St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 09, 1914, Image 2

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Published Evory Friday
At 117 Wont Burlington Street.
Tub Rbvikw Is entered nt pos
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns jnall ninttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
jress of March 3, 1879
Offldsl Mtwipipsr of tit City of It Joins.
Statement of "ownernhlp nnil mftnagement of
the Ht. Johni Review rtmilred lv the act of Au
suit 14. loti: IMItomnd nublliher, A, W. Mr
kle. Owneri. A. W. Markle and II. II. Mitkle.
nworn to and subscribed before me tlila firtt
day of Oct, 1914, A. W. uavla, Notary ruuuc.
Subscription prlo $1.00 per year.
The voter should carefully
scan all the measures on the
lengthy ballot next month be
fore affixing his cross. There
are some measures thereon that
should receive the most careful
consideration before the vote is
cast. As a matter of fact. Ore-
iron is cottinir entirely too many
new laws. Every year the voter
is presented with a number of
measures for which to cast
his ballot, and in some cases it
is afterward discovered that
they are not what they scorned
after being in actual practice.
The best way to do when in
1 1 ri
uouot is to vote no. mere are
very few new laws needed in
Oregon. On the contrary, there
are really too many laws now,
and it might be better to climi'
note u few rather than create
"Shall Mayor Albee and City
Commissioners Dicck and Brow
stcr be recalled" will be decid
ed by the voters of Portland at
the election to be held about one
week previous to the general
stnto election, if the 0800 names
aro found by tho city auditor to
havo been legally signed to tho
recall petition. The auditor is
now checking over tho names.
U. E. Kennedy, a real estate
man. is to be n recall candidate
for muyor, as will also A. G.
Rushlight; W. A. Loot, on at
torney, tho candidate against
browstcr, and II. IS. Abry, an
employo of tho U. S. ISmr moor
ing department, is tho candidate
against Commissioner DIeck.
Tho only comment made by the
ollicials is that if it is the will
of tho people that they bo recall
ed, they arc satisllcd.
that's why
our bank has
Our Bank has grown, because the people of this
community BELIEVE in our bank.
We do not solicit your account just because ours is a
National bank, chartered by the U. S. Government, but
also, because the GOOD NAMES of responsible, up
right men, of KNOWN financial standing are likewise
behind our bank. We shall welcome you in our bank.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
Questions Answered
Loading Now York business
concerns report a marked im
provement in general business
conditions, which have been
more or less disarranged sinco
tho opening of tho European
war. All agrco that commercial
disturbances following the war
scaro aro gradually being ad
justed to meet tho unusual con
ditions. Tho National City
Iiank has already established
threo branch banks in South
American countries, through
which American exchnngo will
he handled as u substitute for
Dank of Lnglnnd exchange here
toforo used exclusively in tho
South American trade. Largo
American importing concerns in
Now York report that they are
beginning to receive shipments
oi co I lee, hides and other South
American products and that they
beliovo that within a short time
this trndo will bo almost normal,
us provious to tho war. Now
York flnnncinl men soy that tho
action of tho National City Hank
providing exchange facilities
through their new branches in
South America is very likely to
mako Now York exchange ns ac
ceptable to bouth American men
by tho timo tho war is ended.
and they predict that this will
mean that Now York is very
likely to bo a financial center of
equal importance with London,
through winch lor many years
me commcrco ol tho western
hemisphere has passed.
Wo desiro to express our sin-
coro thanks to tho noighbors and
friends for thoir kind aid ami
assistance during tho illness and
death of Jacob Luiten, and can
assure them that their kindness
will ever bo grateful y remom
bored. -Henry Luiten, Elizabeth
Luiten, Mr. ana Mrs. Johnny
Luiten, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
A Hopublican llnlly will
held in St. Johns Kriday, Octo
1 mil. a r ii
uor linn, ai o p. m., in uio open
air u weatner conditions aro fa
vorablo; if not, in tho City Hall.
Hear tho candidates f. A.
liooth, U. a. Senator: C. N. Me
Arthur, Congress: Jas. Withy
combo.Governor: Thos. M. Hurl
bort, Sherifi. Ladies invited.
pd adv.
The following list of legal blanks
are kept tor sale at this olhce mid
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty ami Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty. Hills
of Sale, Leases.
