BUSINESS IS NOT 'FINE' m XL in i Lit 1 1 uum IN 'DRY' TOWNS The vounit mnn tinckrd lip. longings, went to the Hanley rnncli inu remained uirrc mure iiimi n rcill. li-livilltf In ticrfrrt lirnllli. Tills In hut one of a vrrv hiruc ! lumber of instances wherein Mr. unnicy ngurcs, similarly. f f fff IULI. HANLliY'S SPIIUT. WM, HANLEY'S CAREER BUSINESS FINE IN DRY TOWNS SALEM SUFFERS BUSINESS LOSSES FROM DRY RULE Store Property Rentals Drop $75 a Month in City BANK DEPOSITS OFF $300,000 Fourteen Iiusinc.s Houses Quit in Less Than Year. School Attendance Less Many Oregon tmpiM'H luivo boon IoihIimI down within the nasi three weeks with ropitnUid assurances thai "Business is Fine in Dry Towns." The three most important Oregon eities to become "dry"' nine months ago were Salem, Oregon ( ity ami Springfield. irbiisiiuwi N fine in lluno pities the taxpayer nnil mottt of the business men would like to have tlio . "(Iry.s" explain jusl wlial they, iiicii ii ly 'Tin;." If they lind'Hiiid "Inisliiffm is thin," then tliuy might hit vt) been mor eiiKily tinihii'Htooil, Lei tlumi nnswoi' find nhout eondilioiiH in Knlciii. Kx-Cniiiicil man John I). Turner, of Knlcni, mi nllonioy, is Nponsor for the following fin-In nhoiil I hill city: Hnti'iu wont "dry" Drrcmbor 1 hint, cloning Ifi Hilii'iriH, throe tcstntirtinta nnil twit ivIiijIimmIo house h ml withdrew liquor permit friim eight drug stores ,ll:il tilt (iff I'll II till DM I jlcellSH ri'VI'lllll' it li,IQOa Ninety ini'ii nnil a monthly pnyroll nf ",701) worn put mil of rum nilsion, Mont nf Hie men luivo left llm illy. All liiillditiHM vara tod ly tlieso I'tmet rim lire itlill empty, except lx, is III t li Iiiivii I. it'll occupied liy ten iiitirvihu httvo VHenteil other htiildiuK, icvorul nf I lie host hiilhlingH living liunrilcil nver nnil used iik IiIIIIkwiiIh. Moro t Idi M five hundred liiiulern dwell ing tiro "fur rent." Htnro property rintnlH mi Htrle lrct have dropped from ifis.'i to $110 ii tiimitli, lint "busl IICS In flllO." Kiiiiileen ii(lur Imslnc plnce Imvo Mused hi nee Dccc leber I hint, itsltlo fruiii llie ii:iIim)iin rml rrsttttiriint. In iluJeil nre three Mime Mures two liy llierlff nml inu voluntarily; nni of tin bit grid ilry 1)4 ultiren lino lieen sued for the f I -Hi lime In twenty ytnrn. Hrnri'd of clurlm Imvo loft llie oily, I'tiuiliiu Hie loan nf inure yrnllH to tlin rity, Imt "bnslnewi In fine." A lomlliitr prohibitionist pr.nti.Hed to liuilil 111 new ,wi HiHga If tlie oily wont CLACKAMAS AND OREGON CITY HIT BY EMPTY TILLS "Dry" Regime Followed by Query as to Receiver CITY WARRANTS UNSALEABLE City Council Calls Election November 9 to Raise Levy 8 Mills to Pay Debts Oregon City and Clack amas County, of which Ore gon City is the county seat, present as lamentable a condition in a business sense as a defunct corpora tion about, to go into the hands of a receiver. In fact, a receivership for Ore gon ('ity already has been seriously discussed by cer tain of its creditors, and fudge Campbell of that city has declared his willingness to declare such a receiver- ship, if formal application were made to him. as he would for "any bankrupt corporation." A special election has been called by the city for November !) "to relieve the financial condition of the city," the purpose being to vote Ji2ii0,0()() 5 per con bonds and to increase the tax levy eight mills in or der to take care of the new ndehlcdness. On I ho part of Clackamas County the County Tronsurur is confronted with an empty treas ury for the first time in six years. I ho .MornliiK hntoriirise, a radi cal proliiliillouiHl daily of Ore pn City, in explaining this nit nation, nays "the condition is con sidered the rcNtilt of thu amount of d o I i n ii o n l taxes on the county's tax rolls. County Treas urer Tufts refused the first war. rants on the general