St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 05, 1915, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tim rkvirw
in Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
OfflelU Mtwipaptr of the Oily of at. Join:
Job Printing axacuUd 1 flrtt eUu
Dltla tor Job Trlntlnt; cub on dellrrjr.
Subscription prlo $1.00 par year.
The ordinance which created
the local board of censorship has
been causing a great deal of ag
itation these days. It was con
demned by the Socialists at a
meeting held last week, and has
been attacked in the council
chamber on several occasions.
The ordinance was the outcome
of a petition signed by a large
number of citizens. Several
weeks ago petitions signed by a
few less names asked for its
repeal. Tuesday evening peti
tions signed by 3G8 names again
asked for its repeal, besides the
oratory against it before the city
council. The councilmen as a
result arc in a quandary. Ap
parently they arc willing that
the people should have what
they want in this respect, but
they are unable to learn how the
majority feel about it, and the
ordinance was retained Tuesday
evening by a very close vote.
Those in favor of it contend that
it has not been given a fair trial
and has not yet proven a fail
ure; that while it may be suscep
tible of certain alterations, yet
its purpose is commendable.
Those against it claim that it is
un-Amoncan" and unneces
sary, and subject to drastic con
ditions in the hands of a preju
dicial and malignant censorship
board. It is admitted by the
opponents of the ordinance that
their objections are aimed at
tho conditions that might arise
in the future through its opera
tion and not that the present
work of tho censors is obnoxi
ous. To settle the question
petitions are now being circulat
ed asking that the matter be
placed on tho ballot at tho April
election. This will probably
be done, and the subject thus
definitely settled. Whether a
censorship board is needed in
St. Johns is simply a matter of
opinion, and is decided accord
ing to each individual's point
of view. If it is needed itshould
bo retained, and if not, it should
be abolished. It is up to the in
dividual to decide for himself.
It would seem that the ordinance
in ita present form is not prac
ticable. To fully carry out its
provisions would Keep a censor
ship board working night and
day constantly, and then some.
No body of citizens can alford to
do this without compensation.
If it is retained it should be
amended, it would seem.
It is lots easier for a girl to love a boy who has a
BANK ACCOUNT, and it's easier to love a husband
with a bank account. Girls are looking for the boys
with money in the bank, so are the girls' PARENTS.
Add to your other charms a bank account and she will
take lots more interest in you. Do your banking with
us. We will serve your interests.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
Captured Sixth Prize
Interestingly Told
Mrs. A. M. Purkapilo won the
sixth weekly prize in the World's
KLX'lSU,"rrTotcX,lncidents of High School
llin wiwk tnbilintr .'M.22T. The . . .. . .
prize consisted of half a dozen
silver bullion spoons. The prize
to bo given away for tho week
ending next Tuesday win be a
half dozen silver dessert spoons.
The contest is still attracting
considerable interest, and the
candidates are getting more
deeply interested in the contest.
Tho total vote up to last Tues
day evening was as follows:
Solan Bugbcc - - 114,000
Mrs. A. M. Purkapile - 7-1,475
Genevieve Aldrich - 59,(531
Mrs. Elsie Knowlca - -10,585
Vnlkyrio Larson - - 31,575
Minnlo Flasket - - 22,250
Lucy Buckles - - 21,800
Beulah Waters - - 20.000
Olive Zimmerman - 20,000
Garnet Beam - - 20,000
Hoy Clark - - 20,000
HPHE present mili
tary styles of dress
require a special style
of corset and brassiere.
The military style
means, an erect form,
and a trim looking
You can get all of
this, combined with
comfort in our new
styles of military cor
sets and brassieres.
Kabo Corset Company
;! Couch & Co.
Pioneer Merchants
m it
Van Zorvdt Jacobs&CoTroyNY.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given
on all Cash Purchases, and on Charge
Accounts when Paid in Full at least
every 30 days. Premiums on Display.
r "
P Villa i
ujj fill O g
-P!i o J
- VT
First Baptist Church
Tho wood cutting employment
inaugurated by tho city council
to furnish employment Tor un
employed citizens is about com
ploted. There wero ninety-six
men employed and 820 cords of
wood cut on tho Gntton tract.
For thiB work tho laborers were
givon ono dollar per cord for
cutting and cleaning up the
brush. Iho prico was quito low,
but it proved quite a help to the
men in need, and they were glad
to get tho work. The cutting
was in chargo of a committee
appointed by tho council and
consisted of Councilmen G. W.
