TH Uhrfriubta Wlllwmt. At i III rilnnntl awlo of mi olilnrly ilRrtiy Af lat-hHHMtil. Vh the fdlitwliiK niltuiH.v wi ovwlwunl 11 wm two 'iHn'rv Hln't tw two l tMclnV mid Miw Unrki-r: "DU-k William, lie wns till llli.Kt rllHI'llHMlnl HIHII H cvfr HMn." I wkoti (luff tlio dinky to tetumi Mr. Itni-kcr Impurtuil thin In ruruwthMi Ami lie imiiwmI u If wall' Ih fur i'U,ti'ini mi till point. y-mili." fiiiilunwl Mr. Ilm-ltur, I i'U Wll'l.un. Im nlwnjr owned n plug Iml. til iliiiln' my tlmu I ulii't in-iir Iii'it.I llml I Mek t'vw ruiuxiMl to l'ilrtl hut to Mii'lMMly."-.lmtKii. Hardship of Career, jh'it old l!.n Jom-a i Kio Mtnt "ly f. li ml. s mi )'t watch mI I'm uont i" rto n lot of thlna Jtn p"ln l t' it rt moewnenl 'Ami I'M my voir on mmi AlHl mutt wllli 'h" !" In vutiKr-'Ni li.v awl byl" Aim! oll I III Jonf tie wuit aliil AWI til'l ") m bt imhl. lie plli It. cini" ilny ir ty Ami t: nwako lit nlsillt T Hwty mil win i he imMt my Tu Out nation rlnhl. Alt ptintmM- lnn h' up III nfttw Jr w-y kiwi "f Mrlfu, Vfhl'e Iftun Minw tmjuy the olmrtna VI lmilf, iiohl Uf Ami all llml ki'tw i.lit Kill nBotit I Ifthn'i liiltiicntlMl vol. -(.hlcMU Dully Mull- Sin Knrw. TIumv U mi ilil I. uly llrliiK In ti mnnll (own III miiilliiTii IVuiwylvniiiA who Mill (4 IH KN'lll I'iVorlM In Ul'l' nlirinnt of Iln llmiM. Ili'f uwmrtiiiilllin, liow trci'. lire Hri'iinm'tlbi-il, mill mIio l Hllll'tlllll' roiniiclliHl lo ii-x.iil to her luiitulitiilliiii. Nlic will i'' " eliuiYh Hiiiilitlili- luli'ly. mill ill hIio o'iIitikI III') roniii tun of lli nt tctntn tit ? xtlil: "Omul i-retiliiK. h it tit It. 1 nut l'i'l you wiiiii. Wo ii ru koIiih to have I.1I.I1.HIK I Ilia iiVOIlllllC." "W. I know," rel'IM llw old Imlyi "I .smelt V111 when I Hint caino In." ,Wr .York (Holm. Pallonce. r- In mil u tliliu: lo lit .MIhIihhI liy hllfl whhliik'. Illf lirKMt ltti In llio B'U ,vt ctiiiielit hy Mtlnt Hlns. TIh iHtokn wwo mil' J "in lly Hr of itMllMit wrllliiK. Hi .twilmil IimIIIm ! H 'tm won hy iwtlMit llnhllin;. ,Mnl i, wlwlcViT t 111 you'd rllitili or what hltwl yoii'rti lnitftii. llminl)iT you muni whII yiur lime AlHl Mlllllly l(Mi iUHllllC. -Dutroll rr l'rii, Contllctlno Proipecti. "I nx-'.i-i I'll In rutin' lo church Hun Ohv iiin-r iii'xl." milil Mr. Kimliin I'lnk UY. "Why ilon'i you nil count nut' Hun ImvV liiiiulri-il Mlio Mlnnil llrown. "Wikll. IV tent In Initio off 11 11111I0 1111' I klml o' iiroinUcil do folkn ut lionio 11 t hli'koii illuiuii'. I npifUM niciiiio 1 wv Icr iml oir kIIIIii' ioIIkIom." Wiiwlilnu Ion Slur. tint, Oh, Hit Dllftrenetl II. tiHik Hi iniililrn' 1 1 it ixl In I'l' A Hil llal Ilia il.ilnly llilliK, Awl when iinl litr frltiult next ily II HMiln ttrt- Inimiy to inutility A pli'inl.l illiimiiml lint:. Tlmt lNtiiiMl ulitn Hi J'r wnt yoiinK Whoit AiHit't lirtHMK lilow. 'I1y iiinm'll l.itor In tli uprlnr, llHt Hilll hi nlwilly irtt lilt iIiik. Which It n nil hi iimw. -t'hluHUo IttKNirtl-llrniM. Mtdlcnl, "Oh. iloclor." ilinilcil tlio imxlous yoiiUK thlnu. "loll 1110 -U II iruo iiihi I'lillim emMintlioin will roiuovo wnrtnK "II will," iohImiiiiIimI tlio mini of until niiMi ulili m ui'liuiui of ili-rhloii. "ft mil tin ouviiitilH'n." -SI. Iiilt I'oul lU Kl'll. Tht Old, Old rathlon. Wn ll lit M nut r r(l uhil Miml, (ltfl Hf tww mill Rtrril of Nulti tlWWt' ImIhm Mltil t't.iU UUI rivml Atiimmnn It kin, mt.l hU lotiU ivhinIh WWiIhim Ht Iiiiikmi' ltm