St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 09, 1914, Image 1

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    St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Hat a most promising future.
Distinctively a manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Hasnearly 6,000 population.
Has'a public library.
Taxable property, J54.500.000.
Has large dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill,
Dox factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
Hat two itronn banlct.
Hai five large icbool houiei.
Hat abundance of puteit water.
Hat hard surface itreeti.
Hai extemive sewerage system.
Has fine, modern brick city hall.
Has Davrollof95.000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
'All railroads have access to it.
Is oatewav to Portland harbor.
Devoted to the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Nortbweit
Climate ideal and healthful.
VOI,. io
NO 46
St. Johns is Calling You
If second in number of lniluntriet.
It teventh in population.
Cart to Portland every 16 min.
Hat navigable water on 3 lidei.
Hai finett cai and electricity.
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present nt
the regular meeting of the city
council Tuesday evening, with
Mayor Vincent presiding.
A petition for the installation
of a fire hydrant at the corner
of Powers street and Oregonian
avenue was referred to the
water and light committee.
The committee on securing
nrices on a motorcycle or auto
mobile that may be installed for
use of tho police department was
not ready to make report, and
on- motion of Councilman Wal-
dref they were given indefinite
time to rcnort.
Councilman Graden of the
water and light committee
recommended the installation
of an arc light at tho corner of
Scott avenue and East Rich
mond street, but tho matter
was held over for further inves
tigation. Councilman Davis reported
that the approach to tho city
dock needed renewing, and tho
engineer was directed to have
samo placed in proper condition.
Tho recorder was directed to
advertiso for bids on rewiring
at tho ferry slip.
Reports of tho city recorder,
city treasurer and chief of police
were read and accepted. The
treasurer's report showed over
$8,000 in thafcenernl fund.
Bills amounting to $1097.03
wore allowed, all voting yes
with tho exception of Council
man Graden, who objected to
paying $35 for destroying bees
belonging to S. II. Greene by a
weed fire several weeks ago.
He contended that tho amount
was exorbitant. Four scaps of
bees, a couple of empty hives,
some . fonco and a shed over the
hives, besides tho'honoy con
tained therein wore tho items
for which pay was asked. Tho
bill presented was for $G1, and
tho council allowed the sum of
The following bids were re
ceived on installing bathing ap
paratus in tho firemen's room:
J. B. Fletcher, $91.55: J. J. Mc
Cari, $114; Gilbort Overstreet,
$87.50. Tho bid of tho latter be-
Ing tho lowest, ho was awarded
the contract.
Improvement bonds totalling
$26,016.9-1 were bid for at par
and accrued interest by tho First
National and Peninsula National
Banks of St. Johns, each bidding
for a portion of tho bonds. Tho
bids were accepted.
An ordinanco requiring regis
ters, to be kept at hotels, room
ing houses, etc., for the purpose
of V keeping records of guests,
was passed, as was also an or
dinance prohibiting tho removnl
of dead bodies from St. Johns
without tho consent of relatives
or friends.
?An ordinance prohibiting pub
lie work on the streets on Sun
day without the consent of the
city council passed first and sec
ond readings and was held over
for slight alteration.
A resolution providing for tho
improvement of Columbia boule
vard between Jersey and Daw
son streets with standard con
crete paving was adopted.
Tho matter of rebate on water
rates was discussed to some ex
tent, and tho city attorney re
marked that ho had had a con
ference with Commissioner
Atchison in this regard, and he
stated that the matter of rebate
was not embodied in the Com
mission's ruling; that it was a
matter between the consumer
and the water company to solve.
All teachers in Multnomah
county have been offered assist
ance from the University of Ore
gon in covering the required
work from the new State Read
ing List, the offer having just
been received at the office of
County Supt. of Schools, A. P.
Armstrong, The superintend
ent, under section 24 of the school
laws of Oregon for 1913, may
not register any teacher until he
is satisfied that at least one of
the State Reading List books
has been covered. The state
university suggests that because
of pressure of other work,
county superintendents may find
supervision of this sort difficult.
