A 10 YEAR Guarantee Goes with these dependable, High Grade, Low Priced Sewing Machines. Favorite, Plain Oak. . .if 18,00 Improved Melville, Auto matic Drop $22,50 Improved Melville Gunr anteed Oak Frame, Automatic Drop. $27,00 Zenith, Automatic Ten sion, 5 Drawers Quarter Oak $jo. 15 Zenith Cabinet Machine Automatic, Guaran teed 0.tk. $3ft.oo Complete Home Furnishings Ormandy Bros, Local News. FURNITURE CASH OR CREDIT A Real Baby Carriage Trial" FVllrlc: Not ono llcm ilint could Aim. a UIUO miljtc ,n,y ,noro C0. forlnblc 11 incdficcd to moke lliii it folding cur ridge. On (ho contrary, thii ii Ilia only bnby cartlofio with n rp'inrt ndjmlnMe to bnby ' Incrcaio In weight and the Sldway Guaranteed Folding Baby Carriaco lini mora room (or pillows nnd nullti and for liuby to movo tibout limn n full ilzc Pullman Stationary Carriage. Best fof Bnby nnd Best to Buy UntenJItlonalty Cuarunl fit for Two nr If any part wean out or brcnki In two yenri, It will bo replaced frca of chnrga by tlio mnlaTi.Tho Sldway Mercnntllo Co.. IOIR 14th St, Elkhart, tnd. Call at the local dealer nnd co lite real rubber llrei, special II... IJ.I..H -M I I '. jmlablo ipring and oilier fcaluro. m mm ST. JOHNS HARDWARE 00, 1 Xklimtf The Store of Style: Summer Clothes Combining Style, Comfort and liconotny, are now .shown ;tt the EASTERN on very Kasy and Convenient Terms. Men's ami Young Men's Summer Suits in the newest models, Fabrics and Colors, made and trimmd to give absolute satisfact ion in wear and in shape retaining. Price upward from $15.00 New Hats in Straw and Felts, Pretty Shades and Colors, Fancy and Plain Hows $3.00 and $2.00 Summer Hose in all Popular Colors, Good atid Strong, 6 Pair for Wash Tics, Pleasing Patterns nnd Colors, very Durable at $1 .00 25c From now on we will give Peoples' Brown Trading Stamps with all weekly or monthly payments made at our office. Open an account with us and get Trading Stamps. Your Credit is Good with us, you can Remit Weekly or Monthly. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO- 405 Washington St Cor. lOili, Portland, Ore, ;The Store of Service; Notice CHEAP WOOD Beginning Friday, Alay 22, 1914 Until Further Notice, the St. Johus Lumber Company will deliver its fine sixteen-iuch stove wood within the following named districts at reduced prices: St. Johns, South to S. P. & S. Railroad Cut $2.50 per Load S. P. & S. Railroad Cut to Chataaua Boul. 2.75 per Load . Chataqua Boul. to Ainsworth & Boston Sts. 3.0O per Load 4 St. Johns Lumber Company Cor. Burlington & Bradford Sts. St. Johns, Ore n " Pacific Telephone Columbia 131 Home Telephone C 1 101. i ! f 4- A false alarm of lira wns turn- ed in Sunday evening. The Christian Science subject tor Bunday, July 5: "God." Rumors of several new indus trial plants for St. Johns are be ing circulated. Dr. B. F. Rambo and family have returned from a brief so journ at Bar View. A fine bnbv bov arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Muck Saturday morning. All kinds of draying. Phone Columbfa 72 Gatton's Transfer, iui jersey street. adv. Miss Eva Clark left Mondav to take up a special teacher's summer course of instruction at Monmouth. Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's Hah and game laws do not barber shop. adv. protect the sucker. Berry crates and boxes for Last year's hot weather advice sale. Portland Manufacturing is just its good as ever. r- i . r tiii 1 . "I uo., loot 01 uic.rn.uiu, Biroui. Man roiloge8an(i the ju,y rtcture iraming none at i-ortiatui nxes the amount of damages, nriccs nt H. F.Clark's, the ftinil. ... . , .. . . . , ' a,k. wanted Housework by Hay; turc,nnn' A(,v no laundry. Leave word at this An electric massage, only one oiiico a l I m ueninmin sncnardson and mother of Catlin, Wash., were guests at the homelof Mr. mu Mrs. A. W Markle Simdav. J. E. ranch hn ticen reelected acnooi L-ieru tor the ensuing year, ana i p. Drinker con tinues as President of the Board of Directors. Buy yourself an Ansco Camera. and enjoy some of the pleasures tins great country atlords. You cannot miss it with an Ansco. Ansco Cameras and Cyko Papers at 1110 bt. Johns Pharmacy, at: A line of typewriter ribbons. both narrow and wide, has just been received at the