St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 19, 1915, Image 3

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    9x12 Axminster Rug
$1 .00 Down $1 .00 a Week
These rugs are all new up to date designs
and harmonious color combinations in
Floral and Oriental patterns, a good
stock on hand to choose from.
t, 9x13 Cnudohar Axminster Ktigs, Good Quality,
Pleasing Colors $25.00
t, i
9x12 Kliorassau Axtninister Rugs, High Grade
Durable Rugs of Late Patterns $28.00
9x12 Superior Axminster
High Pile Kxtra Heavy,
See our Window Display of Bissells Carpet
Sweepers which are the very last word in Sweeper
Priced from $3.0O to $5.75
Ormandy Bros.
j Seasonable
Saturday k Monday
Reg. 50c lllT..1. Spec 38c
Reg. 25C Garden Hoe, Spec. 19c
Reg. 75c steel Shovel, Spec. 58c
Reg. $1.25 Ifccok,ctsi"ti; Spec. -98c
. Bargains In Wall Paper Remnants
Spray and Prune your Trees Now. We
have the Lime and Sulphur.
We give S. & H. Green Trading
Stamps, and on Wednesday give
Double Stamps.
The Coal that will not Slack, high
In Puel Value and the bet prepared.
The hard Utah Fuel, without a fault.
A Clean, Sootlcu Coal, with less
Ahea than other Coali, because it's
all Coal, no Slate, uo CUnkera.
la guaranteed to Rive you wore
heat (or a dollar than any similar
coal at equal price.
$6.50 per Ton
Lmyc Orders at Wittr Company Office
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and Veg
etables in Season at
We Solicit and Deliver any
where In St. Johns.
Nunc Col. 210 504 FessRden St.
If you are thinking of making
For Exchange A well improv
ed farm, five acres; new house,
near car line of Vancouver. Ad
dress 1121 South Gresham street,
St. Johns, for further informa-Mion.
Rugs, First Quality,
Close Weave, Strong
j Lincoln's Birthday
Lincoln's birthday was appro
priately observed by the local
G. A. R. in the high shool audi
torium last Friday, when an in
teresting program was rendered.
"Do you remember when Lin
coln died?
Men and women and children
A loving father he seemed to
The rich, the poor, the great,
the small.
Homely, they said; he might
have been,
His life was as free as a child's
from sin.
An honest man, where'er he
Is always beautiful to see.
His arms were long, made to
Alike the white and colored
His hands, were large, they
had to'be
To break the chains of slavery.
So were his feet, he had to
When nation's rocked as if on
All the schemes had gone to
When Lincoln's work was nobly
He spoke the words which made
men free,
Then came the victory he ne'er
should see.
1 One greater man has lived and
He was the Christ we crucified."
Found On Fessenden street,
Package of photographs. Own
er may have same by calling at
this olhce and paying for this
Private lessons in dancing
from 8 to 10 every Monday even
ing in, Eagle Hall-S. G. Wright,
Local News,
Send in your news items.
Have you registered yet? If
not, why not?
Ho tmnnfnl! ' A wnvn of nroa
perity Ib on the way, and the
ground hog couldn't sec his
Getting about time to hunt up
the shovel and the hoc. A
breath of Spring seemB to per
vade the ntmospherc.
The "murder" (merger) Ques
tion will be placed upon the bal
lot at the April election, as per
action of the city council Tues
day evening.
Noyes Babbitt, the well known
shoemaker, was taken to the St.
Johns Sanitarium the first of the
week, Baid to bo Buffering from
an attack of rheumatism.
Every one of the warring na
tions accuses this country of fa
voring the other side. And
Eoor old Uncle Sam is literally
listing his gallus in a frantic
effort to straddle the fence.
Mra. E. S. Wright and child
ren now occupy the Hendricks
buildinc on South Ivnnhoe
street, recenty vacated by E. L.
The dance given by the Wom
en of Woodcraft in the skating
rink last Friday evening was a
most enjoyable one nnd all had
a good time.
Sunday was a glorious day.
and old Sol did himself proud.
It seemed like everybody that
owned an auto was out enjoying
the beautiful February weather.
When William Allen heard
that a Kansas nolitician was
drafting a bill malting it only a
misdemeanor to kill an editor in
the Sunflower state. White ex
pressed this opinion: "Tho bill
is too drastic. There ought to
be a closed season to protect the
editor when mating and caring
for his young." Now York Mail.
