St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 05, 1915, Image 1

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    HlttorJt.i So.frtr
St. Johns is Calling You
Hm terra churches.
H n most promising future.
Distinctively manufacturing city
Adjoin the city of (Portland.
Hat. nearly 6,000 population.
Hat a public librory.-Jl;
Taxable property, 4,500.000.
Hat large dry docks; saw mills)
Woolen mills, iron works.
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill.
Box factory, and others.
Mote industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
St. Johns is Calling You
It second In number of Industrie!.
Is seventh in population.
Cars to Portland every 16 min. .
Has navigable water on 3 sides.
Has finest gas and electricity.
Has two strong bonks.
Has five large school houses. "
Has abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system.
Has line, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll off 95,000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
Dtvoted to tbt IntertsU of the Peninsula, (be Manufacturing Center of the Northwtit
VOI,. it
NO 13
Hog Shortage Probable
Should Be Retained
A Splendid Success
Not Altogether Clear
Important to the Public
Maters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present at
the regular meeting of the city
councU Tuesday evening, with
Mayor Vincent presiding.
Petitions asking that the cen
sorship ordinance be repealed,
containing 38G nnmes.wcre rend.
Councilman Graden said he be
lieved it should be referred back
to the petitioners with the sug
gestion that it be placed in form
for calling a vote upon the prop
osition at the general city elec
tion. Upon motion of Council
mn Munson the petitions wero
accepted. G. L. Perrine asked
for permission to express his
rcsons why the ordinance should
bo repealed, which was granted.
Councilman Orndnn said he be
lieved it would be a foolhardy
act on the part of the council to
repeal the ordinance before it
had proven n failure. Attorney
Albert Strife, a Portland Social
ist, made un appeal in favor of
repeal.' Councilman Munson
made u motion that the ordinance
be repealed, seconded by Coun
cilman Garlick. Roll call show
ed the following result: Coun
oilmen Garlick, Chadwjck und
Munson yes: Davis, Cornell,
Graden and Waldrcf no; motion
D. G. Hoogcrhyde, who was
injured by the fire truck over
turning at the corner of Jersey
and Foasondon streets some time
ago, communicated the state
ment that unless the council re
munerated him for injuries sus
tained lie would invoke the nid
of tho courts in securing dam
ages. City Attorney Parker
gavo as his opinion that the city
was in no wise involved in tho
matter; that Mr. Hoogerhyde
took his chances when ho got
into tho truck. Tho matter was
thon referred to tho city attor
ney for further investigation.
Bills nmoynting to $177.18
were allowed.
The engineer stated thnt tho
property would stand for the
Improvement of Tyler street
with the exception of the eor
nurs on intersecting streets that
hud been improved, and tho
matter was referred to tho engi
neer tcfriscortain approximately
what tho excess would total up.
A rosclutiqn providing for the
improvement of Swenson street
between Payers and Oswego
street, was adopted, as was also
a resolution' directing tho engi
neer toi prepare tho data for the
improvement of Oswego street
between Cblumbia boulevard
and Smith avenue.
A resolution extending the
time of filing nomination papers
for the primary election in March
to fifteen days prior to tho pri
mary was adopted.
A resolution directing tho en
gineer to prepare tho plans, pro
file and estimates for the im
provement of Seneca street be
tween tho EaSt city limits and
Fessenden street was adopted.
Councilman Garlick made a
motion that all ordinances relat
ing to muzzling of dogs be re
pealed. Roll call resulted as
follows; Councilmen Garlick,
Waldref and Chadwick yes;
Councilmen Davis, Cornell, Gra
den and Munson no; motion lost.
The city attorney was author
ized to ascertain what addition
al legal services would cost in
prosecuting the Jersey street
North School Notes
For month ending January 29
Johanna Widmer was far in tho
laad of the 5tha. Next to her
came Eula Secrest. In the 5thb
Chesley King and Charley Rog
ers kept neck to neck, on Friday
each having scored 34 points.
Next came Donald Lind.
In Miss Scott's room some
very. fine work was done last
week in illustrating " Market
Miss Kennedy,, who has been
having rheumatism in her ankle,
is much better.
