THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 Wost Burlington Stroot. TiiR Rkvibw is entered ot post office In Sftlut Johns, Oregon, ns mnll nintter of the second class under the Act of Con tfrcss of March 3, 1879. All tommnnlratloM should b ddrnd to Tb BtTltir, St. Johns, Oreron. Offlcid Mtvipipsr of th City of It. Johns. Subscription prlo $1.00 par year. Prices of beef, sugar, cloth ing, Bhoes, etc., are soaring at a rapid rate since the European war lias started. And the chances are that they will mount still higher in a very few days. Parties in control of the 'necessities of life seem to need but little encouragement to raise prices. Saved Mothers' Sons Today in a little Southern cemetery, there is a new made grave, and the sexton adds one more to the roll of those who people his solitudes. As the President of the United States turns away from the new mound to go back to the great responsibilities of the White House, the mothers of this coun try will contemplate him with a now and gentle sympathy. This man was asked in recent months to bring the shadow of the grave over thousands of American homes. It was de manded of him that he assemble an army of 500,000 American boys and send them into Mexico on an enterprise of armed inter vention, which meant in fact, a war of subjugation. It would havo meant vacant chairs, empty places and tho tears of bereavement in thou sands of American homes. It would havo meant the giving up by tens of thousands of Amer ican mothers of their sons to be shot in war on distant battle fields, uven as the boyn of Euroiienn mothers are laid low by the rillo fire, the machine guns and the shrieking shells these melancholy days. Vor months the brutal demand on this man to invade Mexico and subdue the Mexicans went on. Because ho refused ho was cartooned and lampooned by cer tain kinds of newspapers. lie was told that ho was making the "United Slates tho laughing stock of Europe." lie was anathematized and pursued. He was denounced and excoriated. All that time ho was borne down by Uio burden of coming bereave ment. Tho shadow of advancing sorrow was already settling over tho Whilo House. It was by the bedside of his dying wife that ho wrote his great mcssago of peace, petition ing the European nations to sheathe their swords and be at war no moro. In vigils by that bedside, while newspapers of tho blood lust outside urged Mexi can invasion, he framed his policies and wrote his messages that kopt us in pcaco with our neighbor nation and saved their sons to American mothers. Through all the attacks no word of complaint escaped this man's lips. In silenco and forti tudo ho stood up under his sor row and wont on winning for tho homes of this land a mighty vic tory of pence. -Tuesday 'a Journal. . .fTTim rr- a rx KLM J BELOW HOW AN OLD GENTLEMAN WHO HID HIS MONEY OVER, THE CLOCK NEARLY LOST $000 After an intelligent old gentleman nt the age of seventy-six drop ped dead in his home, his son found over TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS hi PAPKR MONEY over the old clock which stood on the wooden mantle, surrounding an open crackling fire. Not even Ills OWN WIFE knew that much money was there. The old gentle man was simply CARKIJvSS. His son had married the town bank er's daughter, ntid the bank was trusted. IJoth the old gentleman's MONRY and MPE were hi danger for BURGLARS have a way of LRARNING where money Is hidden, and FIRE at any time might have burned the house. Are YOU careless? Make OUR bank; YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts FiRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON SOME CLASS To the new Shirts, Neckwear, Collars and other furnishings that come from here. No "has been'-' styles no outworn colors or fabrics. Everything bright and new, up to the minute in style, up to the highest standard in good taste' and quality. Have a look in and a look over. It will be well worth your while. The celebrated "Paris Shirt" we are selling for $1.00 and $1.25, ad vertised in Portland Shops at $1.50 and $2.00. Don't fail to inspect our showing of S. & H. Green Stamp Premiums, now on Display. It will Pay you to visit us in our new quarters, as we are offering exceed ingly good Bargains in Gran ite and Aluminum ware. See Our Displays. TEN t ii FREE STAMPS This Coupon Good for FREE S. & H. Stamp nre the Con. lumer's Discount. -!tT IT Ten 10 S. & H. & Free If presented upon Making a purchase amounting to 60c or more, these stams will be in addition to regular stamps given with the purchase. Not Good After August 30 COUCH & CO. 9 General Mdse. Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore. Censorship Very Strict M. E. Church Notes Hp It C llimvti mill ftimtlu 'it W Willi tit W ttlltJ I IllkVJ LI1U II tit LIIUIl ll,klUll Wlf 111. returned from thoir vacation tho form of diplomatic oxchnntr Tho outbreak of tho greatest war in the history of tho world was tho signal for tho establish ment of tho most rigorous cen sorship of the news that has over been known. While strin gent regulations in tho matter of informing thn world of tho dally events, each of which is bound to havo a most important bearing on tho final outcome, were anticipated, nothing like the existing rigor with which such information is kept from tho world at largo was expected, and, whilo from a strngcttc view point tho various nations aro ab solutely justified in keeping their movements secret, it is doubtful whethor or not such secrecy will eventually bo of universal bone lit. Tho first movo of the Austrian government nt tho outbreak of hostilities with Sorvia was to take over tho telephones, tele graphs and other means of com munication, nnd ovory word that went over tho lines had to uo passed upon by tho censor. Naturally nothing which might reveal the activities or tho whereabouts of Austrian or Ser vian forces was permitted to go through. Hut not nlono in this respect did tho Austrian govern ment provent tho world from knowing what was going on. War correspondents, several of whom started out from London and other capitals, were almost prohibited from ovon boing near tho scone of operations. Tho war correspondent of a largo i I vitwlmi itnnnn tirlirt Iwwl lnm it ' 4JlllWII JftlJUt 11 I IV Mill UWUII ! tho Halkan states for years and wno on previous occasions sup plied his paper with daily (lis patches lasted just two days nnd was men expelled. Tho cor respondents of other papors woro recalled after this incident. Then camo tho day when tho other powers of liuropo stopped into tho fray, their action taking point of view, as well as from a desiro to suppress as much as possible tho rampant war spirit that gripped tho nations of Eur ope as soon as rumors of inter national difficulties arose. Tho world will know little that is definite concerning tho pro gress of this war until tho final battle Is fought. Tho French. remembering the harm dono by puuncity during tho l'rnnco Prussian war, win maintain n censorship which will bo second only in strictness to that of Ger many. Tho British government has given promiso of acting In tho same manner. Nothing will como over from uussla. tho days oi tno war cor- fepondent nre over. Pcrhnps there will bo no uso for ono after this conflict has ended. Mean while tho world will wait in comparativo ignorance while tho man of Europe is boing changed nnd history is in tho making. American Press. 11 We will Close at 12:30 Every Thursday Dur ing the Months of June, July, and August. COUCH &, CO. Phone Columbia 137 "PIONEER MERCHANTS" IO Years in St. Johns Rhyme of Absent One 'Tis summer." and Now York Is fairly sizzlimr with tho hent. Ono hundred ten degrees or moro is now recorded In tho street. I grin my salesman's bntr. frw And noundcr to somo quiet nooK. i And thcro T'sit and wish and wish J Whilo all nbout is liko to cook. GXECUTOR'S NOTICE. trip to Seattle Inst week, and it seemed good to havo thorn back in their places. Miss Wilma lngnlls taught Miss Alice Hrown'9 Sunday school class whilo sho was away. Miss Houlah Titus goes on her vacation next week, and sho will bo missed in tho secretary work of the Sunday school. Tho Ladies' Aid served re freshments on Mrs. Woimer's lawn last Saturday afternoon and ovening, and will servo again in tho samo place noxt Saturday af tornoon and ovoning. lhoomctai board and congre gation havo voted thoir pastor, ltov. lngnlls, a two weeks' vaca tion, and he, with Mrs. lngnlls and daughter Wilmn, left for Lebanon, and tho mountains this morning. Noxt Sunday morning tho morning preaching sorvico will bo in chargo of Mr. B. Leo Pa get, who represents tho Lav- man's Association of tho Oregon Conference. On Sunday morning, August 23, Dr, McMahon of tho Detroit Conference, will preach. Tho Kpworth League will havo tho evening services in charge August 10 and 23, in the absence of tho pastor. Miss Hortense lngalls has been on a two week's trip to Mt. Hood, and will return tho first of noxt week. In tho absence of Rov. Goodo of the Evangelical church, to whoso church tho deceased be longed, Rev. lngalls preached the funeral sermon over tho re mains of Mrs.Sturdevant.daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayotto Caples, last week, to ea. Their first movo was muzzle the press, nnd in this thoro is little doubt that tho gravest error was committed Instead of permitting the work: at largo to know what was going on behind the curtains of the various cabinets nnd instead o informing tho population of tho various countries of tho contents of tho numerous notes exchnng ed between diplomnts, the news papors were allowed to speculate as to their Import, thus en (inngoring a situation which at every moment was near tho ex plotting point. Not that these newspapers contained anything which might be detrimental to tho country in which they were