St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 29, 1915, Image 1

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    H(ttvHe Bt,ig
St. Johns Is Calling You
Hai seven churches.
Hai a moil promiiing future.
Distinctively a manufacturing city
Adjoint the city of Portland.
Hat neatly 6,000 population.
Haa a public library.
Taxable property, f4,5O0.00O.
Hai large dry docks, saw mills ,
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant.
Veneer and excelsior plant.
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
St. Johns is Calling You
Is second in number of Industries.
Is seventh in population.
Cars to Portland every t6 min.
Has navigable water on J sides.
Has finest gas and electricity.
Has two strong banks.
Has five large school houses.
Has abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system.
Has fine, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll off 95,000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland liatbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, (be Manufacturing Center of (be Nortbweit
VOL,, ii
NO 12
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
. AH members were present at
the regular meeting of the city
council Tueaduy evening, with
the exception of Councilman
Gnrlick, and Muyor Vincent
A petition for the improve
ment of Swonson street between
Oswego and Myers streets, by
four foot cement sidewalk and
grade, was referred to the en
gineer to check up, as was also
a petition for the improvement
of Seneca street between the
east line of the city and Charles
ton street, by five foot cement
sidewalk and grade.
A notice of proposed assess
ment of cost for sidewalk at
Whitwood Court, presented by
the city of Linnton, was re
fcrred to the city attorney to se
cure more definite statement.
Bills amounting to $225.75, a
large portion of which was for
wood cutting, were allowed and
ordered naid.
The engineer stated that the
remonstrances against the pro
posed improvement of Tyler
street totalled almost '1!) per
cent. The matter was referred
back to the engineer to ascer
tain if the property would stand
for the improvement.
A resolution directing the en
gineer to prepare the plans and
specifications for the improve
ment of Oswego street between
Smith avenue and Columbia
boulovard was adopted.
It was decided to refer all
weed penalty remonstrances to
the chairman of the finance
committee and city recorder for
G. L. Pcirino discussed the
censorship ordinnnco to some
length and suggested that tho
council consider it more thor
oughly and bring it up for fur
ther discussion next Tuesday
evening. lie expressed his dis
pleasure with some of tho pro
visions contained therein.
Mayor Vincent and Council
man Gradcn also mado in
teresting remarks on tho sub
ject, in which the latter ex
pressed his willingness to vote
to amend any obnoxious pro
visions contained in tho or
dinance. Michael Kello. representing
the East St. Johns Improve
ment Association, asked that
polico protection bo given that
section of the city in greater
degree than now obtains. No
definite action taken.
Will Produce Sugar
If the present plans do not
miscarry, Oregon will in a Bhort
timo bo listed among the im
portant sugar producing states
of the Union. While Eastern
Oregon has been more or less
active in the raising of sugar
beets for a number of years, it
is only recently that the move
ment has oxtended to tho Wil
lamette Valley and the counties
in the south end of the state.
Approximately 5.000 acres have
been signed up within tho past
few days in the vicinity of Med
ford and Grants Pass, an acre
age sufficient to warrant ihe
erection of a beet sugar factory.
A corporation backed by Oregon,
California and Utah capital has
been formed to carry through
the project.
Visited the Woolen Mills
City School Superintendent
Alderman .and the principals of
the respective Portland public
schools yesterday visited the
Portland Woolen Mills and for
several hours inspected the var
ious processes of the plant un
der the direction of E. L.
Thompson and Mill Superin
tendent Carter. The efficiency
system recency installed at the
mill was of particular interest to
the principals. The trip was
made according to a plan for
mulated by Mr. Alderman to
bring the schools in closer touch
with the outside world and fos
ter the made-in-Oregon idea in
the hearts of school children.
Other large Portland industries
will be visited from week to
week. Sunday's Journal.
Htiftn 4k la fail on vAiif1 Buif.
Public Ma Like,y
So it appears to be reasonably
assured that wo are to have a
public defender. Judge Steven
son has presented to the Com
missioners the benefits that Will
be sure to accrue from the
creation of that office, and in
support of the Judge's presenta
tion is the experience of sonic
other cities in this country,
notably Los Angeles.
