St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 03, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Frldn
Al 117 West llurllnRtoti Street.
Tint IlKVlKW is entered nt iost office I
in Saint Tolins. Orciron. ns mail nmttur
o( the second class under the Act of Co.l
i;rcss qt March i, 1879.
All eomtnunlcMlona itiontd be tddriufd lo
Tli Berlew, HI. Jaluii, Ornon,
Official Kcwipiptr of tbt City of Kt. Jokm.
Subscription pries $1.00 par year.
Optimism wns the watchword
of the meeting of the West Const
Lumber Manufacturers' associa
tion hold nt Portland Monday, it
being agreed that better limes
were aiiead for the lumbermen
of the northwest as against the
depression which has been spread
over the lumber industry dur
ing the past 18 months. An
anticipated car shortage and the
need of retailers to increase
their stocks were given as
reason for an expected advance
in prices and a revival of busi
ness, while a order placed by
the Southern Pncific company for
5000 cars was considered most
The city council is preparing
to make war upon the weed
nuisance in St. Johns. Notices
will no doubt be served upon all
property owners to cut weeds
within a certain specified time
or thoy will be cut by the city
at the owners' expense. It
seems to be the only thing to
do. Many places in St. Johns
aro a disgrace on account of the
rank growth of weeds of an
obnoxious nature, and it seems
that tlie owners nave not, enough
civic nrido to cut them down
On many of the streets the grass
has grown so long as lo almost
cover the sidewalks, making it
disagreeable to travel them after
a rain. The danger from lire is
not a small feature in the uncoil
fined growth of weeds and other
wild vegetation. It is up to the
property owner to get busy, or
bear the expense of having the
weeds cut and additional costs
involved therein.
189 vmm
Ilia bi&5
is the bank account which you
have with an up-to-date institu
tion. With such connections, all
the wheels of the bank's won
derful machinery will be work
ing in your interests.
"Any Port
in a
The Greatest Menace
The danger that is the great
est menace to the United Slates
today lies in the performance
and plans of that class of men
who have stolen the holy name
of labor for their shibolelh, but
who instead of being laborers
aro determined to live upon tho
labor of other men and women
Tho menace could bo quickly
turned aside by legislation am
tho work of tho courts, except
that every small politician who
aspires to olllce seems to feel it
a duty to cuddle to or temporize
with the depraved organization
Hut they surely arc a concern
mcnt to every state in our union
and whorovor thov unreal' their
sinister crests there should be
swift work done.
The federal government aliouli
make the way easier to deal wit
them by setting aside somo is
land in the sea to which, on fai
conviction, they should be trans
They glory in a simple lino
and brief impnsonmont, for
those things but heighten thei
prcstigo and iniluence. Hut
were thoy to once underKtani
that if convicted, the conviction
would bo swift banishment to
somo spot whore they wouk
havo to work or starve, the
fact would havo a most cooling
and soothing iniluence upon
As yet thoy arc but a little
cloud upon tho sky of our conn
try but thoy threaten to fill the
wholo heavens with shadows in
the very near future.
Their preaching is altogether
incendiary, their practicoH aro
so brutal that thoy on ovory
manifestation make clear that
thoy aro public enemies, socruo
and untamable tliat tliey are a
direct monaco to order, law am
tho blessings of liberty.
In their depraved souls liberty
is out another namo lor un
bridled license, their aims are
but to convert froo government
into anarchy and their methods
are as cruol as are tho hearts
of hungry tigors. Goodwin's
"Three Weeks. "Elinor Glyn's
palpitant novel, will bo mado
into a six part picturo play cost
ing szu.wu, at. Johns papers
please copy,
Tho above gem appeared in
tho "Crawfish" column of Mon
day's Oregonian. Since St.
Johns has apparently mado a
reputation as a place where mov
ing pictures touted as oft' color.
but which aro not, may bo
shown, let it come, provided it
is no more "scandalous" than
tho picturo which Portland turn
ed down recently and was shown
in St. Johns. Tho local author
ities, unliko Portland, do not
turn down ono show and then
let a more suggestive ono appear.
In order to Insure change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this oftlco not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleas
remember this and save the printer
may be n very good saying as
applied to nccnu-troinir vessels, .
