St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 12, 1915, Image 2

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PubllBhod Every Frlda
At 117 West Burlington Strcot.
Tub Rkvikw is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as wall matter
ol the second class under tue Act ol ion
gnis of March 3, 1879.
OffleUl Kswtpspsr of the Oitr of Rt. Joans,
Job Printing executed in fint-eUii iiyi
Dill tor Job Printing enib on dellrerr.
Subscription prloe $1.00 poryar,
I herewith announce myself
Kepubllcan candidate lor re
election for the office of City Re
corder, at the Primary election
to be held March G, 1915. A. E
I hereby announce my cand
dacy for re-election to the office
of City Attorney on the IJem
ocratic ticket at the primal'
election to be held Saturday
March G, 191G.T. T. Parker.
The jitney bus- the auto
mobile that compete:) with the
street cars for five cents u rid
has made its appearance in the
larger cities of the Northwest
such as Seattle, Portland ant
Spokane, and is creating
furore. Old autos have been
pressed into service to meet the
demands, and there is danger in
this fact. Speed being desired
the bus has not paid much at
tcntion to trallic regulations
and collisions have been fro
qucnt. The jitney is not likely
to invade the small town he
cause it must depend upon large
pntonngo in order to pay
will call for regulation in the
larger towns. For example, it
ought to be made to pay
license for the use of the streets
The street car company is made
to pay nt least a proportion 0
the cost of street maintenance
and the jitney should not escape
this just burden. I'or the mat
ter of that, the whole auto
mobile traffic in this state needs
revision. Autos should b( com
ncllcd .to imv in nronortion
horse power and those used for
commercial purpoBoaJihould pay
a larger tax, 1110 money, to uo de
voted to street andlroad im
provonionts. Ah 0 common car
ricr it should be placed under
the Public Utilities commission
and pay a franchise tax to the
city where it operates. Indus
trial News Hureau.
Incidents of High Schoo
Interestingly Told
After spending the previous
three days 011 exams, the pupils
of the 11. b. reported rrhlny
morning for their cards. The
Athletics of the week have
brought us additional laurels.
Two very interesting games of
Basket ball were played in the
II, S. gymnasium Saturday
evening. lob. (. Moth hoys ant
girls teams competed, with the
samo good results as usual. The
girls won over Pnrkplnce with
the score of 39 5 and the boys
over Estacada with the score of
4318. Moth gamt'M were won
by hard playing and the girls
Bay that thoy enjoyed playing
this game more than any other
of tho season.
On Tuesday night the girls
and boys basketball team play
ed tho I'oreat Grove quintets at
Forest Grove. The J. J. H. S.
girls played a fast game, but
owing to tho fact that tho floor
was larger than they were used
to playing 011 they did not run
up such a large score as usual.
Tho Forest Grove girls scored
one field and a foul and the
James John girls made twenty
fivo points all told. Tho boys of
J. J. 11. team started out strong,
winning tho first three points.
However, the final score was 5M
11 in the Grovo's favor. The
Forest Grove boys
team this year and
better ball as the
vances. The now
have a good
are playing
season ad
term opened
Monday morning with an assom
bly in tho auditorium. 'Antori
ca" was sung, after which Mr.
Fry made appropriate remarks.
All tho students have entered
the new term with good spirit,
lreshmonas well as upper class
Tho school has at last reached
tho mark for which it has long
waited. Over one hundred have
registered for tho term's work.
Besides 19 from the Central
school, there wero tho following
seven: Lillian Bucerman, from
Portland, Mary Boschers, Mar
tha Holtcr and Clarence Martin
from Linnton, Verda Pennish
from Whitwood Court and Per-
dita Fleener and Carrie Green
from St. Johns, making a total
of 2G entering as 1st termors.
The H. S. is proparing to re
ceive a new piano for tho gym.
Tho alcove, which the piano is
to occupy has been completed
and the arrival is awaited by
faculty and studonts alike. Al
tho no definite information as to
Burglars always SPOT the house where the money
is hidden. That's the BURGLAR'S BUSINESS. They
know all the pet hiding placesthe book case, under
the carpet, in the sugar bowl, behind pictures, or in
the clock. Besides if burglars don't get it, FIRE may.