fund Moil- ay (October 112, llll l)." IIiisIiiwi must lio "flno" In n city nnil n county when the trrusurlus of liotli lire empty licenuso of ltirlc of money coining into tlielr strong boxes, with n spcclttl election culled by tlio oily to Inoroiino It tux lovy, with n re SPRINGFIELD IS MERE GHOST OF OLD BUSY CITY Prohibition Makes Formerly Thriving Center Barren BANK DEPOSITS $57,000 LESS Two Blocks of Vacant Buildings Line Main Street in Place of Busy Stores I rt at i p i i : "ii.i. iiiwi.nrs arum, f Does Not Dodge Issues In His Gamnaien .oiiv?,. ' , "' in inu uuiiiijui&h unty Kcini spirit ns character. ,,0,,-v- ,k ,u'Vl'r liquors or imic or uic rcai and, nllliougli 1'iriiK- i umco nun up io meet con iiiivinu uiiiiic u micccss in arc nml Idltlon . Mm A Pn T n AN raM-S S "y iim wi.oieom. HWI U.IUU n I UUIIIUinil r, i "r n"f Ullllu;1: lowtiril life: be believes llne.H.s ami bospllnlity. In JO: h: believes in Iliiinaii Hap- "Hill" IliminU llrnilAH rnKini.M I i r...... I - I ... 1 1 (.. mxo -riJT? nmi.o vf im iiio ' L " ",v'l 'ii, nice i, niuicnilVC nib &ic in mj jiKiniizcr mm executive, in one 01 nr llil nnnnn . . nr nrmr I In. Iiniil .t.... 1. 1 1. I ... I I C I. it.t u ' ' """"""l ur uumu '. ii,,;.:..i 'Afi i. ' ... Wlllliim Ilnnlev Is never foollih THING FOR THE BETTER. J"" "B" "S"' Iv nliliiiii.Ole: tin never nv Iron. . . . . ... i urn ii-iti ill iiiik uiiu ui iiiiv in ii i ; .- : . "... - AlfcWI Ul- OKECUM. ilnillno nl.irn. Il.n llanln,. ,,.,l...l.. 1 IIICI Uo 1101 CXI.1t UUt I1C SaVS. DV item In. lint Inlk to his rrIemK beck, If Ibcy, .10 do we, and K M rout Ihc troubles! Ibcy are fou will Hear ninny like It. Vi "it 1 .' . 1 1 wiiinim linn cv. ns un let sinics . ..i.i.iVJ ii Uk-iu iu llv Annb .Shannon .Moniiol, Siitunbiy Hveiiintt I'oit 'Writer. What he hat got out of Life. What lio hat put back Into It. Tin. ic arc the two tests of every man. U'll ' .... lln..l.... I.... .,..1 !... kl. i i.Mii in- wi uum 1 1 I . if m t pa open plains life, Iieallli and flrrOQIQ kRUinr II 3 II I IH- I I I IlllVrflV UIIUII, MMIIIt BV posits Greater SALOONS ARE OCCUPIED MERCHANTS ALL ENTHUSIASTIC BUILDINQ FEKMITS FAB OBEATER 3TOSY OF DRY TOWNS TOLD. The city of Springfield, in its present cobwebby, stnguunt condition, today presents a picture, as com- f WHAT BILLHANLEY SAYS. Scnnlor "rn 11 (Vregon, voub carry fcc 1",illl''',m l,d hn,),,yi 1,0 T . the Ilnnlev rlliiriielerlitlles hnrk In "HOWS Hint the Wny to lllllllilll hnp- f , Hill Ilanlcy says that the wsIiIiihIoii 1 d bv bfi iidlve lln-' s tbrotiKb the right work nY onTOS tb??!mV..4Jwnlhchlglif abillly?8 yltb the rlubl returns; l?c knows Publlcl "TD DTJ t cosi 01 living is in kick oui a t r..r r.jH r,m,i,,.,- .vi,i u .1:.., inai every .scii-rc.ipccung mnn and - ituml f few ilnml Sennlnr. ill Was 1. -f c,llltlll.S Wllllt IS ClUC ...,,... imi, IhI, ?,i hi. imm intoii. -f a im.M.i in 1.1. i....inn.. ..1 prosperity; be believes In the free- Thcro is only ho inc. lie r iv e X ( n !'!. of the individual to do this; find out what iminiuiium 1 i i. , v..;.;:;.. .1 tin ne t oes noi lie eve in wcinit- n... OOOI) WIN, Coiunilllet at On rrd. ono fair way to Orciron dry will do That is by invest 1- llv ClAMKR I.tHTKR. Mner luniey compnign. wiiicii ne Knows iis well ns nny " . , 1 ,, f r T.. o nZ, ... ... .. iiKin wim nvnr ni f,, in nrn.m.r. cs not. believe Hint this develops for thoso parts of Oregon now 1 J " 1'"-" 111c jiiniioriu 01 Miuani iiiiniey, 1 V. i i w'."n"'" II rrm n I .1 nnpi1 with ItH tlirlvlmr. Pmir,.lv.. nnn,)M fr tlnUr.l L..c .Vo J.""1 cnoufih "aspirants" as U.F.V'. ii,miw i,.ii. h,-. i dr2' . . . t ... .... - "'It.. . ....... r iwhiiku oinii-j ot-'imiurs irmii urc- .,:, f r" I oo lur ns cuii uc lunrucu in ouBUiug conuiuonoi uyu ir - usut ntform ffie becnuTc a'gmd many neSnle Income 'for whlcirfidr cm, Oregon