St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 19, 1914, Image 3

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June Wedding Specials
Mission Portable Electric Lamp, Value to $9.50, 50c
Down, 50c Week.
Indies' Writing Desks $8.50 lo $21.00, $1.00 Down,
50c Week.
.Quartered Oak Library Table, Wax Finished, Price
$20.00, $1.00 Down $1.00 Week.
Royal "Push. Button" Easy Ohair,Pricc from $20.00 to
$36,00, $2.00 Down $2.00 Month.
Quartered Oak Dining Table, Wax Finish, 45 inch
j. up, u iuui extension, Keguiar .5120.00
Quartered Oak Buffet to Match Table $25.00
Total 45.00
Special $40.00, $4.00 Down, $4.00 Mouth
Cash Only Special
9x12 Axminstcr Rugs, Regular $32.00, Now. . ..$24.00
9x12 Body Brusscl Rugs, Regular $33.00, Now. $24.00
I (tally Bros.'
next time you pas our window nnd see the bargains we arc offering.
50 feet Guaranteed I lose for
J 50c Sprayers for
$1.25 Bird Cage for
- t I 1 . , . -
Ty.uo j',uumcic(i itcingcraior :or
Hammocks at Wholesale Prices
ij Cul Price's 011 Lnwn Mowers.
i We Issue Fishing and
:The Store
For men and young men on credit. We now show
very attractive Styles in Summer Suits, in all the
Popular Fabrics, Patterns and Colors, made up on
the usual Workmanship Standard of the Eastern
which means they fit well, wear well and hold shape,
at only $18.00
Men's Straw Hats, New Styles, Fine Braids, at
Only $2.00
Men's Shoes, Newest Shapes Leathers, and Lasts,
High or Low $4.00
Arrow Shirts, New Patterns and Colors, Soft or
Stiff Cuffs $1.50
Hosiery, very fine Knit, all Colors at 6 pair for $1.00
Wash Ties, Pretty Patterns 25
Remember at the Eastern you need but little ready cash to
buy what you want in Summer Clothes. You can have your
Purchases Charged to you aud remit in weekly or monthly pay.
ments. This Accommodation is Free.
Ask for People's Brown Trading Stamps
Eastern Outfitting Co.
405 Washington St., Cor. I Oil), Portland, Ore,
The Store
4 Notice -CHEAP WOOD t
I Beginning Friday, Alay 22, 19 14
Until Further Notice, the St. Johns Lumber Company 4.
will deliver its fine sixteen-inch stove wood within the following 4
f natud districts at reduced prices; -f
"t St. Johns. South to S. P. & S. Railroad Cut $2.50 per Load f
S. P. & S. Railroad Cut to Chataqua IJoul. 2.75 per Load
Chataqua Boul. to Ainsworth & Boston Sts. 3.00 per Load
St. Johns Lumber Company
Cor. Burlington & Bradford Sts. St. Johns, Oregon
Pacific Telephone Columbia 131 Home Telephone C 1101.
, 00c
Garden Tools Reduced.
Hunting Licences
of Style:
of Service:
Local News.
Funny what n little sensation
al advertising will do.
Where shall I act m.v hn rcut?
At unmore's barber snop. adv.
ft. 1 T
Gcortre Imbodcn has moved
into the residence at 440 East
Chicago street,
.junn it. Lint o was n recent
t-i... Tf W tit 1
visitor at the Greene ranch at
Castle Rock, Wash.
A youncr son arrived at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gord or
during the past week.
All kinds of d ravin a. Phono
Co!umbin.72-Gatton's Transfer,
1U4 jersey street adv.
K. C. Couch will represent the
grocers at the State Grocers' As
sociation meetinir at LaGrande
June 21st.
The Rose Festival in Portland
nst week was the best of all.
he crowds wore larcrer and the
affair was managed in better
style than ever before.
Buy yourself an Ansco Camera.
and enjoy some of the pleasures
this great country affords. You
cannot miss it with an Ansco.
Ansco Cameras and Cyko Papers
at The St Johns Pharmacy, ad
Mrs. Henry Hayden Melton.
nee Miss Jennie Greene, who
hud been visiting friends in St.
Johns and Portland, has returned
to her homo in Castle Rock,
A line of typewriter ribbons.
both narrow and wide, hna just
been received at the Review
office; COc each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
G. I. Thompson, at one time a
councilman of St. Johns, but
now located at Springwnter,
Oregon, greeted old friends in
St. Johns last week.
