Wfcsttss and Hlthwt A. subBms pnMg U CftHyle'e vision f history m n stupendous procession forth-lssnttiff from Clmmorlan nlgbt and vanishing Into pathetic and fth omless illenco, which la Rlvon n fol low In "Bartor Itesnrtus:" "Llko eomo wild llntnlng, wild tliun dorluir train of hunvon'a nrnlllory does this mysterious ninnldud thunder and flnmo In Iodk drawn, quick tmccecdltiK ornndour through tho unknown deep. Llko n Ood-crcntcd, tiro breathing spir it host, we uinereo from tho lunne, basto fitornifully across tho astonished earth, thon plungo ngaln into tho lnnuo. Earth's mountains aro lovclod and hor seas filled up In our passaRo. Cun the earth, which Is hut dead nnd n vision, roslst spirits which havo reality nnd nro nllvc? On tho hardest ndamnnt somo footprint of us Is stamped in; tho lost rear of tho host will read truces of tho earliest van. But whence? 0 heav en, wblthor? Sense knows not, faith knows not, only that It is through ntys tory to mystery, from God to Ood." Cruol but Necstaary. The Eskimos drend tho winter nnd toko early precaution!) to provide against famine. As the season ap proaches tho great herds of reindeer mlgrnto southward, and thu walrus or tho seal aro all that remain for food. When nn In wind Is blowing tho wal rus is easily found on tho outer hIro of tho Ico packs. When It Is blowing off tho shore, howcor, thu Ico packs salt out to m'h will ibu wnlruncH on thorn. Tho nntlvcs then class their nutnbora In n list from tho strongest to tho wcabrnt Tho food that Is In storo Is divided up, Ihi weakest having tho smallest quautllv, tho strongest tho Inrgcst. Thus the mightiest hunters linvo strength to provide for tho olh ors. It Is n cruel system, but never tholes n necessary one. If nil wore weak, all would die; If some nro strong, thoy will savo many of tho weak, Ths 8 Lifts tho Orlndstonss. 1'roiii tho bottom of tho Hay of Puudy cotno somo of tho fluent grind stones In tho world, nnd tho mnnunr In which thuy nro procured Is simple nnd Ingenious, tho stonecutter making tho ozcoptlonal tldo perform tho hardest part of tho work. When tho tide Is out, which hnppons twlco every day, tho worltmoii quarry the stones from tho solid rock nnd fasten them to r big flatboat. Then In conies the tide, a mighty flood rushing In, ns though tho grent ocoan had suddenly ehauifod its mind. A wonderful sight It Is rising ofton ns high as n limine! And now tho men havo nothing more to do. Tho tldo lifts tho boat, ami up comes tho stono with it. Ilont nnd stono nro thon brought closo Inshore, where tho stono Is romovod at lclsuro when tho tldo Is outArgonaut. A Pitting Roply. Major Iminx of tho Unltod Htntrs army was visiting In 'Canada soon nftor tho war of 1812. Ilo was cnler toinod In Quebec by tho otllcers of onu of thu royal reglmonts, After iiinnor, ptuchon and toasts bolug In order, ono of thn Ilrltlsh olllcers, hiivlng Im bibed too gonorously of thn vhnmpiigue, gnvo as n toast, "Tho President of the Unltod Mntos, Dead or Allvo!" The toast was nccoptod with laughter Major loinax roso to respond, say lug, "I'onnlt mo to glvo as my limit, Tho l'rlnco Hrgont, Drunk or HoImiiT " Tho Ilrltlsh otllcor sprang Instantly to his foot nnd In angry tones de manded, "Hlr, do you Intend that re mark ns an Insult?" To which Major Lomax calmly nn- worod, "No, sir; ns tho rep'? to ono " Don't Qt Up In Hurry, Don't Jump up tho llrt thing your yes nro open. Hemember that while you sleep tho vltnl organs nro nt rest. Tho vitality Is lowered and tho clrvti Intlon not so strong A sudden spring out of btil Is u shook to iheso organs, especially to tho heart, us It Mparts pumping the blood sudden ly. Don't bo In such u hurry Htretch nnd yawn and yawn nnd Htretch, Htretch tho arms and legs, stretch tho whole iKsly. A good yawn nnd stretch aro better oven than n cold bath. Tako time. It will keep you young nnd add ysars to your life. family Doctor ooir. A writer In an Itngltsh pajvr has this to say regarding tho gamo of golf: "Golf Is u -great game, but shiver mo niblick If I think It comes up to tld dliHlywIuks. It Is played with a cou plo of farms, n river or so, two or throo sand hills, h munler or impi incuts resembling dentist's tools, a tningo laugungo much llko Hindu atanl, any old clothes and