THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 West Uurllngton Street. Tun Rkvikw is entered nt post office in Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879, Officii! Miwipiptr of th Oltj of St. Jokni. AdTrtllne ratei, $1.00 pr Inch per month. Job Frlntlnjr extcuUd la flrit-elan itri Ulll tor Job Printing enih on delWerr. Subscription price $1.00 par year. The great difference in the value of land for assessment purposes and for sale to tho pub lic is again made manifest. The city of St. Johns, through its council, has decided to pur chase five acres of ground for cemetery purposes. Two of the councilmen have protested again st tho selection of n tract known as the Gatton tract for which the sum of $1600 per acre is asked. The records of the county assessor show that the land is assessed at f ho rate of approximately $33.33 per acre. The protesting councilmen arc unable to see any good reason why there should be such a re markable increase since the assessor made his visit, even though the ground in intended to be a burial place for the dead. There are a great many tax payers who take tho same view of the matter, even though the lund were assessed at !;G0or$300 per acre. This is one reason that taxes are high. They will continue to be high 30 long as the taxpayer remains indifferent to tho price paid for land for public use, when compared with its assessed valuation. --Editorial in Portland Journal. Because the land is assessed at a low price is not tho fault of the councilmen, surely. People as a rulo pay for land what they are able to got it for, and not what it is assessed at. It is not by any means tho only instance on tho lower peninsula where the assessed valuation is far be low tho actual value of the land. There is not a piece of land on tho whole peninsula that can be secured for cemetery purposes at anywhere near its assessed valuation, it is safe to say. Portland novcr secured any land for public purposes at its as sessed valuation, or anyways near it. and St. Johns would novcr have owned anything if it did not pay moro than tho land was assessed at. Had tho land in question been assessed at $2,000 an aero it would bo no moro valuable than at its present assessed valuation. Tho as sessed valuation of laud on tho whole peninsula is at variance with tho actual worth. The actual worth of anything can only bo determined by what it can e secured lor under or dinary conditions. Put almost tho entire water frontage of St. Johns on tho market at twice its assessed valuation and it would bo gobbled up with startling rapidity. What has tho assessed valuation of land in Multnomah county got to do with tho selling value, anyway? As far as tho price of $Ki00 nor aero is concerned on tho land contemplated for cemetery purposes, by tho tonus of tho contract, as wo understand it, it will bo of slight burden to tho city of St. Johns. Tho money on tho purchase price is paid as received on sale of burial lots, and does not como out of the general fund. It is said that from one aero sold in burial lots at tho regulation price of ten dollars a grave, moro than $5000 would bo realized. While the councilmen as a whole are awaro that tho price asked is a stiff one, yet in order to gain a cemetery land suitable for tho purpose at a lower price seemed to bo out of tho ques tion. At least no one off ered to sell at a prico as low, while tho councilmen wore looking up availablo land for tho purpose, There are very few people, ap parently, that will have a ceme tery on a portion of their land at any prico. It might also bo well to remember that tho five acres in question aro by far tho choicest of a considorablo tract of land in that neighborhood. Off and on for tho past eight years the Iloviow has agitated tho comotery project for St. Johns. At various times parties have tried to secure land for tho purpose, but tho prico lias always seemed prohibitive. Soitfinally resolved itself to the fact that St. Johns would either have to pay tho prico or do with out a cemetery. That a cemetery is needed for St. Johns none can gainsay. Thero is no city of its popula tion in tho United States, it is said, that does not have a bury ing ground. Tho saving to those who aro so unfortunate as to have to bear tho oxponses of a funeral will bo quite a few dollars. And sinco tho laud se cured will bo of little or no