St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 15, 1914, Image 3

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Beds, Beds, Beds!
AH Sacrificed in the Great
St. Johns Furniture Co.
AWiourIi every nrlulc of new furniture I, mnikcd wnv,
way down, we call particular attention to the Great IhrRnlns of
fered in our Iour list of Hrass an 1 Iron Beds
Many Have Profited by this Clos
ing Out Sale. You Can't Afford
to Miss It.
! St. Johns Furniture Co.
W3 R Tn ;
MttM HMtttHMttUt Mtttt
: LUMBER! Slabwood :
i. Rougli, Prompt Dry,
Dressed, Deliveries. Green,
Flooring, Qnalit) Blocks,
" Finish. Quuranlecd. Trimmings
Phone Columbia 131
I H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street
I Real Estate. Loans. Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared.
Set to Spitzenberg and
Newtown Apples
Trees in perfect condition;
fourth year. Located in the best
part of the famous valley, in Fruit
Home Colony. On the Trout Lake
road and also a public road run
ning along one side. Splendid
spring of water on the place.
Probably worth $10,000 in three
years, with a large and ever in
creasing income therefrom.
A Rare Bargain at $7,000
Also 8 acres adjoining the
above orchard, five acres in bear
ing commercial orchard, and three
acres set to almonds, 3 years old.
Good house and other outbuild
ings on place. Will be sold at a
bargain. Call at or address this office,
Brighten up time is here.
The time to clean up
nlioiit the hnue, u-modcl
ami uiiike the old things
look iieut and clean iiRiiin.
We ciin help you in the
work with our line of
Sherwln Williams-
Paints and Varnish
Hot Point Week
Special May II to 16
HI Glostovo Hlectric Stove, J
Ri'K S5.00 Special $2.50. (
Accurate Work Guaranteed j
r Local News
I 4
DAN'S Tltal'a art. adv
MIm l.wdlca llaacke of Port
latid was a iructl of Mis hc(de
SoUnrU the nnt week.
Mm. E. J. Dccdon of Portland
Is a guont of her daughter, .Mr.
i itormon, on North
i Jack McNivon came down
(from Contralla. Wash., the flrMi" Wow w other.
I ftf fir. innnli t n m . . ft..., T f . a
i niv m iwMi'wmHui
Jour pretty young girls.
I Mrs. W. I. Chidester and
daughter of Rose City Park, are
In the city visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mr. F. W. CotTyn, at
716 East Huchanan street.
Mm. I). J. Sclliml and daugh
tor. Bessie, left on Monday for
Toledo, where they will join Mr.
Scllard. They expect to make
that place their future home.
Their many friends wish them
much prosperity and happiness
in their new home.
Do not forget that the W. C.
T. U. mectintr next Mondav w
he held nt the Library instead of
the city hall. The subject wil
do very noiptui: "How may we
train ourselves to be religious
educators," the paper by Airs.
Briggs; discussion led by Mrs.
Cook.- Reporter.
It is said that a number of
boys amuse themselves by
smashing windows in vacant
buildings in the northern purt
of the city. They had better be
a little careful In the future or
may have an opportunity to
languish in the city bastile for a
few weeks.
The residence of J. W. Borker.
u&i Amherst street was tola v
destroyed by fire at about 9:30
Tuesday morning. The origin
of the fire is unknown. Mr.
Barker was at work at the time
and there was no one in the
house. The loss is estimated at
51 GOO with but slight insurance.
The S. P. I. class of the Bible
school of the Church of Christ
gave n lino Mothers' Day pro
grjfm May 10th. over 300 being
present, Uaby Day is to be ob
served this coming Sundny. A
cordial invitation extended to
all, especially mothers and
At the meeting of the Loyal
uraer oi moose Thursday even
ing, u military company was or
ganized as a branch of the order.
S. L. Dobie was-mado captain.
The company wns organized un
der the direction of E. P. Bod
ley of the Portland lodge, and Is
composed of more than fifty
members. Tho new company
will participate In the Rose
Carnival in uniform next month.
The Baraca class gavo a
pleasant social time last Tuesday
evening at their rooms to their
friends. Games were played
and fruits wero served, and all
enjoyed tho evening greatly.
There wero 35 present. The
noisiest young man there was
tho reporter, and tho quietest
young lady wns Alios Lucille
Dickie. Wo invito all young
men and ladles in this city who
do not attend any other Sunday
School to come to ours at 10 a.
m. Sunday at First Bontist
church on Chicago street. Re
porter, L. E. Wood.
