THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. MAIIKLL Published Krory Frida At 117 Weil imrllngton Street. TiiR KnviKW is entered nt tot office In Saint Johns, OrfRon, mull mutter ot the second cUm under the Act of Con. (trtiiol March j, 1879, All rammanltitloM iknild k liitftxi to nt JUrliw, bi, jotMK, urffon, Offlttll Mtwrptpc Of tbt OUT f RU Jon. Subtarlptlen prion $1.00 por yur. No ono neod fool any alarm over the financial situation in tills country by reaHon of the strife irointr on in titiroiiu. This country is amply protected from financial disaster, anil there are now y tier in the banks over a billion and one-half in koIc) n one, to say nothinir ol sliver and nnnor currency. Hnanclally the Tbanks are solid, and intend to remain so. The war god is running amuck in Eurono. and what the end will be no man can forsce. And ill is a war that is entirley uncalled, for. Without adequate cause a war that threatens to overshadow any other conflict that the world has known lias begun. JNo coun try is benefited, and the winner will at the same time be the loser. The loss in life and prop- crty will be appalling, it is something that could have been averted with a little diplomacy. Asa matter of fact no war is necessary in these enlightened times. The Civil War in this country, we believe, could have been averted, and the same end attained in another way. The United Stales can congratulate itself that it Iiu3 at its head men of cool judgment, reliant, calm and careful, and this country can only be drawn into the gigantic conflict through base injustice or indignity perpetrat ed by some other nation. And it is to be sincerely hoped that such a provocation will not arise. 1 The matter of a roadway to the proposed new plant of the Western Cooperage plant has culminated. Mr. A. M. Steams has generously given more land than ho city for road, tho route has been definite ly settled upon, which allows for a ten per cent grade, and bids for construction of tho roadway are being advertised for. Tho Port of Portland Com mission has given assurance that it will donate a generous sum toward the work, and tho balance will be appropriated from the general fund of tho city. It required more diplo macy and ingenuity than most people are aware of to finally get things in the shape they are now in, but "all is well that ends well," and tho city fathers are to be congratulated upon tho happy termination of their labors in this matter. Assur ance is given that work will bo rushed with all possible speed on tho construction of tho now plant, and there is 11 strong probability of it being in opera Hon by tho llrst of next year, t 1 . 6 mstm) t 4,1 Mmms YOUR Harvest ?J IklTV OHO W BANK IT WILL BE, THERE' When you have gathered in your harvest, you store it in a safe place. When you convert it into CASH, which is the HEAL harvest, what should you do with it? Store it away in a safe place. Our bank is a safe place. We have strong locks and thick walls, and se cure guarantee, to insure its safety. We refer those who have not banked with us to those who HAVE. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts first national bank, st. joiins, oregon SOME CLASS To tho new Shirts, Neckwear, Collars and other furnishings that come from here. No "has been" styles no outworn colors or fabrics. Everything bright and new, up to the minute in style, up to the highest standard in good taste and quality. Have a look in and a look over. It will be well worth your while. The celebrated "Paris Shirt" we are selling for $1.00 and $1.25, ad vertised in Portland Shops at $1.60 and $2.00. Tolstoy's Vision A sudden notion induced the Kaiser to write to the Czar in the early Autumn of 11)11 ask ing to obtain for him a message from Tolstoy. Something that the philosopher had never writ ten before was the request made by the Kmperor. The Czar, desirous of obliging his "cousin"- all sovereigns claim blood and divine relation Big Pontoon Sinks s JettlnJ from tho 9hll " commanded Countess Nas lUi i wnl t o t,ls TolHtoy, grand neice of tho right Of Way for the fn inlm-vlim' .on Ninnlfu.. vitch. afl ho waB familiarly call ed, and to secure from him tho desired document. This prophetic message, singu larly timely at this hour, is known as "Tolstoy's Vision" by his admirers. Printed in Rus sian in 11)12, it was translated and first circulated among the friends of tho great Muscovite philosopher as a privately print ed and little known- pamphlet. Following tho royal command, Countess Tolstoy visited her grand uncle at his country es tate and explained briefly her mission. He listened curiously and replied: 'Very strange. I would bo glad to send a message to royal ty, but tho trouble with mo is that I have written all my lifo messages for tho mob. I am not accustomed to the conventions of court diction. However, I will think tho matter over." A few moments afterwards her aged host asked tho Coun tess to write, as his hands were thon paralyzed. Tolstoy slowly leaned back in his chair, cover ed his eyes with his hand, and remained absolutely silent. 