncrKor docs not
takes place, than will obtain
Portland. (
Quaint Argument
protection i ummually cood.
"Ohuaper City Tnxoa" in
luadiiiK argument iiHud by
One thitiir the people of St.
loluiH Hhould let sink deep down
into their minds iu the fact that
conditions here are just as wo
make ihem. If they are bad,
it in our own fault and we have it
n our power to apply the rem
edy. Hut if wo morKO with
L'ort and wo have no power what
ever over local conditions. Thoy
will be uoverned entirely by the
Commission of Portland, no moni
tor of which possibly has ever
seen Si. .Johns and may never do
so. Is it not better to have a
fire Kovernment by our own people
neiuhnors and menus who wo
seo every day nnd to whom wo
can como with conditions that
need remedying, than tako them
to the Portland Commission
where it almost takes n passport
to tra n entrance bupposo n
crosswalk, n firo hydrant, or
arc light Is needed or sidewalk
repaired, how would it be done
after merging? One citizen, if
he took it upon himself to report
same to the Commission, would
naturally get scant recognition,
as nut siigiu aiieniion can
neceHHarily be given to individ
ual complaints. So a delegation
would Ik necessary, and oven
i i i i.. t it
ueicguuoiiH can uiuy nuvu iiuui
once with the Commission nt
certain times. At best tho
matter would only bo turned over
mergurilw hi thoir no-called
ruugong why merging should
tako plaoo. 'I ho-tax statements
of this year show that there is
hint ono half mill dill'orenco
betwuon the Portland city tax
and the St. .IoIiim city tax the
lallor having the higliint. Hut
bucaueu the mill rate a trifle
lower iu Portland it dooa not
moan that taxes art- higher in
bL Johns than in Portland.
County Aaavasor How! states
that the assessed VHluiilion of
laud in St. Johns is leh than in
Portland, ihus, for instance, a
lot in bouth bt Johns is assessed
..t IMTK .. !....!
sido is assessed nt f)22fi on tho H'"'1" ?nt- ami probably i
xnmo sized loL Thus it will be
kuoii, taking the valuation into
coiiMidurnlion, that Portland
taxes are really much higher
than in St. Johns. City taxes
are, however, governed by local
conditions. The city tax of St.
donns mis year is uto result, in
tho main, of unusual conditions.
In comparing tho tnxes of St
Johns nnd Portland there is
much to bo considered. In tho
first place it must be understood
that Portland's bonded indebted
now iu SOU per capita, while the
houdod indebtedness of St. Johns
is about $16 iwr capita. In street
improvements the people of
Portland are conielled to pay up
to and over 1UU ier cent assess
ed valuation, while inmost cases
the general fund of the city of St.
Johns takes enro ol the cost
wuero improvements cost over
r0 per cent of tho assessed valua
tion. Also in Portland the pro
porty owners are assessed for
tinginoor services on street
worn, wane in si. jonus no
charge is made for the services
of tho engineering force. These
two items, which save the prop
oriy owners consuiernuio, are
included in the & mill city tax,
and which Portland does not
have to provide for in its 7J mill
tax. Then there is the Cooper
ago roadway built by tho city.
which is responsible for about
li mills of the S mills tax. Tho
firo truck, deficit on tho city
dock interest, and belter lighted
streets tlmii Portland, are re
sponsible for another generous
portion oi tho 8 null tax. Then
onco in a while some property
owner will resist his street
ussossmont on some technicality
and cost the city a kopec or two
in showing him in the courts
that ho should imy for the work.
