St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 04, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Stroot.
Tim Rnvntw Is entered fit. post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as Jimll tnnttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
All cominnnlcntloni should be iddrilicd to
Tin Bsmw, hi. Johni, Oreion.
OffleUt Miwiptptr of Ut City of It. Joins.
Subiorlptlon price $1.00 per year.
This is whot Sherman said
about war: "I confess without
shame that J am tired and sick
of war. Its ulory is all mooiv
shine. Even success the most
brilliant is over dead and man-
trled bodies, the nnuuish and
lamentations of distant families
annealing to me for missing
sons, husbands and fathers. It
is only those whohavcnot heard
a shout nor heard the shrieks
and trroans of the wounded and
lacerated, that cry aloud for
more blood, more vengeance,
moro desolation. War is hell."
A battle line one hundred
miles lontr. half n dosceiiMinnar-
alleled conflicts raging at the
same time, it may bo several
days boforo anything like au
thentic reports can be obtained.
Such was the news early in the
week. But those few words
make clear one thing, which is
that no matter who the im
mediate victor may be, the loss
to all will bo irretmrablc.
To cut off the (lower of half a
' dozen nations in the glory of
youth and strength is a loss im
measurable. To break tho
hearts of tho young nnd beau
tiftil women of half a dozen na
tions is likewise a loss im
measurable. The first recoil
from the acute grief is liable to
be the losing of faith in the jus
tice of man and the goodness of
God. The next great loss is the
absence of children that should
have been born to keep tho stan
dard of men nnd women at
their best. Tho French have
not yet regained their full
stature, because of the tinnum
bored dead that hallowed the
soil of Europe during the twenty
years of destruction that marked
tho career 01 tho llrst Napoleon,
says uoodwin's Weekly.
By careful selection of the seed
of corn tho crop of Illinois has
been increased five bushels per
aero in tho past few years and
much improved in duality. By
careful selection some breeds of
animals have been brought to
what seems almost perfection.
But when armies are to be
marshalled the young and brave
of a nation are called and then
when a devastating war is
fought through and the victors
are recoived homo with national
rejoicing, not- many stop to re
licet how terrible has been tho
cost of tho triumph.
It was so in ancient Grcoco
until so many of the glorious
raco wero slam that donpairing
woman raised children from
slaves. It was so in ancient
glorious Home until the black
shadows from Homo's battlefields
sottlcd upon tho stricken nation
and it lay under those shadows
for a thousand years.
Tho loss in money and propor
ty caused by a great war can bo
borne. Out of tho gloom of do-
feat a nation can finally emorgc.
pick up and restore its shatter
ed industries nnd go on with its
work, but tho glorified strongtl
of tho young men that
down to death in tho war can
not do recalled; tuo snndow on
tho hearts of young women will
remain or bo transmitted and
cloud tho livos of thoir childron.
So, when we try to estimate
tho cost of any war, except
that war Do lougnt for n Higher
liberty, wo can estimate tho
money cost, tho vnluo of
property doatroyed, but
greater loss, the doaths of
young nnd tho bravo in
fields, the wounds in tho hearts
of those at home can never bo
computed, but wo can under
stand enough to enable us to
docido that a man or a people
that precipitates an unnecessary
war commits a sin that only tho
mercy of God can forgivo.
How's This?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars
Reward for nnv awe of Catarrh
that cannot ba cuied by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
, P. J. CHUNKY A CO., Totedo. O.
We. the umlrlunt1. hava known 1". J.
Cheney for Hit ln( li year, and bollove
mm periecii)' ni.iiomuio in nil uumiiOM
trnctlom and llnum'iully uUlu la aorr
out any ubllKUtlou made by hU firm.
Toledo, o.
Hall's Catarrh Cure li taken Internally,
actlnir directly utoii tlio blood nnd tim
eout ur(ac' f iif nyitom TontlmonluU
ent free. Tru Ti vnte l r bottle. Sold
uy an jmiKKHiu.
Take lith e Tamil? l'lnt for conttlpuloa.
f Will Give $1000
If I Fail to Cure
Any Canetr or Tumor. Noknlfo,no
pain, no pay until cured. Any lump
In woman' breast Is eanccr if hard;
It always poisons deep glands under the
ami anu Ktna quickly.