ueview office; GOc each. Also carbon paper at two sheets for live cents. (Jims. Senium, the expert local florist, brought an exhibit of the finest roses we believe we ever saw to the Review office Saturday. Few people under stand the culture of roses better than Mr. Schaulf. A scries of articles dwelling upon the mail order house evil, written by David Powell, will appear in the Review, beginning with this issue. Wo behove our readers will find them entertain ing as well as instructive. Tlio Secretary of the Interior ins designated a tract of 281.000 acres of land in Oregon for entry under the enlarged homestead law. most 01 these lands no in the Deschutes and John Day river basins. Tito Sunday's Journal contain ed a picture of Miss Clarissa Wilson of the St. JoIiiih High school, who was ono of tlio prize winners in the scientilic tern poranco essay contest recently. Chester Hays, of the St. Johns Grammar, School, was also a prize winner. Fire broke out in tho Central school building during the noon hourluesday. How it onginn ted is a mystery, but the flames wero subdued by Janitor Clark and Prof. Boyd before any sor ious damago was dono. through the instrumentality of a couplo of Hancock tiro extiwru 8 hers be longing to the school. The first freight vessel to bo towed through tho Panama Cannl was theuraco liner. Santa Clara. carrying a cargo of Pacific Coast products, 1)0 per cent of which was loaded at Portland, nearly all of which will bo discharged at Now York I ho vesse is com- imratively new, this being her third trip to the Pacific Coast. It has been suggested that tho work of kooping tho city as clean of weeds and other obnox ious vegetation as possible be turned over to tho school chil dren, with proper payment for tho work accomplished. Tho plan might prove a good one. It would certainly develono an interest on tho part of the younger generation to make tho city as attractive as possible. One of the prominent features of tho Salem Cherry Fair, to bo leld June 2o-2G-27. w bo an electrical parade the last night of the show. There will be ten floats it line, all gorgeously dec orated and illuminated. Another interesting feature will be a street dance led by King Bing and Queen Ann nnd which will bo participated in by the Cher rians and the Royal Rosarians of Portland. The Michigan Society will hold a picnic at Tho Oaks tomorrow. They will meet at the corner of First and Alder streets, Port land, at ono o'clock p. m., and proceed to tho picnic grounds by special car. All Michigand ers and their friends, also mem bers of other state societies are invited to go along. It is in cumbent upon all, however, to take baskets with them. The picnic lunch will be served at G p. m. The Progressive Study Club met June 18th at tho home of Mrs. J. Ei Brooks, 1211 Dawson street. Mrs. E. O'Hara gave a very interesting talk on the sub ject. "The New Earth." After study they had a spelling and drawing contest, which made lots of amusement. Mrs. Thyng won a prize as the best speller, and Mrs. Reed as the best artist. Later delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. O'Hara, and all went homo feeling glad they had come. in town. Gilmore's barber shop. adv. Want a drayman? Call Col umbia 72 Gatton's Transfer. 104 Jersey street. adv An excellent line of Phono graph Records at Tho St. Johns Pharmacy. Dance Records of It's against the mosduilo'a principles to bite twice in the same place. For Sale Four outside corner show eases at a barirain. For lurther tmrticu ats mmiiro iii this office. Much self restraint is required all the latest and popular dances, to keep from scratching a iuoh- adv. quito "bite" when it itches, and Call Columbia 72 for furniture Ulnt 13 ncarly 1,11 the t,me It is rumored that a artre hotel will be erected on Willamette boulevard near the North Bank cut this Fall. I he Sweet Pea Show. School Garden and Industrial exhibition to be held in tho rink July 10 aim 11 is progressing in excel lent shape. On account of the high cost of living. England mnv decide to discontinue the practice of forc ing food down the throats of the sullragettes. The big dredger Chinook has gone back to the mouth of the Columbia for service, after her capacity