It is OUR BUSINESS to keep your money SAFE.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
Captured Seventh Prize
Solon Bugbcc captured the
Bovonth weekly prize in the
Lnuthors' World Fair contest
with u vote of 22,090. Miss Gen
ovievo Aldrich was second with
a weekly vote of 19,rG0. The
prize consisted of hair a dozen
ThonrVo fob
v m,vi ?,,ni,
L b0 c.3
dessert spoons.
given aw
silver berry spoon. Special
votes will bo given by the
Lnuthors' Mercantile Company
for the contestants bringing in
the argest amount of orders
during the next week as follows:
Monday, Feb. ir. L'G.uuu votes.
Tuesday, Feb. IG.20,000 votes.
Wednesday, Fob. 17th, 115,000
Thursday, Feb. 18th, 12,000
Friday, Feb. 19th,10,000 votes.
Saturday, Feb. 20, 8.000 votes.
Following is tho total voto to
Solon Bugbcc
Genevieve Aldrich
Mrs. A. M. Purknpilc -Mrs.
Elsio Knowles -Valkyrie
Larson -Lucy
Boulah Waters -
Olive Zimmerman
Garnet Beam
Hoy Clark
where the piano will come from,
tho idea of the girls going into
the Multnomah Theatre contest
has been given up.
Miss Hundall delightfully en
tertained the Senior class at a
matinee party at Lincoln High
School last Friday afternoon.!
school production of "As You
Liko It."
The seniors are glad to wol
come Arlinc Shaw and Pear
Evans as members of the June
'15 Class.
Various members of tho class
may be seen intent v reading
plays as they pass thru tho halls
I he play wi soon be presented.
Keep posted. It will pay you,
I.. B. (1RAVES, M. D,
Plonlclnu and Surgeon
OflUv Phone Columbia 10
lU'ktiU'iice Phone Columbia t
s t'tt- ti'-f. Hi t
jly mil. ran i it Hn Hit
tt ill"" Jwj J e 1 mult
vrut . imI (vrt) t Yva
it I yvgr momy v rift.
Black Silk 1
Stove Polish
U t ' ty mat (voncmW). but It Bit a hrllU
Mil h'k
i hit
r i i h Hi k Silk blovo lUuh tk twk
ruh v (I Uu four tlmt m knur u orUmry
i lu four lli
It IUVV)tHlt
u'. Mtxrk Mad tuour.
pou'i fomi -wlwo voj
rUck Silk Stov TolUK
Wails, SUrliotf, IUinoU.
VMltUckSUk Air Drying
run l.utul n grtv, w
iu 4 tin r i . ItvveoU
runt 4g Try it
I UUrk S,'k MUl rol
jr w I'w, H wka
uV. ami Imvo a
tnUUnt iurfac. It tit ni
Minuet Talcum Powder, the
talcum in tho largo can biircer
and better than others. Get it
at The St. Johns Pharmacy, cut I
rato drug store.
Mr. Anderson Comes Back
Editor Review: In issue of
22nd ult. replying to an attack
from the pen of Mr. G. W. Mun
son that appeared in issuo of
15th ult. I said "the gentleman's
letter is as long on words as it
is short on logic." His latest
8 -hort Oh logic." Ml
epistle, issue 29th ult. is
tlcman now says "it sceir
verbose gen
says "it seems Mr.
Anderson is never happy unless
he has his hammer out knock
ing, knocking." But. you sure
ly are aware, Mr. G.W. Munson,
history teaches that tho "knock
or" has made life worth living
on this planet, and if the stand
patter had not been "knocked"
wo would still be swinging by
our tails on trees in forests
'Tis almost a crimo to reason.
And more than a crimo to rebel
Against laws you're forced to
comply with
On earth or in heaven or hell."
Tho above is a stanza from
tho poem "Censorship" by R.
C. It ran in the next column to
the last wilderness of words of
Mr. G. W. Munson, and oven the
oraclo of St. Johns could do
worse than catch its meaning
In none of my letters is there
ono word "prating about tho
brotherhood of man." If my
critic understood English he
would know this. Webster de
fines prating as "to talk much
and to little purpose." My op
ponent meets this test. This
gentleman's attempts nt answer
ing my questions are specimens
of sophistry that would disgrace
any cause. On January 15th. he
said "whilo a legal point may
have been stretched building the
roadway," and two weeks Inter
January 29th ho writes, "tho
city council has full and undoni-
able power to construct a road
way." Now. surely Mr. G. W.