Storm but ns for the Good Ship,
"Husiticss," ouly n wcll-choscn port will do in
times of distress,
If you are not familiar with the
service and strength of this bank,
stop in and let us present "facts
and figures." You will be deep
ly impressed.
U, I f'l,.,l
nunui vvu, unit
Should be Wiped
Every Church
oir the Map." Afflrmntivo-Dr.
Hailoy Kay Leach, editor of
"Justice;" ncgutive, A. W.
Marklc, Editor St. Johns "He
view." The word "Church" used in
this debate means the ec
clesiastical religious organiza
tion constituting what is called
All Euronean nations, except
Turkey, and thoso of the Amer
icas, aro called Christian. They
seem to be.
All Christian churches were
olF shoots of the Roman Catholic
church. The Homan Catholic
church was founded in the year
A. I), m by Constantino, tho
Homan Emperor. Constantino
was subsequently "sainted" by
the Homan hierarchy.
Constantino clearly compre
hended that, try aB you will,
you cannot separate church and
stale. If the two are not openly
combined, then they must be
secretly affiliated
Religious interests, under the
sway of superstition, which is
but another name for ignorance,
indubitably reaches out for tem
poral powor.
The socalled separation of
Church and Stato has resulted
in every church struggling for
political privilege, if not com
plete civil control.
Martin Luther proved no more
liberal in his conduct toward
"unbelievers" whilo ho hold
civil power than had tho prelates
hundred years-crime has in
creased, injustice has thrived.
tyranny lias never relaxed, the
rich have steadily grown richer
and the poor poorer. Meanwhile
the Church has steadily do
crcuBcd in power and member
In the past 81 years the Ho
man Catholic church has los
5,000,000 members. The Pros
byterian church has suffered a
loss of .100,000 members for the
past three years.
Thus, it is shown that tho
Church is a failure. If it were
an instrument of God, it could
not fail. If it were an institu
tion of justice and righteous
ness, it could not fail. Hut since
it is neither Godlike, nor Christ
like, nor just, it ought to be
"wiped oil tho mail." Justice
Despite the debater's contcn
tion to tho contrary, Christian
ity is of divine origin, rotor
was constituted the head of tho
church by Christ himself. Of
this there can bo no doubt, un
less tho veracity of tho Scrip
lures he assailed, licing divine
it will never fail.
With the advent of Christian
ity the dawn of civilization was
ushered in. Its beneficent in
fluence began to dissolve the
darkness and its rays gathered
strengtu and spread wider am
wider all down tho dark ages o
tho past until today its influence
Ib felt and recognized in every
nation of tho earth. Were
not for Christianity tho dark
ness and bitterness of the past
would only nave been enhanced
and intensified as time woro on.
of the mother church. Also, (That would have been tho only
Luther did not lead tho Ho forma
tion for tho sake of establishing
religious liberty, but to gain
material advantage and to dom
iuate certain territory in Eti
rope, particularly in (lormnnv
and Prussia.
John Calvin and John Knox both
proved ns cruol and murderous
as tho religious despots of Home,
onco they secured tho civil power.
nut wimiovcr 01 cruo t.v or
atrocity was exercised by either
tho Homan pontiti and his co
lorts. or by John Calvin or John
Knox, wns ostensibly done in
the interest of tho Church of
Christ, alboit that church was
Homan, Lutheran, Calvanistic or
Tiion trom thoso sects simmer
the numerous aim lesser ones
with which Christiandom is in-
ested. All thoso aro striving
or powor- boin spiritua am
lhey all ncnuiro nronertv
and as much ns possible. As
their wealth increases their
muniticenco is manifested in lino
structures and elegant enum
ments. And their ministers, or
priests, or bishops becomo tho
ocipionts of generous salaries.
Jesus is called tho founder of
Christianity, Hut Jesus found
ed nothing. Ho did not, m fact.
express a single original idea.
Assuming that such a man over
existed, tho essence of his doc
trine is found m what is called
the "Golden Hule."
Hut there is not a church to-
ay nor has tliero over been
ono that is governed by that
Therefore, the churches aro
all institutions of graft and
reed, and thoy do not and can
not express the doctrine of Jesus
of Nazareth.