The St. Johns Firo Department
defeated the High School team
in an interesting and exciting
game of basket ball Inst Satur
day evening in tho skating rink
by a score or 15 to lu. Tho game
was a hard fought ono from
start to finiBh, and watched with
keen interest by a largo number
in attendance. After tho game
a jitney dance wns inaugurated,
and many availed thomselvcB of
tho opportunity to "trip the
light, fantastic toe."
A man carrying an "Unfair"
banner wns n curiosity in front
of tho skating rink last Saturday
night whilo tho danco wns being
held. It seemed that tho musi
cinnB employed had not become
members of tho Portland Musi
cians' Association, henco tho
adornment at tho exterior of the
rink. The man likely need
ed tho job. but probably would
hnvo enjoyed himself a great
deal moro nnd ho been insido en
joying tho dnnco and tho good
music furnished.
If any of our friends, at any
time chance to know n bit of in
teresting nows, either personal
or otherwise wo would bo pleas
ed to have you givn it to us for
publication. Tho Review nims
to publish all the happenings
that are fit to publish in the
community and our reader
friends could often give us news
items if they thought of it and
wished to. If any of your fnm
ily are off on a visit or your
fripnds from away are visiting
you tell us about it. All home
neonlo should be interested in
their home paper. Wo can help
each other if we will.
Apropos of the human sido of
President Wilson, tho President
was out for a ride in his auto
mobile one afternoon. The ma
chine passed a small boy stand
ing beside tho road. "Did you
noiico wnui uiui uoy uiu wnen
we passed?" tho President ask
ed. "No. Mr. President; I did
not." "He made a face at me."
"Is it possible?" exclaimed the
shocked companion. "I didn't
observe him." He did," said
the President; but did you no
tico what I did?" "No. sir."
'Well." answered the President
hanoily. "I made a faco right
back at him!" Saturday liven
ing Post.
Grabbing her handbag, the
size of a small portmanteau, and
her pomeranian dog, and clutch
ing a mutt that by its size must
have onco held a young bear.
the lady of ample dimensions
intimated to the passengers of
the car that she wished to alight.
"Conductor." she exclaimed fu
riously. "I thought I told you
to put me off at Granville road!"
"Tint moHam" "Finn'-
making excuses!" she retorted.
UUV IliBuaill vun l Dial L
"But you asked " began the
conductor. "Oh, yes, I know all
about your not being able to re
member where every ono wants
to get off! I'll report you for
insolence if you argue any fur
ther!" Gently assisting her to
alight and signalling the engi
neer, the conductor touched his
cap. "I'm sorry, madam," he
satd, with a smile, "but I only
wanted to say that Granville
San Francisco Argonaut.
von RENT ranU at thla fflcc-
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at II. F. Clark's, the fiirni
ttire man. Adv.
Finest line of chocolates in the
city. Lowney's our specialty.
The St, Johns l'hnrmncy.
For Rent G room, modern
house, bungalow style, nil on
first floor, not far from school
house. Call up Col. 239.
"Watches" made over into
"Time-nieces" nt reasonable
rates nt Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
All the latest, dance Records,
Hesitations, Fox Trots, One
Steps, etc., at tho St. Johns
Pharmacy, Uraphophone Deal
T4mr Jnnnv Lind. Caruso. OIg
Rull Mnsk Chorus, nnd other
artists in Concert at the home
of Dr. Brown, Wed. evening,
Feb. 24th. Tickets 25 cents.
Tlnv. F. M. Bnum. vicar of tho
St Andrews Episcopal church,
Portsmouth, will speak at 727
Smith avenue, St. Johns, Tues
dnv nfternoonsat3:30. beginning
February 23.
Ttinfih.TnVina Fi'rn Dnnnrt.mnnt.
will nlnv tho Kenton club ntraniG
nf hnakct ball in tho St. Johns
skating rink tomorrow, Satur-
day.night beginning nt a 0 clock.
A warmly contested game is
Eggs for Hatching, 50 cents
for 15 Good strphg vigorous
stock, mnted up for egg produc
tion. I hnvo ono 50 egg size
Cycle Hatcher with brooder at
tachment, worth $B.uu. win
take $5.00. S. W. Rogers.
