St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 27, 1914, Image 3

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Xmas Gifts
Should be Useful and Practical
Nothing gives so much pleasure to all members
of the family as well selected articles of furniture
for the home, such as a
Royal Gasy Chair
Turkish Rocker
. Couch
Library Table
Dining Table
China Closet
Set of Dining Chairs
Brass Bed
Crescent Range
Inlaid Linoleum
Set of Dishes
Set of "Community" Silver
A Small Deposit will Secure any Article In the Store
Special Meat Prices
Dcef Neck 12iP
IMnto nollliitf 10c nml 124c
Shoulder I'ot Roan.. 121c nml l'c
Kouncl Stcnk 174c nml 20c
Sirloin Steak 17 Jc
T-llouc Steak 20c
I'rcsli Side Mc
Liver 10c
licit Lolu Chop 20c
Shoulder Chop lGc and 171c
Lck of l'ork 18c
Shoulder Roast 15c nml 17fce
I.AM 11
Heart 10c
LcK ,.17J-20c
Shoulder lCc
Shoulder Chops 15c
Stew 10c
llacon from 15c to 35c Hnm 18c to 2' PICNIC MAMS l?Jo nnd !4o
Red Clover Butter 75c; Aarkwnrt's Special 60c Roll
Special: Back Bone 5c, Neck Bone 6c,jSpare Ribs 12 '..0
Phone Columbia 21
Xmas. Gifts Right Now
We will Lay them Aside for You
Double S. & H. Stamps
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Adstracts of Title Prepared.
In order to Insure a change or ad
vertlcemcnt the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
rmmbr this and aave the erlntar
' XII wnmnlitlm tkaM k tddrtutd to
!. Mutton 12l-irc
Kilt nml Loin CIioim 15c
Shoulder 11c
I Stuw.
I! A I,
I'nlvcs I.lver. . .
I.iinlChop! 20c
1. ln Steak 20c
Kih'ChoiM 20c
Shoulder Chojw 17Jc
l.urd, bulk 15c
l.trd, No. 3 40.
l.vd, No. 5 r
I. ml, No. 10 $1.25
Hitter ..00.76c
li.tHH, pur dozen iiO-lOc
7rAffnn Thf Wr.ddirvi?.-
311 North Jersey Street
Accurate Work Guaranteed.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinned of examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work Reasonable fees
H. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street. Auv.
- - 1 "
FOR RENT cards at this office
I Local News.
Send in your ifows items.
When n mini's brains shrink
his head swells.
Yes, we escaped the income
lax. And the income escaped
The total bonded indebtedness
of Portland's water department
is $0,-100,000.
Any one knowing of destitute
families in St. Johns are re
quested to leave word at this
Beautiful line of Christmas
Cards, Booklets nnd Folders on
display at the St. Johns Phar
macy. Arkie Anderson, who has been
seriously ill, is improving ma
terially, his friends will be glad
to note.
It is unnecessary for some
people to hide their lights un
der a bushel. A thimble is
Since the new skirts came in
to vogue il has been positively
demonstrated that girl3 are not
bow legged.
Al Harris and family have re
turned from, a pleasant summer's
sojourn near Crabtrec, and will
spend the winter months in St.
Subject for the Christian
Science lecture Sunday: "An-
cienl and Modern Necromancy,
Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism
The bald headed old bach who
marries at the age of 50 will
have a glorious time buttoning
her up the back and hunting for
invisible hooks and eyes. Ex.
C. W. Rnwson of Mnmich.
Idaho, spent Thanksgiving at
his father's homo here. He is
just entering into the dry goods
and gents' furnishing business
in Idaho, and purchased u por
tion of his stock in Portland.
The Sans Dieu Reins class of
the Evangelical Sunday school
will give an entertainment in
the Cast St. Johns bank building
on Fcssonden street December
15th nt8o"clock p. m. A social
time nml refreshments will be
enjoyed after the program.
Come one, come all.
At the recent meeting of the
Commercial Club P. II. Edlefsen,
0. C. Currin nnd J. N. Harney
were appointed as a committee
to arouse interest in the way of
patronage of the local laundry
among the business men of the
city. It is tho belief that the
local institution should
more generous stlpporl than is
accorded it.
The city council is considering
the feasibility and practicability
of securing land for cemetery
purposes. William Gatton has
olfered a fine tract for the pur
poso just north of the city, with
good roadway leading thereto.