Hy soiling the city dock taxos
could bo reduced considerably,
and tho irony of it is that the
man who was largely responsible m ?i.nV
for tho city constructing the ' 01
uock unu uigiier laxot), is out
with tho statement that clioap
or oity taxos would obtain
through morgor. Thore will bo
no roadway to build noxt yonr,
anyway, so the mill rate and the
taxes will undoubtedly bo lower
attention would bo given tho
complaint, and more probably
would not. In St. Johns now
all that is necessary is to call
attention of the council, either
individually, or severally, to tho
matter, and immediate action
is secured, Why hand your
government over to men you hnvo
nevor seen and who hnvo only n
most suncrlicial knowledge or
our conditions at nestf uan
wo trust our friends and fellow
men to do what is right? Woof
St. Johns might be likened to
one large laniiiy, and wnni is
good for ono is almost sure to be
good lor all. Hut if wo merge
with Portland, we nro then only
one family in conjunction with
fifty others just as largo, what
might then lie good tor ono or
those combined families wouh
not be good for all, owing to
strictly local conditions, but tho
government must make laws
that appear best for the inajori
ilv. ilonco what might bo jrooc
for the majority might bo wrong
for us. Let us not tako tho
chance. Hut let us bo freo men
rather than subservient to the
whims or caprices of any other
govoriiinont except our really
own. Why bo a vassal when
ou can as well be independent?
urely wo are nolo to govern
ourselves. U wo cannot we
ought to om i grate to Hussia,
where we might feel moro nt
homo. Let us Keep bt. Johns n
froe. unrestricted nnd indepen
dont city. Tho peoplo of Port
land will have far moro respect
for us if wo do so. Ask them
and see.
I horeby announce myself us
Independent candidato for
the ofllco of city
voted for at the
hold April 5th,
treasurer to bo
election to bo
1915.Mrs. J.
A fow special deals on Graph-
ophonoa. It will pay you to look
into them it you are at all inter-
osted. i ou cannot equal these
prices elsewhore. Terms to
suit at the St. Johns Pharmacy,
Editor Koviow: Replying to
your comments on my letter of
the 5th inst. allow mo to say
yes, 1 plnce tho worth or a man
at the price some one will pay
for his skill and time. All cities
that hnvo adopted the Commis
sion form of government arc
paying large salaries for the solo
purpose ol attracting men or wo.
men of rnro ability, and they
seem to get them. Tho new
idea in city government is to
adopt the same methods of man
ngement that other large cor
porations employ, that is demand
ability and bo willing to pay for
If Portland should only offer
$1000 n year salary for n Mayor
what grade of ability would she
likely get?
Como to think of it wo would
get tho nnmo Portland if we
mcrgo and will tho Review kind
y tell us why tho Woolen Mill
tlio Flouring Mill and tho Vonc'r
factory, three of our principal
industries prolix the word i'ort
land to uietr names xes. we
would net tho nnmo Portland
nnd perhaps that might induco
some of tho captains of industry
that own the industries bore to
come out and take up thoir resi
denco among us.
Schools. You said that I said
tho Portland schools wero con
solidating. Beg your pardon I
did not say so. Hut 1 will say
right now that when Portland
and St. Johns nro merged into
ono school district that to tho
excellent schools wo now have
will bo added infinitely more
complete trade school so that
some parents living hero will bo
relioved of tho expense of send
ing thoir children to tho Portland
trades school and pay n tuition
feo as thoy do now.
You recommend that 1 "Jine"
the commercial club and help
boost, i will say that tho com
mercinl club is working in its
own wny nnd I in mine. I and
my associates hnvo been work
fug ror tho InBt three
HP HE present mili
A tary styles of dress
require a special style
of corsetand brassiere.
The military style
means, an erect form,
and a trim looking
You can get all of
this, combined with
comfort in our new
styles of military cor
sets and brassieres.
Kabo Corset Company
Couch & Co.
Pioneer Merchants
St. Johns, Oregon
' .
C oil ors 2 fr25 e
VnnZondt .orobsrCo!InuS'y.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given
on all Cash Purchases, and on Charge Ac
counts when Paid in Full at least every
30 days. Premiums now on Display.
