St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 03, 1914, Image 1

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It second In number of Industries.
U eventli In population.
Can to Portland every 16 min.
Hat navigable water on 3 atdei,
Ha finest gai and electricity.
Hai two strong bankt.
Hai .five largo aehool houses.
Hat abundance of purest water.
Ha) hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system.
Hat fine, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll of $95,000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cnra freight.
All railroads nave access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Hs a most promising future.
Distinctively a manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Mas nearly 6,000 population.
I las.a public library.
Taxablo property, H500.000.
Has Urge dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant.
Veneer and excelsior plant.
Flour mill, planing mill,
Dox factory, and others.
More industries coming,
St. Johns is the place for YOU.t
Devoted (o (fat Interests tot (he Peninsula, (fcs Manufacturing Center oJ (be Northwest
VOI,. 10
NO. 32
, 1
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present at
the regular meeting of the city
COUncil Tuesday evening, With
the exception of Councilman
Davis, who is absent from the
city ...
Mr. HumaSOtl asked the COUIl-
m 1- ......i ..i..s ,.r ........ t...
Iiuiu 1 irumoii, iiunuvju in his
rcslgnation. which was accepted
and W. J. Mackov was appointed
In his stead. Upon motion of
Alderman Munson, the Mayor
was requested to appoint a com-
mitteo to formulate rules and
regulations governing the con-
duct and duties of tho paid fire-
men. Councllmen Munson and
Garlick and Attornoy Parker
were appointed to serve in this
Tho mayor stated that repro-
seniativcB 01 tho rortot 1'ort-
ill w uvveiii u jjiul ui H'UU"U uu- fllrfl, UUttS
longing to Mrs. Cramer and fnc- class A-Six or more vases,
ing on Willamette boulevard. named varieties. Ten or more
As it involves the diverging at a 8tcms in each vase. First prize,
cpup e of streets, tho council de- $10 silver cup; second prize,
cided to first look over the $3.50 cnsh
ground in a body tho following class B-Best vase, any num
evening. Mr. Humnson stated bcr. mixed. First prize, $4.(30
that it was the desire of the cn3h; second, $2.50; third, $1.
owner to sell the property to a class C-Vase of 20 stems,
Homo Building Company of Port- pure white. First prize $4.50;
land, which will build twelve or scco,id, $2.50; third,$l cash,
fifteen cottages on same after Class DVnso of 2 stems, rod.
the purchase is completed, work Fjrflt prize. $4.50; second,
upon which would begin at once. $2 50 third $1.
Owing to inability to sever his class E-Vase of 20 stems,
relations with other work sat- Invender. First prize, $4.50;
isfactorilj. Lee Cormany, re- second, $2.50; third, $1.
cently appointed as one of the class F Vase of 20 stems,
innu L-ommission, visiieu 01. 10 stems each, any throe colors.
Johns a day or two ago and look- prot prize, $1.50; second, $2.50;
cd over tho proposed routo of third, 1$.
roadway leading to tho Western .,..1 !m.nMn,1H
Cooporago tract, and that thoy D .Kulcs fnd "CRUlntlons.
would submit their report to Hules and regulntiona as adopt
the Commission Thursday of gd tho National Sweet Poa
tun. nta. Society of Amerioa will covorn
The city attornoy wns author-
ized to draft ordinances provid-
ing for tho vacation of portions
of Pierce. Edison, Osborn and
Buchanan streets, which it is
proposed to exchange for right
of way for a roadway to tho
Western Cooperage tract of land
near tho dry docks.
Bills amounting to $159.75
were allowed
Tho buildings and grounds
committeo reported that work
was well advanced on fitting up
a room adjoining the fire depart
ment room in the city hall for
occupancy of the paid firemen,
anu it was ueciueu uy tno coun-
ell after some deliberation to
nuvo two winuows piaceu tuero
The improvement of Burr
street between bmtth avenue
and Banks street 'was accepted
by tho council, after approval by
the engineer and street com-
A citizen residing on North
Central avenue complained of
tho danger from fire arising
from tho existence of weeds In tuce. First prize, $2; second,
that neighborhood, and asked $1.50; third. $1.
for relief along this line. The Class E Best loose leaf let
city attorney was directed to tuce. First prize, $2; second,
look up tho ordinanco bearing on $1.50; third, $1.
tho weed nuisance, and if found Class F-Onions, 4 bunches, 5
Inadequate to amend in readiness onions in a bunch. First prize,
for approval of the council at $2: second. $1.50; third. $1.
