St. Johns is Calling Von It wd in tiumlnt l ImluittVt, cvnth in pm,laUtm. Cut la iVtiLml yny 16 n4n. IIm natfal,le wntrt m J Wf, IIm finrtt and 1fitMt IIm two ttmng lianlt. IIm five Utffi mImm houtf. Jj lpdrtt ( HitMl waler. IIm hard auilaea atrreti. ilpni atwetaee aj-ttr-m. Mm rW. mtvdrrn ltlk hafi. IIm coed put-mil ninnthlr. Ship rnenihly many eara freight. All railroad have In ft. It slewv is Portland tiarW. Climate idral and IimIiMuI. IU tKtmViM. II MM prMnttfat ImI Dirtinttivfl) tnanwfatlurint My AdjatM (It ntrJ IVtlUmi. IIm MMilr fsOkO MtUlKtn. lUt i liwlilit liKran. lli Utf Jiy dixit, w rnJMi 'jmlrn mtllt, irvn rwl, Sle wait. alrlM IlllMJl, ihlp budding pUnt, Vrnw and rxeltior nUnt, ITouf mill. planing mill. Bat factory, at) J othrl. More fndylrir tominc. St John U lK pl.t lor YOU. ST. JOHNS REVIEW UtveltJ (o Ik lalfm ot Ibi 1'mtaniU. tht Manrcturin( CMf t tht Nortfawut VOL. II -4 ST. JOHNS, ORKGOK, PRIDAY, MARCH la. 1915. NO 18 COUNCIL MEETS Matters of importance Receive Attention AH members were present nt the regular mooting or the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Vincent presiding. u. w. boiiick naked for per mission to construct a cement sidewalk in front of his property on North Jersey street, which was granted. Bills amounting to $123.70 and including primary election ex penscs, were nllowed. Tho canvassers' report of the primary nominating election was read and accepted. H. Hender son, W. H. Moxon and Recorder A. E. Dunsmore constituting tho canvassing board. Upon motion Mayor Vincent appointed a committee of two. consisting of 0. E. Gnrlick and H. M. Wnldrof, to take up the matter of installing a public telephone with tho Home Tele phone Company. i ..a it was decided that the mayor should join the committee from tho Commercial Club Wednes day morning in a visit to tho county commissioners in an eitort to secure a lire pumping apparatus on the ferry boat for tho protection of tho water front property. Upon tho statement of Mayor Vincent that a citizen of St. Johns had informed him that ho needed a load of wood badly and had no cash with which to pur chase same, it was decided that samo should bo furnished him, payment for samo to bo made as soon as tho party was II nan cialy able to do so. Tho profilo of the proposed sidowalking of Ivanhoe street between Philadelphia and Cat lin streets was accented, and tho city attornoy directed to prepare a resolution providing for such improvement. A resolution directing thd en gineer to prepare tho plans and specifications for the sidowalk ing of Hayes street between Philadelphia and Cntlin streets was adopted. An ordinance amending tho dog muzzling ordinanco nnd nrov airier lor muzz in ir uurinur tho months of June, July, Au gust and beptemuer only wns passed by n four to three vote. Councilmen Davis, Cornell nnd Graden voting in tho negative By virtue of this action all dog owners may remove muzzles from thoir dogs Saturday of this week, tho amended ordinnnce going into effect after publica tion today. Au ordinance providing for placing charter amendments on tho ballot at tho April election whereby city officials shall hold office for two years, beginning with tho next set of otiicmls. with the exception of two coun cilmen, who shall be elected for four years was passed, all vot ing yes with tho exception of Councilman Garden, who voted in tho negative. An ordinance fixing tho sal aries of city officials for tho on suing term was passed. It pro vides that all salaries shall re main the same as at present Councilman Davis reported that the room adjoining the Cozy Corner confectionery store could be s'ecured for a waiting or rest room for the sum of fifteen dollars per month, the owner to install the necessary lavatories and otherwise place it in condi tion for rest room purposes. The committee was given further time to ascertain if a renter could be secured to use pare of the room and aid in paying the rent. Will Not Take Sides : Editor St. Johns Review: We, members of local Socialist party in convention declare that the editor of the Review was un warranted in his assertion in Review of Feb. 26, as to what constitutes a good or a poor So cialist. The Socialists of St. Johns as an organization have not as yet declared for or against annexation. Owing to the fact that Socialists as well as others differ on local issues, we have agreed not to waste time or effort on questions that have little or nothing in common with the fundamental principles of So cialism. Our aim is "The World for the Workers." Nothing short of that will satisfy. R. C. Stokes, Sec. Behold, the Statesman! Behold, the