The Portland Rose Festival
dates aro June 0 to 12. inclusive.
The only change of importance
in the program has been the
complcto elimination of Rex
Oregonus and tho substitution
of a "Queen of Rosaria" who
will be solo reigning monarch
during Festival week. The
election of Her Majesty and he
maids of honor is now on nnd
tho polls will be open until the
night of Saturday, May 10. The
queen nnd her court will be
given a grand tour of all the
principal coast cities prior to
the opening of the Rose Festival.
May 9th the Loyal Women of
the Christian church spent n
very pleasant afternoon at the
lomo of Mrs. J, W. Herwick,
702 North Seneca Btreet, tho
occasion being her birthday.
The home was finely decorated
with roses and a dainty lunch
was served, after which a social
time was had. Many beautiful
and useful presents were given.
After wishing her many returns
of the day, they departed.
Those present were Mesdames
Parker, aeeiey, tiasey, Mlsner,
McNiven, Vanalstine, Lear, Kel-
ey, Flynn. Fairwell. Whistler,
R. D. Powell, Olson, Carley and
Reports from nearly every
section of Oregon indicate
that the gram crop for 1914 will
be the largest in the history of
the state. Not only has the
grain acreage been greatly in
creased, but weather conditions
have been unusually favorable,
and in nearly all districts the
yield per acre will be larger than
usual. Fruit reports from some
sections are not quite as en
couraging as grain estimates,
but in most cases the loss from
frost has not exceeded the an
nual thinning of fruit A large
acreage of new orchards will
produce the first commercial crop
this year, and it is estimated
the total fruit yield will be far
above that of last year.
For Rent, housekeeping rooms.
Apply at 535 S, Jersey street,
1'lctttit filming dout at iHnlknd
ptlm t II V. CUtk'i. the futttt
lur tnr.ii A4v.
i A good II t of theUtort Dance
Record for Columbia r VJcter
Machine att (he SU J mm Phar
macy. ttr.
! Girl nrr wearing cMkcn tUnt
look as If ibcy had Ikhm made
! for ''lg wtor.
An antl-trvatlng law wtmtrf W
Rc thlni? for pome fofam-s ami
ijovn tv is wnni make evtrv
man lie n nine about trio jHHia
tion oi tits own town.
The Christian Church jeoplc
anticipate getting out a church
paper weekly of about 160 copien.
Chickens for Sale- Rhode Is.
land Reds. Call 16?G Laura
street; phone Columbia 050.
When a fellow's conscience ac
cuses him he ought to be glad
vunun nun uv wuKlik if tv Klillll.i , . , . ,
that it can't tnlk loud enough for of knowing themselves to be
his wife to hear.
Matrimony is ono thing young
people plunge into without any
For Rent Five room house on
N.TPolk street. Phone Wood-
lawn 1(512. adv.
Woman has not dislodged man
from tho front seat of the motor
cycle yet, but she is crowding
Bernard Shaw wants women to
demnnd $10,000 before consent
iiur to become mothers, lie ncv
ergotthnt idea from his parents.
I. W. W. lenders are going to
encourage race suicide, it will
bo a Krand thine provided Uio.v
confine it to themselves.
Good board, clean rooms, at
the White House; $5 per week.
Auto lor hire by day, hour or
trip, at very reasonable rates.
Good opportunity for parties of
four or less to make a trip into
the country at a low price. H.
M. Waldref.009 Fcssqnden street.
Mrs. J. N. Edlcfscn and
Master John and daughter Ruth
left Tuesdny on the Beaver for
an extended trip to uniuornin
with Mrs. Edlefsen's parents
and other friends.
A line of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at the Review
office: 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for live
ueforo subscribing for any Mrs. C. O. Rogers,
Columbia 104:309 Smith avenue,
north. Now or renewal sub-
scribtions to any magazine pub
lished are solicited. Lowest club
rates aro furnished -and delivery
Lost - Thursday afternoon,
May 7th. small black purse con
taining 75 in gold, on the fol
lowing route: uot ott the enr
at Burlington street, went on
west sido of Jersey to Baltimore.
north sido of Baltimoro to Craw
ford, on west sido of Crawford
to Pittsburg, east slue of Craw
ford to Burlington, north side
of Burlington to Decatur, cast
sido of Decatur to John street.
west sido of John to Edison, west
sido of Edison to Richmond,
north sido of Richmond to Jer-
soy, west side ot Jersey to
Charleston ; got car. Any Wood
man, Odd Fellow or Mason
finding same, please return to a
sister. Leave at this office and
receive ample reward. adv.