published, for such information would havo been suppressed, but it must bo remembered that hints and rumors, whether er roneous or based upon a modi cum of fact, aro worso in thoir effect thnn tho publication of actual iacts. Whilo wo would not mnko tho assertion that tho publication of facts concerning tho diplomatic exchanges would havo averted tho present titantic contllct in Europe, there is no doubt that the world nt large would havo been better able to obtmn an insight into tho de velopmonts, which would have assisted in determining tho right and wrong of the situation. It is too late for that now. Tho rigorous suppression of news concerning military move ments, particularly concerning tho mobilization of troops while the diplomatic parleys were in progress, about which there is not tho slightest doubt, was again justified, from a military In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County oi Multnomah, (in Probate). uept. no. u. In the matter of the estate of Llias Keeney, deceased. Notico is hereby given that pursunnt to an order of tho nbovo entitled Court in tho nbovo entitled stnto heretofore duly mauo and entered n tho jour nnis of said Court, authorizing and directing the undersigned so to do, tho undersigned. John H. Rcbhnn, as Executor of tho last will and testament and of fhn naififn nf cnfri lnnnljiif mill ,on Saturday, tho 2Gth day of September, 1914, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock In tho nftcrnoon of said day, on tho premises in tho city of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon, sell nt public auction to tho highest bidder. for cash in hand, subject to tho approval and confirmation of said Court, tho following real property of said estate, to wit: Tho S. E. J of Lot 3 in Block 5 in P. T, Smith's Addition to St. Johns, boing tho half of Lot 3 lying next to and adjoining Lot z of said block, in Multno mah county. Oregon, said one half of said Lot 3 boing a strip zo xeot ny iuu leet: tho six inches off tho easterly side thereof being subject to tho conditions relating to a party wan as sot iortn in a deed there of by W. A. Messner and Georgia ftiessner to P. ii. Light. Dated this 4th day of Aucust. 1UM. John II. Rebhnn, Executor aforesaid. Amor A. Tussing, Atty. for Executor. That I woro far awav. within thnt.grand but distant guto. it.' Where cooling pools and fresh retreats Lio ever mocking nt my feet Tho river whore I'm wont To Bpond tho dreamy summer hours. A-fiohing 'neath tho maple's i snadc. Or dosing 'mong tho fragrant IIOWTS. Tho shady lane and wood. i he piaco whoro you can eat, ant seo The smiling folk a-pnssing by, instoHu oi not numiuity. Where you enn cross tho streot. Without n single harbored doubt. Or think that suddenly yoVH hear: "1 say, Hi there! Toot, toot! Look out!" And find you'ro saved by half A yard (you wish you were in mars) From being smashed beneath tho wheels -Of forty thousand motor cars. lou're nearly safe upon the walk, 7 When suddenly vou feel Your feet fly out, you miss the curb, p You'vo slipped on a banana peel. What consternation you are Bound to feeltwhon you ariso; It seems that ev'fyono you pass is grinning to .tho very eyes. And then oh, how I wish, I'd give my wealth of stocks and bonds. Tho sights and sounds of great New lork To be present in St. Johns. Meg Merrilies. SUAIAIONS of I law DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS Z), r7 j J Mauy St. Johus nnople have chron- J. (? .n. ?,f Li n c oppetuliciUs (which is not very Studio 404 Alta Street. Urgtaum BpwUltjr AlISS AlALENA E. LONG Phon. ColumbU 7 G. W. OVERSTREET Plumbing and Gas Fitting Job work proaiptly attended to. rhonc Columbia 518 St. Jfitins, Oregea painful) nud think it Is Just bowel or stomach trouble. Some have doctored for years for gas on the stomach, sour stomach or constipa- tiou and C. R. Thompson states if they will try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i'ka. the German appendici tis remedy, thev will be surprised at the QUICK benefit. A SIN- GLH DOSE stops these troubles INSTANTLY. 09 Burr Stmt J. R. WflMER Transfer and Storage W deliver your rood to and from all pU of Portland, VancoUTw, Linn ton. Portland and Suburban KxoreM Co., city dock and all pointa aocwMlUi kjr wao(. rWf a4 furnitiira Mttof NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Intur a chanao of ad vertisement the copy for aueh Ghana thould reach thlt offlt not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clook p. m. Pleat member thli and uvi the arlnter Brim In your Jab printing while you thlaV of It, Dea't wait uatll yen we euUruly out. Wa ar equipped to turu out Boat aad tatty prfatlas promptly at Fertlaa 9tn or lM In the Circuit Court of tho State Oregon for Multnomah County. II. M. Tctmcy, Plaintiff, v. Itdlth M. lint, itrnii,.,! v inn i.., i.. i Grace V. Martin, Dculc M. Martin, nud w. u. vaici, ucicnuanta. To Kdith M. Hill, Reuben