City, RaBcburg, ago, that would make the "V fenrn , ir m ii .T;?iv. n I mBuW st,rvifc ,s 8Ivc- ,llBl crme and Albany, Eugcuo and other Oro ungol, weep. Aar ago Z'StZXS S-'&JKiKA grUuTPWWf &btS'SM every store was filled and wnrd. nm us. . , . i, ii,,. ,.i nr ..h vu. VMi cnn uaier m mi nncs, save timt or tue crowds Of people thronged . None of the big issues nrc inlss- .... v. uu .... j nun iiiu.tu Willi kikiw linn iicsi lire WttS making monoy, practi- J'rongest In tbclr dcclaraUons thai cally everyone who wanted MtonM work was employed. Evory- lfVcr election just what be says i., ,..i before election bo will do. one seemed happy and con- That there is none of ibe w iv tented, except the prohibi- politician In the Ilnnlcy make-up :.,t P'nln from n careful perusal of tionistB. the platform. tVmlnxt (3nvirftnlfl Innlru KlfA l!vit.' Illlnrnnrn nf thu til tin n deserted viUago, business Is par- fe "t forth, Is a nlnln and iv.,wi n,i n,n'.A M.nn r fl P' ! express on of bis thought on "w"i " sunjccis which am or vnni intcrcsi ton people on its main street nt In every, citizen of Oregon, any ono time would actually bo N' long, carefully worded para- the onuso of exoitomont. Yot ,n,l)his ""c contained therein, dc- i. r. .!.i. . n if...wi..i Jl'K"ed lo calcb thu eye and nrrcs tho Coinmltton of Ono Hundred ,lt! fala.y ,)f , vntr bllt just says: "Huaiuoss is fino in dry straight-cut declaration of his atti- towiiH." tuilc on each (ucstlon of tlio day. Snrlnirfinld went "rlrv" nt tho I'lirlliermorc, lo llie dislnlcrcslcu X K ni 7.V. S.7 -iI5! .(I'olHlclly) voter, II will at once HANLEY TALKS LAND PROGRAM run liiii i i nrnlillill niiie,l..i- t.n.l rnil.oi-v nn.l BaiOOIl, in OVcry UrV 10WH. crime lilt you are black In tho why, even In Pendleton, which face, but you don't get anywhoro votod wet after being dry, but with the human incc until you go which will probably volo dry, many T I tmlUi. I.i,.tni... Ii.ll. .l t.n1 Give the Boys and Girls a ; Chance, Says Candidate If you want to know t whether the range is good, look at the lean end of the herd, not the fat ones. Wm. Hanmiy. 1 -f -f i f f-H-f-f-H-H- back of these Kl'FECTS and strike with a hroad ax al the cimso were better, business better and bad debts fewer when tho town was dry. Butldlug Now Better. In Snlem. building hns been greater since the town went dry. There, nro but few vacant houses. and those vacant arc described as "slincks." Practically every snloon PUT IDLE LAND TO WORK pnvKiirv. i.v,inn. h. hns been rc-lcnnntcd by other lines great W. C. T. U. worker, saw this of business, and one or the prlnci- before she died; social service I"1' saloon sites has been ronlnccd workers are seeing it right along, by a fine new building block. Men all men. not u raw must .S7ie- Stilein went tint a 820.000 have a chance at money and lels- brick Imlldtiw has been erected and lire. When lliev have Ibis fair Jn.nno mrit hlnfl.' It nnlnn tin chance lie Is willing lo trust tho J Doesn't look m If drv Snlem hurt Springfiold wont "dry" nt tho . tl r 1 ' ,s. chance lie is wii ng lo trust tho Doesn't look as Ii i.lnnrlnii Inul full ll.X nnlnniK I (P0l 1 1 1 Clllly ) Voter, II Will III OIICO ,,, .,. ... T VIV!f- llv' I illlltlto dfCCIlCy (illll II lltl Cll In 1 tltttt tOWIl lloel It? e ootlon lost tall, tlio boioouj j,u ,t.en u,i ,u Hanley plalforin is ITII HK.II IiMPIHK LYING UN- KVlillY MAN lo find lis wny to ' eloHing Jniiunry 1. cnmplele and ample and that II Let tho "drys" tell nil about "i s the spot in oyery Inslnnce. those "flno" buHiness comlitionH cv in Springfield nftor nino mont m' Nvi .stntiils on It Is a product of operation of thoir "busmesH the- Oregon; he Is a unlive born cltl- orlOH." zen, one wiiosu interests lio In DBVfvI.OPKI), TIIEHB IS NO excuse i-on iiAiin TIMES, HE SAYS. Dv William IIanlky. I am not a politician, I never will Although a muck ntnollor city thnn Oregon and whoso every thought Is BotUr Building BxdulU. Sulem went dry January 1. 