St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 26, 1914, Image 2

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Published Krery Krldn,
At 117 Went Ilurllnglon Street
Tiir Kkvihw U entered At Ht office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns ninll mutter
ol the second clnM under the Act of Con
res of Mnreli J, 1879.
All fommonltttloni ihoold b adIrM4 to
To Btmw, HU Johsa, Owen,
Official Xtwipafr ef lb 01 tr of KU Joan.
Subscription prlc $1.00 per your
"Tho House of Hontlntfe" white
a nvc n dure nroduced t the
skntitiK rink tho latter inrt of
Inst wook nttractod iHrKc crowds
of people. Many came from
Portland to sue tho pictures Unit
had not been permitted to hp
pour in tlmt city. It is suit! that
twonty-oMit aiitos and a miin
bur of motorcycleB were "tier
tip" around the rink at on
time while llieir owners were
viowintr the production inside
How the pictures could fail to
pass the Portland hoard of cen
Borship is difficult to understand
by those who viewed tho pic
twos, since it is said that pic
tti res muritinir the disapprovn
of the censors much more than
"Tho House of Pondage" appear
fremiontly in that city. As
matter of fact the pictures wcr
quite "tame" and could produce
objection only on the part
those who ( isannrove of anv
picture presenting any phase of
white slavo life. The pictures
reuliy wore of some educaliona
value, even thouuh the case de
pictcd was an extreme one. It
brings out tho fact that the mis
understanding of parents in re
irard to rearing children ar
liable to start them on the down
ward path, especially when the
child is inclined to be somewhat
wayward and disobedient, aiu
also made clear that the life o
the undorworld is really far
from attractive. It would be
dilhcuit to conceive how any
white slave subject could bu
treated in a milder or more un
omccttonuDic manner. 1 1 It is
wrong to inform the unenlight
ened of conditions in houses o
bondage and how recruits to
same are sometimes procured
the pictures should he supprcs
sed. Un the other hand, if en
lighlenment lends to warn am
place tho unsophiscaled on their
guard against "picking up
with total strangers who are oft
times unscrupulous, tho pictures
aro of great benefit. It is just a
question of whether or not ig
noranco is more benelicial to
morality than enlightenment.
Tho action of the rorthnd hoan
of censorship was largely re
sponsible for most of the seusa
tionalism that accrued to show
ing the pictures, from the re
marks expressed by many o
ihoso who were prusuni, it was
a disappointment- it was so
mild and devoid of sensation
According to action of the
city council iuoHilay evening,
tho mayor and city attorney
wore authorixed and instructet
to draft an ordinance providing
tor tho creation ol a hoard of
censorship in St. Johns for tho
purpose of passing judgment
upon moving pictures, vaudu
villo stunts, bill board adorn
ments, etc. The measure has
its good points, even if incon-
venient and expensive to the
moving picture houses. Put
since the pictures shown here
have as a rule been passed by
the national hoard ol censors
and also the Portland hoard, it
might be somewhat dillicult to
decide by any body of people
what would he object toimnlo and
what would not. What apnea
to one individual is condemned
by another- what seems evil to
one individual is not so to an
other. "I3vil to him that evil
thinkH" is very often the ease.
Tho decisions of the two boards
of censorship does not appear
satisfactory to somo people.
Would a hundred liotml come
any closer to universal satisfac
tion? Hut we believe it is not
so much the moving pictures
that tho petitioners are concern
ed about. It is the vaudeville
stunts that take placu here oc
casionally, It is said, and the
assertions do not seem to be dis
puted, that at some of the
vaudoville entertainments re
marks aro mado that are cer
tainly badly oil' color to say the
least, and most any body of good
citizens would undoubtedly
quickly arrive at a decision
prohibiting such "jokes." How
ever, the ordinance to be pro
duced by tho mayor and at
torney will be awaited with
some interest.
The Orogon Homing Pigeon
Club held a meeting at St. Johns
on Tuesday evening last. E. 11,
Bauer of Sellwood gave some
very interesting information on
pigeon flying, and a vory inter
esting evening was spent. The
Northern Course was adoptod
for old and young bird races.
