St. Johns Is Calling You ti Mcond In number of Industries. 1 ieyenth in population. Car to Portland every 16 min. Hat navigable water on 3 tidea. Ha. finest gat and electricity. Ha two itrong banki. Has five largo school houiet. Ha abundance of purest water. Ha hard surface itreet. Ha exteniive aewerace lyttem. Ha fine, modern brick city hall. Ha payroll off 95.000 monthly. Ship monthly 2,000 car freight. All railroad have acces to it. I gateway to Portland harbor. Climate ideal and healthful. St. Johns is Calling You Ha (even churche. Ha a most promising future. Distinctively a manufacturing city Adjoin the city of Portland. Hasnenrly 6,000 population. Haa public library. Taxable property, $4,500,000. Ha large dry docks, saw mill Woolen mills, iron works, Stove works, asbestos factory, Ship building plant, Veneer and excelsior plant, Flour mill, planing mill, Box factory, and other. More industries coming. St. John is the place for YOU. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to the Interest of the Penlasttla. tbe Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOI,. to ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1914. NO 45 COUNCIL MEETS Matters of Importance Receive Attention With the exception of Council man Davis,' all members were present at the regular meeting of tho city council Tuesday eve ning, with Mayor Vincent presid ing. Mm. R. H. fSreone nreaented a statement showing that the bees, honey and bee apparatus which was destroyed by a weed lire recently, cost $54. The council allowed' $20 as compensa tion. Mr. Gonsolus a3ked that an ordinance be prepared prohibit ing the skating on the sidewalks by children, claiming that such skating had proven a source of annoynnce tonim. Councilman Wnldref remarked that tho chil dren should have all the health ful exercise possible and that skating on the Btreots and side walks was a harmless and yet enjoynblo diversion for the youngsters. The mayor was also of a similar opinion, al though he said he would instruct tho police to prevent them from becoming a nuisance in any particular locality. Bills amounting to $59.57 were nllowcd, and a bill of the city of Portland for services rendered by Its ofllcinl grapplcr, Brady, and a trip made by tho patrol boat, amounting to $25. was held over. It seemed to be the opinion of somo of the council men that tho bill was exorbitant and that tho patrol boat was not ordered, and therefore should not be charged for. It was also tho expressed belief of Aldermen MunBon and Waldrcf that tho cost of removing tho body of Clyde Lindloy back to St. Johns from Portland should bo deduct ed from tho bill as well. Resolutions woro adopted pro viding for tho improvement of Stanford street through tho Jaeger tract, and St. Johns ave nue between Edison and Seneca streets, by grade and cement sidewalks in each instance. Tho matter of either securing apolico auto or appointing an additional policomnn was dis cussed, and it was decided that tho appointment bo held in nb beyanco, and a committee con sisting of Councilmcn Muiibqh, Chadwick and Gradon ascertain tho prices of good second hand autos. and also tho price of motorcycles, so that definite tion could be taken on proposition. Tlin annlicntion of the ac- the St. Johns Lumber Company for a renewal of tho lease of a portion of Burlington street for a period of five years at an annual rental of $150 was granted, upon mo tion of Councilman Waldref, Specifications for bath room and appurtenances thereto were adopted, and tho recorder direct ed to secure bids from tho var ious plumbers for doing tho work. Same to bo installed for use of the firemen. An ordinance declaring and assessing the cost of improving Willamette boulevard botween Richmond and Burlington streets was passed. An ordinance changing the grade on Charleston street was also passed by tho council. Alderman Mynson reported a leak of the water pipe at the corner of Catlin and Ivanhoe streets, which was turned over to the water and light commit tee to give it their attention. It was decided that the coun cil should meet at 7:30 each Tuesday evening until next May. instead of 8 o'clock as heretofore. European wheat buyers, dur ing the past few days, contract ed for about ten million bushels of Oregon and Washington wheat to be delivered at Con tinental and British porta, via the Panama Canal. Tho reason, it is asserted, that foreign grain merchants dealt directly with the Coast, is because of the un- iiuuol Atffaranpet in