The public defender puts tho
man without means, who has
come within the grip of tho law,
and the public, in a new and a
juster relation. As we under
stand it is to be the province of
this official to see that every
such man charged with public
olFcnBO may have his legal
rights before tho court. As a
matter of theory he is supposed
to get those at the hands of the
public prosecutor whether an
attorney appears in his defense
or not; but as u matter of fact
the average public prosecutor
is more interested in making a
record for himself than he is in
the fate of any particular cuprit.
We do not understand that it
will be the dut: of tho public
defender to acquit every man
charged with ofTense, simply be
cause he has no money with
which to pay an attorney, and it
is sincerely to be hoped that in
discharging the duties of the
office such will not be the case.
Justice is the aim, and that
means that tho prime effort will
bo to establish the truth.
If there should be the right
sort of cooperation between the
public defender and the public
prosecutor, few cases wherein
the defendants were penniless
would pass through the grind
of tho court wherein justice
would not be done. The civic aim
can bo no higher than that, and
n a matter of fact, in Los
Angeles, whore the services of
this official have been given a
moro thorough trial than in any
other Amcricnn city, the univer
sal testimony is that the cause
of justico has been well served.
Lewis Gets Off One
A measure was up in tho
House tho other day for con
sideration and many earnest
and eloquent speeches had been
made pro and con. At last Rep
resentative D. C. Lewis rose
and spoke ns follows,
"The argument on tho ques
tion under discussion reminds
mo of tho story of tho old colored
lndy who had died and been tak
en to her heavenly home. When
living she weighed 250 pound
dressed. There was erected over
her grave a monument bearing
tho following:
'Here lies Aunt Polly Ann
At peace in the arms of Abraham.
Some wag thinking he could
improve the inscription changed
tho same to read as follows:
'Hero lies Aunt Polly Ann,
At peace in the arms of Abra
It is all right for Polly Ann.
But how is it with poor Abra
ham?' "
A little maid,
A little glade.
A balmy night in June:
A little meeting,
A little greeting,
Beneath the silvery moon,
A little walk.
A little talk,
A little time to woo;
A little Spring,
A little ring.
A little babe or two.
A little bauble,
A little squabble,
A matrimonial snare;
A little fee,
A little decree.
An alimonial pair. Life.
Building Permits
No. 4 vTo Anton Kleuser to
erect a residence on Fessenden
street between Richmond and
Oswego streets; cost $1000.
No. 5. To G. B. Darowish to
erect a store and residence on
Dawson street between Bu
chanan and Burr streets; cost
Frank Jones of St. Helens
was a St. Johns visitor the first
of the week.
Incidents of High School
Interestingly Told
The Senior class can now be
easily spotted by tho underclass
men, dun to the class pins they
received last week. The boys
have tic pins, and the girls the
usual stylo of pin. Thoy are of
diamond Shane with J. J. H. S.
'15 inscribed on them in block
A committee has been ap
pointed to look into the matter
of the annual Senior piny, which
is to be presented to tho public
Inter in tho year. Watch for it
and don't miss it when it comes.
Another committee has been ap
pointed to choose cluss colors,
class flower, and class motto.
Having secured these, we shall
havo all the essentials of a
Senior class.
Last Friday night a basket
ball game was played in the
High School gymnnsium be
tween the Groshnm and James
John teams, both boys and girls
playing. James John won both
games, the girls' score being
G0-2. and the boys' 22-11. The
teams all played well, and it
was only owing to better team
work that James John won.
This is tho sixth gamo of the
season; our girls have won each
tunc, and our hoys havo lost
only the one gamo to Forest
Saturday night the fourth pro
gram of tho Dramntic Society
was given in the High School
auditorium. The vice presi
dent, Ethel Hufford, presided in
the absenco of tho president.
Minnie Nolcn, the secretary,
read the minutes of tho lust
meeting, nfter which tho follow
ing program was offered:
Rebecca of bunny brook rarm.
orchestra; solo. Maid of the
Mill, Frances Miller, with piano
accompaniment by Florenco
Dnvis: reading. Aunt .Jane,
Margaret Nelson: quartet. Gar
land of Old Fashioned Roses,
Carlyle Cunningham, Wyeth
Jayne, Jennie McNiven and
Margaret Rassi; reading, The
McSwnts' Swear Off, Dorothy
Schttffer; solo, Come Whore n
Voico is Calling, Bcrnice Brown
oy, accompanied on tho violin
by Ethel Hufford; Shores of
Italy, orchestra: Tipperrnry, or
chestra; reading, Tho Owl
Critic, Lulu Day; When I Lost
You, orchestra.