Tho Club is in a vory flourishing
condition and promises some
vory interesting sport in the
future. Several old fanciers aro
getting their birds ready and
mean totako some of tho trophys
given by tho Club. Anothor
meeting will bo hold in tho near
futuro to select officers and race
L v
JIM r mv d w f J- m y ."ri
is naturally something which every new concern
you deal with has a right to ask for. Most of
the successful business and professional men
of this town give this Bank asTheirrefer
ence, a fact which always gives them a
most enviable prestige, because it's
well known that only responsible
people are accented as depositors
here. The value of lHng as
sociated with a thorughly de
pendable bank cannot be
owes his success
in business to his
bank's advice and
committee. Any fancier wish
ing to join can communicate
with S. Crotnpton, KM North
Hayes street, St. Johns.
University Picnic
Quito extensive arrangements
are under way lor the annual
Fourth of July picnic to be held
on Columbia University grounds.
In the past years this picnic
has been a grand success. This
year every ellort is Doing put
forth to make tho picnic of 1'JM
surpass that of all former years.
No heller picnic grounds can he
found in this vicinity than are
oflVi'i'il liv ('rilnml)in I Jnivwsit v
I... 1 ir..i I
Willi ll IJUiUlllIlll CIIIIIIIUH, IJ.IHU '!..!.. .. rll....
I. ..II ...........I.. t I. ..!...... Ulllll H lununn,
mil KMJiiimn, ujiuiv, muitiy
groves, etc. special prepara
tions are now being made to
afford the children proper amuse
The athletic program embraces
100 yard dash for women. 100
yard dash for men, fiO yard dash
for young men, f0 yard dash for
young ladies, fit) yard dash for
married men, fill yard dash for
married women, fiO yard run for
fat men, B0 yard run for fat
women, hvoiits opon to all are
egg race, nail driving contest,
cracker eating contest, three
egged race, potato race, etc.
Other interesting features of
the day's events are the base ball
game and the mock court. 1 here
will be dancing from 2 p. in.
and all atternoou and evening.
An Ordinance Providing for
Uniform System Establishing
the Installation of Meters to
Water Consumers, the Methot
to be Emn oyed in making An
plications Therefor, Providing
a Penalty for the Violation ol
this Ordinance or Any Par
Thereol, and Accepting am
Adopting tho Hates, Classiflca
tions and Orders of the Kail
road Commission of tho State
of Oregon. Made and Entcrci
April 4th. 1014. and as Anient!
ed June Gtli, 19M.
The City of St. Johns does or
A special dinner will be served
at 2 cents per plate. No ad
mission to the grounds will be
New League Formed
A new organization, Tho Ore
gon industry League, has re
centlv been formed in Portland,
the object of which is to conduct
an educational campaign for the
extension of the uso of Oregon
made goods of all kinds, for tho
encouragement of all lines of in-
ustry in this state and for the
moral and financial backing of all
Oregon institutions. L. Samuel,
for many years prominent as a
wider on tho movement for tho
support of Oregon industries,
ins heen elected president for
le organization. Tho campaign
will he carried on through puh-
ications in the state, and the
eague may in time establish an
official publication of its own.
Meetings of all kinds, where tho
eague can properly send its
speakers will be covered and all
urge conventions in tho state
will be attended by its delegates.
wenty-one leading civic and
ommorcial organizations of the
city and state sent delegates to
assist in tho establishment of
the new league, and it is to bring
to its assistance practically every
organization of importance in
the state.
Dealer nntl Grower of Roses
and Nursery Stock.
Persons desiring
bushes and nursery
ed to call.
to secure rose
stock are invit-
342 North Leonard Street
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for tuch change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at S o'clock p. ni. Please
remember this and save the printer
Section 1. That tho City of St
Johns does hcrehy accept am
adopt the rates, orders, classif
cations and schedules made
the Railroad Commission under
dato of April 4th. 19M. and
amended June (!th, 11)M. For
rates, orders, classifications ant
schedules roferenco is hereby
mado to the finding and order
tho Railroad Commission now
file with tho Recorder of the city
of bt. Johns.
bection 2. Any person, ner
sons or corporation furnishing
water, or who may horoaftor
furnish water to the city of St
Johns or tho inhabitants thereof
shall on or beforo tho first day
.July, iyi'1, and thereafter on or
beforo tho first day of eac
month furnish to the City Re
corder a list of all tho water
users within tho city of St. Johns
boing served with water, whic
list shall bo deemed evidence o
tho total number of wnter user
in said city, which list shall bo
used by tho City Recorder as
basis from which tho said Recor
der shall computo tho number of
water users who may ho ontitlei
to have a meter installed under
the provisions of tho order mad
by the Railroad Commission, i
rofusnl or neglect to furnish tho
list of water users as herein pro
vided shall be deemed a violation
of this Ordinance.