bur don to tho taxpayers, oven if tho land does cost much moro than it is assessed at, who is harmed by the transaction? It is true tho owner secures a very good prico for his land, but if any one else had a better proposi tion to submit, why did not ho advance it? Even yet, Binco HP- Happy START BANK ACCOUNT THISYEAR SWEAR. OFF EXTRAVAGANCE AND NEXT NEW YEARS DAY WILL FIND You Much Happier, New Year to vou. This means everybody. Our friends in particular and the whole community in general. Next New Year will be here as surely as this is. If you put money in the bank all this year NEXT New Year's day will find you happier and better satis fied. Each succeeding year should find each of us bet ter prepared for OLD AGE, which we should enjoy in comfort. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, .OREGON OiO A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL i ; . u Vv 1 I o A m TEN FREE STAMPS Thlt Coupon Good ror Ten 10 S. & II. & FREE If presented upon making n purclime amount ItiK lo SOcor mote, lhe ntatnpn will tie In ait illtlon to regular tampt given with the purclime I rnee s. e H. 1 fltanipi are the Customer', DlKouut.ClKT IT. 1 Not Good Aftor Jan. 30 COUCH & CO. General Mdse. Columbia 137 ST. JOHNS, OKU. COUCH & COMPANY 9- no one, to our knowledge, can point to whoro Innd for such inn-pone could be secured at a lower price. As n matter of fact cemetery land has always been high in prico, and on ac count of its undcslrabillty in n neighborhood and deterioration In value in land surrounding It, undoubtedly always will bo. As to tho desirability of the proposed tract for cemetery pur pose it Is a matter of opinion. Some people like a cemetery close in, others farther out. A moro desirable tract, closer in, larger in quantity and some what higher in price has boon offered. However, tho contract has not yet. been signed for any land for tho purpose, and may not be. Tho certainty of a pub lie road extending to tho tract will have to bo established first. ORDINANCE NO. 636. cnuso said license to bo forfeited and bo cancelled without any act whatever of tho City Coun cil. That no license shall bo is sued lor a less poriod than six months, nor for a less ensh pay ment than One Hundred ($1U0) jjouars n month in advance on tho first day of each and every month. That all rcnownls of Mich lirnnqp.q nhnll tin nfliiprorl in ! tho samo manner as now in force governing issue of annual license. Sections. That this ordinance shall become a law and effectivo upon tho signature of the Mayor. Passed by the City Council this 29th day of December, A. D 19R Approved by tho Mayor this JHHh day of December, A. D., 19M. A. W. VINCENT, Mayor. Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE, uity uecoruor. L OJO Absolutely Free Of Cost Two Trips List of Prizes i Published in tho St, Johns He AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND view Jnunry 1, 1915. SECTION FIVE (5) OF OR DINANCE NO. U2, EN TITLED "AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE. TAX, REGU LATE AND RESTRAIN BAR KEEPERS, SALOON KEEP ERS AND DEALERS IN SPIRITOUS, VINOUS OR MALT LIQUORS. HAR ROOMS. DRINKING SHOPS OR DEALERS OR PLACES WHERE '.ISPIRITOUS, VIN OUS OR MALT LIQUORS ARE KEPT FOR SALE OR IN ANY MANNER DISPOS ED OF AND THE DISPOSAL THEREOF; PASSED BYTIIE COUNCIL AND APPROV EI) HY THE MAYOR THE FIFTH DAY OF DECEMHER A. D., 1911." To The Panama RESOLUTION Pacific Exposition To the fortunate winners in the voting contest are given free trips to Just think of securing one of these grand trips with a little effort on your Johns does Um1 Tho City of St. ordain as lollows: Section 1. That Beotion fivo (ft) of Ordinance No. 442 of tho City of St. Johns, Oregon, en titled "An ordinance to license. tax, regulnta and restrain bar keepers, saloon keepers, and dealers in spiritous, vinous or malt liquors, barrooms, drink ing shops or places where spirit ous, vinous or malt liquors are kept lor salo or in any manner disposed ot and the disposal thereof: passed by tho City Conn ell and approved by tho Mayor on tho &th day oi uecember A. I).. 1911," and that section five (5) of said Ordinance No. 442 be and tho same is hereby amended so as to read as fol lows: Section 2. Section Fivo (5). livery person llrm or corpora tion to whom a licenso shall bo issued under tho provisions of this ordinance shall pay in to tho city treasury a license fee of Twelvo Hundred ($1200) Dol lata per annum, to bo naid in Twelve (12) installments of Ono Hundred (S100) Dollars each. first installment to bo paid on tho nrst day of January. 