St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 25, 1914, Image 3

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Whnt Is so Comfortable as n
nice Couch or Davenport? Yon or
nny of the family can drop on it
for n few minutes nny time.
We have n very nntlsfactory
line of Couches, ranging in price
$7.65 to $22.50
We can't go into detailed
description here but shall
be mighty glad to have you
come to store and look them
over. You'll be surprised at
the completeness and up-to-dateness
not only of the
couch line but of our entire
i stock of furniture.
Special Meat Prices
Heel Neck 12Jc
Plate lloltltiK lOiinml 121c
Shoulder l'ot Uotnt.. 12Jciitnl 15c
Kouiitl Stcnk '.20c
Shoulder Stcnk .....152
' Sirloin Stcnk .'...204
T-ltoiie Stcnk 2l) ami 22Jc
lrcsh Side 15c
Liver .... 10c
llct I,oln Chop 2fc
Shoulder Chops 17Jc
Legs f 1'ork 18c
Shoulder llo.nt 174is
8wrc Hih , .
IlcnrU . . . .'
.... Ific
Shoulder Chop irc
Slew 10c
Legs Mutton lac
Kl( niul I.oln Chop lfie
Shoulder 11c
Stew , 8c
Mrenrt 15
Calves I.lvcr 20c
Legs ' 20c
Loin CIioih .....25c
I.olu Stcnk 25o
Ril) Chop 22c
Shoulder Chop 171-200
l.urd, hulk 15c
I.iml, .1 ll4 .' 45c
I.ord,5lh 70c
I.nrd, 10 lhi $1.35
llutter C5-70c
IKKi per dozen itS-IOc
Red Clover Butter 70c; Alarkwart's Special 65c Roll
Phone Columbia 21 ST. JOHNS, OREGON
We arc Headquarters for the
The Bottom ar.d Top are of Cast Iron, Body of
Wellsville Steel, Cast Lining. Large Door and
Swing Top, Nickel Foot Rail.
The Best Bargain in Heaters in St. Johns
18 Size $ 9.90
23 " 12.50
25 " 14.50
- UwJ,
Local News.
Send in your news items.
Where shall I get my haircut?
At (jllmore's barber shop. adv.
Stanley Barsewski la having a
line little uwelllnir erector! on
bvvenson street.
Business at the woolen mill.q
is picking up and hiorc hands
are beintr added to the force,
Mrs. Curtis of Tacoma, Wash.,
visiunir wun ner parents.
Mrs. Thos. Scales, this
Mr. and
Tablets! Tablets for schooll
lho largest line m the city.
Beautiful post card free with
each tahlet at The St. Johns
0. D. Juercrs. whose residence
on South Jersey street was des
troyed by fire some months ago
is navimr ltreo need bv a modern
ana attractive structure. H. D.
Beam has the contract.
V 4 M
uoirt lorcet to send in your
Cyclone Cold Cure that's nil.
St. John's Pharmacy.
This September weather is
certainly something fine and
uressmaKing.rrices reason
able. , Call at 425 13. Buchanan
street, St. Johns.
Why should a man trv to hide
his light under a bushel, when
a peck could answer the purpose?
A bouncinir eieht pound bahv
boy arrived at the home of Fire
man Mackey Wednesday of last
Business is beginning to nick
up in good shape in the Eastern
states, according to the Eastern
Watches" made over into
Time-pieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
Magazines at VERY snecinl
ciud prices tor a snort time only.
urcier now and save monev,
see uogers. mono cjol. 101.
Mrs.S.J. Gray entertained the
Debonair Club at luncheon at
1:30 yesterday afternoon. Those
news items. If a party is held
at vour home, vnn hnvn n triinqf.
or if anything else of importance present report a delightful time. Auto for hire by day, hour
Best line of fancy candies
The St. Johns Pharmacy.
Christian Science topic for
next Sunday: "Reality."
Picture framing done at Portland
prices nt H. F. Clark's, tin" him
ttire man. Adv.
Wanted- -To borrow $1000 for
three years at ten tier cent.
