St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 28, 1914, Image 3

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    Beds! Beds! Beds!
All Marked
A week's showing of n
Beds. An apporluuily to
big saving. .
Verntcc Mnttln Artistic Iron Ilcd, Regular $13.00 Now $9 50
White Kiinmel Iron lied,.,..,, " 10.C0 " T.75
Cream Colored Kunmclcd Iron lied, " 10.00 " " 7.25
Heavy I'rnmcd Iron Ilcd ' j.o.03 " 7.25
Cream Heavy jwst Iron Ilcd ' 9,50 . " 7,00
Several Designs; Iron llcds, 8.50 " 6.00
Substantial Iron lied, " 7,50 " 5.50
Strong Iron Hcd, Ilronzcd , ' 7,00 " 5.00
Com fortalde Iron Ilcd C.00 " 4.00
Clover Leaf Pattern , 4,50 3,00
Truss d'rntnc Iron lied, " 2.7G " 1,76
There are n good ninny
niul look them over.
Ormandy Bros.
moved into their handsome New Quarters at 109
North Jersey Street, and are now prepared to
handle their trade in a better and more efficient
manner. Prices will be as low as Good Meats and
produce can possible be sold' for.
Formal Opening of the New Meat Market will
take place on Saturday, August 29. Call in and
see the new arrangements.
Bargain Prices will be An
nounced Later. -
Phone Columbia 42 ST. JOHNS, OREGON
"Schooling In youth hmiM lurarlabljr I
directed lo ptcjMre rnm In the uc.t way
fir the tf i.rinatif ul cremation fur which
h It fipablt.'' 1'ic.Klcute V Idiot
This Is the Mission of the
Forty )Wth School Year Opens
SEPTEHBER i8th, 1914
Write for Illustrated loo-page Book
let, "THH LIFE CAKEUR," and for Cata
log containing full Information.
Dtgrtt Courses AORICULTURE :
Agronomy, Animal Hubandry.D.ryllu
bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY,
NOMICS: DomestlcScIence, Domestic Art,
ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation,
Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining.
Vocational CVurr-AgrIculture, Dairy
ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial
Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course.
School of Music Piano, String, Band,
Yoke Culture.
Fsrmcrt Btnlneti Court by Mill Free.
(tv-7-ll to M) CorvtllU, Ortioa
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and Veg
etables in Season at
Wc Solicit and Deliver auy
where iu St. Johus.
Nwrc Col. 210 501 Fessenden St.
If you are tbiuktng of making
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peuinsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street Adv.
Transfer and Storage
Wa drfvwr your good to mad frew
all ccrU ot Portland, VaiwseuYW;. Lkin
Ub. Fertknd hm. Sabttrbaa Expre
Oa., oky dock and all pefaU aW
Way Down
choice nntl large line of Iron
get just what isnccded nt a
more. We Invite you to come
B. M. Harbor F. Staudemaler
The Columbia Pressing Parlor
Will do all your work at
the right prices. All work
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing
and Repairing
Ladles' Work a Specialty
Give Us a Trial
Phone Columbia 12
120 Philadelphia Street
C. R. Thompson deserves praise
from St. Johns neonle for introduc.
tug here the simple buckthorn bark
I and glycerine mixture, known as
Adier-i-ka. This simple Germau
remedy first became famous by
' curing appendicitis and it has now
,been discouered that A SINGLE
DOSE removes sour stomach, gas
on tiie stomach and constination
First Baptist Church
The attendance of the Sunday
school is keeping up splendidly
during this most trying month
in the year for church work.
Those not in the habit of at
tending are especially invited to
pay us a visit; L. K. Simmons
Preaching service at 11 a. m.;
special music; Subject of sermon
"Our Life Work." Young Peo
plea meeting at 7 p. m. Topic,
Women's Opportunity in China.
Evening Service at 8 p. m. Rev.
Geo. Enoch, a missionary from
India, will give an illustrated
Lecture on that country at the
evening service. Man inter
esting and beautiful views will
be shown. Special music. Come
and enjoy the evening with us.