Gladys Williams was quite ill
this week.
Our jovial janitor, Mr. Clark,
has a very bad cold.
We would bo glad to have the
parents visit our school, and es
pecially 5lh grade. Reporter.
From figures recently compil
ed at the Portland Union Stock
yards, it would appear that un
less there is a radical change,
on the part of the farmers, in
the handling of the hog busi
ness, in a short time Oregon will
be right back in the position
Occupied a few years ago al
most no breeding stock on hand,
record breaking prices in tho
local market on account of tho
inevitable shortage of supply
and another hurry call on tho
Middle West for brood sows to
restock the empty pens. And
this deplorable condition is be
ing brought about by the pre
sent abnormally high price of
wheat, and also to tho lact that
a large number of hog raisers
throughout tho state neglect to
grow the necessary iced on
which to finish their crop of
pork and on which tho surplus
stock can be economically car
ried through the winter. Dur-
ng a period of seven consecu
tive duys, ending the past week,
12,000 hogs wero received at the
Portland ynrds. only a small per
centage of which were really fit
for killing, tho balance appar
ently havimr bc&i shinned to
avoid the expense of carrying
them until spring, lho certain
result of these excessive ship
ments will be n ruinous falling
oft in values, a wiping out of the
log surplus of Inst fall. Oregon
io I ana climate is suited to the
production of corn, field pens und
ilfnlfa, all of which arc splendid
log feed, and until the farmer
nlants more extensively of these
crops and thus makes himself
independent of outside assist
ance, tho hog industry will bo
at the mercy of any inlluenco
which may affect the prices of
wheat apd othejr grains in tho
Artisans Entertain
Willumbia Assembly No. 300
of tho United Artisans of St.
Johns entertnincd members and
friends Wednesday evening.
Jnnunry 27th, nt Bickner hnlll
with a select musical and litera-
iy uuii'i luiiiiiiuiu. iinvi wiih.ii u
dancing nnrty was greatly en
joyed by those present. Willum-
b o Assembly, for tho past sov-
eral months, has been inactive,
although they lmvo a splendid
membership roll, but now look
orwnrd to a period of considera
ble activity. Tho first meeting
of tho assembly since their re
cent revival was hold December
21st. when the following officers
were elected: James Welch,
master Artisan: Eton Strickland,
supt.; Mrs. A. W. Vincent, in
spector: Clyde O. Rogers, secre
trny; Wesloy C.Heck, treasurer;
Annn Drydon, senior conductor;
Myrtlo Robertson, junior con
ductor: Maud Strickland, mis
tress of ceremonies; Harold Rob
ertson, warden. Now members
are being initiated each meet-
ng. fifteen having been initiat
ed since tho new officers wero
installed. Installation ceremony
was conducted by officers of the
Supreme Lodge, Mrs. Faye
Glasgow Heck has been secured
as organizer for Willumbia As
sembly, and a continued and1
vigorous growth in membership
is confidently expected. Willum-j
bin Assembly meets the first and1
third Monday evenings of each
month in Bickner hall, and ex
tends a cordial invitation to offi
cers and members of all assem
blies of The United Artisans.
A Thing of Beauty
The new roadway leading to
the plant of the Western Cooper
age Company, officially known
as Edgewater avenue, is a most
picturesque one, as it winds by
easy grade around the hills to
the railroad tracks. Large num
bers gf people traverse it every
Sunday, and its scenic beauty
is the cause of much admiring
comment. V. W. Mason, who
had the contract for hard surfac
ing the avenue, certainly made a
splendid job of it. It is well
worth the while of any one to
travel over this fine avenue lead
ing to the river frontage.
Call Columbia 104 and Rogers
will call for your magazine
orders. Ask for catalogue.
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
Afternoon, 12:00 toJ5:30.
Evening, 7:00 to;9:00.
. Sunday, 2:30 to 5:30.
Some Books Received.
Do these interest you?
Rendall Sinai in Spring, or
the Best Desert in the World.
"A brief personal impression
of a delightful spring journey
to Mount Sinai by an unusual
route, namely, by tho old pil
grims' wny, which starts from
tho quarantine station of Tor."
Bruce Woman in the Muking
of America.