Any tumor, lump, or two
on tho Up, fuco or body
long la cancer. Aiuslaiul
plant plaster and blood
tpecllle mtkot tli cure. Writ-
ita autoiutv su kraal ce. ijg
pate book Mnffree. Tt!mo
nitltodO.OOOcured -sworn ta.
seaiooifiBO Kr windl tuicilr feliifcle.''
DM Br. & Mrs. Dr. Chzmter & Co. R
4M Valeucli St., Sao I'nncmo Ctl. Kindly will
(Me to kooieone with caiKtr. U S unter cuie.
Let US take c
Your money will be safe in our National Bank,
which has a charter from the U. S. Government to do a
Banking business. Under our charter we must conduct
our business under the National Banking Act. This law
places our bank under the supervision of the Treasury
Department at Washington. A RIGID EXAMIN
ATION of the bank's affairs is made several times every
year in the interest of its depositors.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for tho County
of Multnomah. (In Probate).
Dept. No. G.
In the matter of the estate of
Ellas Kccncy. deceased.
Notico is hereby given that
nursuant to an order of the
above entitled Court in tho abovo
entitled stnto heretofore duly
mado and entered in the jour
nals of said Court, aulhomin
and directing the undersigned
so to do, tho undersigned, John
II. Hebhan, as Executor of tho
last will and testament nnd of
the estnto of said decedent, will,
on Saturday, mo zotii day or
September, li)M, at the hour of
1 :;!() o'clock in tho afternoon of
said day, on the premises in the
city of St. Johns, Multnomah
county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder,
for cash in hand, subject to tho
approval and confirmation of
said Court, tho following real
property of said estate, to wit:
Tho S. E. 1 of Lot I! in Block
6 in P. T. Smith's Addition to
St. Johns, being tho half of Lot
II lying next to nnd adjoining
Lot 2 of said block, in Multno
mah county, Oregon, said one
half of said Lot 8 boing a strip
foot by 100 feet: tho six
inches oil' tho easterly side
thorcof boing subject to tho
conditions relating to a party
wall as set forth in a deed there
of by W. A. Messner nnd Georgia
Messner to V. II. Light.
Dated this 4th day of August,
John II. Hebhan,
Executor aforesaid.
Amor A. Tussing.
Atty. for Executor,
Notice of Cost of Improvemen
Notice U hereby kIvcii that the assess
incut lor the Improvement of North
KellotiK street from M, Johns avenue to
lirucc uvc, the total cost oi wlilcli Is Jl.
13I.U! was ilvclnretl liy Ordinance No,6i(i
entitled "An ordinance declaring the
cost o( Improving North KcIIokk street
(nun the northerly side line of St. Johns
ave. lo the southerly side line of llruce
avenue, In the oily of 81. Johns, Oregon,
and nsswwlni; the property benefited
thereby, declarinir such assessment and
directing the entry of the same in the
docket of city liens."
Die cost ol Mid Improvement is levied
utxm all tlie lots, lurts of lots ami wr
eels oi laud within the iHiuudiirics ol the
district, as follows: llctwecn bt. Johns
avenue ana llruce avenue.
A statement of said assessment has
been diluted in the docket of citv liens
Sept. 2nd, 1014, and said assessment
is now due and tuyahle at the office of
the recoider of the city of St, Johns, Or
eon, nnd will be itelimiueut and bear ill'
tcroat uiter Sept, Ulli, 11U4, ami It
not paid on or before Oct, 2nd, 1914,
nroceeillueu will be taken lor the eollec
tiou of the same by sale of property as
proviueii liy tue city charter.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review ou
Sept. 4 and 11. 1914.
vneren8, ft una pleased our
Heavenly Father to allow death
to again invndo our Lodge and
take from it our beloved sister.
