St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 25, 1914, Image 2

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I'ublUhod Km trldit
At 117 WcU liurllDKlon fUrocU
TiiK Hkvikw It cuteretl nt wmiI office
I., 2(.t, t1n.rn4 II 41111 MlMttpr
III lllllfc JWIIII) W,KWI, H - j
-1 1 1. . T 1 1- 11. - l.l I'nn.
rfreanof Match J, 1879.
Official Mtwiptptr of lit Oltj cf RU Jan.
Subscription prtoa $1.00 paryuar.
From time to time thlB ollice
is in receipt of conununciutiotiH
without giving the nntno of the
author. WJiile most of thorn
contain intercut nnd merit, yet
the voracity of the stntemonts
Komolimc.s made are unknown to
the editor, nnd lie doesn't care
to publish statements unless he
hn.s reason to boliovo they are
correct. Tliororore, persons
Bonding communications to this
oflico with the expectation of
having thorn published should
add their names thereto, not
for publication, hut as an evi
dence of good fnith.
0 1
The entire world is watching
with keen interest the titanic
contest in Northern France be
tween the Kaiser's troops and
the allied armies of England nnd
France. Late Paris and London
telegrnms indicate that the Ger
mans are making a strong defen
sive fight on the north bank of
the Aisnc River and are being
attacked by the combined Fran
co-British armies from a position
on the north bank of that river.
The most important development
of the week was the sinking of
three British men of war by a
Ucrman submarine, in winch al
most 1700 lives were lost.
ine iwo Dig stale wide con
tests that are beginning to
shape up arc tho Senatorial con
test and tiie fight over tiic gov
ernorship, .as to the governor
ship, it is very generally con
ceded in Portland that the with
drawal of U'Rcn as tho Prohibi
tion nominee has made tiie out
come as between Smith and
Withycombo more problematic
than ever. Before U'Hen threw
up the dry" nomination, the
lotric of the situation nointed to
Withycombo as tho winner; but
now that the Clackamas "law
giver" has elected to Btand as
an Independent candidate, leav
ing the dry clement without a
standard bearer, the outcome as
between Smith and Withycombo
depends on which will get the
bulk ol tho prohi vote, and there
t.. .1 ; it.... 11. . . .1 it t
is no denying una 1110 prouini
lion vote in Oregon is going to
no somewhat larger this year
than ever uclorc, says an ex
Just look at this picture and THINK
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
Misleading Phrases
Americans do not dislike Got'
mans. They like them. So far
as there is any discrimination
at all among the elements that
make up our population, thoGer
mans tiro probably the most
popular, with possibly one ox
coption. A good many German
Americans aro unhappy for the
moment because they think they
The terms "health conserva
tion" nnd " preventive medicine"
are very much on the public
tonguo and before the public
eye those days. In times of
gonernl unrest, popular words
and phrases frequently exercise
a strange spell over the public
imagination. They nre taken
as slogans or marching orders
by many, who arc lionestly try
ing to improve existing con
ditions. Special interests, seek
ing unfair advantago or mon
opoly power, aro quick to seize
upon popular terms and use
them to further their personal
advantmro which could not be
otherwise obtained.
At the present time a striking
illustration of this character is
seen in the employment by the
doctors of the dominant medical
school, of popular terms and
catch phrases to assist in carry
ing forward thoir program,
which is declared to be aimed
at establishing Stato Medicine.
Tho great work of conserva
tion of natural resources and
tiie still more important efforts
to conserve tho gonernl health of
tho people by improving social,
economic nnd moral conditions,
have led tho political doctors to
seize upon the nhraso "health
conservation" nnd utilize it for
tho purpose of furthering thoir
i f..i i i.
private linoleum, which uruguir
nru not annrocinted in tho cnim.
try where tlioy have set up their orally understood to comprehend
homes tho country to which a monopoly of medical practice
they havo given thoir affection.