nripfi hf. uaua x. ... f-- - tween the Chicago and the Coast quotations this difference amounting to about ten cents a bushel over ana aoove transcontinental- freight charges. Portland and Puget Sound gram JulaM ivnut that Rnrnnfl will purchase most of its American bought grain directly from North f acme Loaat aeaiers. Industry in many branches is "picking up. in the East. European Industry Great as the wastes of war must be, and serious as the dis organization of industry must be, it should not be assumed that there will be a total cessation of industry in the warring coun tries, says the San Francisco Journal of Commerce. After the urst shock is over people . A will attempt to adjust themselves to conditions and find something to do. The women in those countries do a large part of the productive work at all times, and thev will have the boys.and the men above the fightng age to help them. At such times superhuman exertions are pos sible. People will work longer hours, and more willingly and effectively than at any other times. The most careful econ omy will be practiced and super fluities rigidly cut out. An Eastern writer has recapitulated these facts: At tho outbreak of our Civil War the Northern States had a wpulation of about twenty mil ion, and they maintained armies of several hundred thousand men in the field, but business went on throughout the worth very much as usual, and times were considered good. Great Britain was at war with Napoleon al most continuously for twenty years and grow in population and wealth throughout the per iod. Japan put ns many men into tho field in tho war with KuBsia as England is likely to put into the field in this war, nut the exports and imports of Japan, and tho bank clearings and bnnk deposits increased dur ing tho two years, 11)01 and i'J05. In this war a much greater interruption of trade must oc- cur, out industry, nunougn ter ribly hampered, will go on, self dcninl and economy with draughts upon private hoard, offsetting to a great extent tho loss in production, The enor- mous expenditures pi the gov ernments will bo passed on, by means of loans, to burden later generations. Germany, by rea son oi its isolations, nnu uei gium, as tho theater of action, will necessarily suiter greater interruption of business than the Gther combatants. With tho purchases of the government and tho chance at now foreign trado the output of English industries may bo nearly as largo ns usual. Sho may oven mnnago to make fore urn loans if sho can do so in exchange for tho products of her factories. It is clear that every effort will ho mado to keep tho people employed, as witness tho action of tho government in as suming tho shipping risk upon English commerce, and in direct ing tho Bank of England to re- sumo discounting with tho guaranteo of tho exchequer against losses. The government oi i ranee ana Germany are likewise doing everything in their power to keep every person who is not in tho army productively employed. Russia and Austria-Hungary are agricultural countries anu tne problem of supporting their lopulation will bo less difficult, n all these countries, however, the governments will endeavor to manage and support tho entire business situation. All of them aro issuing paper currencies re- garuiess oi me orainary limita tions, and when it is remember ed how long even the various governments of Mexico, legiti mate, illegitimate and revolu tionary, have managed to finance themselves by means of the printing press, it must be ad mitted that war nuance is in a class by itself, quite independ ent of underwriting syndicates. The government can assign each person to his task and fix his pay in scrip, ine conduct or a war is the moat tremendous ex periment in socialism that ever has been made. Tlin Prnerressiva Studv Club mot Thtirsdav afternoon. Sent. 24th. with Mrs. E. O'Hara. 619 E. Polk St., St. Johns. This year s work, will include Doth the bible and American Litera ture. The officers for this year are: President. Mrs. Gilpen; vice president, Mrs. J. D. Brown; secretary, Mrs. E. C. Geeslin; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Houghton; nrAaa fnmm5ttflf Mrs. C. O'Hara and Mrs. A. Donnelly; sick com- If n A CI 5J.1. 