St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 12, 1915, Image 4

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    Big International Exposition's Amusements lsSch()o1 system Faulty
Novel and Wonderful
PrtjWcnt WUen Will Vhh P&nnn-Pct5e EfefSmy Natieew r Pnam& Oftd-VuiderkHt
Cup Race and Grind Pra Will Be II eW In Sin Franciaco.
WONOKKKUL mrS fvrrrl
sismM-HuriU, irwU hh4
IMRMMa ttui urWsitoi
rventrleft, auto and jartit
rcv sr athletic contacts will U- h
taajmltak. ittMl rmmlr at ttw ltm
UM-PaeMc ltirMituMt HsmmU
Th wiUwhIto imrUclpntJon of UhiH.
Japan. RUm and Irnlt and OrhtnOii
wIihn takra In rwfcttHrtlofi wiMi
(Im ttaMi alrHMtjr mad ami nJi th
tMs rrrfit. Th famnn Halt tkr
Morass etrolr. tb dnrt) totwd ptatntivp
skks f Hawaii tl rrrti (burn
9t rtf itsrsn ntwierm 1H take part
l ta ekwrsl tiMtts. At an ittll
terv of siJWWO B ItspnuHlnfi h
.flwrtrwltxl a rrrat Aixtltortum In IIh
rlrlr miter of Ka FYawtac. which
will lc hn1 by Uui grrnt conventions
and wmjr fvtUraU. Mr, and Mr.
DmcIh Crane will prwwnt thrtr latent
trtiwkhnrpsn norolty, the "Kxtxwltlnn
Taniw;" Mr Harry landpr will slug
IntvnmtlHR urhHiUI putn'tattoM of San tin- Kiontlon ballad.
hrnnouco, nMrtn audi srwutclos an
hT netcr Mon born swn In thi or
cldcnt I'nKwintt) of mllos In lonicth
iwt off by wntHlprful floats nml mar
trelous r'rtrrhHlcx will wind tlirurh
the striata of Knit Krone ai.
There Will Ihi lipid tliroHlioiit lh
Ttiv amuHPUicut scUou of the Kz-
KMltln. the "Tone" corrrspondln to
the fa iihiii "Midway" at the World's
Cfrinmhlan KxtKmlUon nt Chlrngu. will
mrry out the urioao of Ui Kxnosltlou
to give everr feature a high cducti
tlollNl VII I III-.
UnmUl rait;. The Urand Canyrm
eonrwlon I IttMl t ujou m nrudUts
a K-ale that visiters will tIpw the
ranranca fram a standard cause rail
wax maeh running on a standard
Ixhr track. A huge working mdr4
f the I'ananm cnnsl la io pxlenalte
that Tlltur hiu1 In eitiHfrtahl' 1h-
ntrr chairs will bo curled along the
twite f tlm cainl upon a tnoTabie
lilatfiirm. awl n d let n phone nt the nrm
af each chair will deacrlbo each eeiie
a It roinc4 Into vUw. A noret nniii"?
nient feature will be provided lir worK
lug tubmnrlne bonta of atttr llre torn
dhplnccment. which will operate In an
artldi'lnl Ingimn. Tim Aerocoi, a
huge Inverteit poniluliiin. operating like
n gin nt aeeHW, with n gnt biilancliig
weight mi the ahort end hih) a ciir for
IMHaenger nt the extremity of Hh lung
l'n I net) of Horticulture looking through tlx? Court of I'uluia, Thlt beautiful atructnro haa a glaas iloiuu IWi
feet high nnd 152 feet In dUtncter. Crowning the dome Ih n huge iKinkct The gcncrnl itylo of Uio arclillc-cture
la tlio I'Yoiich a'linbuiiiiK.'e, wltli Baracirnlc inoUUlcallun. The extreuw length of th pulaco la 0T2 feet aud breadth
Sit) feet.
luuigliu), for Uie punxwcii of lllimtrn
tlou, tint Intercut, action nnd novulty
of Uu grunt clrcuMox llko 1 In mum .V
llfillpyV coiublued Into n Kingly ";rrcat
eNt mIiow ou earth" nnd preneuttHl lit
ten tlmea Umi rout of the ulnglo pro
iluctlon nnd iui Men H gained of thu
orlglnnllty of thla eectlon, A total of
more tliim eleven mllllona of dollnra
linn been eipcnihsl In Ita eHtnbllahuicnt.