lniw t letol !ollW U liihtoM u iMilklity lint wwmmii rtnllw mut into ii . I To 1 1 lhlr liwtJn In lh " M wy Hit It. "You cnu't KtiMM wliMl Uilir miiIiI mIhhiI you Juki IwfoMi .Mm rn io In, Mr. Illulifolliir," milil Itltlo .Minnie "I liitvou't .111 iilott In the uoiitl.Joliu nlo." "TUiit'n It. You BthHfcKHl It tlw vi-ry tll'll tlmu." tlomtkllc Dlitt. Mr. WylMirn-Uvor ulnco I nmtrleil you Pb tlruuk the i-iin of hlllornw lo tlio ilrvk't. Mr NVylMiru-Yo, luntuluo you lenvlnu 11 tlrnln or miylliliiK I" ' cup! In tht Stmt Clan. "I lutVB 11 IUI1I111; iHMt mihI h t'liHtif four Hint aio both In tlio hhiiiu vlnii." "How do you uumnf" "I mn nhviiyt ImllliiK thum out." 80 It Doci. Wv trt told that tlio " lutlr thrown n ilmdow." And no It doo. It throw n ilmdow ovur your iiiotlte vrhou you ilnd It In your food liieontlgtuuey wild ouriMtlviM In the Wi'titoM wonldwin of huniriii imttire. Aililhon Ht Kntvv. "Willie, t'Mll you tell me wluil 11 vw Urtnu b" "A uik'iilnrbui U imtkum hIi i lie mi eKUlnliliM," ii'iilUil Wh'4,10. "'I'lmt In vnriot't. Sow, I wonder wlin lull loll me iv hut mi in lotieiuilitili Is," "I know," ioiiIKmI ICildle "Well, wlint It :iu iM'ioKi'unrlHii)" "A ugutoKoiKiriMii U h eron tluit oiockn the oilier KeimrlMim." t'lik'HHO U'ord'Uvrnld. Uit For tht Library. "1 often upend the entire ntulit In my lllirary." "I dldu't know you were hiicU m unwit render." "I'm not. Hut oiu' of my lioiikeiiso, you ee, It n formut: Im-iI." l.uuduu 'iVKvmph. Sptaklng by tht Card, -Mr, 'i'nylor-Whnt'ii thut aiiyluu ulioiilithe wti tched pot, IUili7 A wtiteh ml Kit Mr. 't'nylor (nlityiitly) A wntolind pot In beldotu thy. illlwaukoo JourntL P- a a of whal: you ow"' V 1 .rt w XV 1 r I n LONG SLEEVES A FEATURE OF MOST AFTERNOON AND SOME EVENING GOWNS. Mnny ot tlio French hoiweM favor thH Idim of Ioiik hUovoh for iiflfinimu Mini ve(iln bowhh; Wnt Hi, for Irutiinef. imnn no nhort onei "ml In very iwrlliil lit ft trliA tit ihITi.Ihii with tniMHiiui'iil hIi-pvom of net or e.hllToli. Diiret 11ml the oilier ilexlKIICItl Ue liolll. It U not fereniy to predict, however, Unit 11 Utile Inter the xhort nleeve will Ink" the tend. Another HiIiik which In marked oil the new ilenlKMN It the lirltiRltiK of thu ilrnpery lo th hii'k. iflcti lenvliiK Ihe from entirely plnln llnlli uf lliee touehet MM mIiowu In the ntlerttiMin fnM'k of tnffnlnn Mhi'-H-Hletl In Nh H TIktm In 11 HinsniH il.iti uf tlmiiery over mneli hip. full leimtli n'eeveM Hint n Imix-plwlleil mliel III h.n k whli'li Ii ut off to KlV"! the liem hiked" op iippeHiiinee. ThN ffiMli ttniv In- eopted III ie 31 villi viinli i.f ? Hull iihiIiiIhI To olttM li rnlier Miieiii illiiiri.l till titil iMt t-, Mint rncliiiie II eetttn In .l.iilll" e .111 lie H'lif In Plille lllllllletr . f i.iti."ii end tlKn, uimturlini over tht fnllr t i it of the 1'ial. Ailihe" 1'itllerii l. i irlineiit. ere uf I lilt iiiiftr. D am &mirt O mm BEST IN THE FAMOUS WHITE SALMON VALLEY OPPOSITE HOOD RIVER TEN ACRES Set to Spitzenberg and Newtown Apples Trees in perfect condition; fourth veav. Located in the best part of the famous valley, in Fruit b J , . -1 rrt .1-1 IcJ Home ( ;olony. On the Trout JaRe road and also a public road run ning along one side. Splendid spring of water on the place. Probably worth $10,000 in three years, with a large and ever in creasing income therefrom. A Rare Bargain at $6,500 Also 8 acres adjoining the above orchard, five acres in bear ing commercial orchard, and three acres set to almonds, 3 years old. Good house and other outbuild ings on place. Will be sold at a bargain. Call at or address tills office. vw.x-vvt,vvvvvwv CJ?iano wvtton M Studio -10! Altw Street. 