Councilman II. M. Wnldref
ins launched into tho occupation
of motoring picnic parties and
others on outings and excursions
to tho country. Ho owns a first
class auto of good speed, and he
is a most careful
nnu reliable
.... I
driver. Any party ot lour or
ess desinntr to spend a dav on
a fishing, picnic or pleasuro ex
cursion will be accommodated by
Mr. waidret at a very low price.
Many of our people in the past
inve at times desired to secure
some manner of being conveyed
to tho country, especially on
Sundays, but were unable to
find a proper conveyance except
at a prohibitive price. Mr.
Waldref has now supplied this
need, and if he finds that one
auto will not bo sufficient to
supply the demand, will add
more to ns equipment, so u
you want to make a trip or ex
cursion, see him about it.
People should be careful how
they address letters for delivery
in the city of St. Johns, es-
pecially so since the auto service
for picking up tho evening mail
has been established. Manv
etters to parties in this citv are
addressed "city" instead of "St.
Johns." Hence such mail is
picked up in the evening and
taken to tho general office in
ortland. Those addressed to
St. Johns are returned here for
delivery the first thing in the
morning. Those addressed to
city" are held m Portland until
the carriers discover that the
mail does not beloncr there.
There have been cases wero let
ters have been meant for parties
in St. Johns but addressed to
'city" that have gone to Port
and, and not gotten back for
almost a week. It is not the
mail officials' fault, but entirely
the people's. So if you want a
person in St. Johns to get a let
ter, don't address it "city."
Make it St, Johns, Oregon.
Nt l4 m
Sirictly Attary. CWmirVi
barWr nhop.
Clean home roekttJ
the White IloM
Patent ModlciMM at cut mt
t trice?: Columbia Pltumtrawlw
and Record, AttPcoCauwnw! nnd
rums: best line f Milk ami
package candles in 0t rity at
The St. Johna Pharmao . h .
For Rent- Five room 1mmmh nn
X. Polk street. PIkwm Wood.
lawn Itll'J. d.
For Sale- Fortv acre No. 1
land near Ridgetleld, Washing!
ton; 23 acres c oared. In order!
to close up an ostate. will otfwi
tins land very cheap.- Thad. T.
Parker. Holbrook buildlmr. St.
Johns, Oregon; phone Col. 110.
Am exncctimr to leave St.
Johns about May 15th. AH
indebted to me will nlcasc call
and settle the r accounts before
the above named date and oblige
vr. K. A. Jnyne, M. U. adv
Feed your vounir chicks Mesa
Poultry Panacea and keep .them
free from ice by using Instant
Louse Killer, and you will in
sure rapid growth. Get it at
the bt. Johns Pharmacy, adv.
"Watches" made over into
T ..1
x ini.-iii:i;i:a ilk I I'ilBUiillUlU
ratos nt Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
For Sale Fine foldimr bed
nnd springs; also Barred Rock
hens and oinrs c tean. G19 E.
John street: phone Columbia
Berry crates and boxes for
sale. Portland Manufacturing
U)., toot ot Kfchmond street.
uemcmucr way n to loth s
Hot Point Week. $5.00 E eciric
btovc. HI Ulostovo. can bo nur
chased for $2,60 at tho St. Johns
Hardware Co. adv.
Mrs. Clara Greer, spiritual
medium; readings daily except
aunuay, evenings by appoint
ment: 311 Montgomery street,
Portland: Marshal 3083. C r
cles Wednesday 8 p. in. adv.
ror uent modern a room
house; all kinds of fruit: irood
garden spot.: a snap. See it at
once. '140 E. Chicago street.
All persons knowinir them
selves indebted to Chas. Sagert
aro requested to settle on or
before May 20th at 103 North
Jersey street, the books for the
present being in the hands of E
O. Mngoon, to whom all pay
mcnts may Do made. adv.
Poverty Is a blessing to many.
It keeps them from stay nir out
late at night.
Persons desiring to contribute
toward tho success of Miss Stel
la Campling as Queen of the Car
nival at tho Koso f estival may
uo so uy calling at this oihce, as
a subscription paper has been
left hero for that purpose. Miss
Campling is n most deserving
young lady, and it is tho hope
of all that she may meet with
success in her desire to be
The electrical storm which
passed over the city Wednesday
ovenlng was the most brilliant
seen hero for years, and almost
made somo of the Enstcrn na
tives feel homesick.