The conevmdonn, na thitio Iwa Korlou
fenturea of the KxXMiltlon nro known,
Include n great open ulr panoramic
n'prodnctlon of Uio Yellowtono Nn
tlonid ixirfc nnd a alinllnr rviinnentn
tlou of the (IritiKl Cnnyou of Arlr.onn,
pnmmtiHl by two of tbo trnncon-
er nnn. w til rnln nlnliUioera inoru than
feet nbovo Sun I'rnnclflco buy,
affording nn uuimrprtmed rlew of tlio
KxpoNltlon City nnd the (Jotilon Gnte,
Apart from the nuiuimnoiiU, couven
tlmiN unit conurefiscH, the vaiit pngeiiiiU,
tlio Mtiperh pavilion of tlio nation and
the magnificent Htato hulldlngn, the lit.
KIltl0ll ItHI'lf 1.4 n IK lit Well HOI'tll
aeelug. The giant exhibit paluccx. the
InftleHt nnd mutt Imposing exposition
buildings ever coutrticied, lire In their
architecture repri-Hentntlvp of the tlnest
work of n coiiii'iIknIoii of fuinouH Amer
ican nrrhltecta, who freely collaborated
with dlhttngiih-hed niembera of thla pro-
foMlon nhroiid,
ntlro period of tlio ICxpotdtlon, which
opens rob. 20, 11)15, n m-rleN of meat
uroiits. Including Hpoiiii iiimI uthlutlv
contesls of ninny kind conducted upon
u Hcnlo of great iiiiigiiltuili1.
The VunderbUt AubiUMibllo Cup
Itucu mid thu GmiMl l'rli, tlio two xu
premo ovenU of Uui nutouuihlla yeur,
will bo held upon it four wllu course,
cuibracliui u circuit of tlio lixposltlou
palaceH, n aiKiclacular Uickgrouud fur
excelling In bennly nud grandeur nny
which ancient Homo beheld (luring Its
hUtorlc chariot roem. Ttn Vnnder
bllt Cup Unco will tako plnco on 1'eb,
XI and tlio Urnnd Irix ut l'b. 'It,
1013. Qruut inotorbuntM of the deep
aea crubwr typo will rncu for n 110.000
prlro from Now York through tbo I'un
aina canal to the Uolilen (into. A se
rtwi of International yacht man In
tho twenty ono meter chisn will lie
held In Bm Krandnco Imy. Pnnildetit
Woodrow Wilson, KiiitH-nir William or
Gcnimny nml KIum UrKM of Kughiiid
Iwirt) twicll olTtfrvd trutihhai hi tlww
crrwuta. Bwlmmliur, wutur lio, Uy
cuitliiic, CAiioeliiK. fwitUill. Ihii'Iki11
and ling distance foot nifliiK nm In
ctu&id in a stiriea of tmiro than 'JKiillf
rcreut kinds of contests, lrvsldent
Wilson himself will attend the ICxk
altlon, nisi It Is proluiblo dm incmlHTH
of cotigres will ntteml In n svll
ly charteail steamer.
Of tntuniBtlotwl lntist will Is Hm
crrutest llvo stock show In the world's
history. More than fciOO.iss) will be
awunlrtl In pris In n contiinniiw live
ato.'k rxhlhlU lt-in and vuluabli
brwls of nil Mods of live -UxV from
dittnut conntrlii of th uh'be will Ik
ahown. Hiieclineus of (be famous
Cnllrtngtiam wlM white cuttle will be
exhltilted for tho first tinw. With the
exception of two spoclnunw nt tlio l,on
don loo. this Irwd Iwts nevr been1
shown outslds of Chllllnglmm xitk.