It has therefore prepared study
helps, and is ready to assist the
superintendent and the teachers
in any of several ways.
ftt,Mi UM m yur wr
Maple Leaf Party
Miss Blanche Edlefsen enter
tained in a delightful manner
with a maple leaf party at her
home on Saturday evening in
honor of her friend. Miss Mnisie
Peterson, who will leave for her
i t irt l i.
nome in missouia, mom., in a
few days after a year spent in
St. Johns. The occasion was
also a celebration of Miss Edlef-
sen's birthday. The house was
beautifully decorated with yel
low and red toned autumn
leaves, Japanese lanterns and
baskets of red and pink dahlias.
The popular game of 500 was
played for one hour and favors
were won by Miss Esther Gucr
ber, who received a handsome
bottle of toilet water, and S. L.
Doblc, who received a framed
In tho maple leaf game that
followed MiBS Somers received
tho ladies' prize, a mininture
hat containing a diamond ring,
for the most becoming hat made
of maple leaves and Mr. Dobio
won tho gentlemen's prize, a
hunter's bag containing n pow
der puff and box. Much mer
riment was caused by this prize.
Other games followed and then
a splendid luncheon wns served
consisting of salad, sandwiches,
orango and pink ices and a pink
and white birthday cake. The
salad was especially attractive,
being arranged in tho form of a
daisy. When the cako was cut
Miss Autzcn found a nickel in
her slice and Vernon bcott a
ring, and William G. Wood a
After luncheon the rugs wore
rolled up and nil the latest so
ciety dances were indulged in
until a lato hour. Those present
wero Misses Lydin Yilieneuvc,
Emma L. Somers. Marvel Shields.
Eliso Scott. Solly McCoy, Esther
Guerbcr. Estelle Guerber. Alice
Autzen. Lucille Whelan, Edith
Tuttle. Mary King. Blanche
Edlefsen, Mnisio Peterson, Eva
L. Somers, Mrs. F. G. Leary;
Messrs. Jno. J. Knrstettcr. O. J.
Gntzmyer, F. G. Leary, Wm. G.
Wood, S. L. Dobie, A. J. King,
Vernon Scott. Frank L. Burns,
Gilbert Coffin. Elvin Burns,
Thos. Autzen.
Don't Feel Abused
Listen, daughter. Don't
and don't mnko your mother
Jlhink that her llttlo lamb has
ueen niiuseu. i ch, i khuw umt
tho stranger spoke to you. Dis
respectfully, you say? Called
you "Kiddo!" Well, daughter,
perhaps tho man thought you
answered to tho nnmo of "Kid
do." You seo he only arrived
here this morning. Ho hap-
noned to notice you at the depot
when ho got off tho train. Yes,
know you only went to tno
depot to soo If any of tho girls
had gotten back from the city.
And then you say no nappenea
to bo standing on tho hotel
porch this afternoon when you
wont to tno postomee. i Know,
of course, you could hardly help
glancing in his direction when
vou went by, and when you and
Flossy Fay passed that way
later it wasn't your lauit mat
Floss asked you, loudly enough
for him to hear, if you weren't
sick and tired of living in this
poky old town? So when you
took a walk this evening no saw
Ml 1 - i
you, sauntered alter you anu ai
the corner near tho drug store
ho overtook you and raising his
hat. asked: "What's your hurry,
Kiddo?" And you ran home in
tears to tell your mother how
you had been insulted. Thank
God for that. You're Dad's girl
yet. But don't blame the man.
He knows that there are kiddos
in every town. He meets them
at the denots. He notices them
passing and repassing the hotels
and going to and from tho post-
offices, and ho always sees them
with Flossies. But those men
will never speak to the small
town girls who mind their own
business and keep off the streets.
Now tomorrow if you help
mother with the preserving, not
a soul will harm you. So dry
your eyesno, not the powder
rag use cold water and a soil
towel. That's right, smile!"
Building Permits
No. 50 To Joseph Martin to
erect a dwelling on Astor street
between Midway and Oregonian
avenues; cost $500.
Best line of fancy candies
The St. Johns Pharmacy.
Dangerous Amendment
Among tho dangerous amend
ments to the constitution that
are found among the 29 meas
ures on the Oregon ballot is one
proposing to take over in the
name of the state all lands be
tween high and low water on
navigable streams. The amend
ment proposes to take over the
beds of navigable streams at
"bankfull stage" or the llood
stage of all such streamB or tidal
estuaries, on which dro now
erected many industries and log
ging booms.