Thu local order of Fraternal
Brotherhood made a most pleas-
ing appearance in their natty
now uniforms in this parade at
Portland last Friday, upon which
they received many fine compli
C. W. Potter, of Mcdford.
Oregon, spent a day or two with
bis friends in St. Johns last
week. Ho was a former nromi
ncnt business man of this city.
and has many friends here who
wcro glad to seo him again.
The Women of Woodcraft and
Woodmen of tho World will givo
a basket social, entertainment
and dance in Bickncr hall next
Tuesday evening. Ladies are
requested to bring baskets. bn
tcrtninmcnt nnd dance free. .
Mrs. F. C. Wise of Kansas.
who had been upending most of
tho winter nt Long Beach, Cnl.,
is a guest of her neico. Mrs. R.
L. Burk, nnd will spend a month
hero before visiting her son in
Eastern Oregon and her daughter
in Idaho.
Tho St. Johns Pharmacy baso
ball club dofeated tho Vancouver
White Sox at tho local grounds
Sunday afternoon by a scoro of
G to 3. Tho game waa a most
interesting one. but tho locals
wcro lortunnto in securing a
three run lead in tho first inning.
Tho Oregon Homing Pigeon
Society will hold a meeting on
Tuesday evening, Juno 28, nt
1031 North Hayes street, St.
Johns, with tho intention of or-
nnizing a pigeon club at St.
Johns. E. H. Bauer, nn nu
thority on pigeons, will give a
lecture, assisted by Ralph War
rcn. All persons interested in
niceons are hearty welcome.
Any further information will
be gladly given by S. Compton.
A school electron was held in
the Centrul school building Mon
day afternoon for the purpose
of electing one school director.
tlie term or a. uarrowo expir
ing. There were 182 votes cast
Tho election board consisted of
A. W. Davis. Mrs. L. N. Bel
limrer and Mrs. F. W. Valentine.
Tho election resulted as follows
G. V. Zimmerman 141; A. Lar-
rowe, is; Mrs. a. w. Vincent,
12; Dr. A. W. Vincent, 10; J. R.
Kerr, 1.
The new St. Johns laundry at
tho foot of Pittsburg street will
bo ready lor business the first
of July. The proprietor. Georee
Watkins, believes he is entitled
to the full sunnort of tho neonle
of St. Johns, since he has in-
stalled the latest imnroved ma-
chinery. and is therefore eouin-
ped to do work as well as any
other laundry at prices just as
low or lower. Employment will
also be given to a small number
of local people. "The Nonpareil
Laundry" is the title of the new
A .steamer specially chartered
for the purpose will carry forty-
eight great Oregon logs from
Coos Bay to San Francisco.
They are to be used as the prin
cipal pillars in the Oregon build
ing of the 1'anama Exposition.
Each log will represent a state
of the American Union, and each
of the states will be invited to
supply a flag or emblem and a
copper or a brass plate to bear a
i l 1 - ? if .fit .1.1!,
suitable inscription of the dedica
tion. Each log will also bear
another plate giving the name
of the donor and telling of the
locality in Oregon where it was
Strictly sanitary.-. Gtlmoro'
barber shop. run.
New Fluff Hums from your oh!
carpets. 732 N. Edison street
rinfrv pcntns and boxes fni
BB Pnrtlnnd MnnufnctuHmr
I . ---n
Co., foot of Richmond street.
pinni faimtne done nl Portlnn
krlrM nt 1 1. 1 Clark's, the fund
turcmnn. Adv.
An n ni c lunaanirn. im v nttrv
in town. r.llmoro's barber sho.
Want a drayman? Call Col
umbin 72 Gntton's Trnnster,
104 Jersey street. ndv
Love is what maKcs a man
mnnrine that two can live ns
cheaply ns one.
The fellow who originated the
idea that talk is cheap never
hired a lawyer.
Prof. Boyd and wife have
moved into their new home on
South Jersey street.
Mrs. E. S. Wright nnd children
of Heison. Wash., are guests at
tho home of Mr. ana Mrs. A, w.
Dr. B. F. Rambo and family
left today for Bar View Beach,
where they will remain lor a
week's outing.
"Do not ask n sick man how
he feels." says a philosopher:
"tell him n funny story." But
is nny story funny to a sick mnn7
An excellent lino of Phono-
1 mi ri t .
S'l-apn uccorus at rnc at. ionns
'harmacv. Dance Records of
all tho latest and popular dances.
Call Columbia 72 for furniture
moving uatton's transier;
work guaranteed. adv.