Security, $2000 worth of land at
Whitwood Court. Ann v at th s
The nlot of ground unon whic
the citv hnll stands is one of the
beauty spots of thj citv. nnd s
greatly admired by all who see
it. The lawn is kent in nerfec
Wood For Sa e. A kinds of
mill wood from the Beaver Mi
Company, St. Johns, at reasona
blc prices. Big loads and nromnt
1 m ' . .1
aenvcry. I'liono uolumbia 307,
or address 601 East Polk street.
For Rent Seven room house.
quarter acre ot ground, one
oiock irom car nne: siu nor
montn. add v to J. E. H or.
secretary Commercial club, Hoi
brook building.
y Jfc ' KM-. . ? vJKU tS MrrzYA
happens around your home, tell
us about it.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. V. Alderson. which scored
100 per cent at the Better Babies
bhow hold here recently, has
been presented with a bronze
mcdnl by the Ladies' Home
Journal, in recognition of the
splendid showing she made.
A. W. Hnndhnrrr nf A storm.
chief engineer on the river boat well worth while.
I InnIn nn ttHunlinnitil Inin I a. . ,
women and men are invited to
trip, at very reasonab o rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
four or less to make a trip into
tne country nt a low price. II.
M. Waldref.GOD Fcssendon street.
Phone Columbia 200.
. . e 1 1
inow is tne t mo to iced vour
nens Hess' Poultry Panacea, the
Oncda, lias purchased four lots
and n five room bungalow on
Pierce and Edison streets from
McKinnoy & Dav s. Mr. Hand
berg expects to take un his resi-
denco thereon next spring.
The Rally Day service nt the
United Evange cnl church Is in
clinrgo of the Sans Dieu Rien
Sunday school class, and they
are nrepar ng a good nrogram.
Ihcrc will bo several out of
town speakers Sunday, Septem
bor 27th.
Tho St. Johns Cash Market.
opposite tho Multnomah theatre,
is making splendid window d s
plays these dnys, and nre at
tracting n lot of admiring ntten
Hess' Poultry Panacea, the
great egg producer: Instant
Louse Killer, the great extermi
nator for lice: you can get them
at The bt. Johns Pharmacy.
The Scotch lassies in the danc
ing and singing specialties at-
frnffofl rrnnA aviA nmlinnnnu nf
the Multnomah theatre Monday rcat c Producer. We will
nnd Tuesdav evenings. The Kuanmicc lyou win get lavorable
entertainment they provided was fcsuus. me doc package has
uuuu ivuuctju iu cuv. iuu can
gel. it nt the bt. Johns Pharmacy.
For all kinds of general re
pairing of uutos, bicycles, lawn
mowers, etc., go to the Home
Gnrnge, 102 Smith tt onue. cor
ner of Chnrleston; G. B. Ben
hnm, proprietor; phone Colum-
uiu uu;i.
uei tno latest war magazines
nt lho bt. Johns Phnrmncy.with
true illustrations, as the London
Graphic. Illustrated London
News, Fatherland (Berlin), also
the bcicntilic American, Leslie's
weekly, Technical Wor d and
ninny other magazines featuring
tne war.
Agents Wanted Renresent the
I'tunous-Knitton" nnd Silk Pet
come to tho Eagles' hall next
Monday evening. Sent. 28th. nnd
hear why Oregon Bhould remain
wet. Good speakers will be
present to address you. Liberal
Lcaguo of Oregon. pd adv.
Columbia 1M is the number
of the phone recently installed
in the firemen's room, and will
be used for firo alnrm nurnoscs
only. Persons having knowledge
of n firo in thoir vicinity nre
requested to call tho above num
ber, lwiisc alarms turned in,
however, will bo dealt with sev
erely if the culprit is discovered.
At a meeting of the clergy and
lay delegates of the Episcopal
K u iwi ui uuiiiiriiiK lllluil-llnv iln norntnu nt tho l nianntitil 7. . -
tion. Tho mnrket is n model of nine an nf ni-ntmn imhi in Pmi. t'coats.