Section 3. It shall be the duty
of each and every person using
water within the city of St.
Johns who desires to have a me
tor installed to make and file
with the City Recorder an appli
cation therefor as herein provid
ed. Said application to be made
in duplicate, written or printed.
setting iorth his, her, it or their
place of business or number
thereof, if any, and tho size of
meter desired to bo installed.
which application shall bo given
a consecutive number, together
with tho date of tiling endorsed
thereon. After said application
has been made as aforesaid, tho
said City Recorder shall tile in
his oflico tho duplicate copy of
said application, which shall he
deemed to he and taken as evi
dence of tho time of said appli
cation and demand for the in
stallation of a meter, as therein
provided, which copy shall be
taken as original evidence in any
caso where evidence of tho trans
action is required, Tho original
of the aforesaid application tho
City Recorder shall mail, deliver
or otherwise transmit to the
oflico of the person, persons or
corporation serving the city or
its inhabitants with water. From
tho list of water users as herein
required to be filed with the Citv
Recorder, tho said Recorder shall
computo from said list tho num
ber of applications entitled to
hnvo meters installed, said com
putation to be mado by taking
two por cent of tho whole num
ber of users, as shown by said
list, which number thereby as
certained ahull be entitled to
J. i . Hi x
--t-l.x .lULIUULl
receive here the same prompt and faithful attention
as we give to store orders. So if the weather is un
favorable or you have company or are in a hurry
phone this grocery what you require and it will be
sent you promptly. Don't hesitate because your or
der is small. You cannot need a big lot all the time.
S. & H. Green Trad
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases,
and on charge ac
counts when Paid
in Full at least every
30 days.
Ten 10 S. & H.
S. &. H.
Stumps nte die Con.
turner's Dineount.
r T.'T IT
This Coupon Good Tor
If presented upon making n purchase miioutitltif (o 50c or
more, these stamp will be In addition to regular stamps
given with the purchase.
Not Good After June 30
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore.
We will Close at 12:30 Every Thursday During
the Months of June, July and August.
Phone Coumbia 137
IO Years in St. Johns
An Ordinance Providing the
Time and Alnnncr of Im
proving Richmond Street
Prom Udison Street to the
Richmond Street Dock in
the City of St. Johns, Oregon.
hnvo meters installed, which two
Iier cent of the whole number of
wnter users, after being deter
mined by the said Recorder shall
on or beforo the 10th day of each
month bo certified to tho person,
liersons or corporation serving
water to tho city of St. Johns or
its inhabitants as herein provid
ed. That after notice has been
tfiven as herein provided the
person, porsons or corporation
serving water as aforesaid shall
immediately proceed to install
meters to tho person or persons
entitled thereto as shown by the
notice given by tho Recorder,
and in no event shall tho person,
persons or corporation serving
water as aforesaid delay tho in
stallation of tho meters required
to bo installed by said notice
more than thirty (fays from the
dato thereof. A rofusnl or neg
lect to do any of the nets or
things mitiircd to be done shall
be deemed to be a violation of
this Ordinance.
Section 'I. That after the ap
plication for motor has been'
made as provided for in Section
.1 of thin ordinance, and notico
thereof hm been served upon
the person, porsons or corpora
tion serving water to tho city of
St. .Johns or its inhabitants as
herein nrovided. no chnrtro fori
the uae of water shall thereafter 'tlmt wild
be made by any liorson. nersons time (or
or corporation as aforesaid, to
exceed the minimum meter
charge designated by the rates
and schedules made and provid
orl hv tlio IJnilivMiil fVimmiHamr
mini cnblo to tho si nf motor. .. . ' "rm miproved ns
The city of St. Johns docs nrdnln a
The council of the city of St. Johns,
nnviiiK ascertained tuecotioi imurovliiK
Richmond street from the west side Hue
of Hdlson street to the Richmond
Street frock in thu cltv of St.
Johns, ns shown by the 'resolution
of the council of mid city, tinted on
the 2Gth day of May, 1 9 1 1 , nud recorded
in the oilice of the recorder of said city,
nud notice thereof linvlng lccn published
in the St. Johns Review, 11 weekly news.