Since they aro not really
Christian or Christliko. thoy aro
raudulent nnd omrht to bo abol-
Under tho sway of tho church
esa swuy that hus dominated
society in all socalled Christian
nations for nearly seventeen
logical outcome. Hut tho fires
of Christianity woro lighted by
Christ himself, and the result
has been that today tho world
has advanced to a stage where
the bigotry, tno ignoranco nnd
bonightedness of the past have
given way to civilization nnd un
Perhaps if tho debater would
study tho pages of history for
soventeen hundred years back
he will find that crimo has not
increased, injustico has dim
inished, and tyranny is less pre
vnlent than seventeen hundred
years ago. Neither aro the
poor ns poor, nnd tho rich of to
i .
tiny wero in most-cases t ho noor
oi n tew years ago. And the
church has not decreased in
membership, according to tho
latest statistics. Therofore. the
church is not. a failure, and
novor will bebecnuso it is divine
ly instituted.
'Ihe debater takes for trranted
things that cannot be nroven or
borno out by facts. Becauso
Constnntino" comprehended that
try ns you will, you cannot. sepa
rate church nnd state. If tho
two aro not openly combined,
then thoy must bo secretlv
affiliated." Perhaps that might
hnvo been tho condition at tho
timo of Constantine, but can it
bo proven to bo tho case todav?
Also tho statement that Martin
Luther "did not lead tho Heform-
ation for tho sake of establish
ing religious liberty, but to train
material advantage and to dom
inate certain territory" is assur
edly not borno out by tho reading
of his life and history. Tho nl-
i ii.- .
egeu crueuy ami muruerous in
stincts of John Calvin and John
vnox aro mere assertions that
apparently havo no foundation.
Ihe debater nroves his sken-
ticism of tho existence of Christ
by the assertion. "Assuminir
that such n man over existed."
man who does not boliovo in
Christ cannot believe in tho
church or in Christianity.
Mho churches are all institu.
tiona of graft and gwd" be-
brings a demand for suitable apparel, especially in
such things as Shirts, Neckwear, B. V.D. Underwear,
etc. The man who wears our furnishings will be all
right. He can feel that he looks as right as he is
comfortable. Take a look over our latest outdoor
toggery. You can't match it elsewhere.
Heretofore we have
been unable to get
a Complete Line of
Ladies' Waists, Mis
ses' and Children's
Jane Pomps.
of These arc Now Com-
This Coupon Good For
Ten 10 S. & H. & Free
If jitcscnted upon making n purchase nmouiititiR
more, these stamps will be in addition to rcgula
Kiven with mic purcnasc
to 50c or
ar stamps
S. A. H.
Stamps are the
sumers Uiscount.
Not Good After June 30
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St Johns, Ore.
Our Store will Close at 9:00 a. m. Saturday,
July 4th and will Open again in the Evening.
Phone Columbia 137
10 Years In St. Johns
cntiae tho debater believes thoy
nro not governed by tho "Gold
en uulo." "And thoy do not
and cannot express tho doctrine
of Jesus of Nazareth." Yet
"Jesus founded nothing" and
did not "express a alnglo or
iginal idea.'' If the "Golden
Uulo" is not original with Christ,
who originated it and taught it.
and why obey it? As a matter
of fact tho "Golden Rule" was
not given to tho churches nlono;
it is for all men to livo up to.
Tills being tho case, and it can-
not bo successfully disputed, is
tho delator, nnd his followers
living up to or attempting to
Hv.up loth VGriiaen Hulor' It
would not seem so. Therefore
using the argument of tho de
bater, if tho churches should bo
wiped oil' tho map for not living
up to tho "Golden Kulc," by tho
snmo tokon tho party represent
ed by tlu- debater should receive
like treatment. But the "Gold
en Hulo" is not nil there is to
Christianity. Faith in Christ
comes lirst, nnd having that in
it truest sense, tho "Golden
Kule" is followed as n matter of
course. Hocnuso one church or
some church members may not
sci'in to givo much heed to tho
"(lolden Hulo" is no reason to
believe that all are in tho samo
Perhaps if tho debater would
take time to go to church oc
casionally ho would bo disil
lusioned regarding its rapacity'
Will Have a Big Time
Headed by the vurious church
es and Sunday schools, and the
cooperation of tho fraternal or
ders, and other organizations, a
general celebration is scheduled
for July 4th at Columbia Park.