a largo as sortment of oaths," Ovsrhssrd In tht Art Oallsry. Thoy woro making tho usual round of exhibitions. "Oh," ho exclaimed, "do look at that Uuutlful Apollo llolvoderel" -Uhl" sbs returned. "Don't suy 'dear" so loud. Evorybody'U know wo'ro Just msrrlod." Judjo. Sound 80. "How oddly tho man cUanlug th machinery tAllu." "How do you mean?" "1 heard htm tolling his helper to save the wasto." Ilaltlmoro American. Not For Now. "That mou Is uu Inveterate gonslp. and ho has a perfect geulus for smell log out equally times In families." "Thou his Is something of a storm center." Kxcha ngo. Aorobstlo Olplomsoy, Kllhu Hoot onco detlniHl 11 rul dip lomat thus; "A real diplomat, you know, Is a man who can stretch baud across the sea without putting hi foot In It." Nsw Dsngsr. Wife Did you road about tho awful railroad wreck? Husband-Yes, but for heaven's suko don't lt your mother know or sho won't dare to go home. Batlro. Every base occupation makes on sharp to Its practice and dull In every other. Hid ney. If tli high cost of Itvtat rl vary lonr Its meanlni. I fr, w'll b twitting, To rfr lo th high ooat of llvlnc wars wrong TViiMt w sua tha high cot of eilittnc. pbtc9 Xatsr Oc aflsGsfBBVf AMERICAN CHILDREN ARE REMARKABLY WELL DRESSED TO-DAY Whirtu It I a grsat temptation to dress the dainty little maid of 1 or 4 In frill and furbelow, much a one would h doll, American raotlurs r fraln to a dtgre that I noticeable and praiseworthy. Thn child, n aoon a she Is old enough to nolle hr clothe, take troiic lkM and dlillk; If she ha ben dresicd always according- to the standards of good taste, she will nutu rally show good taste In after years, when she ha to rulila herstlf in sar torlnl nmttur. Utah llk end velvet, too much lace and too many frills, have no place In thn small wsrdrob thts aeaaon. Th long waltted tyl ar atlll favored and for "dreup" occasion, modern- lied Qrsenaway drassea ar quite pop. ular. No. SitO Is a llttte dress In drop shouhlerd ityle fashioned Of llnun, which will be preferred this season to many of th other materials, and trimmed with two itrnlght, gathered runie of embroidery: It shows one of the new yok effects that will be popu. lar. For u child of , this modul re quires Sit yard of 38 Inch material. No. 8S9S shows a very quaint drees for a Rlrl of from M to IS; the btoiue, which Is uuuntinlly long walsted, Is de veloped In a (towered crepe! the skirt la of blank (arrets. In sis Is, tm drea may be made with Ctt yards of It Inch material. No. mo- slie 3 to 10. No, S3U-(lies It to It. Kueh pattern IK rent. To obtain alllier pattern llluatrated (III out till coupon and encloi U cents In etarnpa or ooln. Ii aur lo atat number of patUrn and l(. mtaiurliig ovr th fulloit part of th but. AJi1r raltcrn Ipartmnl, tar of thl paper No. , Nam .., UU I I BEST BUYj IN THE FAMOUS WHITE SALMON VALLEY OPPOSITE HOOD RIVER TEN ACRES Set to Spitzenberg and Newtown Apples Trees in perfect condition; fourth year. Located in the best part of the famous valley, in Fruit Home Colony. On the Trout Lake road and also a public road run ning along one side. Splendid spring of water on the place. Probably worth $10,000 in three years, with a large and ever in creasing income therefrom. A Rare Bargain at $6,500 Also 8 acres adjoining the above orchard, five acres in bear ing commercial orchard, and three acres set to almonds, 3 years old. Good house and other outbuild ings on place. Will be sold at a bargain. Call at or address mis omce, jPiano !7nstrttction Studio 401 Alta Street. ll Ktnncri SpcvUlty (MISS MALENA G. LONG I'hoa Columbia 7 G. W. OVERSTREET Plumbing and Qas Fitting Job work promptly atteudetl to. rhonc Colombia 518 109 Burr Street St. Johns, Oregon REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office ami others will be added as the demand arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty aud Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Wo dsliver your Roods to and from til ps?U of Portland, VsAcouYtr. Linn ton. rortknd and Suburban Expms Contracts for Sale of Realty, of Sale, Leases. ' How Is Your Title? Bills IIav6 your abstracts made, con tinned or examined at the Peuinsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co' Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 