Enunn Bredcen, therefore be it
uesolved, 1 hat wo tender to
her husband nnd children, our
sincere sympathy in their
borenvment. and commend them
to tho caro of Him who doeth all
things well. That in token of
respect to Sister Bredeen our
charter bo draped for a period
of thirty days; that a copy of
these resolutions bo sent to tho
boreaved family, a copy bo
placed on our records and ono
sent to tho St. Johns Review for
Ktblication.-Arminda Whitmoro
ellio Bonham, Anna Canright,
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
Orciron for Multnomah County.
l'culusula Security Company, n coroor
ntlou, I'laintilT, vs. llcrtha Qulnn and
I'rancls ai. Sjiilim, ner liusuami, nun
T. Knmluskv. Defendants.
To llcrtha Qulnn, 1'rnucln M. Oulnii
her husband, and S. J. ICamlnsky, I)c
In the name of the State of Oregon
von nre hereby tcouestcd to appear am
answer to the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit within
six week from the date of the first
publication of this notice, to-vlt: the 0th
dav of October. 1914: and if vou fail
so to do, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will take judgment nun decree
prayed for In plaintiff's complaint,
l'lrst: That the plaintiff have hide
mcnt against the defendants, llcrtha
Oulnii and I'rancls M. Qulnn. for th
sum of Twenty-five Hundred (?2WX))
Dollars and interest thereon at the rale
of ciuht per cent per annum until paid
from October lfi, 1913, for the further
sum of Three Hundred Thirty Dollars
and Interest thereon at the rate of
ten (10) per cent per mmum until paid
from March 1, 1914: and for the further
sum of One Hundred Klglily-flvc Dollars
if IHf)) together with Interest thereon uu
til iwid at the rate of ten (10) per cent
tcr annum from March 1, 1914, and for
the further sum of Sixty-two Dollars and
Seventeen Cents tftti.n) together will
Interest thereon at the rate ol eight c
cent per annum until pain irom juiy
1911, ami for the further sum of Tl
Hundred Dollars (f300) as attorney'
ices mm lor piaiutiit a costsauu nisuurse
tueiiis Herein.
Second: That the usual decree
foreclosure for the sale of all of It
Truct lettered "R" of St. Johns Heluht
Addition, situated In the City of St
M..u..n....i. r........ I 0nu ..
.4,IIUIlll,t, .UIIIIIJ , (.111, tJlUlW tl
Oreuon. ncconllnir to the duly recorded
plat thereof on file In the olhce of th
County Clerk, Multnomah County. Or
eon, be entered, and that the . Sheriff
duly sell the same according to the law
and practice of this Court.
Third; That the proceeds of the sale
be implied to the several sums of monev
due the plaintiff, and that the defendants
anil cacu oi mem ami an persons claim
lug under or through the said defend
ants subsequent to the date of the ex
edition of the plaintiff's notes and inorl
gages upon tue sain premises either as
purchasers or encumbrancers or other
wise, be barred ami foreclosed of all
equity of redemption In the prcmisesaud
every pari tiiereoi, aim nut tue lien
the luileiueiit of the defendant. S.
Kamiusky, be declared to he subsequent
to and inferior to each ami to all of the
liens of the plaintiff's mortgages, and
that the said defendant. S. 1. Kam
lusky, and all persons claiming under or
inrougu nun ue oarren una foreclose)!
of all equity of redemption in ami to
the said premises and every tvatt there'
1-ourlh: That sale be made of the
saltl premises, and that execution issue
against the defendants, llcrtha Quiun
ami j'raucis ai, uuiuu ami eachoi them
for any deficiency width may remain
after applviiik' all the proceeds of the
sale of the said premises properly on
plicable to the satisfaction of the judg
meut and decree.
l'iltli; That the plaintiff or any party
to this suit may become a purchaser at
said sale, and that the Sheriff shall Issue
a certificate of sale to the purchaser of
the said premises aud thereafter u
Sheriff's deed if the same is not redeem
ed as provided by law, aud that the pur
chaser be let into possesion of the prem
ises upon the production of the Sheriff's
certificate of sale thereof: that the plain,
tiff have such other and further orders
and relief as may to the Court seem eijul
tuuie anu jnsi,
Sixth: That the plaintiff have his
costs and disbursements in this suit.
Service of this Summons Is made upon
you oy publication oi tue same in the
bt, johus Review, a weekly newspaper,
for six successive weeks by virtue of au
order sieued by the Honorable V. N.
Gates, Judge of the above entitled Court,
ou the 21st day of August, 1914.
Date of last publication, Oct. 9th, 1914.
Attorney for plaintiff,
l'irst National Dank VUg
St. Johns, Oregon.
The Atller-i-ka book, telling how
you can uAbIL,Y guarU ORaiust
appendicitis, aud how you can re-
ieve constipation or eras on the
stomach INSTANTLY, is offered
free this week by the ST. JOHNS
Strictly sanitary, Gilmoro's
barber shop. adv.