Thoy are quite wrong, and there
is no need for them to be un
happy. Just now Americans
generally aro against the Kaisei
for two reasons: on a moral is
sue. tho cynical violation of Bel
gian neutrality, and becauso at
tho outset Americana felt a
strong sympathy for tho smaller
dog in tho light little Bolgium,
wo can readily concoivo an
alignment, a few years from
now, in winch American sym
pathies might uo with Uormany
as against her present onomies
just as was the case sixteen
years ago whon American sym
pathies woro violently on tho
Hide of the Dutch in South
Africa ns against the British, -Colliers.
mm ii I mi
nioro than one uiinon, one
hundred million people aro now
pledged to each othor by treaty
not to begin war until after the
matters in dispute havo boon
thoroughly investigated. Treat
iea were signed Soptember 15,
1914, with Great Britain France,
bpmnnndL'hinn. Those govern
ments, togothorwith tho govern
mont of tho United States, ex
erne authority over moro than
a billion souls. Tho twonty-two
treaties previously signed add
one hundred and fifty million
more, making in all moro than
two-thirds of all the pomi ation
of tho globe. Tho peace plan is
u success, it goes further and
has spread more rapidly than
any previous plan. The principle
is simple, so simplo that thirty
four nations havo endorsed it.
including Germany. Russia and
Austria. It is only a question of
time when treaties will bo con
eluded with these nations and
all tho othor important nations.
and then wo may expect treatios
between other
and tho universal enforcement
of compulsory medication, in
eluding tho recently adopted
serum therapy.
"Preventive medlcino" is an
other catch nhraso being em
ployed by tho ollicinl doctors
It is a pleasing phaso whic
many people trequently use,
without understanding that
moans, to the doctors, the ad
ministration ol scrums nnd vac
cinos a treatment so recently
adopted as not yot to havo earn
ed the confidence of n largo num
ber of thoughtful phvsicinns
and whose supposed merit rests
on the claims and data of
partisans of tho treatment
Many investigators not only
deny that serum thenpy is nrc
vontivo, but insist that its use
s fraught with grave danger.
If thoro wero no attempt on
the part of interested physicians
to torco tho r new nnd. to
largo numbor of people, objec
tionnblo treatment upon tho nub
lie, and if tho redernl Govern
meiit wero not disseminating.
and thus giving its sanction to
this latest accepted theory of
one school of medicine, tho sub
ject might bo pnssed over as un
important: but whon compulsory
treatment of tho citizen is being
advocated and tho federal Gov
ernment is sending out ex parte
treatises advocating serum
thorapy, tho public ought to bo
aroused to tho importanco of tho
issue, ruuusneu oy request.
vestigntion will bo tho rule.- V.
J. Bryan.
Many St. Johns people have chron
ic appendicitis (which is not very
painful) ami think it is Just bowel
or stomach trouble. Some have
doctored for years for Kas on the
nations until i n-1 stomacli , sour stomach or coustipa-
A line of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at tho Koviow
office; 50c each, Also carbon
paper at two sheets for fivo
tiou ami C. K. Thompson states if
they will try simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as compounded in
Adler-i-ka, the German appendici
tis remedy, they will be surprised
at the QUICK benefit. A SIN
Glyli I)OSR stops these troubles
Work for Uroater Bt, JaluM. J
Evangelical Church
Rev. G. L. Lovcl of Portland
preached the quarterly meeting
sermon last Sunday morning
nnd Rev. B. bingleton of Gaston
Oregon, preached for us in the
evening. Both of these services
wero very good.
Mr. J. E. Palmer, secretary of
"Boys' Work" in the Y. M.
A. in Portland, will deliver an
address Sunday morning. He
! hns iust returned from tho Nn
! tionnl Convention and will be
ready to give the Sunday Schoo!
I a good boost in our Rally Day
Tho pastor's father, Rev. I)
J. Goodo of Aumsvillc. Oregon
is in the city attending the M.E
Conference, nnd will preach for
us bundny evening, bent. 27.