Hi sill
on B
1 "n 3
.17 J
53p 3
X 9-7
SMO.000 and in the throes of the
vorst panic this country has
over known could not have been
expected to extend water mains
nil over n territory about C miles
long most of which was brush or
farms. In 1808 tho Legislature
amended tho charter of Portland
by changing tho northern boun
dary line so as to exclude part
of University Park, Portsmouth
and St. Johns, you say because
they wero trcuted so illy. Then
why did that part of Univer
sity Park and Portsmouth mako
haste to vote themselves into
Portland? Why did thoy not
coico into bt. .John8b. L
According to Mr. Cook's thco
bring about n consolidation of
tho two cities and when wo sue
ceed.which will bo tho first week
in July next, wo will have done
moro for tho advancement of
tips lower peninsula than all
other agencies combined. Wo
will hnvo gotten conditions
changed so much for the better
that there will then bo some
ting to boost. Tho commercial
club can then aflilinte with like
bodies, with similar interests.
and get moro results from the
expenditure of $100 than they
can irom tho expenditure or Si.
000 now. When boosting their
town thoy would not need to
stop and explain where it is.
Much is said about Album in
discussing this question. Albi-
nn was incorporated r eb.-l. 18S9.
and included a part of what is
now St. Johns. Was merged
with Portland July, 1891. Wns
in existence about 2J years.
Got in debt $50,000 for Parks.
I don't know whether they irot
any pnrxs or not. wns in debt
$50,000 for boulevards nnd
streets and wns $10,000 in debt
for current expenses and her
warrants was said to be worth
65 cents on tho dollar What sur
prises mo is that Portland ac
cepted Albina nt all in her bank
rupt condition Albina was mer
ged with Portland just as tho
panic of 1892 struck tho country.
lho best of men could only
get $1.00 n day in tho logging
camps, and shaved shingles
sold for G5 cents a thousand.
'ortlnnd a city of 40.000 people.
at that timo (21 years ago) after
assuming an Albina debt of
ry tho school board, though com
posed ot our best citizens, is
worth tho salary they receive-
nothing; that if Mr. Cook wins
out as councilman that $2 per
, -
wcok is wnat no is worm, wow
would either the school board or
Mr. Cook be worth moro if they
wore paid $10,000 yearly? If
thoy wero doing tho best thoy
knew now, they couldn't do bet
tor if thoy wero paid moro.
Mr. Cook asks about three of
our principal industries with tho
prefix Portland to thoir titles, in
which he includes the flouring
nulls as one of tho three. Now
the word Jobos, prefix to the
milling company, may bo the
Dutch or Irish for Portland, but
it is not likely. As to tho Port
land Manufacturing Company
and Portland Woolen Mills thoy
located horo before St. Johns
was hard y out of the cradle.nnd
Portland was prefixed to give
some idea or locality, nrobab v.
or just because it sounded rath
or we I to tho owners. Mr.Cook
yenrs to presumably wants to infer that
. t ri;i. l n i
it was because St. Johns miuht
some time be a part of Portland.
and then the nnmo need not be
changed. Hut then there is the
Hoston Hakory here. It is
scarcoly conceivable that the
proprietor ever anticipated that
wo would some day merge with
Hoston. 1 hen there is Mr. Hin
man. wno built n rooming house
and called it Chicago, not be
cause ho ever expected that St.
Johns and Chicago would at
somo time become united, but
probably becauso ho became so
incensed at tho ill treatment
Portland accorded St. Johns
when it was n portion thereof
that ho named his house some
thing as far removed as possi
ble. Then ho may have named
it in honor of Chicago street. It
doesn't matter so much whether
tho "captains of industry" live
here, just so they keep their in
dustries running full capacity
will do. although they would be
warmly welcomed as residents.
When you snid tho schools
wero consolidating, niter telling
of other Portland concerns con
solidating, the natural inference
was that you wero referring al
so to rortiand scnoois rntner
than those of New York or in
the New England states.
Do you not know that n num
ber of St. Johns folks nro now
attending the trade schools of
Portland and nro not paying ono
cent for tuitiononly car fare?
Well, it is a fact, nnd no one in
St. Johns is barred from doing
the same.