Notice Willamette Aerie No.
1558 F. O. E. will meet on the
2nd nnd 4th Tuesday evenings
of June, July and August, 1914.
R; E. Soolcy, Secretary.
Auto for hire by day, hour or
trin. at very reasonable rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
four or less to make a trip into
the country at n low price.- H.
M. Wnldrcf.GO'JFessenden street.
Seems rather remarkable that
the weather is just as beautiful
a. ill t 1
as it was when tuc out poets
song auout it. June, lor in
stance, never becomes shopworn
from one year to the next.
John Mnccarow. night watch
man nt the Peninsula Iron Works,
fell from a ladder last Friday
evening and sustained .J iiroKon
ribs. He was taken ton Portland
hospital for treatment.
Tho old' fashioned woman
didn't bother much about a
career for herself
Jhe had Hov
eral littlo careers to look after,
and between prayers, oncourng
ing words and spankings, she
did n pretty good work.
"I nm in misery," declared u
beautiful young woman sitting
next to nn admirer nt dinner.
"T t.mcj tl n A t .n f lfl nml tf li.o
1 WllCI VUVlllutvu tlliu lb una
taken beautifully. I could al
most scream, it hurts so." Tho
young man looked at her beau
tif nl arms and seeing no mark
there, said: "Why, where were
you vaccinated?" "In Sac
ramcnto," sho replied, a smile
chasing away the look of pain.
In order to stimulate interest
among stock men in Oregon, the
Oregon Exposition Commission
unnounces turn mu.uuu win bo
set aside us prizes for the best
stock from this stnte exhibited
at San Francisco next year. It
is hoped that on completion of
the budget it will be possible to
increase tills sum to S15.U0U.
This will bo in addition to tho
$175,000 which will be dis
tributed in livestock prizes bi
the authorities of the exposition.
The largest flag pole in the
world has been raised on the
grounds of tho Panama Pacific
International Exposition on the
site of the Oregon state building.
The pom was shaped irom a
single fir tree given by tho citi
zens of Astoria. Oregon. It is
230 feet long and six feet across
the butt end. A llag 1( feet
long was raised on it by the
Queen of the Portland Rose Fes-
" 1'"H?11 1
worth- on June 19R
i! 1 f
Tholma Hniiings
St. Johns now has in its pos
session a steam fire pumping
engine through the generosity
of A. G. Long, who has kindly
loaned the apparatus to St. Johns
for six months tree of charge.
It is expected to utilize the auto
truck now being properly equip
tied at the Letson garage for
conveying the pumping engine
to fires when it is completed. It
will probably be a month or so
before the truck will be ready
for use.
It having been asserted that n
largo part of the land in the
Umatilla Project is unfertile and
non-productive, the Oregon Con
servation Commission has had a
representative go carefully over
the entire section, and his re
port, just sent in, indicates that
under intelligent management
and cultivation that soil is ex
tremely productive and that the
majority of the farmers are do
I; II IT. J. J. L 1 I 1.1. .
ing well, lie states that the
bank at Hermiston has in the
past 18 months loaned $15,000 to
the farmers for tho purchase of
stock and the notes are being
promptly paid at maturity.
E, 4 N. Html, editor of U10
Seneide newspaper, vr nj n tiliws
nnt vinltor to this office Sntimlay.
F, Kirkpntrick Iuib mnvod hi
family from 014 East Chicago
street to 310 North Edison street.
Mrs. C. J. Slricklnnd of Vale.
Oregon, is a guest of her old
time fr end. Mrs. P. G. Gllmm-n.
this week.
The home of Mr. PonowUi at
1001) Oaweiro street wn9 (lmtLrav.
ed by fire Inst Friday evening.
No one wns nt home nl tho tinui
and tho origin of the fire is u
Geo. H. Lvnn of Hood Rivor
visited last week with his daugh
ter, Miss Geonrin Lvnn who is
spending tho summer with Mr.
uycrlec, 315 West Richmond
For Sale Ollice furniture, in-
cludimr leather couch nnd clmir.
desk, etc., also household furni
ture 111 first class condition, in
cluding some fine rugs. Call
09 W. Burr street: phono Col
umbia 518. adv.
Not only can you save money
by purchasing of us, but you
mve the benefit of free delivery:
also you patronize your neighbor
who is nlways ready to rectify
any littlo error or replnce nny
goods that ure not entirely satisfactory.-
The St. Johns Phar
macy, adv.