That the city has long needed a
cemetery is a well known fact,
and it is to, be hoped that one
may bo secured.
A train of eleven full cars,
carrying a part of Cuba's hor
ticultural display, has arrived
on the grounds of the Panama
Exposition. The shipment in
cludes grent palm trees, cocoa
nut palms. colVee trees in fruit,
bread fruit, bananas and scores
of other tropical varioties. Cuba
is to be given a placo of honor
under the dome of the Palace of
Tho slump in business result
ing from tho war has been felt
keenly throughout tho country
in all lines of commerce. But
it is on the rebound, and unless
all signs fail, it will soon be
hitting the pike on the home
stretch. We of this community
may do much to strengthen the
feoling of optimism oven before
tho general relief is felt. Wo
can keep what money wo have
in circulation at homo by doing
our buying from our homo mer
chants. That is common sense.
Let's all take a dose.
Friday evening, December
4th, at 8:15. there will bo held
in tho High School auditorium a
"community sing." The first
half of tho evening will be given
up to a musical program, in
cluding numbers rendered by
Teachers' chorus, High School
chorus and Grade choruses.
The last half will be given to
assembly singing of old time
songs, led by Mrs. Coovert,
supervisor of music in the public
schools. Everybody invited; ad
mission free.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heck
were very pleasantly surprised
at their home at 328 East Fes
senden street, Tuesday evening,
bv a narty of friends, lhe eve-
nine was spent in dancing and
playing 500. Dainty refresh
nfenta were served. Mr. and
Mrs. Heck were presented with
a beautiful set of table linen in
honor of their recent marriage.
Those' present were: ,Mr. and
Mrs. John Beyer, Mr. ana Mrs.
Chas. Asper. Mrs. Maud btnek
land, Mrs. Bessie Shultz, Hattie
McKinney, Anna Dryden. Mary
Simmons. Emma LeTellier and
Agnes Leland; Mr. Henry
Kn cht. Will Courtney, Car:
Bergman and Mr. and Mrs.
Even n girl who in 23 marked
down from !W reKnrda herself ns
a matrimonial bargain.
Dressmaking.---Prices to suit
the lime. Call nl 425 liast
Buchanan street, SU Johns.
A mnn will let hia wife train
the children, but he won't let
the training of his dogtonny
one but himself.
The annual election of officers
of Doric Lodge A. I. nnd A. M.,
No. 132. will Utke place Wed-
nesday evening, Dec. 2.
"Watches" made over into
rime-nieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 301) N. Jersey
Rubber goods, fountain syr
inges, not- wnier uomes. at
omizers and all rubber supplies
selling at one-fourth off at the
St. Johns Pharmacy.
Parents should exercise the
greatest care in seeing that
their children are home after the
curfew rings in the evening.
It may save tho payment of lines,
and is better, for the child.
Auto for hire by day. hour or
trip, at very reasonable rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
four or less to make a trip into
the country at a low price. H.
M. Waldrel.GOO 1'cssenden.strcot.
Phone Columbia 20G.
When a man sees nnother man
wearing n hat just liko his, he
regards it as a compliment to his
good taste. But when a woman
sees another woman wearing a
uit just like hers, she gives the
mt to a colored wash woman.
Some special deals on Grnpho-
phones, closing out a stock;
prices cannot be equaled else
where; cash or terms; nt the St.
Johns Pharmacy.
All parents are hereby warned
to keen their. children under the
ago of 1G years oir tho streets
after the curfew bell rings each
evening, unless accompanied by
an older person. (Jhildron lound
upon the streets unchnporoned
after tho curfew rings will be
liable to arrest and the parents
subject to fine. John PofT, Chief
of Police.
As additional proof that the
European war is having no
effect on tho Panama Exposition
announcement has just been
made by tho director of con
gresses and conventions of tho
exposition that Binco tho out
break of the war all records
have been broken 111 obtaining
1915 conventions for Snn Fran
Three hundred tons of con
struction and decorative ma
terials to bo .used on tho Japan
ese and Philippine building of
tho Panama Exposition have ar
rived in San l-rnncisco on the
Steamship Chiyo Marti. The
Philippine building is nearing
completion and tho Japanese
pavilion was built and then
knocked down" in Japan and
shipped to tho exposition
For Rent Small house, com
fortable: lot 00x100. and poultry
yards 100x2G0, with 8 foot fence
divided into nvo yarns; water
piped, three incubators and in
cubator house connected with
gas, three apartment chicken
house, coops and feed cooker and
grinder, also duck pond. For
further particulars, can uoium
bia GIG, or address T. F. Levens,
120 South Olympia street, St.
A newicivic improvement club.
the East St. Johns Improvement
Association, has been lormeu to
bring together the citizens of
flint dlnti'ict. boost East St.
