St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 03, 1914, Image 3

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Take no Chances with the Family Food. Refrigerators arc
"Lined, Odcrless and" Vermin Proof, Automatic Drain.
Fifty Pound, White Enamel Lined '...$12.60
Another White Enamel Lined 15,30
Family Refrigerator. White Enamel Lining 16.65
Front Door, White Enamel Lined, Reg. ?ai'.so Special. . . . 15.00
Large White Enamel Lined, Regular $23.50 Special. 18.00
iSlde Ice, White Eiiumel Lined, Reg. $28.00 Special. $22.00
Ice Boxes Reduced to $5 and $7
Complete Home Furnishings
Ormandy Bros.
Complete Baby Carriage
Lot ol room (or llie llitlo lltnln to cxcrclic when !(
It uicd 111 11 baby carriage ; plenty ot tnnco (or pit
lowe ind qullti. If lueJ at n crib; fold Into com
pact ipaco find liunfa In 11 cloict out ol llio way
pilnft aiijuitntiic loiinuy 1 in
create In weight.
Unconditionally Guaranteed
tor Two Yean,
by Tito Sldway Morcantllo Co.,
1010 1 "1 tit Street, Elkhart, Indiana.
We cinnlov better than were
ever belora uied In the manufacture of
folding baby carrladci: Kciil Rubber Tlrri.
Special Guariiatccd I'abrlkold leather.
I'oiltlve Opening and Closing Conitrucllon.
See tlicic icaturei at the local dealer1!.
St John's Hardware Go.
v m
Local Nws.
Review Readers
Should take advantage of tlie special
ofTer wo make to St. Johns People dur
ing the summer months.
During the month of June we have
opened 50 new accounts with St. Johns
People, and as a special inducement, we
Presented them with a beautiful Dec
orated China Seven-Piece Cake Set,
consisting of one ten inch Platter and
Six 6 inch Plates: The set is artistic
and is an ornament on the table. We
succeeded in securing 100 more sets and
hereby extend our offer to St. Johns
People exclusively. Open your account
with us and the Set is yours. We carry
Men's and Women's wearing apparel
of the best Style and Makes, and ex
tend liberal Credit. Our prices are the
same as cash.
Peoples Brown Trading Stamps
with all Payments.
405 Washington St., Cor. 10, Portland Ore,
Beginning Friday, Alay 22, 1914
Until Further Notice, the St.Johns Lumber Company
will deliver its fine sixteeninch stove wood within the following
named districts at reduced prices:
St. Johns, South to S. P, & S. Railroad Cut 2.SO per Load
S. P. & S. Railroad Cut to Chataqua Boul. 2.75, per Load
Chataqua Boul. to Ainsworth it Boston Sts. 3.0O per Load
St. Johns Lumber Company
Cor. Burlington & Bradford Sts. St. Johns. Oregon
Pacific Telephone Columbia 131 Home Telephone C 1101.
The Christian Science svibject
for Sunday, July 5: "God."
G. .W. Overstreet's new ad
dress is 109 Burr street; phone
Columbia 518.
S. C. Bratton iB havincr a neat
and attractive residence erected
on Tyler street.
Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. JefTcottl
and son. George, left the firs
of the month for four weeks
outing at the mountains whero
they exnect to fish, oniov nature
and drive dull care nway.
A line of tvnewriter ribbons.
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at the Review
ofuco; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two- sheets for five
G. W. Overstreet, the. plum
ber, has moved his establish
ment to 109 Burr street, where
old nnd now patrons will now
find his shop and residence.
Telephone Columbia 518.
Prof. C. II. Bovd and wife left
this week for Nebraska, whero
they expect to remain five or six
weeks, Mrs. Boyd's father.
who resides in that state, is in
ill health, and they will spend
some time with him.
Within the last week seven
carloads ol uregon wool were
shipped from Madras to Boston.
he shipment aggregated 290.000
pounds nnd was sold at prices
somewhat 111 ndvanco of those
of Inst year.
Comimr to Multnomah Theatre
July 8 and 9, Hart?. & Hartz in
lastic Posing, an uct beautiful
with rainbow effects. With the
regular four reels of pictures.
Admission, 5 and 10 cents.
The St. Johns Pharmacy buse
ball club defeated the strona
Columbia Park team in an inter
esting prime on the local grounds
ust Sunday afternoon by n score
f 12 to 7.
Tho Fourth of July tomorrow
will bo a auict one in St. Johns,
and many of her inhabitants will
icnic, iislt or seek recreation
and diversion clHowhere.