Tho entire program was much
appreciated by everybody pres
ent, but tho unique orchestra
won most applause and com
ment. Director Cunningham
guided the nine instruments
with marvelous skill nnd n cur
tain rod. Tho to the unclaHsical
ear the different instruments at
times closely resembled each
other, both in timbro nnd tone,
tho owners of tho ears didn't
betray their ignoranco; instead
thoy encored tho orchestra und
even invited them to return nt
some futuro date,
A week ago, or Monday, the
eighteenth, tho cooking class
from the sixth and seventh
grades of the North School en
tertained their mothers in the
cooking labratory of the High
School. Tho chocolate and cook
ies, which were the refresh
ments served, were made by
the pupils under the direction
of the teacher, Miss Twining.
In his message to the legisla
ture Governor Withycombe sug
gests that a portion of tho stato
appropriation heretofore devoted
to publicity work be used by a
non-salaried commission that
will investigate and exploit the
opportunities open for manu
facturing in Oregon as a result
of the war and the shifting of
trade centers as a consequence
of the use of the Panama Canal.
It is a business like proposal be
cause there is a field here for
the development of manufactur
ing. It would be worth while
to have an agency that could
point out these possibilities and
thus work for tho establishment
of new industries in the various
parts of the state.
Mister, indignantly Jane,
whatever did you mean by wear
ing my low necked evening
dress at the bus drivers' ball
last night? Really, you ought
to have, been ashamed of your
self! Jane, meekly 1 was,
mum. You never 'eerdsuch
remarks as they made. London
The Cause of Crime
Editor Review: It wns my
lot to be temporarily in this
community when the news was
received of the death of a St.
Johns young man of 17 while
attempting a burglary in Port
land, nnd involving one or two
moro other young men of this
place. The tragedy oi tne hard.
unalterable consequence it is not
possible to belittle or put aside.
It has also happened that on
several previous occasions in my
life I have been placed so that 1
could not otherwise than ob
serve the results to those most
directly concerned when some
young person, either boy or girl.
had made a misstep that led to
prompt disaster. More often
than otherwise has it been
young persons of something bet
ter than tho average personality,
force or attractiveness whom it
has destroyed, ahd those who
were under no desperate need
economic need that drove them
to the act. I have, in conse
quence, been led to give these
matters some thought. I trust
I my be privileged to offer a
comment upon tho present oc
casion. For, surc'y, this is a
time when it might be well to do
some thinking. Unless .every
ueing enuowcu wiui mu reason
ing power has some well thought
out nnd (consistent philosophy
of life, he is not living the life
of a rational being, but is with
out chart or compass and drift
ing upon tlie rocks with the
certainty of fute.
These painful events are not
arbitrarily sent upon us by some
malicious Power for its own
cruel amusement. We live in a
realm of cause and cilcct. And.
most of us believe, in n realm
where tho perfection of Love.
Justice and Wisdom rule, though
often enough it is beyond tho
power of most of us to under
stand its ways. Even so, the
foregoing is the most reasonable
hypothesis that lmii been offered.
and all our philosophy of lifo is
necessarily based upon it. So
the only rational view is that all
pain and misfortune comes upon
us in consequence of error, nnd
because it is the most elfcctivo
means of stimulating our
thought to search out the true
course of action, that will avoid
misfortune nnd both preserve
nnd increnso our well being.
Hie tragic fall of some loved
young person, or of some young
person grown older, is tnking
plnco evory day in some com
munity of tho world, and tho
hurt of it is not cased at all to
Mm hearts that mourn by tho
fact that in this world wido
view, such things are frequent.
Those nearest of kin usually can
not begin to understand how the
ono fallen could have taken the
step which tripped him into tho
gulf. They can only sutrer
deeply, uncomprehendingly, and
in shamed silence, bomotimes
one or more of them will move
rinstilv tn rnnnnrvH tlinlr nwn
standing in tho community by
coldly denouncing the tragically
exposed one, and say that he
got no more than he deserved.