To tho Editor: As tho Com
mittee of Ono Hundred drew up
tho Oregon dry amendment,
may wo venture to ask your
space to answer two queries
that havo been asked broadcast
regarding this measure. These
are: n passed, when would the
Oregon dry amendment tako
effect? Why was the word dis
tribution loft out of the amend
Tho measure would not take
effect until January l. 101G, thus
allowing over ono your lor busi
ness to becomo readjusted. As
to the very important question
of "distribution." J. E. Wheeler,
chairman of tho Committee of
One Hundred, makes the follow-
ng statement:
"Tho 'wet' forces aro seeking
to mako capital of tho fact that
proposed Oregon dry amendment
does not forbid tho "distribu
tion" of liquor, but merely its!
manufacture and sale. They
arc correct. This was done;
designedly and deliberately by
those who drew th s amendment.
Oregon has many citizens, es-
pecially of foreign birth, who!
desiro to have liquor in thoir!
homes. They feel that it would
be a hardship and an infringe
ment of their personal liberty,
absolutely to forbid them the:
uso or liquor. Tho present pro-,
posed law docs not forbid the .
uso of liquor by any citizen, bo
ho poor or rich, provided ho'
wishes to have this shinned
direct from some other state to
his own home. Hut tho issue
this timo is the 'open saloon' :
and tho salo of liquor in clubs
and elaewhero. As somo Ger
man farmers out in Washington
county put It: 'Wo aro going to
voto for Oregon dry. Since
Hillsboro went dry. wo can still
have our glass of beer at homo
if wo choose, but wo do not go
to town and drink more than wo
ought to, and waste all our timo
hanging around saloons and
neglecting our fnrmB, nnd spend
our money treating a lot of
others who are doing tho same
thing. And if that is good for
us in Washington county it is
good for tho state.' The com
paratively small quantity of
liquor that is or will bo drunk in
tho home if tho individual must
send weeks in advanco for it to
somo distant city, may or may
not do serious damaire. Wo enn
decide ns to that somo other
timo, but the open saloon, with
its vicious treat ng hnb ts and
. association, its universal tempta-
mm, ttunu iu uiu uunnn'oa until
and tho laborer, tho man who
can't say 'no.' and especially to
tho growing youth of Oregon is
inexcusable." Committeo of
Ono Hundred.
Married Last week
L.'E.Willumsen nnd Mrs. Mar
garet Eleanor O'Connor wore
married at tho Trinity Episcopal
church, l'ortland, by tho Kev.
A. A. Morrison luesday.Septem
ber 29. nt high noon. The brido
was given nwny by T. D. Con
The most ingenious Window Display Sign ever brought to St. Johns. On Exhibition in our Window now, as
an example of Yankee Ingenity. This Sigh is in a class by itself. It is made to Demonstrate the Famous
Triangle 6 Ply Collars are the same price as ordinary 3 and 4 Ply Collars, but are so far
that we have thought it to the public interest to give practical demonstration of their superiority,
our windows will entertain you, and give you a lot of collar information that you will appreciate.
in advance
A visit to
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
given on all Cash Purchases, and on
charge accounts when Paid in Full at
least every 30 days.
Premiums now on Display
fnee S. 8 H.
H(nni) nre the Customer'
ni'coum, witi n.
Thlr. Coupon Good ror
10 S. & II. & FREE
presented upon tnnklrs n purchase mount
Ins to BOc or mote, these stamps will be In ad
dition to tegular stamp tfvtn with the purchase
Not Good After Oot. 30
General Mdsc.
Columbia 137 ST. JOHNS, ORIi.
We have added to our Shoe Section, a full stock of the famous Red D. Logger in keeping with the in
creased demand for these good shoes. NEW ARRIVALS: Trunks and Suit Cases See Our Display.
Six Open Stock Patterns, Ohinaware.
Whon mother brings the rocker
And turns the lamp down low,
Then takes me in her snowy
To sing so soft and slow.
I know that now tho timo has
To leave tho world and go
To far olT lands where children
In garments white as snow.
Where all tho sky is azure blue,
And all the grass is green:
Where all tho stones aro sugar
And children aro supreme.
Whero nil tho beasts arc nice
and kind.
And birds thoir sweetest sing;
Whero apple trees and cherry
Thoir bounteous offerings
Like pebbles on a sandy bench
The children patter by:
They romp among tho blossoms
While singing to tho sky.