An electric massage, only one
in town. uilmore's barber shop.
Georgo M, Ilylnnd, tho silvoi
tongued orntor of Portland, and
a man who has given much of
his life tocivic improvement and
the betterment of conditions in
mill nrnnnfl PnrMnnd irnvn
ft. . . V. ft. . m. ft........ " ' ft
8iemid talk before tho Com-
mcrcfal Club nt its regular
monthly meeting Wednesday
evening, ine object oi Mr. liy-
Innd's remarks was to arouso in
terest nnd public sentiment to
ward having the approach to tho
Interstate Bridge changed from
Union avenue to somo othor
street on which an exclusive
franchise for ono street enr line
does not obtain. He had maps
to show tho advantages of a di
rect approach over the detour
one to union avenue, anu told
how a common user approach
would beneht and how an ex
clusive approach would be dctri
mental to the interests of both
states. Tho object ho desired
to attain was a reconsideration
of the question by the County
Commissioners, and permit a
fair hearing on the merits ot all
streets suitable for approach. His
remarks wero listened to with a
creat deal of interest, and a res
olution was adopted unanimous
ly asking for a reconsideration
of the question, and a committee
will be appointed by President
Bonham to present them to tho
County Commissioners personal-
ly. Mr. Hyland stated the mat
ter rested entirely with Chair
man of the Board Holman, as
the other two Commissioners
had committed themselves on
the proposition. A representa
tive of the Overlook Improve
ment club was also present and
made a few remarks favoring a
change in the approach to tho
bridge, and said that his club
was to take the matter up with
the Commissioners Thursday
morning. Seven new members
were added to tho enrollment of
the Commercial Club.
, I
Oldest tank
l'KTK VTtVH, l'rw.
. -r m riw.r
Annual Conference
The annuul conference of the
Women's Forefunnnd Home Mis
sionary societies of the United
Evangelical churches of Oregon
nnd southern Washington which i
was attended uy zt delegates,
was brought to a close at St.
Johns United Evangelical church
Sunday night by an address on
Practical Experiences in Mis-
sionnry work" by Kev. ijyiu.i.
Beebe, a missionary returned
from Laos, Siam. During the
four days confer jnco the- mis
sionary focielies ol the other
local churches sent fraternal
delegates and members of the
congregations attended. Sunday
night the M. E. church dismissed
its services and the congrega
tion attended tin Beebe lecture
In u body. Sunday morning
Mrs. G. M. lhnmpson of bnlem,
who was reelected recording
secretary, delivered the annual
sermon on "Labor, Liberality
and Love."
Mrs. Myra StiuilVor of Hills-
boro, who presided and was re-
ectcd president, delivered the
annual address Thursday on
"General Activities in the Home
and 1'orcign hod." rriday
afternoon a round table discus
sion of different phases of the
work was held by delegates.
Mrs. Galloway was chosen presi
dent of the Mission baud.
A missionary entertainment
of pantomime, recitations, songs,
etc., was given rriday evening
by local children under tho aus
pices of tho missionary societies
of tho locul United Evangelical,
Baptist, Christian, Methodist
nnd Congregational churches.
An address was given to tho
young people Saturday night by
the first vice president-elect,
Mrs. Rov. C. ('. Poling of Port
land. Mrs. Rev. A. A. Winters of
Salem, who spoke Saturday
afternoon on "Gleanings From
Africa," sulVered u nervous
breakdown, nnd has been at the
parsonage on John street in a
rathor serious condition.
W. R. C. Have Good Time
The W.
R. C. entertainment
7th was of unusual
given May
intorest. from tho fact that so
many outsldors took part show
ing a growing interest in our
order. While the Corps is grow
ing rapidly, we have room for
many more, uncof the pleasant
features of the occasion was
Miss Alice Brown's song nnd
music furnished by tho Corona
Tho W. R. C. wish to thank all
those who assisted in the enter
tainment, especially Mrs. Asper
for her eltorts, nnd nil those
who gave financial nid. Fifteon
cents is not much, but the com
bined amount was a good sum,
which wns very acceptable just
now, as we aro getting some
more memorial budges for the
Old Boys, and there are so many
ways we could help them it we
had tho means, for our object
is: "To especially aid and as
sist tho Grand Army of the Re
public und perpetuate the mem
ory ol their heroic (load, lo
assist such Union veterans as
need our help and protection,
nnd to extend needful aid to
their widows and orphans."