Munson, you'll admit that a man
who accuses another of "prat
ing" and of "his ignorance be
ing pathetic" that he himself
ought to have memory enough
to last him two weeks. For tho
love of "Mutt" quit word jug
gling. Cito that portion of the
city charter that gives the coun
cil power to spend ?G,000 on a
roadway without consulting tho
taxpayers. When you find it
ask the city attorney if it would
bo strong enough to stand the
acid test of an injunction? Jan
uary 22nd. I wrote, "tho crux
of my contention on the subject
of this roadway is (the stretch
ing of a legal point) by the city
council in diverting city funds
for tho building of same." If
my erudite critic cannot under
stand theso words there aro
night schools.
I'nends, after reading my let
ters, fail to hnd therein any at
tacks by mo on tho plant of the
Cooperage Co. It takes a Chris
topher Columbus Munson to dis
cover attacks on a Cooperage
plant that does not exist in
questions bearing on whose
money was spent in building a
roadway to a proposed Cooper-
age. "There are none so blind
as those who will not see." In
attempting to answer question 2,
this gentleman is both verbose
and abusive. Possibly when he
(understands English he may
I learn that it takes more than
words alone, and abuse, to make
' argument. What the period of
my citizenship has to do with
I tho interest on ?6,000, for tho
appropriation of which sum Mr.
G. W. Munson admits, "a legal
point may have been stretched."
he alone can tell. In skitting at
my alien origin this gentleman
is on very dangerous ground. It
is possiblo I was in this country
45c Coffee for 35c
ySrfl if pnescNTCo at grocers A
hH ReiuLr Spll ..I. price 45C r
NH rtttil pries will, coupon jEj
K Coffee i JP TW il ;g Quality 9 2L
VA Cioc.r. will cot?tcMh diffrr.n'cWrom u ) ScM
l ' .nbr ol Tim Shi ol lim M j
H llnnJ to our tollcllor or dclivcryman F ( t-Wsjiiifm r
Registration books are
now open at the City
Hall for primary and
City election.
Last day to register
for the Primaries, Feb.
Register Now
before lie waa born. If he di
lumpen to bo born hero, does ho
claim credit for tho accident o
his birth? Ining no a neacoc
swaggering on account ol tno
beauty of its tail. How many
Indians are members of bt
Jonns uomnicrcini uiuo. anu
what tribe do you belong to Mr,
u. W. Munson Most every
Hung worth while in this coun
try is of foreign extraction
Even the "Gentile Jesus" my
abusive critic prays to, is said
to havo been of Jewish origin
The language with which ho jug
gles in your paper is of alien
construction. I will admit
snide appeal to sectional preju
dice is potent to win mou an
iliuise. but it certainly does not
impart information. Mr. G. W.
fiiticMi anno ' fiir rlntva rtf ttViil
nnthrophy are past." When he
is in America long enough no may
earn such names as Rockefeller.
Carnegie and Tommy Word.
Was it a sign that "tho Hays of
philanthropy are past" when
theso Commercial Club artists
proposed paying for tho Gatton
tract about -18 times its assessed
Hurrah! Now we huve the
assurance of the Immaculate
American Munson that the pro
posed Cooperage will soon be-
come an accomplished fact,
wonder will this sturdy Ameri
can refuse to take a job at this
plant under n foreign boss and
lor a foreign owner And as
you are so well posted on this
plant, could you inform us
whether Indians, Hindus or just
plain foreigners aro to bo given
the preference My critic in
forms me that tho St. Johns
Commercial Club "is an organi
zation formed lor tne purpose
of developing the city." 1 am
glad to learn that. Other such
bodies I have read about seemed
to be organized for pick handle
brigades to beat up striking men
and women. For his work, in
helping to defeat the purchase
of the Gatton Tract tho writer
needs no bouquets. Mr. G. W,
Munson; you seem to need vhem
and I am not hoggish. While
the subject of bouquets is the
topic, 1 suggest that the St.
Johns Commercial Club present
you with a leather medal on a
wooden string. What for? For
your avalunche of words, unfor
tunate memory and lack of log
ic C. J. Anderson.