"Let us have our skirts made
wido enough to walk to tho
mils." pleaded a Philadelphia
woman bcroro the convention ol
women's clubs. Common sense
expressions liko that will help
remove prejudices.- Ex.
Rev. I). T. Thomas, formerly
f Forest Grove, has accepted
the pnstorago of thu Congrega
tional church in this city, nnd
will deliver his nrat Hcrmon on
Sunday morning. All are in
vited to nttpnd.
Somo of tho proporty owners
in Linnton nro finding it quite n
hardship to meet improvement
assessments on their property.
For instance, one party owns n
25x100 lot, well upon tho hill
side. It is assessed at $10, nnd
tho assessment for sower nbno
is $-11.25.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. EvenB
entertained tho Jolly 'Steon
club at thoir home Wednesday
ovening. Tho gnmo of 500 was
tho principal diversion. Tho
first prizo was won by Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. II. Dcrrio. and tho
second prize by Chas. Muck.
Dainty refreshments were served
That tho population of Oregon
is increasing very rapidly is
indicated by the fact that an un
usual numbor of communities
have found it necessary to erect
new school buildings to relievo
congestion. New scho6ls are
being built at Amity. Molnlla.
Newport, Astoria and Vidu, und
in addition, sovcral largo school
buildings will bo erected in Port
land before the end of tho year.
For the first time since logan
berry culture has becomo a fixed
industry in the Willamette Val
ley, tho fruit is boing shipped to
tho East in large quantities.
During tho season at least 25
carloads will bo shipped to Chi
cago, ut. Louis, Lincoln, web.,
Kansns City and Denver. These
shipments will consist of fresh
fruit and will not include the
great shipments of dried ber
ries which will bo mado later.
The demonstration with the
steam fire engine, which the
city has in its possession for
the present, attracted quite a
number of our citizens to Phil
adelphia street last Friday eve
ning. Two streams of water
were thrown about 800 feet with
plenty of volume and force. A
water battle between the fire
men with each hose afforded
plenty of amusement. The dem
onstration was a decided success
and proved that with a pumping
engine the water supply is abun
dant, on Philadelphia street at
Evory man is
when ho marries!.
an optimist
The Woodmen of the World and
Royal Neighbors of America will
Hold their annual picnic July 4th at
Crystal Lake. Base ball, all kinds
of races and eating contests, danc
ing afternoon and eveniug, and a
uniform drill contest will take place.
Admission to park 10 cents; car
fare 5 cents.
Couch & Co. have just completed
the entire remodeling of theiijstores
on Philadelphia street, making them
atnoug the finest iu tlie country. A
more detailed account will appear
next week.
Strictly sanitary. Gilmore
barber shop. adv.
E. S. Wright of Helson.Wnsh.
wns a St Johns visitor the latter
part of last week.
Berry crates and boxes for
sale. -Portland Manufacturing
Co., foot ol Kichmond street.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices at H. I. Clark's, the furni
turc man. Adv.
An electric massage, only one
in town. uilmore's barber shop
Ex-Mayor Bredeson laid off
work a day or two the first 0
the week to nurse a boil on his
Mrs. H. A. Monday of North
Powder. Oregon, is a guest 0
her mother, Mrs. B. S. Hoover,
on Lynn avenue.
Phone Columbia 518 is G. W.
Overstreet's new number: shop
and residence being located at
109 Burr street.
Wanted board and room in
private family, with phone, by
a gentleman. Inquire at lleview
Miss Jeanette Ogden of Day
ton, Oregon, is a guest at tho
home of Judge J. E. Williams
this week.
For Rent Store room with
five living rooms In rear; good
location ; ?25 per month. See J.
F.Gillmorc,113JN. Jersey street.
Andrew Crnik and wife, form
er well Known citizens 01 st.
Johns, greeted their many
friends here this week.
Girl wants place to work at
once. liousoworK or enre lor
children preferred. Inquire 1021
South Jersey street, St. Johns.
Tho firebont George H. Wil
Hams and the bar tug Wallula
have been on tho dry docks this
week undergoing general repairs.
LostGold watch near Veneer
Works. Finder please return
to this office and receive rewnrd.
The mayor of Portland has
again constituted htmscii as a
censor of what women shall not
wear on tho streets of that city
this hot weather.
For all kinds of general re
pairing of nutos, bicycles, lawn
mowers, etc.. go to 1110 1101110
Garage, 102 Smith avenue, cor
ner of Charleston: U. B. Ben
mm, proprietor: phono Colum
bia 003.
Six or seven hundred soldiers
from the Vancouver barracks
with equipment passed through
St. Johns yesterday morning,
on their way for a hike to Gcor
hart Park.