It is too bad that you have
spent threo years of your life in
attempting to tear down what
tho Commercial club is endeav
oring to build up. Surely tho
business men nnd largo property
owners nro in a better position
to judgo of tho merits of merg
ing, nnd they nro almo'st solidly
aguinst it. Thnt $100' would do
more for St. Johns nftor merg
ing than $1000 without merging
is sheerest nonsense: in fact, it
would bo the reverse. PcopI
who want to find St. Johns ox
perience no difficulty in doing so
now, but undoubtedly woul
wero it nothing but Portland
most remote suburb, which mer
ging would cnuso it to be.
Arc you not a little unjust re
garding Album's former cond
tion? Why do you state it "got
in debt $50,000 for parks,", nnd
then say you don't know wheth
or they got pnrks or not? You
know thnt unless they got parks
thoy could not get in debt for
them. Wo believe you also know
that Columbia park was what
Albina went in debt for nnd that
it wns for $-10,000 instead of
$50,000, nnd you dare not say it
wns not n good investment.
You also know that tho $50, 000
for street improvement wns
dent upon tne property owners
nnd not tho city, and thnt the
property benefited is held for
pnyment nnd not tho city, ami
that Portland never paid n cent
of this 550.000, M that is tho
right amount. Tho $40,000 for
current expenses debt is disput
ed by former residents ol Albi
liecauso tnero wns n panic in
1893 wns no reason why Albina
should hnvo to wait nine or ton
years beforo gotting n reduction
in wiuer rates.
Old residents tell us that St
Johns severed itself from Port
land,, nnd thnt University nnd
Portsmouth, did not secede, ns
you state, nnd thnt conditions
1 m .
wero so intolerable nere that
tho Legislature was nrevnileci
upon by reason of Portland's il
treatment ol bt. Johns to pass a
special act nllowinir it to tear
itself away from Portland and it
certainly lost no timo in doing so.
Certninlv it would have been
far better for Portsmouth and
University had they united with
bt. Johns rather than Portland.
remaps Air. uook can tell us
why Albina never cot any indus
tries worth while after it menred
with Portland while St. Johns got
all she has today after she cut
oose from Portland. Ed
The subject for tho Librarv
btuoy Liiuu lor Monday eveninir
wun Mrs. mad t. t'arker as
eader. will be "The Unity of
Mind and Body Suggestions
tor uving." Hero area few
points to be discussed: What
suggestions, now. has this unity
of man, mind and body for wise
living This mysterious unity
of man is a reminder that no
conditions are really trivial, that
no member of this unity .can
suffer alone, and that character
has bodily condition as well as
physical that may not be ignor
ed. These physical conditions,
it may be repeated, are only con
dition, not causes; but they are
conditions. Reporter.
"Watches" made over into
"Time-pieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
An Ordinance Submitting to the
Legal Voters of tho City of St
Johns nn Amendment to Sec
tion XXIX nnd XXX of an Act
Entitled "An Act to Incorpor
nto tho City of St. Johns.Mult
nomah County, Oregon, i
Providing u Charter Therefor,
and to Repeal All Acts
Parts of Acts in Conflict
Therewith." i
Enacted and adopted by the
people of St. Johns, Multnoma
County, Oregon, in tho year
1907 under the provisions of bee
tion II of Article IX of the Con
stUution of the State of Oregon
giving to the legal voters of ev
ery city and town tho right to
enact or amend their municipa
charters, subject to the Const!
tution nnd Criminal Laws of tho
State of Oregon; nnd providing
nn appropriate ballot title there
for. to bo placed upon the ofllcin
ballot to be voted at tho election
to be held on tho 5th day o
April. 1915; and directing the
recorder of the City of St. Johns
to mail a copy of tho said amend
ment to each of the legal voters
of the City of St. Johns, ns is
provided by law, charter nnd or
dinanccs ot snid city.
it is ordained by tho (Jity o
St. Johns that.
Whereas a Resolution wns du
ly, regularly and legally adopted
by the council of said city on
tho 4th day of March. 1915. di
recting thnt bections aaia nnd
XXX of the C ty. Charter of St
Johns be submitted to the lega
voters of said city for amend
ment: now, therefore,
Sections XXIX nnd XXX of
an Act to incorporate tho City o
St. Johns. Multnomah County.
