St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 18, 1914, Image 4

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    Smallpox in the Navy
The recent revelations of tin
outbreak of Hinnllpox on thu
battleship Ohio must huvo or
iously cmbnrniBsed the medlcnl
Interests that are known to bo
back of the propaganda for a
Federal Department of Health.
During the past few yearn vac
cination has boon rigidly en
forced in the army and navy by
the Government medical au
thorities. Enlisted men who
wore opposed to vaccination
have buen court martialcd utul
sontonced to imprisonment and
dishonorable discharge. The
plea of the sailor that he had n
right to refuse to permit disease
germs to bo injected into his
healthy blood, was overruled by
the Federal physicians, on the
ground that vaccination was an
established preventive of small
pox and that the good of the
service demanded that every
sailor be satisfactorily inoculated
The anti climax of this cam
paign to illustrate the value of
vaccination as a preventive rem
edy, came a few weeks ago
when a Bmall pox epidemic oc
cured on the battleship Ohio.
Twenty-eight sailors who had
previously been vaccinated were
attacked by the disease, five of
the number dying.
There has developed within
the past few years a marked
public sentiment against what
appears to be an insistent at
tempt to create state medicine
in the Federal Government, by
means of which a single school
of medicine, operating through
bureaus and departments, has
been nblo apparently to force the
treatment of this school upon
persons opposed to its theory
and practice.
Those who hold these view
insist that the small pox cpi
acinic on lite UMio proves one
of two things: Uitncr vaccina
lion does not prevent small pox
or the government medical sar-
vice was unreliable and faulty
in the matter of vaccmo inocula
Those who onnone tho rapid
increase in departments, bureaus
and permanent boards in irov
eminent, on the ground that
they tend to undermine demo
cracy. - point to this as a typlca
illutration of the claim that
bureaucratic rule is always liable
to become nrmlrary and (lis
crlmatory and in time to become
fnollieiont. Whatever may he
said in justification of this ten
doncy, on the grounds of
efliciency. in departments o
tho service where thoy aro no
contending theories striving lor
recognition, it would seem ap
parent that sweeping or auto
cratic power should not be do
located to bureaus or odlcials o
one school of healing, by which
thoy aro ahio to compel treat
incut opposed by other schools
and which may be objected to
hy hundreds or thouaunds of in
tolligont citizens. Published by
Means Domination
l he closed shop moans com
plete domination by tho unions
of tho business of the employer.
u means that none out mem
bora of unions shall be emnlovut
in any Industry: that hours of
labor, amount of output, ant
scales of wairos shall be dotor
mined by the employe), and that
tho employer shall have no more
to do with tho conduct of his
business than to carry into oll'oc
me unions' demands and pay
uio union into oi wages.
As might be exnoctcd. the em
plovers oppose the closed shop,
ami mo opposition oi many is
wnoiiy iroo irom narrow am
solllsh roasons. Thoy believe
that Portland's trrowth won h
coaso if notlco woro given to tho
world that none but union mem
bore could find work here, am
that hor prosperity would lan
guish if it wore a fact that in
vested capital would bo subject
10 union domination, me city
that advertises it has omnlov-
ment for tho labor or capital of
out a small class must soon be
outstripped by others that give
equal priviUfgos to all classes.
Notwithstanding the noise
they make, tho unions do not
represent more than ten per
cent of our population, although
they aro making ovary ell'ort to
run tho business of tho other !)0
per cent. Tho Spoctator be
lieves it would be a most un
fortunate thing for Portland If
they succeeded in establishing
nere tno ruie oi tno closed shop,
which, in tho interest of a very
smaii ciass, uonios to a large
ciass tno right to earn a living
or do business.- Portland Spec
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale nt this office ami
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Kealty ami Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Kealty, Hills
of Sale, Leases.
FO"fTBENT card at "till office
An Ordinance Creating a Hoard
of Censorship, Regulating
Shows, Theatres. Motion Pic
tures, Distribution of Litera
ture, Dill Hoards and Adver
tising Matter, and Fixing a
Penalty for the Violation of
this Ordinance.
The City of St. Johns does
ordnin as follows:
Soction 1. A Hoard of Cen
sorship Commissioners is hero
by created consisting of the
Mayor, City Recorder, City At
torney, City Treasurer and Chief
of Police.