E. P. Borden, pastor.
For RentModern six room
house on North Willamette
boulevard. Also modern rooms
over store building on Phila-
dephia street, bee K. C, vouch.
Local News.
Send In your news Items.
Where shall 1 iret mv hair cut?
At uilmore's barber shop. adv.
John Nelson is erect.ncr
cigar stand on Polk street, near
D. II. Johnston of Toledo
Wash., is a truest of his Bister.
Airs. A. b. Scales.
The fire denartment has been
called out to numerous weed
tires during the past week.
Old Adam blamed It all on the
apple, but in those modern
times it is blamed on the
School onens
Monday, Sept.
14th. and the
happy vacation
days will soon
bo over for the
Gravenstein nnnlcs
for sale.
Very fine ones at 2
pound. W. H. King,
Burlington street.
cents per
208 East
Don't fonrct to register at
Justice Williams' office for the
November election. Don't put
it 011 any longer.
Mrs. A. W. Mnrklc entertained
tho Debonair club at a picnic on
the beach below the Ogden
ranch last irnday afternoon.
Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Fry have
returned from a most enjoyable
sojourn at the coast resorts, and
havo taken up their residence on
South Jersey street.
Miss Grace Cole, the efficient
stcnogranher at tho Peninsula
National Bank, is spending her
vacation at Bar View. Miss
Lucile Whclnn Is filling her place
during her absence.
Harry Simmons sailed on the
Geo. W. Elder Tuesday for Coos
Bay. He is making n business
trip and exnects to return to
St. Johns late in September or
early in October
Mrs. W. Wllker. formerly of
this city, but now located nt
Spokane, Wash., has been visit
ing in Portland and St. Johns
during the past week. She had
been spending a coun 0 of weeks
nt tho seaside.
Four scaps of bees, together
with somo fence, wcro burned at
Decatur and New York streets
one day Inst week, tho Decs be
longing to Mr. Mayes. Tho
spread of a weed fire was re
sponsible, but was soon stayed
by tho firemen.
A. G. Long has presented Lcc
Cormnny, chiof of tho fire de
partment, with a handsome hel
met. Tho words "Chief St.
Johns Fire Department" aro
lettered in tho front. It is a
beauty and greatly appreciated
by Mr. Cormany and tho local
department, Mr. Long has ever
been a great friend of tho St.
Johns firemen.
Joseph Hayes died Wednes
day of Inst week of heart fail
ure nt 303 Smith avenue. Ho
had only boon in St. Johns a
short while, and rccontly came
from Topokn, Kansas. He was
a native of DuBols, Ponna., and
wns aged about 28 years mid
unmarried. Tho remains were
embalmed by the St. Johns Un
dertaking Co. and will likely bo
shipped to DuBols for burin).
Tho young man was a member
of the local Moose lodge.
The fire department was called
out about 5 o'clock Sunday morn
ing by tho alarm of firo. It was
found to bo located at Crawford
and Salem streets at an old
building owned by A. W. Francis.
It is believed that it was set on
firo either accidentally or other
wise by some wandering "Wil
lie." The loss was slight, but
had tho fire been given a chance
to spread it would no doubt havo
done great damage to nearby
property. The auto truck was
on the scene in jig time, and
soon had it under control.
A letter in the Gresham Out
look last week from a man in
Alaska contains the following
relative to conditions in Alaska:
4There are a jot of old timers
hero who are looking for a day's
work but cannot get it. When
I came up on the steamer from
Seattle to Skagway we stopped
at all the towns along the way:
also from Skagway to Ruby, and
every one of the nlaces looked
quiet. I have seen men hero
who havo come from different
places in Alaska and they sav
every place is dead."
The home of Elmer E. Thom
as at 1006 South Hayes street
was badly damaged by fire at
about 1;15 Tuesday morning.
The local fire department made
excellent time in reaching the
scene and succeeded in saving
portion of the building and somo
of the furniture. Mr. Thomas
was at home at the time, the
balance of the family being ab
sent. He states that he has no
knowledge of how the firo start
ed, but believes it may have
caught from the electric wiring
in the upper story of the house.