1 lion, straigthening up, like one in a trance, ho Degan in a ow and hollow voice: "This is a revelation of events of a universal character, which must shortly come to pass rneir spiritual outlines arc now boforo my eyes. I seo floating upon tho suriace ot tho sea of human fate tho huge silhouette of a nudo woman. Sho is with her beauty, hor poiso, her smile, hor jewels- a super Venus Nations rush madly after her. each of them eager to attract her especially. Put she. liko an eternal courtesan, flirts with all. In hor hair ornaments of dm momis and mules is engraved her name: 'Commercialism.' As alluring and bewitching as sho seems, much destruction nnd agony follow m her wako. Her breath, reek ng of sordid trans actions, her voice of metallic character, like gold, and her look of greed are so much poison to tho nations who fall victims to her charms. "And behold, sho has threo gigantic arms with three torches of universal corruption in hor hand. The first torch renresents the llame ot war, that the beau tiful courtesan carries from city to city, and country to coun try. Patriotism answers with flashes of honest flamo. but tho end is tho roar of guns and musketry. the second torch bears tho flamo of bigotry and hypocrisy, It lights tho lamps only in tem ples and on the altars of false institutions. It carries tho seed of falsity and fanaticism. It kindles tho minds that arc still in cradles and follows them to their graves. "The third torch s that of tho law. that dangerous foundation of all unauthentic traditions, which first does its work in the family, then sweeps through tho larger worlds of literature, art and statesmanship. Tho great conflagration will start about 1912. set by the torch of the first arm in the countries of Southeastern Eu rope. It will develop into ades tructivc calamity in 1013. In that year I see ull Europe in flames and bleeding. I hear the lamentations of hugo battlefields Rut about tho year l'Jlf) a strange figure from tho North a now Napoleon enters the stage of the bloody drama. Ho is a man of little military training, a writer or a journalist, but in his grip most of Europe will remain till 1U2G. "Tho end of the great calamity will mark a now political era for tho old world. There wi be loft no empires or kingdoms but tho world will form n fedora tion of the United States of Nu Hons. There will remain only four great giants -tho Anglo Saxons, tho Latins, tho Slavs and tho Mongolians." Los An geles Times. Ono of the big pontoons of tho I'ort or fortiand drydock at St. Johns sank yesterday afternoon, putting the drydock temporarily out oi commlss on and ile avlnur tho work on tho Amerciau Bteamor, Wasp, at tho dock to havo her tail shaft replaced. Tho pontoons, owing to tho continued dry weather, havo opened ut tho seams in a mini bor of places. Close watch has been kept tocloso up these open ings as fast as they occur, and until yesterday no damage had resulted. As tho pontoon was filled with water yesterday to lift tho Wusp into tho dock it appeared to bo working perfect ly. Howover, when the valves wero Bluit olf whon a sufficient depth wus reached tho big pon toon failed to stop. It now lies on ono side on tho bottom of tho river. As tho pontoon sot tied onto tho bottom of tho river a number of piling and timbers used to hold tho dry dock in pluco guvo way, allowing it to keel over. Under the direction of Cup tain H. T. Groves, stiporinten dent of tho Port of Portland fleet of dredgers and tho dry dock, a forco of men were placed at work this morning. Tho O. W. R. and N. pumping scow and wrecking outfit was secured this morning and taken to tho dry dock by the steamer Ocklahama It is expected to have tho big pontoon alloat again by Thurs day and tho Wasp will bo placed In tho dry docks ut once. Tho Port of Portland dry dock was built 14 years ago. and is tho largest in tho Columbia river. It is 468 feet long, bus a width between wings of 82 feet, the depth of wuter possible over tho keel blocks is 25 feet, and it has u dead weight lifting capacity of 10,000 tons. It will handle ships 600 feet long. Tuesday's Journul. Owing to tho fact that Sun day is boiler cleaning day, the ferry will not run, First Baptist Church On last Friday our Sunday School enjoyed a delightful pic nic at Columbia I'ark. do not forget tho regular scs sions of the school August 9th Owing to the ubsenco of tho pustor, the Sunday School wil bo the only service held in the church next Sunday. Enjoy tho scrvico of some of tho other