Don't forget our Rally Day
next Sunday, September 27, i
to bo a red letter day.
"How joyous this homo coming
or loved ones far and near,
Tho ties that bind renewing,
This best day of tho year.
Again wo greet our teacher
There's joy in every eye
And praise tho gracious Master
for this most blessed tic.
So in tho year just opening,
Let us our zenl renew:
And reap tho grain that ripening
I' or laborers aro few.
Oh. lot us not grow weary-
Life's day will soon bo o'er
But in our toil bo cheery,
And trust God moro nnd moro.
First Baptist Church
Don't forget Sunday school at
10 a. m. Tho Young People'
Bible class taught by tho pastor
is open to both young men aiu
young womon. It is growing
rapidly, lie glad to have you
visit us. This class has just
purchased a piano for use in tho
Beginning next Sunday, tho
orchestra will play at tho Sun
day school services nnd tho eve
ning preaching services. Young
People's meeting at 6:a0 p. m.
topic, "Missionary Opportunity
in tho Limes." l'renching ser
vices at ii a. m. and r.M p. m
Morning sermon, "Today To
morrow." Evening sermon
"Whon Men woro Uhntteis ant:
Kings Wore Gods." Special mil
sic by the choir and orchestra
Wednesday evening Bible study
class at 8 p.m. E. P. Borden,
Whereas, it lias pleased our
Heavenly l'nther to enter our
circlo and remove from our com
panionship our comrade, Aaron
M. Mason: nnd,
Whereas, We feel deeply tho
oss of our respected honorary
member; therefore, bo it
Resolved. That Peter A. Por
ter Circle No. 25, Ladies of tho
Grand Army of the Republic
tender our sympathy to tho be
reaved family and to General
Compton Post No. 22. Grand
Army of tho Republic, in their
tour of atlliction; also further
Resolved. That wo drape our
charter for a period of thirty
days in token of our esteemed
Resolved. That a copy of these
resolutions bo sent to the family
and to two newspapers for pub-
icntion: also a copy bo spread
on our minutes.
Ida Gunsolus. Alico C. Bos-
well. Ruby M. Brown. Funeral
The most ingenious Window Display Sign ever brought to St. Johns. On Exhibition in our Window now, as
an example of Yankee Ingenity. This Sigh is in a class by itself. It is made to Demonstrate the Famous
Triangle 5 Ply Collars are the same price as ordinary 3 and 4 Ply Collars, but are so far in advance
that we have thought it to the public interest to give practical demonstration of their superiority. A visit to
our windows will entertain you, and give you a lot of collar information that you will appreciate.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps fT
given on all Cash Purchases, and on
charge accounts when Paid in Pull at
least every 30 days.
Premiums now on Display
Free S. & H.
Stniiiju are the Customer'
mncomii,wHr 11.
Thl Coupon Good for
Ten 10 S. & II. & FREE
II iteenlnl mxMi making turcliet amount,
tiic to BOCor more, llieae alanipa will lie In ad
dition to regular otampa given with the purclinic
Not Good After Spt. 30
General Mdsc.
Columbia 137 ST. JOHNS, ORK.
We have added to our Shoe Section, a full stock of the famous Red D. Logger in keeping with the in
creased demand for these good shoes. NEW ARRIVALS! Trunks and Suit Cases See Our Display.
Six Open Stock Patterns, China Ware.
Phone Columbia 137
IO Years In St. Johns
D OThe Store of StyleQl
In the Circuit Court of tiic State
OriL'on for Multnomah Countv.