And that, too, is the stereotyped
verdict of tho community ns n
whole, und has beon'in all ages.
"Let the guilty suffer" is their
ready motto and easy justifica
tion of harsh words and actions.
But if, ono unbelievable day,
the blow strikes down one close
to their own heart, then comes
tho crisis. It is the trial by
fire. And that heart will either
harden itself and curse God and
all his life, or it will be melted
and softened into tho under
standing which is sympathy.
Will nothing less than the blast
ing force of the lightning of
Eersonal disaster soften your
eart until it can understand?
Can the heart not be ripened by
thought? You may be sure of
this that the heart is destined
to be softened, sooner or later,
and to be mado to understand,
sympathetically understand, by
either the one process or the
other. It is yours to choose be
tween them.'
"Let tho guilty suffer." is the
thought of the majority. And
they accordingly build jails,
keep tho statute books full of
laws and ordinances, rigidly
maintain all the conventions and
proprieties, grow thrifty by the
observance of another favorite
motto, "Business is business,"
and are comfortable with pride
in their own common sense.
With common sense as their
touchtone, they will give ready
answer to any problem in
economics, religion and, par
ticularly, in sociology. They
know what to do with the I. W.
W. They have a solution for
tho unemployed problem. (Ex
ample: The unemployed ure in
numbereoual to from five to
tenlperlcent of the employed?
men let every employer be kind
and good enough to incrense
his force'by from five to ten per
cent and, lo, it is done. Easy.
Thus a Portland editorial of last
week). They know just what
to do with the lazy, the vagrant
nnd criminal. Let the guilty
suffer." But these have travail
ed in woe all through the cen
turies, nnd the tide of delin
quency is higher than ever.
Read the authorities on criminol
ogy and verify it.
On the other hand, und con
spicuously apart from thoso who
count common sense" a suf
ficient guide in social regulation
and conduct, we find a small
group who seek an understand
ing of social probems, such as
that otcrime, by means ot com
prehensive, painstaking study
that strive faithfully to take all
circumstances into considera
tion, that reads and considers
with care the thoughtful borks
written by those who have giv
en the serious study of a life
time to these questions.
Two score books will cover the
most notable und competent
efforts to arrive at the truth
concerning the real cause of
crime, mesa two scoro oi tne
world's leading students of tho
question arc practically un
animous in plucing tho responsi
bility ior crime more, much
more, upon society than upon
the individual whom wo call tho
criminal. Some of these books
have been on the shelves of out
larger libraries for thirty years,
hut how little difference it has
made in the attitude of the
average man or woman toward
criminals. Common sense is
held to be sufficient equipment
for passing final judgment upon
our neighbor. Common sense
will not enable us to properly
wire a house for electric light,
nor to plan and put in the plumb
ing. Hero wo must havo a man
who has fnadc a study of elec
trical construction or of sanita
tion. In thcBO lines of nctivfty
tho chain of cause and affect
lies out in the visible, tangiblo
world of things, and our mis
takes would quickly expose our
Incompetence. But in the in
visible world of mind nnd soul
where lies the chain of cause
and effect that shapes human
social conduct, wo may moro
bodily profess to bo competent
in knowledgo without quite tho
snmo risk of boing promptly ex
posed by our errors.
it is tune, indeed, to uo some
thinking. Wo do not have to
blazo tho way ourselves.
Pioneers have not been lacking.
Their richest counsel is await
ing us in their books. It is for
us to go to them and be taught.
Can any one, who hns not read
them, believe ho does not need
what they have to teach? It
would be strange if any ono
should be rush enough to pro
fess a knowledgo of the nature
and properties of gases who had
never studied and performed tho
experimental demonstrations of
Avogadro. Common sonso will
not avail in this field. Will it,
then, enable a man to judge,
offhand, the laws of human
nature and say what result will
follow u given cause, or what
cause brought about a given
result.' Can a man by common
sense alono judge tho causes of
vagrancy nnd petty crime and
prescribe tho remedy?