"The more I become acquaint
ed with the facts of national ev
olution tho more I am impressed
by the part woman has taken
Committee of Fifty Substi
tutes for the Saloon.
"Whatever else the saloon may
be or may fail to be, it is, at
any rate, the poor man's club.
J.IIU I 111 1 1 1 U U 1 Ul IUI.iUIIO Ui 41 aw
loon who arc slave to the drink
habit is by no means so great us
immliAH f f wif.. ' F ft on .
the number who feel the natural
craving of the social instinct.
No attack unon the saloon can
hope for permanent effectiveness
which docs not take into account
this satisfaction of the social in
stinct. The present volume is
a practical discussion of what
has been and cun bo done to
meet this need."
Father Bernard Vaughn So
cialism from tho Christian Stand
point A discussion of tho question
from tho Catholic standpoint by
an ablo and eminent British pre
lute, whr traveled in this coun
try in 1912 and 1918.
Gardner Care of tho Con
sumptive. Greene Womnn's Manual of
"The purpose of this manunl
is to present in a clear, simple
and, if possible, interesting
way, those principles of law
governing tho business world
and domestic life which most
men understand in somo degree,
or think they do, but which
most women do not understand,
and wish thoy did."
Hillegns Oom Paul's People.
A narrative of tho British
Boer troubles in South Africa,
with a history of the Boers, the
country and its institutions.
Tho author has endeavored to
describe tho Boers, "as thoy
impressed themselves upon my
mind while I associated with
them in tho farmhouses on the
veldt, in tho drawing rooms of
the cities, and in tho chambers
of tho government house."
Macdonald Aspects of Islam.
The chapters of this book
were delievered as lectures in a
course preparing students for
tho foreign missionary field, and
wero designed to give such stu
dents a good knowledge of the
religious history, beliefs, nnd
customs of the people among
whom they are expected to la
bor. To quote: "The paradox
of the missionary's life is that
he must have a liking for his
people and their queerest little
ways, even while he is trying
to change them."
Merrill Winning tho Boy,
Judge Ben Lindsay in an in
troduction to the book says:
"Tho boys who are really in
formed are those who want to
do right and not those who have
to do right. I have visited the
jails in nearlj every large city in
this country, and have talked to
the boys in those jails. I find
they are the victims largely of
fear, and fear comes from an un
developed heart. I ask the boy
why ho will not steal again and
ho invariably replies, 'Because
I will get in pail.' He is afraid
of a jail, he is not afraid to do
Morley A Song of Life.
Story of the origin and growth
of the embryo and ijs subse
quent development in plants,
fishes, frogs, birds and mam
mals. A fearless yet clean
minded study of the develop
ment of life, full of charm and
imagination. It should result
in the innocence of knowledge,
which is better than the inno
cence of ignorance.
Prince Urussoo Memoirs of a
Russian Governor.
Volumes without number have
St. Helens and St. Johns Fire Department, Saturday Night, Feb
ruary 6th. Jitney Dance After Game
The following reasons have
been given why the Compensa
tion Act should be retained:
Oregon Compensation Act
a neon o's law.
The nresent law wus passed by
the Legislature with only three
dissenting votes. It was endors
ed by the people in a referendum
vote bv over 40.000 majority.
Every dollar that is paid by
Oregon employers and employes
into the Industrial Accident
Fund remains in Oregon. Mil
lions of dollars of Oregon money
has been paid to Eastern and
foreign casualty companies.
Oregon is poorer for every dol
lar she spends out of the state
for casualty insurance. East
ern states and foreign companies
are the gainers. Tho funds in
thepermanent industrial accident
fund are invested in Oregon se
curities. For example: Two
new high schools at Amity and
Rainier wero built with tho pro
coeds derived from the sale of
bonds with Accident Insurance
funds, at a time when it was
practically impossible to secure
outside loans.
Have any schools been built
in Oregon by tho Eastern casual
ty companies from funds de
rived from high premiums paid
by Oregon employers and em
ployes? The State of Washington car
ries her own stnto accident in
surance. She keeps every dol
lar at home to enrich Washing
ton. Can Oregon afford to be
outstripped in the industrial
raco by Washington?