5 iiriuiiri H.nii. ilISS MALIGNA I:. LONG J y phtnc i utuietiu r allies: j, . fit ":'''' 4 Warrant v deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Really and Chattel Mori n til AtfrnrTHCCT Rines, Satistnetion of Mortfingns, (i W UVrljlILLl Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills " - Plumbing and Gas Fitting Jol wotk jnoiniitly alleuded to. l'lu'iu- Columhi.i M0 311 S. Jersey Street St. JoNns, Oregon J. It. WCIMEU Transfer and Storage Wo ddlivr your kockU to utid from .11 . ..I tln,.ll....l V ,.m 1 Itin. ton,irortUiid hiuI Suburban lxproii ' v "I Noto the label on your paper, FS i' ything that SL Jbhns WW A I Hil TnfTrinn. plain nnd tlKUied, riine In wldih fioui :l lo f, iiipIioh unit In price fnilii Jl 5I nnd ut prr ynrd. A uunliil lllll" hnlero elTeet It luonahr nut in tin, vitiiiiif I'lrl'K ilti'iK. No I'M'' t)rl hliie KHliHidltiH In the iiinP rliii llted, With the Uliilurliloiisn of hI. hIovv Inee; liy wuy of trlinltlltw, n nllk noil tnehe litiild Ik nwl nnd 11 line of 'h' iiene tuition I'm' 11 Kill of jr, lliH iletlltll tetulfrr HI ynriln of 31 Ineh niMleilnl. So K!M!l tlr-ii M lo 12 Nn. SJJt Hlii 1 1 I" IH lii h t 1 1 ! 11 I,, i i llt" Fre Our Spring Style Book. Mflld Ut i celiU to cover it.'UlU ' minium of HHlne nnd we will - nd tun fiee nor forly me lemk of iiin Mtylet. HhowltiK iilmiit ) ileNlKiiM In Mdlet1 Home Join mil Mileriin. fellil 1 iwn ''eiil tMtnii fill piwIrtK. N Niiint .,. A'Mrett Mi . o wmamm g mm mm m Rfivil;vS LEGAL BLANKS 1 w wiic'-'HJB f Wan in c kept for h ilc ut Hits otlice una others will be adilwl as the ilwumid of Sale, Leases. . . r i".. i.. How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinned or cMimiued at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson manager, 311 North Jersey street Adv. Hrlnc la your job printing whli nt nA.. ... laatv n-lntliw I pU.ku.u . . - I pojutptU at Portlaaa prlct-i. or leu BUY Pi A resident of the community can increase the Value of his holdings, the Value of his opportunity at School, at Church, at Home by saying an encouraging word, by Patronizing the Industries and Merchants in the Community. A Cooperage Plant on the water front adds to the Value of ileal IC tate almost everywhere in St. Johns. But your Community, Cooperage Plant, Woolen Mills and all would soon die if there were no Merchants in the Community. Our business in St. Johns is to sell Merchandise; to do this we must do our part in Developing, our Community. So we take off our hat to the man or woman who goes about town saying to his friends, I be lieve in Patronizing our home stores. When dealing at home I am mak ing friends of people who will be friends to me when I need friends; I am adding to my opportunity to school my children and develop my home. This readily applies to our fellow business associates and to the man who works for the daily wage. BONHAm EDMOIMDSON CO. 107 S Jersey Street Plumbing, Tinning AND Pinnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 Office rhone Columbia s. RiMikucc pltove Cohunliia toK St. .I0I1113 l:prcss, Trnnsfer ! ami Storane Co. I Piano Movitiv; u Specialty. Until' j inn tluiit- to nnd fiom Portland i Resilience 400 hnbt Richmond Ortieo km North Jersey SUeel ul lri to 1'ortland. I. 1-. ATCKltJuN, I'rop. ! 