Munson. J. W. Davis and II. M,
Waldrof. Mr. Munson especially
nut in a great deal of his time
in looking after tho work and
keeping tab upon its progress.
Tho city authorities have full
assurance that thov will have no
dilllculty in disposing of the
wood at a prico sufficient to pay
all expenses.
On Tuesday levening the
church gavo a reception to tho
now members who have been
taken in during tho month of
January. An entertaining pro
gram, refreshments and a social
hour helped ub to givo a hearty
welcome to tho newcomers.
Do not forget Sunday School at
10 a. m. next Sunday. It is ob
ject lesson day and tho lesson
will be illustrated by magical
effects. All now scholars will
receive a pencil as well as those
bringing a new scholar.
Young Peoples Society at 11 a. 1
in. and t'.M) n. m. Morn ni?
bermon "Crossing tho Bar."
Kvening Sermon "Tho Task
Worth While." A cordial wel
como is extended to everybody
to attend any or all of our ser
vices.- E. P. Borden.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Ingleduo
entertained tho Jolly 'Steen and
some friends at their handsome
home on Jersey street on Wed
nesday night. 500 was played
and Prof, and Mrs. Chas. Boyd
captured tho first nrizo. a hand-
some set of silver cocktail forks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Derrio won
tho second prize, a pretty ther
momoter. Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
Edlofson won tho first guest
prize, a beautiful mayonnaise
dish, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Larrowo recoived tho guest sec
ond prizo, a handsome calendar.
ueucious roiresnmenta wero
served. Mrs. 1). Frank Hors
man presided at the piano and
sang Mother Machreo in a
charming manner. Messrs. Der
rie, Muck, Evens. Larrowo,
Horsman. Markle, Douglass. In
gledue, Edlefsen and Dr. Vin
cent rendered some interesting
vocal selections. All present
had a delightful time. Mr. and
Mrs. Markle will entertain tho
Club next. Present as guests
were Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Bon
ham, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lar
rowe, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hors
man, Mr. and Mr. P. II. Edlef
sen, Miss Bogardus. Reporter.
All Hebekah friends should
vote, and all Hebekahs will vote
for Etta Beam, the Hebekahs
candidate in the big contest now
running at tho Multnomah thea
tre. This theatre is showing
the ttnest of motion pictures,
and deserves your patronage.
Every ono wishing to help this
candidate and this Lodge win
tho two first prizes, will find
Ella Beam's tickets on sale at
Ourrms for Drugs. Geneva
Chili Parlors and Tho Cozy
Corner confectionery store.
Each 10 cent admission ticket
you purchase at these places on
titles this candidate to 50 votes.
The II. S. has been favored
with an unusual number of visi
tors during tho past week. Mrs.
Myrtle Hawson and Ruth Can
right of Class '12 snont Wed
nesday morning in tlio various
class rooms; on Friday, Miss
Mamio French of Jefferson High
gavo us a call, and on Monday
Misses Ebright and Hobles of
Eugcno High school were wel
come visitors. The latter are of
tho English and Domctic Scienco
departments, respectively, of
tho hugono schools.
Final Exams are in full swing:
everybody lias buckled down to
the task in dead earnest and will
do hiB best to kcop his record
straight and his "credits" good.
Tho student body and high
school faculty have n hearty
welcomo in storo for tho Fresh
man Class which will enter
next week.
Tho boys' and girls' teams
took a very pleasant trip to
Orient High Friday night. Go
ing to Portland on tho street car.
they wero then conveyed direct
ly to tho Grango Hall at Orient
by n big auto bus. A beaut
moonlight drive it was: so beau
tiful that tho chapcrono had her
hands full to prevent some of
tho boys getting sentimental.
The girls' gamocamo first and
was a good example of what
basketball is not. The Orient
girls wero in their first gamo
and have much to learn. The
only reason the score wasn't
larger than 2(5-1 was because
Ruth and Gladya wero guarded
by modified boys' rules, i. e.
they used two nrms around in
stead of one.
Tho boys' game was a thrill
er, uur boys took tho lead and
kept it till just before timo was
called when Orient tied the
Bcore. in the play oil the score
was again tied at 2(5 all and fi
nally won by Orient 28-20.