Wo desire to express our
sincere thanks to tho Indies of
tho W. C. T. U. for floral trib
utes and kind words of sympa
thy and also to other friends for
kindness and sympathy extend
ed during tho illness and death
of our beloved wife and mother.
-L. N. Bellinger, W. M. Bellin
ger nnd G. V. Bellinger.
This year Lent began on Feb
ruary 17, Ash Wednesday, which
marks tho beginning of n period
of abstinence and -self sacrifice
for church members. In tho
Catholic churches especially the
Lenten period will no strictly
observed, nnd there will be a
general lull in social gayctics
until after Easter.
Mrs. L. N. Bellinger died at
the homo of her mother in Sell-
wood Fridny of last week of
heart failure. She wns born
near Salem, Oregon, January 22.
1859, and for eight years resided
with her family in St. Johns.
Last Fall sho went to Corvallis
to keop houso for hortwo sons,
who aro attending',collego there.
Sho returned during tho holi
days, and not fooling very well,
sho was prevailed upon toremnin
with her mother ever since.
Mrs. Bollinger wns n true Christ
ian lndy. and was well liked by
all who knew her. Sho is surviv
ed by her husband, nnd two
sons, W. M. nnd G. V.Bollinger,
besides mother, two brothers
and two sisters. . Tho funeral
took placo Tuesday; interment
at Oregon City.
Tho girl who is unkind to her
mother isn't worth a tinker's
doggone. This isn't written in
any part of tho Bible, but it's
written in tho history of thou
sands and thousands of misfit
homes. If ono of you boys over
run across a girl with her faco
full of roses, with eyes that would
dim tho lustre of a Southern aky
and with a voice that would
make the song of an angel seem
discordant, and she says as flho
comes to the door: "l can t go
for a fow minutes; I'vo got to
he n mother with tho dishes,"
don't give her up. Stick to her
like u burr to a mule's tail,
Just sit down on tho door step
nnd wait. If sho joins you in
two or three much tho
better: but if you have to stay
there on the door step for a half
hour or an hour, you just wait
for her. If you don't somebody
else will and in time you'll real
ize what you have lost. Wait
for her, boy. She's worth it-
One of tho good things that
has been suggested this session
of the Lecis nturo is a proposal
to compel insurance companies
to pay in full all losses up to tho
full amount insured, mat is an
solutely right There is no rea
son why any insurance agent
should collect a premium on an
amount that his company does
not mean to pay. If jour agent
insures your $1500 house for
$2500. at his own suggestion,
ana lanes your premium jyr it
' 1 It j r Si
there is no reason why his com
pany should not stand for the
full amount. You stood your
risk when you paid a exorbitant
premium. The company does no
more when it is cauea upon 10
pay an exorbitant loss. The out
come of a law that wjll regulate
the matter in that way will be
that smaller premiums will be
111 j
paid, thereby saving the insured
public a large sum of useless
expenditure. It will also save
the company expense in secur
ing an adjustment of losses, as
well as the insured, and the
whole business can be finished
ud as soon as tho company satis
fied itself that there is a genu
ine liability. A simple check
will do the business. Beaver
State Herald.
Subject for Christian Science
lecture Sunday: Mind.
See Dr. W. J. Gilstrnp for
correctly fitted glasses.
For Sale Big invnlid's wheel
chair. Call 917 North Jersey
street, St. Johns.
Mrs. Frank Rico is spending a
few days at St Martin's Springs
in Washington state.
For Snle. Boat house, cheap.
or will trade for a good cow.
Inquire nt this office.
For Snle Rango in first class
condition, with hot water coil.
See Roy Wilcox about it
Wanted to Exchange Forty
ncrcs of good land for St. Johns
property. Cnll at Central Hotel.
Found A lady's pendant in
St. Johns. Heitkemper's Cigar
Factory, 151 Porter street Main
Wanted, housework Well ex
perienced. Ago 24. 1215 E.
Charleston street, St. Johns,
Oregon. Miss Minnie Tcske.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Mnrkle
entertained the Jolly 'Steen
club at their homo on South Ivan-
hoe street Wednesday evening.
For Sale lucre. Groom house.
lights, toilet and 8 bearing fruit
trees, improved street. Fine
plnce for chickens. Only $1350
if taken soon. Terms. Col. 107.
