IT'S GO CART TIME Spring days are the real Go Cart days. The little ones enjoy the outdoors in Go Carts. We have a very large selection of Go Carts, Sidewalk Sulkies and Oriole Bas kets. Here are a few: -. oidewnlk Sulkie with Hood, Padded Scat nnd Hack Col- lnpsible, ONLY - Collapsible Sidewulk Sulkie with Uack and Seat Padded, ONLY Sidewalk Sulkie with Wood Scat, Wicket Oreole Basket lined with heather Cloth Pad ded Seat, ONLY. $9.50 ". Oreole Basket Lined with Corduroy, Verv Service able, ONLY ". 11.75 "Kxtrn fine ( Woven Oreole Basket, Lined aud Pad- u' uin. nlll V if rn Ormandy Bros. FURNITURE Arc You Taking Advantage of Our Saturday and Mon. Specials Another Bjg 4 Reg. $1.25 $ .98 nv IT C No. 8 Guaranteed Cast f) Pfl Reg. 3.50 &ss? Z.B3 O Cn No. 8 Solid 14 Oi All O 7C Reg. o.ougss... Lid Rpir 1fln CrePe Toi,et llCg. I UU Paper, Spec. Oh Wcgivc S. & H. Stamps, and on Double Stamps. ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. THAT GOOD COAL KNOWN AS HIAWATHA COAL The Coal that will not Slack, high In Fuel Value and the best prepared. The hard Utah I'uel without a fault. A,SO MONARCH COAL A Clean, Bootless Coal, with less Ashei than other Coals, because it' all Coal, uo Slate, no Clinkers. 'Is guaranteed to give you more heat lor a dollar than any similar coal at equal price. $6.50 pe r Ton 1SDU1SPSJ2N mmr co. Leave Orders at Water Company Office ST. JOHNS, OREGON Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Fruils and Veg etables in Season at ALEX. S. SCALES GROCER We Solicit and Deliver any where in St. Johns. Phone Col. 210 501 Fessenden St. It you are thinking of making a change INVESTIGATE. For Exchange A well improv ed farm, five acres; new house, near car line of Vancouver. Ad drees 1121 South Gresham.street, St. John, for further information. 1 $5.50 Hood, Hack Reclines, .8.75 and Reversible Hack, ONLY 1.75 irTTCiu.,! CASH OR CREDIT Green Trading Wednesday give Aimed for Public Good Editor Review: I think the censor business ia aimed for the good of the community. If it needs amending, let it bo amend ed, but there sure is need of bet ter training for young people than the novel reading gives them. I would strike a blow at that; I would like to see them used for kindling fires before they are read. I don't think there ought to be one in the Li brary or anywhere else for sale or to loan. Of course they are acted out in the shows and made more public, but 1 think the de tails are as vivid to the mind and memory after reading one of those love and murder stories as if you saw it. You could follow it out just as well. It doesn't look to mo that there need be any argument against the example being for good rather than evil. Besides the influence in an immoral or crim inal way, they have a tendency to lead one to excess. So you get in the habit of reading i them and have no relish for , sound reading of any value. I think there should be a law to prevent the publication of such i stories, whether in a paper, magazine or anywhere else. I am for the community's good. 1 Olive J. Malcom, 917 N. Jersey j street, St. Johns, Oregon. i Lhave a friend who owns 26 acres of the very choicest farm ing land, one and a half miles from Sheridan, Oregon, with im provements and unencumbered. He wishes to sell and take small house and lot in St. Johns as part payment. Will take balance on long time payments with low rate of interest. Reasons, ad vanced age. Dr. W J. Gilstrap, First National Bank Building, St. Johns, Oregon. SB Local News. SAN-TOX. Send in your news Hems. City Attorney Parker made a business trip to Raymond today. The subject for the Christian Science lecture Sunday will be: Soul. Joseph Stcarn is having a modest residence erected on Os wego street. Edcar A. Murray is building a handsome dwelling on His lot on East Richmond street. Registration books are now open for the city primary, which will be held March Oth. The winter is almost over and no snow has yet made its ap pcarancc in St. Johns. Lewis Caldwell, the expert tonsorial artist, was oil duty a day or so this week, nursing an attack of rheumatism. The Women of Woodcraft will give a dance in the skating rink this. Friday, evening. That it will be a most joyous affair is a matter of course. City Recorder A. E. Dunsmore has filed his nomination papers for re-election. Attorney T. T. Parker also announces that he will be a candidate for re-elec tion. All owners of chickens are hereby