Six per cent Farm and City
onus mny be obtained to repay
mortguges, remove encum
brances, purchase or improve
eal estnte. from one to ten
years' time. Special privileges:
correspondence invited. A. C.
uenornl Agency, 7(r Gas and
Electric building, Denver, Colo.,
or 'MO I'helan building, San
rnncisco, Calif. adv.
ERS.- A stockholders' meeting
of the Euunl Rights Company
will be held in the I. O. 0. F.
mil, St. Johns, at 7:30 p. 111.
uly 18th. for the purpose of
earning the wishes of the stock
lolders regarding the business
f the Company. Every stock-
lolder is earnestly requested to
be present. A. 1'orter, Secre
It seems incongruitous to hear
a man prate about the brother-
lood of mnn'und almost in the
same breath condemn every man
uit holds ollicc or possesses a
tttlo wealth. Brotherhood of
man menus love instead 01
emnity. It. certainly does not
mean taking advantage of the
misfortune of a fellow man.
One should not preach what he
refuses to practice.
Former Mayor J. F. Hendricks
has sent tho editor n sample of
the kind of eggs produced by
his chickens at his home
I'cfJH, Ynsh. it weights one
quarter of a pound and is eight
inches by six inches and one
quarter 111 circumference, tho
product of a Rhode Island Red
hen. Mr. Hendrickn concludes
his letter with: "Wo still love
St. Johns nnd its people, and
wo will bo thero somo day."
JOHNS -Drs. Brown and Ilnr
rlngton, veterinary surgeons of
Portland, hnve opened up nn
office and hospital nt 203 Jersey
street, with ur. J. N. urnnt in
charire. and will carry n com
pleto lino of Drs. Brown and
Harrington's standard veterin
ary medicines. Hoping the pub
lie of St. Johns and vicinity will
patronize thoir home veterinary,
we beg to remain, your respect
fully. Dr. J. N. Grant. Dr. D.
W. Brown, Dr. W. E. Ilurrison.
Tho Jolly 'Sleen Club was on
tertained at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Derrieon Wed
nesday night. A splendid lunch
wns served in the den. Mi.
Markle won tho first prize, a
handsome framed painting. Dr.
nnd Mrs. A. W. Vincent won the
second prize, a hand painted salt
and popper shaker. Mrs. Gam
ine! received tho guost prize, a
hand embroidered handbag.
Those present ns guests of the
club were Mrs. R. D. Jackson of
Moro. Oregon: Miss Wlntermuto
of Seattle, Wash., nnd Mrs.
Gammel. Next week tho club
will meet with Mr. nnd Mi's.
W. R. Evens.
To launch a movement for an
80 foot boulevard along the St.
Johns rond through Lower Al-
bina from Killingsworth avenue
to Greeley street, a mass meet
ing of Peninsulars was held in
Peninsula Hall. All of tho im
provement clubs on the Lowor
Peninsula have joined in tho
movement. Petitions have been
signed by several thousand resi
dents and will be presented to
the Council in the near future.
If the scheme can bo carried out,
it is said a carline to St. Johns
will be constructed, so that
through service may be main
tained, shortening the running
time from 15 to 20 minutes into
tho business district of Portland.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co'
Accurate work. Reasonable feue.
II. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jory itrtflt. dv.
TBTi 1
Oldest Bank
l'KTKN Al'TZKN, 1'rCS.
John N. Udi.kfskk, Cash.
Your opportunity to sc? the widely-discussed films rejected by
will be given you by the wide-nwnkc city government of
3 days bcRiiuilujr YESTERDAY
Continuous, t To 1 1 P. M At
John and Ivnnlioe Stact.s. The Photo Dram.i
Theac famous films wore to hnve been .shown nt Ilellig Theatre
nt 25c.
Tnke plensnul enr ride to St. Johns, 5c each way. Gut off cur
nt John Street.
Decide for yourself nhotit the Films
IntAPnrtin Mnloe fnn ,n I well as lor children, am invni
interesting iVOteS lOr tllCluublc guide for correct costuming
Library Patrons
Library hours:
Afternoon- -12 tofi:3().
Evening- 7 to 1).
President Wilson's Flag Day
address in worthy of being mom-
omed by evory Ioynl Amoricnn.
It is a cliiKHic of patriotism fur
removed from the llamboynnt
oratory uruhIIv heard on such
occasions. You will find it
misted on the bulletin board.
Orders for vacation books are
now being received daily. He
member to get yours in early.
Look for Hie Oregon Section.
Three shelves are now given up
to books and other material re.
luting to Oregon life, industries,
inHtitutionx nnd history.