Thero is little consistency in
advocating buying Oregon made
goods and sending Oregon's
money out of tho stato for In
dustrial Accident Insurance
when it can bo done better and
cheaper at home.
It is against public policy that
a profit should be mado out of
the injuries of tho worker in the
industrial battlefield. With
cquul proprioty and coiuclonco
wo should turn over to a casual
ty company tho payment of pen
sions to our soldiers or sailors,
or the distribution of tho wid
ow's pension fund.
Casualty insurance breeds law
suits. The taxpayers have to
pay for court expense.
been written on Russia and Rus
sian affairs by outsldo observers,
who reported tho little they
could sec, blindly groping for
tho dark truth that luy below
the surface. But never before
has tho truth about Czardom
been told by one of the inmost
circle; tho truth about tho intri
cate machinery of tho autocracy;
tho schemes of tho Police De
partment; the intrigues nnd cor
ruption that underlie the labric
of governmentnever hnvo theso
evils been laid bare by a Russian
prince of the oldest families, u
governor of many provinces, an
administrator with tho rare pa
triotism and courago to disclose
the tribe secrets of a system of
which he was u part.
Nursoy Story of Isaac Brock,
hero, defender,, and savior of
Upper Canada, 1b12.
''Brock was 'the man behind
the gun' the undismayed man
when the integrity of British
America was threatened by a
determined army. At a time
when almost every British sol
dier was fighting Napoleon in
Europe, upon General Brock
fell the responsibility of uphold
ing Britain's honor in America.
Big German Display
More than 40.000 square feet
of exhibit space will be occupied
by tho German government at
the Panama Exposition. Tho
German display will be divided
between the Palaces of Educa
tion, Liberal Arts, Varied Indus
tries and Machinery. In addi
tion to these .exhibits there will
be displays in the Palace of Fine
Arts and other exhibit palaces
by German industries. The war
has stimulated interest in the
exposition on the part of Ger
many, for before the declaration
of war Germany was not partic
ipating officially.
We are grateful to the many
friends for the kindness and
symnathv during the illness and
death of our beloved husband
and father. Mrs. Jno. R. Depoo
and Family.
The entertainment given by
the Rebeknh Detrree Staff Thurs-
day evening of last week in the
Multnomah theatre was partial
larly interesting and 'dhtertain-
i it i .I.
mg aim uiu execution was oi me
finest. The program was ren
dered in connection with five
reels of especially attractive
moving pictures, and the seating
capacity of the theatre was
moro than reached. The first
number on the program was an
overture by Churchill's orches
tra that was well received.
This was followed by a two reel
picture entitled The Return of
thd Twin's Double. Mary Bur-
ley, the bright and gifted little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Burley, captured the audi
ence with Bong and encore. The
Elco Quartet then rendered scv-
nin I f. l t ltnttiv ...i.tnnf rk11
encored. Motion pictures wore
next, followed by Harry I'assett.
St. Johns' ragtime fuvorite, in
catchy songs and lively chatter.
William Burley, who is a better
vaudeville actor than many ap
pearing in the Portlund theatres.
entertained and amused the
spectators with songs, jokes and
dunce. That MrBurley is most
popular with the local people
and his work on tho stugo is
highly appreciated was fully
demonstrated by the vociferous
applause accorded him. More
motion pictures followed, und
then a drama entitled, "Tho Sis
ter Odd Fellows" was nut on by
tho Rcbcknhs. This created an
immense amount of merriment
and was carried out in fine style
by tho participants. A "reully"
goat was introduced, and the
various signs und gestures in
troduced in suluting the presid
ing officer and in installation
ceremonies wus most laughable.
An imaginary mouse caused con
siderable confusion among tho
fair Odd Fellows. Following
wus the cast:
Sister Angelcake Effa Beam.
Sister Gossip Nellio Benhnm.
Sister Busybody Huttio Mc-
Sister linckbito -Amy Day.
Sister Thankful Mary Sim
SiBter Lonesome Ella Aiken.
Sister Blueblood Eddio J.
Tho Pointer's Wife - Anna
Tho Grocer's Wife Corn Good
Tho Banker' Wife-Tillio Per
Tho Dentist's Wife Armindn
Mrs. Padlock May Granger.