That this amendment would
unsettle the titles to some of the
crcatest and most valuable in
dustrial properties in the state
is easy to be seen. It would in
volve such properties in litiga
tion nnd create another commiB
Bion in every county and city to
whom all industries on nnvlg
able streams would bo under
obligation for their existence.
An immense amount of litiga
tion would follow and in the
meantime capital would not in
vest in industries thus affected.
This is ono of many political
devices to create positions nnd
make business for tho unem
ployed lawyers in all cities on
navigable streams.
Capital seeking investment in
industries on navigable waters
would simply bo diverted from
Oregon to the north banks of
the Columbia river or elsewhere
to avoid the entanglements of
tho law and get more secure
basis for investment.
The amendment not only des
troys tho right of access to the
navigable streams on tho part
of tho upland owner which he
now has, but it would compel
tho promoters of any industry
seeing a location on such wntcrs
to open negotiations with a local
body of politicians boforo pur
chasing a site for an industry.
This amendment should go into
the ruck with others that are
all calculated to make it difficult
and dangerous to establish now
industries at tho very place
where wo should have tliem,
whero rail and water transporta
tion meet.-- Industrial Ncwh
Marks for Schemers
Oregon Industry nnd
seems, are tho particular mnrks
against which tlio schemers and
tho tinkercrs are directing their
shafts this Fall. Tho man who
Is trying to mnko n living for
himself and his family and to
put a little money by in the bank
for n rainy doy iB threatened
with a universal, eight hour law
that will not permit even his
children to work more than eight
hours out of tho twenty-four. If
he is a farmer this law, if It is
approved by the people In No
vember, will mean that ho will
either have to quit business or
reduco his operations to tho
point whero ho can do every
thing himself.
As if this were not enough,
we aro asked to vote on a law to
provide work at state expense
for all tho unemployed of every
state and of every clime. If it
should bo enacted tho brake
beams and the bumpers and the
car tops of every train coming
into tho state would bo jammed
with floaters rushing in to get a
nice, soft job at the state's ex
pense. The word would go out
far and wide that all that was
necessary to tide over tho win
ter was to get to Oregon, wero
tho state furnised a job for
everybody. The problem of the
unemployed of all tho other
states would be solved, and Ore
gon would be the goat. Eugene
A movement has been started
by the Oregon Jersey Cattle
Club to Induce the government,
through the Bureau of Animal
Industry, to send three or four
experts into this state to assist
in tho work of inspecting the
herds as a safeguard against
tuberculosis. Under a state law
inspection of cattle for indica
tions of disease has expanded all
over the state, but the great in
crease in the size and number
of the herds is rapidly overtax
ing the state force. All the re
gistered herds of Jerseys in the
state are said to be entirely
healthy at the present time and
it is desired, by more thorough
inspection, to avoid all pos
sibility of infection.
Some men would not caro to
be judged by the letters they
wrote during their courtship.
Fair Better Than Ever
Tho past week has seen the
wlndup of practically all the
county fairs to bo held in the
state this season. More than
three ouartors of the counties in
tho stnto have had an exhibit of
some sort "and in every instance
the quality of tho products
shown has been fully up to
grade, and the staging of same
has been better than ever. At
the state fair at Salem last week
there wns probably the most
notable collection ot Oregon
fruits, grains, vegetables, live
stock and manufactured articles
that has ever been shown at one
time in Oregon. Horses, cattle,
swine, poultry, sheep and pet
stock of all kinds were exhibited
bv practically overy community
in the state, and the quality and
finish of tho animals has never
been cqunllcd. One of tho un
usual features of the state fair
wbb the boyB' camp at which
were quartered the prize win
ners in the various county
garden contests. Under the
direction of Prof. W. A. Bnrr,
of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, these boyB gave an exhibi
tion of stock judging, taking as
subjects tho prize winning cows
in tho dairy section, and mnk
Ing up a full and complete re
port as to tno points ot excel
lence possessed by each animnl.
giving his reasons for tho de
cision: also testing the milk for
butter fat and purity. These
reports were passed upon by the
expert judgeB of tho dairy sec
tion of tho fair. The final prize
winners in the garden contest
will receive as a reward one
week's free trip to tho oxposl.
tion at San Frnncisco next sum
mer. Making Good Progress
Preliminary work on tho West
er Cooperage plnrjt nenr tho dry
dock is progressing right along.