It is estimated that the damage
will amount to $900 or more on
house and furniture, said
covered by insurance. It was
only on account of the speed of
the auto truck that any portion
of the residence was saved, and
possibly was the means of sav
ing nearby property.
Our notion of hard luck is to
fish for fish nnd catch a carp.
You never hear a loud talker
declare ho has nothing to sny.
A good listener is a person
who doesn't want to do nil tho
Bibles are being hurried to the
front, instead of to tho men who
started the war.
If anybody predicted the nres
ent trouble in Europe he ought
to be nslinmcd of himself.
Miss Dixie M. Lewis, dauch
ter of D. C. Lewis, wns brought
home irom tnc hospital ! uesdav.
unu is improving very niceiy.
j ? ?. t . -
The Fnirchild meat market
on South Jersey street has been
considerably brightened by use
ol the painters' brush.
One thing about the price of
sugar is that it may not be bnir
until a man can carry four bits
worth in his vest pocket.
If the cost of living continues
to soar, there will be a whole
ot of us that may be compelled
to try Joe Knowles' mode of liv
The death of the Pope at Romo
ast week has Bpread deep sor
row among his religious breth
ren. He is said to have been the
best Pope of all.
For rent or snle new three
room bungalow. Would prefer
u young marr eu coup e. but no
objection to foreigners. Call at
108 S. Jersey street.
For Rent Seven room house,
quarter acre of ground, one
block from enr line: 510 per
month. Apply to J. E. Hiller.
Secretary Commercial club, Hol-
brook building.
Auto for hire by day. hour or
trip, nt yery reasonable rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
our or less to mnko a trip into
kllU 1 1 V J l h II IU1T Jfl tVr 111
M. Wnldrof.GOO Fessenden street.
Mrs. Morris and her dnuirhtcr
who havo been visiting her
brother. W. M. Gatton. in this
city for the past several weeks,
ct for their homo at West Lib
erty, Iowa. Wednesday. Mr.
Gatton and his sister had not
scon each other for a numbor
of years.
The Bachelor Club held a
stag" party for tho members
at Point Comfort Inst Saturday
evening, coming homo Sunday
evening. Thrco launches were
used, nnd eighteen members
were in attondnnco. A fino
me wns had in bathing, fish
ing, fensting, etc.
In nddition to tho list of stnto
anu privately owned lands now
1 1
open for sottlomont on and near
tho Tumnlo protect, tho Oregon
State Immigration Commission
is now collecting data from all
parts of tho state nnd in a short
time will tssuo a similar list
covering available lands in evory
county in Oregon.
Out of 'COO men, supposedly
unemployed and occupying
benches in sovcrnl park blocks,
only four wero willing to tnko
jobs as firo patrolmen, said Colo
nel Charles Reoves of tho West
ern Timber Company, Mr.
Reeves snld he canvassed tho
park benches trying to get GO
men for firo patrol duty at $3 a
day, Oregoninn.
Miss Effio McDonald met with
u painful accident Sunday night
while at work at nursing in tho
St. Johns Sanitarium. She was
in tho act of sterilizing some
instruments with tho gas when
her apron caught fire, and her
arms and upper portion of her
body wns badly burned boforo
tho flames wero extinguished.
She was alone at tho time, and
Dr. Frank Hnrt heard her
screams and rushed to her as
sistance. His hands wero badly
burned in putting out tho fire.
Miss McDonnld is getting along
nicely, however.
At about half past ten o'clock
Thursday evening Night Police
mnn Norene noticed quite a
weed firo at Hayes and Ida
street, and decided it might bo
a good plan to have tho firo de
partment take a look at it. He
called up the paid firemen and
they hurried to the scene in tho
truck. The fence and weeds in
that vicinity wero burning at a
pretty rapid rate, and wns ap
proaching the temporary plant
of tho Warren Construction Co.
with great rapidity. Had the
department been five minutes
later in arriving, the plant would
undoubtedly been on fire.
