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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1915)
Cut Prices ON SEWING MACH I N ES Every Sewing Machine in the house Cut Way Down. They are all Guaranteed for Ten Years. Favorite Plain Oak, Regular $20, Special .$16.00 Melville Automatic, Regular $25.00, Spec inl ' 20.00 Melville Guaranteed Automatic Drop, Reg ular $30.00, Special 24.00 Zenith Automatic Tension Quarter Oak, Reg. $33.50, Special 26.50 Zenith Cabinet Machine, Automatic Guar anteed Oak, Reg. $40.00, spec 32.50 Ormandy Bros. FURNITURE I BIG BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY fin m 7Hr 13 Guernsey Earthen- Jfl- Reg- 0Caxipt.,,:4oC Reg. 75c .Tea; 42c Reg. 40cara-s,,b-oard,25c Rorr fln 12 Heavy Tin 9fln IWg. JUU Milk Pail, Spec. 0U Wednesday is Double Stamp Day ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. THAT GOOD GOAL KNOWN AS HIAWATHA COAL The Coal that will not Slack, high In l'uel Value and the best prepared. The hard Utah Fuel without a fault, ALSO MONARCH COAL A Clean, Sootless Coal, with less Aihes than other Coal, because it's all Coal, no Slate, no Clinkers. Is guaranteed to give you more heat (or a dollar than any similar coal at equal price. $6.50 per Ton ISDLHFSBN FUBL CO. Luve Ordcrt at Water Company Office ST. JOHNS. 0BEG0N Plw&e Columbia 81 St. Johns Singer Store Call and have the latest model SINGER SEWING MACHINE demonstrated in your home free of cost. This machine is the result of 40 years coustant improvements; does all kinds of Dress Making by machin ery; no basting, no guiding; sews all directions; darns without an attach ment. Free lessons with every purchase. So simple, a child can operate it. Prices reasonable. Terms easy. Liberal allowance for old machines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repair work neatly done on all wakes of machines. Also machines to rent. Z. V. SUMNER 113 N. Jersey Street the tab) on yew paper. CASH OR CREDIT 4 Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Fruits and Veg etables In Season at ALEX. S. SCALES GROCER We Solicit and Deliver any where in'St. Johns. Phone Col. 210 501 Fessenden St. If you ure thinking ofnnking q change INVESTIGATE. APPENDICITIS BOOK FREE The Adler-i-ka book, telling how you cau EASILY guard against nnraAW,li .... I rt "uv,w "wv itun jruii iau tc .lieve constipation or gas on the (stomacn lis aTANThY, is ottered !.! 1... , 1. OT TAITMO i wtc una wcc. uy uic o i , jyjiino I PHARMACY. i For several weeks past the management of the Portland Rose Festival, to be held June : 9, 10, 11, has been carrying on 1 s ir ! ffnr for the phrase, not exceeding eight words, which should best represent the spirit of the sea- ! son and of the Festival. More j than 5000 slogans were submit I ted in this contest and the judg ! ing committee, composed of a i large number ot representative business men, finally awarded j the prize to Mr. J. C. Cooper, I manager of the Yamhill Walnut I Experiment station, at McMinn- ville. and the phrase" The Whole World Knows the Portland Rose" has been adopted as the official slogan of the 1915 Festival. Subject for Christian Science Sunday: Spirit. Local News. i SAN-TOX. Send in your news items. The pavilion of Siam at the Fanama Exposition will be. ship tied completed from Bangkok, Siam, according to advises just received from Siam by exposi tion officials. It is of the styl of a Siamese grand palace. The Y.P.S. C. E.of the Christ ian church held their regular monthly business meeting and an advertisement social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herwick. Re- frehments were served and a good time was enjoyed by all. Feed your chicks Hess Poultry Panacea and keen them free from lice by using Instant Louse Killer, and you will in sure a good egg production. Get them at The St. Johns Phar macy, cut rate drug store. Stranger Why, Pat, there used to be two windmills there. Pat To bo sure, sir. Stranger Why is there but one there now? Pat Sure, they took one down for to have more wind for t'other. -Ex. Get in the contest, and get a prize. A little ellort will do the trick. A greater effort will get you to the Panama Exnos tion at ban I'rancisco with all your expenses paid. Why not try There-opening of three shingle mills at this time and the be ginning of the second semester of the country schools, may mark the need of teachers rather than any material progress toward prosperity. Covallis Times. Rev. Wright will sneak at the Christian church Sun., Feb. 7th. He is a missionary and is inter ested in prison reform work and will speak on that topic. It is not detinltely known when Kev. Jones will take up his duties lore, but his nlaco will bo sun- plied until ho arrives. The dancing party to bo given in the St. Johns Rink by Oregon Grape circle No. 541. Women of Woodcraft, promises to be the real treat of the season: several hundred invitations have been sent out, and Bowkcr's excel- ent orchestra will furnish music for tho occasion. Committee. That