Stntosmnn! The only simon-pure, dyed-in-the-wool, constitutionally still in the harness stntosmnn, the man who says the Merger bill is only a Democratic measure, simply provides n way," nnd yet doesn't know whether he is on foot or horse back on the proposition. Behold, the Statesman I The statesman from St. Johns, the statesman who was the author of the Merger bill, standing on tho fence. Let tho neonlc rule." he thunders, nnd tacks nn emergen- cy clause on the Merger bill. Let the neon e rule" ho nines. nnd gets on the fence nnd crosses his fingers. I ho blood of tho statesman is "riled" by the "w d stor cs" circulated and he forthwith nro coons 10 "Kill some lnlse ru mors." Wild and unwarranted sto nos" in t no r mad career nro cjuight at various street corners, button holed and shot nt sunrise. The lyric tonmiod nwmakor then loads his blunderbuss and proceeds to shoot the teachers with soap soap; ho fires a second volley of assertions at the voters in genera. Ho savs "if St. Johns merges with Portland St. lohns will still remain. Tho only thing ovor swallowed that re- mnincd tho same wns Jonah, but that tide is pipe dream. Like a whalo at sea, he blows a "who said" about tho High school. Ho knows nbout as much about that as tho whale knows about Intitudo nnd longitude. Let tho people rule" he snorts, and then lie or some one else, probably some one else, writes nn amendment to tack on the constitution to fool the poo pic. lhcn tho gentleman with the brown derby tells us tho Port land council would deliberately confiscate tho property of the St. Johns Water Company. What variety of politician is our statesman, nnvnow. that no ex udes such a fairy talc? 11 tho peon e of bt.Jolins want chenper water the remedy is at hand buy tho water nlant. but don't let us assume that forcvor tax burden that Portland's $8.- 000,000 water bond debt would bring us. Look out. Mr. Voter, thnt vou don't got fooled on tho water question. 'Portland's water sys tem is now bonded for $8,000.- 000; sho is spending $100,000 to increase the llow to nupply her own people besides $150,000 or so ior extensions. Several thou sand dollars was spent Inst year to find out that tiio big mains from Bull Run were decaying. The people of the suburbs of Portland nro alwnys kicking be- cnuse they cannot get water during the summer months and what they get is not cool and fresh like ours. Bo caroful! "Bo Fair" yos, nnd likowiso bo open. What's tho reason of all this deep interest in tho politics of St. Johns so suddenly? Does some one want something? Is there some deep laid cornoration plot tho gentlemnn from the Boulevard is trying to nut over? What's the hurry? Why did tho emergency clnuso havo to be tacked on tho merger bill? tome on. got on ono s do or tho other. Don't bo n "jitney" statesman sitting on the fence. M. R. Morrow. Wants Letter Published Editor Review: On the last page of your issue of March 5 you print in very large typo as follows: Remember that mer ging with Portland will not re duce insurance rates in St. Johns unless the buildings here are rewired to conform with tho inspecting rules of Portland. Even then it is doubtful if low er rates would obtain because St. Johns rates are now 10 per cent lower than at University Park or Lents, so the board of underwriters say." I challenge tho accuracy of the above and assert that it is so untrue.and so grossly misleading that I insist that you publish this letter March 12 and allow me space in your issue March 19th to tell the exact truth about this Insur ance question. S. C. Cook. Mr. Cook need not insist upon publication; it is granted freely upon request. Would refer him to editorial on insurance on edi torial page. Would also suggest that if Mr. Cook has succeeded in slipping some insurance thru the Board of Underwriters at a lower rate than the basic rate, it might be just as well not to tell it out loud.Ed, (Primary Election Results Tho primary election hold Sat urday excited no particular in terost. There were few candi dates printed on the ballot, the Democratic ballot in each ward only contnining one name, nnt! mo rrogresBivo nniiot was nn absolute blank. So there were many names written in, nnd th , vote ns a consequence was greatly scattered, ui a total o 871 registered, a total of 318 votes were cast, as follows Republican, 219, Democratic OS while one solitary Progressive vote was cast. mo loiiowmg were nominnted. together with mo vote received by each sue ccssful candidate to secure the nomination: I'or Mayor A. A. Muck, Pro gressivc; one vote; A. W. Vin cent, Rep.-Dcm. nominations; 77 Kcp. votes; no Dem. lor Recorder H. D. Beam Progressive, 1 vote; A. E. Duns more, Rep.