Tho body of U. Kusumoto.
one of the Japanese sailors who
leaped overboard from the Ken
kon Maru last Wednesday night
as she was passing at. Johns,
bound for Shanghai with a cargo
of lumber loaded at the Inman
Poulsen mill, was found at a log
raft at the St. Johns Lumber
Company's mill by E. R. Cor
bett, the boom man at the mill,
at about six o'clock Saturday
morning. He was a coal passer.
and 2G years old. N. Nakayama,
his companion, who went over
board with him, managed to
reach the shore. He was ap
prehended and taken to Port
land. The immigration service
made arrangements for him to
return to Japan on the steam
ship Shinkai Maru. which left
down the river Sunday.
Strictly sanitary. Gllmore'a
uuroiT buop. nuv.
Christian Science tonic for
next Sundny: "Christ Jensus."
For Sale Bartlett pears and
prunes. L. H. Campbell, 422 E.
Leavitt street.
Girl wanted for housework at
11G East Ch cairo street. St.
Johns. Mrs. Julius Mnrkwnrl.
Wanted A Stenographer,
Perry C. Stroud, First Nntionnl
Bank Bldg.
Lost Gold pin with green jade
set. Leave at Bonhnm & Cur
rier's store.
An electric massacre, onlv one
in town. Uilmore's barber shop.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices at H. F. Clark's, the fttrtil
ture man. Adv.
Mrs. J. N. Keeler delightfully
entertained the Debonair Club
at a chicken dinner yesterday.
Mr. Adams of North St. Johns
sustained a broken leg by being
thrown from a wagon yesterday,
READ THIS: If you want
to sell your property on easy
terms, list it with J. I. Uillmore.
have calls for. easy payment
Watches" made over into
'Time-pieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
The Better Babies contest next
Monduy will be most interesting
nttair. Aluny babies are regis
tered and much interest is taken
by the mothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wehoffcr and
two daughters of Portland nnd
Mrs. Larson of Washington wero
the guests of Mrs. James Kev.
Sunday, August 23.
The Fruternnl Brotherhood of
this city will picnic ut Cancmnh
ark bundny. Last Sunday tiiey
were ut Columbia City, muk-
ng tho trip on tho launch Eva.
The St. Johns Cash Market is
now located in its now aunrters
and has 0110 of the neatest and
most attractive markets on tho
eninsuln. It is a beauty.
For all kinds of general re
pairing of nutos, bicycles, lawn
mowers, etc., go to tho Home
Garage, 102 Smith avenue, cor
ner of Charleston; G. B. Bon-
uim, proprietor; phono Colum
bia G03.
Mothers who have children en
tered in tho Better Babies con
test nto requested to leave pho
tographs of same with Mrs. A.
W. Marklc. Pnrents who havo
not registered their children for
ear they aro not in physical
condition to win a prize, should
register anyway, as valuable in
struction will bo given so that
they may become moro perfect
for tho next contest.
"Divino Inspiration." In
those words many account for
the wonderful preaching of
Charles R, Turner, n luuidsomo
lad of six years, who, though
barely old enough to attend pub
lic school, is an ordained minis
ter of the Baptist church, ns is
his father, a minister of 1G
years standing. Chnrloy is a
native of Florida. Ho will not
bo seven years old until next
November. In September, 1912,
he was converted and entered
tho work which, ho declares,
will bo his vocation. Ho Is now
a resident of Knoxville, Tcnn.
Tho St. Johns Homing Pigeon
Club will hold its first series of
young bird races on Sunday, Au
gust 30th, and September Gth.
A trophy will bo donated by
Currin's for Drugs for tho bird
making tho best average speed
in both tho races. Tho com
peting birds havo been making
somo remarkable time in tho
preliminary training, and nkeon
race is anticipated. After tho
races a display of pigeons will
bo exhibited in Currins' Drug
Store. Tho Salem Stato Fair
will also donate two cups to bo
flown for during the Stato Fair.