The dredging and filling hnb
taken longer than wns at first
anticipated, nnd it will probably
bo two or three weeks yet be
fore this part of the work is
completed. Work is going on
night and day, and an immense
fill Is being made, and a good
doptli dredged for tho river boats
to land. Hall a dozen or moro
tennis havo been ndded this
week In placing tho fill in tho
proper condition for construc
tion. Tho work of erecting tho
buildings will begin boforo tho
month is out, nnd it will bo
pushed along ns vigorously as
possible. The new plant will bo
a most valuable acquisition to
tho city's industries, and St.
Johns was most fortunnto in se
curing it. The headquarters of
tho company and main offices
will be nt the plant when
Death of Jacob Luiten
Jacob Luiten died at his homo
at 626 East Richmond street on
Friday. October 2. 1914. aged
61 years, 4 months and 13 days.
Ho had been ill lor a couple of
weeks but it was believed he
was improving when death came
suddenly from pneumonia. Mr.
Luiten was born in uermnny:
came to Minnesota in 1878: mov
ed from there to Washington
state, whero ho followed tho life
of a farmer. He camo to St.
Johns about fivo years ago, and
had been living a retired life
here ever since. Ho is surviv
ed by two sons and two daugh
ters, viz: Henry of St. Johns
and John of Ritzville, Wash.;
Mrs. Walter Headlund and Miss
Elizabeth of St. Johns. The fu
neral took place from tho St.
Johns Undertaking parlors Wed
nesday morning at 10 o'clock; in
terment in Rose City cemetery.
A brass shield on the largest
single piece flag pole in the
world was unveiled on the Ore
gon sito of the Panama Exposi
tion on September 22, and the
fifty foot flag was raised to the
top of the pole. The pole and
the brass tablet aro the gifts of
the citizens of Astoria. After
the formal ceremony at which
Mrs. O. M. Clark unveiled the
tablet and Miss Marie Lindquist
touched tho halyards as five
guards pulled the huge flag to
its high place, dancing was en
joyed on the floor of the com
pleted Oregon building.
Cyclone Cold Cure that's all.
St. John's Pharmacy.
Incidents of High School
Interestingly Told
The new settlers nt High
School were entertained last
Friday uvening at the "James
John Roundup nnd Agricultural
Show." The gymnasium was
appropriately decorated with
maple leaves, corn stalks, nnd J
Full products. Each of the four
corners of the room was desig
nated by a name of one of the
four classes. This arrangement
served to divide the students
into four sections, and each class
acted as a contesting team in
the following events:
Standing brond grin.
High vocal jump.
Wheelbarrow race.
Three legged race.
Best class yell.
Peanut race.
Eating contest.
Best class stunt.
When the finnl ocore was reck
oned, It was found that the
Freshmen were the winners of
the trophy, which wns an en
graved tin cup, decorated with
tho High School colors. Prizes
wore awarded to tho two best
costumed "fnrmers," and nlso
for tho best exhibit of farm pro
duce. Tho "farmers" then nr
rnnged themselves in a double
file and marched to tho enfetcra,
where they were served with
sandwiches, pumpkin pic, apples
and cider.
Tho football squad has been
practicing faithfully for the past
two weeks under the supervision
of Coach White. The team
looks Btronger this year than
Inst, as tho majority of tho old
players aro still on tho field, and
a number of the new huskies
add size and strength.
A few unfortunate members
of tho Domestic Science class
wero sorely disappointed when
they unwittingly used salt for
sugar in making somo delicious
preserves. Tho addition of two
of tho Intest models of Singer
machines increases the ennncitv
of tho II. S. sowing classes.
The plans of tho Drnmat c
Society aro maturing. Watch
for tho results!
Although tho Alumni of tho
June, 1914, class nro Homewhat
scattered, they still keep in
touch with James John. Among
thoso who nro Instructing Young
America aro:
Hazel Hall, on ton of Mc-
Cairo's Hill.
Louise Sterling. Government
Maggie Dickie. Waninltln.
Wasco county.
1 lorenco Wnss. Redmond.
Crook county.