The city of St. Johns docs or
dnin as follows:
Section 1. Thnt tho City pri
mary nominating election
held in the City of St. Johns,
Oregon, as provided uy law, on
Snturdnv the sixth dav of March
A. D. 1015, for the purpose of
nominating City officers for sai
rt:i.. i. ...i.j r i n. .V.
lar City election to Do hold in
snid City on Monday tho Fift
day of April A. D. 1915 to wit
A Mayor; City Recorder; City
Treasurer; City Attorney: Tw
Councilmen for tho first ward
two Lounctimen lor tno second
ward and Three Councilmen at
Section 2. And it is hereby
ordered thnt said election bo
held on the said Sixth day o
March. 1915. between tho hours
of 8 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock
P. M, of Baid day.
Section 8. It is hereby order
ed that tho following nersons be
and they are hereby named and
appointed as judges and clerks
to act at said election, to wit:
Judges for tho first ward.
Day Judges D. Tallman. Mrs
F. W. Valentine. Mrs. J. H.
Night Judges-L. B. W lson.
D. E. Gonzolus, R.E.Thurmond.
Judges for the second ward.
Day Judges Mrs. Nora K.
Corbin. Mrs. B. G. Lott, Henry
l. wiustier.
Night Judges John M. Shaw.
ueorgo iirokaw, u. n. Lemoi,
Clerks of tho first ward.
Day Clerks-Mrs. R. McKin-
noy, Mrs. a. A. blew.
Night Clerks-T. E. Bush. E.
A. Murray.
Clerks of the second ward.
Day Clerks Myrtle Gatton.
Uilu Uillmore.
Night Clerks-Clyde O. Rog.
ers, Jas. n. uee.
Section 4. That the votimr or
polling places lor said election
be and they are hereby fixed as
follows to wit:
Polling place for the first
ward: City Library.
Polling place for the second
ward: The Council room at the
City Hall.
Section 5. The City Recorder
be and is hereby ordered and di
rected to give notice of said elec
tion by publication in the City
official newspaper as provided
by law and the City Charter, al
so to provide all necessary books
nnd prepared stationery so as to
enable the qualified electors to
hold said election as hereinbe.
'ore directed.
Section G. That the Chief of
Police be and is hereby directed
and ordered to post nil necessary
notices of said election in the
manner provided by law and the
City Charter, which said notices
shall be prepared and duly sign-1
cngc iiKurc.
rnee s a. H, '
Htnmpinre theCuitomcr'it
IMKOIini.IlKT ir.
! ed by the City Recorder of the
said City of St. Johns nnd shall
contain full information as to the
hours and place of bottling said
election and the offices to be fill
ed thereat. ,
Passed by the Council this 9th
day of Feb. 1915.
Approved by the Mayor this
10th day of Feb. 1915.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view Feb. 12, 1915.
City Primary Nominating!
Election Notice'
cry trim; vcntllalcd back. Vert
Iw bujt, moderately long klrt.
SUgU (ullocM through the blp.
. j III accordance witlt the charter and
....... . . , J ordinance! of the city of St. Johns,
Notice is hereby given that fnud under the supervision nnd direction
on Saturdav. tho 6th dav of iof the city engineer.
March. 1915. in tho lecture room
of the Public Library, for tho
First Ward, and nt tho City Hall
for tho Second Ward, a Primary
Nominating Election will be
held, nt which tho Republican.
Democratic and Progressive par
ties will choose their candidates
for city officers, namely:
A1 Ono Mayor.
Ono (Jlty Recorder.
Ono City Treasurer.
Ono City Attorney.
Two Councilmen First Ward.
Two Councilmen Second Ward.
Three Councilmen at Large.
Said election will bo held nt 8
o'clock a. m. and will continuo
until 8 o'clock in the afternoon
of said day.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view Feb. 12, 19. 26. March 5th.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proposals
be received
the office of the recorder of
the citv of
St. Johns until March 2ud.iQi5. at 7:30
o'clock p, m. for the Improvementof
iyier at. irom tne norm line ot uawsou
street to the south line of I'esscnden
street, iu the manner provided bv
ordinance No, 040, subject to the provis
ions of the charter and ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, and the estimate of the
city engineer, on file.
