St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 25, 1914, Image 1

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    St. Johns is Calling You
It Mcend In numbtr of industries.
It MTtftlK in population.
Cart le Portland every 16 m!n.
Has navigable water on 3 sides.
Hat finest Rs and electricity.
Hai two strong bank.
Hai five large tchool houiei.
Has abundance of purest water,
Mai hard aurface street!.
Mat extensive sewerage aystem.
Mas fine, modem brick city hull.
Hat payroll off 93.000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All rallfoadt have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate Ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Has a most promising future.
Distinctively a inanufatturing tily
Adjoins the city of Peitland.
Has neaily 6,000 population.
Has'a public library.
Taxable propcity, H.500.000.
Mas large dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works.
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior nlant.
Flour mill, planing mill,
Dox factory, and others.
More industiics coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
Devoted lo the Interest ot tbt Peninsula, tbe Manufacturing Center of tbs Norttiwsit
VOL. to
NO 4.
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
With the exception of Council
man Davia, who was absent in
Eastern Oregon on business, all
members were present at the
regular meeting of the city coun
cil Tuesday evening, with Mayor
Vincent presiding.
A petition was received for
the improvement of Stanford
street between Buchanan and
Burr streets by sidewalk, curb
and grade, and a resolution
directing the city engineer to
prepare the plans, specifications
and estimate for the improve
ment of same was adopted. A
petition for the improvement of
Macrum avenue between the
city limits and O. W. R. &N. It.
R. tracks by grade, sidewalk
and curb received like treat
ment. Petitions for arc lights on
Macrum avenue 200 feet south
of the Columbia Slough and also
200 feet north of the O. W. R.
& N. tracks were referred to the
water and light committee, as
was also a petition for an arc
light to be placed at the corner
of Scott avenue amj East Charles
ton street.
VV. S. Kellogg nskctl that the
bulkheads on Willamette boule
vard at Polk and Richmond
Btroets be made in conformity
.with the other bulkheads on the
street, and on motion of Council
man Munson a committee con
sisting of tho mayor, city at
torney, city engineer and Coun
cilmen Waldref and Gradcn was
appointed to investigate the
condition and act as it might
'seem proper under the circum
stances R. D. Powoll lodged another
,complaint concerning n certain
Vdog in his neighborhood running
;at largo a portion of tho time
..without a muzzle. Chief of
.Polico Poff stated that ho had
mado several trips to tho homo
;of the canine, but each time ho
.found tho animal wearing a
imuzzlo. The mayor stated that
.'it waB an impossibility for tho
polico to watch all the dogs in
tho city all tho time.
A Mr. Powers of Portland en
tered a complaint against tho
.charge mado for cutting weeds
;on a certain piece of land in St.
Johns. Tho matter was held
,over for adjustment, if any bo
found necessary, until a later
Bills amounting to $23G.95
were allowed.
Tho water and light committeo
by Councilman Gradcn, chair
man, recommended the installa
tion of tho following arc lights,
to bo installed within twenty
dayB: One at the corner j)t
Seneca and Nowton streets; one
at the corner of Seneca and East
Mohawk streets; one at the
corner of Now York and Edison
streets, and one at tho corner of
Leavitt and Willamette boule
vard. Upon suggestion of
Councilman Munson tho raising
of tho arc light at tho corner of
Baltimore and Decatur streets
four or five feet iarther up tho
polo was included in the budget,
and the recommendations were
accepted by tho council.
Tho finance committeo report
ed that 5724 yards of rock had
been taken from tho city's quarry
at Whitwood Court from May
1st to September 1st, the greater
portion of which was used out
side of the city. The city re
ceives a royalty of 2J cents per
yard for all rock used in the
city, and ten cents per yard for
all rock from the quarry used
outside of tho city limits.
Upon being advised by the
mayor that Mr. Thompson of the
Portland Woolen Mills had re
quested that Crawford street
leading to the mills be placed in
better repair, it was decided
that the council make a visit to
the street in a body the follow
ing day and investigate the con
dition of the street. There is a
possibility that the street may
be hard surfaced, as the only
feasible and practical manner of
improvement for this much
traveled highway.