A number of the c nss nre
fortunnto in boing nblo to enter
college. Kruger nnd Bellinger
aro at O. A. C, while Catherino
Gcnsman hnB entered tho Normal
at Monmouth. Tho remaining
members of tho class havo found
employment In St. Johns or
Portland. From the older class
es two others havo discovered
that "single blessedness" is but
a delusion, and James John
heartily congratulates both and
wishes them all joy and hap
On Wednesday. Sent. 30. Basil
Smith was married to Miss
Malono of Portland. On the
same day occurred tho wedding
of Florence Jensen to Mr. Lloyd
Wilcox of Grass Valley.
Edna Hollenbcck of the 1913
class and formerly assistant
librarian at our city library, is
attending Reed College, Port
'I he second of our alumni
to tnko a position in the St.
Johns schools is Eva Clark, who
has the third grade in tho Cen
tral building.- Reporter.
The Boston Restaurant 122 Phil
adelphia street St. Johns has
been newly arranged and is now
in fine condition, full equipment
with living rooms up Btairs;
cheap rent and a good stand.
Will soli fixtures and give good
lease McKinney &
Columbia 2.
The pupils of Georgia Rich
Lvdick.assisted by Elmer Sneed.
violinist, and Miss Hortense In
galls, vocalist, will give a piano
recital at the First Baptist
Church Friday evening, October
18th. These recitals will bo giv
en every two months throughout
the winter, and promise to bo
most enjoyablo evonts,
Finely Stocked Stores
One has only to visit the three
stores of the enterprising firm
of Bonhnm & Currier on Jersov
street to be assured of the fact
that it is no longer necessarv for
the most fastidious of St. Johns
people to go to Port and for anv
thing in the line of wearing ap
parel or delicacies to tempt the
most capricious appetite. A
visit to their stores will disclose
tho fact that they handle only
the finest of each line at reason
able prices. Among the mnny
things sold you will find Rich
ardson's embroidery lines of
sufficient quantity nnd variety
to satisfy the most exacting.
Bidding for tho trade of tho
5600 St. Johns population, who
all wear hosiery, they havo tho
famous Buster Brown, Hole
proof and Wunderhose lines of
dependable hosiery, for which
they arc the exclusive agents.
Kid gloves, silk gloves, knit
gloves the linos that wear well
and look well. In Warner Cor
sets the newest models nro
stocked as soon as out of the
factory. The Warner Brothers
maintain stores in the style
centers of Pnris, Now York,
Chicago and San Francisco for
tho one purpose of nntlcipating
the trend of fashions nnd apply
ing tho cut nnd fit of corsets to
the dress fashions. No amount
of expense is spared In thomain
tennnco and promotion of tho
Wnrncr Bros.' stores. Their
Bystem provides for tho fitting
of corsetB by tho experts of the
world on living models from nil
the walks of life. In tho
Wnrner corsets sold at this store
is embodied nil that is gained in
tho conduct of the Wnrner stores
In the stylo centers. Dress ac
cessories, such as linings, trim
mings, buttonB, velvets, mes
sallnes, silks, plain brocaded,
Roman stripes, in endless vnr
iety: Butterlck patterns, yard
age goods, knit goods, sweaters,
golf gloves, toques and caps.
In groceries and crockery their
policy hns always been to build
up n grocery stock from which
may be selected all the things
required for daily service and to
provido for company dinners for
tho palate of tho connoisseur.
Their extensive business has
been built because of an early
adherence to this policy.
In tho Men's Toggery Btore
tho pride of tho men and boys
in bt. Johns can bo readily
gratified. Because of their es
tablished business in the main
store they wero enabled to so
euro tho oxcluslvo agency for
such lines ns Crosselt, Florsheim
and Royal shoes and Cluctt nnd
Ido shirts nnd collars, Holeproof
hosiery and Kaiser neckwear.
It is their plan in the futuro
to enlarge tho dry goods display
space by iinishing tho ware
house and admitting moro light
in the renr. 'lhon they expect
to closo out tho shoo lines car
ried in tho main store and put
In thoso lines In an oxcluslvo
shoo storo by rearrangmont of
the shoe department of the
Men's Toggery.
You will mnko no mistake by
patronizing these stores and
thus keep your money in circula
tion in our homo town, to help
build a greater and better St.
Johns, instead of spending it in
Portland. He loyal to your
homo town and patronize homo
The United States Census De
partment at Washington has just
issued a bulletin dealing with
tho ownership of Multnomah
county homos. Tho important
facts contained in the bulletin
relating to this county aro as
follows: There aro 40,095 homes
in Multnomah county. Of this
number 1491 are farm homes.
