Communication Open letter to Mnyor Vincent and City Council of St. Johns Gentlemen: For two rousoiiB 1 am opposed to the purchuse of the Gatton tract for a cemetery. First, the price, $1(500 per acre, is exorbitant; second, the loca tion is abominable. Proof of the accuracy of my first state ment is contained in the fact that the laws of Oregon demand, "that all land shall bo assessed at its full value." The tract in question is assessed at $33.83 per acre. The price you propose paying, $1000, is 18 times its as sessed value. Gentlemen, is there a man among you that would nav 81G00 ner acre for the Gatton tract? Is there one of you that would pay $G00 per aero for the Gatton tract? Is there a man on the council that would pay $300 per acre for this site? And, gentlemen, you should not forget that in handling city monej you are supposed to use as much care Absolutely Free Of-Cost Two Trips To The Panama Pacific Exposition 1 o the tortunate winners in voting contest are given free trips to' the ranama-racinc imposition, mm as when you purchase goods for all eXDenSeS PaiCl. yourscii. i oouot i mere is an t: , . . ,vCj.l,rtMrt instance on record wiicre even JUbl bUiim Ul SUUUillJg Ull VL UlCOtJ Sr'rS0w l7PZt' grand trips with a little effort on your SXuXlS part. Your railroad or steamer tare ?JT?ls-.J?2L""..i?. raid to and from San Francisco, where York? The editor of "The ore- you can gWe yourself over to ten days gon Journal" is nghi when he Jr); i i. -r says that "paying exorbitant ox recreation and enjoyment. You i;rr,Fffihx fair grounds every clay is ho plain oven a soc he anle lo the accuracy fiffTSS? cJSS and explore the foreign exhibits repJhJSU and hundreds of other interesting IfiflS ,T,Stlt,is sights to your heart's content all at abominably located, lies in the nn fiXDenSe tO VOU. fact that when I asked Mayor L 1 Vincent if any of his loved ones i?ftl, in Anvu vmi will ho n minst in San Fmneiscn a a ( a I A. Wl .XaaVa,TtJ TVrv If III vv M i-mvuw - -- --w- (lieu, would lie miry mem m v i.,i.(i. " ,it:iafMi AVAHHoinn f.tfD flinf tiff II.!.. i i fit.. I.. Ilkt I I (J LI UHIl LillVU LII1UU UVJHUIIblUl UAbUIOIUH vl 1 1 IO UIUV HI huh iniui. ma n; my wii, -"..v .; ' " ir. .1 -!.. r oA.. n I would not." Now if the Gat- lamiimnze you wun uiu wuimuriui city ut ouu nmiu&uu ton tract is not goou enougn to mm its enviioiimunis wiuiuuu curnu iu yuu. bury any person that our Mayor Now. after vou have read the above and deter 1 1. 1.. ...I .1...... ... L. . II..... I . . . . ' iiuiuh iiuur mm iimu iu mm, uiun it is not good on oi foody of those near tlio humblest T.1i.k. I ltr.if iirMlfinri tni lrnll iiuiiiin. I uuo.v wuiuiiiu iui vuui Gent lemon, while the business The Worlds Fair Trios 4o to the ones who rustic the Most Trade for the store below and subscriptions for The St. Johns Review. Subscription Votes arc good for Both Trips. chant's signature, or votes with the time limit expired, will not be accepted. Kulc 11. A committee select cd by the Lauthers Mercanti Company will count the votes each week and report the results to the St. Johns uevicw. The Review gives 2000 votes for cuch dollar on new and 1000 votes for each dollar for re newals or back subscriptions. SUMMONS In the Justice's Court for St Johns District, County of Mult nomnh, state of Oregon. Mrs. J. IJeyer, riaintm, vs, J. J. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson whose given name is unknown to Plaintiff. Defendants. To J. J. Jackson and Mrs, Jackson, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required 4.u. to annear and answer the con nint filed nirm'nst vou in the above entitled action on or be fore the 29th day of January 1915; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the n mint will take judgment against you for nine dollars and ten cents besides the costs and disburse ments of this action and an order of sale of the property of de fondants which is under a tachment in the above entitled action, and which is in sai county and state and is des cribed as follows, viz: A household goods, furniture.cook ing utensils, etc., belonging to defendants: proceeds of sale to be applied on payment of said judgment, cosls and disburse ments of this action. This Summons is published by order of the Justice of the above named District, duly made on the 14th day of December. 