The improvement of Charles
ton street between Hayes and
Willamette boulevard was ac
cepted. It is said to be the best
job of concrete pavement ever
laid in the city. Lochran-Nut
tintr & Co. were the contractors,
The St Johns Lumber Com
pany asked for a renewal of the
lease of a portion of Burlington
street, and the matter was re
ferred (o the mayor and city at
The Corona Club
Tune Yankee Doodle.
Oh, we'ro the gay Corona Club,
With colors rose and golden;
We gather all our lessons up,
And in our heads we hold 'em.
Corona Club, Oh, rah! rah! rah!
Corona Club the dandy;
Oh, wave your flags and pen
nants high,
And with the cheers be handy.
Last June we parted, one and all,
To spend a gay vacation,
But now tho paths of duty call,
So goodbye, recreation.
Rnmn nf nn st ill ntudents are.
A-working nt our books, oh;
And some within the School of
Are finding proper nooks, oh.
To place a crown upon our head,
Oh. this we'ro goin' to strive
With fame and wealth and
honor, too,
Oh. these we'ro goln' to divo
But yet we'll try to help the
And on tho sands of time, oh,
We'll leave a mark that will not
So endeth Hub long rhyme, oh.
Meg Merrilies.
Building Permits
Wn ARTn Slnnlnv Rnrfluwnki
to erect n rcflidcnco on Charles
ton street between Bwcnson- anil
Richards streets; cost $800.
No. 19-To II. D. Beam to
erect a residence for O. D.
Juorgs on Jcrsoy street between
Tyler and Mohawk streets; cost
A bill was presented in the
sum of $25 by the city of Port
land for services rendered by
Grappler Brady in recovering
tho body of Clydo Lindley from
tho Willamette river recently,
and was referred to tho finance
committee for recommendation
as to payment.
A communication from Chief
of Police Poff recommended that
an auto bo secured for the polico
department instead of employing
another policeman, as had been
decided upon, claiming that ho
believed bettor service could
thus bo secured than an addi
tional man would bo nblo to ren
der. He also recommended that
tho red light signal system of
polico alarm bo installed as con
templated some time since. Tho
recommendations were held over
for a week for deliberation.
Councilman Waldref made a
motion that the city attorney be
directed to draft an ordinance
penalizing parties from remov
ing bodies from St, Johns in
case3 of accidental death with
out the permission of relatives
of the deceased, provided it did
not conllict with any state law
that might bo in force; motion
carried unanimously.
Resolutions directing tho en
gineer to prepare tho necessary
data for tho improvement of St.
Johns avenue between Edison
and Seneca streets, and Colum
bia boulevard between Jersey
and Dawson streets were adopt
ed. A resolution directing the
engineer to prepare the data for
tho improvement of Tyler street
between Jersey and Fessenden
streets was held over owing to
the fact that thero is a strip of
land between Jersey and Daw
son streets that has not been de
dicated, and that condemnation
proceedings would be likely be
fore the city could obtain title to
Upon motion of Councilman
Garlick, the recorder was au
thorized to advertise for bids
for the installation of bathing
facilities for tho use of the fire
men in the city hall. The chief
of police was also authorized to
secure paint so that the firemen
could paint the cells of the city
bastle during their leisure hours,
upon suggestion of Councilman
It was decided that the coun
cil should investigate the sharp
corner of the curb at the inter
section of Burlington and Pitts
burg streets, with a view to
having them removed.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tiuued or examined at tbe Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street Adv.
The Character Builder
Excellent paper read by Mrs.
T. J. Monahan at the Mothers'
meeting Monday of last week.
Subject, "Mother the Char
acter Builder;"
Lovejoy tho poet said ;
God thought to give the sweetest
thing in His Almighty power,
To earth, and deeply pondering
what it should be. one hour-
In fondest joy and love of heart
outweighing every other,
He moved tho gates of Heaven
back and gave to earth a
It is a hard thing to require a
mother to devote herself so
closely to her child, but let her
remember that motherhood is
her business now.
She has had her school life.