There isnopnin or sorrow there,
No class, no rich nor poor:
M'lill olillilf.m niA imi iwiiml ini-itiu
They share tho dreamland
Each evening when tho sun doth
I meet that joyous band.
Then romp nnd play 'till break
of day,
In happy Slumberland.
Meg Merillies.
Phone Columbia 137
IO Years in St. Johns
An Ordinanco Providing a Reg
istry to bo Kept by All Hote!
Proprietors, Hoarding Houso
Keepers, Proprietors of Apart
mcnt Houses, nnd Other
Places Whero Lodgings or
Rooms aro Provided to Servo
tho Public.
A lino of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, lias just
been received at the Review
office; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for live
Editor Ryerleo of tho Linnton
Leader is mtito emnhntic in his
denunciation of vaccination, as
tho following extract will attest:
Uio epidemic of smallpox of tho
Witt o stun U i o is another ovi
denco of the rottenness of vac
amnion, tho timo will como
when people will wonder why
tho peoplo of this dnv and aire
of tho world were such fools as
to put tho germs of blood poison
into tno system, thus endanger
ing tho porson's lifo with the
fool idea that it would nrotect
them from smallpox. If you do
not want to contract tho disease,
tako a teaspoon ful of cream of
tartar threo times a dnv nnd
mind your own business. You
will never tako tho snmllnox.
Then, if tho doctor Insists on
vaccinating you, swat him.
if Bf
don of
Tho City of St. Johns does or
dain as follows:
Section 1. It shall bo tho
duty of all hotel proprietors
Hoarding house Keepers, pro
priotors -of apartment houses
and other places, whore rooms
and lodgings aro provided to
serve the public to keep n regis
tor for the purpose of register
im: the names of all persons pro
vided with lodging or rooms in
any such hotel, boarding house.
apartment or other place whero
rooms or lodgings aro provider
to serve tho public, and no per
son shall be permitted to occupy
a room in any hotel, npnrtment
or boarding house without hav
ing llrst entered his or her nnmo
upon tho register, giving their
present or last place of residence
and tho number of tho room by
them occupied.
Section 2. It shall bo tho duty
of any such hotel proprietor,
boarding houso keener, proprl
otor of apartment houso or other
plnco whero rooms nnd lodgings
nre provided to servo the public
to keep said register in such
place accessible at all timo to in
spection by tho police depart
mcnt. and any police oiticer may
at any timo enter any of tho
nbovo described and mentioned
places whero rooms nnd lodgings
aro provided to servo tho public
for tho purnoso of inspection of
...! I 1 -
aaiu register.
Section 3. It shall be the
duty of all hotel proprietors.
boarding house kcepors, propri
etors of apartment houses and
places where rooms aro furnish
ed or lodgings aro provided to
servo tho public to provide a
number and cause tho same to
bo placed on each door of each
room, said rooms to bo numbered
consecutively and correspond
with tho number entered upon
tho reg strv as nrovided for in
section ono of this ordinance,
Section 1. Any person, firm
or corporation violating tho pro
visions of this ordinanco shall
be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and upon conviction
thereof before tho Recorder of
tho City of St. Johns shall bo
fined in the sum of not less than
Mrs, Willumsea
rji t i r.i , I . iiiu oum ui uui. icoo iwui
oi. tionns. ono wns at- sk nm mr, n,n ok n V im.
Ol AI. Trnou t J-j...
. tf I 1J1 I I III I I I. Ill
to ItMiWMHunl.J .J 11. A I. " 1 If- . ...
o uimuanm u, mm wiu urine- Mess than two
xiuuiu wua uiii'miuu uy unanes
i'oster Tracy. Mrs. Eliza Con
don was matron of honor. The
brido Was attired in a go nir
awny gown of now blue and a
hat and collar of ermine. After
tho ceremony a luncheon and
theatre party were emoved.
Mr. and Mrs. Willumsen have
taken up their abode nt 922
South Hayes street, St. Johns.
Mrs. Willumsen has gained a
fine reputation as a vocalist.
possessing a strong and beau
tiful voice.
tho city jail not
davs nor more
than twelve davs. or by both
such fine and imprisonment.
Passed by the Council this
Cth day of October, 1914.
Approved by the Mavor this
Cth day of October. 1914.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMORE.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view October 9, 1914.
Cyclono Cold Cure-
St. John's Pharmacy,
For Rent Modern six room
houso on North Willametto
boulevard. Also modern rooms
that's all. over store building on Phila-
deplua street. See K, C. Couch.