warned to keep them from trespassing upon the prop erty of others, or be liable to suffer the penalty prescribed by ordinance. John Poff, Chief of Police. It is said that there arc be tween 2000 and 3000 empty dwellings in the city of Portland, and of course the balance of the population would just naturally fall over themolvcs in removing to St. Johns after consolidation has taken place. Rose Temple No. 43 Pythian Sisters will give a G00 party in Bickner's Hall on Thursday evening Feb. 18th. All who enjoy the game can spend a nlofiH.'inr. nvnnftur hv nttondincr. It is not too Into to compete for the grand Prize at the end of the series of parties. A. W. Davis has been circula ting petitions for placing on the ballots at the April election the proposition of merging St. Johns with Portland. Any one desiring to sign this petition may do so at McKinncy nnd Davis' Real Estate olllce. The Bachelor Club announces a dancing party in the St. Johns rink Friday evening, February 10th. This will be tho first dance to be given by the Bache lor club for somo time, and no doubt it will bo well attended by those fortunate enough to secure invitntions. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Osborn of 709 E. Allegheny street, were very pleasantly surprised Thurs day evening, Feb. 4th. when a number of their friends walked in. With music, nnd interesting stories, tho evening was very much enjoyed by all. A dainty luncheon was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Hoirnn.Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Soule, Mr. and Mrs. Fnber. The numerous friends of R. M. Morrow were delighted to see him upon tho streets the past week, nfter his terrible ex perience of being injured by a Hying piece of emery wheel at the Peninsula Iron Works, where ho was foreman, recently. Ho hns lost one eye, but otherwise is looking first class. He is con soled with the thought that his injuries could have been much worse. Georgia Rich Lydick was de lightfully surprised at the homo of Mrs. Glawe, 410 Charleston street, last Friday evening. She was urgently summoned to the Glawe residence, and on reach ing there found all her pupils who took part in the Old Time Melody recital given by them in the Baptist church recently. She was met at the door by a pupil attired in George Washington style, and found the other pupils attired in old fashioned costumes also. Tho house waa tastily and beautifully decorated in gold and green for the occasion. Games and elegant refreshments made the evening a most enjoyable one to all. Mrs. C Jt. r.hntvuot 910 North Swenson street, St. Johns, entertained at her homo last week, Mrs. Nellie M. Stevens, Principal ot the North School, also Miss Flo. MoNivon nf th same school, Mrs. J. M. Shaw, Sec. of the Baptist church. Mrs. &ua KiiKenny. aupt. of Junior denartment of tfm FVnntrolinl S. School, Mrs. T. J. Monahan, supt. ot the East St. Johns Sunday School, Miss Ethel Coupe and Mrs. Rasmussen. Those who were there speak very highly of tne atiair ana surely praise the culinary talent of the hostess as well as the tasteful and unique way it was served. After some time spent in social converse the guests took their departure feel ing that they were specially fa vored by being present. One who was there. Picture framing done at Pot timid prices r 11. Is Clark's, the ftttnl ttire man. Adv. Finest line of chocolates in the city. Lowney'a our specialty. The St, Johns Pharmacy. L Regular business meeting W. C. T. U. will he new at the Li brary, Monday, 15th, at 2:110. Private lessons in dancing from 8 to 10 every Monday oven ing in Engle Hall- S. G. Wright. "Watches" made over into "Time-pieces" at reasonable rates at Rogers , 309 N. Jersey street Mrs. E. S. Wright and young daughter of Cook, Wash., are guests at the home of Mrs. A. W. Markle. If you believe in taxation without renresentation. be sure to vote for consolidation, and you will get it good and plenty. All the latest dance Records. Hesitations, Fox Trots, One Steps, etc., at the St. Johns Pharmacy, Urnphophone Deal ers. II. W. Smith and family, old pioneers of St. Johns, left the first of tho week for Bachelor Is land, where they will take up farming, at which Henry is an adept. Auto for hire by day. hour or trip, at very reasonable rates. Good opportunity for parties of four or less to make a trip into the country at a low price.