And 703 of the farm homes are
owned by their occupants and
are free of mortgaged incum
brance. The mortgaged farm
homes number 331. Renters oc
cunv 427 farm homes in this
county. Out of a total of 46,595
homes in the county 45, iui are
urban homes. There are 20,289
urban homo owners in tho
county. Of this number 7839
aro mortgaged, and 11,855 of the
urban owned homes aro free of
Incumbrance. There nre 22,673
rented urban homes in the coun
ty. The census enumerators
were unable to secure data per
taining to tho ownership of a
small percentage of both the
rural and urban homqs in this
county. .
If tho government wants moro
rovenuo to keep the wolf from
the Star Spangled door step, a
tax on politicians is suggested.
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
Hours 12-5:30: 7-9: Sundays.
It is especially desirable in the
evenings to keen the library
quiet for adult readers and
students. For this renson chil
dren under twelve aro requested
to exchange their books in the
afternoons and not to visit the
library 111 the evcnlncs unless
nttended by their parentB or
other ndults.
Books received:
Cantlle nnd Jones Sun Ynt
Sen nnd the Awnkcning of
"It was in the autumn of 1896
that the world first heard of Dr.
Sun Ynt Sen. A Chinese refu
gee had been kidnapped kid
napped in London; and English
men rubbed their eyes as they
read how ho had been seized In
broad daylight and wns being
held n prisoner in the Chinese
embassy, his liberty denied him,
his very life in danger. Who
does not remember the Bcnsation
the story caused, tho tense ex
citement us to the man's fate,
the wild conjectures as to tho
mode of Ills delivery? For a
day or bo tho town the whole
country, talked of little else.
And then, suddenly, Britain in
tervened! Within u few days
Sun wns released. Almost as
speedily, for tho excitement soon
subsided, he was forgotten.
But a decade and a half later
the public recalled tho strange
event. I'or, on December 29,
1911, they read tho message tell
ing tho world that this samu
refugee that had been hunted
out of his own land nnd pursued
even in England, had lived to
bo proclaimed First President of
tho Chinese Uepublic. What
had happened in the interval to
give him this unique author
ity? How had this man, poor,
obscure, unaided, achieved so
wonderful nswny over tho count
less millions of Ills fellow Celes
tials, usually deemed tho most
olusivo of mankind? To unswor
these questions so that tho pub
lic mny see Sun Ynt Son nnd tho
Chincso Revolution in their true
perspective, is to describe n
career that, alike for shoer ro
mance nnd historical importance,
has never been surpassed.
Friedend 8--Romanco of tho
Salvation Army.
Rev. C. 11. Spurgeon once
snid: "If the Salvation Army
wero wiped out of London, 500U
extra policemen could not fill Its
place In tho repression of crlmo
and disorder."
Houston Wonder Book of
Volcanoes and Earthquakes.
"To tho child hundreds of
occurrences nnd conditions are
just as wonderful as .the first
amazement of the Indian at tho
white man's deadly rille. Too
often tho education which teach
es tho why and tho whoroforo of
these mysteries removes at tho
same time the sense of wonder.
The purpose of this book is to
present the facts 01 tho physical
world in such a way that while
young people may understand
natural processes, they may still
be able to appreciate what Is
marvelous in them."
Keen- With a Saucepan Over
tho Sea.
"Quaint and delicious rucipos
from tho kitchens of foroign
countries. Kings and queens
have supped on thoso dishots.
Some aro peculiar to certain
countries ns a whole. Old house
wives with manuscript books
cherished recipes transmitted
through a generation and ofton
brought from nearby provinces
through intermarriage. Recipes
which aro extravagant or unpal
atable or requiring ingredients
not procurable in this country
have been omitted."
Rexford- Indoor Gardening.
Four Seasons in the Garden.
Eben Rexford writes not for
the professional gardener or
owner of pretentious grounds
but for tho average home keeper
who snatches a few minutes
from a buBy day to keep a few
green things growing in yard or
Friday, October 2, tho choir
and tho S. P. I. class of tho
Christian church surprised Miss
Viola Westhefer at her home.
The evening was spent in new
games and singing of popular
songs. An exceptionally pleas
ant evening will be remembered
by all who attended.