1014. Tho building permits for tho first eight months of 1013, when the town was wet, totnl 1388,025. For tho first eight months of 11)11 they an Increase of over 37,000. When Main ntrrct finally Is read- juatctl In tbn next month or two, prac tically two Mocks of More bulldlngi on each iildo of tho ntrrct wvit of the Houthorn Fnolflc tracki will be dcatrt ed, lmt "bunlnemi Ii fine." A real citnto nnln Ii unheard of nnd would be Imiiomlblo on any yt of need and, given the opportunity ,,n' ot myseir; lmt I lo do so, he will get thoso things don't ' now how you folks are go- A llEvr MANY PEOPLE THINK Z?1. "!5 1re. Till-' IIAN'l VV rilAllArri.niJ ,u ' wim i nm, wiiai i TICS AND OUAI.ITll'S AttK WOHTHY OF TIIUiOAHEI-'UL AT- I be TEM ION. OF EVEHY VO TEIl IN less nlllf.U AKf. ...ft... ......... ....v I -" lIVr.UU.H lll.l Illl-.T llNl'I- lmt the ton. This Is llie blu lesson ho hns GOT from Life. Here Is what he hns put back so inr: A record of uprightness and so hrlelv. A habit of ulvlnu bis time nml were 3122.385. money liberally and nrlvalclv not 933,-tGO. IllwaVS at Ibc bend of ntlhllshud Another Inslnnce nf n ilrv Inwn suhscrlpllon lists but to people In helping busliicssl Absence of the u ilium-. .... , . snloon always means hetlor husl- ,lloL',V, 1,S?,,ti?,r?"K', dc,Vr c". fr lue money that once went mined, one-identl flubl since ho n .t.. .1 i... ' a,, I1!'V,,riVU 10 " If cmenl,ic,t.H,rr,,?nl.i1 It gSf' rZZX ecomo United States Senator, un- Hers Unit Ibey might stay on their cn,i,IC,l Mores and purl of llicin s I tnlk to you about It, and sec- homesteads: Food, work, doctors, "r.u, "I1"" ,llt,r,' I1,11CC af "10 "dry." Nine Iuiiihh wurc Ihiuii, tw I m'lvemlilii tliri'iitmuxl mid with "dun- Imvc the hIiiiIiihk nml iliMtrM In. lmt enr" mIlmii HtriniL- nlnnif tlio Icnelli of Imvo niivor lieen DmUIuhI; mi wnrk Imn lii'i'ii denp mi tlif ntliorn, IiimIiIch their Imrn- frnniee. Pulhlliilt inrinllK from .Inmmry to AiiKChl (he l"l 1 1 mc wet immlliH of lUia. unri n-iJLIl!.1; tnm .Vnvemlier, IUI3, to H..ii,..ilwr. IDI I, thu iidx! eleven "dry" iihuiIIim, limy were 120, 00(1 Imn, or (H,I10. 'I'lu urnmintir tmluml iipenliiK day en rolliiieul In l:i wiim IRIIIj on the m-iiho dny 1011, I Kill, Imt "IiiinIimi U line." lltiuk i1iiiiih htimv a deerenKe of :iOi,tUf uliieu the toua went "dry." even nfler iillnwiiii: for the ils.l.'Hii) i1i'H)Hlti,l HiIh year from tmW of ImihiIm In llimti n. The deerearie. theiefoi. the liunliiiHii iHirtlim of Miiin utront by "order of tho City Counril," which nlready hna been old oat by a ie rrn'li I culvnr, but "bulnn U fine." "Donger Main Street Declared A. J. llenderion, the lcadlug dry. Hiuignroini All ieroiin trnvcllng on iroodi merchant, oeennled a double Miiin iitreot between Nurlti nlde of Moan itreet nnd Houth ilile of Third Ntreet do no nt their own rlak." llHiikn urn refilling to i-iihIi On'Roii City inuiilalMl wnrnintM. Hindi .Innu nry flrct the city Iihh Immed f.T,0!ll,0.'5 In tlioso wnrruntH, aecordlug to tho ro- i ..... .. i ..i . i. ... . nurses, leon rnr leoina. nml iniim. I . vat (J AT 15 HE lit A GOOD MAN TO . V, 10 " He , force I be wiTtcr from tho were 251 arrests for t icyf Main itrrnt 1ml liuilnti Ii Inn " lll.l 1 I 1115 IW.UI'l.r, Ul' -" "- uriUI) 01 Cll Km II PT VII C InlCr nrsi.1CVCUIIIOIIlll.10l IUIJ in ail Clll The Am iii ..Id Tom.iV th. b. V,l& ,?'JH!5JN T,,E SENATE AT loso the Jp' of talking about my- cMs'lnto channels for tho use 1 of for drunkenness; In 1011 the ar JnV, tlSSJ'l!Si WASHINGTON. self Is one of ,,,y tasks. It certainly whole country jr Irrigation, rests .totaled only -17 for the sumo elced out by n receiver, but "bu.lne.. irrrrrrt is no .ens, pionsing .o mo person- ft "i;"c'oc;r "80.000 