Mrs. Ipecac Emily Churchill.
Policeman J. J. Goodman,
PropertiesC. K. Tooley.
Margaret Eleanor Willumsen
The Nightingale.
Tho latter rendered sovernl
pleasing vocal selections in her
usuul brilliant stylo and she wus
heartily applauded. Richard
rerrlno also gave some fine se
lections on his trombone that
wore highly enjoyed.
On behalf of tho Degree Stnff.
I wish to thank each and every
one who so kindly favored us on
the program, also Mr. and Mrs.
Eastwood for the generous loan
of the goat, tho big hit of tho
Sister Odd Fellow play, and tho
public for their patronago and
enthusiasm.--EfTa Beam, Cap
tain of Degree Staff.
Have you heard tho news?
What news? About that three-
act comedy "A Kentucky Belle"
that is to bo given by tho Y. P.
S. C. E. of the Christian church.
Tho young people have worked
hard in getting up this play and
deserve to succeed. Help them
by buying tickets. You will
never regret it. You will see a
fine play and also feel you are
putting your money to a good
purpose. You. may think twenty
five cents is a lot of money in
these times, but then you know
laughing is healthy and if you
don't go may be you will have to
buy hlty cents worth of medicine;
thut would be more expensive.
Seel If somebody comes around
to sell tickets open up your purse
and dig around till you find
twenty-five cts. and then you are
the possessorof a ticket that will
let you in the M. W. A. Hall
Tuesday evening, Feb. lb, 1915,
at a o'clock sharp to see the
25 and 15 cents, Nuf Ced.
FOR RENT card at Ihla offlea.
Editor Review: G.'s article
in the current issue of the Re
view on the cause of crime is. I
think, well worth the considera
ble space you give it. There is
Lmuch of tho right kind of spirit
and it indicates a more than
common interest in tho subject.
In some respects however it docs
not seem clear in its conclusions
and is, I think, unfair to a class
of people who are perhaps as
thoughtful and ready to help in
a practical way ns G.
That responsibility for crime
rests on society rather than the
individual may be true to a lim
ited extent and it is well for so
ciety to look to this. Unfor
tunately this conviction is very
popular with the criminal and
from his point of view is not
nearly so convincing, nnd more
over I think an opinion not cal
culated to strengthen the moral
character of anyone. G's obser
vations about the relative value
of common sense nnd the opin
ions of expert investigators is
not we venture to say altogether
sound. Rules of action based on
broad, general principles and
tho experience of many men and
many years uro often more de
pendable than the conclusions of
somo special investigntor.
Probably I'tirndny. whoso gen
ius laid bare in a few months
tho fundamental principles of
electricity, would have made a
poor job of wiring your house.
Because Avagadro demonstrated
that equal volumes of all guscs
under liko conditions contain
the same number of molecules,
it docs not follow thnt ho would
huvo made a practical refrigera
tion engineer or could produce
tho most satisfactory air com
pressor of his time. That tho
problem dealt with is coniplcx
Is only nn additional rcnaon why
it should be handled along the
lines of broad principles and
common sense.
G. classes those who relv on
common senso with the rubble
who cried out for tho life of Him
who nlono saw with a clear vis
ion where wo but dimly discern
tho truth. It is well to remem
ber in this connection that the
people were but tho tools of the
Scribes and Pharisees whoso
life was given to religious and
moral philosophy nnd that "the
common people received him
That society makes many
mistakes and is often unjust in
the administration of Justice
cannot bo gainsaid, but after
all tho fear of punishment and
tho hope of reward arc tho prin
cipal incentives to righteous
ness nnd it is ns logical to expect
good to como 'rom mitigating
one us to diminish mo reward
of the other.
We hnvo to look back but a
fow years to u time when the
punishment for till forms of
crime was much more rigorous
than now. In fact tho change
in this respect is most marked
and is still going on. And ynt
G, calls our attention to tho fact
that criminnlogists insist that
crime of all kinds is on tho in
crease. G's argument based on tho two
interesting facts brought out by
Lambroso is either obscuro or
vicious. Just what does ho
mean by tho "normal demands"
he thinks should go unrestricted?