An Ordinanco Directing tho
Chief of Police to Givo Notice
of tho Finding of Any Do
censed Person, nnd toProhibi
Such Person from Doing Rc
moved ironi tho City of St
Johns Without tho Consent of
Friends or Relatives.
Tho City of st. Johns does or
dam ns follows:
Section 1. In caso the body
of any deceased person shnll bo
found or locnted within tho city
limits of tho City of at. Johns
it shnll bo tho duty of tho chic
of police to tako charge of such
body and Immediately notify the
proper authorities, and also tho
friends or relatives, if known
And it shall bo unlawful for any
person, firm or corporation to
enter tho city of St. Johns nn
remove such body without first
having tho consent of tho
friend or relative of tho de
Section 2. Any person, firm
or corporation entering the city
ol bt. Johns lor tho purnoso o
removing tho body of any do
censed person found there n
and who does remove or attempt
to remove such body without
tho consent of a friend or rein
tivo of deceased shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor nnd
upon conviction thereof shnll bo
lined not less than 25.00 nor
more than $100.00, or by im
pnsonment In tho city jail not
less than twelve days nor moro
than fifty days, or by both such
lino and imprisonment.
l'assed by the Louncil this Cth
day of October, 1914.
Approved by tho Mayor this
bth day ot Uctober. 1014.
Attest: Mayor.
Published in tho St. Johns
Review October 9. 1914.
It Is resolved by the City of St. Johns
i nai u tieetus u expedient and neces.
sary to improve Columbia Illvil, from
the west side line of Richmond street to
the east side liue of Dnwsou street, In
ne my oi m. jouus in me Joiiowing
manner, to wit:
Uy uradini; the said portion of street
to erode and by hard surface with stuu.
ilanl concrete pavement according
the plans and specifications of the
city engineer on file iu the office
ot tue City Recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifications and
estimates are satisfactory aud are hereby
approved. Said improvements to be
in accordance with the charter aud
ordinances ol the city of St. Johns,
and under the supervision and direction
ol tue city engineer.
mat the cost of said Improvement to
be assessed as provided by the city chart
er upou the property especially aud par
ticularly benefited thereby, and which is
hereby declared to be all of lots, parts of
iois, oiocKsauu parcels oi unit between
the termini of such improvements abut
tine upon adjacent or aproximate to said
street, from the marginal lines of said
street back to the ceuter of the block or
blocks or tracts o( laud abutting thereon
or proximate thereto.
That all the property included in said
Improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to be "local Improvement Dis
trict No. 118,'
That the city engineer's assessment
f the probable total cost of said im
provement of said street is 3200.00.
mat tnecostol said street to be as
332 M YES
November 3, 1914
Registration Booka Re-Opwied NOW
X. ADAMS, of OREO 6h CITY, Uadlngmti
chant, eapa-"Sihoa Oregon dtp wont drp,
bualnasa ha$ muoh Improved. Collodion
amtaahr, Jhatm fower bad bill. Abolition
ofth saloon ha tumid a vaat aum datlo to
th channel of trade. Cheek that used t
H. HENDERSON 31 1 North Jersey Street
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Adstracts of Title Prepared.
Accurate Work Guaranteed.
B. M. Harbor F. Staudemaler
The Columbia Pressing Parlor
Will do all your work at
the right prices. All work
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing
and Repairing
Ladles' Work a Specialty
Givo Us a Trial
Phone Columbia 12
120 Philadelphia Street
sessed against the proeprty in said local
assessment district as provided by the
charter of the City of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council tins 6th dav
of October. 1914.
Published in the St. Tohns Review
Oct. 9 and 10. 1914.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruiis and Veg
etables in Season at
We Solicit and Deliver pn
where in St. Johns.
Phone Col. 210 501 FeueRden St
If you are thinking of making
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realtv Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Heuderson, manager, 311 North
ersey street Adv,
Best line of fancy candies
he St. Johns Pharmacy.
C. R. Thompson deserves praise
from St. Johns people for introduc
ing here the simple buckthorn bark
and glycerine mixture, known as
Adler-i-ka. This staple German
remedy first became famous by
curing appendicitis aud it has now
been discouered that A SINGLE
DOSE removes sour stomach, gas
on the stomach and constipation
Some men would not carejto
be judged by the letters they
Nvrote during their courtahip7