Johns nnd work for tho improve-
. . 1 1
mont ot the lower peninsula.
The officers are as follows:
President, George A. Carter;
vo.n m-esident. F. R. Fenton:
secretary. J. Beyer, and treas
urer. F. A. Rice. R. G. Brand,
A. 'W. Schaifer and J. J. Mc-
Cann compose the executive
Hon. A. W Lafferv is pub
lisher of a weekly paper publish-
ed in I'ortianu anu styieci ine
Saturday American. He is us
ing it in dealing out hot shot to
the editor of the Portland Jour
nal and other men and publica
tions that belittled Mr. Lafferty
during the recent campaign.
He strikes right out from the
shoulder. Had he started his
publication several months ago
instead of spending his money
1 s
in uuveruaiiiK mi umnciiuiy
newspapers, his chances of elec
tion might have been irreatly
When the editor of a country
paper starts in on Monday morn
intr to get up something for his
paper in me way 01 inn'reaimy
local news and finds, after nos
. 1 r x 1!
ing around, that nothing has
happened in the town or com
munity that he can write up,
and nobody gives in any person
als or local news, and every fel
low he talks to says, '1 don't
know a thine." and his liver is
not working just' right, and he
feels as though ho had juBt as
soon loon the loop with Lincoln
Beachey as to go to work that's
the time when he would like
to turn the job over to the
"Smart Aleck" who thinks he
could get up a better paper than
the editor and not halt try.
For Sale One cow cheap. 434
JthRtoi PltVCl,
Picture ttandtic done al Petthtm)
prices at II. P. Clatk'ft, the fumi-
tutc man. Ah v.
Sheriff Tom Word hna decided
to have n recount of the ballots
for sheriff.
W. R. Hollcnbeck is makimr
some extensive repairs to his
residence on Haves street, which
he recently purchased from I), J.
Hess' Poultry Panacea, the
irreateKcr Producer: local poultry-
men arc feeding it with irood re
sults; 25c nnd 50c a package, at
lhe bU Johns rnnrmncy.
Mi-. R. S. Wrtuht snnnt n dnv
nr two in St. .Tnhns this vffk.
He is now a merchant of Cooks.
Wash., where he is doing a good
business. 11c was lormcriy n
well known resident of SU
The Star Sand Company is
making preparations for the
erection of a large dock on the
water frontage of their properly
near the foot of Richmond street.
It will be 300 feet long and 100
feet wide, we understand, nnd
will boused for sand and gravel.
As a small hint of what the
visitor to the Panama Exposition
in 1915 may expect in landscape
gardening, the setting out of
the grounds of 704,000 golden
nowenmr plants 111 the last three
weeks of October, may be con
sidered. These arc a small part
of tho great scheme that is be
ing followed.
"Tho Village Lawyer." a play
rendered by the Juniors of the
Utah School in the hiuh school
nuditorium last Friday evening
was thoroughly enjoyed by a
largo audience that greeted the
lomo talent. Tho play was ex
ceedingly well rendered, each
participant playing his or her
rolo with the skill of a finished
performer. The play was a
financial success as well asovery
other way.
Tho largest of tho many ex
ibits thus far received on the
grounds of tho Panama Exposi
tion is that of the U. S. Steel
Products Company. This ex-
libit has been given threo quar
ters of an acre of space al the
south end of tho Palace of Mines
nnd Metallurgy nnd tho work of
installation has bcuun. The ex
hibit consists in largo part of big
models of factories and mills
properly lighted with modern
hygienic appliances. Wax
models also will bo added to
demonstrate proper hygiene and
general welfare of workmen.