-Dcm; 135 Rep. votes 415 Dem. votes. For TrcasurerO. E. Learned, Prog., 1 vote: J. E. Tanch, Rep, 12G votes. Mr. Learned and Mr. Tanch were a tic on tho highest Democratic vote for treasurer. both receiving 30 votes. For Citv Attorney E. C. Gee slm, Rop.-Prog.; I'll rep. votes, prog, vote: Thad. T. Parker. Dem. ; ou votes. Counc men nt Larcro L. D. Jackson, Rep.; 93 votes; J. S. Downey. Rcp.-Dem.: 05 ren votes. 40 dem. votes; I. B. Mar tin. Rcn.-Dcm.-Protr. : ron. Gl. dem -15, prog.l vote; S. C. Cook, uem.-prog.; 35 dem. votes, progressivevoto. Counc Imon First Ward R. Graden. Rop.-Dem. : 48 ren. and 27 dem. votes: D. Tnllmnn.Ron. Dem. ; io rep. nnd au dem. votes. Councilmen Second Wnrd W. A. Carroll, Rcp.-Dem.-Prog.; 54 rop. a dem. nnd 1 prog, voto; C. R. Chadwick., Rep.; 45 votes; w. ii. JNoien,Dem.-prog.: 5 dem. and l prog. voto. Would Likely Benefit There are at least two profes sions that would benefit by merging St. Johns with Port landthe plumber and tho olec tricinn. Iho former becnuso of tho roplumbing necessary to con form with Portland regulations. It is doubtful if there is a house in St. Johns thnt will nnss tho plumbing regulations of Port land. Parties desirinc to add a bathtub to thoir homes would find that tho work would require permit and supervision and tho probabilities that all tho plumb ing of tho house would havo to be torn out and reconstructed. All property nloncr sower lino would ho compelled to immediate ly mako connect on therow th and Portland union prices would prevnil. Rewiring might havo to bo done, nn eloctricinn who has looked tho matter up, informs us, as few, if any residences in St. Johns aro wired according to Portland regulations. Tho plumber and electrician should surely reap a harvest and the public would bo tho goat. Building Permits No. 8-Elizn N. Walthai-t to erect a residence on Ivanhoe street between Burr and Alma streets. No. 9-To C. L. Holmes to erect a residence on Fessenden street between Oswego and Mo kawk streets; cost $1,000.00. N0.IO-T0 F. A. Yates to erect a residence on Ivanhoe street between Fessenden and Trumbull streets; cost $1400. No. 11-To E. A. Murray to erect a residence on Richmond street between Fessenden and Seneca streets; cost $800. A. L. Minor of corner West Polk and Crawford streets, St. Johns in speaking of tho time when St. Johns was under Port land Government that his taxes were increased from $45 per year (in St. Johns) to $075 per year (in Portland) and that a large portion of the school funds of St. Johns were taken and never returned to St. Johns after St. Johns was freed from Portland's grasp by the state legislature Contributed. Referred to D, C. Lewis. For Sale Full Blood Barred Rock Lggs for hatching, also baby chicks after March Call 315 W. Buchanan streot. 12. 1 Not What It Seems It is the small property owner, tho man thnt is paying up his home thnt would appreciate the diltorence in the water rate also the difference in tho city taxes and he might want avail himself of the opportunity of taking n job on some publi work, street or sewer contract work in tho City of Portland jn n which pays a.uu per day as per ordinance recently enacted the Portland council and also carries tho edict that such work must be done by Portland resi dents only, a fat. Johns man can't got any of that work, can he? It is written thnt'somo dny we will go into Portlnnd. That some day" is here. It won' bo any more of a hardship on the politicians or tho selfish interests now than later. A. W. Davis. in the short nrticle nppenring in the ubovo Mr. A. W. Davis hands the street laborer what he undoubtedly believes will bo an inducement to voto for mer gcr. 1. e.. that Portland nay thrco dollars per day for street work, with preference given to Portland lnbor. Now this does not menn thnt large numbers of workmon will receive thrco dol lars per day, but does mean that there will bo much less work to do. In these stringent times property owners can illy afford to improve streets when labor costs but $2.00 to S2.50 ncr dav and with this added cost for la ior it must ho realized that street improvement in Portland will in u great mensuro bo held up for somo timo to come. Any way, tho wage scalo has only been lixed by ordinance, nnt when the Commissioners find out iow it will work to the detri ment of Btreot improvement, tho ordinanco may be repealed at any time. There is nothing per mnncnt nbout it. It is absolute y true thnt three, dollars por day is littlo enough for any laborer on street work, but when it is a casoof taking less or doing with out employment, ninny