4 ORDER UASTEKN STAR . MhHmi Chapter No, 105 ; .- .Meein Rvcry l'irtt ami Thinl Vucwtav Hvt-iiiiijf il Kach ' Moinh'lii Bickiiir'tll ill. y.Ut I'. I 'linttoii, Woitliy Matron. I e-i,-j litnt, Seretur . Cent'-cif Market ! aO t, Jrsy Streot St-e tn f.i -lie Choicest Cuts of the. lie.-.! M.4U Obtdinnble. Ordrr IIII.hJ MnU tmult) Trddt SollottJ. T, T. WAMO. ProjiKclw. . 1 We buy or sell St. Johns Property Mc KINNEY & DAVIS J Real Hstate 1 Lint your property with us if you ; uesuc to sell quickly 20i N. Jeisey St. St. Johns 1 - DR. FRANK F. CASSEDAY SptcUlht In Dhfasf$ of tht Eye, Ear, Nott, Throat and Lungs edioal Trtatmeut Modeltte t'neti s-wm D.L-ia W4s TUinAtatW.ljgtajat. fuMii. ilili ! s1 A-UII. t'ulu4. tic. ,WJ::01 Mil 'f;!:';l;f tllllOMf ' ' TEN RIC Where Located Portland (2) Oregon City Silverton Cazndero ICstacada Hull Run Horitu: .St. Johu-.Salem ELECT PA Portland Railway, Ligiit & Power Company Broadway and Alder Streets Phone Marshall 5IOO Home A. 6131 At Whitwood Court, a piece of ground 600 feet long and 100 feet wide, being the upper half of block 16, and located not far from the Railroad "and Street Car Line, on Mill Street. As Whitwood will soon have the great Scenic Drive way passing through it, and other activities are to take place, this tract will soon become most valu able. Price for a short time $2500. Gall on or Address this Office. CURR ER GENERATING Widely rautlered Imve Ikhi liuilt hy the Portland R.nhvny, Light & Power Company foi Ihe pursue of providing Reliable Electric Service to its introns. Through high tension UaiiMiiiwiion liuee each of thcku guuerntiiig plants tire inter- CQtntuuuieattve, so that the service is insured against unforeseen interruptions. JOSEPH McCHCSNEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Dny & Night Oniet In McChointy blk. SU Jolint, Orefon. DR. W. J. GILSTRAP Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted DRUGS FURNISHED Olfice Phone Col. 282 Ret. fhene Col. 196 OKVe Uumm t unit 7 t'lr.t National tiunk Mile. Hhlcr 1 1 jo illamrtte I'pulcYurJ 0. J. GATZAlYliR ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER . Pirtt National Dank Duildintf ST. JOI INS . . . OREGON THAD. T. PARKER A1TORNE AND COUNSCLOR AT LAW Rooms 7 and 8 Holbrook Huilditig ST. JOHNS Uti. liAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbja 51 Hint Nationitl Hunk building. sr: joiins. okcgon. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings and Sunduyt by Ap. pointmcnt Office I'houe Columbia 140 Resident I'hone Columbia 38 LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. f sr. joiins. ourGON Meet each Monday evening tn Odd FtV Ions hall at 7:30. A cordial welcome lo all visiting brothers. Koblc Oraud. G II I'tuhnm. TrrtMircr. II. I'. Clark.; K. btc , u S. Ilainci. Wn'Stc.. I! S. Wrliibt. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMcins or I'vtniAs: Meets every l'ridav right at 7:30 o'clock in I. O. O. F Hall, Visitors always wcl. come. A. W. l'ICKKL.C. C. A. CARLXKLSON. K. R. S. DORIC DODGE NO. 12 A. r. and A. M. Regular couiuiunicatiom on first Wednesdays of each month injUickner's Hall. Visitorswelcoaie. ehaj.Ai Ery, VM; A. W. Bavis, Secretary. A