Don't forgot Louise Lott the
Christian church candidate in the
Piano Contest has n benefit
nicht nt the Multnomah Theatre.
Saturday night, Feb. 20th. A
special program has been ar
ranged for this night; don't miss
it Adv.
Did you sco "The Kentucky
Belle?" You sure missed the
time of your life if you didn't
It wns n great success with a
ful house; all spent n veryenjoy-
nblo evening, I am sure. A
young music teacher of Portland
favored us with n lovely piano
solo. Also n certain Mr. Tay
lor sang a number of very good
sonirs. The orchestra surely
ought to hnvo a word of praise.
It was remarkable. Itcportor.
Mrs. E.E. Gnmbeo wns host
ess Tuesday ufternoon when Bho
entertained the Quid Libct club
nt her home on Dawson street
A charming feature of tho after
noon was n voca so 0 by Mrs.
Violn Johnson, piano recitations
by Miss Wnddock, nnd a violin
solo by the hostess. Refresh
ments were served. Tho invited
guests beside tho club members
wero Mrs. Gnmbeo, Misses Mary
and Martina Waddock of Port
nnd; Mrs. Alico Learned, Mrs.
O. E. Learned nnd Mrs. Gordon.
St Johns, Oregon, Feb. 11th,
1915. Editor Review: I under
stand that it in reported that I
sold mv laundry routo to tho St.
Johns Laundry and then loft
them without notice. 1 wish to
stnto that I gavo my laundry
business cratis. and worked
hard for six months to get the
laundry started but failed and I
irnvo duo notice of my change
back to Portland, ami did not
try to hold them tin for $500 or
$800 for my business as others
did. All I ask for is a square
deal. Yours truly, Chnrlca E.
Roycr. Adv.
Tho box social given at tho
Odd Follows' Hall Mondny even
ing by tho Rcbckahs nnd Udd
Fellows was a fine success, nnd
thoroughly enjoyed. Ono amus
ing feature wns tho arreBt of
tho aiict oneer by O cer Noreen
after tho miction wns concluded.
Tho officer asked him if he
had a licenso to practice auction
eering, and upon a reply to tho
contrary ho was promptly taken
to tho city hall. Tho auctioneer
for a whilo believed it was a
genuine arrest, nnd it did not
dawn unon him for some time
that it was a "frameup."
A stranger sat down besido
a man in tho car and opened con
versntlon by remarking: "I tin
derstnnd tho city government
of your town is about tho worst
of any placo in tho country."
"That is a fact" said tho man,
"and I do not believe it could
Eossibly bo moro unsatisfactory,
ut who aro you, nnd how uo
you know where I live?" "I
don't" replied tho stranger,
"I am a traveling man and am
just proving a theory that citi
zens in every town in tno coun
try believe their government is
a little worse than any other.
You aro tho twelfth man I have
talked to. and all from different
towns, and they all say the same
A most enjoyable Valentine
party was given at tho homo
of A. L. Harbin on Mohawk
street Saturday evening last.
Games, music, dancing and re
freshments, consisting of sand
wiches, cake, coffee, punch und
candy made the evening a most
pleasing ono lor all present.
A solo by Lewis Taylor was
greatly enjoyed. Those present
were: Misses Etta Lunn. Maud
Snraew, Vida Evens, Frances
Smith. Myrtle McDorrald. Mar
garet Pearson, Velva Bean, Viola
Bean. Agnes and Clara Thor.
Anna rRickson, Rosio Harbin
Mrs. W. E. Bonner. Messrs. W.
E. Bonner, Lewis Taylor, Albert
Tal man. Alfred Harbin. David
Dickson, Irvin Gromachy, Lee
York. Alt Thompson. Hill
McDonald, Ben Durrin, Philip
It's A Wise Woman
John N. Enuti'Siw,
Should remember that all must reg
ister again in order to vote this
Spring at the primary and general
city election. The books are open
now at the city hall. Don't put it
off until the last minute. The reg
istration books for the primary elec
tion closes the last day of the pres
ent month, so register now while
you think of it. Remember, last
year's registration does not entitle
you to vote this year.
There is probability that a vote may be taken
on the purchase of the local water plant, so every
citizen in St. Johns eligible to vote should register,
and not impose on his friends by having to be sworn
in on election day. DO IT NOW.