the next meeting. Class G Radishes, .small,
On motion of Alderman Mun- round, not less than ten. First
son the attorney was directed to prize, $2; second,$1.50; third,$l.
prepare or amend an ordinance Class H Radishes, long var
giving the police the right to iety, not less than ten. First
shoot or otherwise executo all nrizo. $2: second.Sl.50: third.Sl.
dogs found on the streets with-1
out a muzzle. 1
On motion it was decided that
Bert Olin should bo placed on
regular salary of $65 per month
as a member of the street
Death of Mrs. Haynes
Mrs. O. S. Haynes died very
suddenly at her home on North
Leonard street at about five
o'clock Friday afternoon. She
had been sitting in an invalid
chair reading, with two of her
small children playing around
her, when death came. The chil
dren, noticing that something
was wrong: with their mother,
called their grandmother from
another room. Mr. Haynes,
who has been employed at the
gas plant on the west side of
the river, arrived home only a
few minutes after his wife had
passed away. She was aged
about 84 years, and for the past
six months or more had been
confined to her home with illness,
but she was. believed to have
The Sweet Pea Show
Arrangements for the Sweet
Pea Show and School Garden
and Industrial Exhibition to be
held in the rink Friday and Sat
urday of next week are being:
perfected in fine style, and the
affair promises to be better in
nvni wnv flinn nww hofnrn
TTnllnwInrr In tlm Haf. nf nrWoa
finr1 SnnMnl TMn--Rnof nv.
hlhit: irronnontivn nf ohm- ilvr-
Cun. S25. Must bo won three
successive years to obtain nor-
mnnnnt nnasncainn Hnirl liv
1.: 1. . . " 1
pint, irlrflt prizC) c.4,DU; HCC-
0)vj, $2.50: third. $1.
class G Best six vases of ten
8t0ms each. Grandiflorn type,
distinct varieties. First prize,
$10 Hilvcr cup; second, $3.50
class H-Moat artistic vaso or
bowl of sweet peas. First prize,
$4.50; second, $2.50; third, $1.
class I-Lnrgost collection,
Fjr8t prZOt $4,50; second, $2.50;
class J-" Juvenile." 14 years
and under, best three vases of
tho judging. Points in scoring
will bo apportioned as follows:
cngt h o f stem, 25 points,
gplor, 25 points,
Swo, 25 points.
Substance. 15 points,
inNum 0r8 " m'
iw points.
, Sweet pea or other foliage can
P.IS.CU wPl "o "owers unat-
tac Commercial growers
cannot compoto in these classes.
R"tl,y ca bo y Krowor
only" , , .
School Garden Contest.
Entries must bo
school gardens.
grown in
They must bo tho product of
the clillU's Individual effort.
Threo prizes will bo given in
each class.
Class A Best vegetable dis
play. First prite, $2; second
$1.50; third, $1.
Class B Best beet display.
First prize $2; second, $1.50;
third, $1.
Class C Best potato display.
First prize, $2; second, $1.50;
third, $1.
Class D Largest head of let-
Class I-Turnips, bestdisplay,
not less than ten. First prize.
$2; second, $1.50: third. $1.
Class J See Class "J" Sweet
Pea Contest. All entries in this
class must be made from your
own "School Garden."
been improving, and death came
as a distinct shock to her loved
ones. Besides her mother and
husband, she is survived by four
small children. The funeral took
place from the St. Johns under
taking parlors at 2 o'clock Sun
day afternoon, Rev. J. R. John
son of the Christian church
officiating. Interment took place
in Columbia cemetery.
You need envelopes and letter
heads in your business. They
are neat, tasty and business
like, and cost but a trifle more
than the cheap pads and flimsy
envelopes you buy. They give
your correspondence an effect
that is worth while. Leave
your orders here now.
Where shall I get my hair cut?
At Gilmore's barber shop, adv.
, The famous Electric Parade ! About one of the jolliest sur-
, of tho Rose Festival of Portland prise parties it has been our lot
VainlV Ask RircmP MpH to be reproduced Under tho! with which to associate was giv
taiiii.y fn uiumctt mui ausptces of the Portland Adi en Friday afternoon, June 2Gth,
tfl Aid RpAfltV I oadtto
IU till UCdUiy LCdgUt:
By David Powell.
A quite novel, though none
the less effective scheme to en
courage home buying was in
augurated and carded to a suc
cessful issue by tho women of
B .a city of 15,000 inhab
itants located within easy trolley
rido of Cleveland, Ohio.