Press Correspondent.
The combined commercial
bodies of Coos County have de
cided to erect a building at the
Panama Pacific Exposition. The
lumber mills of tho county have
agreed to furnish all needed
wooden material, the railroads
will transport it to California
free of charge, and tho county
court nnd the citizons aro ex
pected to provide tho necessnry
funds, about $15,000, to pay for
collecting and installing the
Tho Salem Cherry Fair will bo
held June 25-27, inclusive. It
has been decided to hold the
show at tho Court House grounds,
and that In addition to cherries,
there will bo exhibits of small
Wanted Tent and appurten
ances, sizo about 12x14. Ad
dress 922 N. Kellogg; phone
Col. 691. adv.
Stcnltr if Kmc
mi Htfjto
i!l t Itw tnftMw Ike utmr
.- Ik Wyi t.(
' - f n
WMl llMlV pHM tttt
wtwtww nP wiwi
tto trMMtJ mMc vnkw m
twnr, i cm .
p. TW mmII Wfc
on the
V C. Knait. Vice PrtM.
S. I. Dohik, Aft't C)t.
vwt.Tn i r ri .
i s i
items of interest Regard
ing School Doings
The organizations among thu
students have helped a great
deal in the past year, each in is
particular way, to Interest pupils
aim pareius in uiu woi'K oi tno
High School. The Athletic As
sociation has aided in developing
enthusiasm and spirit in all tho
snorts that have been taken up.
Ihe students, being interested
in the sports, it is most natural
that the patrons of the school
become interested. Like thu
Athletic Association, the II ink
Ivlatawah Club helps in thu
same way; all the girls of tho
High School are eligible as mem
oes and most of them belong.
The hikes arc to be continued,
for one and all have enjoyed the
long and short trips that have
been taken, and expect to go on
others soon. Although thu
Dramatic Club has helped in a
different way, it has done its
part in bringing the students
closer together. The entertain
ments given by the club have
been hailed with delight, show
ing that the students enjoy them
and are looking forward to
others. Last, but not least, the
diire re nt class organizations
huvo helped in their way to
bring the students together.
They make possible in the High
School a social life which is
most pleasant. They have en
tertained one another in many
ways, showing their ingenuity
in making and carrying out
plans of entertainment. Tho
class organizations bring tho
students into social contact more
than any other organization in
tho High School. Tho Senior
Class is now preparing for their
farewell parties and much is ex
pected of them because of their
provious successes.
"Her Friend, the Enemy,"
tho Senior Play, is progressing
rapidly and it is expected that
it will ho produced very soon,
although as yet no date has been
definitely decided upon. It Is u
war drama in four acts, which
must, without doubt, interest
every American. The plot is
most exciting, being u story of
the Civil War time, with Mas
sachusetts nnd Virginia tho
scenes ot action. Along with
tho very dramatic personae,
Diana, Jack and Frank, ure the
interesting Aunt Chloe and Ligo
who afford no end of fun whilo
they centime to scold each other.
Tho cait of characters is as fol
lows: Captain Jnck Wernbrook,
U. S. A., who holds honor above
all else. Clarence Kreuger; Frank
Fleming, u scapegrace, Frank
Bugbee; Colonel James Burton,
C. S. A., with strong convic
tions, Everett Smith; Lieutenant
Berkeley Burton, C. S. A., his
son, Frank Wright; Zebediah
Jonks, Yank to the backbone,
George HufVord; Ligo, a negro
servant, Wilbur Bollinger; Diana
Burton of Richmond. Beuluh
Beam; Addio Jcnks, Zebediah'a
daughter, Maggie Dickie, and
Aunt Chloe, Llgo's bettor
Lulu Day. Reporter.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co'
Accurate work, Reasonable fees.
II, Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street- Adv.
St. Johns' people have discovered
that A SINGL15 DOSK of simple
buckthorn bark, (glycerine, etc., as
compounded in Adler-i-ka, the
German appendicitis remedy, re
moves gas on the stomach and con
stipation AT ONCIS. St. Johns
Try our famous Rose Spray,
ready for uso; only 25 cents per
gallon. Also a complete lino of
tho various sprays, fumigators
and insecticides, parasito des
troyers, etc., for (lowers, plants,
fruits, vegetables and animals.
At the St. Johns Pharmacy, ad