Tho Bachelor Club, with its
usual enterprising, kindly and
generous spirit, will hold a
boncfit nerformnnco in tho Mult
nomah Theatre Monday evening,
Osin tin Ol tit niftka ni'rt -
cceds of which will go to the
needy of St. Johns. Tho enter
tainment will bo far out of the
usual run of performances, somo
thing well worth whilo. a des
cription of which will nppear
next week. Tho uncr.cior club
last year raised over $300, which
was distributed where it did the
most good. Anybody desiring
to help tho needy of St. Johns
should purchaso a ticket to this
performance, being assured that
it will reach those most in need.
Tho Bachelor Club is entitled
to tho warmest commendation for
this enterprise, and none should
refuse to buy a ticket. Admis
sion, adults 50c; children 25c,
Tho Progressive Study Club
was delightfully entertained by
tho President, Mrs. Gilpin, at
her homo, 937 Superior street.
A program of especial interest
was arranged. A paper on tho
"LIfo of Lowell" was read by
Mrs. Thyng. Mrs. Geeslin gavo
sketches from different poems.
A general talk on the character
istics of Lowell followed by a
social hour. Tho specially en
joyable feature was tho musical
selections given by the hostess
and her daughter, also a song by
Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Schaier
capturing the prize at a gamo of
guessing. Refreshments woro
served at tho close of tho after
noon. The next meeting will bo
with Mrs. Fred Houghton, 808
Oberlin street. The topic chosen
for tho next meeting will bo
Edgar Allen Poe, his life apd
works. ;
The proposed new franchisoqf
tho United Railways Company
was presented to the council
Friday and considered and or
dered published. This measuro
provides that the company shall
relinquish all its old franchises
and its rights and consolidate
them into ono grant, to cover
only the commercial tracks of
the company. (Jhiet among the
tracks to bo relinquished is that
on Stark from Front to Twelfth.
The company retains its freight
tracks on Macadam road in bouth
Portland. Front street, Twelfth
street from Stark to Pettygrove,
and thenco to tho city limits,
but no passenger service what
ever will be maintained on them.
This new franchise is the out
come of the revocation of the
franchise of the company by the
County Commissioners on tho
Linnton road, which prevents
the operation of an interurban
passenger service over this line.
Portland uaiiy Abstract.
Not IH label on your papor.
I When You
John N. Kpuu'shn,
Cashier V,
Another City Organized
Another city hns been Incor
porated in Multnomnh county,
even within the limits of St.
Johns. For two months the
pupils of Room 15, Central
School, have been conducting
regular city affairs. A charter
was drafted, based upon tho St.
Johns' charter; a town meeting
was held, and tho charter dis
cussed and adopted. A general
election resulted inn wise choice
of city otlicinls, who wcro duly
sworn in office.
Mayor Howard presides in a
dignified manner at all council
meetings, which nro held from
8:30 to to 9 on Friday mornings.
At his right hand sits Recorder
Stone, a very busy mnn, who re
cords all proceedings in his Bys
temntic way. At tho loft sits
the over watchful Attorney IKIl
ton, ready to quoto tho charter
or Roberts' Rules of Order,
when the legality of proceedings
is in doubt. In stately array
sit tho Councilmcn Ilirsh of
tho first ward (row of scats),
Mathcson of tho second wnrd,
Vinson of tho third wnrd, Har
tlo of tho fourth ward. Toole of
tho fifth wnrd, Oeschgcr of tho
sixth ward, and Day of tho city
at large.
Tho city treasurer, Vincent,
hns opened a bank account nnd
has gathered in tho sum of
$17.29 in pennies, dimes, etc.,
thus originating n pupils' sav
ing account in St. Johns. Each
depositor is given a folder, re
cording his savings, nnd four
duplicates aro kept by city
Tho Chiof of Police. Garry
Smith, has two assistants, Clark
and Robertson, serving as cap
tains, each with ono assistant
as leader of lines.
Tho City Engineer, Beden,
finda so much to do, it will ho
necessary for him to havo an as
sistant. Tho attendance at all
public meetings and regular ses
sions has increased since City
Physicinn Caldwell has had
charge of the health depart
ment. A broad knowledge in
general has been gained from
thq reference hooka in charge of
City Librarian Brock and hor
assisted Evans. Tho official
scriho, Schrooder, is over alert,
and nothing is ever omitted in
the city records. Reporter,
Dedication Services
Dedication services of the
Seven Day Adventist church,
corner of Charleston street and
Central avenue, will bo hold No
vember 29, at 2:30 p. m. The
following program will bo ren
Song Congregation.