UiyjUtul. Tbeso cnttla nro pure white.
with bluck noses, blnck tli to tho ears
and black luiriw. An Intenmlloiial I
IvM-ti shearing content will lis ouo of!
th unlouo exhlblUoiui. i
Vor Um musical ownts tlstn- hssiyAST TIUUMPILAL ARCH AT
bww built by tho Imposition ttm inng
nincvut Kostlval I'alnco ann the1
grounds. This is txiulpiied with ti won .
derful pip urgun, uioii wtik-ti itr. Kd 1 .Vrch of the Hettlug Sun in the went entrance to the Court of the Dal
win Loumre, world ruinous orxmiut. vermi st the raimuni rncinc international i;xHMitlon. Surmounting the arch
aiaong other colubrttles, will glvo n m 1 Is n group of statuary represantlni; "Ttiu Nations of tho West." In tbo middle
rU-s of rvcltaU. The Intenintloiml Kts of the group Is nn emigrant wagon drawn by oxen. Hiding in this Is the
teddfod will nt Han l'rauclco com tlguro of a wmiinn, "The Mother of Tomorrow, and by her side ro two clill
pU) for $23,000 In cash prlws. More droll, "The Hoes of Tmorrow," Other figures repiweut uu Amcrlcun In
than 30,000 singers will isirticliviitu In dlnu, a Hexlcnu. an Alaskan and other A merles u types.
the MUlUtHotl number of sub
jucUt, thu liitonrlllontiuti of tho
8ytornn nml the Krentor require-
niunu ui tlio toitchnrn, Uomnml
w r Rrontor nmount of nervous
energy than nny other iirofen
1 1 in Hppofll to the tonchers was
thnt they hruiik the monotony
nntl tho routino of tho tonchin
profoftsion; thnt they tnke suHl
ciont oxereitK! to cottntornct tho
intotiMO concentration of fnciiifr
'50 or 10 juipllnforsix hour.s nnd
in Konenil lake cure of thomsel
von with a viuw to prevontinK
thu p roe on I lorrific number of
casoH of brokun l.uuUli.
A very Krnvo error i the
constant luK'islative chmiKOfl
in uducnlional mnttcrn. It la
now proposed that tho public
school syHtetn bo ehanicod from
a district to a county unit plan.
The bill provides for tho election
of three niombers of a county
board of education who are to
appoint a county superintendent
and with him will employ nil
teachers, audit all bills, perform
all work of school bonrdB, otc.
To adopt this plan is left option
al by vote of electors in county.
The following was taken from
tho proceedings of State Teach
era' Association in EtiKcne last
December: Oregon will face n
serious shortage of teachers in
1915 unless hiuli schools of the
stnte respond to an appeal for
tho installation of teachers'
traininir courses, according to J.
A. Churchill, State School Sup
erintendent, speaking before tho
Oregon state Teachers' Associa
tion here today, at which about
700 educators were assembled.
"Oregon needs 1000 teachers
annually, nnd the State Normal
School docs not furnish inoro
than one-tenth of this number."
ho said, "nnd this is in fnco of
the fnct that after Sontcmbcr 1.
1915, no one, not even u high
school graduate, can bo granted
a certificate who has not had an
elementary teachers' training
"While tho course in the high
school cannot give tho training
that a standard normal school
gives, it can partially prepare
teachers for their work, nnd it
can givo tho training course re
duired by the now law. Inci
dentally, it will assist in raising
tho standards of tho rural
Tho ideal school will never,
never bo tlio production or any
ono person, it will bo a gatnor-
nig of tho best in every way,
Wo realize that wo cannot moos
uro intellectual attainments by
means of diplomas and degrees.
There aro men who have gone
tho whole educational machine
from kindergarten to University
w Iio are spending their lives un
dor direction of men who have
hud only tho most meagro opnor
tunity, in fact aro self mado
men. bomo sny (he school ques
tion will novor bo settled until
tho parents take tho matter in
charge, and after deciding what
ought to bo done, stato their
conclusions to tho teacher in
In conclusion, wo must bring
tho curront of education into
narrower bounds, making it
deeper and stronger instead of
destroying its usefulness by
spreading it over vast areas.