Dressmaking at rcasonnblo
nrices and satisfaction guaran
teed: special prices on children's
c othes. Mrs. u w. uunagnn,
409 North Jersoy street, opposito
lostollice. adv.
IIouso for Sale-827 N. Edison
Street; G room house and mod
ern all tho way through. Seo
owner, Blacksmith at Peninsula
ron Works.
A reunion and birthday re
contion for Mr. John Curl was
given at tho homo of his daugh
ter, Mrs. U. J. Anderson,
Cichmond street, on ednesday.
More complete account noxt
Now is your chance, just for
nn advertisement for one month
-nfiva room houso wired for
electric lights, with ono of tho
atest Brass Chain Fixtures,
other rooms with plain drops, nil
for ?15. Other work In propor
tion. It will pay you to call at
910 N. Hayes street, St. Johns.
Tho unmuzzled dog is likely
to play in hard luck soon, ns tho
city attorney has been directed
to prepare an ordinance authoriz
ing tho nolice denartfnent to shoot
or otherwise end thooxistencoof
dogs found without a muzzle.
ins s in accordance with meth
ods adopted in the Eastern cities.
Tho Kansas Society of Oregon
will hold a picnic tomorrow at
Columbia Park. All persons
who have at any time made
Kansas their home are cordially
nvited. Bring lunch cloth and
something to eat. Dinner served
at 1 p. m.
Six per cent Farm and City
Loans may te outaineu to repay
mortgages, remove encum
brances, purchase or improve
real estate, from ono to ten
years' time, special privileges;
correspondence invited. A. C.
General Agency, 767 Gas and
lectric building, Denver, Colo.,
or 44U fneian uuinung, aan
ranciBco, Calif. adv.
Last Friday afternoon Mrs.
luston entertained her Sunday
School class of girls at her home,
618 Allegheny street. After
romning and playing all was
seated in a circle and refresh
ments were served. Those pres
ent were: Gladys Sparks, Myrtle
Sparks, Dorotha Bailey, Bertha
McNiven. Ve ma bhappe . No-
veta McCarty. Helen Hill. Cath
erine Hall, Rose Bilyeu, Martha
Manles. F orence Blomgren, Mil
dred Simmons, Minnie Miller,
Lillian Miller, Alice Flaube,
Ruth Hayner, Louise Eveling.
Harriet Lock. Ellon Hopkins,
and Phyllis Finch.
Measures Numerous
The voters of Oregon will pass
on 24 amendments to the con
stitution and 13 bills at the No
vember election.
More ure being incubated, and
there will probably be forty
state wide propositions and per
haps twice as many local munici
pal measures.
Many 01 tnese urns will mv
pose new burdens on tho people.
invent new taxes, create new
ooaras anu ontces. Here are
some of them:
To grant to "every nerson"
$iouu exemption on nssessed
valuation. Household goods nre
already exempt.
lwo tax amendments to a low
taxation of incomes, "nronor-
tional, graduated or progressive
taxation," whatever that may
A sur-tax amendment of I
cents per $100 on all above S25.
uuu. and graduated to $a per
$iuu on nil above sitw.uuu.
A tax on all land not public
property. This would tax
churches, colleges not owned
by the state, and is in line with
single tax ideas.
To create tlie oflice of Lieu
tennnt Governor to be president
of tho. Senate and get $10 a day
when Legislature sits.
To abolish the Senate. Bv
tho Stato Grange, State Fedora-
ion of Labor, tho Peonies'
owor League, authors of near-
all the freak legislation in
To abolish the death penalty
as a punishment for capital
10 proniuit munuinciuro or
sale of intoxicating liquors ex
cept for medicinal purposes, or
lor scicntiiic. sacramentn or
mechnntcul purpose.
lo increase snlary of members
ot tho Legislature to ?5 per day
and milengo to 10 cents.
To authorize state bonds for
construction of irrigation and
wnter power projects by the
state to amount of 2 per cent of
.state valuation.
To prohibit paid circulation of
nitintivc and referendum peti
For non-partisan judiciary on
letition of ono per cent of the
voters. Proportional representa
tion by Grange, Peoples' Power
jcaguo and Federation of Labor.
To uuthorizo tho Governor to
remove irom otiico county of
ficials who fail to cooperate with
urn 111 enforcement of laws, and
appoint others in their place.
To rovoko franchises of Port-
nnd Gas and Coko Company, b
ortlnnd (Jcntral Labor Counc
Totnkoover channels of rivers
and authorize leasing same to
cities, nnd construction of pub
ic docks.
For eight hour day nnd ven
tilation of rooms for women
Stringent Sunday law against
all places of amusement for gain,
by Washington County Christian
Jndeavor union.