S. & H. Green Stamps
given on all charge accounts
when Paid in Full at least
Every 30 Days.
S. & H. Green Stamp
Premiums now on Display.
Start a Book Now, Hun
dreds in St. Johns are Col
lecting S. & H. Stamps.
Phone Columbia 137
An Ordinance Declaring (he
Lost of Improving North
Kellogg Street from the
Northerly Side Line of
St. Johns Avenue to the
Southerly Side Line of
Bruce Avcniic,fn City of St.
Johns, Oregon, and Asses
sing the Property Benefited
I Hereby, Declaring Such
Assessment aud Directing
the bntry 'of the Same In
the Dpckct;'of City Liens.
The city of St. lolnu doei ordain an
That the council I in considered the
liropoacd attcMuicnt for Improving
iNorui itciioi!i; itreei irom tue nortn
crly side Hue of St. Johni avenue to
Hie KMitluMi i!c line of llruce
nv tine, aim till objection made
tilt rclo. ami hereby ascertain. determine
aim declare tue wnoie com ol wild nn
provvmeut in manner provided by Ordi
nance No. C01 to be the uiu of i48 l.l2.
nnd that thecclalaud peculiar benefit
nccruuiK to cacu 101 or part lucre
oi or ivircel ol laml wltlilu the n-
eiiicnt district, by reaou of aald Im
jmiveuiciit ami In jut proportion to uch
hencliU, nre in the tepective amoiiuU
set oiitoiitc the number or descrlntlon
of each lot or iMrt 'thereof or parcel of
laud in the following annexed atcM
meut roll. ami tald asKhjuient roll. which
i numbered 112, U hereby adopted nnd
approved a the .uscsmcnt for ald Im-
proveuieut. and the recorder ol the cltv
of St. John is directed to enter a state
mcnt of the assessment hereby made in
the docket of city Hem, and cause notice
thereof to be published a provided by
charter, which iuuetmeut 1 na follows:
Addition Lot lllock A rut.
Holbrook'...!!... 34 $60.15
13.. 44.90
14..3E, 44.90
15. JfL, 44.00
n. n
,,.25 16.C8
16., J
,...... -.
, .u.yui
12. J
13. .
..1 44.90
. .44.90
Passed by the Council this 1st day of
Sept., i9i4.
Approved by theiMayor this 1st day
of Sept., i9i4. ,7
A. wwihcmn r, Mayor.
Attest: A. K. DUNSMORH,
Recorder of the City of St. Johns,
Published in the St, Johns Review on
Sept. 4, i9t4.
How is
Have your abstracts made, con-
nuevl or examined at the Pcuinsu-
a Title, Abstract aud Realty Co'
Accurate work. "Reasonable fees,
II. Henderson, tnanuger, 311 North
ersey street AUv.
Transfer and Storage
W dUvr vour srooda to and frwtn
U rvcrta of Portland, VancouTM. Lbin
ten. Portland and Suburban xbtm
Co., city deck and all peldts eelU
fcjr t9v PUnjr ftul fwrnkura sfisg
We supply "men who kuow" with their furnishings. Shirts, Neckwear, Under
wear, Suspenders, all are here in pleasant variety, in correct form and at alluring
prices. Make this your furnishing shop and you'll wear the things that arc right.
Our line of Men's Dress Pants have proven winners and our stock of these is
now complete.
S. A. H.
Stamp nre the Con
umer'i Discount.
nn-r it
We will Close at 9:00 Labor
Day, Monday, September 7th.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
OrcKon for Multnomah County.
II. M.Tcnncy, Plaintiff. v. I'dllh M
Hill. Hcubcn V. Hill, her hu.baud
Grace V. Martin, HcmIc M. Martin, and
W. H. Yatc. Defendants.
To Hilitli M. Hill, Hcubcn W. Hill
her husband, Grace V. Martin, llesic M
martin, ami w. IS. Yatc, Defendant:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon
you nre hereby requested to appear and
autwer to the complaint filed against
you in me aoovc cntiticii lull wilhli
tlx week of the date of the flrt imbli
cation of this notice, to-wlt: the 25th day
of Sept., 1914; and if you fall so to do
for want thereof plaintiff will take juile
mcnt aud decree against you as prayed
for in his complaint a follows, to-wlti
l'inti JudKinent for the sum of Two
Hundred I'iftv Dollars (f250) together
witu interest tuereon at inc rale ol ten
(10) per cent per nnum until paid from
December 1, 1912.