I I, , ...1 I . "'"H""! - y I IIQIIH ft
cleanliness anu niiraciivencss,
and its business is steadily in
S. II. Satterlcc, who had been
conducting a barber shop nt
Whitwood Court for the past
couple of years, bus moved his
uppnrntus to 205 North Jersey
street, where he has a shop nice
ly fitted up and 'Is doing busi
ness. Mr. Sattcrlee nt ono time
conducted n barber shop on Phil
adelphia street.
J. D. Gray of St. Johns has
invented an ingenious arrange
ment for opening and shutting
car doors or big barn doors, it
works with a sprocket wheel.
nnd the doors are opened and
closed without it boing ncces
sary to touch them. Tho prob
abilities aro that Mr. Gray will
Direct from factory to
in.wl l,,ol ,.,1, l,n u"'. 9 IU UUIIY. OUIIH
ril r rti.t ..l-.i I OIKIIVi UAblllOIVU LUI11LUIV.
i. ouuiiiur 01 wuicugu was e eci-ixuni t.i r.
n,l n onnnnn1 tlw. Intn !itotiM I . Dtuiu VUI1I1UIIIIUI1. r I WUrK-
n -s irZ SiMLnB snmPl?-. Spehnnn & Co.,
Portland Tt Ju Tho Chlw SKiS8 VA?7 SUlh Mnrk0t
rector lias asked for a few days'
time to consider tho call, but
Portland friends feci confident
that ho will accept tho ofiice.
Rev. M. Sumner is clergyman
of n fnshionnble Episcopal church
in Chicago and is very active in
social service work in that city.
A man was brought before tho
Leeds magistrates on a charge
of theft. Ho had no one to de
fend him, so tho judgo requested
a smart young Inwycr to tnko
him into nn anteroom and give
him the best advice ho could.
Fivo minutes Inter tho lnwyor, to
tho surprise of tho judgo, re-
.W...V.W HBW . I , .. ....
rea zo cohb derab e monev from appeared m court alone. "Wliero
I f , if I a Mm H DAnni.9" nun. nrl 41...
magistrate. "You told mo to
givo him tho best advico I could,
his invention.
Tho adoption of tho proposed
eight hour law nt tho November
election would be disastrous to
the stato. work a hardship on
tho farmers of Oregon and ought
to bo defeated, was declared by
Mrs. Mary S. Howard, stnto sec-
rotary of the -State -Grange.
Mrs. Howard commended tho
plan of tho granges to discuss
measures on tne ballot, and
urged special consideration of
the eight hour law.
Thero has been somo com
plaint about the charge mado by
the city for cutting weeds on
lots whero tho notico to havo
tho weeds cut was not heeded.
your worship, and" "Of
courso I did. Well?" "Well, I
did so, and the culprit is gone."
-bx. ... ,
Ono topic of absorbing inter
est In Portland last week was
tho failure of tho attempt of Dr.
Calvin S. White and others to
pass through the council an or
dinance stopping "Painless Par
ker" from giving his dental ex
hibitions on tho streets of tho
city. When the ordinance was
first introduced it was an
nounceu mat it would nnvo easy
sailing through the council, but
wnen it came up lor unai pas-
Chas. Schaull'. tho cxnort hor
tfciilturist, presented this ofilco
Wednesday morning with a
bouquet of beautiful roses nnd
also several bundles of fine
Niagara and Morris Diamond
grapes, which ho raised on his
R remises in North St. Johns,
fo more delicious granos were
over raised anywhere.
Ono of the banks at Eugene is
offering to furnish farmers of
that section with monoy with
which to purchuso stock for
feeding and will carry the loan
until the stock is ready for
market. Farmers aro urged to
keep their surplus feed and hay
at homo nnd feed it out instead
of allowing it to go out of the
An oxpert timber cruiser, who
in oxpert iimuur cru ser, wno W0ljk. Mr8 if ;,
has spent many inont iH-tffev 1 VI mu C r r r
timating tho standing timber of t, "d nL'
Coos county, has completed the
task nnd tiled his report with
tho county nasessor. IliBBurvoy
snows the stnnding timber to ap
proximate almost nineteen bil
lion feet, of which about sev
enteen billion feet nre first nnd
second growth nr. no says
thero is not n 40 ncro tract in
tho county subject to homestead
entry that is worth taking.