B, , l flno." T ...... T acres nf land now onen to form. Stores Eidargo PreinUe Tho Ln France Confectionery Store, T v as ai.i uil-i ti Ioro Js greol g rlcli state, ers; that wllhout this money snout Tli H.r,.,. l.Nnvi .i, i..i ono of the beat In "wet" dayj, haa J. T I Jammed full of lillo land; hero Is n on this hind no man could get a h0 remodel their "premises because cloicd out, but "bu.lnew is fine." 4--r - -r-r - Krcal city filled with Idle men. or living from It. . . of Increased business, when other O. W. Johnion'a Hardware Store, the men wno arp inere y existing; here . "e "".v" . I,in" " ? Win- iowns.,v.i . ii.nih.iv., h .n r . hett of Ita lino durlne "wet" dayi. "Come " is a stale wim unlimited resources ure nius nun wouiii scauer cxpor- . ininTni. w"' . 1 .',n ""v " u""l I nl.... I .. II . I I.... I. I .....I ....II... II... I ....lll .....I ....H...U...I I Imnnlll nml lirM nntfmam Plllllling. inn. iiiiiiiiiiivii viviiii mill iiiiiiuiiii-ll ....v...... ......... ...... ........ vuui nv. . t . opportunity, and a lot of Its cltl- through tho country dlMricts for In .rW,n (J urresls have do- zens are not sure about next Sun- 'ho benefit of ranchers and their creased go per cent. duy's dinner. wives. Violations of the state liquor laws Why? Me forced through the Lcglsla- (oooiicggiug and so forthh are now utoro n year ngo. Today ho oecuplea lmt one store and will tell you hli liuelncm Is "about half" what It waa a yoar ago, but "builnni Ii fine." Tho city has run into a 13,200 deficit from tin oxcoaa of expenditures over Income, although tho "dryi" promlnd l f l -f f- "COME" WAS ALL DILL HANLEY SAID. - -- "Cornel" That Is a small word, but It meant u mlghtly lot In this case. Only four tellers of the alphabet, but it was sufficient. And that's Just why this storv Is written about it. .Some people would have written Well, one perfectly good renson hrc the privilege of Idling Iho less than ouo-luilf. HAS lll-.KN peopiu vine on a iionuinu aci inni Is because Oregon You see the saloon men novcr dry ii big letter In reply to the ono con- SENDING POLITICIANS TO would serve lo build rnliroads In used to obey the law In a ccrnlng which Ibis story Is to bo WASHINGTON INSTI5AI) OF MEN Oregon. 'I Ills ; activity forced tho 0Wn Ibey hnvo to obey It. told; It was worth more. Consld- WHO KNEW WHAT IT MEANT IIM. "nil Hiirrlinnns up the ' . erlng everylhlug, but the point Is 1" t" tlUMillY AM) WHO ALSO "escnuies. Iho man who wrolo "come" was KNEW HOW TO LEAD THE WAY " wllhdrow froni the oxecullvo not doing it to kill spneo or to OUT AND IlltlNG HELIEF. coniiuillcc of the National Live Bank Deposits Increase. Deposits in the banks have In. ,.rt of City Itecorder John W. Lodor, that li Pol and court P.n... . , , ., ,, P 'S I dnl 1, k' i n 'l t A Sl ck Convenllo ' ra b un bo a creased, There Is more building. IIIHl llll'HO WlirrillltH lire Nil I till mild. I would mnkn mrnlni It tha naonla I. ........ I-., mi l.i in... 1.. ..I..... I Al,..b rnlMn...l. n. .......... nnrlv In mi unhid lenslnu nlnn I Had llCOtS are UClnH Cleared Ul). ,, .. , , , 1 I -- I 1 I Ull IJ illljlllHl WlllllU IIHO III IKIVU mnnil l Ml.. Willis, JI V UUH'I I ,'", . l' ' Il I.. . I K .,1 lhe elty tux levy In una I,. Oregon would rote tho 12,000 ealoon llcemei you here, biit. really, I can't see vatlon of game, or boulevards to would give all the big grazing nrlv- Collections arc easier. Not ono mill City waa eight miiin. Two w.eVn uf- j out of butlncaii, but that'a "iae buil the way clear." scenic viewpoints, or free lands, lieges lo the big Interests. Every check has been cashed in a saloon. tor tho oily went dry the eouiull In- lenlly hiul.l be t7ll,lM8, but "Inmi- ereaawl hU levy to 10 milU fur 1PU, m-ia la flue." The nlletiiliinee nt the "Cherry Fnir" thU year wiih nlinut one luilf what It wan the liut "wet" yer. TJio MinlHteriiil AmmulHtlim beforo the elee lieu whluh inuilii Snlem "dry," told the Cherry l'alr ironuitnrH Unit they would muke up for the doiml limit iikii nlly made by the wiIimiiih, but utterly failed lo do mi thin your and the pro muter refiminl In hold that enruUnl. lhe "CherrlttiiH," eoimlHtini; of 100 i . . i .... . . nnu un miveiuucr u uiro la lo no a Kpeolnl elctlon held nt which the voter will be nuked to annctlon nn additional levy of eight mill to meet the munici pal liulelitediieaii. Yet "biulnci I fiuo in dry town," mid Oregon City Ij doing well. 'n cunt bulldini: now atiind on Main street, the chief buslneim thorou(;hfnro of Oregon City, n numumeiit tu the memory of one garage, one clothlne toro, one restaurant nnd one livery UCIi." The fact Is. the man's characler Mn0 miles from market, or much I other member of the convention AH busluess men say trade is bet- 'hlch aniwert the auettton m In why the cry has come from all otitr Oreaon for a dry town. u Adams, one or the leading Ore., n City merchants, said: "Since Oregon City went dry, The problbltionlat. a year ago prom- mhW out splendidly In tho ono nuoui ino lanir, or much aiioiit cur- UI." ,i ,"B .... ,0V, i..i . n. i .i i Mini i worti mill Minims nun ns nnv. i i i-ttti it i. iiiihiiiv ihiiu iiil- cur-i ...v. . ... mu.iu. uu iiui n i .... ..r' . ... .... Ing determination, action and rency ciuestlon bothers you neonlo 4.4.4-..4-4.4-4-. K "7 - hv" tails-a these jlays. Ilut what nhio" fo k? U vr ml . . iiicim w im it inu ii. !." iii oiiiic inu iiiik-i i-aii-u I WII. I. l'llill r I-Oll an 000 000 -f I Not a foot of peraianent itreet Im- mil Hnnlev-Vlllll to his friend I 111 is a belter ivinu. a chnnco toll llt"" 1 u" B0'0UU.UUU- T un I T mil m i mm T Hill Hnnlcy pledges himself real booster, but of no prohibitionist, i barn now lol up, but formerly did then pledned their liersoiuil immilier I KooJ biiainess. Kourlrgn vncant stori's ihlp for the neressnry funds, rotpilrhiK I ' '," ,,l,r of i,nl" i",ti nud the pnyiiumt un their mrt of tAUO. To ,nr,',, v,,fnt lots mark the places nib it in, the .Methodist (hen turned M,"'ro 'iree other store formerly their ehureh into n restiiuriint, put the ,0(ul but which have burned down, kitchen in tho pulpit nml oompetml ,' been the deiiinud for bu. lth the legitimate restiiuritnt for the n,'M l'r"pi'ry thnt tho burned strua- littln business that their proprietor Uxu'" u,'r, ,u'v,,r "built, lhit "bus! Imd huiigrily looked for ns u possible iu fi,lw lu 0r,'n Oily." liiiiiinil uodsend. KntiirprUn prlnllni; office, lluslnesa must be "fine" In nny city w,,lch formerly employed n larRo force hen building permit, payrolls, bunk ,,f I''in'r nnd bookbinders, nnd often deK)siU, bankruptcies, closed stores, do- work,',, nig't and day to fill order. Is populated dwelling, depressed renltv ,no,r hP"Iiik it Job department crew vnliic, school enrollment nud enrnivnl fiv", ,Uys ' Mornlnu Mntlstlc nil tell so dreiiry n storv of hntrl'"e i "lie of the papers Htornl fact. Muybe the urohibltiuiiists '.M 'r'u,,l 'e O.miintttee of One mean thnt the "aintiitini! Im.iiie-i" 1. un,"M 'tcr nl.out "bushies it fine, , fine ln dry towns." ICald AJii UUtiinnl. Tiucau-is uml Wukc i;anuu I.csuueol Oirsuit. IMHlanO, OtcgonJ j rwT.mrni nor iias uccu aono, ri-1 ir mo mnn wno wroto ' comol" I put somciuiiiu asiue ior Old age, 111 eept ma construction or a small bridge lie wrote It to a young man who ctancc to ra se their children in o foht for that 8,000,000 business has much Improved Col. over a creek, and that was nuid tar hv was "down and nut." and who coimnrt and decency, tho nrlviloRo. i a bond .