She has had society. She has
had literature. She has had
wifehood. Now 8ho is a mother,
pledged by the sacredncss and
infinite import of this new call
ing to self nnegation, to tho
highest good of tho child to
whom she stands as creator and
provider. It is to her now that
the child looks for support and
Btrength. The first thoughts to
come to a child arc of mother;
then where is there any other
greater opportunity to form tho
little mind and mold it in a way
thnt will mako lastimr imnrcB-
sions and form tho ideas that
will develop and mako character?
When wo want to develop a
plant and mako something of it
that will be admired by our
fricndB and the public, how
much timo wc give to it. Wo
watch it day by day ns it grows
to see if wc cannot do still more
to help it in its growth and de
velopment. Mothers, do you know that
tho rarest plant God ever plant
ed is tho child in tho homo gar
den. Then it behooves tho
mother to watch over tho child
hour by hour and day by day
that she may find tho way into
that young lffo; to exert over it
tho caro and influence that will
stamp upon it that which will
develop its character.
Mothers, you are the character
builders of your children. In
this busv. fro ahead age. when
every one is forging ahead and
especially tho man with a family
who has to be away from homo
from early morning till luto at
night in keeping pace with tho
rush for a livelihood, has no timo
to oven visit with his family.
say nothing of his being ablo to
properly teach his children, bo
the greater responsibility natur
ally falls on tho mother to caro
for and train tho children.
Lincoln said: "AH I am I
owo to my mother." wno
knows, but God nlonc, what sac
rifices that mother mado that her
boy might have a character that
would stand out in the world's
hiBtory as tho noblest work of
God a man with n true char
acter? We look back at tho
martyred Lincoln and think of
him as tho rail splitter, after
ward aa an attorney, then a Con
gressman, and nnuiiy a t'resi
dent of tho United States. Then
it was jin shed forth the teach
ing of that mother. With a
great heart beating in unison
with, and full of sympathy for
suffering humanity, ho portray
ed a character auch as only a lov-
incr mother can Inspire. The
deep underlying strength of his
life was mado manifest when he
issued tho "Emancipation Proc
lamation." Mothers, you may none of you
raise a Lincoln, but you can im
part to your children by word
and by life the things that will
make character in your boy or
your girl. And I would not
have you forget where to go for
your information, tho source of
all knowledge and wisdom, the
greatest character builder of all
ages God himself, as revealed
by his Word.
In conclusion, let me say: It
is not the childless woman that
has conquered man. It is the
mother who has niltilied her
duty. Women who fulfill their
mission as mother are those who
reign over reigning men. Those
who prepare new generations
and form public opinion con
stitute the greatest factors in
man's salvation from the evils
that threaten our age. Yes,
women mothers, in your hands
more than any other lies the
character building of the world.
For Rent At 811 South Jersey
street, modern store bui ding.
with living rooms in rear; all
conveniences: line location.
Rent low. Main 6378 or Col
umbia 81.
Work (or Creator 8t John.
War to Those at Home
Passing the bulletin boards
ono will be attracted by the
crowd drinking and absorbing
the war news when some great
battle has claimed its toll in hu
man slaughter: the greater the
casuality tho greater seems their
delight. One shudders at this
spirit in our rising generation.
Arc we getting ready for some
future war? When one stops to
consider that for each one thou
sand slain in battle three thou
sand innocent hearts are torn
mothers, fathers, sweethearts
"somebody's darlings," let them
be Cossacks or others.
Though young in years, how
indelible arc events stamped on
my mind that occurred in our
Civil War. How happy 1 was
when father camo home on fur
lough with those bright buttons
and bluo clothing with very
modest stripes on his arms, won
at Shiloh. But later, while I
was resting on mother's knee, n
neighbor knocked at our door,
handing mother a letter with a
red badge on the envelope. I
can see those dear fingers yet
as they nervously tore oil its
end. one glance inside, she
dropped it, drawing me nearer
her heart, her tears streaming
over my tow head, crossing
her lips to mine, she sobbed,
"Your father 1b dead."
A dear neighbor lady camo in
to try to help lift the burden,
little dreaming that next day
she, too, would hour the death
knell her two boys were killed.
John Hartman, the eldest, had
died, aa every ono knew ho
would, the first on the enemj 'a
breastworks. As ho was falling,
riddled with bullets, his weight
Bank the fiagstuir deep in the
earthen works. Scoing Old
G orv wuv ng. with a mighty
cheer, tho boyB won tho day.