1913 Given under my hand this 14th day of December, 1914. J. E. WILLIAMS. Justice of the Peace. miiinrMhiit vnn wnnf. m trv tm nno m those trins. stuuv Igll to Hold tilt' ,. .. ..nrnlhr boo linw onv nnrl f:iv r. is. ' IltUl (JCUr 10 I ViUliUtVtUMU VIVH4IIJ( WWW liv T1 nxv'j vvaav "- ' citizen of St. liiveryimnff is m your lavor gee uusy kcc your munus if'a thn nnnnn n n .inrimn of the city is up for considera tion, would you kindly inform the public where you got au thority to Bpend $0,000 for the road to tho proposed cooperage plant, and if wo are not paying interest on this money Ah I read tho city charter, tho tax payers aro to be consulted be fore city funds aro spent. Does tho city nossosB security or assurance that this proposed coonerago plant will ever ma torializoV Is there an Ethiopian in tho city fuel pile, or why rush this purchaso of the Gatton tract There will ho a bill in troduced in the legislature soon whereby any property needed for city use can bo purchased for twico its nsHosHod valuo. Why hurry, gentlemen: why hurry? C. J. Andcraon, 101 Philadelphia street, St. Johns, Oregon. RESOLUTION Special this week, Hardware The Lauthers Mercantile Co., Inc 209 W. IlurliiiKton Street 11 oomioc'f on with thu ST. JOHNS REVIEW St. Johns, Oregon List of Prizes It In rutolvwl by the City of St. John, urcKoii: Thul it ileum it uxKlluut hiiiI ihtc wiry to liimrovc Tylur t r c e t from the north slile Hue of Dawmmi utti et to the Soutlt lilu Hue of l'eeiiiU'ii otrcvt ill the city of St. Jolnm in the followlMK iiiiiiiiier, to wit: lly K''lii'K wio Nirlioiiof iiil ktreet to utixtlc or hiiliriule to lie etihlUhel, mill by luyitii; 11 lv foot cement walk mill lift it 1 1 foot emit on both kiiku of Mill street, with ncveMm- cement cross walk mm iron nutter. Work to lie iloue uecoriliiiu to the pluiiH mid specificulioiiH of the city engi neer on me in tne onice 01 tne city recorder rehitlve thereto, wliich Mill jilmik mill hK'i-ifu'at ioiit una itiiiuuo urc Mtuiuctory mm ure hereby approved. .S.ihl improvemeiitii to ic inline in uccortlKiire Willi me charter mul onliiMince of the city of hi. Johns, mul miller the iuporvinlon nml illrection of the city unuineer. That thecoto( Miilimiroveineiit to In 11 e 8 e 11 n p r 11 v l it e il 11 y cny cniiner nixin uie proin-rty eiecmily nml luirtlcnhulv benentteil theiebv. mul whlcli hereby ileclariil to be .ill of lot txiit of lot, blocki. nml lurccl of lml between the termini of Mich inimove ment nbuttlnt' iiihiii, inljiu-ent or prox' Imate to Kiiil ktreet from the miiruimil line of saiil street lutck to the center of thu block or block or true in of land ttbnttliiK thereon or proximate uiereio, Tint all the proivrty iuclndel iu Mid iuiprovemunt district afurewid is hereby doc la led to be I.ikmI Improvement uistr ci iso. no, That the city engineer's inwekinueut of the probable total cot of Mid improve. mem 01 nam sireei i ju.inv.ur. That the cost of Mid ktreet be assessed aaliut the proKirty in tain local akseMiiieut district unpro vided bv the charter of the city of St. Johns. Adopted by the council this 29th day of December, It) 11. A. , DUNSMOKK. Recorder, 1'iiblUhed iu the St. John Review January I and 8, 1015. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury a moroiiry will uu-l iKiri IU t'iim Two Cortilleatos good for World's Fair Trips De Luxo to San Francisco iu 1U15, describ ed as follows: Two lirst class fares from St. Johns to San Francisco and re- turn; two standard sleeping car berths from St. Johns to Sail Francisco and return: fourteen admissions into Imposition grounds: two trips via steamer on ban Mancisco nay, utKing in Vallojo, and Maro Island Navy Yard: two trips via steamer to Sacramento, tho capital of the state of California, seeing the1 beauties of tho greatest farming district in the West; two sight sooing trips via auto, seeing San Francisco and the beautiful Golden Gate Park. Four pioco plated silvor tea sot. German silvor mesh bag. Nickel plated percolator. Twenty-six piece Rogers ci Sons silverware sot. Mission electric lamp. Nickel plated casserole. Tho goods listed uoiow aro weekly awards to be given to tho loaders of the campaign as follows: First week Set knives and forks, Second week Half dozen orange spoons. Third week Half dozen oyster forks. Fourth week Gravy ladle. Fifth weok Sugar spoon and buttor knife. Sixth week Half dozen boui llon spoons. boventh week Half dozen dessert spoons. 1'iiglith week Largo berry spoon. Ninth week Gold meat fork. Tenth week- Jelly spoon. Following six weeksHalf dozen teaspoons each week. of imcll mul eoiiiltiri iii'ruu lh 1'iilt riiiK It UiruUKli .il.l uhole avititm wlivn l Im murium nurrucotf. Km li ui II. lo vlioii never bo mux! fXirpt mi iirfsorlplUiii (rom rrpuianitf iuyieiiiii. it in nuiuiut' they will do U lu fulil Iu tlix Kuu,l you can ielbly drlve fruni I hum. Hull' Catarrh Gyre. inanufuetuitHl by V J Clirney & Co.. Tolvilo. O , t ontiilit no mercury, nml i tukvn Inlxrimlly. aetliiK ulrectly upon lh lilooi) mul nuicuii ur tAte of the e nielli. In buyliit: llnll' Catarrh Cure bo aura you K"t the Kmu fne. It I taken Internally mul mude In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Cheney 4 Co. Te IlihonluU free. Sold by DruKgUtu. Trice Ko per bottle. fake Hall's family Till tor comtlpatluii. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Rule 1 Tho Lauthers Mer cantile Company shall issuo votes as per following schedule, oxcopting as horeaftor may be mentioned: 100 votes for $1.00 on cash salos. 200 for $1.00 in merchandise paid with duo bills. !HH) for fci.uu on pnymonts of old accounts. 200 for $1.00 on duo bills soli 200 for $1.00 on bargain nnt! clearance salos. And votes will be given at tho time sales arc made only. In reference to issuing votes on old accounts, they may bo is sued for tho payment ot old ac counts, that were incurred prior to this dato. Votes will not be given on new charge accounts unless this particular account is paid within thirty days, then votes may bo issued if the Lauthers Mercantilo Company is willing ami so orders, Kulo J. votes will no isstiot with a time limit of ono week and must bo cast in the ballot box, provided for that purpose, before tho expiration of tho time limit, ljoforo ensting votes make a record lor your own guidance. In order to facilitate voting you are requested to place your votes in an envelope ant seal it. neaso write the mini her of votes tho envelope con tains and tho name of the can tlidato you desire to vote for on tho outside. Rule I). -Employes, clerks ami rolntivos of the merchants ami newspaper cannot participate as candidates. Rule 4.- Merchants shall in no instance issue votes until such votes have been properly stamped with their firm name. Customers should refuso them otherwise. Ruo 5. The soliciting of votes in tho store, in front of store or on premises is prohibited. Rulofl.- A vote that is scratch en or marked in any manner after it leaves tho merchant's hands, shall bo thrown out, pro viding this defacing should an pear that a figure had been tampored with. Rule 7. Six weeks from tho opening dato candidates will no longer bo entered, unless by special arrangement with the merchant. Rule 8.- Everybody is invited to nominate candidates. All that is necessary is to send in tho name of any young lady in tho community. This will en title her to 2000 nominating votes and she will be entered as a candidate. Rule 9. Votes are not trans ferable after being cast. Rule 10. Votes that aro not properly stamped with tho mer- SUAIMONS In tho Justice's Court for St Johns District, County of Mult nomnh. blato of Oregon. C. E. Bailey. Plaintiff, va. II K. Spalding. Defendant. To II. K. Spalding, Defendant In the namo of the State of Oregon, you aro hereby requir cd to appear before mo at my office and answer tho complaint filed against you in the abovo entitled action on or before the 29th day of January," 1915; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for fifty dollars with interest at tho rate of six per cent from October 1st 191U, and for costs and dis tnirscmcnts incurred in tins ac tion, as prayed for in said com plaint, and an order of sale o the property of defendant in the above entitled action, which i in said county and state, and is described as follows, via: One lot of nursery stock, consisting of about lot) fruit and ornn mental trees, more or less, be longing to said defendant, lo cated at the greenhouse on Kel logg street in tho City of St Johns, Oregon; proceeds of sale to be applied on payment of said judgment, costs and disnurse ments of this action. This Summons is published by order of tho Justice of tho above named District, duly made on tho Mth dny of December, 19M Given under my hand this Mth day of December, 1914. J. E. WILLIAMS. Justice of tho Peace. SIMMONS In the Justico's Court for St. Johns District, County of Mult nomah, btnto of Oregon. E. G. Reed. Plaintiff, vs. E. Cranfell, Defendant. To E. Cranfell. Defendant: In tho namo of tho Stnto of Oregon, you nro hereby required to appear before mo at my oflico and answer tho complaint filet against you in tho abovo entitled action on or beforo the 2!Hh day ot January, luio; and u you fail to answer for want thereof. the plaintiff will tako judgment against you lor twenty-two dol nrs and twenty cents, together with interest from Decembor 1st, 1914, at tho rate of six per cent per annum, and for costs and disbursements incurred in this action, as prayed for in said complaint, and an order of sale of tho property of defendant in the nuovo entitled action, which is in said county and state and is described as follows, viz: One bed couch, ono iron bed painted green, ono stove range No. 81-16, ono box of goods, ono barrel of fruit (canned), one trunk of clothing, ono boiler and contents, one high chair, ono nursery chair, belonging to de fendant. Proceeds of sale to be applied on payment of said judg ment, costs and disbursements of this action. This Summons published by order of the Justice of the above named District, duly made on tho 14th day of December. 