Tho committee in charge has
secured the Police Band, which
will lead tho pnrudo from Ports
mouth avenue to tho Park, and
furnish music for tho entire
days' program.
Tho park is well adapted for
picnicmg, with its lawns, beau
tiful shado trees, ball field, ten
nis courts, playground diamonds
for both boys nnd girls, volloy
ball, basket bnll, croquet sets,
baby swings and schutes, gym
nnstic equipment for tho boys.
and many other conveniences
granted tho public by the city.
Tho program for the day will bo
as follows:
Parade 10:30 a. m forming nt
tho corner of Portsmouth nvenuo
nnd Lombard street, will bo led
by tno I'oliccmnn's Hand, nnd
march to tho Park. Prizes aro
to bo awarded to tho following:
Tho most nttrnctivo and artistic to Fraternal Orders,
btinuay bciiools or other orgnni
Best individual chnracter.opcn
to any one.
Heat general float.
Cradle roll llont.
iiest uecornteu uoii carriage
even be hope that he becomo a nrst prize, dressed doll; second,
church member nnd use his mis- undressed doll.
placed eloquence toward mnking! Boys' Sunday School class dls-
the work of the churches more Piny, also girls' Sunday school
ellectivo .and far reach in jr. class.
I'lilth. love and charity are the
only things that will ever make
tho word bettor. Intrerso Is
only mako it worse.
Literary Entertainment
The Young People's Society
of the M. E. church will givo a
musical nnd literary entertain
ment In tho Eagle's hall on Wed
nestlay ovejijng July 8th. Ad
mission, adults 25 cents: chil
Following is tho
Bnll gameBoys vs. men.
JJand Concert.
Bnsket dinner.
Literary program.
3:80 to 5: Athletic games
Public Utility Decisions
dren 10 cents.
program :
Pinno Duet Miss Imrnl Is
Miss Hollenbeck.
Vocal Solo Miss Stinsman.
Heading Mrs. Hall.
Saxophone Solor-Dr. Vinton
Baritone Solo Mr. Harry
Piano Solo Mrs. Day.
Reading WHmn Ingalls.
Violin Solo Mr. Lyle Smith.
Rending Miss Stinsman.
Vocal Solo-Mrs. Bim Johnson.
Reading Miss Lulu Day.
Vocal Solo Alice Brown.
Reading Miss Perkins.
Vocal Solo Miss Fay Wentr.
Short Sketch Entitled,"Aunt
busan Jones,"
Notice to Dog Owners
All owners of unlicensed dogs
are hereby given final notice to
secure a license not later than
tho tenth day of July, 1914. Per
sons failing to secure such li
cense will havo their dogs shot
after that date. Also all dogs
found running nt large without
a muzzle will receive tho same
treatment.TJohn PofT, Chief of
The Public Utilities Commis
sion is arrivlmr at physical valua
tions of tho Snlem and Dallas
Water Company properties to
fix rensonablo rates to the con
sumers. In four public utilities
inquiries of similar character
the commission has upheld own
ers of tho plants in recent de
In the Nowberg Telephone
Company case, owing to ad
vances in wages to telephone
girls by the Industrial Welfare
Commission, the company was
only jearning one and four-tenths
per cent on the investment of
capital. The Commission ad
vanced rate 25 cent per month
per phone, or three dollars per
year, and raised the removal
charge from $1 to $3.
in the North liend and Marsh-
field water company cases thev
ascertained the valuation of tho
plant for both cities to be $130.-
000, and decided present rates
were unreasonably low. Thev
authorized Improvements in the
way of new mains and a resor
volr to cost $16,000. and raised
rates about ten per cent.
In the suit. of the Eugene
Water Board against the Oregon
ower Uo. the city, which is not
under Utility Commission con
trol, asked the state to prevent j
the Oregon Power Co. cutting
rates and offering special induce-'
MNts to met the eity ratei.
H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street g
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Adstrncts of Title Prepared. Acctirote Work Guaranteed.
For the Review and keep posted
This tho Utility Commission re
f imed to do, thus sustaining the
uregon i'ower Co.
In Cottngo Grove versus tho
Cottage Grove Electric Co. poor
service ana unreasonably high
rates wero charged by tho city.