Eliaa Humphrey, ono ot our
nearest neighbor's boys, left a
broken hearted mother. A cop
perhead living in our vicinity
escaped duty this
young man $1000 as substitulo
to better ennblo him to stay at
home and make life miserablo
for tho old men and women.
Tho wounded, when ablo to
travel, would bo given a furlough
home- to convalesce; but how
different tho wounds then and
now. Instead of a clean little
puncture, mado with a small
caliber bullet, neatly covoreJ
with u steel or nickel sheath to
guard against blood poisoning,
and with such a velocity that a
bono could be puntured without
breaking: quite different was
the slow, largo minnio ball. Tho
shock was greater and in a
majority of cases tho ball re
mained in tho body to be probed
after, after currying a lurgo
patch of clothing with it.
Live, we did not; wo existed.
Not to know where the next
meal was coming from was al
most universal.
My mother passed over years
ago. l can still near tier voice
and recall many things only a
mother can do. Ono BtandB out
in bold rel'ef. "a mother'B sug
gestion" with six littlo hungry
mouths to feed, nono old enough
to bo of material help. Ono
evening, rainy and dismal, noth-
nir but bad news from our
army, and almost every homo in
the country in mourning, the
houso was empty of edibles other
than tho milk from ono old faith
ful cow "Brownie;" we were all
teasing for supper; poor mother
looked crushed: then of a sud
den she jumped up and said,
"Wo will have a great feast.
Just think of it! Yum! Yum!
Bonnie clabber!" Like magic
tho suggestion struck us, and
such a supper! I never tasted
any food so good, Wo loaded
our little stomachs and went to
bed happy and slept soundly all
night; but now I can see dear
mother crying and lying awake
thinking of the morrow.
In this European war, as in
our war, we will lose the best
blood. The young, strong boys
will be there, first to receive the
shock, leaving the sickly and
imperfect ones to bring on tho
next generation, instead of
those of ruddy face and fine
physique. The undersized weak
lings will predominate.
We wonder if God in his
mercy can forgive some of those
crowned heads who have caused
this slaughter? Thousands of
individuals that have met bayo
nets' thrusts have, given up lives
more worthy than those jewel-be-decked
monarchs. " 'Tis for
us to mourn" the blood that in
soaking neutral and other
grounds carries the same ele
ments that course through many
of our veins. John W. Tollman
of Roseburg in the Qregonian,
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
Hours: Afternoon 12 to 5:30;
evening 7 to 9.
Lay aside the war newB long
enough to read "Tho Charm
That is Banle" in the October
Russia is tho unknown quan
tity in the present war. The
magazines this week are trying
to solve the problem. II. G.
Wells, the Englishman, discusses
The Liberal Fear of Russia in
Harper's Weekly and Tho In
dependent features articles on
Tho Rise of Russin and the Rub
sinn Conquest of Poland.
Books Received:
The Business Man's Library,
in ten volumes.
"American business men hold
that the only way to learn to do
tilings is to do them. But men
are coming to realize that, al
though no one can learn to tlo a
thing by merely being told how
it is done, such precious knowl
edge greatly facilitates his learn
ing how to do it when once he
gets into practical work.
Book learning is like a fer
tilizer it docs not, of itself,
produce anything, but it stimu
lates growth and advance when
tho live seed, practical exper
ience, is instilled in the soil of
The subjects considered areas
Vol. 1 Credits and Collec
tions. Vol. 2 Business correspon
dence. Vol. 3 Cost of production.
Vol. '1-SollIng.
Vol. G Buying.
Vol. G Organizing a factory.
Vol. 7 Advertising.
Vol. 8 -Employer and em
ploye. Vol. 9 Personality in busi
ness. Vol. 10 Accounting and olllco
Lauffer Electrical Injuries.
Their causation, prevention
and treatment. Designed for
tho use of practical electrical
Mitchell--About Old Story
Of how and when they lived
and what stories they told.
Donald G. Mitcholl. author of
Roveries of a Bachelor, believes
in old friends and thinks they
should not bo laid away upon
tho shelf without good cause.