Section 2. That it shall be
tho duty of the said Hoard of
Censorship Commissioners, im
mediately after the passage of
this ordinance and thereafter
immediately following the elec
tion and qualification oi the
aforesaid officers elected at any
general election held for the pur
pose of tho election of officers,
to select from the inhabitants of
the city twelve qualified persons
to act as a Hoard of Censorship.
The persons so selected shall
be over tho age of 21 years and
shall have been n resident of the
City of St. Johns for a period of
at least six months prior to his
or her selection or appointment,
and whoso term in office ahull be
for the same period as that of
the officers constituting the
Hoard of Censorship Commis
soners. Section 3. That it shall bo the
duty of tho said Hoard of Ccn
sorship to inquire into and ex
amine all reels, films, slides and
other mechanical devices used
in the production of pictures
which constitute in part or the
whole of any performance given
in any motion picture show
theatre or other place of amuse
ment. and to imss unon a
theatrical, vaudeville or other
performance, stnired or uivcti
within the City of St. JoIuib for
the amusement of its patrons or
otherwise, and shall also pass
upon all bills, circulars, posters
signs, sign boards or other pub
Mentions posted, erected or cir
eulated upon tho streets or else
where within the city, ndvertis
ing any business or product, or
motion picture show, thoatricn
vaudeville or other performance
Section '1. That motion pic
lure shows, theatres, vaudeville
performances, bill boards, signs
posters and all publications usee
ns a means' or ndvertismont o
any motion picture show
theatre, vnudevillo or business
published, erected or circulated
upon tho streets or upon private
property with n tho City of at
Johns shall bo under the govern
ment and control of tho sale
Hoard of Censorship, and no per
rormnuco shall be irivcn or bi
posted or other advertising innt
tor circulated or bill board erect
ed without first having tho con
sent and permission of the said
Section G. That tho Hoard
shall refuse to approve of any
film or permit any performance
which depicts or illustrates any
lewd or lascivious act: any film
or performance which suirueats
depicts or illustrates any matter
or thing oi an obscene, iinmorn
or iiidcconi nature; any linn or
performance which portrays or
suggests anything oll'onsivo to
tho high moral senses: any film
or poriormanco which portrays
or suggosts in such a manner as
to ollend public morality or de
coney, any murder, suicide,
robbory, holdup, stnbbinir. ns
saulting, clubbing or beating
ol any human beings; any film
or poriormanco, the production
or exhibition of which wouk
tend to corrupt tno mora s ot
children or adults; any film or
performance which portrays any
scvMio of violence in a gruesome
or revolting manner: any film.
performance or speech which ox
hibition, performance or speech
would tend to disturb the pub
lie peace: any film, performance
or speech which would tend to
excite crime.
Soction G. Hint no books,
papers, periodicals or pub ca
lions shall bo sold or distributed
on the Btreots or olsewhero in
tho city of St. Johns without
tho consent of said Hoard which
books, papers, periodicals or pub
iciuiuiis ifiiu iu menu uio renu
or to commit crimes or engage
in any immoral or indecent act
or that m any way or manner
treats immoral or criminal char
acters represented in such books,
papers, periodicals or publica
tiona in a heroic manner whose
acts aro unmoral, criminal or
indecent and by tho doimr of
tho acts therein would creato in
icrsons reading such books.
papers, periodicals or publica
tions a desire to do the samo
for the purpose of nubl citv.
fame, notoriety or self gratifica
tion or that treats morality, vir
tue, order or things that aro
elevating or uplifting as second
ary to immorality, vice, crime
or things that tend to degrade
lowor tho standard of de
coney or result in disorder or
awlessness. This section is not
intended to effect the freo uso
and sale of any standard book,
periodical, paper or publication
ccoiimzcd ub such now uubl sh
ed or which may be published
or circulated, but Is intended to
suppress the circulation of all
cheap or inferior publications of
whatsoever name, nature or
Section 7. That no shooting
gallery Bhall bo permitted to use
any form representing a human
being or human face as a target
to be shot tit in any gallery.