Scripture rending.
Solo "Lead mo all tho way"
Mrs. h. E. Folkenberg.
Financial report ur. J. V.
Scott, treasurer of building
ReminiscenBes I'J. I). iluri-
bert, Elder.
Tendering ot u ding 10
Church A. R. Folkenberg,
chairman of building committee.
Male Quartet Dedication
Dedicatory Address, a sympo
sium-Pastors W. II. Cottrell
and M. II. St. John.
Dedicatory Prayer Pastor
W. H. Cottrell.
Song Congregation.
Tho Pvthinn Sisters cave a
most nniovable dance in Eagles'
Hall Wednesday ovening. Tho
attendance was large and tho
music particularly excellent.
In the paragraph in tho coun
cil proceedings relating to tho
Tyler street caso it should read
the late Mrs. Nancy uapies,
Write A Check
for tkc anumnt sf a Ml, J
tk-al fercver ends any dis
pute an ts It payment.
For tkc ekeck I a receipt
tkmt cammt W rtptultatcd.
Checks ate oaMer and
cheaper to send than ensh
too. These arc only two
of the many Iwnrfits of
linviiiH nn account hoc.
V. C. Knait,
Vice President
S. h. Doniu,
Assistant Cnsliicr
Community Xmas Tree
There is a movement under
way to have a Community
Christmas tree in St. Johns.
The plan is new, but wo believe
it is n good one. There is to be
n tree erected on the Btrcct, if it
meets with the approval of tho
city council. If the weather is
favorable the program will bo In
the open, if not a hall is to be
provided commensurnte with the
needs. It will be nn excellent
opportunity to have a general
community "Get-together." Ev
ery one, both as individuals nnd
organizations, can participate.
Mrs. (J. M. Hall has been elect
ed chairman of the general com
mittee which is to meet nt her
home, -115 South Jersey street,
Friday, November 27th, nt 7 p.
m. Tho appointing of com
mittees nnd working out of de
tails will bo a part of the work
for F riday ovening. Tho invitn
Hon is to ench, and every or
ganization in the city to have a
representative in this meeting.
There aro many needy people
in our own city; why scatter our
efforts elsewhere? What wo
havo to glvo can in this way ho
more wisely dispensed. This
movo will bo a help to tho busi
ness men who nro almost harass
ed at this season of tho year.
Any claims mado upon them can
ho referred to tho committee and
enred for in n concerted manner.
Dofinito plans will bo rendv for
tho Review next week.
One of the Very Finest
Ono of tho finest and most at
tractive drug stores on the west
sido of tho Willnmotto river is
what is known nB "Currins for
Drugs." This establishment is
loented in the Holbrook building
on Philadelphia street, and has
enjoyed a splendid patronage
since its installation. Tho lines
of merchandise specially fea
tured aro A. l). Nyal.Urtinn,
Hobson nnd Urion Home Rem
edies, Kodaks and Eastman
Photo Supplies. Victors nnd Vic-
trolas. Whitman nnd Johnson
Tho proprietors. C. C. nnd C.
S. Currin, nro nntiveB of Vir
ginia, and came to the Coaht in
1899. Both studied pharmacy
at tho O. A. C. C. S. graduated
in 1905, and C. S. in 190G, and
practiced in vnrious parts ot tho
Coast. C. C. established a drug
store in Hood River in 1907, and
after 'staying there one year
removed to St. Johns. C. S,
camo as a partner in July, 1912.
They aro both prescription spec-
a ists. and stand lor a square
dqal in business nnd community
cooporation and loyalty to tho
liwiuu tuniii
Do Your Eyes Bother You
If vou aro subject to headache.
eyes ache or print runs together,
call at my office and bo ex
amined. I use the most approv
ed methods in examining the
oyes, and I guarnnteo all work
and material to be satisfactory.
In my practice of medicines
and surgery, all my prescrip
tions are filled from pure fresh
drugs in my own private dis
pensary at a very reasonable
price.-DR. W. J. GILSTRAP.
Physician and Surgeon, St.
Johns, Oregon; residence phono
Columbia 19G; office phono Col
umbia 282.
Whv not sond a subscription to
a good magazine for a Christmas
present Order now to avoid
delays. Special club offers on
all magazines. Mrs. C. O.
Rogers, 809 Smith avenue.north;
phono Columbia 101.
Not th label on your paptr,