The following took tho trin:
Captain John McGregor, Mgr.
Hert bundstrom. l'rank Bugbee.
Bill Tcutch. Wesley Wrinkle,
Harold Baybrook. Harry Card.
Captain Ruth McGregor, Mgr.
Hazel Johnson. Bernlce Brown-
ley. Gladys Palmer. Ethel HulT-
ord, Beulah Beam, Coach and
Registration books are
now open at the City
Hall for primary and
City election.
Last day to register
for the 'Primaries, Feb.
Register Now
Two Trips
To The Panama
Pacific Exposition
Just think of securing one of these
It 1 resolved by the City o( St. Johns,
That It deems It expedient and neces
sary to Improve Oswego Street from
the North side line of Columbia Blvd.
to the South side line of Smith Avenue
In the City of St. Johns In the following
manner to wit:
lly grading a strip 18 feet wide on
each side of said street; to erode or sub
grade to be established and Gnlihcd to
conform with center of street and by lay.
ing a 6 foot cement walk and 14 foot
curb on both sides of said street with
nesesMry cement cross walks and Iron
Work to be done according to the
plaits and specifications of the
city engineer on Tile in the office
of the City Recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifications and
estimates are satisfactory and are hereby
approved. Said improvements to be
! In accordance with the charter and
oidluauccs of the city of SI. Johns,
and under the supervision and direction
of the city engineer.
That the cost of said improvement to
be assessed as provided by the city chart
er upon the property especially and fr-
tlcularly benefited thereby, and which is
ST"1 grand trips with a little effort on yourgSSSS
I ' 'Din titrnnl urn a nnt mnHnl 1 I . J f" I hh .1 anw!... - J. 1.1
w iiiu (ivvuvn iiuv inuuu iimim- v ni 1 1' im I rnnrl M Gran rrijii TniA 1 ""h Ml" "'J, "i aijuiun,c
lilt MR ln f- r 7nf Titvt 1 1 YJCXL Ci. JLVUI iaiUUaU Ul OlCaUlCi X CUC. street, f rom die marL-lnal linh of Wd
ful 1' "". "La." J. J X- 0 m street back to the center of tlu blk or
"'.r' iaj aim irom oan rrancisuo. wnere. blocks 9r tracts of umubuttirw eon
or proximate mcreio.
commuimy mui surTinj? up re- yuu iZdll lilVfci VUU1SK1J. Over LU Lfcill UrlVS'. Tiiat ail ttie property mciucert in said
I1RIOU8 hatred by false, Wicked " n . -r , Improvement U strict aforesoliIU hereby
cimrpes. while ft may be be. oi recreation and enjoyment. You';1;
lmv one's diKnity to notice SUCh pfm J? .J mm,r At That the dty engineer', tssessment
cnarges, wnen iney are maae oy w uoiu unv xctii. giuuuuo vsvvsjlv ucvy-of the probable total cost of said
immoral, alimy publications of fr( CkYnlnvft ha -fnvm'o'n nvVn'Vnfa Pavement of Mid street u3050,88.
various kinds the caao becomes uU cXpiOlc LIlc IOlclgn exniullSl That the cost of said street to be as.
SttfffeTo: and hundreds of other intereto-SSafc
S'SffS! bXv; S1hts to yur Mart's content all atLyz;r'lM,2M
Katherinjr of sincere, well mean- nO CXpenSe tO VOU.
IHK men uiiu wuiiiuii.
1. I am perfectly willing to
meet the Rev. Berry in a public
debate on the aforesaid eight
For ten davs vou will be a eruest in San
You can take three delicrhtful excursion trios
charges, provided a judge or familiarize you with the wonderful city of San
ludges are appointed to keep and 'lta environment withnnt : nhnrn-o to vmi.
uotn speakers strictly to tne
that will
Now, after vou have read the above and deter
mined that you want to try for one of these trips, study
the conditions carefully, see how easv and fair it is.
Everything is in vour favor cret busvcet vour friends
busy working for you, it's the chance of a lifetime.
An Open Letter
Congregational Church- Sun
day School 10 a. m, Christian
Endeavor 0:30 p. m. Pastor will
preach in tho evening at 7:30
p. m. bubject for morning
"Handicap." Livening "Safety
First," Special music in tho
fllvei a brilliant ctosiy shin that
Joci not rub ott or Uuit oil (hat
anneal to Iho Iron mat Uii lour
liiucn as lout; as aajr otter.