An Ordinance Amending Section
X of Ordinance No. 214 as
Amended by Ordinanco 278,
Which Ordinnnco 214 is Enti
tled "An Ordinanco for Car
rying Into Effect in tho City
of St Johns the Initintivo and
Referendum Powers Reserved
to tho Legal Voters of Munici
palities by Section 1-A. of
Articlo IV of tho Constitution
of tho Stnto of Oregon and to
Ennct and Amend Their Mu
nicipal Charters Reserved to
tho Legal Voters of Cities
nnd Towns of Section II of
Articlo XI of tho Constitution
of tho Stato of Oregon, nnd
Providing n Penalty for tho
Violation of ThisJAct" Which
Ordinanco wns Pnssed by tho
City Council and Approved by
tho Mayor of tho City of St.
Johns, on tho 2nd Day of Feb.,
Tho City of St. Johns does
Ordain as follows:
That Section X. of Ordinanco
No. 214, as amended by Ordi
nanco 218 of tho City of St.
Johns, entitled: "An Ordinanco
for tho carrying into effect in tho
City of St. Johns tho initiativo
and referendum powers reserv
ed to tho legal voters of tho
municipalities by Section I.-A.,
Articlo IV of tho Constitution
of the Stato of Oregon, and to
enact and amend their munici
pal charters reserved to tho le
gal voters of cities and towns by
Section II of Article XI of the
Constitution of the State of Ore
gon, and providing penalties for
tho violation of this Act."
Passed by tho council and ap
proved by the mayor Feb. 2,
1909, be and the samo is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Section X: An amendment
to tho Charter of tho City of
St. Johns, or a proposal for the
purchase or acquiring of any
public utility may be proposed
or submitted to the legal voters
of the City of St. Johns by reso
lution of the council without an
initiative petition, but the same,
either for an amendment to the
charter or proposal to purchase
or acquire any public utility,
shall bo filed with the recorder
for submission not later than 30
days before the election at
which it is to bo voted upon, and
no amendment to tho charter
shall bo effective unless it shall
who puts a little money in
the savings bank regularly.
No woman can tell when
she'll need money pretty
badly. T h c Peninsula
National Savings Dank has
many women among its
depositors. Why not prove
your thrift and wisdom by
becoming one of them.
F. C. Knahn
Vice President
S. L. Doimt,
Assistant Cashier
liavo been approved by a ma
jority of tho legal voters voting
upon that question; norshnll any
proposition submitted to tho
people for tho purchnso or ac
quisition of any public utility
bo ellective unless it shall have
been approved by at least two
thirds of tho legal voters voting
upon tho question, in favor of
such proposnl.
Tho Recorder shall mail copies
of such proposed charter amend
ments or proposed acquisitions
of public utilities, as nforcsaid,
as provided in Section VIII by
ordinanco 214, with ballot num
ber and titlo in full, not later
than twelvo days before tho elec
tion at which such amendments
or proposed acquisitions of pub
lic utiltiies are to bo voted up
on. The ballot title of such amend
ments or proposed acquisitions
of public utilities ahull bo pre
pared by tho City Attorney, nnd
shall contain not moro than ono
hundred words.
Passed by tho Council this lGth
day of Feb. 1915.
Approved by the Mayor this
17th day of Feb. 1915.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE,
Published in tho St. Johns Re
view Fob. 19. 1915.
To Sell or Exchange
I hnvo somo choice unincum
bered property in Sheridan,
Yamhill county, Oregon, that 1
wish to sell or exchange for
desirable property in St Johns.
Sheridan is in tho Willamette
Valley, fifty-soven miles south
west of Portland. It is a thriv
ing town of 1500 people, has a
most excellent surrounding farm
ing community, has largo dairy
interests, extensivo lumbering
interests and thousands of acres
nearby have been planted to
fruit which is just coming into
bearing. For further informa
tion, call on DR. W. J. GIL
STRAP. First National Bank
bldg., St. Johns, Oregon.
Wanted An industrious man
who can earn $100 per month
and expenses retailing our pro
ducts to farmer. Must have
somo means for starting cx-
Eenses and furnish bond signed
y two responsible men. Ad
dress W. T. Rawleigh Com
pany, Oakland, Cal giving
age, occupation and references.
Brine la your Job printing while
you think of it. Dont wait unUl you
are entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out Beat and taaty printing
prtmptty at Portias. prices or leu.