Universal eight hour day in
uctory or farm.
Special tax for employment of
unemployed laborers.
Chango election law rciiuiring
only fifteen days' residence in
Registration certificate to voto
anywhere in tho state. Stato
Bureau 01 industries and Statistics.
In a Quandary
The State Tax Commission
ins taken a step that puts it in
square collision with tho Attor
ney General. It is well known
hat over hall a million dollars
of taxes are held to bo uncollect-
bio in the various counties in
which tho forfeited land grants
n western Oregon are located.
Proceeding on tho theory thnt
ie title to z, 10, 7uuu acres 01
and embraced in tho Oregon
California land grant continues
to be vested in tho Oregon Cali
fornia Railroad Co. until tho
nited States Supremo Court
innlly decides a suit instituted
by the government to nave trie
amis forfeited, tho btnto Tax
Commission has notified all Ore
gon ussessors to assess the land
in the name of the company.
Assessor B. ! . Keeney of Lane
county was surprised when
notified of this action of the
Stato Tax Commission. Only a
short time ago he received an
opinion from Attorney General
Crawford, advising him not to
assess these lands, "lamina
quandary," said the assessor.
1 hardly know wnat to do. 1
am not aeciciea as to wuo is
boss' in this matter whether
he attorney general's advice is
to bo followed, or whether to
obey the ruling of the State Tax
Commission. If we put these
ands on the roil we will have to
nav our snare ot tne state tax
on them, yet we will get nothing
from the property. aB the rail
way company has refused to pay
tie taxes until the suit is set
tled. If wo are compelled to as
sess this property this year, tho
county will lose a large sum of
money by reason of the railway
company's refusal to pay tho
tax.' Contributed.
A Bank Account
Is A Protection
aKainit ninny frauds, a preven
ter of disputed payments nml a
stopper of much nccdlen spcud
liitf. Cotuc mid tuive these
things proien lo you. When
you nre convinced, jour own
good seiidc will tell you that
you should enjoy these benefits
by opening an account of your
Oldest Bank on the
Pktim Autzkn, Pres.
John N. Kolkpskn, Cash,
I C. Knaih', Vice Pres.
S. L. Doihk, Ass't Cnsh.
Ready for Business
M. E. Church Notes
The Ochrida Turkish Bath Pur-
lors in the basement of the
Woodhouso building on Philadel
phia street are now open to the
uiblic. r. W. Lollyn, a well
known citizen, and a man who
ins had years of experience in
tlfe business, is proprietor. The
word "Ochrida" is the name of
1 lake in Turkey, meaning
'water." and Mr. ColTyn select
ed it as nn appropriate and uni
que title for his bnth parlors.
The parlors are, indeed, a credit
0 the c tv. l'Jvervt t ng is new
and of the most approved design
nnd pattern. The interior thro
ughout is finished in white, de
noting cleanliness, purity and
Tho first room ns one descends
tho few stops is thu waiting
room which is n well lighted
and comfortable apartment. It
b Mr. Coifyn's intention to uti
i?.e a portion of this room for
manicuring, massaging, sham
pooing nnd hair dressing by an
expert a little later on and pos
sibly ' add foot dressing as well.
At the rearot mo waiting room,
on one side, are two private com
pnrtmcnls for tub baths, well
titled up with handsome tubs,
towels, brushes and other ac
cessories essential to tho cont
ort nnd convenience of patrons. 1
Noxt are two compartments for! confirmed Miss Hortcnsi
shower baths, furnished with
all the conveniences and accom
modations that go with such
jaths. Then nro tho appliances
and apparatuses for Turkish
steam baths, and baths can be
cither taken in whole or partial-
y. Opposito tho bathing ar
rangements is a long apartment
n which three snow white cots
repose, wnicii present a most
inviting appearance. These nro
tor tne purpose 01 putting 1110
finishing touches to the steam
bathers. In the rear of tho base
ment are the massage table,
avatory, etc. Mirrors, dress
ers, brushes, comus, rugs anu
other adornments complete the
Madam Suhi Gibson, a St.
ohns, lady, will be lady as
sistant at tho Ochrida. Tues
day and Wednesday afternoons
of each week hnvo been sot asido
as ladies' day, when no males
will bo admitted. Tho now bath
parlors piomiBO to bacomo most
nopulnr with St. Johns people,
and tho enterprise is deserving
of much patronage.
Evangelical Church
The Recital given by our choir
.'uesday ovening atllfckner Hall
was itigniy appreciated uy an
Sunday. July nth, in the morn-
ng is to be a Patriotic service
The G. A. R. and W. R. C. of
St. Johns are to be with us. A
program is in preparation for
tho Sunday school, Tho sermon
will bo especially in tho inter
ests of our guests.