II. M. Tcimcv. l'lnliitirr. vt, iMIth M
Mill. Reuben W. Hill, her husband
Orncc V. Mnrtlti, HcmIc M. Mnrtlii, nnd
V. it. Yntct. Defendant.
To Kdith M. Hill, Reuben V. Hill
her huaband, Grace V. Martin, llcaalc M
Martin, ami V. u. Yatca, Dclcmiauta:
In the name of the State of Oregon
von are herein- rcuucnlcd to rmnenr and
nuitvcr to the complaint filed nualtiat
you in the above entitled milt wiinii
six weeks of the date of the tint nutill
cation of till notice, to. wit: thc2TUi day
of Sept., 1011; and If you fall so to do
(or want llicrcol planum will take Jitilj.
incut and decree against you as prayed
tor in lit complaint ns ioiiows, to-witi
l'lrsti Imminent for the sum of TV
Hundred I'iftv Dollars (f2TO) together
with Interest lllertoii nt tne rate ol ten
(10) per cent )cr niiutn until paid from
ucccmucr i, iviz.
Second: I'or the sum of Seventy-fiv
Dollars ($75.00) ns attorney's fees.
Third! That the nual decree of fore'
clr mire fur tin ale of the followiuu den
cribed premise, to. wit; l,ot numbered
Tuo (2), Mock numbered .Sixteen (10)
South St. Johns. Multnomah County,
Oregon, according to the duly recorded
plat tiiervoi on me in tuo oiuce oi tin
County Clerk of Multnomah County,
Oicgou, be entered, and that the Sheriff
duly hell tiic same according to tiie law
and urncticc of this Court.
1'ourtli: That the proceeds of the sale
lie applied towards the satisfaction of the
several sums oi money nue me initiuiin
and that the defendants, and each ol
them, and all persons claiming under or
iiuoiigii tiie said deieuuanis ami encu oi
tiiem suiitemteiit to December 1, mil,
the date of the nlalntiiT's note nnd
mortnuk'o tiinrn the said premise, either
'i . - . ..
as purcuaiers oreiicumuruucers,oroincr
wise, be barred and foreclosed of all
equity of redemption in the said prem
ikes and every ttart thereof.
l'ifth: That sale be made of the said
premises, and that execution iuue
against the defendants, lMith M. Hill
and Reuben V. Hill, or either of them
for any deficiency which may remain
after iipplylng all of the proceeds of the
sale oi said premises properly applicable
to tiie satisfaction ol piaintllt's jmig
ment and decree.
Sixth: That the plaintiff or nny other
party to tuu suit may become a pur
chaser at the said sale, and that the
Sheriff issue a certificate of sale to the
purchaser of the said premises, and
thereafter, a Sheriff's deed If the same is
not redeemed as provided by law, and
that the purchaser be let Into possession
oi tiie premises upon tne production oi
uic tmeriirs certificate oi sale tuereior.
.Seventh: That the plaintiff have such
other aud further orders and relief as
may to the Court seem equitable and just
Uiuhth: That the plaintiff have his
costs aud disbursements in this suit.
Service oi tliU Summons Is made up
on you by publication of the same in the
at. jouns Kevlew, n weekly newspaper,
for six successive weeks by virtue of an
Order signed by the Honorable N,
Gateus, Judee of the above entitled Court
on the Stli day of August, PJI4,
Date oi 1st rubltcntlou, Aug. 14, 11)14.
Date ot last I'ubltcatlou, Sept. 2a, 1U14.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
I'irst National Rank Hldg.,
St, Johns, Oregon.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and Veg
etables in Season nt
We Solicit ami Deliver any
where in St. Johns.
Phone Col. 210 501 Fessendea St.
If you are thinking of making
Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's
barber shop. adv. '
Ladies' and Misses' Stylish Suits
with unsurpassed style,
warmth ami quality,
$10.00 to $35,00
in the newest models: Redingote Flare and plain
tailored effects, in the most popular weaves and
shades. This Fall and Winter Display outrivals any
previous showing of the Eastern for Beauty, Style
and Quality.