W. Hill, her husband, Grace V. Martin, lietsic M, Martin, ana W. I. Yates, Defendants) In the name oi the State of Oreirou. you nre .hereby requested to appear and answer to thn complaint (licit against you in me above entitled suit witlifn six weeks of the date of the first tnibll cation of this notice, lo-wlt: tbcSCtli day of .Sept., 1014; and If you fail so to do for want thereof plaintiff will take jmlc nieut and decree against you as prayed for in his complaint ns follows, to-wlt: l'lrsti juuirmcni lor tbe sum ol Two Hundred I'lfty Dollars (f260) together wan imercsi uicreon nt trie rate oi ten 10) percent per anuni until paid from cccmucr l, iuiz. Second: l'or the sum of Scvcntv.five uonari i(o.ujj ninnorncy s ices. Third: That Uie usual decree of fore closure for the sale of the following dca crlbed premises, to-wlt: Lot numbered Two (2), Dlock numbered Sixteen (1G), souiu oi. jouiis, juuimomau county. Oregon, according to the duly recorded iiat tiiercoi on uie in tlic ofhec of the ;ounty Clerk of Multuomah County. Oregon, be entered, and that the Sheriff duly sell the same according to the and practice of this Court. l'ourth: That the proceeds of the sale be applied towards the satisfaction of the several sums oi money uue the plaintiff, and that, the defendants, and each of them, and all persons claimlutr under or through the sold defendants and each of tnem subsequent to December 1, 1011, the date ol the plaintiff's note and mortgage upon the said premises, either as purcuasers or encumbrancers, or other wise, be barred nud foreclosed of nil equity of redemption In the said isea and every part thereof. I'ifth: That sale be made of the said premises, and that execution issue against the defendants, IWitli M, Hill and Reuben W. Hill, or either of them for any deficiency which may remain after nj plying all of the proceeds of the snie oi saiu premises properly applicable to the satisfaction of plaintiff's j ment and decree. Sixth: That the plaintiff or any other . . ..... i. paur 10 iuu sun may oecome a pur chaser at the said talc, and that the Sheriff Issue a certificate of sale to the purchaser of the said premises, and thereafter, a Sheriff's deed if the same is not redeemed as provided by law, and that the purchaser be let into possession oi me premises upon uie production ol the Sheriff's certificate of sale therefor. Seventh: That the plaintiff have such other ami further orders and relief ay to the Court seem equltableand just. tilghth: That the plaintiff have his costs and disbursements In this suit. service o: mis summons is made m. on you by publication of the same In the M, jonas Kevlew, a weekly news lor six successive weeks oy virtue oi an Order signed by the Honorable W. N. n. ntNUtKSOIN 31 1 North Jersey Street Real Estate Loans Insurance Aclstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. prem- judg es :The Store of Style: ToCloseOut Just 47 Ladies' Suits in Lighter Weight Fabrics, Tailored and Semi-Tailored good fabrics and Colors, appropriate for Present and Early Fall Wear. Good lor the Beach, Travel or City; worth up to $20.00, to Close out, marked down to only riy rail Wear. Uood $6.35 NEW FALL STYLES Iu Indies' and Misses Capes, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Petticoats uow shown iu Immense Varieties. The Styles and Models are Charmiugly Beautiful nnd the Prices, we as sure you, are the lowest in the city, INVESTIGATE. CREDIT AS EVER Regardless of the I,ow Prices we now quote you can your purchases charged and remit in Weekly or Monthly Ask for People's Brown Trading Stamps with all Payments. have Pay E N ASTER OUTFITTING CO. 405 Washington St., Cor. lOlh, Portland, Ore. :The Store of Service: Gatens, judge of the above entitled Court ou the 8th day of August, 1914. Date of 1st Publication. Auc. 14.1914. Date of last Publication. Sept. 25, 1914. I'HRKY C. STROUD Attorney for Plaintiff, First National Bank Dldg., St. Johns, Oregon, Building Permits No. 38 To H. E. Reed to erect an addition to residence on Charleston street between Hudson and Central avenue: cost No. 89 To Mrs. Minnie Young to erect a residence on Jersey street between Burr and Alma streets; cost $200. No. 40 To W. J, Nolan to erect a residence on Gresham street between Burr and Alma streets; cost $1200. No. 41 To E. S. Harrington to erect a dwelling on Alma street between Central avenue and Hudson street; cost $50. r HAMMOCKS We are overstocked on Hatnniocksaud to reduce tbe stock wblle they last we have made deep cuts. ' ' Regular $1.60 Hammock Special ., .. .81.35 " '.86 " " ......... I1.6O " 2-50 " " .......... $2.10 " $3.50 " " ...$12.90 " ; J3.8O We cau save you money on Tents and your Camping Supplies. Compare these prices: 8x10 Tent $7.25 10x12 " 8.oo x4 " " .. $10.00 ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. An electric massage, only one in town. UUmore's oarber shop. auv. Subscribe ii m