1914. Given under my hand tins fourteenth day of December, 914. J. E. WILLIAMS, Justice of tho Pence, Jill eommunlcatlonj aaeuM ) addrauad ta The KtTitv, HI Joint. Oraroa. We have little to say about our Grocery Stock in these columns - - - - TRY OUR GROCERIES - ,i 7 ., a- I. II' wim Because Three Solicitors cover the city and our reputation for carrying the Largest and Best Stock in St. Johns is well es tablished. This is simply a reminder that you can get all the things in the GroceVy Line that can be obtained in any St. Johns store and many things that are not carried in the other St. Johns stocks. If you aro planning a special dinner you will be able to supply yourself from our bountiful store. BONHAM & CURRIER J I TCOTra?!WJB;?BKa?l Florshelm Shoos Arrow Shirts The turn of the year always inspires reflection i H Y H'J'" """ H AniwHAaia tiutitla I Holeproof Hose A bnckwnrd look reminds us that wc might have had more busi ness from our business associates. StrntiKcrs tell us our stock is well selected, is ndinlrabley kept and our fixtures and displays n credit to the community, mid prices abso lutely right. Wc concluded that there is but one reason why .sonic of our busi ness f i lends prefer to buy their Shirts, Collars and other furnishings iu' Portland: It is because they can step iu a store with stock of fifty or sixty thousand dollars from which to choose. BUT those same stocks are large, not sa much because of variety as because of large supplies of sixes. There isn't any business man who could expect that sort of a stock iu St. Johns; what is more, if you are not loyal enough to your. community to give us what business you can, there never will be n stock of (lint magnitude iu St. Johns. Again we agree that with increased the stock. patronage wc will increase' The Men's Toggery , Banham & Currier, Owners L, E, Rose, Mgr.: i Arrow Collars JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician und Surgeon. Dajr & Night Ofllra In McChemay bLc SL Johna. Oregon. THAD, T. PARKER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Rooms 7 and 8 Ilolbrook BuikliiiR ST. JOHNS O. J. (JATZA1YER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . . OREGON EDMONDSON CO. Jersey Street PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Firtt National Dank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON DR. J. YINTON SCOTT DENTIST Office Hours 9-12 to 1:30-7 Sumlay 9-11 Office Phone Colujnbla 140 Resilient I'iione Columbia 127-1 LALHLL LODGE No. 18G I. O. O. P sr. JOHNS. ORCGO.N Meeti etch Monday evening; In Odd FV Ions hall at 7:.V. A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers. Uha. K Toolcy. Noble Gram John J. Goodman. Vice Grand V. C Mc.Ncal. Krc. Sec. Chas. L. Owen. Via. Sec. II. V Clark Trraa. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. t and A. M. Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month in Uickuer's Hall. Visi tors welcome. Chw, A. l'ry, W, M. A. V. Davis, Secretary. DR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia 61 First National Bank building. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMCIIIS or pyiiiias Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in I. O. O. V Hall. Visitors always wel come. GKO. W. FORD. C. C. A. CARNKLSON'.K.R. S. Not tha labal on your papar. PENINSULA TIUE ABSTRACT 4 REALTY CO. H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jaraey Street Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined Phone Columbia 255 Centra! Market! 206 St Joraay Street See us for the Choicest Cuts the Best Meats Obtainable. ot Order rTUcd and family Trade SoakJteal T. P. WARD, Proprietor . REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office and others will be added as the demand arises: Warrauty deeds, Quit Claim Deals, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, battsfactton of Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Salet Leases. Bring In your Job printing while you think of It. Don't wait until you are entirely out. We are equipped to turn out neat and taaty printing BromittW at Pnrtlanil TlMo. nf VaWaVaWaWHaWaB IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 G OVERSTREET Plumbing and Gatf Fitting Job work promptly attended' to. Phone Columbia 51S 109 Burr Street St. Mns, Orgei We buy or sell St. Johns Property AlcKlNNEY & DAVIS, Real Estate List your property with us. if yu desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns J. R. WEIMCR Transfer and Storage Ye deliver your good to and from all pcta of Portland- Vancouver, Lbu tou, Portland and Suburban Exprut Co,, city dock and all pelaU aeoialbI hj 9ron. P tnrf farftlter wvfaf I