Very Reasonably Priced
$14.50 to $60.00
FOR MEN Credit and easy payment terms granted to suit
Bradbury System Clothes aud your convenience,
the best in General Furnish-
iugs. Ask for People s Brown Trading, Stamps
405 Washington St Gor, lOtli, Portland, Ore.
HMHHHHOTiic Store for ServiccQ
Itt. HENDERSON 311 Nth NolltlB Mm Bowls
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance I
Adstracts of Title Prepared.
Accurate Work Guaranteed.
City of St. Johns, Ore.
Sealed proposals will bo re
ceived by tho undersigned at
his oflico in the City of St.
Johns. Orecon. until fivo o'clock.
p. ni on the sixth day of Octo
ber, 19M, for tho sale of tho
whole or nny part of Bonds of
the City of St. Johns, issued un
der Ordinance No. 618, at not
ess than par and accrued in
Said Bonds to be dated as fol-
; 4,801.68, June 8, 1914
3,169.52, July 15, 1914
5,917.07, July 29. 1914
12.128.67. Auk. 5. 1914
Amounting in all to $26,016.91.
All of said Bonds are issued in
denominations of Five Hundred
Dollars or less, and all of the
said Bonds are payable ten years
after date of said Bonds. All!
of said Bonds are Coupon Bonds
bearing interest at the rate of
six per cent payable semi-an
nually, subject to all the con
ditions imposed, directed and
tipulated by Section 131 of the
Charter of the City of St. Johns.
I he right is reserved to re
deem any and all tsonds at any
interest paying period at or
after one year after date.
All bids must be accompanied
by a certified check for two per
cent of the amount of the bid,
and the said check shall be pay
able to the City of St. Johns.
and the said check shall be re
tained by the City of St. Johns
as damages in case tho bidder
to whom the Bonds aro awarded
fails to accept and pay for tho
samo within fifteen days after
the acceptance of the bid.
The money is to bo paid and
the Bonds aro to bo delivered at
St. Johns, Multnomah County,
The right is reserved by the
council to reject any and all
Published m tho St. Johns
Review Sept. 18, 25 and Oct. 2,
With the
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Rough Dry 5c per Pound
Cleauing, Dyeing and Pressing
done Neatly and Promptly.
Phone East 657 or Columbia 242
For RentModern six room
house on North Willamette
boulevard. Also modern rooms
over store building on Phila
dephia street. See K. C. Couch.
Tho Treasurer of the City of
St. Johns, Oregon, will redeem
on November 1, 1914, tho follow
ing outstanding improvement
bonds: Numbers 144 to 173, in
clusive. The said bonds will
ccaso to bear interest after
above date. Bonds may bo
presented for payment at the
First National Bank,' St, Johns,
Oregon, or tho Treasurer's office.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view Sept. 11, 18 and 25, 1914.
Officers of the City of St, Johns, Oregon
Mayor A. W. Vlnccut
Recorder A. K. Humraore
TreurerJ, A. Klee
Attorney T. T, rarker
KuKlneer I. O. Burton ,
Cbic! ot I'olict John Fort
Day Police H. Muck
Night rollce J.S.Joum, O. V, Norenc,
O. M. Cornell
II. M, Waldrel
J. W. DavU
C. . Garlic k R. CraJeu
G. W. Munaon C. R. Chad wick
Street 1 and Oocka J. W- Davla, II. M. WW
drcf, O. W. Munaon. '
Ltccnae C. R. Chadwick, O. M. Cornell,
II. M Waldrel.
Water aud Light K. Craden, I. W, DavU.
C. R. Cnadwlck.
I'lnanct o. M. Cornell. C K. Garllck,
R. Graden.
Health and rollceC. K. Garllck. Ceo.
W. Munaon, J. W. Davii.
Liquor Uctuae- Geo. W. Munaon, J,
Graden, O. M. Cornell.
Building aud Grouuda II. M. Waldrel,
C. R. Chadwlck, c K. Garllck.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract aud Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Hendersou, manager, 311 North
Jersey street Adv.
For Sale Canary singers ,at
$2.50 each; phone Columbia 69,