1 f muiee, airs. n. aumii, mnt. A. W. Arnold. At the close of tha af rnrnnmi refrftahmpnts were served, followed by music and a general social time. The next meeting will take place with Mrs. Fred Houghton October 8th. ' NU Om lab! m yew ppw. An Interesting Letter A letter to Miss Alice Gilstrap from a girl friend in Torquay, England, has the following to say relative to the war situation fVia-it! tmrlnt rlnfn rC Aiirrnof Qf Y "What do you think about the war? Do you hear much about it? I heard that tho U. S A. is not taking an active part in the war. I wish that our country was not. Still we were forced to, and we must make the best of it. Although we are not in tho thick of tho fight, like the Belgians and tho French, we cannot help but feel tho effects already. It is simply heart rending to read of and see the farewells of the soldiers and sailors. Tho barracks at Ply mouth are nearly deserted, and day after day wo saw while there troopB of territorials leav ing. But the snirit of lovnltv shown is splendid. Young men have and nre enlisting by the hundreds in every town. Lon don is quite a scene of en thusiasm. The Prince of Wales has founded a fund for tho main tenance of those left widows and orphans and it is surpris ing how largo it is getting .1,200,000, I believe at present. Our town hall at Torquay is con verted into n Red Cross hospital, and the wounded will bo brought in here. Tornuny is a hospital center, nnd now working parties aro flourishing to make articles for the wounded. Our army under Sir John French haB reached Franco safe ly, und I expect in a few days we shall hear of its movements. I read in the papers of tho kind ness of tho U. S. A. neonlo to send us such a gift of Hour. It i'b simply beautiful and splendid of them to think of us now, nnd in such a way, for our country being an island, must have everything brought by sea, nnd if our food supply was stopped wo should bo starved out in a few weeks, so wo ought to bo so grateful to u. s. A. How ever, the ships havo reached hero so far safely, and wo havo captured and sunk many Ger man ships. Is it not funny? A Germnn ship was captured and found to havo hundreds of alligators, on tho way to the zoo: another was captured and found to havo thousands of pounds of cheese. So if things como to thoir worst, wo Btlll may have to cat alligators." There Must Be a Halt There must bo a halton taxa tion in Oregon beforo tho point of confiscation is reached. The amount of taxes collected from the people of Oregon this year will total twenty-four million dollars. The net value of crops produced this year is estimated at eighty million dollars. As suming" that one person in five is a taxpayer, with 750,000 popu lation, we havo 150.000 taxpay ers, or $160 per capita for each taxpayer. Does not this affect the high cost of living, and is it not an embargo against capital coming freely into this state? Has not the timo como to place a limit upon state and county tax levies Should not tho activ ities of the legislature be limit ed in the introduction of bills? In the last legislature bill were introduced making appropria- tions oi uooui mieen minion dollars and about half of them passed. Tho next legislature should curb this industry, adopt ing an iron clad resolution con fining introduction of bills to the first twenty days, and not allow any member to introduce more than five bills. That line of work would help to restore con fidence and prosperity in Ore gon. Industrial News Bureau. Tho Union Pacific Railroad System has just gdtten out the most attractive and interesting tourist fo ders ever published. entitled "The Scenic Columbia uiver Kome to me ureal rucuic Northwest." Its missibn is to acauaint the world with the un surpassed attractions of the Facihc Northwest, ana to pur suade as large a percentage as possible of the great volume of world travel confidently expect ed to the Expositions in Cali- fornia next year to journey at least one way through Oregon and Washington. A very large edition of the folder has been niihlisVipd. and it is beincr dis. tributed all over America. Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, has kindly presented The Review with a copy. Mammoth Guns Julius Caesar would certainly be surprised if he should return to earth and witness a modern nrmv besieging a city. Instead of an armed host under the walls attacking with battering rams and catapults ho would observe the emplacement of monster guns miles away, being fired by mathematical calculation at an unseen target. It to a far cry from the old Roman ballis'ta to tho monster German Krupp. At the beginning of the pres ent war there were hints of a Cowerful siege gun which had een fabricated by the Germans without the knowledge of other nations nnd whose existence was even not generally known in tho German army. The mystery surrounding the big gun was lift ed at the sieges of Liege and Namur, where its destructive force was strikingly demonstrat ed. It is now possible to irive some of the details of this enormous cannon. It has a- sixteen inch bore and fires a proiectile weigh ing 2400 pounds. This projectilo can be thrown a ' distance of 23 miles. This is almost as far as it is from Portland to Canby. So great is the expansion from heat that tho gun can bo fired only six times in 24 hours. An other remnrknblo thing in tho short life of tho gun. After 150 shots havo been fired from it it is no ioiiger usable.- Portland Journal. Makes a Suggestion Parents, tell us what you think of this: Medical statis tics are authority for tho state ment that a largo per cent of children attending school are afflicted with curvaturo of the spine or other bodily imperfec tion which could be easily cor rected by a simple, method of physical exercise. And this brings to our mind a suggestion for local applica tion. Why not let our school board, or teachers, prescribo such a course for the pupils in our public schools? Fifteen minutes a day of time could bo easily found, and n careful sys tem of physical oxcrciso in which all pupils bo reauired to participate would create a healthy circulation of tho blood, develop tho phvs nue. correct mild form of spinal curvature, nnd servo ns n general physical tonic. And tho mind would becomo clearer and brighter nnd in bet ter form to sustain tho strain of the class room. Tra n ng of tho mind is es sential, but a proper regard for the demands of the body IB also necessary. That sluggish feel ing which retards the advance ment of so many pupils would gradually disappear under prop er physical exercise, leaving both mind and body in n healthy state. Exchange. The Bravest Battle Tho bravest battle that ever was fought; shall I tell you where and when? On maps of the world you will find it not: it was fought by the mothers of Nay, not with cannon or bat tle snot, with sword or nobler pen; nay not eloquent word or thought from the mouths of wonderful men. But deep in a walled up wo man's heartof woman that would not yield; but patiently, silently bore her part lo! there is that battle field. No marshalling troop, no bivouacal song, no banner to gleam or wave; and oh! these rintflfa. thev aro so lonir from babyhood to the gravel Yet faithful still as a bridge of stars, Bhe fights in her walled up town lights on anu on in the endless wars, then silent, unseen goes down, Joaquin Miller. George Albee. the 1G year old son of Mayor Albee of Portland. died Sunday evening on tho operating table at the Good Samaritan hospital. He had climbed up a maple tree to get manle leaves for his mother, when a limb broke and he fell to the ground. It was not be lieved that ho was seriously in jured, and was able to go upon the operating table unassisted. But death soon came either from tho anaesthetic administered or from internal injuries. THE LIBRARY interesting Notes for the Library Patrons Hours: Afternoon 12 to 5:30: evening 7 to 9. Beginning October 4th the library will be open on Sunday. for reading only, from 2:30 to 5:30. New Books: Antin They Who Knock at Our Gates a complete gospel of immigration. Mary Antin's The Promised Land is the most widely read book of recent years, outsido of fiction. It in now in its 38th thousand. This, her second book, is u powerful presentation of tho immigration problem. Mury Antin knows what it is to bo an immigrnnt. poor, oppress ed nnd ignorant. She has come up by her own efforts, helped by our free schools and libraries. What she has done she believes other immigrants can do; and sho believes, furthermore, that tho immigrant may be us great an advantage to America as America may bo to the im migrant. With her Dtrango mixture of old fashioned breeding und Yan kee push sho shows us the faith of our fathers, to which-wc give cold lip loyalty, and shows it to us fresh, strong, mighty to save, as it was in tho first dnys of the republic. Griffith Projects for Begin ning Wood Work and Mechanical Drawing. Guitteau Government nnd Politics in tho United States. Written by tho superintendent of schools of Toledo. Ohio. Lcmcke Preserving and Pick ling. Rorer Canning nnd Preserv ing. This book will, if used care fully nnd wisely, save many n dollar and enable tho user to havo always on hand tho best of canned goods, jellies, preserves