churches. There will bo no Wednesday night meetings during August. Regular church service August lu. 15. P. Horden, pastor. RESOLUTION Edison to Bit- street wnereas, neretoioro and on tho 14th day of July, 1914, i potition signed by all tho proper ty owners abutting upon tho westerly ono-hnlf of Pierce street from Willamette boule vard to Edison street; street from Piorco street chanan street; Osmund from Pierco street to Ruchanan street, nnd Ruchunan street from the southerly sldo lino of Block 21, A. L. Miner's Addition, if extended across Ruchanan street to tho right of way of tho O. W. R. & N. Company, having been filed praying for tho vacation of tho aforesaid portions of streets, and, It appearing to tho Council from tho aforesaid petition that the vacation of tho aforesaid streets aro necessary to bo made to tnsuro a roadway connecting tho business nnd resldenco nor tions of tho city with the water trout and manufacturing d s trict in the southerly nortion of tho city, and said vacation for tho purpose of securing tho said roadway will bo beneficial and for tho best interest of tho Citv of St. Johns and tho inhabitants thereof. Therefore, it is resolved bv tho City of St. Johns, Oregon: That tho citv encineer be. and is hereby, directed to post notices on each ot the atoresaid portions of streets, said notices be either written or printed in legible characters and reouirincr all persons interested to make or hie their objections, if anv they have, on or before tho Gth day of September, 1914. and if no objections or remonstrances laving been filed on that date. tho Council will proceed as bv aw provided to vacate tho said portions of streets. Adopted by tho Counci on the 5th day of August, 1914. A. E. DUNSMORE, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re low August 7, 1914. Don't fail to inspect our showing of S. & H. Green Stamp Premiums, now on Display. It will Pay you to visit us in our new quarters, as we are offering exceed ingly good Bargains in Gran ite and Aluminum ware. See Our Displays. FREE STAMPS This Coupon Good For Ten 10 S. & H. & Free if presented upon makltitr a nurchnse more, these stamps will be In nmountlMK to ww or addition to rriMilnr stamps given with the purchase. Not Good After August 30 FREE S. & H. Stamp, are the Con umcr Uucoum. CUT IT COUCH & CO. General Mdse. Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore. We will Close at 12.-30 Every Thursday Dur ing the Months of June, July, and August. COUCH & CO. Phone Columbia 137 PIONEER MERCHANTS" IO Years in St. Johns Notice of Cost of Improvement Notice is hereby izlvcu that the asses inent for the Improvement of North Willamette boulevard from St. Johns avctnie to Ilurllnetou street, the total coil of which Is f17.993.00 was declared by Ordinance No. 615, entitled "An ordinance declaring the cost of Improving N. Willamette blvd. from the southerly side line of St. Johns nvv. iu wir norm sine line 01 liilrllnKlon street, In the city of St. Johns, Oregon, ami assessing the property benefited thereby, declaring such assessment and directing the entry of the same In the docket of city liens," The cost of said Improvement Is levied tion nil the lots, parts of lots and par eels nt land within the boundaries of the district, as follows; Hctwccn St. Johns avenue and llurlluutou street. A statement of said assessment has been entered In the docket of citv Ileus AugUHt s, J'JM, and. tuld assessment is now due and turablc nt the office of the recorder of the citv of St. Tohus. Or. jjoii, nnd will bcdcliuuucut and bear In. icrei mirr Atiuiin 15111. 1UM, anil If not Mtd on cr mlorc hint. 4lli. 1UM, pr cecdingu will be taken for the calico tion of the Mine by sale of property ns provided by the city churter. A, H. DUNS.MOKK, City Recorder. TublUhed iu the St. Johns Review on AugiM 7 and 14. 11)14. Proposals for Street Work Svnled nroixMwIii will be received at the oflii e of thu Recorder of the Citv of St. John until August 11, 191I, attto'clock p. m , for the improvement of a Koad wav leading from the south side Hue of Willamette boulevard ut the intersection of Pierce street to the north side Hue of the O. W. H. & N. r cut o wav. in the manner provided for by the plans, spec iflcatlous and estimate of the city engl uctr, 011 file. lingluecr's estimate Is. f 5,603, 5-!, lllds mutt be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will be furn ished on application at the office of the Recorder of the Citv of St. lohns. And said improvement must be completed on or before 60 days from the date of the iusi puuncaiiou 01 tins notice. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the Citv of St. lohns certified by a respon. ten slble bank for an amount equal to percent, of the aggregate proposal, The right to reject any aud all bids is hereby reserved. iiy onier of the City Council. A. 1J. DUNSMORH, Recorder. Published In the St. lohns Review on August 7, 19U, ORDINANCE NO. 615 An Ordinance Declarlntr the Cost of Improving North Willamette Boulevard from the Southerly Side Line of St. Johns Avenue to the Northerly Side Line of Bur- IhiRton Street, In City of St. Johns, Oregon, and Asses sing the Property Benefited I hereby, Declaring buch Assessment and Directing the hntry of the Same In the Docket of City Liens. The citv of St. lohns does ordain as louows: That the council has considered the proposed assessment for improving North Willamette boulevard from the southerly side line of St. Johns avenue to tue northerly slue Hue of Uurllugton street, and ull obiections made thereto, ami hereby ascertains,detcrmines and declares the whole cost of said im provement iu manner provided by Ordi nance No. 5?J to be the sum of ii7.090.qj. aud that the special and peculiar benefits accruing to each lot or part there of or parcel of land within the as sessment district, by reason of said Im provement aud iu just proportion to such benefits, are iu the respective amounts set opposite the number or description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of laud in the following auuexed assess ment roll.aud said assessment roll, which is numbered 107, is hereby adopted aud approved ns the assessment for said Im provement, nnd the recorder of the city ui oi. joiini is uirccicu to cuter a state incut of the assessment herein made I the docket of citv liens, and cause notice thereof to be published as provided by tun ncr, which assessment is as ioiiows: Addition Iot Illock Amt Stjohni Park i2 7 fiCt.CO II 10 .15i.i7 JJ 0 iCG.25 " 7 138.1H " 0 40.07 " 6 i '16.02 " 4 1D2.95 " 3 47.12 " 2 145.83 " 1 121.33 13 G 115.0-1 14(tift t I 3363 " 15 140.23 10 148.28 " 17 : 143.3-1 " . 18 , 13-1.49 10 " 20 150.40 " 2i 145.49 " . 22 148.54 " 23 150.93 " 24 137.05 " 8 1 101.33 " 7 140.83 " C 140.58 " 5 140.17 " 4 150.30 " 3 102.93 2 169.79 1 170.M Vlnelatul 10 ifl5.09 1 5 163.55 14 160.87 13 03.70 12 170.00 II 188.07 10 178.00 St. Johns Park 8..' 12 1 00.99 vtlMMI II tlu781 6 l30(4l ' 4tt l 2793 1 3,ttt ! 13443 " 2 141.29 ". i 161.89 8 10 171.04 '?. 14S.f2 " 0 139.75 Dimiiii X3l 8T 4tt 12392 " 3 130.00 "w. &oit.n 'Bal.of 1) otl 4 106.00 26) 4 2 33 199.62 2... .... . . . . . . . . . l78.45 l.... ....... .184,02 1. ........ .214.22 3 22 195.10 3 160.21 4 157.27 4 , 189.77 3 23 180.89 3 t 150 60 4 149.48 4 181.93 2 32 209.25 2 101.22 1..; I50.I3 S.l 1 184.60 " N.J 3 24. 181.12 " S.J 3 147.02 " N.J 4 163.44 " S.J 4 1S7.72 " N.J 2 31 179.96 " S.J 2 i65.i7 " N.J i 163.00 " S.J 1 190.22 " N.J 2 30 183.99 " S.J 2 103.39 " N.J 1 177.32 " S.J 1 209.35 N.J 3 25 192.57 " S.J 3 ; 172.24 " N.J 4 183.15 " S.J 4 2n.6i " I&2...29 669-16 " K.J 3 26 227.47 " W.J 3 122.49 " 4 236.15 3 27 223.36 " 4 402.60 " 2 23 224.58 " W.J 1 268.19 " K.J 1 144.39 ' Frac...2 325.79 " Burlington Street Intersection 259.69 Total f 17,090.93 I Passed by the Council this 4th day of , August, i9i4. I Approved by the Mayor this 4tn dav of August, i9i4. A. W. VINCENT. Mayor. Attest: A. K. DUNSMORH, Recorder of the Citv of St. Tohus. Published in the St. Johns Review on August 7, i9U. . 190.85 Chipman's M Jas. John N.J a. " N.J " S.J " N.J S.J " N.J " S.J " N.J s. " N.J " S.J N.J S H. HFNnFRQOiM 311 North Jp.rsnv Street m mm m m mm I mr m I 1 " " - Real Estate, Loans, Insurance jj Adstrncta of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. :The Store of Style: ToCloseOut Just 47 Ladies' Suits in Lighter Weight Fabrics, Tailored and Semi-Tailored good fabrics and Colors, appropriate for Present and Early Fall Wear. Good tor the Beach, Travel or City; worth up to ?20.00, to Close out, marked down to only ny tan wear, uooa $6.35 NEW FALL STYLES Iu Ladles' nnd Misses Capes, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Petticoats uow showti iu Immense Varieties. The Styles and Models are CliarmitiRly Beautiful and the Prices, we as sure you, are the lowest in the city, INVESTIGATE. CREDIT AS EVER Regardless of the Low Prices we now quote you can your purchases charged and remit in Weekly or Monthly A ...11 A T ' Ask for People's Brown Trading Stamps with all Payments. have Pay- EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. 405 Washington St., Cor. IQtli, Portland, Ore, The Store of Servicezz llHll,l,Dt HAMMOCKS We are overstocked on Hammocks aud to reduce the stock while they last, we have made deep cuts. ' Regular $1.60 Hammock Special $1.35 " $1.85 " m $i.60 " 2.50 ' ...... ....$2.i0 " $3.50 ' .'.J2.90 We rau save you money on Tents and your Camping Supplies. Compare these prices: 8x10 Tent 17.35 10x12 " 8.oo 12x14 " $10.00 ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. Subscribe