A few words of encouragement
might bo ottered to tho critical.
Many things contrary to our
own way of thinking nro grad
ually changing. Discussion is
the greatest of reformers. Tho
time is soon coming when tho
Bible will bo restored to
$ TIL LP as ssktC AstuiMMl MM tilts. A I
lllti mUUg UI tyJMIJ lo HI NIB Mil
The great periodicals are featuring Wearing Ap- ;
parel in keeping with the spirit of the atmosphere
Many of the things are at your door that you are reading
The new models of Warner
Corsets; the new spring
models of footwear nre in
our stock ready for that
opportune moment when the
spirit to buy prevails.
Many new (nlirics nre shown this
sptitiK We will have our shnrc of
tlusv, n slmrc thnt will fulfill your
Ae will agree to be loyal enough
to enr community to supply! the
H) Is f t'ie community he loyal
enough 'o give us the .support that
is (hit' otir loot I Htore.
Our New Bargain Annex
It l.s our purpose lo use our new
n.iex for a plntv of linrgains.
Next week we will still retain
the Slux Specials, fioo n pair
Ltxiies nml Misses.
Children's Dresses, Ladies' House
Dresses, Children's Kimonas, Straw
Hand Satchels.
These mid other Specials of value
invite your attention.
X kalUI I 1 I dH I I VUI I IVI
Arrow Shirts
Holeproof Hose
We have taken pride in our Men's Toggery
Have supplied the stock with all the wearing apparel
that goes to make a well dressed man.
Every season gains are made in the Men's Suits:
the makers are improving the fit, workmanship ana
This spring reveals the best line of Men's Clothing
ever placed upon the market. The line we carry is on a
par with any of them. Our Colors, Style and Sizes
are selected for the men of our community.
To our Men's Line we have added a full line qf
Boys' and young Men's Suits for Spring; they, are
New, Snappy and of meritable Value.
Boys Suits $3.50 to $6.00
Young Men's Suits $10.50 to $16.00
Men's Suits $9.50 to 25.00
Men's Toggery
Florsheim Shoes
Regal Shoos
How's This?
We offor Ono Humlreil Pollnrs
Reward for any cusu of Cntatrh
that cannot ho cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO., TolJo, O.
We, tlia mitlvrsJKiiMl. tisw known 1'' J.
Cheney for the hut U yesrs, unl believe
him iwfeetly honor uM.- In all hustiies
truniuctloni unit Ilniuinlly utile to mtrrv
out any oIiIIk'uIIoiih mailt- ly his Mr in.
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure U tnken Internally,
clinic directly unon the blood und mu
cous nurfaon of the sVHtem. TeitlmontuU
sent free. I'rlro TO cents (wr bottle. Bold
by all DrUk'Ktsta.
Take lUli . family I'll!, for eea.llpatloa.
No. 1 86 I. O. O. f
' sr. joitNS. oiircoN
UnIi sach Monday evening In Odd Fi
lows hall at 7:30, A cordial welcome U
ell vUltitiK brothers.
johu J (iooiluian. Noble Crand
A. M. Ikmnev. Vic Oiand
John Deyei. Kec Src.
ItllURIcndcnlui;. ltn tkc.
II. V. CUt I.. Ticai.
Meets every l'riilay niKht nt
7:30 o'clock iu lHCKNUR
Hall. Visitors ulwuys wel
II. C. l'INCH. C. C.
Combination Pneumatic Sweeper
THIS Swiftly-Swccpinir, Easy-Runninc DUNTLEY Sweeper
cleans without raisnig dust, and at the same time picks up
pins, lint, ravchncs, etc., in ONE OPERATION. Its case
mases swccpinu a simple task quickly finished. It reaches
ev en the most difficult places, and eliminates the necessity
of moving and lifting all heavy furniture.
The Great Labor Saver of tho Homo Every home, liree or
small, cun enjoy relief from Uroom drudgery and protection from
111c lunger ut n)iii uuit.