1915. upon the issuing of tho licenso and Uno Hundred, (100) Dol lars on tho first day of each and every month in advance. License to be issued on tho first day of January, and on tho first day of July of each year, to run for a poriod of six months, to terminate on tho 30th day of June, and tho Slht day of De cember each year unless termin ated as hereinafter specified. That in any case any ono of said installments is not paid in It ii resolved by the City of St. Jolttii, Oregon: Tlint It deems It expedient anil tiece wry to improve Tyler itreet (rout the north tide line of Dawmii utrcct to the South tide line o( l'cuendon trect In the city of St. Johui In the followhiK manner, to wit; Uy grnillng wlil )ortloiiof Mid ttrcet to Krnde or ub-Kriulc to he cttnblkhcd, and by UyltiK a lx foot cement walk and fifteen foot curb on bath nide of said itreet, with neccunry cement ysyi! . Jthe Panama-Pacific Exposition, with c'7 m,U '" ttrJt'o' 1 eXpOnSCS Daid. which Mild Dlutm mid specifications and estimate are tatUfactory and are hereby approved. Said Improvement to be made in accordance with the aJfitt part Your railroad or steamer fare and direction of the eltv eni-Inrrr. I . , - -J . - 1 itat llie coat assessed city chnrter d vuirtlcul 1 which I hereb tart of lot '"ir'i'TO to and from San Francisco, where can give yourseu over to ten aays cuy ueclarcd to beull of lot 4: vnvonfTAn nnrl flmATrwovif Vvn , mocic ami parcclsof land Ul A Gl CClLlUll CU.J.U. HiVn U. J. vju. tween the termini of Mich Itunrove- j 11 , f l 1 menubuttinK'uix,,adiaccntor w ean visit tne lair grounds every aav 1 ... a "i.r t 1 iiiiuic iu Mini mrcct irom me -1 i .1 1 1 1 uiarKlnal lines of mid ttrcct back to the flYlfi eXDlOl'G the TOreiCTl eXlllbltS ceuterof the block or blocks or tracts of aUl VrfAlr'A XUlClfell CAHlUltO .uu,nK tnereon or proximate anQ HUnCU'edS OI 061' interesting land thereto That all the property Included iu said -.... I, 4. "ll i. imprnement district foresaid Is hereb . SILHILS LU . VUUI IltJcirb b JUllieilL clll clU declined to be Local Improvement I j. Two Certificates good for World's Fair Trips Do Luxe to San Francisco in 1915, describ ed as follows: Two first class fares from St. Johns to San Francisco and re turn ; two standard sleeping car berths from bt. Johns to ban Francisco and return; fourteen admissions into Exposition grounds : two trips via steamer on San Francisco Bay, taking in Vnllcjo, and Mare Island Navy Yard; two trips via steamer to Sacramento, tho capital of tho ntato of California, seeing the beauties of tho greatest farming .district 111 tho West; two sight ' anntnfv fplna u In nutn annlnr ban I'rnncisco and tho beautiful Golden Unto Park. Four piece plated silver tea set. German silver mesh bag. Nickel plated percolator. Twenty-six pieco Rogers & Sons silvcrwnro set. Mission electric lamp. Nickel plated casserole. 1110 goods listed uelow aro weekly awards to bo given to tho leaders of tho campaign as follows; First week Set knives and forks. Second week Half dozen orange spoons. Third weekHalf dozen oyster iorKs. Fourth weekGravy ladle. Fifth week Sugar snoon and butter knife. Sixth week Half dozen boul- lion spoons. beventh week Ha f dozen dessert spoons. Eighth week Largo berry spoon. Ninth week Cold meat fork. lenth week Jelly spoon. Following six weeks Half dozen teaspoons each week. distr ct N'o. 130. That the city enirincer's assessment of the probable total cost of said improve ineiil of said street is IG.009.62. That the cost of said street be assessed against the property In said local assessment district as nro. vlded by the chatter of the city of St. Johns. Adopted by the cauuc 11 th Is 29th dav of December, 1914. A. K, DUNSMORK, Recorder, Published in the St. lolius Review January 1 anil 8, 1U15. Administrator's Notice. the deal has been consummated, I full as heroin provided shall To all whom it may concern: Notlco is hereby given that I hnvo been appointed by tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for tho County of Mult nomah, Probate Division, ad ministrator of tho estate of Anna Westlund, deceased, late of said County ot Multnomah, and all persons having claims