"It is not the chime for what
we really want that spoils life;
it is the mad rush for what other
people think wo ought to hnve."
So writett Mmirice Kgan in his
common aemu article on l ho
Pine Art of Simple Living in the
June Century. The articlo has
suggested the gathering together
of n group of hooka which, in
one way or another, bring out
the tmtiiifaction which is found
when u person lives his own life
honestly and sinceroly. You
will Unci tho books on tho reverse
side of the New Hook Hack.
Among them ure:
One Wny Out- Carlton.
The Common Lot- Honlek.
Mother Norn's.
Adventures in Contontment-
New Lives for Old- Carlton.
Things nn They Are-Hall.
Fisherman'H Luck 'Van Oyke.
New Hooka:
Tho Social Gospel- Mathews.
"Among genuine Christians,"
assorts Mr. Mathows, "there
ctin be no dill'erence as to the
fundamental conviction that tho
principles of Jesus must be put
into our social life or they will
bo forever inoperative." The
purpose of tho book is to set
forth the social teachings of
Jesus nnd his apostles as well as
the social implications of the
spiritual life.
Names lor Uuldrcn.
A dictionary of baptismal
names lor cmidron containing
upwards of 1200 namos with
their meaning and the language
from which thoy were derived.
Anti-butlrago -Goodwin.
"Ten good reasons."
Northwost Flora- Frye.
The author is professor of
Hotany in the University of
Washington. Geographically the
book covors Orogon, Idaho, Wash-
ngton and the southwest corner
of British Columbia, and it in
cludes only the flowering plants.
Tho troatmont is somewhat tech
nical and presupposes some
knowledge of botany. Hecom-
monded by Prof. SwueUor as tho
Ko Matter Hw Miny
Btoks You Kttp
bank VmA trlftr then all
Id IWfWflnm-r mvI mttr Wit
M U tMlanml Hi. i-nrM-4
vtMrti mv IwHi i than urn ra
il? m ynm tlr? rtMraro
l iiwnrt rM Wli rm lr
fwiH ywH" vmIi Notv?.
mwwMhi. TktNtt It 1
on the
1?. C. Knait, Vice I'm.
S. L. Domk, Am' l Cuali.
Under 16 Not ADMITTED
ibest authorrlty on Oregon wild
I llowers.
Children's Fancy Costumes.
, Illustrations nnd directions
for lives hundred costumes which
can be used for grown people Us-
111 representation 01 Historical,
literary or fanciful clutractes.
Voyage of the Ilopporgrnss
A whimsical, humorous tide
1 of udventuro on a week's cruise
' in a cat boat. A story of boys
land men. As the author puU it
- there are two kinds of nirntes
in it. One kind is for roadurs
from nbout 8 years old to, say,
10. The other kind is recom
mended from 1(5 up to 97 or 8.
Thero are other things IxMidu
tho pirntos, of course
To the General Public
We, the undersigned ministers
aud pastors of churches in St.
Johns, in response to the
of somo of the good people of
our city, have attended tho mov
ing picturo exhibit, " the House
of Bondage." nt the skating
rink, ami give tlie following n
our opinion of the ail'air. viz.;
That we disapprove ol tho ex
hibit as we do of all others that
carry with them immoral sug
That we believe it willoducalu
to the evil as much as away from
it. However, we recognizo that
with nn unmoral subjoct, wo do
not see how it could be dealt
with in a more modest way.
Hint wo aro persuaded that
much that has been said against
it has been done purely with tho
design of making advertising
out of it.
That it is anothorslap at Prot
estantism in deference to Roman
1 hat we most ournestly recom
mend to the city council that
they pass a suitable ordinauod
creating a board 01 censor
whose duty it shall be to censor
all such moving pictures and
vaudeville which may bo brought
before the public, and have full
power to act and suppress any
nnd all which thoy do not up.
Signed -W. IS. Ingalls, pastor
M. IS. Church; J. A. Goodw,
ISvangelical Church; E. P. Bor
den. Baptist Church: S. G. Hop
er, Free Methodist Church.
Paid in Full
All Modern Woodmen and any
other interested parties aro bore-.
by notitied that the insurance
policy of $3000 carried by de
ceased neighbor Charley G. Fay,
was ordered paid in full by Hank
draft within 10 dnys after pros
ontation of death proofs.
This notice is given ns com
plete refutation of statomonta
somo parties aro reported to
havo made.- Ghas, E. Garllck,
Clerk, No.7540, M, W. of A