During the long months of
"watchful waiting" in Mexico,
we wero told by critics of
the Wilson administration that
American diplomacy was "the
laughing stock of Europe."
British, German, French and
Austrian political writers never
tired of explaining how ridicu
lous was tho attitude of tho
United States, and how certnln
it was to end in disaster. Yet
our much derided American
diplomacy solved the Mexican
problem without a war, while
ono short week, of European
diplomacy has plunged Europe
into the greatest conlllct known
to history. New York World.
The people of St. Johns heard
with much sorrow this week of
the death of Mrs. John Poff,
wife of tho Chief of Police, who
passed away at Ocean Park Tues
day. She had been in ill health
for the past year or more, but
her death was entirely unex
pected. Mr. Poff was called to
tho beach and arrived there
only a few minutes before she
expired. The remains wero
brought to St. Johns Wednes
day, and the funeral took place
yesterday afternoon. Mrs, Poff
was a most estimable may with
a large circle of friends. Moro
complete particulars will appear
next week.
Not Um label on your papw.
Oldest Bank
Pktjck Autzu.v, Pres.
John N. KnutrsitN, Cash.
Had a Jolly Good Time
A jolly and enthusiastic Van
couver contingent came to St.
Johns Wednesday evening and
made things Interesting for a
while. They were here to adver
tise nnd boost their "Stani-
)cdc" or Wild West Show
which will bo on all week there
beginning September 7th.
the Stampede band came
along and discoursed a number
of lively airs on tho stroots.
Also accompanying them wus
one of tho finest singers that has
ever been heard before here.
The band Is iuko composed of
good singers and their vocal so-
cctions were highly pleasing.
A number of tho leading pro
moters of tho big show made
lappy addresses boforo tho reg
ular meeting of the Commercial
Club and told why our citizens
should prefer the Vancouver
Stampede to tho Pendleton
Roundup. They were all boost
ers of the highest typo and they
incited considerable interest in
their coming event.
In order to give the visitors
an opportunity to tell about It,
the greater portion of tho busi
ness of the club was held ovor
until a later date, the only real
business transacted being tho
election of n nominating commit
tee to select candidates for tho
various club olliccs. K. C.
Couch, S. W. Hodgors and A.
W. Mnrklo wero elected as tho
committee, and will announco
tho selections later on. Pres
ident Ronhnm, in compliance
with a suggestion of tho Van
couver boosters announced that
he would appoint a committee of
live to arouse local interost in
St. Johns day at tho Stampede.
The Vancouver contingent very
generously ottered lo take an
who desired to go along w
them on a publicity tour nil
along the lino to Tacoma, leav
ing the following morning at 7
o'clock and to bo gono two days.
The band rendered several pleas
ing selections, both vocal and
instrumental. The meeting was
a very enjoyable ono and very
o v.
After tho mooting had termin
ated, dancing took place in the
Kagle hall, at which a number
of tho members and their wives
narticinated. They onjoyed
themselves immensely until tho
midnight hour, Snood's orches
tra furnished delightful music
for tho occasion.
Resigns His Position
O. C. Leiter, for 10 years city
editor of tho Orogonian, has re
signed that position to become
politician manager for William
Ilanley. Progressive Cundiduto
for United States senator.
In announcing his resignation,
Mr. Leiter also announces his
retirement from the newspaper
business for the present regard
less of tho result of the ap
proaching political campaign.
Horace E. Thomas, for several
years assistant city editor of the
miner, succeeds his lormer chiet.
and Walter H. May, it is stated,
has been named to succeed
"Iam leaving newspaper work
and casting my fortune with Mr.
Tr,in1mf " atiwl Aft T nlfni
"because of my personal attach
ment for him. I havo formed
a strong personal attachment for
Mr,, Ilanley, and honestly be
lievo that ho is senatorial tim
ber, and if elected will bo a
cre.dlt to tho state. Mr Hanley
intends to make a vigorous cum-
When You Write A GhecK
lor the itmoutit of n hill, that
forever ends nny dispute its to
its rmyment. l'or the check is
n receipt thnl cannot he repu
dinted. Checks nrc enslcr nnd
clicniicr to send thnti cndt too.