After investigation the Com
mission found the rates reason
i i i .
note, anu dismissed the case
without prejudice.
in cuy oi bt. Johns versus
tho St. Johns Wntcr Works nnd
Lighting Co.tho Commission fix
ed tho valuation of tho property
for rate making nurnoses nt
about $90,000, recommended un
iversal metering and decrease
of rates of fivo per cent. From
Industrial News Bureau of tho
Pacific Const Manufacturer.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proposal will be received at tlie
odicc of the Recorder of the City of St,
Johns until July i4, 19M, at 8 o'clock p.
in., for tlie improvement of Richmond
street, from the west line of IMi&on
street to the Richmond street dock
iu the manner provided bv Or.
diuance No. 605, subject to the provis
ions of tlie charter and ordinances of tlie
City of St. Johns, and the estimate of
the city eiiKiueer on file.
HnL'ineer's cstluiute is f 0,712.04.
Ilids must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be turn-
I v il. sal
1 'i "jiv
Keep Your
Free from Flics
Com I che leu milk.
' hone ilo I.m oik htrf
lot lureil bv diet. Kern
(Our nock ttce front thete
itttcltc tirccfllni nru. Itv innv.
inj; iIki r.nh ' '
Con! toy's Fly Knocker
fiic a'. iuU immediate reiki jnJ uci
imi in.i y and irnuhle Duet rwi uint
llllIV ' .(.'i itc ICI It!) Kilt.
Try It 115 DnyR
IVloncy UacJc
If It Fails
(11 plcnc jnu, Oct
can now Quid, J5c;
CiUJIil); 5(iil,U0
Lnuthcrs' Mercantile Co.
Proposed' Assessment
Notice is hereby civen that apportion.
tnentof the cost of improvement of Mo.
hawk street, from theuorth llneof Central
avenue to the south line of Pcsscudeii
street, total cost of which is M.345.78,
has been apportioned and is on file in the
office of tlie undertined, subject to ex.
Assessment district extends back to
the center of lota, blocks or tracts of
ished ou application at the office of the land abuttinK on said street as provided
Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And by the city charter and resolutions,
said improvement must be completed on Remonstrance a(.ai(t .nn,,riinn.
or before 60 days from the dt
last publication of this notice.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the Mavor of the
fi... r c. ti... - t.
sible bank for an amount equal to ten
percent, of the aKKrecatc proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids is
Hereby reserved.
By order of the City Council.
I'ubllslied In the at. Johns Review on
June 26, aud July 3 and 10, ioi4,
Mie UUie oi lUe I meut mav be made lit urlllni. .ml fllr.l
with the undersigned until 5 o'clock
T. M. July 13, 1914.
Published in the St. Johns Review
June 23 and July 3, 1914,
Officers of k City of SI. Johns, OregM
Mayor A. W. Vincent
Recorder A. K. Dnntmorc
Treasurer l' A. Rice
Attorney T. T. ParLer
Engineer J. O. Burton
Chief ol Police John Pott
Day Police II. Muck
Night Police J, S, Jouea, O. VT. Noreae.
O. it Cornell r. w. DavU
II. M. Waldrcl
C. K.
couNcuutN rmsT ward
Carlick K. GraJen
C. V. Munsou C, R. Ctudwick
Strcttaaad Duck--J. W. Davf, H.M. Wal
Uref, C. W. Muaton.
Ucente-C. K. CSudwkk, O. M. Cornell,
Water ana titfht X. Grades, J. W.DatrU,
C. R Chadwkk
l-tnance O, It. Cornell, C E. Gaillck,
K. Grades.
Health aud Poller C K. Garlkk, Geo.
W. Muaton. J, W. Jvl.
Liquor Llcenie Geo. W. Uunaoa, K.
Graden, O. M. Cornell.
Bulldlaz and Ground. It. M. Waldttt.
C, R. Chtdwlck, C K. Garlkk.
Dealer and Grower oT Roses
and Nursery Stock.
Persons desiriner to secure rose
bushes and nursery stock are iuvit-
ed to call.
342 North Leonard Street
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds. Ouit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, battsfactioa of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realtv. Bills
of Sale, peases.
Work for a Greater St. Jehu,
Bring b your Job printing whltf
you think or a. Dost wait until yoy
ara Mtlrely eut. We are eauiMed
te tunt eat seat aad tatty erlaUag
ferewyUy at PartUai ptUev or