Havo you tried Black Silk
Stove Polish now being adver
tised in this paper? This has
had a tremendous salo in the
East and tho manufacturers
Willi A Bank Book
For Company
you iienl never li lonely either
in youth or old age. Why not
'-t.irl to own a lltf one by open
ing nn mvoiiul with THK TUN'
INC - I! AXK. tint a few dot
l.i: - Mill Ann oik' mill once yoit
acquire the linhH ol wiving yow
will bf MirnrUeil M how rapid
l yiur savings will grow.
Pktkk Autzhn,
V. C. Knai-1',
Vice President
John N.'shn,
S. L. Doniit,
Assistant Cashier
lho price charged, however, was sago last Wednesday the votes
not as mucn as mat, cnargeu ny stood 4 to 1 in favor of Its in
uiu uiu ui lumuiiu jur u iiku Kiotlnirn nnatnnnpmonr. 'i ht la
anrvloo nnd rlin nnnnln worn l.l.,l nn .. nr. .u t
,.v. ...w,..w "vi iuuivcu iiijuii uo u i.vow vuvu ill iuu t.t it r..n..
given an Opportunity to SaVO the nrnsnnt flltv nnmiGll nr. th mih. tuu "",- . 'oru wirBiuiiy
extra oxnenso if thev had linml. Lnf r Avni,witnn. r.,,hit tni,n made nnd mado trom Potter
eu uiu notico piacuu on tneir from the streets.- Press KennrL
The farmer was walking com
fortably and happily along tho
ano leading to his own home
stead when suddenly out sprang
a strangj dog. tie yelled for
assistance, and his cry was
heard by his wife. But when
she came upon him tho dog had
already fastened his teeth in her
School officials of Portland es
timate that the change in text
books recently ordered by the
school board will entail an ex
penditure in Portland alone of
$80,000 for new books. Of this
sum, $60,000 will be the cost of
books purchased by tho gram
mar grades, and $20, 0W. by the h0ved one's calf. Quickly sho
High School pupils. There is
very widespread feeling there
that the change was unneces
sary, and it is looked upon as a
particularly needless burden put
upon tho people at this time.
Registration books for countv
and state are now open at Jus
tice J. E. Williams' office, and
will" remain open until October
15th, after which they will not
again be opened until 1916.
Persons who registered in the
Spring but who have moved
their residence to another pre
cinct in the city since must
register again to be entitled to
vote in November. This is quite
important and should not be
overlooked. All who have not
registered should do so without
further delay, and save the in
convenience and annoyance of
securing the services of six
freeholders to swear your vote
in. This is an imposition upon
your mends and can easily be
i avoided by registering now.
picked up a stone and was just
about to hurl it when the hus
band realized tho new and ter
rible danger he was now exposed
to, but with presence of mind
he called to her: "Mary! Mary!
Don't throw the stone at the
dog; throw it at me." Every
A concrete example of what a
good road will do is furnished in
the case of Hillsido Drive, now
under construction in tho north
western suburbs of the city. A
tract of 3000 acres hitherto inac
cessible will be opened up for de
lightful suburban homes and land
that formerly had but little value
will be capitalized at least two
hundred per cent. While the
road is being built by the prop
erty owners of the district at a
cost of $100,000, it will be of
great public benefit providing a
scenic drive that will link it with
the Columbia River highway and
the city's boulevard system.
Portland Journal.
materials than other polish.
They state that it does not rub
off or dust off and that tho shino
lasts four times as long as with
the ordinary kind. If this is
true, every housewifo should
give lilacK silk btove Polish a
The bill creating the ofilco of
Lieutenant Governor is typical
of the kind that adds to tho ma
chinery of the state government
and at tho same timo does not
do any material good, Tho
amendment would create a job
for somo one and a job paying
the neat sum of $10 per day. It
is generally admitted that tho
state government is already top
heavy with too many public
officials, boards and commis
sions. High taxes and bureaus
are known to bo good friends, so
those ofiice seekers who were
after nominations last spring
expressed in their slogans the
fact that they were opposed to
commissions and would reduce
taxation. Such slogans made
ideal bait for votes, for tho peo
ple at that time clearly demon
strated their ideas in the mat
ter. Here comes a measure
which would create a new office
and in time add to tho expense
of the state. If the voters are
unchanged from their attitude
of six months ago, this bill will
surely fail, Oregon City Enter
W. A. Davison nf Knnknnn i
hero visiting his uncle and aunt,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Cnrroll. He
is enjoying his visit immensely.