Section 8. That immediately
after the selection or appoint
ment of the persons constituting
the Hoard Censorship, they shall
make a division of their number
into four equal divisions of three
members each, numbering each
division first, second, third and
fourth, respectively. Kuch divi
sion is hereby authorized and
empowered to pass upon all
things and matters herein con
taincd, and its act shall betaken
and deemed the act of the en
tire Board except as provided
in section 9. The first division
hereby authorized shall im
mediately take up the duties of
their office and perform the
same for a period of not more
than two weeks, when the mem
bers of tho second division shall
relieve the members of the first
division and so on until all shall
have served, and likewise con
tinuing in consecutive order dur
ing the entire period for which
they have been appointed.
Should any of the members con
stituting any division as herein
provided for any cause be unable
to act with tho member or mem
bers of his or her division, the
member or members acting shall
call to his, her or their aid mem
bers from cither of the other
divisions a sufficient number to
constitute the full number of a
division, the consent or a permit
given nndBignedbya majority
of tho division noting will be
necessary and shall bo required
in all cases.
Section 9. An appeal may be
taken to the Hoard of Censor
ship Commissioners by cither
tho management of nny motion
picture show, theatre or vaude
ville or by any person or persons
affected by this ordinance. Said
appeal shall bo made in writing
settlmr forth in a clear and con
ciso manner the objections to
the ruling of tho Hoard, which
appeal shall be heard and deter
mined by a majority of the said
Hoard, which ddtermination shal
bo final.
Section 10. That said Hoarc
or any of tho members thereof
shall liavo tho right to enter at
any time any theatre, moving
picture show or other -place of
amusement lor tho purpose ol
determining whether or not any
of the provisions of this or
dinnnco is being violated.
section il. 'Hint upon com
plaint beitur made by the said
Hoard for any violation of this
ordinnnco it Bhall be the duty of
the Chief of Polico or other
polico officer to immediately ar
rest tho offender, and a failure
to do so shall bo deemed n vio
latlon of his or their duty.
Section 12. Any person, firm
or corporation v b at her any o
tho provisions of this ordinnnco
shall bo punished upon convic
tion in tho Municipal Court by
a lino of not to exceed or
by imprisonment in tho city jn
for a period not to exceed CO
days, or by both such fino ant
imprisonment provided that
each exhibition of nny film or
performance, speech, sale ordis
tribution of any book, periodical
paper or publication prohibited
by bection l. or other tlunir re
quired to bo approved, niu
which has not been unnrovet
by tho Hoard shall constitute a
Bopnrato violation of this or
Passed by tho Council this
8th day of Septembor, 19M.
Attest: A. 13. DUNSMORE.
Proposed Assessment
Notice U hereby irlven (hat niMxirtioii.
incut of the cost of Imiirovcuieiil of Wil
lamette boulevard from the westerly
utile line o( Richmond utreet to tho east
erly line of llurlinutun street, the total
cost of which is fG.Wl.SO, hns been
apportioned and U on file in the
ottice of the undersigned, subject to ex.
Assessment district extends back to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
laud abuttiui; on said street as provided
uy iiicciiycuarier ami resolutions,
Kemoustruucesaiainst said apportion
ment tuny be timde iu writing and filed
with the uudereiKued until 5 o'clock
P. M. Septembers, 1914.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
Sept. 11 and 18, igU.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for nny case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEV & CO.. Toledo. O.
W a. the underalimed. Iiava known k J.
Cheney for tho last 15 yeara, ami believe
htm perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially nblo to carry
ut any obligations mado by his Arm.
Toledo, O
Hall'a Catarrh Cur li taken Internally.
acting directly upon tho blood and mu
cous surfaret of the system. Testimonials
aent free, I'rlce 74 cents per bottle. Sold
by all UrugnUts.
iim iisii fatuity nils tor constipation.
5Piano 7istruction
Studio 404 Alta Street.
Ucglnncrs s Specially
Ptieae Columbia 7
The new Dress Skirts are commanding attention and our patterns
compliment the selection of styles and materials.
These Skirts are advance styles; there is but one of a kind. Should
you buy one of them you are assured that you will not have it duplicated
in St. Johns. The Prices range from $5.00 to $11.50.
The new selection of Yardage Goods in Velours, Victor Serge and
Outings are more varied and better taste than you have seen before in
this community.
The Season is on for Rain Coats. Rain Hats and Rain Capes
Our prices on these are assuredly better than prices elsewhere of
goods of like quality.