better times are near at land is the concensus of oninion among the leading dailies and business men of tho country. There can bo no question that tho country has been and is ex periencing tho most Btringest times, nnd it is to be fond y hon ed that tho worst is over and that times will speedily tako on a brighter and better aspect. A little boy. who. on account of his naughty behavior, was about to get n thrashing, left us mamma's room and went to lis own. Kneeling down be side the bed and with hands clasped ho offered up tho fol- owing prayer: "If you n easo. Dod, if you aro as good to little children as they say you are, now's your chance." Ex. Following tho sale of 60.000 acres of yellow pino in tho vi cinity of Bend, it is expected that tho manufacturing of lum ber in Central Oregon win be commenced on a large Scale. It is stated that tho timber belt of Central Oregon is approxi mately 135 miles long by 50 miles wide, nnd that in the ter ritory tributary to Bond alone, there is at least 20.000,000,000 feet of good saw timber. A campaign has been started at Albany to sell $25,000 worth of cannery stock, work on the construction of a cooperative cannery to commence as soon as the stock sales amount to 15.- 000, The preliminary meeting was attended by more than 100 armers and fruit growers of Linn and Benton counties. A imit of $50 worth of stock to each subscriber has been set, and it will therefore be neces sary to interest 500 growers in order to raise the $25,000. It was the morning of the Sab bath. As Sandy was making his way homeward after attend ing kirk, tho minister happened to overtake him. "Eh." said Sandy, "that was a powerful discourse on 'Thrift' ye preach ed this morning." The minister smiled benignly. "A'm glad ye were able to prolit by it," was his gratified reply. "Profit!" exclaimed Sandy. "Why. mon, would ha' put ma saxpence into the plate wi'out a thought but for yer providential words. hey saved me fournence there and then." Ex. Of interest to all wool grow ers in this and adjoining states is a movement recently in augurated to establish a big wool warehouse in Portland jto handle the clip from all flocks in this territory, thus eliminating the speculator and broker who have heretofore cut deflnlv intr the annual receipts of the sheet men. under the new plan al wool will be graded here and the producer will be advised exactlj what his wool is worth. It iB estimated that this plan will net the woolmen from three to five cents per pound over former prices. Picture framing douc at Portland prices at ii. r. uiaric's, the turn! turc man. Ailv. Don't miss the "Luxus Com edy Four" at the Multnomah Sunday. Private lessons in dancing from 8 to 10 every Monday even ing in Eagle Hall S. G. Wright. "Watches" made over into "Time-pieces" at reasonable rates at Rogers', 809 N. Jersey street. Minuet Talcum Powder, the talcum in the large can bigger and better than others. Get it at The St. Johns Pharmacy, cut rate drug store. Free instruction in Fox Trot given at Wright's Dancing Academy, 340 Russell street, Wednesday evening, Feb. 10th. St. Johns people especially in vited. Something special in box stationery, closing out a stock of fancy linens at prices you can not meet elsewhere. See the display in our window. The St. Johns Pharmacy, Cut Rate Drug Store A number of St. Johns folks attended the Wednesday even ing dancing party at Wright's Dancing Academy on Russell street, nnd were particularly delighted with the music and floor. Auto for hire hv rlnv. hour nr trip, at very reasonable rates. Good opportunity for parties of four or Ions to mnkn n trin intn the country at a low price. H. M. Wnldrol.ooy Fessenden street. Phono Columbia 20G. Saturday evening Miss Doris Davis, the Eagles' Candidate in the Multnomah Theatre's big Contest, will nut on an extra show besides tho pictures. Four good vaudeville numbers, and the admission is only 10 cents. Anna B. Clark died at Rose- burg Friday of last week from kidney trouble. Miss Clark taught at tho Central school building for several years and was well known by a number of our people. Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Adams of 426 East Tyler street, who died last week, was buried Friday in the Gatton cemetery. Elliott nnd Teddy lilomgrcn. Alex. McGregor and Chns. Foss acted ns pall bearers. Oregon Grape Circlo No. 541. Women, of Woodcraft will hold another interesting meeting on ucsday evening. February 9th. in Bickncr's hall. All members take heed, and answer roll call at this meeting. Visitors wel come. Tho third largo shipment from lolland for tho Panama Expo sition urrived on the exposition grounds last week and consists of eleven car loads of rhododen drons, clipped conifers and bulbs. These will complete tho most important landscape gar dening exhibit over made by lolland outside her own borders. On last Tuesday nfternoon the adics of the Philo Christo Class of tho United Evangelical church were pleasantly entertained at tho homo