A Civic Beauty League hud
been organized by tho leading
women of tho city, and to carry
out its purposes they appealed
to the business men of the town
for financial aid, never doubting
that for so worthy a cause there
would bo any reluctance on the
part ot the merchants to sub
scribe. As it so happened, tho two or
three women most active in
promoting the Leaguo wore very
(much given to running into
I Cleveland to buy n Inrge share
of their clothing, hats, house
furnishings, etc., and when tho
1 mnttcr came up before tho Busi
ness Men's Association for en
dorsement, several of tho mcr
1 chants present were of tho
opinion that this would be anno'
ujiiiui iiuiiLjr w kivu iiiuuu wumuii
a well moritcd robuko. After
some discussion it was decided
to appoint a committee to meet
with tho ladies and explain to
them that owing to poor busi
ness conditions caused by so
much money being spent out of
town it would be impossible for
the merchants to help them at
that time. Though tho ensuing
conference between tho commit
tee and the 1 adi oh was held many
years ago, tho members of that
committee still retain very vivid
memories of the- occasion. After
some two hours discussion,- oh
tho part of tho women, tho com
mitteo men retired with as much
grace as thoy could, but later
developments proved that their
martyrdom was not in vain.
Being whole soulcd, sensible
American women, they readily
saw the forco of the arguments
prcsontcd by the business men,
with tho result that it was but a
few days until thoir Beauty
Leaguo was converted into a
"Buy nt Homo" Club, composed
only 01 women anu work ng in
dependently of tho merchants,
though, of courso, tho money
necessary to conduct thoir cam
paign was solicited, and, need
less to say, willingly subscribed
from tho business interests of
tho city.
Through tho medium of the
local newspapers tho women con
ducted a prizo contest for tho
best ten reasons why peoplo
should buy from home mer
chants, and was open only to
contestants who were not con
nected in any way with local
enterprises. As it was desired
to cieato as much Interest as
possiblo in tho contest, tho prizes
offered were very substantial
and so arranged that almost
every ono sending in an article
could feel almost sure of win
ning something.
The results were more than
satisfactory. Hardly a block in
tho city but contained one or
more of tho prize winners. The
following article won the grand
prize of $250. and aftor being
prepared In pamphlet form in
the most attractive stylo print
ers' art could devise, was placed
in the hands of every resident
of the city:
"We should patronize our
home merchants because it is
patriotic. That which nromnts
a man to don his armour, and if
need be to give his life in de
fense of his country, is patriot
ism. Patriotism never counts
the cost. It prompts the loyal
citizen to lend his utmost action
to the unbuilding of his country.
his state and his city. No great
er evidence of true patriotism
can m displayed than the ex
pending of your earnings with
your home merchant, thus build
ing up and strengthening the
institutions of your home citv.
and adding to the general pros
perity of your community.
"uecause it will cheapen the
Erice of merchandise in your
ome stores. The greater vol
ume of business transacted by
a merchant the smaller will be
the margin of profit he will re
quire. By adding to his volume
of business you make it possible
x ? . 11 1 .
jor nun 10 huh iiih wares cneap-
er, thus benefiting yourself aa
well as the entire community in
which you live.
Electrical Parade
, Club on tho night of July 4th, in
ti,e city 0f Portland. So many
people did not see the parade
during the Rose Festivnl that
this led to n general expression
to have It reproduced. The
Portland Ad Club took the mat
ter up and has succeeded in mak
ing the arrangements for stag
ing this wonderful nndmarvelous
exhibition. The entire twenty
one floats will be reproduced.
Queen Thelma and Efer maids,
the thousand Red vMcn nnd
bands galore will all ! part and
nnrcel of tho affair. A general
invitation has been ex-tolidcd to
every ono not only Jh Portland
and St. Johns, but In the out
lying districts to go tfr, Portland
nnd witness this 'brilliant affair.
! "Because thoiiome Store is an
employing institution giving
work to tho sons and daughters
of your friends nnd neighbors.