The engineer's estimate is fG,0(rJ.62
Uids must tie strictly in accordance witlt
printed blanks which will be furn
Uhed on application at the office of the
recorder of the city of St. Johns, And
said improvement must be completed on
or before 6o days from the date of the
last publication of this notice.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the mayor of the city of St
Tohns. certified bv a resnonsltile bank
for an amount equal to ten par cent, of
the aggregate proposal.
The rik'ut to refect any and ail bids is
hereby reserved,
Uy order ot Utecity council.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. lohns Review
February 12, 19, and 26, 1915.
St. Johns. Oregon. Feb. 11th.
915. Editor Review: I under
stand that it is reported that I
sold my laundry route to the St.
ohns Laundry and then left
them without notice. I wish to
state that I gave my laundry
business gratis, and worked
hard for six months to get the
aundry started but failed and I
gave due notice of my change
back to I'ortland. and did not
try to hold them up for S500 or
$800 for my business as others
did. All I ask for is a square
deal. Yours truly, Charles E.
Royer. Adv. '
uutu witn rmorold.
This Coudoh Good For
lce. forlhenf
Ten 10 S. & II. FREE
II preoented iion inaltlnn n purc)me mnount.
Iiik to OOc or more, tlirw ntnmp will be In nd
illlloti to tcgiilartninpt (,'lircii with the purchtie
Not Good After Fob. 20
GuncrnI Mdsc.
Columbia 137 ST. JOHNS, ORU.
II Is resolved hy the City ol St. Johni,
Tlmt It dccmi It expedient nnd nccct
nary to Improve Oswego Street from
tlic North side line of Columbln lllvd.
to the South side line of Smith Avenue
in the City of St. Johns In the following
manner to wit:
Ily urndhiK " strip 18 feet wide on
ciich side of Mild street; to gride or sub
grade to be established mid finished to
conform with center of street and by lay
curb on both side of said street with
nescssary cement cross walks nnd iron
Work to be done according' to the
plans and n n c c i ft c a 1 1 o n . of the
i city engineer on file in the office
ui me v-uy ivctumcr reunite uicrcuj,
which said plans and specifications ami
estimates are satisfactory nnd are hereby
ntmroved. Said linnrnvrtnrnt to lie
I . That t,,c co,t of M. .Improvement
That the cost of said improvement to
be assessed ns provided by the city chart
cr upon tne property especially and par
ticularly benefited thereby, nnd which is
hereby declared to be nil of lots, parts of
lots, blocks and parcels ol land between
the termini of such improvements nbut
- , street, from die marginal lines of said
ling upon nuinceui or nproxitnate to said
sircci uacK to tne center oi ine uiock or
blocks or tracts of land abutting thereon
or proximate thereto.
That nil the property included in said
improvement district nforesaid is hereby
declared to be "Local Improvement Dis
trict No. 121."
That the city engineer's assessment
of the probable total cost of said im
provement of said street Is f 3050.88.
That the cost of said street to be as
sessed against the property In said local
assessment district as provided by the
charter of the City or St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this 2nd day
of February. 1915.
Published in the St. Johns Review
Feb. 5 and 12, 1015.
It is resolved by the City of St. Johns,
That it deems it expedient and neces
sary to improve Swenson street
from the north side line of Myers
street to the West side line of Oswego,
street iu the city of St. Johns in the
following manner, to wit:
Pv grading the same to grade or sub
grade and laying a 4 foot cement side
walk and an 8 foot curb on both sides of
said street with necessary cement cross
walks und iron gutters.
Work to be done according to the
plans and specifications of the city engi
neer on file in the office of the
city recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifications
and estimates are satisfactory and are
hereby approved. Said improvements
to be made iu accordance with the
charter and ordinances of the city of
St, Johns, and under the supervision
and direction of the city engineer.
That the cost of said improvement to be
assessed as provided by
city charter upon the property especially
and particularly benefitted thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be all of lpts
parts of lots, blocks and parcels of land
between the termini of such improve
ments abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate to said street from the
marginal lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts of
land abutting thereon or proximate
Tim all the property Included in said'
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
decipjed to be Local Improvement
dis i ct No. 122.
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost of said improve
ment of said street is 4,037.86.
That the cost of said street be
assessed against the property
in said local assessment district as pro
vided bv the charter of the city of St.
Adopted by the council this 2nd day of
February, 1915.
Published in the St. lohns Review
February 6 and 12, 1915.