Dutiilcyls the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers
I hi the combination of the rneunutic Suction Noulesnd
icvolvinjr llruth. very caily operated and abolutely gusr
antrrd. In buyinj a Vacuum Cleaner, why not give 1
tne "vunticy ' a trial in your home at our expense'
U'riU foJoy tor lull particular
AGENTS WANTED lluuUey I'neu.
uintic Sweeixir Co. , 6501 S. State. Street,
ClucaKO, Illinois.
ono teacher who could not kIvo
a koocI talk on botany onco
week and do more real good, and
also do nway with tho buyinir
of 80 mnnv books. Leave tho
its norsonnl instruction for the nar
proper plnco in tho school room, ents and not make a public thin?
iiuuise 01 1110 iJioio as n toxt- of bo private and sacred a mat
dook is (iiiierent irom tne teacn- ter,
ins of reliirion. said Mr. Thor- Do not trot tho imnrosslon that
uarson, who recommends me 1 no not npprovo of sex instruc
civiiiK acuiai scnooi creou ior tion. 1 think tlio uooks triven
uiblo reatiinir out of school hours out by tho Oreuon stato board
11 necossary. "iho Ulolo ts tno of health are doincr a irrent dea
authentic history of a great na- of good, and all parents shoulc;
lion ami a ciear record 01 at vino get them. 1 am sure thero art)
revelation." no saia. It is liter- others who fee tho same on this
ature in itself and it is the great subject."
t(v tn IWnrntiirn In frniinrfil I -
Our great English writings are JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D.
replete wUh Biblical allusions Physician and Surgeon.
una ruiiuiiii mum wuiua iu iituaui r. a. vti-l. ru i if.01 1.11.
hducntors and parents have
united hands in efforts to better
the conditions of school, teacher
and pupil. Mistakes will bo
made, but other and better con
elusions will appear in their
Ono mother expresses her
conclusions in this way: "It
seems very strange to me that
every new idea that comes along
hns to be tried on the children of
the public schools. The latest
is teaching tho children physiol
ogy and hygiene. Such things
aro good in their place, but why
not teach them a little more
arithmetic, aud also let them
get more familiar with the al
phabet? Where is thero a busi
ness man or woman who does
not refer to the alphabet or ta
bles many times a day 'there
should be more drill on tho good
old fashioned tables, and less
time given to social hygiene. I
do not expect any teachor to
instruct my boy in this personal
matter, and I believe the teach
ers already have a burden heavy
enough, without shifting all tho
parents' duties to their shoul
ders. I do not believe there is
Rooms 7 and 8
Holbrook Building ST. JOHNS
Office Hours 9-12 to 1:30-7
Sunday 0-11
Office Phone Columbia 140
Resident 1'uone Columbia 274
A. F. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wednesdavof each month
in Bickner's Hall, Visi
tors welcome.
Chafc A. Fry, W. M.
A. V. Davis, Secretary.
Phone Columbia 61 Q
First National Bank bulldte.
McDonald Building
107 S Jersey Street
Firs National Dank Duildins
402 N. Jsraay Street
Abstracts of Title Prejwred
Titles Rxamiiiefl
riione Columbia 255
Central Market!
20S S. Jersey Street
See us for the Choicest Cuts
the Best Meats Obtainable
Order rfetcd and ramify Trade SeUdCca.
T. P. WARD, Propriety.
The following list of lepraf blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, jattsfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leases.
Bring lo your Job printing while
you thlak of It. Don't trait until you
are entirely out. V are equipped
to turn out neat and taaty nrlatlns
Dromnttr st Portland nrirwc nr !
NoU the label en yeur paper.
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Plumbing and Gas
Job work promptly attetded to.
Phone Columbia 618
109 Burr Street SI, Johns, Ow.ou
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Transfer and Storaga
We deliver vour eooda ta and fraea
ail pcrta of Portland, Vaneeurer, linn
ten. Portland and aabarbaa Sxbtom
Co., city deck and all po4U aeeeeeibla
Wjrsfoa. PUae asU fsrakyrm.aaevtas
Net the Uael on your paper.