Prof. 1). M. Metzgar, dean of
Dallas Collogc, will bo with us
and preach in the evening. All
who know him know we will
havo a treat. Como nnd hear
Wo w picnic with our Sun-
ay schools from our first church
and Ockloy Green Wednesday,
July 8th, at tho Peninsula Park.
We are to meet at the corner ot
Killingsworth and Kenton streets
at 10:30 a, m. nnd inarch to the
park. A program is in prepara
tion. Games and lots of other
amusements will bo in evidence.
busy, joyous time is nssured.
fJ3 ftlNTi MtrtJ at thin fflHi
Many St. Johns people have chron
ic appendicitis (which is not very
painful) and think it is Just bowel
or .stomach trouble. Some have
doctored for years for gas on the
stomach, sour stomach or constipa
tion and C. R. Thompson states if
they will try simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as compounded iu
Adler.ka, the German appendici
tis remedy, they will be surprised
at the QUICK benefit. A SIN
OLE DOSU stops these troubles
I)r J. W. McDougall, District
Superintendent of Portland Dis
trict, occupied the pulpit last
Sunday morning and delivered
n most excellent sermon.
The installation service of tho
newly elected officers of the
Senior and Junior Epworth
Leagues last Sunday evening
was a very beautiful und Impres
sive service, und was greatly
enjoyed by all present. The
installation was performed by
the pastor. Rev. Ingnlls.
Tlie third quarterly confer
ence for the conference year
was held last Wednesday night.
Dr. McDougall in the chair.
Tho affairs of the church for tho
past nine months were carefully
gone over, and all departments
of the church were found to bo
in u prosperous and growinjr
Tho following persons were
elected and installed as officers
in the Senior League: Presi
dent, C. W. Little; first vice.
Miss Hortense Ingnlls; second
vice, Miss Gladys Nolan; third
vice, Miss Ida Daughcrty; fourth
vice, Miss Roululi Titus; secre
tary, Mrs. J. M. HIair; treasur
er, Miss Louise Sterling; choris
ter, Miss Pearl Titus; organist,
Miss Lulu Day.
as superintendent of tho Junior
League. The following persons
wore recently elected oillcers of
the samo: President, Miss Wil
iim Ingnlls; first vice. Mr. Zelta
Rico; second vice, Miss Ona
Cooper; third vice, Miss Alice
Ruwson; fourth vice, Mis
Alice Brown; sccrotnry, Miss
Geneva Short; treasurer, Miss
Lillian Rawson; chorister, Mr.
Jack Vinson; organist, Miss
Miriam Clark.
A contest with friendly rivalry
for new members has beon go
ing on in tho Senior Loaguo for
some time past, which hns pro
duced a greatly increased life
and interest in the League work,
and luiB been the means of bring
ing in a number of new mem
bers, and is also manifested in
the earnest effort und prepara
tion for tlie entertainment to ho
given in tho ICagles' Hall Wed-,
nesdny evening of July w8th.
Don't fail to be there.
Regular services as usual Sun
day. Tho electric light recently
plnccd nt the corner of South
ilnyos and West Leavitt streets
is greatly appreciated by tho
people, and express appreciation
to the city council.- Reporter.
First Baptist Church
Mr. Borden will give uu ob
ject lesson with magical uffeuU
at the Sunday School Session
next Sunday morning.
Morning preaching service nt
11 o'clock, sermon topic. "My
Church." B. Y. P. U. nt7p.m.
Mrs. Wright, president. Topic
for Sunday, "The Christian
Ministry of Music," Mr. Ford,
leader. Kvoning preaching ser
vice at 8 o'clock, sermon, "My
We are stin ting a course of
Bible studies in Genesis begin
ning noxt Wednesday ovening at
8 p. m. to continue throughout
the summer. You are welcome.
Oregon Trailers is the boy's
organization of tho Sunday
School, opon to boys between
the ages of 12 and lb. Meets
every Friday ut 7:30 p. 111.- E. P.
liorden, pastor.
For Sale Four outside corner
show cases at a bargain, For
further particulars inquire at
this ofiico.
Charles Tooley is off ferry
duty again with, rheumatism,
and, we understand, is recoving
treatment at a Pontland hospi
tal. For Rent Seven room house,
quarter aero of ground, one
block from car lino; $10 per
month. Apply to J. E. lliller,
Secretary Commercial club, Hol
brook building.
".Watches" made over into
"Time-pieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 300 N, Jersey