for work has been moving - uattoivs iransier; work guaranteed. adv. Sherman uociiran. Jr., had an operation for adenoids and en larged tonsils Sunday and is doing nicely. Alex S. Scales was a delegate to the Oregon State Merchants' Association meet held in La Grande this week. Some men who are regular dare devils around homo become as meek as a tamo rabbit after they have slammed the door from the outside. Notice- Willamette Aerie No. 1558 F. O. E. will meet on the 2nd and dth Tuesday evenings largely increased. -uT'S q l'n'1' Hoy Itanl--Seven room .house, Auto for hire by day. hour or Jjlock from car lino: $10 per trip, at very reasonable rales, month. Apply to J. Ii. Hiller, Good opportunity for parties of secretary Commercial club, Hoi four or less to make a trin into urook building. ll A t t I ine couiury ai a low price.- 11. t,. oi. n iik.io r..i t ui.i.i...f (iniiu :i 1 I " w"v iviik Jill, iw. muuroi.uuyi'usHunuuiism'ei. 1 ,.,., im.l ui, mvnlkiwl u., Dressmaking at reasonable $0. five thoroughbred Hull Or prices and satisfaction guaran- pmgton chickens and rooster, teed: special prices on children's averaged tour eggs a day lor six clothes.- Mrs. C. W. Dunagan, months. Inquire 200 N. Ivan- 10!) North Jersey street, opposite Hoe street. jusuiiiieu. .my. ior saio untco ltirnituro. in The electric parade at the Mding leather couch and chair, llnmi KnnMvnl will I10 iMtirndiwnd (ICSk, CtC, alHO household fumi- the ovening of Julv Fourth in ' firat class condition, in- Porthmd under tho ausnieos of eluding some fine rugs. Call the Portland Ad Club. F!ri. 109 W. Burr street; phone Col works and other attractions will "' dv. ... .. .. 1 add to the jollification. A. C. Geslor of Centralia. Now is your chance, just for W"v Wl!?.w welcome vlultor to an advertisement for one month s' P')s 11118 lie reports -nflvo room house w red for conditions rather slow in his electric lights, with one of the locality, ami Del eves t ines are atosL Brass C m n Fixtures, uh good r hotter in St. Johns as other rooms with plain (Irons, all ".v other place in tho North - - . . . - - ....... 1 for Sift, tl hiirwni'f 111 nmiini'. p ... It's A Wise Woman h' uit- a little mom-) itt the vuiiig bunk rrtulnrly. No unman cm tell ulrn nlu-'U lire,! mmi-y frettv lw,y. The lVinimih Saving Hank lmt tunny women among It i)ikm tor. Why not jirove your thrift nml wltwlntn hy becoming one of them. PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK Oldest Bank on the Pktku Autzkn, Pres. John N. Km.itrsuN, Cash. ON SWINGS 4 lion. It will pay you to call at 1)10 N. JIaycs street, st. Johns. Preliminary work has actually begun on the now plant ot the Western Cooperage Company just north of tho North Bank railroad bridge, and any one doubting that the plant is actual- to bo built should make a visit y t hither. - I'm l"BWia7' any little error or replace any ub Stinday afternoon against 8 that mv nol wnlI .ey Bnl, . .athlamet. Although Whitstone cl01.y, Tho Su Mm bo," ni , ' : 1 1 correapondonco invited. A. C. , on Monday evening. Juno fienorJ, Agency, 707 Gum and u": p'umi Qrh0, l)ub,,,c is Electric buOding, Denver, Colo., dly invited. Seats are free. m. (1U) Pholnn buildim. Sum St. Johns' best base ball bat tory Whitstono and Kay Poll played with the Ulatskaiuo clul Cathlamet struck out fifteen batter, the attor club won by a score of 5 to 1, owing to costly error on tho part of tho Clatskanie team. Rev. J. E. Andrews of San ?rnncisco will dellvor a lecture. Tho Bible Vorsus Christian Science." at Bicknor Hall. St, Johns 29. nt cordially Silver offering taken at tho door. (ev. Andrews has been endorsed uy prominont ciorgymon and educators everywhere, and this ecturo has recoivod much fnvor- able comment wherevor (le vered. A state refuge or prosorvo has boon located beginning just north of tho Monarch lumber mills on the Slough nnd running southoast for a couple of miloe or more, iiayuon island oemg included in the tract, It is un- awful for any ono to do any shooting whatever in the pres erve, tho penalty being a mini mum fine of 50. I our game Tho Evangelical Choir will give a la'cital Tuesday night in Bickncr hall. An excellent pro gram 01 solos, duels, quartets, pantomimes, comic readings