What are tho rules and regula
tion requirements thnUho justi
fies tho delinquent in breaking
and condemns the respectable
woman for observing? J.
To Sell or Exchange
I have somo choice unincum
bered property in Sheridan,
Yamhill county, Oregon, that I
wish to sell or exchange for
desirable property in St. Johns.
Sheridan is in tho Willamette
Valley, fifty-soven miles south
west of Portland. It is a thriv
ing town of 1500 people, has a
most excellent surrounding farm
ing community, has large dairy
interests, extensive lumbering
interests and thousands of acres
nearby have been planted to
fruit which is just coming into
bearing. For further informa
tion, call on DR. W. J. GIL
STRAP. First National Bunk
bldg St. Johns, Oregon.
Stop that cold! Cyclone Cold
Cure will do it. Get it at The
St. Johns Pharmacy, Cut Rate
Drug Store.
' Returns of annual net income
for the income tax for individ
uals and for corporations mak
ing their returns of annual net
income based on the calender
year, are due to ha filed on or
before the 1st day of March, and
failure to file such return on or
before that date will subject the
delinquent taxpayer to an addi
tional tax of fifty per cent and
liability to heavy pennlties pro
vided by law.
All taxpayers are urged to file
his or their return at the earliest
possible date, and not to wait
until the last day wheif, through
some inudvertence or oversight,
he or they may fail to file return
and thus be subject to the addi
tional taxes and penalties.
The early filing of returns is
most carnesty requested, so that
the same may bo dealt with in
a more prompt and satisfactory
manner, and questions arising
can be readily adjusted, afford
ing tho Internal Revenue Office
time in which to do so.
withholding agents should be
particular to ascertain their du
ties under the Income Tax Law.
especially tho fact that persons
against whom tax has been with
held have the right under tho file form 1008 with them
not Inter than thirty days prior
to March 1st, 1915, and that
therefore, the annual returns of
the with-holding agents should
not be mudu until after thnt
Information in connection
with tho preparation nnd filing
of returns will bo gladly and
promptly givnn, upon application
therefor either in writing or
in response to personal inquiry
at the Internal Revenue office,
and it is most earnestly request
ed thut returns bo filed or infor
mation asked as curly ns possible
so that more careful attention
may be given to these details,
thus avoiding any questions
arising upon final exporting of
tho returns ut Washington, D.
Remittances to the Govern
ment for payment of tuxes
should be in the form of Money
Order, Bank Draft, or Certified
Check. Collectors have specific
instructions not to accept per
sonal checks, unless marked by
the Bank on which thoy nre
drawn, nnd a departure from
such instructions is a violation
of tho Regulations governing
tho Department.
All information may bo ob
tained upon application to Mil
ton A. Miller, Collector of Inter
nal Revenue, Portland; Oregon.
WorR Progressing
Work on tho plant of tho Wes
tern Cooperage Company near
tho dry docks is progressing in
a steady manner. Tho super
structure of tho main mill is well
under way and it is being con
structed in a most substantial
manner. A large area of land
has been filled in and leveled up
from earth dredged from the
river bed, and wo understand
that the contracts will soon be
let for the other buildings that
are to bo erected. It is probable,
thnt the plant will bo In opera
tion by the first of May. Tho
machinery of tho largo plant
now in operation at Aberdeen.
Wash., it is said, will bo shipped
here and considerable new ma
chinery will also be installed.
Probably fifty of tho skilled em
ployes at Aberdeen will movo
hero and work at tho new plant.
The industry will have a capaci
ty of about'500 hands when fully
completed. It is the intention
of tho company to give St. Johns
labor preference over any other.
This city should feel proud of
tho fact that such a substantial
institution is locating in St.
Jonhs ono which any city would
be elated to possess, and all the
encouragement possible should
be given tho company.
Two of the famous Dexter cat
tle, known as "the poor man's
friend," have been given to tho
Panama Exposition by the Mar
chioness of Conyngluun, of Slano
Castle, County Meath. Ireland.
They aro small black animals
less than forty inches tall, but
renowned as high producers of
good quality and on very small
feed. They may bo an answer
to tho high cost of living question,