Tho Nonnnroil Lntindrv in thin
nil.. ,S....t ! 11. I
v-ii..v m in u v i'u million in n rn
out the best work possible. Give
it u trial and aid home industry.
lhis laundry is finely equipped
with the latest and most approv
ed machinery, and turns out a
fine grade of work.
A meeting will bo held in the
ilgll bcliool Auditorium nnvr.
Thursday evening at 7:30, when
all young people interested in a
night school are urged to bo in
Mrs. Font's entertained the
)cbonnir Club at her hmm nn
Thursday of last week. An es
pecially attractive lunch was
served and nil enjoyed tho occa
sion very much.
Miss Johanna Jnmrm nf Si
Johns, will sing at tho Multno
mah Uieatre Saturday ovuning.
She is said to posuess a vorv
pleasing voice, and no doubt
many will turn out to hoar her.
Strnet CominiHslminr Dlin Imrl
lis forces in North Si. .lnlmn
cleaning crosswalks during the
Mist week a much needed nnd
lighly appreciated improvement.
Lho many punils of tho NnrMi
school nre loud in their praise of
Mr. Olin and his elllcient force.
Mrs. R. M. Ttlttlo of Lnrrahno
street, Portland, entertained in
l Denutiltil mnnner at bridge
'riday afternoon of last week.
dainty unchcon was unrviwl.
.'hose present wore Mrs. R II.
Sdlofson. Mrs. W. R. Evimih.
Mrs. A. W. Marklo and Mrs. Roy
Ingleduo of St. Johns; Mrs. Tut
tle. Miss Sweitzor nnd Miaa Tut.
tie of Portland.
It would seem that nn iiuln for
tho polio department would bo! '"'
less expensive than t hosa arv nf
an addltionnl policoman. Chief
off is also of tho belief that nn
ntlto would give better and mora
satisfactory servico than would
an ndditional man on tho force.
t would givo. tho no! ico an on-
lortunity to answer a call n
quick time.
Mrs. A. J. Proat and hor two
dnughtora of Chinook, Wash.,
wereguosts of Mr. E. Hvm-n
nnd Mrs. W. E. Ashby tfie first
H par-
at one time owned ona hundred
acres of land in St. John whero
somo of tho mills now stand.
Johns hits improvod ko much
in tiu Ittvt few years that Mm.
Prost wna unab o to find tho Hv
ars place, whore alio spout mnnv
of her girlhood days, so sho had
one of our youngor inhabiUmtH
escort hor thoro.
Guy V. S. Harvoy of Grants
Pass, Oregon, was joined in
marriage to Misti Ruth Homier
son of St. Johns on Monday,
oopt. zist. tho writer oiiiciat
ed. lho wedding was a quiot
homo servico. Air. Harvey
uiu managing salesman lor a
morcantilo firm in Grants Pirn.
Ho takes his now brido to thoir
own homo in his homo town.
Ruth is tho only child in tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Henderson, so this move will
mean loneliness to thorn. J. A,
Arrests Fewer, Dank De
posits Greater
is. noonwi.s',
U (jowiilllfc nf
B. M. Harbor P. Staudemaier
The Columbia Pressing Parlor
Will do all your work nt
the right prices. All work
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing
nnd Repairing
Ladles'Work a Specialty
Give Us a Trial
Phone Columbia 12
120 Philadelphia Street
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertlsement the copy for tuch change
should reach thl office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Picas
rsmsmber this and save tha printer
I'nlillfll)' l)wrliy
Thoro is only ouu fair way to
find out wliitt Oregon dry will do
for Oregon. That In ly invusti.
gutiiii; wind Orogon dry Iiiih donu
for IIioho iurln of Orison now
Ko fur ns ciin ho luHruud in
Hnh'iii, Oregon City, ltoHulnirg,
Allmuy, Kiikoiih nnd otliur Oru
gnu dry Iout.h, IiiisIiioss Iiiih Ihiuii
lictlcr in nil liium, khvo Unit of tliu
milooii, in every dry town.