Black SilkStove Polish
U In n clas by Itself. It' store
njry made uoJ mada
from cxtUr wUruis
Try It on vour bulor
vr your iim rauir,
h Uuet poiUh yvHl
'nr usU yuur
iirtlwir or
iftvcerr dwr I
tuUwriMd t nr-
Hi I
St. Johns, Oregon. B'ob. 1st.
1916. Mr. W. S. Bean. Repre
senting Rev.G. K. Berry and St.
Johns Christian Church. My
Dear Sir: Confirming verbal
statements of Mr. E. P. Moore.
representing undersigned, on
last Friday ovening, I beg to
reply to your communication as
1. Tho article in the Review
clouds the question at issue,
which was in regard to certain
false, wicked charges made bv
Rev. Berry against the Catholic
Church, from which charcres I
selected eight concrete examples.
u is a question of Kev. Berry
proving these charges or re
tracting them, and NOT as to
which is tho true church of
2. Article in nuestion tries to
shift the burden of proof upon
the defendant rather than unon
I the accuser. According to
American principles, one is
points at issue, and provided an
early date is sot.
5. Or, 1 am willing to accept
nn invitation from tho Christian
Church, St. Johns, to address
them publicly on tho above sub-
fi As to nrtniinfr dohntimr Thc Worlds Fair Trips &o to the ones who rustle the Most Trade for
about tho true Bible Church. I the store below and subscriptions for The St. Johns Review.
am at all times ready and will- Subscription Votes are good for Both Trips.
1 I. . l.lf 1 ! ! i
But in this instance, i decline to Next week commencing February 8, the
ctudef ft wiffiS Lauthers Mercantile Co. will give the Can-
StSZ? Tftprffl the most Tons of Coal as
ABOVE MATTER has been d s
posed of. NOT BEFORE. Very
truly yours. (Rev.) Charles M.
Smith. Pastor Catholic Church,
bt. Johns.
NoteUn to Thurday evening
reb. 5th, no reply had been re
ceived to above, though state
ment was made over the tele
phone that Rev. Berry would
answer by letter to undersigned.
-C. M. b.
did ate selling the most Tons of Coal
Wednesday 15,000
Published In the St. Johns Review
I t'eu. 0 ana iz, 1110,
It is resolved by the City of St. Johns,
That it deems it expedient and neccs.
sary to improve Swenson street
from the north side line of Myers
street to the West hide line of Oswego
street in the city of St. Johns in the
following manner, to wit:
lly giaillug the hatne to grade or sub
grade and layiuu a 4 foot cement side.
walk and an 8 foot curb on both sides of
said street with necessary cement crou
walks and iron gutters.
Work to be done according to the
plans and specifications of the city engi
neer on file in the office of toe
city recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifications
and estimates are satisfactory aud are
hereby approved. Said improvements
to be made in accordance with the
charter and ordinances of the city of
St. Johns, and under the supervision
and direction of the city engineer.
That the cost of said improvement to be
assessed as provided bv
city charter upou the property especially
and prticularly benefitted thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be all of lots
rts ot lots, blocks ana parcels of land
Orders and Cash turned in Each Day
No. 186 I. O. O. f
MmU each Monday evening la Odd Fa I
lows hall at 7 wo. A cordial welcome to I
all visiting brothers.
John J Goodman, Noble Grand
A. M. Downey. Vice Giaud
iotau Bcjcra Kec Sec.
Gtendenlns. Fin. Sec.
H. V CUtk. Treat.
Fashionable dressmaking, al
teration and remodeling: rea
sonable prices. Call 418 East
Charleston street,
The Lauthers Mercantile Co., Inc.
309 W. Burlington Street
In oonuootion with the
St. Johns, Oregon
between the termini of such improve
ments abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate to said street from the
niarvinal lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts of
land abutting thereon or proximate
That all the property included in said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declaied to be Local Improvement
disirct No. 122.
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost of said improve,
tnent of said street is 4,037.66.
That the cost of said street be
assessed against the property
in said local assessment district as cro.
vided by the charter of the citv of St.
Adopted tiy the council this 2ad dav of
February, 1916.
Record 0f
Published in the St. Tomes Review
February 5 ami 12. 1916.