Oregon, and providing n charter
therefor, and to repeal all acts
or parts of acts in conflict there
with, adopted by the people of
tho City of bt. Johns in the year
1907. be submitted to the legal
voters of tho City of St. Johns
for their adoption or rejection
nt the general election to be held
April 5th. 1915, and that said
Section XXIX nnd XXX bo
amended so as to read as follows,
to wit:
Section XXIX.
Every person elected to office
in the City of St. Johns at the
time that this amendment to tho
charter shall be ndonted and
take effect shall continue to hold
ofitco for a period of two years
next following the election adop
ting this amendment, except one
councilman in each ward who re
ceiving the highest number of
voters shall hold office for a
period of four years from the
adoption of this amendment.
section aaa.
There shall be n general elect
ion held in the City of St. Johns,
Orecon. on the first Monday in
April, 1917. and bi-ennially there
after for the election of a May
or for a term of two years: for
tho election of a Recorder for a
term of two years; for the elec
tion of a Treasurer for a term of
two years; for the election of a
City Attorney for a term of two
years; for the election ot tnree
councilmen-at-large, except as
provided by Section X of the
charter providing for the redis-
tricting'ofiSt. Johns, for n period
of two years, and twocouncilmcn
from each Ward to hold ofllco for
a period ofafour years, except at
the el cction adopting this amend
ment one councilman from each
ward receiving tho highest num- ?
ber of votes shall hold ofllco for '
n period of four years, and ono
councilman from each Ward re
ceiving thenext highest number
of votes snail hold office for
two yenrs; nnd at the first elec- .
tion held nfter tho ndoption of ,
this amendment one councilman
from each ward shall bo elected
to hold office -fora period of four
That tho amendments to Sec
tion XXIX nnd XXX bo given a
ballot title upon the official baM
lot ns follows:
"Shall Sections XXIX and'
XXX of tho city charter ho i
amended that officers elected at'
the time of the taking effect of .
this amendment shall hold ofllco
until the next general election? '
nnd thnt tho next general elect
tion bo held on tho first Monday
in April, 1917. and bi-ennially,
thereafter, nnd repealingnll nets
and parts of acts in conflict
with said amendment.
X Yes.
X No.
That tho City Recorder is
hereby required and authorized
to prepare tho proposed amend
ments to the charter, and cause
he same to be printed and mail
a copy of said amendments to
each of tho legal voters of tho
City of St. Johns, ns provided by
ordinance No. 214 of said city,
Passed by tho council this tho
9th day of Mnrch. 1915.
Approved by the Mayor of the
city of St. Johns this tho 10th
day of March. 1915.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE,
Published in the St Johns Re- -
view Mnrcn iu. ivw.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proiu&aU will he received at the
office of the Recorder of the CUv of St.
Johns until March iG, 1916, at H o'clock'
111., for the Improvement of Oswego
strtet, from the North line of Columbia
boulevard to the Sduth line of Smith Ave.
in the manner provided by Ordinance
Nu. C42, subject to the provisions of the
Charter and Ordinances of the City of
St Johus.und estimate of the city engi
neer, ou file.
Engineer's estimate is f3.050.38.
Bids must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furn
ished on application at the office of the
Recorder of the Cily of St. Johns. And
said improvement must be completed on
or before 60 days from the date of the
last publication 01 iuis notice,
xs'o proposals or uiaswiu oe considered
unless accompanied by a certified check,
payable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St. Johns certified by a respon
sible bank for an amount equal to ten
per cent, of the aggregate proposal.
1 lie num to reject any ana an bias is
hereby reserved.
uy order or tue city council.
Published in the St, (ohiis Review on
Pebruary 26, March 5 and 12, 1916.
Mr. S. R. Carrick. President
of the Portland Union of Chris
tian Endeavors, will speak to the
ndeavors of the Congregation
al church.Sunday evening March
4. On the same evening Mr.
Bushnell of Pacific University
will give a stereopticon lecture.
Special music. Every one wel-crme.
Not th lbl on your paper,