Mur of general circulation, on the
'Hlil. ,,f ,.. .....I r,l. .1.... f 1 inn
vt .iij unit will U") Ul June, l.fl'1,
H.HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street
1 Real Estate, Loans. Insurance $
Adstrncts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed, j
For the Review and keep posted
as shown
of the
foreman of said tuner, which said aflida-
the office of the
the affidavit
vii is on me in me ouice 01 the city re
corder; mid leuni posting of notices of
such improvement, ns shown by the affi
davit of the city engineer on lile in the
office of the city recorder; nud no remoii.
stranccs lmvliiK been filed, mid, ns pro
vided by Mid resolution, the engi
neer's preliminary estimate of the cost of
sniu improvement is f u,71'J.y J, out slinll
bo more accurately determined by said
Jsow, tlierclore, it is hereby ordered
street be improved nud the
the completion of said im
provement is hereby fixed at GOdaynfrom
Inst publication of notice of proposals of
kiild work, which said proposals must be
filed with the recorder of said citv 011 or
hefori- the Ulli ilnu nf lulv" 101 J
1 1 I V i'.ui ll . ' - - " J J I " l
Commission Bl ?'v p-J .'
designated by said annlication.
and any attempt to shut off wn-;
tor or otnerwiso coerce or annoy
any water user to pay a different
or grenter sum or rate than that 1
provided by tho findings of the;
Itaihoad Commission shall be!
deemed a violation of this ordi-:
Soction 5. Any person, per
sons or corporation serving wa
ter to the citv of St. Johns or
tho inhabitants thereof who shall
do any of the acts or things for
bidden to be done, or who shall
omit to do any of tho acts or
things herein renuired to be
done snail be guilty 01 a mis
demeanor and shall, upon con
victlon thereof, bo fined in a
sum not less than 515.UU, nor
more than S50.00.or by imprison
ment in jail not less than seven
Inys nor more than 25 days, or
y both such fine and imprison
boction t. Anv vio ation of
this ordinance by any employe
agent ol tho person, persons
or corporation serving water to
tho city of St. Johns or the in-
mbitants thereof shall be deem
d to be the act and deed of tho
person, persons or- corporation
Dated this 23d day of June,
Passed by tho council this
23rd day of June. 1914
Approved by tho Mayor this
ad day of June, 1UM.
Attest: A. E. DUNSMOUE,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Jolins
Review June 26, 1914.
DrluK In your Job printing while
you think or It. Don't wait until you
are entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty prlattaf
promptly at Portland price, or leu.
Hv uradliiL' Mine to the t.
tnbllihed grade by cut und fill uud by
laying standard concrete pavement.
The city recorder shall uive notice bv
publication for not less than three In
sertions in the St. Johns Review, the of
ficial newspaper, inviting proposals for
making said improvement.
Said improvement shall in nil respects
: tie none ami completed in conioruitty
i with the provisions of Ordinances No. 100
nud 463, except ns otherwise provided
; in this ordinance; nil work to be done
1 under the directioti nud supervision of
the cit engineer.
I That the cost of said improvement
shall be nssessed against the property iu
the local improvement district des-
scribed in said resolution nud designated
as and declared to be Local Improve
ment District No, 114.
Passed by the council this 23rd day
oi June, iyn
Approved by the Mayor this 23rd day
oijune, 191-1.
Attest: A. V DUNSMORR,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
June 20, 1914,
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby giveu that apportion
ment of the cost of improvement of Mo
hawk street, from theuorth lincof Central
avenue to the south line of Fesseuden
street, total cost of which is 4,345.73,
has been apportioned and is on file in the
oflico of the undersigned, subject to ex
Assessment district extends back to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
laud abutting on said street as provided
by the city charter and resolutions.
Kemoustrauce neainst satu apportion
ment may be made iu writing and filed
with the undersigned until 5 o'clock
, M. July 13, 1914.
Published in the St. Johns Review
June 26 and July 3, 1914.