and otherwise. Space forbids a full program. Admission 10 and 25 cents. Not only can you save money by purchasing of us, but you have tho benefit of free delivery: also you patronizo your neighbor who is always roady to rectify macy. adv. Six per cent Farm and City Loans may bo obtained to reimy mortgages, remove encum brances, purchase or improve real estate, from one to ton yoars' time. Special privilege; or mu i'heian nuiiding, ban Francisco, Calif. adv. Rev, Edward A. Paddock of Weiser, Idaho, i a guunt at the home of Marion Johnston, on South Jersey street. Rev. Pad dock is tho leading spirit in tho Idaho Industrial Institute, and it was largely through his oil'orta that the Institute was oroetod. He is chairman of tho Board of rruBteoB. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLD ERS.- A stockholders' meeting of tho Equal Rights Company ,vill bo held in the I. O. O. F. hall, St. Johns, at 7:80 p. m. July 18th. for tho purposo of Peninsula P. C. Knai'1', Vice Pres. S. L. DontK, Ass'i Cmli. Ol 4' hai ktv ixtpimir vxrt.'i-. iik Kt:xr fctw CBMBrruBXio iwimwwiw tWhtvcaTggt n nurnm.vts iwraCTarmai ana uhbi Clatsop B ? ? ? ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 each Best FOR FUN AND REST Daily Seashore Limited, S:30 A. M. Saturday Special, 2:00 P. M. $3.00 for Saturday to Monday Tickets, $4.O0 for the Season From Portland, Ask for Outing- Folder. 0. M CORN 12 LL, Agent, East St. Johns, Ore K. II. CROZ1EH, A. G. P. A. Portland, Oregon. co cno eO e0 r0 c3 cO cO c3 co cO cO c43 csQ eo t'O I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I ?, i 2 Corona Club Entertains : M. E. Church Notes deputies will patrol tho preserve oarning tho wishosot tho stock almost constantly. Notices are holders rogarding the businoss beino- posted th s week warn nor ol the company, luvory siock holdor is oarncstly requosted to bo prosent.- A, Portor, Secretary. The St. Johns Pharmacy base ball club defeated tho Powers Furniture Company club of Port- and in an interesting game Sun day aftornoon on tlio Hill grounds. Tho real feature of was InirJoy Loo's home two men on bases. The score was 7 to u in tlio locals favor. Tho Pharmacy club has mado a splendid record so far this year, losing only ono game. TO THE PUBLIC OF ST. JOHNS- Drs. Brown and Har rington, veterinary surgeons of Portland, have opened up an office and hospital at 203 Jersoy street, with Dr. J. N. Grant in charge, and will carry a com plete line of Drs. Brown and Harrington's standard voterin- available for instruction and ?.ry mlc '"? Hopmir thepub. lie ui oi. joiuib iwm viuuiuy win patronize their home veterinary, we beg to remain, yours respect fully, Dr. J. N. urant. Dr. D. W. Brown. Dr. W. E. Harrison. If you are thinking of having your house wired tor electric lights, call at 1)10 N. Hayos street, St. Johns. Satisfaction fixtures made to udv. all people not to shoot there. The Grade Teachers' Associa tion gave a reception for the school board, supervisors and teachers last Monday evening at the library. The lecture hall was beautifully decorated with pink and white roses. After a splendid program, a dainty lunch W , ' was served by several charming ne K"m. young ladies of tho Association. nm NV 'V.1 Several guests were out from ortland. The school board and wives were made very conspic uous throughout the evening by their absence. Reporter. The school board is consider ing the advisability of installing a commercial course in the schools, which will include type writing, stenography, penman ship, orthography, etc. Night sessions will likely be held if the course is added, Funds are equipment necessary without ncreasmg taxation. Ample funds are available for instruc tion expenses from state ap propriation, and for equipment there is plenty of money in tho ames John fund for that pur pose, ine innovation would no hailed with a great deal of ap preciation by many young people guaranteed; in si. jonns, oruur. Tho Corona Club entertained the Alumni of Room 15 on Wed nesday evening. Plans had been made for an open air reception at the home of Miaa Frances Miller, but 011 account of the in clemency of the weather. City Superintendent C. II. Boyd very kindly granted the use or ine