laborers would rather accept less pay nnt be kept busy. Tho discrimina tion in favor of Portland labor will scarcely work a handicap to bt. Johns laborers, becnuso on tho smnll umount of street work thnt is bound to ensue from tho working of tho ordinance, there will probably be nbout one hun dred Inborers for every job. It may also menn that n big influx of idlo Inborers from other sec tions will flock to Portlnnd. But should tho pcoplo of St. Johns csiro such nn ordinance to ob- nin here. 11 strong petition to that effect presented to the city council will no doubt bring it nbout. Ono thing should be re membered. that tho workingman can nlwnys got a hearing before u. 01 i..t m ...t -sl um 01. JuiuiH uuy council, wnuu ie has practically no chance to get before tho Portland Commis. sion. Anyhow, you do not seem to realize, Air. Davis, that it is truggling property owner who lias to pay this $3 por dny. Mr. Davis takes up the buga boo 01 chenper wnter lor the small property owner, but he cannot give any positivo assur ance that cheaper water rates will obtain for years to come in tho event of merging. "It is written that somo day wo will go into Portland." It is also written that death shall overtake us all. And we aro not more ready for one than the other. St. Johns is so situated and has enough land, it the entire lower peninsula to the Columbia river is added to St. ohns, to compel Portland to come to us. Ihere is no reason why we should become a part of Port land now, or for tho next fifty years to come. Pittsburg and Allegheny did not consolidate until both had become full fledg ed nnd important cities. The samo is true also of Brooklyn and New York, and other cities that might be mentioned. If Mr. Davis will look around him a little he will find that it is not only the SUCCESSFUL politi cians that object to merging, but practically all the larger business, industrial and social interests of St. Johns. The movement is growing all the while. The laborers are think ing for themselves as well as the business interests. Ed. I havo some choice unincum bered property in Sheridan, Yamhill county, Oregon, that I wish to sell or exchange for desirable property in St. Johns. For further information, call ion DR. W. J. GILSTRAP, First National Bank bldg., St. Johns, Oregon. ."And Such is the Truth" you ndmittod there was nothing in the stories thnt St. Johns would lose the "Free Ferry." that there was nothing to tho stories thnt the teachers would lose their positions, that there was nothing to the story thnt St. Johns would lose tho High School and practically admitted there was nothing to the story innt the city would suiter nny otner department losses bj an nexation to or Merger with Portland, you helped some to clarify the issues. Now. Mr. Editor.ns you know, if we merge with I'ortlnnd, that Portlnnd will then own the right to tho streets the snme ns St. Johns now owns tho streets. Whv do you not irankiy admit that Port land will havo the rhrht to nt once extend tho Bull Run water mains, for such is the truth, nnd so why not let tho truth shine? You seem to think that be causo I took issue with you as to the advisability of the people voting $iiw,uuu in bonds with which to purchase the water works at a cost of about S30.00 por hcud to each man. woman nnd child in St. Johns, when by merging with 1'ort and and bv permitting Portlnnd to make tho purchase of tho water plant will cost only n low cents per head, 1 desire con scat on. and thnt because I intimated that the plant was not worth more than ond.third of $130,000, I wns wil- tuny misrepresenting. You say the Rai road Comm s- Bion found tho plant, less depre ciation, to bo worth over $89,- uuu. in this you nro m staken. Tho Railroad Commissioners found tho nlant. less denrecin- tion, nnd plus physical value and plus franchise value to bo worth tho sum you mentioned. Tht franchise value made up a big item nnd ns soon ns wo should becomo Portlnnd. Portlnnd would possess tho right to extcml Bull Run water mnins on nny of tho streets, so tho franchise value. one of the items, would -bo nil, nnd all Portlund would have to purchnso would bo tho iron pipes now m tho ground. Tho well or lole in tho ground, tho wooden )ipcs, etc., would possess no vnl- uo, nnd ns tho n nnt enn bo re constructed nnow, well nnd nil, nnd nil now material for less I than $75,000, I was not so far wrong uftcr nil. There is ono prominent citizen in St. Johns who has owned and operated water plants and who knows nil about tho St. Johns plnnt who ins said ho can re-construct tho plnnt for $75,000 and mnko u big prom ior himself, nnd such is