It is resolved by the city of St. Johns,
That it deems it expedient nud neces
sary to improve Charleston street I
from the westerly line of Ilnyc'
street to the vast line of Willamette 1
boulevard in the city of St. Johns in :
the following manner, to wit: ,
By grading said (ortion of street to
grade or subgrnde, nud laying six foot I
cement sidewalk, fi(tren foot curb, and
by laying standard concrete pave
ment, according to the plans nud 1
specifications of the city engineer
011 file in the oflico of the cltv recor
der relative thereto, which said plans,
specifications and estimate nre satisfac
tory and nre hereby approved. Said f tit -provetneuts
to be made iu nccordunce'
with the charter and ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, and under the supervis-'
ion ami direction 01 tuc city engineer.
That the cost of said Improvement to Le I
assessed ns provldnl by the city clinrter
upon ine property especially mm par
ticularly benefited thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be nil of
lots, parts of lots, blocks mid parcels of :
lauiiDciwccn ine icrnuni 01 sucn imnrove 1
ineiits abutting upon, ndjaceut or proxi
mate to said street, from the marginal '
Hues of said street back to the center of 1
the block or blocks or tracts of laud 1
abutting thereon or proximate thereto. )
That nil the property included in said 1
improvement district nforcsaid is hereby I
declared to be "Iocal Improvement Dis
trict No. 116." I
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost of said improve-,
ment of said street is f3.122.94. I
That the cost of said street is to be as-1
sesscd against the projerty iu said local
assessment district ns provided by the
charter of the city of St. Johns. I
Adopted by the council this ICtli day i
Published iu the St, Johns Review on
juue vj ana zm, 1914.
Full Milk Pail
riore rr.. and malt
r . - - si. J cj. r ulwn noi
l-olhfi I . J I u ty .Vs. Kcllcvs
ihcirtixiiciti., umij ihtm with
Conhey's Fly Knocker
DiKir. '!.(ntn kan!-iv. .-v,Uk
t)J ( i 1 , ( ,.1,. a lull milk pjil.
Keeps Flics Awny
From Cftltle nnd Morses
imt, 11 f .1 1
Try It 15 Days
Money Hack If Not
Try a n toJiy. Qt
Lnuthers' Mercantile Co.
Furniture''Mfg. Co.
533-535 Dnwsou St.
Iu the I'reuch lilock
Will REPAIR Furniture
Special 1'urniture Duilt to Order.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proposals will be received at the
oilice of the Recorder of
Rooms 7 aud 8
Holbrook Building ST. JOHNS
the Citv of St
Johns until July i4, 19U, at 8 o'clock p.
in., for the improvement of Richmond
street, from thu west Hue of KdUou
street to the Richmond street dock
iu the manner provided bv Or.
diuauce No. 605, subject to the provis
ions of the charter and ordinances of the
City of St.-Johns, and the estimate of
the city engineer 011 file.
Engineer's estimate is J6.712.94.
Bids must be strictly iu accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furu
ished on application at the office of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johus. Aud
said improvement must be completed on
or before 60 days from the date of the
last publication of this notice.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St. Johns, certified by a respon
sible bank for an amount equal to ten
per cent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
By order of the City Council.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
June 26, aud July 3 and 10, 19U.
Officers of the City of SI, Johns, Oregon
Mayor-A. W. Vincent
KecorUer A. K. Ilummorc
Treasurer 1', A. Rice
Attorney T. T. Parker
Kngiueer 1. (). Burton
Chitl ol Police John roll
Day rolice H. Muck
Night 1'ollce J. Jontt, O. vr. Noreue,
O. M. Cornell 1. w. DavU
II. M. Wnldre!
Work for a Greater St Johns.
C. K. Carlick r. Gradto
G. W. Munnm C. R. Clujwlck
, 8!ru,.olJ.Dock-J- W. Davit. II. M.Wat
Urel, G. V. Munton.
tiSt.n.f;7C-,R- Chsdwkk, O. M. Cornell.
II. M Walilrcl.
r. Xol5 V"! ,Wht-R. Graden, J. Y. Davit,
C. R. Chadwlck.
finance O. M. Cornell, C. 1. Carlick.
K. Graden.
Health and rolice C. K. Carlick. Geo.
W. Muutou. J. W. Davit.
liquor License Geo, V. Munton, R.
Graden. O. M. Cornell.
Building and Ground II. M. Wtldrtf.
C. R. Cha3 Ick, C K. Carlick. '
The follctviug list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort-
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realtv. Bills
of Sale, Leases.
Pay your subscription.
Net th ,bl o yew Mfr.