Ho confesses to a lurking fond
ness for the good old fashioned
stories which were written in
good, straight forward English
with good, straight forward in
tent. It is for these reasons
thut ho has writton tho prosont
book, which kindles and fastens
interest in theso old-nuw talcs
by chatty talks of their authors
and of tho times in which they
lived, and the circumstances in
which they wrote.
Shorter Route to Portland
Commissioner Dieck has ap
proved the proposed extension of
Greeley street from Killings
worth avenuo to Russell street as
a continuation of tho Willamette
boulevard, Recently he held a
conference with a committee
from the United Improvement
Clubs of the Peninsula district
and went thoroughly into the
situation. It was set forth that
the damages which would result
by the condemnation of property
covered in tho proposed exten
sion would amount to about $7
in assessments against each lot
affected. Property owners say
they will be willing to pay these
assessments providing the im
provement iB mode. The exten
sion will lessen tho distance be
tween the Peninsula district and
the business part of the city
nearly ono and one-half miles.
It is proposed that the St. Johns
car line be routed over the boule
vard which would lessen the time
on cars each way about 15 min
utes thus bringing the Peninsula
district considerably nearer the
city. Commissioner Dieck prom
ised to direct his subordinates
to prepare the necessary plans
for tho proposed extension and
to have the City Attorney pre
pare an ordinance commencing
proceedings for tho project
Portland Daily Abstract.
For Sale Canary singers at
$2.50 each; phone Columbia G9.
Ocean Commerce
The New York Times says
that for years "the South Amer
ican trade might have been ours
for the nsking."
The New York Times was,
through all those years, one of
the potential forces which pre
vented "the asking" in any
reasonable way. Those in
charge of the Times saw what
England and Germany were do
ing to gain thnt trade and the
splendid results they obtained,
but with tho World, tho Evening
Post, and kindred great journals
persistently fought every legiti
mate effort for Americans to en
ter that field and contest for the
mighty prize.
The example they set was fol
lowed by journals in every state,
and because of them there have
always been men enough in con
gress to defeat any practical
measure for building up an
American mcrchuni marine.
Now thnt a cataclysm has struck
all ocean commerce, congress is
wabbling about helplessly, ap
parently not knowing what to
It has passed a measure ad
mitting to registry foreign built
ships; there is talk of the gov
ernment buying ships and run
ning them, which would not be
a bad idea, for in that way the
government might eventually
learn the cost of running mer
chant ships and might eventually
discover tho differences between
paying that cost whero tho
monoy would all remain u part
of the money of this country or
of paying it to foreign ship own
ers where it would be lost to this
country forever. No one can
roreseo when tho present war
will end, but any man of ordin
ary intelligence can sec that all
tho powers engaged, save per
haps Groat Britain, will como
out of tho war shattered, with
their industries wrecked and
with hates engendered that it
will require years to repair and
This being true, it is incom
prehensible that such legislation
is not passed as will set tho
hammers in every ship yard in
America ringing, in preparation
for running our republic on four
wheels instead of the three
wheels which has been tho rule
over Binco our ocean trade wus
tranBferrcd to foroignors be
tween 1801 and 1805.
Think of our situation! A
great nation with vast and
swiftly increasing products to
sell to foreigners hut for a full
half century refusing to make
possible tho carrying of thoso
products in American ships!
And now that a conllict among
the great commercial nations of
the old world has swept their
ships from the sea, behold our
government looking he plcssly
on, not knowing what to do.
Added to tills, too. is tho ob
ject lesson to teach us that a
mighty ocean commorco is nec
essary to anything liko prosper
ity for our country.
If one-half tho Interost on tho
monoy that this country has
paid to foreign ship owners dur
ing the past thirty years, and
which boa been lost to us for
ever, had been used to encour
ogo Americun shipping, we
would now have been, as we
wero in 1859, tho greatest of
shipping countries, and in the
present crisis wo would hnvo
been the commercial musters of
all tho oceans without a rival
except Japan.- Goodwin's Week
Must Tell the Truth
Things forevermore remind us
that this world's a world of
grief and no optimist can blind
us to tho fact that joy is brief,
We are to the future looking for
a glud and joyous day, and the
futuro's busy cooking all tho joy
that conies that way.