To those persons who use the St. Johns stores for the purchases of
the Staple Dry Goods and Wearing Apparel we especially commend our
line of Sweaters, Sport Coats and Mackinows; they are of unsual value and
careful selection.
In thu Circuit Court of the State
Oregon for MuminiiMh County.
lviiiiisiil.i Scui.ity CiiuitMuy. ti crHr
ntiiui, I'lalutiff, vs. llcrthn (Juuiii and
l'rancis M. Quiun, her husb.iml, and S,
J, Kiimiusky, Detundiiuls.
To llerthu ytiiuu, l'raiicls M, (jtiliui,
her husband, and 8. J. Kaiiiiiisky, De.
Iu the uume "f the State of Orciron
you arc hereby icqtiested to appear and
an-wer to the complaint filed against
you in the uhuvu entitled suit within
six weeks Irani the date of the first
publication of ilii-t notice, to-wit: the 9th
day of lh t.'bi r. IIU-I; mid if you (.til
so to do, for w ii. t thereof, the plaintiff
will Mki )u. lament and decree
prayed for in plaintiffs complaint
I'irsl; Thai tho pluiutiiT have in tin
incut against the defendants. Ilertha
Quiun uml l'raiicls M. Quiun, for tli
sum of Twenty-five Hundred ($2500)
Dollars ami Interest tliercon at the rate
of child per cent per annum until pal
iruui uctoucr id. iviu, tor uic lurwicr
sum of Three Hundred Thirty Dollars
(130) mid interest thereon at the rate of
ten ill)) per cent per annum until raid
from March 1. 1914: and for the further
sum of One Hundred ldKhty.five Dollars
lisu) togctner wait interest tueieoii tin
lil paid at the rute of ten (10) per cent
per annum from March I, 1914, and for
the further sum of Sixty-two Dollars uml
Seventeen Cents together with
interest tliercon at tlie rute ol elulit per
cent per milium until puhl Irom Inly 17
mi l, nnu lor tne uiriiicr sum oi inree
Hundred Dollars (f300) as attorney's
fees and for plaintiff's costs ami disburse.
tueiits Herein.
Second: That the usual decree of
foreclosure for the sale of all of IM or
Tract lettered "R" of St. Johns Heights
Addition, situated in tne utly ot St.
Johns, Multnomah County, and State of
ureeon. accord inn to tne duly recorded
tuereoi ou hie in the oince ot the
.ouiity Clerk, Multnomah County. Or
egon, be cutercd, ami that the bherlff
duly sell the same according to the law
and practice of this Court.
Third: That the proceeds of the sale
be applied to the several sums of mouev
due the plaintiff, and that the defendants
ami cacn oi tlicm and all persons claim
tug utiiicr or turougii the said defend
nuts subsequent to the date of the ev
edition of the plaintilT's notes ami mort
gages upon tue said premises either as
mrchasersor encumbrancer or other
wise, be barred aud foreclosed of all
equity of redemption in the premises ami
every part thereof, and that the lieu of
the judgment of the defendant, S. J.
Kamlusky, be declared to be subsequent
to ami inferior lo each and to all of the
liens of the plaintiff's mortgages, aud
uini tne said deietuiant, S. J. Kam
insky, and all persons claiming under or
through hiui be barred uml foreclosed
of all equity of redemption in and to
the said premises and every part there
Fourth: That sale be made of the
said, aud that execution issue
gainst the deicudauts. iter ilia uulnn
mid l'runcis M, Qui mi aud each of them,
for miv deficiency whith may remain
after applying all the proceeds of the
sale of the said premises properly ap
plicable to the satisfaction of the judg
ment and decree.
l'ifth: That the plaintiff or any party
to this suit may become a purchaser at
said sale, and that the Sheriff shall issue
a certificate of sale to the purchaser of
the said premises aud thereafter a
Sheriff's deed it the same is uot redeem
ed as provided by law, and that the pur
chaser be let iuto possesion of the prem
ises upon the production of the Sheriff's
certificate of sale thereof; that the plain
tiff have such other aud further orders
and relief us may to the Court seem equi
table and lust.
Sixth: That the plaintiff have
costs and disbursements iu this suit.