- H. M. Waldrof.009 Fessenden street. Phono Columbia 206. Eggs for Hatching, 50 cents for 15 Good strong vigorous stock, mated up for egg produc tion. I have one 50 egg size Cycle Hatcher with brooder at tachment. Worth $8.00. Will take $5.00. S. W. Rogers. At the courteous invitation of the St. Johns Christian church the Rev. Charles M. Smith of the St. Clement church will re ply to the eight specific state ments of Rev. G. K. Berry to morrow. Saturday, evening at 8 o'clock In the Christian church. Congregational church Sun day School at 10 a. m. : preach ing at 11 by the pastor. Rev. D. T. Thomas, subject: "Nothing But Leaves." Christian Endenv- or at 0:30 p. m. At 7:30 p. m. Mr. James Palmer of the Tort- and Y. M. C. A. will speak. Mary Elizabeth Harnoy de lightfully entertained eighteen of her little girl friends with a Valentino party on instl'riday afternoon. the occasion being her ninth birthday. A number of games wore plnyed and nico re freshments served. When dark ness began to approach the little guests departed, wishing Mary ninny happy returns of the dny. Wo wish to thank all kind friends nnd neighbors who were so kind to us during the long sickness and death of our belov ed wife and mother, and espe- c a y do wo thank Rev. J. R. Johnson nnd tho choir, and for tho many beautiful flowers. Their loving kindness will al ways bo remembered and cher ished in our broken hearts,- W. A. Phillips and and family. The Sunset Athletic Club de feated tho St. Johns Volunteer Fire department team in a game of basket ball in tho skating rink last Saturday night by a score of 13 to 23. The locals showed lack of practice, but the team is composed of some of the best players in tho city, and with a little nfore practice will bo able to wrest victory from most any amateur club. A "jit ney" dance followed tho game, which was highly enjoyed. The tiro department will play tho James John High basket ball team tomorrow evening in tho rink, and it promises to be a most exciting contest. A plan which might profitably bo followed in all parts of the Northwest has been adopted by tho counties included in the Wil- amette Valley Exposition asso ciation, by which large sign boards will bo erected, along the no of the railroads felling pas sengers on the trains just where they are at any time, in what county and the distance to the state capital and also to the near est important town. As these signs will be uniform in sizo and attractive in appearance, it is expected they will be of great interest to travelers. The St. Johns Commercial Club held its regular monthly meeting in its club rooms in the Holbrook building on Philadel phia street Wednesday evening. The matter of better car service was taken up and a committee consisting of A. E. Dunsmore, J. F. Gillmore and P. H. Edlef- sen was appointed to interview the officials of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company relative to securing Ten minute service and single car for St. Johns. After the business of the club had been completed, dancing took place in the Eagle Hall by members and their and wives and sweethearts. Sneed's orchestra furnished de- ightful music for the occasion, and 'the dance was greatly en joyed by all in attendance. The members who did not dance en joyed themselves in pool and Billiard playing. See Dr. W. J. Gtlrtrnp fur correctly fitted glnnrunt. For Sale-Rig Invalid's whool chair. Call 917 North Jorsoy street, St, Johns. For Sale-Range In first cls condition, with hot water coil. See Roy Wilcox nlwut iL Found- A IiuIv'm iwnitniit in St. Johns.- Heitkctnpor's Cigar bnctory, 151 Porlor street. Main 2263. For Sale 1 acre. C room house. lights, toilet nnd 8 bearing fruit trees, imptoved street. Fine place for chirkons. Only $1350 if taken soon. Terms. Col. 107. The Royal Neighbors of Amer ica sewing club met at Mrs. An na Moore's last Thursday after noon Feb. 4th. A most enjoya ble afternoon was spent. The refreshments were lovely and everybody reports a good time. The next Royal Neighbors of America sewing club will meci at Mrs. Nellie Rice's at the end of Allegheny street. All Royal Neighbors are invited. I hose present were Mesdames Maud Reed, Amy Corbett, Soules, Nol le Rice, George, Helena Nelson, Ida Dickie. Grace Campbell. Caldwell, Elsie Garlick, nnd Mrs. Knags of Portland. The undersigned hereby gives notice that they havu applied to the Secretary of State for regis tration of the following describ ed Brand or Trade Mark: Tho name