and fruit juices. SpencerTho World's Min erals. An interesting and rendablo account, in popular language, of 116 of the more common minerals with 40 colored plutes and 21 diagrams. Wright, editor Master pieces of Greek literature. The student of literature de lights in tho poetrj of tho Greeks becnuso it reveals tho soul of man in its radiant and wondrously gifted youth. When we nre asked whether modern poetry has not much to offer that Is better than Greek poetry, nnd are told that it suits our times, wo can only reply that the thoughtful really live in no one timo above another; thoy aro citizens of all time, and must find their own what they need for the enlargement and awaken ing of their souls, in tho poetry of Athens equally with that of London und Boston. Modern poetry is in no senso a substitute for Greek poetry, it has, it is true, much that Greek poetry has not; so has Greek poetry very much that finds no echo or counterpart in modern verso. The liberal soul that covets earnestly tho best gifts will seek and cultivate them both, with assiduity and strong endeavor. It is well worth while just to tnlrn n wnllt nrniind St. Johns and note tho improvements that nave ueen or are ueinir mum-. The greatest improvement has taken place on Willamette boule vnrd this vcar. It has been hard surfaced from St. Johns avenue clear to Richmond street, and from thence to the south city limits Ridnwnlkn nro linincr lnld. Richmond street between Hayes and wi amette uouievara nave also been hard surfaced. Many other street improvements of lesser importance have taken til nn besides other improve ments. St. Johns is certainly rapidly becoming a city of good streets. Tho reorular monthlv business monrinrr nf tVift RndflflvnrerS of the Church of Christ was held at the home of Mrs. Flynn, 853 Kellogg street, last Friday eve nincr. Tho Endeavorers are planning great work for the cominir winter, uood worK is lipinir Hnnn in nut Orcoron drv. A verv eniovablo social timo and an abundance of refreshments were indulged after the business meeting. Reporter, Rally Day Services Rally Day has como again and gone in our church nnd'Burc ly ns the name implies, it was rally from start to finish. Sun day, September 27, will long be remembered on account of tho muny good things the Lord had for his people who worshiped in tho Evangelical church on that day. First came the Sunday school nt 10. a. m. After tho opening hynm and prayer by the pastor the classes met in their respective places. After a short talk by the teachers, the superintendent, Mrs. G. M. Hall, took charge for a few moments nnd in a very forceful yet pleasant way told tho object of Rally Day. The exercises were then turned over to tho San Dicu Riens class who had charge of the program. After singing severnl hymns the class song was then sung by the class, Reapers are Needed. Miss Helen Crouch gave u very beau- tiful reading on Rally Day. James Chancy brought the house by singing a entitled, "You in Your Corner. I in Mine." A Little down song Little quartet by Miss Bessie Jackson, Miss Ruth Smith. Mr. Roy Per kihH and Earl Goodo was well received. Tho speaker of tho morning, Mr. J. E. Palmer of tho Boys' Department of tho Y. M. C. A., gave n wonderful dis course, and ought to have been heard by every boy in St. JohnB, nnd tho class poem, composed by Meg Mcrrillics, and read by her, was so good that tho class want ed it published nnd inserted in their records. We sure feel proud of our St. Johns poetess. Tho Rev. Goode, our pnBtor, mado a few very well timed re marks, also our Superintendent, Mrs. G. M. Hull, and the clnss President, Miss Minnie Plasket. Tho Phllo Christo Class had their corner decorated very nice ly with their cIusb colors. Next Sundny will bo peace Sunday, and one week from next bun day the boys will have charge of tho services. Reporter. The Rally Call The summer day a aro fading, Tho autumn now is near, And well, I'm sure you're all aware That Rally Day is hero. And Rally Day, what is it? What docs it represent? To rally 'round tho ling of lovo For this rm sure 'twas mount. Of lovo? you ask. what banner? Iho emblem of tho Lord, To vanquish Bin, our one desire, With righteousness our sword. And into nil divisions Divided is the throng. Thogrentest kind of mortal band To conquer o'er the wrong. Now somo of you aro aged, And some of you nro young, Who never yet huve found your ways, The' rankH of God among. Tho cry is ever ringing, Tho lines nro never filled, The Master's pleading trumpet call Can never now bo stilled. If you nro young and hopeful Tho "Sanderuines" here Will cladly welcome you within Their class with goodly cheer. Their motto's "Always Ready," They stand for good nnd right, Their faith in Him tho Master makes Thoir lasting strength and might. They hope by endless working To lead some sinlul soul Into the paths of glory Where life is pure and whole. So rally 'round tho standard, Oh, rally one and an, To win the conquest, now pre pare By unswering the cull. There's none too young or aged To labor for the Lord. And grander yet than gifts of gold, Will be the great reward. Meg Merrilies. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The Boston Restaurant 122 Phil adelphia street bt. Johns has been newlv arranged and is now in fine condition, full equipment with living rooms up stairs cheap rent and a good stand. Will sell fixtures and give good lease McKinney & Davis.phono Columblu2. HIGH SCHOOL Incidents of High School Interestingly Told Watch this column it will pay you. Athletics will play n largo part in school thia year. When tho coach culled a meeting of tho boys for football there was n gratifying turnout. They have been practicing faithfully after school and soon will bo ready to take on a gume. Tuesday evening tho class officers held a meeting to decide whether to keep the Athletic As sociation or to organize a student body. Severnl good suggestions were made, but after u thorough discussion of tho mutter they decided that the Athletic As sociation should handle nil mut ters pertaining to that depart ment, and the other associations should hnndlo the matters per taining to their departments. On Friday evening after school the rcgulnr semi. annual election of the Athletic Association was held. Tho officers for tho semester are as follows: Presi dent, Harold Baybrook; vico president, Arline Shaw; secre tary, Ethel Hufford; treasurer William Teutsch. Tho Klatawa girls have re organized. They called all tho girls together, und explained the purpose of tho club to tho new comers, after which now officers for the team were elected. Thoir officers nro ns follows: President, Glndys Palmer; vico president, Arlino Shaw; secretary-treasurer, Olive Zimmer man. On Friday evening twenty-two girls set off on tho first hike of tho season. Tho plan was lo hike over to tho Baybrook school und visit with one of their old members, Hazel Hall. When they arrived at their destination they found a pleasant surprise waiting them in tho form of a bonfire, home mudo bread and butter, jelly, eggs, apples and roasted potatoes. Supper was enjoyed around tho fire, tho girls getting acquainted with their losts, who mudo royal entertain ers, ihoy made u record walk down the hill nnd caught tho 7:10 ferry. All dcclnro thoy hud a lino timo nnd that thoy nro anxious to go again soon. Tho Dramatic Society called u meeting to vote on admission of now members nnd to elect n new president und executive board. Those who were elected ure us follows: President, Alice Wrin kle: executive board. Aiiinu Shaw, Marion DunsniQic, Minnio Nolan, Ethel Hufford. William leustch und Ferris Swisher. Reporter. Will Meet at the Library Each Thursdny evening dur ing tho school year the lecturo room ut tho Library will bo used by tho Grade Tonchora' As sociution of St. Johns for loe- tures.committee meetings, social sessions, or any program of in terest. Somo very interesting programs are already being dis cussed, which promise a pro fitable year. School hoards nnd otnors in terested in tho w el faro of pub lie schools aro beginning to recognize that the toachor who is not nlivo to tho best inlorofiUi of her profession is one whoso mental and mntorinl activities aro diverted to other chnnnols and is, therefore, not giving to her professional duties that tor which she is being paid. Tho result of a diversity of intorosta is obvious. Teachers' associations havo the very desirable, efloct of at tracting tho professionally am bitious teacher, and providing even tho person wno is cuuou "teacher" by courtesy, nn nt mosphero from which benefit may bo derived. It is true that m some locali ties teachers' clubs have employ ed "labor union tactics," but on the whole, while somo temporary benefit may accrue, tho real motive for organization, tho placing of teaching on a profes sional basis, is lost. An electric massage, only ono in town. Gilmore's barber shop. adv. Best line of fancy candies The St. Johns Pharmacy. at