The amount of patronage given
such stores will regulate not only
the number of persons employed,
but the scnlo of wages paid as
"Because a reciprocal relation
exists betwen you And your
home merchant. Thejnoneyyou
earn is paid you by home in-
ti 4 ! 1 1 1 f !stt n Xf itri ns, ltt
, ntiiuLiuun. nv iiiuii i;uii uvu nil
's t j ti . t.a-
lanimseu. 11 in a amy we owo
to spend our earnings, so far ns
possible, so that it will inure to
the upbuilding of community in
because your home mer
chant, desiring your trade to
morrow as well as today, know
ing you well, boing your neigh
bor nnd fellow citizen, will ac
cord you more courteous treat
ment, and give your wanta more
carol ul attention than tho mcr
chant in a strango city to whom
you are. but.n transient cua-tomor.-anMJut
to whom hn can dispose of uu
dcalrnb'o wares with perfect
"Because it is convenient.
rue busy woman can steal an
hour from her other duties, go
to tho (peal stores, and not car
ing particularly about her gown
for such a briof visit, transact
her errand in a hurry and be
back by tho time tho children
are homo from school and John
wants his supper.
"Because tno homo merchant
has made n study of his com
munity. Ho understands its
pcculinr needs, the wants nnd
tastes of its. peoplo. His stock
is bought with these facts in
mind. He, therefore, offers bet
ter selections for homo peoplo,
though his stock may not be so
large as the out of town mer
chant whoso selections may have
been made with a v'ew to the
tastes and needs of an entirely
diirerent community."
The distribution of the pamph
let containing tho foregoing ren
sons, while of courso doing some
good, wns but a minor fcaturo of
tho campaign. Tho great effec
tiveness of the scheme lay in tho
use made of the bulk of tho
reasons submitted. It was very
generally found that at least one
of thojon reasons submitted by
every contestant had somo spec
ial merit, and these were printed
on cards hearing the namo and
address of the person writing it.
Watchers were appointed tore-
port the names of every resident
of tho town returning from
Cleveland with package, and
from other sources was learned
tho names of any one receiving
freight or express shipments.
By tho next mail each of these
people would receivo one or
more of these "reason cards."
submitted by some ono who
lived in their same block or im
mediate neighborhood. The
second offence brought a dozen
or so, and a continuance of tho
practice brought a flood of them
to every repetition.
The eltects of this penstent
bombardment can be better Im
agined by the reader than des
cribed by the writer. Suffice it
to say, that within the year it
was a rare exception to see ship
ped or carried into tho town
anything that could be purchas
ed at home.
Building Permits
No. 33-To S. C. Bratton to
erect a dwelling on Tyler street
between Smith avenue and Hud
son street; cost $1000.
NU Uv fatol en your pajw.
A Double Surprise
, when the plans of Mrs. M. A.
Poppleton were carried out by a
crowd headed by Women of
' Woodcraft, Neighbors of Oregon
Grape Circle No. 541 of St. Johns
and Sister Rebeknhs of Laurel
wood Rebekah Lodge No. 1G0 of
St. Johns came in, all unexpect
edly, on Anna Hathaway at tho
homo of her sister. Mrs. M. A.
Poppleton of G25 Knott street.
Portland. After talking, joking,
tattling, etc., music, both in
strumental and vocal, was enjoy
ed. Then all ascended the stairs
to tho third story to view the
city, after which refreshments
were served.
Last, but not IcasEfla Beam,
clerk of Oregon Grape Circle,
wns called on for a speech. So.
taking a box from somo secreted
pluco, she stood before thu uu
(lience nnd made a most polite
bow. Here's where tho double
surprise comes in, for instead of
the box playing a part in Mrs.
Beam's tableau, as Sister Neigh
bor Hathaway thought, it con
tained a most exquisitely beau
tiful cut glass Vase. And the
funny part of it was, the Sister
had been searching all Portland
for just such a vase, and to
think her friends, knowing it
not, should present her with that
tor which sho had longed seem
ed a (inecr coincidence, indeed.
Those present were Miss Vnl
kyria Larson, Mcsdumes Brice.
Vincent. Efla Beam. Emmn
Beam, Robison, Gaines, Whit-
more, Churchill, Woimer. Hen
hum,Muhm,McKlnney.S!mmons, Glover. Strickland. Poppleton.
Slcrnwcis, Hnthnway.- One of
tho Number.
West Side Notes
Firm tho Linnton Leader.
Albert Draper and family of
bt. Johns have moved into a
boat Iioubo owned by Mr. Rakes
of Whitwood. Mr. Draper has
work at tho woolen mill.
Wnyne Mills is running tho
pump nt the Willnlatin pump
houso abovo Whitwood Court
and says if tho work was any
easier ho never could stand it.