Man goes forth and weds a
maiden, and he thinks he's cor
nered bliss: all tho world be
comes an Aiden, and this life
iust ono big kiss, When the
honeymoon is ended, and his
appetite returns, life to him
seems much less splendid for
his boarding house he yeurns,
For his bride, with all her
talents, never learned to broil a
steak, which destroys his men
tal balance and the colt'ee she
can make! He who always loved
good feeding now must gnaw
the concrete bread, and the gal
lant heart is bleeding that was
glad when he was wed.
And the young brido has a
sorrow gnawing at her inmost
heart; yesterday, toduy, tomoy
Incidents of High School
Interestingly Told
Vacation is over; now for
school! This is the thought that
inspired every student reenter
ing James John. At present
there is an enrollment of seventy
seven. A great factor in mak
ing the enrollment for the first
week lnrgdr this year than at
any timo before is no doubt the
newly added commercial course.
The first and second years of
this course are now being offer
ed. The first year includes
English, Algebra, bookkeeping,
typewriting and penmanship.
The second year includes Eng
lish, commercial arithmetic and
practice. Mr. A. II. Babb, u
graduate of tiie University of
Idaho, has been engaged as in
It is not certain what ac
tivities the students will nurauo
this year until class organization
is perfected, but the prospects
are lair in both athletic and
literary departments.
In athletics Will Leulsch and
Wesley Wrinkle are new upper
class huskies who will probably
figure in the foot, ball team.
The freshman class offer much
promising material.
Each of the four classes has
organized. The officers are as
Freshman Class- -President.
Wyeth J ay no; vice president,
Caryle Cunningham; secretary,
Clarice Wilson; treasurer, Del
bert Day.
bophomoro Class President.
Marshall Shaw; vice president,
SiiBio Lindley: secretary, Clyde
Thayer; treasurer, Minnie Nolen.
Junior Class- President. Ar-
lino Shaw: vice president. Hazel
Johnson; secretary, George Huf-
ford; treasurer, Kuth McGregor.
Senior Class President. Alico
Wrinkle, vice president, John
McGregor; secretary, William
Lcutsch; treasurer, Harold Bay
brook. Among the enrollment arc six
students from Linnton. Wo aro
more than glad to have those
near neighbors with us thin
year. lioporior.
row she can loci tlx oudiosK
smart, ror her husband, when
ho misses stew or steak or
poultry fruit, doosn't seem to
care for kisses ns a proper sub
stitute. She has even seen him
frowning as he ato the glacial
pie. and her soul in woo is
drowning, and she heaves a
gasping sign.
Ah. this scene, so grim and
tragic, may bo seen each past
ing day; ror tho wedding morn
iii's muuie soon full soon is pass
ed away, if the bride can't mako
a salad of two prunes and seven
pears, and tho husband lias a
valid reason for tho faco ho
And the bride, on that bright
morning when her orange
wreath is new, sees of storm no
hint or warning; all the skios
are fair and blue. No forocast
of clouds or thunder to her lov
ing heart con ronch, for hor
husband is a wondor, just ntt
sure as she's a peach. But
sho finds, whon slio's been
married for six weeks or may
bn less, and her bridal wreath
she's carried to the attic in dis
tress, that tho man who was a
spender in the courting days
so fine and who blew himiolf in
splendor, just as though he
owned a mine, is as tight as
any miser, and he grumble
every time she, his bonutoous
Ann Elizor, asks him for a
measly dime.
Thus their golden dronms are
busted, soon their love has run
its course, and we find thorn.
sick, disgusted, playing for a
quick divorce.
It is sinful to depress you,
confident and hopeful youth;
may all happiness possess you
but we still must tell tho truth!
Walt Mason in Judge.
Tho Boston Restaurant 122 Phil
adelphia street St. Johns has
been newly arranged and is now
in fine condition, full equipment
with living rooms up stairs;
cheap rent and a good stand.
Will sell fixtures and give good
lease McKinney & Davis.phono
Columbia 2.
An electric massage, only ono
in town, Gjlmoro's harbor shop,