Why, even In I'ciullrtou, wliluli
voted wel nfler living dry, lad
which will prnhulil) Mile dry, miiuy
uiLTchimU ure now in fiivor of a
dry town ami (lecture collections
were lietter, IiiisIiichh heller unit hail
ileitis fewer when the town was dry.
EtillilliiK Now TleOtr. '
III Snlem, htilMIng Iiiih been
Kieiiler since Ihe luwn went dry.
There me hill few vac mi I linuswi,
those vacant arc ikscrllrcd as
".shacks." Practically evrry mIoqii
lias been rc-lcnniilcil hy other llnsvi
or hukliievi, unit oiu nf Ihe princi
pal milium Mile Iiiih been rtniUcMl
by a fine new buililitig block.
Since Suit in dry a 120,000
brick biilltlliiu hut bf ii erectrii ami
it $10,0(10 buine$ I'loi k li uotna '
Dih'hii'I limit us If dry Sturm hurt
Hint town, iIim IIV
nUr BitUUits Mam, fj
Saltni went dry Jnnuary I, 10 la.
The building IicrtniU for iM&rSl
eight in. hi th- of-tlH3. wttN III
town n wel. total fUK.UIft. IW
tb rirtt eigtK nwiitMl of 101) llwy
wcrtt 122,38, an increase h
AiioUu r iii.tntito of a dry town
helping limine ! Absent of lho
vhIihui uluu.i nieuns belltr bilisi
nets for Uu monoy that one wtuil
lo Uu- .iIihiii gora Into Inula.
Clieckk i itslicil om-e lu aaiooNS an
cusbt'd In !.rt"i mid part of thaw
nre !ieiil llicre, In place of in III
There were 'ifi arrvil lor lit
rirsl eveii iikiiiIIik of lOtS III SalatH
for dmukemicM; In IttN Ihe
rt'sU lulalcd only 17 for Uia wiaie
The three Iniitc-t stores have liml
lo remodel tbclr premises bevmtt
of iucreui-d bukimsa, when other
lownv wel at lliuthave been eu)-
In Oreiioii City arresta havo de
creased DU per cent.
Violations of Ihe slate liquor town
(hoMilcg,!iiM and so forth), are now
less Ihiin o:ie-huir.
You sec the saloon men nover
used to obey the law In n dry
town they have to obey It,
Dank Deposit Inartaae.
Deposits iu the bnnka have u
creased. There is more bulld!N0.
Had debt ure being elearctl go.
Collections arc tuslcr. Not one ntfil
check has been cashed In a aaloojl.
All business men ay trade U bt
H7ci uniwer Ihe iinllon m It
whu Iht cru ban come front all otter
On-yon for a lru lon'U.
I.. Adams, one or lite lending Qre
(on City nicrcliunls, said:
"Since OrcHon ('H v ven,t dry,
busins has iiin.b iinn lived, CaU
lections are easier. I have fewor
bad bills a my books tbuit I liaii a
year auo. I'eonle now have a Ian.
dency to buy their gootU at home.
I used to cash IS checks on mill imv
nights. Now 1 cash 50. The .dioli
lion of Ihe .saloon has turned a v.i.t
Mini or money daily into the chan
nels or trade In Oreuon Citv"
All of which answers Ilia mms.
lion of whether a town is hotter wet
or dry.
F,iVd.Y,iuJ,fient ,h OesvuUUs of Out
lUndrtd. 748 Msrian BulUlm. ISwtLimi nr.
-At atiaoutn Jaray
Id r
For Hont-
strect, modern atoro uuildinE,
with Uvinir rooms in roar; all
convonionoas; flno location,
Kent low, Mjun 037R or Col
umbia 81.