the truth. Merger with Portland meanB a big saving to every inhabitant of St. Johns, for for CO cents por month, each family would get that which now costs $1.85 per month, or a year v saviniri of $15.00. In taxes I would save $10.00 or a total of $25.01). Is it worth while? If wo mercro Portlnnd will purchase this water nlant tho samo as Portland has nur- chased nil other water plants where merger has taken place. et us merge and et us irrow. D. C, Lewis. Mr. Lewis must havo marvel ous powers of conception, when 10 states that tho Editor mado tho admissions he accredited him with. It never happened. Tho ferry was never in issue. As to tho other "issues" tho editor not now nor has heretofore mado such admissions. But if Mr. owis wants admissions tho editor will admit that in the event of merger the water will continue to flow down tho Will amette, the sun will shine and 10 stars will twink 0 as of vore. and the moon will pass on over lead, oven though it may at times wear a most reproachful expression as it looks down upon people who were not menta v equipped to govern themselves. We will not admit that Portland would havo tho right to at once extend the Bull Run mains with out first offering tho local water company a fair price not Mr. ewis' price- -for its plant. Then if tho olfer is refused, there might be authority for the Bull Run mains to come, but not un til, then. There is an old rule mt is considered to have much merit, but in these days of pol itics and injustice is lost sight of and little used. It is called lie Golden Rule, and it demands one to do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you. if Mr. Lewis owned the water plant or owned stock there- In ho would nnturnlly find use for tills same Golden Rule, but ainco he does not, he discards it tho local water compnny havo paid $80,000 of good hard cash for thoir stock, and they purchnsed this stock only because the busi ness of the plunt wns backed by the honesty and integrity of tho city of St. Johns or its assigns. The citynjf St. Johns entered into a solemn contract with the water company that the inhnbi- mnis 01 mis piace should use the wutcr furnished by this plnnt.during the life of tho fran chise, and the stockholders hud n right to expect that St. Johns would stick to its covenants Mr.' Lewis would hnvo this con tract repudiated nnd the stock holders swindled out of thei rights by tho power of might nnd injustice. Agnln Mr. Lewis shows a (lis position to wnnder nfnr from the truth. Ho says: "The Rail road Commission found tho plnnt LESS depreciation nnd physical value and PLUS franchise vnluo to bo worth tho sum you men tloned. The franchise value made up a big tern." Whv does Mr. Lewis make such foolish nnd untrue statements? Sure ly ho knows differently, or if ho doesn't he should havo informed himself. In refutation of the above wo quote from tho Rail road Commissioners' find nirs on record nt the city hall: section o. 1 no or g nn cost of tho properties owned by tho dofendnnt (St. Johns Water Works & Lighting Co.) nnd now used nnd useful for the public convenience (without tnkinir de preciation into consideration) is upproximntciy $122,000. Section G. To reproduce tho used nnd useful property of the defendant in normal now and us nblo condition, including mate rim anu supplies on Hand, ant 1 -' . working capital on the first dav 01 Juiy.iaiu, as a going concern. would require tho expenditure of sm,2j;. Section 9. Upon full consid oration of tho foregoing nnd of all 1110 evidence nnd proofs oilered unu received, tho Com mission determines that the val uoof tho PHYSICAL property 01 tho respondent actually used and useful for tho convenience of the public wns tho sum of $89,500 on tho first dny of July, 1913. Dated Salem, Oregon, this 2nd day of April. 1914, and signed by Frank J. Miller nnd Thomas K. Campbell, Commissioners. Ho tolls of u prominent citizen who says ho could reproduco tho entire plnnt now for $75,000 and mnko n big profit, nnd Mr. Lewis ndds, "and such is tho truth." If nny man in St.Johns mado such a statomont ho is a fit mombor for tho Ananias club or greatly overestimates his ability. Most unfortunate for this man that ho did not bid on tho water system put in by the city oi Linn ton ncouplo of years ago. Thero was no pumping sta tion to install, no hard surfaced streets to pierce and only a few streets to trnverso with tho pipe line, and yet the city of Linnton pays ovor $100,000 for same. Now, this man Mr. Lewis talks about undoubtedly could havo taken tho contract for $15,000 nnd mado n fortune out of it, "nnd such is tho truth." Read what tho Railroad