311 North Jersey street Adv. Co., city dock and all points aecsttlhls Wf wagon- runs ana irnura vwf Not V Utl en your Rifwv Urlng In your Job printing while you think of U. Don't wait until you aro entirely out. Wa are equipped to tarn eat neat and tasty printing promptly, at Pertiia4 prlw or ton. Those White Duck Trousers, Thin Silk fiats, Negligee Shirts, B. V. D. Uuderwear and our Regal Oxfords and White Socks; they are the things at our Men's Toggery. The Ladies will appreciate our at home stock of Filmy Lawns, Dainty Flaxons, Crepes, Dimities, Athena Underwear, Silk Hosiery, Voile Waists and;he carefully .selected stock of dress accessories. The Grocery Department maintains a Refrigerator wherein are Mel ons, Cantaloupes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Butter, Cheese and Milk. Our store carries all the things that appeal to the Palate at the different seasons of the year. On Saturday. July 4, we will Close at 1 0:00 but open again at 5 o'clock to accomodate the home comers of the celebration. BONHAM & CUIRRER J EDMONDSON CO. 107 S Jorsoy Street MODERN MClllOOS ! The Famous Electric I Parade IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 Zdla Mrs. Office Phone Columbia 34 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St, Johns Bxprcss, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving Specialty, Haul in? douc to, lind from Portland Residence 400 Host Richmoud Office 103 North Jersey Street Dully trips to Portland. J. K. ATCKISON, Prop, ORDER EASTERN STAR Minerva Chapter No. 105 Meets H very First and Third Tuesday livening ol Hach Month lu Ilickner's Hall, H. Johnston, Worthy Matron. j a. wepneus, secretary. Central Market! 205 S. Jsrssy Streot See us for (lie Choicest Cuts ef the Best Meats Obtainable. OrsV rd and ramify Trad SsfeJUst. T. P. WARD. ProprfcUr. We buy or sel St. Johns Property McKINNEY & DAVIS Real Estate Ust your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns DR. FRANK F. CASSEDAY SsecUlkt In DIM I tht Eye, Er, Ntu, Thmt tad Luit Opsrative awl Medical Tretmat Expeit Fitting of Clauea Moderate Prkaa rfs4 MITTa ai4 isrTi IWHilR JOSHPH McCHESNCY, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Dsjr t. Hlght Offle In UeChtmf Ml OF THE ROSE FESTIVAL Will be reproduced under the aus pices of the PORTLAND AD CLUB on tho night of JULY 4th In the City of PORTLAND The public is cordially invited to witness this gorgeous spectacle. The twenty-one floats represent ing the development of the west, coupled with his torical features will all be reproduced. PORTLAND AD CLUB St. Jshns. Orcrt. DR. W. J. GILSTRAP Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted DRUGS FURNISHED Office Ptans Cel. 262 Ret. Pfem tl. 1H omccKooitu6aud7l'lrttttatlonl Bank BUfj lleildcnce iijo Wlll.mttl. Boulevard A GOOD BUY At Whitwood Court, a piece of3 ground 600 feet long and 100 feet wide, being the upper half, of block 16, and located not far from the Railroad and Street Car xLine, on Mill Street. As Whitwood will soon have the great Scenic Drive way passing through it, and other activities are to take place, this tract will soon become most valu able. Price for a short time $2500. Call on or Address this Office. O. J. GATZMYEl ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Fir.t National Dank Building ST. JOHNS . . - OREGON THAD. T. PARKER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Rooms 7 ant) 8 Holbrook Builditig ST. JOHNS' DR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia 51 . First Nations) Bunk building. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Ops KtmUc Ktd Su&days hjr pobitsssnt. Office Phone Columbia 140 Resident Phone Columbia 38 LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. r. ST. JOHNS. OMGON MmU Mch Monday vnlng I Oii Fs4 lows hall at 7:30, A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers. NoMe Grand, O. B. Beham. Treasurer, It. V. Clark.: Ik. Sc., O. 8. Hayaet Via. 6c, K. 8. Wright. HOLMES LOOGC NO. 161 KN.6HTS Of PYTHIAS ! Meets every rtiday night at 7:30 o'clock la I. O, O. V Hall. Visiters always wel- come. A. W. PICKRL.C. C. A. CARLNBLSON. JC. . S. DOMC DOOGC NO. 132 Kscutar cocamuHlcatbns em awtt W4sve4ays ef mU "saesitta ia Wsksw 's Hall. Visitors wkssae.