Ihere was at ono timo a test
experiment performed on a largo
scale in the study of the human
nature of the vagrant and petty
criminal classes. This test
proved a fact in regard to hu
man nature that is quite as im
portant in the science of sociol
ogy as Avogadro's Law is in tho
science of physics. It distinct
ly points tho way to the prac
tical abolition of petty crime.
The experiment wns conducted
over a century ago. Tho ac
count of it has been in every
important public library for
many years. But tho principle
of human nature which it proved
and called upon the world to
accept and practice was so little
in harmony with the "Let the
guilty suffer" doctrine which is
so deeply rooted in the prided
common sense of the 'common
masses of population every
where, that it made little head
way and iB little known today.
I should be surprised to find
that an average of two persons
in towns of the size of St. Johns
had read it, or that five had
ever heard of it. It is known
as Count Ruthford's experiment
in abolishing vagrancy in
Bavaria and a good account of
it is given in tho appendix to
Wm. Booth's "In Darkest Eng
A circumstance which should
,' be significant is that tho prac
tically unanimous judgment of
the world's most serious stu
dents of sociology, standing con
spicuously for the idea of social
responsibility more than in
dividual responsibility, and for
tho principle of tolerance and
respect for others' thought and
nets, is found to be very closely
in harmony with the spirit of
Christ's teaching. "Judge not
that ye be not judged." "Let
him thnt is without sin among
tfnn nnof tnn ftKt ntnun ' '
"Love your neighbor as your
self." These two scoro books,
in their exhaustive analysis.
lead us unfailingly in the direc-
i r a! r
nun oi uiese principles oi con
duct as the net conclusion of all
their wide studies. These au
thors align themselves with the
urcnt readier, unrist, in ap
proval of his teachings. But
the men and woman who deem
common sense sufficient to equip
them for n Judgment in this
field are still running with the
crowd that handed the cup of
hemlock to Socrates, that car
ried slaves and jabbered with
malicious hate on the slopes of
Calvury, that lit the fires around
tho religious martyrs of the
Middle Ages, burned the witch
es at bnlem, und in our own
time persecute and discredit tho
lenders of the working class
movement, ostracise the uncon
ventional who dare to sincerely
go about their quest for well
being in their own way, nnd,
in many an afternoon hour of
zealous gossip, brew and quaff
nothing with such zest as a
Mother Grundy brow of furtive,
cultivnted, porfectly correct
slander, social envy and spite.
Envious, narrow minded, in
tolerant hate is tho one torch
that has lit all these agonizing
fires. Sympathy, tolerance, or
even a plain minding of one's
own business is unknown to
them. II is m this crowd that
tho davotccs of plain, hard, in
herited common sense fraternize
together. For them it is au
thority enough. "Let the guilty
suffer," they repeat, "and wo
will do our duty by providing
the implements that torture and
the thoughts and words thnt
But Christ said." Let him that
is without sin among you enst
tho first stono." "Lovo your
neighbor as yourself." Ami tho
ripened minds of tho world's
greatest thinkers, in two score
of faithful, earnest volumes,
counsel us thnt social rcsponi
bility is greater than individual
responsibility. Thoy stand firm
ly for justico rather than mis
giving, for restraint nnd sym
pnthetic instruction rather than
punishment, for emmltyy of op
portunity instead of the monop
oly of tho means for affective
effort in life by ton per cent of
our population, for the Monies-
son system ol "delight and lib
erty" in education, and in life,
rather than tho deforming and
repulsive discipline of "Don't."
Tho writings of Wm. Booth,
Rowntrce, Tho Duko of Argylle,
Loinbroso, nro among the best.
No student of crimonology ex
cels Loinbroso in accurate knowl
edge Do you know what ho
names as tho ono prominent,
characteristic quality of the
feminine delinquent, us n class?
Virility. Just tho God-given
endowment of abundant lifo.
And our social rules and cus
toms so restrict and deny the
normal demands of thoso pos
sessing this abundant capacity
for life that it is these highly
endowed ones who oftonest
break over those social bounds
und become whut tho world calls
Another significant fact: Lom-
broso's studies establish that
the "respectable" classes of wo
men, who submit to all the
restrictive demands of custom,
show almost exactly double the
percentage of gruy haired per
sons at a given age thut is
shown by the "delinquent"
classes of women, who have re
fused to submit to the imprison
ment of their own lives within
th bounds of convention.