of M rs. I L. Fletch er, 908 South Jersey street. ancy work was tho main feat ure of the day. after which dainty refreshments were serv ed. There were about nineteen present. The United States Fuel Ship Caesar brought 500 tons of gov ernment exhibits to tho Panama Exposition on January 13th. The ispiny constitutes the largest exhibit ever made by a govern ment in an exposition. It will occupy more than 192,000 square feet, and will represent every epartment ot tho government. Tho Review gives 2000 votes or new subscriptions and 1000 votes for renewals in the World's air contest nut on by Lauthers' Mercantile Company, in connec tion with tho St. Johns Review. number of new subscribers mve been added to the list trough the energy of some of lo contestants. On Tuesduy afternoon at onej clock the Quid Libet Club held their monthly club dinner at the home of Mrs. 'Frank Rice, on John Street. The dinner consisted of a great variety of all kinds of good things. It was a very delightful occasion. There were fifteen members present and several guests. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gambeo on Daw son street. Mrs. C. R. Thompson enter tained in a delightful manner with six tables of auction bridge at her beautiful homo on North layes street on Friday after noon last. Dainty refreshments were served. Honors were won by Mrs. McGmnis of Portland and Mrs. A. A, Larrowe. Those present were Mesdames A. A. arrowe. W. A. Bennett. W. . Evens. C. B. Russell, E. W. Mc Lean. F. P. Drinker. P. H. Ed- lefsen, J. N. Edlefen, J. N. Harney. A. W. Markle. E. K. Ingledue. C. A. Fry. F. C. Couch. II. W. Bonham. F. W. Valentine, C. A. Wood, George J. Perkins, L B. Martin, H. W. Ormandy. E. S. Currier. E. & Gambee, McGinnis, Horann, C. J. Muck, Miss Drinker. See Dr. W. J. Gilstrnp for correctly fitted glasses. Wanted to Exchange- Forty acres of good land lor St. Johns property. Call at Central Hotel. Monday and Tuesday the sec ond episode of the" Master Key" will be shown at the Multnomah Iheatre. Sunday afternoon nnd evening the "Luxus Comedy Four" will sing at the Multnomah. They are extra good. Hear them. A. M. Esson, formerly a well known nnd popular citizen and public oihcial of St. Johns, but lately located in Idaho, is spend ing a few days m our city. Mrs. C. A. Wood was surnris ed by n number of her St. Johns friends at her home in Piedmont Tuesday evening. A most en joyable time is reported. For Sale i acre. Groom houBe. lights, toilet and 8 bearing fruit trees, improved street. Fine place for chickens. Only $1350 ; A7 m i - . m r i inrr ii inxen soon, lerms. ioi. iut. For Exchange A wull improv ed farm, live acres; new house, near car line of Vancouver. Ad dress 1121 South Gresham street, St. Johns, for further informa tion. Mrs. T. T. Parker entottaincd the Sociology Club, which wns recently organized, Monday af ternoon, and a fine time is re- )ortcd. Mrs. I' arris of Portland was the leader. The excellent paper prepared and read by Mrs. Anna Can- right at the Mothers1, meeting on Monday, Feb. 1st, will appear in next week's issue of the Re view. A Hnrd Times Ball will be given in the St. Clement's Hall, on Smith avenue, Friday eve ning. February 12th. Lunch will be served, and a good time assured. Adults 25c; children 0c. The stork left a bouncing baby girl at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Powell January 28th. Tho event has impelled 'Dad" Powell to dispense some fine cigars among his friends. A box social will be given by tho Odd Fellows of St. Johns at their hall on South Jersey street Saturday, February 13th. Everybody invited. A good social time assured. Tho East St. Johns Improve ment Asociation is giving the matter of dredging Columbia Slough considerable attention, and is taking up tho matter with tho government in an en deavor to have government en gineers mako preliminary sur veys and recommendations. Tho project is a commendable one, nnd it is hoped that their efforts will result ultimately In having the Slough dredged to a proper depth. It should be remembered that tho Review charges five cents a line for nil advertising relat ing to entertainments, plays, socials, etc., where admission is charged or collections taken. This applies to churches as well as to all others. Where no ad mission is charged notices of such events will be gladly pub- shed free of charge. However, where the job printing is done at this office for any chargeable event, a free notice will be given. Six words constitute a inc. The Community Sing held at the bank building of the First Trust and Savings Bank on East Fessenden street Tueday even ing wns well attended and much enjoyed. Mrs. R. G. Brand had the program in charge, assisted by George A. Carter. '1 ho pro. gram consisted ot readings by Mrs. G. M. Hall. Mrs. Bower. and Dorothy Schaffer, piano solo by Edith Earl, and recita tion by Myrtle Earl which was nterspersed by singing ot old timo melodies. Mrs. W. A. Phillips died at her home, 718 North Edison Btreet. Wednesday, February 3, of dropBy. She was born in Kansas, and was aged iu years, 1 month and 2 days. She had been an invalid for the past five years, and death was caused by dropsy. She is survived by her lusband and one son and one daughter. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed. The St. Johns Under taking company win have charge. Mrs. E. C. Geeslin gave a de- ifhtful surnrise nartv Jan. 26th in honor of her husband, Attorney hi. u. lieesnn. it neintr his 35th birthday. The popular game of 500 was played, Mrs. R. G Whlta winning the ladv'H prize a lovely hand embroidered minst towel, nnn Hror. 1C. u. White the gentleman's prize of very tine deck ot cards, uain t refreshments were served nnd 1 Baid "good night." wishing Mr. Geeslin many more happy hirthdavs. Those nresent were: Mr. ana wr, u. xorK, Mr. anu m. m fm WW w m 1 Mrs. Carl JJahl, Mr. and Mrs. u. C. Geeslin, Mr. and Mrs. II. Thving. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Greenwade. Mr. E. Stricklan. Mrs. B. Berry. Mrs. Bailey and - - ma w ym t Mr. and Mrs. k. li. White. I FOR RKNT cards at thla offlc. Pay Your Bills With Checks I PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK AO ON AO 0 SAVINGS SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS FOR RENT Pkthr Autzkn, President John N.'sim, Cashier r I CAN SERVE YOU WITH DENTISTRY YOU WANT Painless, Scientific, Low Priced Aluminum Plates $20.00 Flesh Colored Plates 10.00 Ordinary Rubber Plates 8.00 Porcelain Crowns 6.00 22 Kt. Gold Crowns 5.00 22 " " Bridge 5.00 Gold Killing $1.00 up Silver Filling $1.00 Painless Extractions absolutely Why go to Portland, My Prices Can't be Beat, All Work Guaranteed Dr. Hugh C. Smith Painless Dentist, St. Johns Over Bonham & Currier's Store Open Evenings and Saturdays Lady Attendant II L Entertained Teachers Tho Debonair Club entertain ed the Teachers of St. Johns with an elaborate banauot in tho Commercial Club rooms on Friduy evening last. Tho decorations were yellow nnd white and tho tables presented a very .pretty appearance, ihe menu was creamed chicken in patty shell, creamed potatoes, salad, sand wiches, cold sliced tongue and baked ham, olives, orange Jollo with whipped cream, gold and white cuke nnd coifee. Tie Delta Phi girls served tho ban quet in a lovely manner. Mrs. Alice Learned, President of the Club, in u few well chosen words welcomed tho guests nnd called upon her sister, Mrs. Sutherland of Portland to tell of school con ditions in St. Johns in pioneer days, which she did in a delight ful manner. Mr. John Keeler, first principal of St. JohnB schools, wns called on noxt and made a clover little impromptu speech. Next was Mrs. Hoye of tho East St. Johns school. She attended tho first Teacher's nstitute held in St. Johns and captivated her listeners with her ready wit and clever remarks. rof. Fry waB aBked to give his first impressions of St. Johns which ho did in a witty mannor. 'rof. Boyd, on being called up on to give his first impressions of St. Johns, told of tho first mnression ho made on St. Johns in getting off the car and mis judging the distunce from the IT'S the most wonderful Photo -play ever conceived and achfwA if will hold you spellbound with interest SEE IT TUr at ",L r X r- ret. and there will ucver be any disputes about the pay ments. The cancelled checks arc the best of all receipts. Checks are cheap er to send than any other form of remittance. These arc only two of the many advantages of linving an account at this bank. o V. C. Knait, Vice President S. L. DoniK, Assistant Cashier last car stop to the ground. A short programme was rendered in which Miss Malcnu Long pluyed several selections that displayed fine technique. She is a brilliant player and was heartily applauded. Mr. Roe gave two clarinet solos that were much appreciated. Mrs. G. M. Hall gave several readings in her inimitable manner that quite captured the audience. After wards those present repnired to the Eagles Hall and danced till nearly twelve. Many pretty dresses wero in evidence nmong tho teachors and Club members. General Compson Post, G.A.R. has completed arrangements for tho proper observance of Lin coln's birthday, Feb. 12th. Prominent speakers will make brief talks, not only as to in dividual characteristics of our lamented President, but speak of our duties and of our proper reverence towards our own great country. There will bo inter spersed Hinging by pupils of our city schools, and it Is to bo hoped that our citizens will be present. The meeting will bo held in the auditorium of the High School building and exer cises as urrnnced will pnmmnnnn promptly at 2:30 p. m. Come out and give a patriotic express ion bv vour rmHinpft tlmf will prove that both children and !lf I f citizens noia m uear memory one of tho greatest Commoners in the interest of true liberty that this united country evor presented. Reporter. Tn fi ii r r r ii 1 1 1 t"i ir Mill TMflMAU TUPAM muLiMumnii niLnniL i i. . .. . cpuoue next mon. ana lues.