of the brand or trade mark is "Riclan." The design con sists of a picture of a mail sack or pouch, to bo printed in brown, upon which appears the word "Riclan," fnc simile of which design has been filed in the office of tho Secretary of State at Sa lem, Oregon. Thi3 brand is to be used on Backs containing flour manufactured or sold by the undersigned. The Jobcs Milling Co., St. Johns, Oregon. Assuming that in the near futuro the present fertile farms of Western Oregon will be in urgent need of fertilizing ma- tenals.State Engineer Lewis has recommended that' some action bo taken to make use of the great kelp beds along the Ore gon coast in order to save the enormous amount of potash which is annually going to waste. He states that it is comparatively easy to procure supplies of nitrates and phos phates, but the principal source of potash is now closed by the war. It is believed tho kelp beds can be made to produce enough potash for present nnd futuro needs nnd may also open up a now and profitable indus try. Thero never hns been a timo in tho history of the state when tho farmers have had such an opportunity to mnko money by raising livestock for meat pur poses as at present. With an nggregato shortage of over 3, 000,000 meat animals approxi mately 800,000,00 pounds, in the leading pneking centers of the United States, it is certain that for somo years to coma there will not only be an unlimited demand for meat animals, but it is also certain that prices will range high and it is not impos sible that all previous records may be broken. It is a fact that nearly all tho big cattle ranges of the state have been broken up nnd that in only a few locations is it possible to find pasturage for largo herds, but it is also a fact that the aver age farm could bo mado to pro duce a larger number of animals than is is now doing. With the big packers and brokers willing,. and anxious, to cooperate with reliable farmers in the state in stocking farms and ranches, it would appear that any farmer who fails to take advantage of his opportunities in this direc tion is making a big mistake. Tho population of the entire Northwest is increasing at a ranid rate, tho peoplo must be supplied with meat, and if Ore gon ranches cannot meet the demand it will certainly be met by other states, a large amount of money will bo sent away and tho meat industry of tho stnto damaged to just that extent. Parent-Teachers Notes The North School Parent Teacher Association held their regular meeting in tho North School assembly room on Tues day afternoon. The pupils of Miss McNiven's room gave a descriptive exercise entitled "The Sun and the Wind." Mrs. Lemon gave a reading and Miss Aldrich a piano solo. Tho ques tion box was opened and several important questions were dis cussed. The next meeting will be a joint meeting of the North and Central and East school cir cles, to be held in tho James John High school auditorium on the evening of Ieb. 19th. Dean W. M. Proctor of the Pa cific University will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Treat ment of Delinquent and Depend ent Children." Mrs. E. E. Coo- vert will have charge of tho mu sical program. Fashionable dressmaking, al teration and remodeling: rea sonable prices. Call 413 East Charleston street. OCKKKXiOCOOCCTCOC 8 A BANK PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK 4 ON O SAVINGS SAIMiTV DEPOSIT Pimm Autzhn, President John N. Em.itt'SHN, Cashier CITIZENS OF ST. JOHNS Should remember that all must reg ister again in order to vote this Spring at the primary and general city election. The books are open now at the city hall. Don't put it off until the last minute. The reg istration books for the primary elec tion closes the last day of the pres ent month, so register now while you think of it. Remember, last year's registration does not entitle you to vote this year. There is probability that a vote may be taken on the purchase of the local water plant, so every citizen in St. Johns eligible to vote should register, and not impose on his friends by having to be sworn in on election day. DO IT NOW. . ORDINANCE NO. 640. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THE TIME AND MANNER OF IMPROVING TYLER STREET FROM DAWSON STREET TO FESSENDEN STREET IN THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS. OREGON. Tho City of St. Johns does or dain as follows: The Council or tho City of St. Johns, lyiving ascertained tho cost of improving Tyler street from tho North side line of Daw son street to the South side line of Fessenden street in tho City of St. Johns, ns Bhown by tho resolution of the Council of said city, dated on tho 29th day of December, 1910, and recorded in the office of tho Recorder of said city, and notjeo thereof having been published in the St. Johns Review, a weokly newspaper of general circulation, on tho 1st and 8th days of January, as shown by the affidavit of tho foreman of said paper, which said affidavit is on iilo in the ofiico of tho City Recorder; nnd logal posting of noticos of such improvements, as shown by the affidavit of the City Engineer on filo in tho olllce of tho City Reicorder, nnd no suihclent re monstrance having been filed. and as provided by said resolu tion, the Engineer's prelimina ry estimato of tho cost of said improvement is SG009.(i2, but shall bo moro accurately deter mined by said Engineer. Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered that said street be im proved and tho time for tho completion of said improvement is hereby hxed at sixty days from tho last publication of no tice of proposal of said work, which said proposals must bo filed with tho Recorder of said city on or before the 2nd day of March at eight o'clock, p. m. of said day. That said street shall be im proved as follows: By grading rnimn to the established errado hv Petit and fill and by sidewalking on either side with b foot cement sidewalks 15 foot curbs entire length, together with all neces sary cement cross walks and iron gutters, curb to have stand ard drain tile every fifty feet; hitch rings to be placed in curb as directed by tho City Engineer, The City Recorder shall give notice by publication for not less than threo insertions in tho St. Johns Review, the official news paper, inviting proposals for ACCOUNT t . 1ivta4 tborMMMfftjwr. It mhw it nil tinm rx-act-ly h w yea Mrnxt inarrUI l You'll ftnl n ,-tvmmx with this bunk a d.cMrd help not alette h the com i'uel of your btfNMrMi bttt in your Ums4h Mamting g ns well. Why not open o one ami team. jjj 4 VAULTS POU RUNT V. C. Kn.ut, 8 Vice President J! s. L. Down, ; Assistnni unsiiicr making said improvement. Said improvement shall in all respects be done and completed in conformity with the provis ions of Ordinances Nos. 1G0. 1102 nnd I00, except as otherwise provided in this Urdinance; all work to bo done under the di rection and supervision of the Lity Engineer. That the cost of said improve ment shall be assessed against the property in tho local im provement district described in said resolution and designated as and declared to bo "Local Im provement District No. 11(5." Passed by the Council this Oth day of February 191 fi. Approved by tho Mayor this 10th day of February 1915. A. W. VINCENT, Mayor. Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE. Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re view February 12, 1915. First Baptist Church You will find that it will re pay you to attend the sorvicos of some church. We will bo glad to see you ataijy of our ser vices. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. Good music and graded lossons. You are invited. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "Tho Broad Mind and tliQ Narrow Way." Young 1'eoplo's Meeting at u:'M p. m. Preaching at 7:510. "The Great Heart" illustrated from the Life of Lincoln. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the Bible Study Class will study the Book of Galatians. Twenty-two new members wcro taken into tho church last Sun day morning.- E. P. Borden. NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby given that apportion ment of the cost of improvement of Stanton! street, from the east line oflhi chanan street to the west line of lltirr street, total cost of which is 740 94 has been apportioned and is oil file in the oflicl- of the undersigned, subject to ex amination. Assessment district extends hue I: to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of land abutting on said street as provided by the city charter and resolutions. Remonstrance against said apportion incut may be made in writing and filed with the undersigned until 5 o'clock V. M. March 1st., 1015. A, K. DUNSMORH, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review February 12 and 19. 1915. Wanted to ExchangeForty acres of good land for St. Johns property. Call at Central Hotel.