Commission says of cost of reproduction, and in that estimate the cost of placing pipes under somo hard surfaced streets is not taken into consideration. Mr. Lowls says each family in St. Johns would save $15 yearly in water. As there are nbout 700 families in St. Johns only paying 90 cents per month, it is a desperate mathematical puzzle to see how thoy could savo $15 yearly, oven if they got water free in Port land. Ho says ho would savo $10 in taxes. Even at the present mill rate und valuation, his taxes would havo to be $240 and tho valuation of his property for taxable purposes $10,000, to mako a saving of $10 per year. The mill rate this year in Port land is 23.1 mills; in St. Johns 24.1 mills. Any one can com pute these figures. If Mr. Lew is' property is assessed that much, ho should take up tho matter with the county assessor at once, as a grave injustice is being done him, if a house and lot on Willamette boulevard is assessed $10,000. Mr. Lewis, surprising to note, winds up his argument, if it can be termed such, by stat ing "that Portlund will pur chase this water plant tho same as Portland has purchused all other plants where merger has Evangelical Church Mary Monnhnn, nolco of Mr. und Mrs. T. J. Monnhnn, has re turned to her home in Missouri. Margaret Howard, daughter of Mrs. Rachel Howard, has re turned from the East. Marga ret is studying medicine. Bert Johns nnd wife are the happy parents of a nine nnd a half pound daughter. Tho Young People's Sundny school clnss nro planning to give a play in the near future. Mrs. Maud Hull, our delognto from our K. L. C. E. to the suite convention of the Chris tian Endeavor, at Eugene, re ports n great time. Next Sundny, March 14, is our fourth quarterly meeting dnte. Dr. C. C. Poling will preach nnd administer tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. This is tho last quarterly meeting for the Con ference year. Our annual con ferenco convenes April 1. 1915, nt Corvullis, Oregon. In the main the past year has been a pleasant nnd profitable one. A goodly number hnvo been con verted and ndded to tho church. Our finances hnvo kept up very well considering tho hard times. Wo hnvn not been free from sor rows, however. Two of our members crossed tho line of worlds during tho yenr, both of them faithful workers in tho church.nnd the members yet feel tho loss of Mrs. John Poir nnd W. Roy Hull. -Reporter. Christian Church Last Sunday tho Y. P. S. E. gave a program in nlnco c. of church services. Talks wore given by stivoral of tho young people, The "Worker's Conference" was hold nt tho church Tuesdny, flinrcn tho second. Many good motions wore carried, among them it wns decided to have a church library. Miss Nottio Moody wns elected librarian. Tho library is to consist of mis- sionnry and ot her re ur ous hooks loaned by members nnd friends. Supt. M. S. Beam presided over tho meeting. Sundny. March 14, is to bo "Book Day." A warm contest ih rairinc bo- tween tho S. P. I. bovs nnd tho S. P. I. girls. Tho hoys wore ahead last Sundny. Mrs. Carrie Moore is their teacher. Mr. Charles Graden is tenchor for tho girls. St. Patrick Day nartv is to bo given nt the home of Bert Smith Snturdny night, Murch 13. An Irish story must bo told by each ono. iho ones not having one to tell will bo fined n "jitney." 'Bo jnbers. an' what you think o' that? Tho "Loyal Sons" is tho namo of the newly organized class of boys from 10 to 13 years of uire. The names of tho officers will be given later. Iho reporter is teacher of this class. "Now. )oys. if you aro not nttondinir Sunday school elsewhere conio and join this class. Some good times nro being planned." Re porter. Business Men's Ticket Tho Anti-Merger club has plac id the following ticket in tho field: Mnyor- -A. W. Vincent City RocordorA. E. Duns- more. Treasurer J. E. Tanch. City Attornoy-Thnd. T. Park- or. Councilmen nt Largo A. A, arrowe. E. E. Gambee. H. W. Waldref. First Ward Councilmen C. E. Garlick, Roy Ingledue. Second Ward Counci men H. W. Bonhnm, C. R. Chadwick. taken place"- which means a mighty big price. "Let the people rule," Mr. Lewis, but don't warn their judgment through misrepresen tation. Don't let us stunt our growth and impoverish our oeo- pie by merging. Ed. Havo you noticed how much more crime is reported from S. rortund nnd tho Lents dis trict, and how littlo crime wo have in St. Johns? Remember we have excellent police protec tion in St. Johns, and our "Tak ing a chance" is not likely to better it. "Taxation without rep resentation" will certainly bo our lot if wo merge with Port- and. Don't "Take a chance." Contributed. Not Uw Ubal on your ppr. j