Central School assembly hull. Clinim and table were arranged and ine iihii artistically decorated with cedar bougliB. ilowern and plants, and gaily festooned with streamers of rose and gold, while everywhere' tin pennants gave a classic finish. Admission to the hall was obtained by reniK'ttivo class secret signs and pass words. Those present from the Owl Club graduating class of June, 1012, were Lthel Arm strong, Mal?l Hon man n. Kay Brown, Esther Carlson, Hoy Coll'ee. Pearl Evans. Ethel Iluf- ford. George HulTord, Hanoi Johnson, Oron Lear, Ruth Me- Grcgor, Ruth Nelson, Homer Plaskel, A undent- .oye. Ariine Shaw, Carl Smith, Bertil Sund strom, Althea Toole, Wesley Wrinkle and Delia Young twenty out of thirty-four. Those answering "Present" to the roll call of tho Satellite Society graduating class of Feb ruary, 1013, wore Walter An drews. Bern ice Hrownly, Flor ence Davis, Ivan Faber, Hon its Henry, Droit J .arson, Marleta Miller, Minnie Miller, Uln Mur phey. Minnit Nolen, Frank Palmer, Mildred Pofl', Margaret Rassi, Marshall Shaw. Clyde Thayt-r. Flavius West- only four missing, they having moved from the city or state. When the Star Society respond ed to their names there were nine present and five missing in the June, 1018, class: Irvin Gromachey, Otis Hays, Rosa Jannsen, Lowell Miller, lister Ogden, Clara Pyeatt, Alta Smith. Margaret Thurmond, Helen Woolhiser. The Busy Bees graduatig class of February. 1014, had the best per cent of attendance. Those present were Mamie French, Mildred I origins, Wyelh Jay ne. Flossie Lotson, Marie Marcy, Elizabeth Moe, Graham Moxon, Minnie Nelson, Gladys Stark, Burt Willeford, Clarice Wilson. Of course the Corona Club was there in full force of forty mem bers strong. Although no form al program had been arranged, evory one was happy to meet once more his old classmates, and the time was spent talking about old times. An immense jar of punch and nearly ten pounds of fancy cook ies, purchased with the Corona Bazaar money, served as re freshments. Every ono went home happy, thanking the Corona Club for making possible this grand r union.--Rojiortor. Where shall I gel my ludrmtt? At Gilmore's harW ahoy. adv. Note the label on your pfer. The Oregon Conference Wo man's Home Missionary Society Annual Convention is 111 session at Albany this week. Mrs. Dr. Brown, Mrs. Dr. Cook and Mi's. A. B. Olson from this church are in attendance. Dr. J. W. McDougal, Diilriet Superintendent of the Portland District of the Oregon Confer ence, will occupy the pulpit and preach next Sunday morning, June2Hth,at 11 o'clock; come and hear him. Tho Third quarter confereneo for this church for the present conference year will lake place next Tuesday evening, June 30th. at X o'clock. Dr. Ho Dougal will lw present to pre side. U'l all memlwrs of tho Conference be ready with their reportB. Mi's. Myrtle Weeks ha gone to California for her summer vacation and hor Sunday school class will be taught by Mrs. Lulu Brooks. Mr. Jay Cummins was elected Assistant Superintendent of Sunday School last Sunday to serve in the place of Mr. Thurt tin who has gone on his vaeation to visit his old home in New York: he will return July 15th. Services next Sunday as fol low: Sunday School 0:50 A. hi. Preaching II. Junior league Q P. M. Senior League 7. Eve ning preaching M o'clock.--Reporter. Commencement The Commencement exercises were held in the High School auditorium last evening, before a largo and appreciative au dience. The following was the program rendered: Processional. Morn rise. Soldiers' Chorus. Faust, (luon- od; Sextette from Lucia, Donizetti- High School Chorus. Commencement Address Dr. Kerr, President Oregoi Agricul tural College. Italia from Lucrexia, Donisettl High School Chorus. Presentation of Diplomas F, P. Drinker, President of School Hoard. Laughter of May, La Corne ll igh School Chorus. Recessional, Mornrise. BRNHIMTS LOCAL PUOPLIi St. Johns' iwople have discovered tlwt A SIXGI.K DOSU of sinipte buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., ts compounded in Adler-l-kft, the German appendicitis remedy, re moves gas oa the stomach and coa- Klipftllou AT ONCK. Bt Johns Pharmacy. "Watohea" "Tilne.pQJa,, made at. rules at Rouen, 306 street.