Tho work of clearing tho right
of way for tho new Hillside
boulevard is being pushed rapid
ly and grading has been started
on somo of the contracts. There
aro about four or fivo hundred
men at work on tho big improvc
men now. When it is completed
it will bo ono of the finest drives
that over happened. The Ger
mnntown Road is a pretty drivo
with all its serpontino curves
but it will not bo in it for a
minuto with tho Hillside drivo
when completed because of the
wider rango of vision of the lat
ter and tho higher altitude of a
greater part of it. This cooler
weather certain y mnkes t more
comfortable for tho laborers on
this contract.
There is ono thing more that
is needful and then tho ferry
would be perfect and that is to
give longer hours service in the
evening. As it is there aro
vory many who wish to cross be
tween 7:30 and 10 o'clock who.
must either go around by Port
land or take a small boat which
to say the least is not safe on tho
river after dark. It would bo
one of the most highly appre
ciated things of tho service if it
could bo extended to even 9 or
9:30 p. m instead of 7:30.
Charley Tooley, who works at
handling the chain, and calls
"all board" to tho toot man
above, is back at his old job
after being laid up for nearly
three weeks with rheumatism.
His old friends are very glad
to see his smiling face again.
C. B. Glover, father of Thomas
Glover, who has been in the min
ing business the past few years
in Southern Oregon near Grants
Pass is visiting his son here
and other relatives in St. Johns
and other nearby point. Mr.
Glover has sold part of his hold
ings at the mines and now hopes
to live out the rest of his days
on Easy Street. He reports
Rogue Rivervalley a very healthy
part of the state, and his ap
pearance is good evidence of the
truth of his statement.
Auto for hire by day, hour or
trip, at very reasonable rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
four or less to make a trip into
the country at a low price. II.
M. Waldrof.COy Fessenden street,
The Alumni Holds Its An
nual Reception
The alumni of the James John
High School held Its annual re
ception in the High School Sat
urday evening, June 27. The
guests of honor were the Faculty
and members of tho class of
June '14.
One of tho first floor class
rooms was fitted up as a recep
tion room and was very beauti
ful with soft carpets on tho floor
and leather couches and chairs
and tables scuttered about.
Beautiful ferns and quantities
of cut flowers gave the room a
homelike appearance. Tho guests
were rcco ved bv a committee
of young ladies and when all had
arrived, were escorted upstairs
to tno large auditorium, whore
an up to the minute program
wns rendered. It was in the
form of ugh c ass vaudev lie.
and somo of the acts brought
down the house. Then there
was a charade, each of tho seven
parts of which represented ono
totter of tho nnmo "St. Johns."
All of the parts were tukon by
members of tho Alumni, sober
minded school teachers and grave
young matrons, as well ns gay
young society butterflies. Tho
musical numbers were especially
After the program tho guests
adioumed to a room across the
hall, which had been fitted up
as a banquet room, where a
dainty luncheon was served by
charming young lady members
of tho High School student body.
Tho dining room was beau
tifully decorated with the class
colors, lavender and cream.
Miss Hazel Johnson and Flavins
West. James John students, en
tertained with much appreciated
instrumental selections during
tho banquet.
Cecil Mngone acted as toast
master, and called upon various
members of tho association us
well as tho Faculty and members
of tho Juno class. They respond
ed with speeches, which wore
enjoyed by all. Mr. Fry said ho
thought it wonderful how well
tho mcmhors of tho Jnmcs John
Alumni held together and what
a splendid showing wo made.
All returned home vowing
loyally to James John High nnd
determining to assist in every
way in their power in making a
bettor nnd a greater James John
in tho future.
Somo of tho older members of
tho Alumni Association were un
able to bo present, and their
absence was folt by all. Never
theless most of James John's
sons and daughters made special
efforts to como to their old High
lor at least this one occasion.
Thoso present were tho Facul
ty, Principal Fry. Mr. White,
Miss Rundnll and Miss Clinton.
also Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Whito:
Misses CatherinoGensnmn. Mag
gie Dickie, Hazel Hall, Hazel
Peterson. V da Evans. Louiso
Sterling. Viola Westhefer, Beu-
laii ueam, badio Cramer, Lulu
Day, Florence Wass. Vina Swan
and Messrs. Frank Bugbeo, Wil
bur ueinnger, Clarence Kniegor,
Lugeno Hiatt and Everett
Smith, class of Juno '14. Alum
ni members present were Mrs,
Lulu (Hollonbeck) Brooks, Emory
Gillmoro, Arthur Clark, June
'14; Misses Florcnco Jensen,
Ruth Crouch, Anna Bricc and
Mr. Howard Brice, February
'11; Mrs. Ermon (Wheelock)
Churchill and Miss Celin Hun
kins, Juno '11; Harold Dean,
February '12; Mrs. Myrtle
(Dickie) Rawson, Miss Clara
Nelson und Cecil Mngone, June
'12; Misses Edna Hollonbeck,
Nettio Toole, Gertrude McCurthy
and Basil Smith, Juno '13.