To .any one who is interested
in the conditions ot social well
being these books arc most in
teresting rending. They solidly
establish the conclusion thnt tho
ways of doing things, indus
trially and socially, which we
find entrenched among us today
in unyielding custom nnd law,
ure not udapted to human na
ture. It is impossible for men
and women under their severe
handicap to make anything like
the best of their lives. And, on
the other hand, these customs
do make it certain that a con
siderable percentage of oach
Construction News
The Union Meut Company is
planning $500,000 worth of im
provements to its Portland plant,
between $100,000 und $150,000,
to be spent before Fall.
The Wealthy Shell Oil Com
pany has bought five more acres
at Willbridgc, near Portland,
for $25,000, and has laid plans
for a large plant and dock that
may cost moro than $500,000.
The School Bonrd bus ordered
plans drawn for the $100,000
i-rnnklin High school.
Announcement has been made
thut the $00,000 Blaka-McFall
building will be started on the
East Side soon after February 1.
The East Side Business Men's
Club is planning the erection of
$200,000 building.
The Doornbccher Manufactur
ing Company has ordered a
large addition to its plant, and
hns announced plans for the
ultimate erection of a six story
concrete annex to its furniture
The above items toll the
best bit of construction news
of last week. Saverul other
large projects ware sent forward
during the week, und others
were crowded nearer the stage
of formnl announcement.
A'tor entertaining the mem
bers of the Realty Board Friday
with a talk on "Optimism and
Confidence." C. C. Colt told a
reporter that his company wan
preparing plans for extensive
enlargements to its largo plant
in North Portland. Ha said ad
ditions costing between $100,000
and $150,000 would bo made be
fore r nil. und that the ultimate
expenditure would be $500,000.
The principal sum will bo spent
on the erection of u large hog-
house, borne of tho work is
now under wny.
Representatives of the Shell
Oil Company of California,
which is backed by tho Roths
child interests, last week pur
chased about five acres of fund
near Will bridge, on the Linnton
Road, on which the company
will build a plant to handle ils
lubricating products. On land
recently acquired from the Port
land Gas & Coke Company,
north of Willbridgc. a largo
dock will bo built, and G. S.
Reams, local manager of the
company, said that a pipe line
would bo extended from the
dock to the plant at Willbridgo.
It is understood thut two tanks
of 55,000 gallons capacity ouch
will be erected at the plant and
thnt about half a million dollars
will bo spout by the concern.
The company paid J. B. Hol-
brook nbout $25,001) for the land
at Willbridgc. Bids for the
construction of the tanks are
now being received at San
Frnncisco. Tho preliminary sur
veys have already boon mude.-
Sunday's Orcgonian.
generation shall bo tortured
with vital needs unsatisfied,
shall become tangled in serious
difficulties in their blind, un
instructed search for what is
needed, shall bo crowded beyond
their power of resistance and
overwhelmed by disaster and
"disgrace." And yet, Count
Rumford'a experiment has prov
en, for all time, that this riff
raff and scum of failure, if
rescued from the merciless socinl
machine that has broken thorn
down und cast them out ns
worthless, and given a fair,
honest chance, under assured
protection, will respond in a
mnrvaloiiB wuy and seek with
industry and zeal to establish
themselves in the ways of liv
ing that promote individual and
social well being.
These hooka demonstrate quite
conclusively, I beliove, that tho
reason for this social wreckage
is not that the Designer of hu
mnn nature has blundered, but
thut tho social customs which
havo unconsciously grown up
about us, throughout tho ages,
do not permit that human nature
to attain its normal development
under them. As well hope to
raise a garden of thrifty vege
tables and lovely, fragrant
flowers on a slope where tho
biting gases discharged by a
chemical factory ure drifted in
the poisoned winds that were
meant to carry them vigorous
life instead. G.
The Luncher Look here,
waiter, I'm very sorry, but I'vo
only just sufficient money with
me to pay the bill, and nothing
left for a tip for you. Tho Wait
er, confidentially Would you
mind just letting mo 'uve an
other look at tho bill, sr?