-uc, Htreet. and .idewalli looked , Mr. Hanley almost as the nay lhe right to have tho public U . py OT, o . &s 'tha'rT I ffi nro n a uepwraoi. eonumon, naa ne - v. - '-v".!.! xi.. ..!.. i.. . rVi n. .i n .T" " T ",,,u "'" . :.' ",or ry"Jr T 'eor ago. People now have a ten. tiwiiwt miiiiivj siua iui- " hum tv t otns. iiiipt ill in. wiiv- nni irv iinA.. i i. i . . from the farm, hacked by the stato U. W mi 1 ? .,u uuf tf 8?o ai nome. Un line ,l,ii. vn ...n..., Il.l.ino I... I I nml llin unNramnnl innu nl. .... I . ' I I I USCU 10 CBSh 10 CUCCKS On mill nnv wm . . . . . . . .1. ..v. .i.i iiirnu ai. .iiui.j iiiin ju.u wt.w ow Mij vhvii jit i I t . . , . . . "y whoai are "drya," vote dona thla re- A vounif mnn. who hnil wnrlreil tltloa, tke city coafront the same poa in Portbind for a long time and dentally. personal influence throughout Ort. um of money daily Into the cban- nanny aa uregon vity, viz., p. 1 who nnu nisi 111s neaiin, nan nenru 1 i n uiimii innu inai we qun 1 gon ior voies ior mo women on uuuo 111 urt'Hon uuy." polotmtat ef a receiver, but "bualnoaa r "Hill" Honley as it man with u worrying about political economy, Oregon. I AH of which answers the que 1 Ilae la dry tnwaa.' BIQ SURPRISE TO AUNY IN ST. JOHNS I Will Give $1000 If I Fail to Cure I' Any Canoar or Tumor. No knlfa, no pain, no pay until cured. Any lumi In woman's braaat Is canoe Local people ure surprised at the rriTri.- ,.....!... :.....i . iVWi l.-nil.- ICll'IVl'll IKIIII Sillll Ih ui.m.hI. 1 . ft 1 pla bucktborit bark, Klycerine, etc., It always poisons deep glanoa under the as mixeu 111 Adier-l-ku, the tjerniau n"n nnu uiua quicKiy. appendicitis remedy C. U. Thoinp som druggist, states that this sim ple remedy antiscpticizes the diges tive (lystem and draws off the im purities so thoroughly that A SINQLH DOSI5 removes sour deep sympathy, decided to wrlteand the grand old flag brand of Ho now sees that as a private! t ion of whether a towa i better wet 10 mm ami iisk ir 110 might uo uuiikuiu, ami gei uown 10 solid citizen he cannot no ror his state I or ary. placed on the big ranch in Harney sense; lets' use some horsa sense what he could do If bad a voice i, 4IMtu..i s. ... . county, known so widely for Its and let's definitely set out to mak at Washington. So bo is willing to' n4r 7.1 Sal'"idwf A Western feuhires. Ihliig definite for US, instead of He has a definite, vigorous work- The letter was very similar to parleying and orating and flub Ing plan for unlocking Oregon this: dubbing with fine large problems NOW. Mr. Ilanlcy is a big man in "Dear Mr, Hanley; I have worken Hint, when solved, help us lo neith- the East; people listen to blm; be 11 long time in Portland and nm er an extra slice of bread nor an will accomplish ends, about all In, My health is poor added dime. Oregon is riches-poor; we fnve nnd Hcttlujl worse fast. I can't SOME FOLKS CAIX THIS SAGE, sufficient stored wealth lo .nuke ,v iVl, stand it much longer here, and BHUSH PHILOSOPHY. Maybe it is, every man prosperous; Mr. Itau- hlra more notorlotv and enable hiu to "css 1 Ret a change, I won't last lint a man who lias a rumily with ley's plan includes renlixing on lids . . .. 1 nil f 1 rifivit lAiini r r fntt nnil i itA r rimitoc r nu nn inmiu Ia i t'ttiiit iiv nnd 111 11 lit i i rnnriii I "" aav . v 1 111111 1 mv "iitv ot0 1 j IU 1 MVtutii w I'Miniuifl iva j. your ranch nnd wondered if you their dorsal vertehrae, win agree irrigation ditches, developing har would he wtlllnu to let 1110 ho I with mc mat it is a mlKtitv satis- bors and iteltliiH men l.l VAltl.V on there and try to get well by work- fylng sort of philosophy, and while to Ibe soil. WHONG LEGISLA lug In tho country. I will do my I may he Just a great, big, rough. TION Is keeping men out of work; uesi wuaievcr you givo mc 10 uo. uncouiu puun man ana may not hi KeepinK urcgnn iigni iockcu. t'leasc lei me near from you soon." iruiueu in me cicver sonnisirv mull iit-i uic linn ev nrouram: read tt: see ior yourseii wnai William Hanlcv stands for: then net back cd to himscir, and, on tho reverse It is siniui ror n big state to let side, just one word come. It was workers go hungry, and the boys not even signed, but that it wai and girls go landless, when it has from Mr. Hanley there was no an empire of resources at its back doubt. door. Trout Speaker rtntd. 