Second: l'or the turn of Sevctity-Qv
Dollars ($75.00) as attorney' fees.
Third: That the usual decree of fore
cloture for the sale of the following des
cribed premises, to-wlt: Lot numbered
Two (2), lllock numbered Sixteen (10)
South St. Johns, Multnomah County,
Oregon, according to the duly recorded
plat thereof on file in the office of the
County Clerk of Multnomah County.
Oreeon. be entered, and that the Sheriff
duly sell the same according to the law
and practice of this Court.
l'ourth: That the proceeds of the sale
be applied towards the satisfaction of the
several sums oi money due the plaintiff,
ami tuai tue tieieuiiauts, ami each
them, aud all persons claiming under or
luroneii me saiu ueicmiauts anu each oi
them subsequent to December 1. 1911
the date of the plaintiff's uote and
tiiortRKe upou the said premise, cither
as purcuasers or encumbrancers, orotlier
wise, be barred and foreclosed of all
equity ol redemption In the said prem
ises and every part thereof.
Fifth: That sale be made of the said
premises, and that execution Issue
against the defendants, JUllth M. Hill
and Reuben W. Hill, or either of them
for any deficiency which may remain
after applylne all of the proceeds of the
saie oi sum premises properly applicable
to the satisfaction of plaintiff's hull!
uient aud decree.
Sixth: That the plaintiff or any other
party to tins sun may uecoitic a nur
chaser at the said sale, aud that the
Sheriff issue a certificate of sale to the
purchaser of the said premises, aud
thereafter, a Sheriff's deed if the same is
not redeemed as provided by law, and
mat tue purcuaser oe lei into possession
of the premises upon the production of
the blierifl's certificate of sale therefor.
Seventh: That the plaintiff have such
other and further orders and relief as
y to the Court seem equltableand just,
iicbth: That the Plaintiff have his
costs anu disbursements in tins suit.
service 01 mis summons is made up
on you by publication of the same in the
bt.jonus Review, a weekly newspaper,
for six successive weeks by virtue of au
Order signed by the Honorable W. N.
Gatens. Judge of the above entitled Court
ou the 8th day of August, 1914.
Date of 1st Publication, Aug. 14. 1914,
Date of last Publication, Sept. 25, 1914,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
l'irst National Bank Dldg.,
St. Johns, Oregon,
tPiano Jnstruction
Studio 404 Alta Street,
Beginner a Specialty
Phn Columbia 7
Plumbing and Gas
Jb work promptly atteuded
Phone Columbia 618
109 IWT StfHt
St. Mis, OrsgM
order to Insure a change of ad-
vertlssment tha copy for auh change
should roach this offioo not later than
Wsdnssday, at 3 o'clock p, m. Pisass
romomBor this and mvo tha printer
This Coupon Good Tor
Ten 10 S. &
If presented upon making n
more, these stamps
Kivcu with
Not Good After Sept. 30 .
couch. & co.
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore.
I H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street
Real Estate. Loans Insurance
Adstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
:The Store of Style:
of correct Styles, Fabrics and Colors in Men's" and
Young Men's Suits. Every garment bespeaks clever
uusiu, uupunuuuiu iiiuiunum unu suusiacuon giving
uwiuniig. uur prices are
lowest in the city.
show good Suits Upward
Your needs in Shirts, Ties, Hose, Underwenr, Hats and Shoes
ore all ready waiting for your inspection; and the Prices are
the Lowest.
Credit Your Privilege
Regardless of the Low Prices we quote you can ar
range to Remit for your urchases in Weekly or
Monthly ayments. No charges for Credit.
Ask for People's Brown Trading
Stamps with all Payments.
405 Washington St., Cor, IQIIi, Portland, Ore.
The Store of Servicerzzzzz
We can fit you up with a
useful things for your outing.
Camp Stoves
Hand Tape
Canvas Gloves
Cooking ware, Dishes and Table
Prices before you buy.
H. & Free
purchase nmountlnj; lo 50c or
uc in
addition to rcuular stamps
the purchase.
IO Years in St. Johns
and satisfaction giving
complete supply of
1.25 to 1.75
J0 te 5.00
10c Pr. 3 far 25c
ware. Get our