Service of this Summons Is made upon
you by publication of the same In the
St. Johns Kcview, a weekly newsMpcr,
for six successive weeks by virtue of an
order signed by the Honorable V. N.
Gates, Judge of the above entitled Court,
on the 21st day of August, 1014.
Date of 1st publication, Aug. 28, 1914.
Date ot last publication, Oct. 9th, 1914.
Attorney for plaiutiff,
l'irst National Hank Illdg.,
St. Johns, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon for tho County
of Multnomah. (In Probate),
Dept. No. 0.
In tho matter of the estate of
Ellas Kconoy. deceased.
Notico is hereby given that
pursuant to an order of the
above entitled Court in the above
entitled state heretofore duly
made and entered In the jour
nals of said Court, authorizing
and directing tho undersigned
so to do, tho undersigned, John
H. Rebhan. as Executor of the
last will and testament and of
the estate of said decedent, will,
on Saturday, the 20th day of
September, 1914, at thu hour of
1 :3U o'clock Jn tho afternoon of
said day, on tho premises in the
city of St. Johns, Multnomah
county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder.
for cash in hand, subject to the
approval and confirmation of
said Court, tho following real
property of said estate, to wit:
The S. E. i of Lot 3 in Block
in P. T. Sm th's Addition to
St. Johns, being the half of Lot
lying next to and adjoining
Lot 2 of said block, in Multno
mah county. Oregon, said one-
half of said Lot 3 being a strip
25 feet by 100 feet; the six
inches oft the easterly side
thereof being subject to the
conditions relating to a party
wall as set forth in a deed there
of by W. A. Messner and Georgia
ruessner to r, h. Light.
Dated this 4th day of August,
John H. Rebhan,
Executor aforesaid,
Amor A. Tussing,
Atty. for Executor.
Plumbing and Gas
Job work pronip tly attended to.
1'hone Columbia 618
09 Brr Strut
St Mis, DfiM
The Pall Merchandise is coming
in rapidly and our store presents a
busy effect The shelves and coun
ters are being loaded with new fall
goods bought particularly for you.
107 S Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Office Pliotie Columbia 24
Residence Phone Columbia 198
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Piano Moving a Specialty. Haul
log done to and from Portland
Residence 400 East Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Street
uauy trips 10 I'ortiaiKi,
Central Market!
20S S. Jorsay Strt-at
See us for the Choicest Cuts !
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Or- rWed and rom8y Tr4a SBdU4.
T. P. WARD, PreriUr.
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Sjlttrt In WtustJ of tltc Eyt, Er, Hut.
T ureal iu lssji
Operative and Medical Treatment
Expert 1'itting of Classes
MoJen&tA PricAS
316-517 Dekuu Bids., TMtd sad Washington!,
hoacsklkiasisasd A-4741, PotUaad. Oie.
Transfer and Storage
We daUvar veur treed to and frees
all pxrta of Peitlana, VaMeurer. LJsm
Um. Pert land and Suburban KxBresa
Co., aky deek aad aU peittta awible
s 0.
Physician und Surgeon.
Day NUjht Offlc. In McChtsnt? bik.
Physician and Surgeon
Glasses Accurate!) Fitted
Office Phone Col. 282 Ret. Photu Col. 196
Office Rooms 6 and 7 I'iulNstlontt Bsnk Bid.
Residence i iy Willamette boulcvstd
McDonald Building
First National'Dank Building
Rooms 7 aud 8 '
Holbrook Building ST. JOHNS
Phone Columbia 61
First National Bank buildk.
Op9 Evanlngs and Suadaja ky Ay.
Office Phoue Columbia 140
Resideut Phone Columbia 38
No. 186 I. O. O. r.
VmU each' Monday averting fa Odd Ftt
low hall at T.o, A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers.
Cbas. K. Toolcjr, Noble Grand
John J. Good tula, Vice Grind
V.C MsNcsl, Rcc. Sec.
Chas. L. Owen, Via. &c.
11. V Clark. Treas.
KMGllTSOr pyihias:
Meets every Friday slight at
7:3oo'clock in 1. 0. O. P
Hall. Visitors always wel-
A P sod A Me
Regular cosuBunicatioas
on first Wednewaye ot
eack Btosth ia Mckaer'
Hall, Vieitere weleeaac.
Chi 4. Thy, K
A, W, BavU, Steretaljr,