TIicfc nrc only two of the ninny
hchcfitsof hnvhtg mi itcconnt
on the
1 C. Knai'I', Vice Pres.
S. L. Doniu, Ass't Cash.
Willi new liiilltllnir .sinln m
nicnl, cnUtRcil ground, anil many id
dltlons (o its faculty, the University
of Oregon will licKin its thirty ninth
year Tuesday, September 15.
Special training (or Ihnlnc.n, Jour-
I?" WnM. Miiile. Architecture,
I hyjlcal Tralnlnc ami I'lne Arts.
ijiiiui, ,,w. nieuicinc. reach nir. Li.
... "nKct departments
of liberal education.
I.lbt.ry of mntr Itun Sl.ttt volumti. two
.fitnoia K)rmiMium tin itMlldlng, fullr
(quIpiKil Nw IIM.IM
litiiiiiittn in tour. ol ron.lrurtlon
Tulllon Tit Durmlluilr. tof mm tnd
for Mromen t-'Rtni luwril
Will, d( rll.lon an. I Illuilr.l.J lioohltl.
AJJr.lnhT ltritLlrr,
l UOtNt. OlttOON
The Panama Canal
Behold, tho work is finished.
The mammoth task is done,
And ocean now meets ocean,
And both together run.
One little strip of water,
Across a swampy strand,
lias changed the route of com
merce, For nearly ev'ry land.
The seething, foaming ocean,
That rolls about Capo Horn,
Shall moan nnd toss iu sorrow,
From twilight until morn.
And then again 'till evening,
For not a ship need brave,
Tho terror of that water,
Whoso horror Heaven gave.
And travel now by ocean
Will much moro shorter bo
A hundred things may happen
When man doth hold tho key.
And hero's to him that did it,
Who felled tho nut' nil wall,
Mudo ocean unto ocean,
In joyous meeting fall.
And ho who cleansed'that region
Of pests, disease nnd such,
And on his brow yo puople,
Oh let somo glory touch.
And ov'ry man who aided
To make tho task complete,
Oh give, though small a token,
A laurel at his feet.
The beasts and all tho living
Who helped to conquer all
Deserve a tiny measure
Of praiso from each in call.
So ring tho bells for gladness,
Hejoico within tho law,
Heboid, it now in finished,
Canal of Panama.
Meg Morri lias.
paign of the state through the
newspapers and by speech mak
ing in every county and I shall
hnvo churgo of this campnign."
Mr. Leiter litis been iu tnc em
ploy of the Orogonian for almost
14 years. Ho sturted first an
College man when a student at
Stanford University und report
er, then becoming a full Hedged
roporter, He was appointed as
sistant city editor to succoud
Henry E. Hood, now County As
sessor and peenmo city editor in
Novembor, 11)01. In making
known Mr. Leitor's resignation,
E. H. Piper, tho mnnsging edi
tor, says: "Mr. Loiter resigns
after years of faithful und effi
cient service. Tho resignation
is accepted with regret. Hegoos
with tho goodwill of the Orogo
niun and therogret of tho stall'."
Mr. Loiter has opened head
quarters for tho Ilanley cam-
inign at the Oregon Hotel where
lo will bo glad to see tho friends
and supporters of Mr. Hanloy,
and also to havo them adrosn
Hop pickers Speciul rates.
Call Columbiu 72, Gattou's
Transfer: 101 N. Jersey street.
Owing to tho fact that certain
cnlendurs announco Labor Day
September 1st somo people aro
inclined to tho belict that tho
Firemen have gotten the wrong
timo when they announce Labor
Day Sept. 7th. The latter dato
is correct. It is always tho first
Monday in September.
Tho Boston Restaurant 122 Phil
adelphia street St. Johns has
boon newly arranged nnd is now
in fino condition, full equipment
with living rooms up stairs;
cheap rent and a good stand.
Will sell fixtures and givo good
lease McKinney & Davis, phono
Columbiu 2.