Reporter. May Build Large Docks
According to well defined ru
mors that are abroad in marine
and real estate circles of Port
land, European capitalists are
negotiating for tho construction
of a largo dock and warehouse
project in tho North Portland
It is understood, on apparent
ly competent authority, that a
site has been selected either on
Swan Island or on the mainland
just west of it, and thut plans
for tho dock buildings have been
prepared for foreign architects
who were in Portland to look
over tho situation. Between
Corona Ciub Events
I Friday evening the Corona
, Club graduating class of June,
1914, gave the following pro
gram at the Central school build
ing: Grand March Entrance of
Class Song Land of Promise.
Salutatory Mary Jones.
Aloha Corona Orchestra.
Corona Rose-Girls' Glee Club.
Piano Solo- Merle Harrington.
Trio Drill-Selected.
Chesapeake Bay-Corona Or
chestra. Club History-Margaret Nel
son. Song Boys' Chorus.
Vocal Solo Frances Miller.
Evening Bells Corona Or-
Piano Solo- Rebn Catto.
Class SongStar of the Sum
mer Night.
Dorothy Corona Orchestra.
Song Mixed Chorus.
Valedictory - Lawrence Ser-
Presentation of Diplomas
Sunt. C. H. Boyd.
Tho hall wos decorated w ith
tho Club colors of old rose and
old gold, and great clusters of
roses furnished by Miss Florcnco
Bredccn banked tho foot lights.
Pennants and flags were used in
ubundnnce, nnd the decorating
committeo is to bo congratulated
an the artistic arrangement and
speed in which tho work was
Although tho Corona C ub con
sisted of members of tho Juno
graduating class, and all tho
activities were of a high educa
tional standard, yet It was en
tirely separate nnd independent
from school work. Every mem
ber wns an officer or committeo
worker and ench ono took n per
sonal pride in tho Clubwork.
Tho Club History gives twenty
states as native homes of mem
bers, and far away Scotland
claims Miss Agnes Orr.
From the farewell party given
to tho outgoing February, 1914.
class, at the home of Miss Opal
Woimer, to tho farewell party
given to tho Corona Club by
two of its members, Miss Fit
terer and Miss Miller, at tho
home of tho latter, there has
been a continuous round of hard
work and good times. Hnrd
work in tho school room where
tho ninth year's work was com
pleted and tho nine years' work
was reviewed. Good times nfter
tho "Live Wires" wero busv
sending out messages for a camp
fire, a "hike," a ball game, or a
ribbon meet, or somo indoor en
tertainment, as tho lecture
courso at the library, where the
most prominent men in tho city
gave their time and Instructive
talks to the Corona Club.
I ho Orchestra has been kind
ly received, tho Girls' Glee Club
and Boys' Chorus have been a
sourco of Inspiration. Tho Short
hand Class has completed twenty
lessons of tho most approved
system, und can take dictation.
Iho bazaar was the on y event
netting a financial return, and
the proceeds wore used to give
n reception to all the Alumni of
Room 15. Thero were ninety
six present of the one hundred
nineteen graduates of the last
two and one-half years.
A farewell party was given by
Miss Fittcrer and Miss Miller
on Saturday evening at 1019
South Grcshmn street. The
Corona Club presented the tench-cr-mnnager
with a beautiful
pendant set with a diamond und
three dainty pearls. Reporter.
$2,000,000 nnJ $3,000,000 has
been raised, it is said, principal
ly in foreign circles, to finnnco
the project and the plans have
proceeded to such a stage that
they are now about ripe for
active inauguration.
The general plan is to erect
an eight story structure, capable
of housing several manufactur
ing plants, on the dock premises.
It is planned to have large quan
tities of stuffs manufactured on
the site and shipped immediately
to the markets of Europe nnd
tho Orient.
It was reported that the ship
ping firm of Frank Waterhouso
& Co., of Seattle was interested
in the project. Mr. Waterhouso
loft London last week for Seat
tle, after an extensive visit
abroad. It may bo that ho has
been in conference with Eur
opean investors and that he will
have an interesting announce
ment upon his return. Orego
nnin. "Watches" made over into
"Time-pieces" at reasonablo
rates at Rogers', 309 N.