against said decedent aro hereby required to present such claims with tho proper vouchers with in six months irom this date to me nt my residence in St. Johns, Uregon. Chas. A. Linquist, Administrator. B. L. Snow, attorney for Ad ministrator. First publication Nov. 20,1914. Last publication Jan. 1, 1915. For ten davs you will be a truest in San Francisco You can take three delightful excursion trips that wil familiarize you with the wonderful city of San Francisco and its environments without charcre to you. Now. after you havo read the above and deter mined that you want to try for one of these trips, study the conditions carefully, see how easy and tair it is. Everything is in your favor--get busy get your friends The Worlds Fair Trips go to the ones who rustle the Most Trade for the store, below ana subscriptions lor ine m. Jonns Review. Subscription Votes are good for Both Trips. 1 Special for this Week, Paint I tains and tho name of tho can-- didnte you desire to vote for on tho outside. ' Rule 3. Employes, clerk's and , relatives 01 1110 merchants and 1; newspaper cannot participators t' candidates. Rule -1. Merchants slinll In (: no instance issue votes until , such votes hnvo been proporly . stamped with their firm name. uuDiuiiiuio niiuuiu ruiuNU mum otherwise. Rue 5. Tho soliciting of votcB !, in tho store, in front of storo or . on premisea is prohibited. if Rule 0. A vote that is scratch-' cd or marked in any mannerj after it leaves tho merchant's hands, shall bo thrown out. pro- viding this defacing should ap pear that n figure hadbeom. tampered with. Rulo 7. Six weeks from tho;j opening date candidates will no longer bo entered, unless by a special arrangement with tho merchant. ? Rulo 8. Everybody is inviteda to nominnto candidates. All! that is necessary is to send in s tho name of anv vounrr lndv in. tho community. This will en-., titlo her to 2000 nominatimrvi votes and ho will bo entered asr a candidate. .' Rule 9. Votes nro not trans. ferablo after being cast. r Rulo 10.- Votes that aro not 1 properly stamned with tho mew chant's signature, or votes withr the time limit expired, will not? bo accepted. k Kulo 11. A committeo splnct-i. ed by tho Lauthers Mercantile; Company will count tho votes! each week and report tho results' to the St. Johns Review. k The Review trivea 211(10 vntot. for each dollar pn new and 1000: votes for each dollar for re-r nevvala or back subscriptions. & The Lauthers Mercantile Co., Inc. 209 W. Burlington Street it omntootlon M'itU tho ST. JOHNS REVIEW St. Johns, Oregon RULES AND REGULATIONS. Rulo 1 Tho Lauthers Mer. canmo uompany snail issue votes as nor following schedule. excepting as hereafter may be mentioned: 100 votes for $1.00 on cash sales. 200 for $1.00 in merchandise paid with due bills. 800 for $1.00 on navments of old accounts. 200 for $1.00 on duo bills sold. 200 for $1.00 onbarcainnnd clearance sales. And votes will be given at the timft sales aro made only. In reference to issuincr votes on old accounts, they may be is sued for the payment of old ac counts, that were incurred prior 10 mis aaie. Yoiesvw not De given on new charge accounts unless this particular account is pam win. in imriy aays, men votes may bo issued if the Lauthers Mercantile Comnanv is willing and so orders. Rulo 2. Votes will be issued with a time limit of one week. and must be cast in the ballot box, provided for that purpose, before the expiration of the time lnnt Before castimr votes. make a record for your own guidance. In order to facilitate voting you are requested to place your votes in an envelope and seal it Please write the num ber of votes the envelope con- WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL "DICTIONARY THE KZRr.iAM YVCBSTER Tho Ouly ?,V, t. alrldgod dlo- nonary In many yc;rs. Contains tho pith and caamco of nn nuthorltatlvo library. Covers ovory field of kaowl- oago, An JJuoyolopcdla is n BlUglO dook, 2 n New Divided I'afic. 0000 Illustrations. Costnoavly half a million dollars. Lot us toll you about this most tcwarjuiuiu uingie voiumo. Write fetampib Va, fuUpir- 3 XTarao thla peper and wo wilt actol Pocket Hip. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to lnura vertlsement the cepy for ueh thuH thould reach th.le otfVce not later than weoneeaay, at 3 o'slMk p. m. Plaw --narnbor thf end uva iha uUlu All comaiaalc ituU k ailmuJ K