8KAR1DK. J, A. Adams, a prohlbl tlon speaker and worker, served out u five dollar fine in the Scualde jail for fsililiK to obey tho local ordinances regulating street apraklnf;, Adawa, who bousta of haviuc been arrested 44 times aad of having served 14 fail sen teuces, daolares that he prefers jail nnd getting worse fast. i ..... I k-lllllll II llllinll lnsrnH 1 senieucea io pnying rinee, aa they draw larger audiencea. Upon coniide tioa of hie jail tcrta here he left town at oace, Insures .1 ..... ..v, mw . mw bwiuiih?, Vllltlir ICIII stomach, gas on the stomach uud nuitu nUDr & Mrt nr rhialaf.ra conatijmtion INSTANTLY. Adv . 4m".M;.&SSrK Alt' eoiamuolcsUana iboald t s4drul te The BsiUw, fit. Joans. Orm. Any tumor, lump, or soro on tho lip, faco or body long is cancer. An Island plant plaster and blood iprtUlo mk th cum, Writ If a atuoluU guirsntra. 120 pe book sent In. TCstlmo. Dl.liotlO.lWcur.d -swornto. VACT ' tee (ouio, 00 a Kt swioill. ' iitlcllr reliable." Boak UMi lo saiDvoaa vrlib cinetr. V S, cauctt cuio. Job Prlntlac tiecuUJ In flrst-lsia tiyi UIIU lor Job Prlotlo cub 00 ilsllTtrr. bollxicJ n4 Im tuv mere it.. II, an4 mite j.r en J rivvr whtn n. (Psldsdv.,O.C. teller) . by 1 Keba Iheir duUCM by i,naj inj Ihcai with Conlcey's Fly Knocker l)oc$ ii umi milk an J git cicowi t he pcfl onj (omWri Ilut insure lull milk u'L Keeps Files Away From Cattle and Horses' Ocw ounce - lJ ouiuult. Sj lint, ucl piul.iv Try It IS Days Money Hack If Not. OAtitlactory Tiy cin imliy. Ot. JSc, i;iui i.vj,ii;i. i.w $100 Reward, $100 The retailor of tin Daikir will bo SeVtt REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS able to cure in an lis stages, ana mm is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bclns a constitutional uiacaav, reuuirL'9 u i-uiiiiiiiiiuiia. hhi- i ... . ... ... . mrnt. HalCs Catarrh Cuiv Is taken In- The lOlIowlBr lkt.ol Mgai DMHks Urnally. ctlnar directly upon the Wo r-fnP j-1. ,u H ant mucous surtacca or wie aysiein. num. i x - v- i ...,. ,. by deatroyinB tho foundation or the uia. otlwra will be a&kd as tlie de&and JeRey sireei ease, and clvlnir M nil ant alronsth by " " ' bulldlnir up the constitution and asstatlng- uriSCS; natureln dolnc Its work. The proprktora Warmnlv ftfwla Onlt Ptnim have so much faith hi Its curative now. warranty: aeeus, JUll, claim era tiiat they offer One Hundred Doiiara Deeds, Realty and Chattel. JLTort. for any cas that tt falle to cure. Send T r r.. ior Hat or testimonials. omu.uuiv yi uiuiiugca, of this Oregon product known as William Hanley as strong as a Mis. sotiri mule and scud him to Con gross for your own prosperity's sake. (Paid adv.. O. C. teller) How is Your TRte? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 311 North Adv .MSn ca ,i0- a Contractu.fo4.Sale.ot, Realty, Rills Take- Hair Kamlly tHla for coaatlpatloo. J 0f 9hf tgiatC. For Rent Modern six room house on North Willamette boulevard. Also modern rooms over store buildinpr on Phila dephia street. See K. C. Couch. Of ye a a brffiUst doasv ahlna that does not rab oil or ilust off that aanesls. to tbo Iron that lasts (our Umoa aa lonz a any other, ilackSiHcStovePoltsii la la a class by itself. It's moro ctrttuHf made kod MisJe 110 m Hacr HUratt, WHtlHIIAKIWn or roar sM rwue. If roadw't Bs4Tt we M POIUQ TOO Mtffll I wf. VBIBBSBBSBBBBBBW IBM iirat.d, )wt hardware or .BneendMlwie iltnriiie.ltor man your Wanted To borrow $1000 for three years at ten ner cenL Security, $2000 worth of land at Whitwood Court. Apply at this office,