St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 15, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Frldny
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tun UnviKW Is entered t post office j
lit Saint Johns, Oregon, ns man mmicr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch i, 1879.
All communication should lit tdlritl to
n Bsrltw, 81. Johns, Orion.
OffleiU Mswipipsr cf lh Oily of fV. Joins.
Subscription pries $1.00 per year.
The matter of fire apparatus,
which had become n much moot
cd nuestion in St. Johns, is now
settled for a time at least. At
a special mooting of the city
council Saturday evening it was
decided that the city purchase
an auto truck and have the
chemical engine mounted thereon
nt n nrice commote of SSJ85U
The work of transforming the
nu to into u regular fire np
parntus will be done by Messrs.
Lctson and Hose at the Kicli
mond street garage, which in
itself is a matter of some pride
the knowledge that such work
can be done in St. Johns. It is
proposed that two paid firemen
be secured at salaries of $75 and
$60 per month, respectively.
One of them to incidentally give
his attention to keening the ap
paratus in shape, and the other
to serve us janitor at the city
hall. It is also proposed that
tho Bum of $300 annually be con
tributed to the fire department,
instead of $1000 as heretofore.
As $700 will thus be suvod from
the animal appropriation to the
fire department and !?li)U saved
in tho salary of janitor, it makes
a total saving ol 31UU0 annually.
Two firemen at S75 and $60,
respectively, would amount to
$1620, or an additional cost of
$320 per year over what was
previously paid, and given the
city much bettor service. It is
proposed also, later on, to give
tho neonlo of the city an omior
tunity of purchasing a pumping
engine by bond issue. Hut for
the present it is believed that
tho auto truck will serve. The
firemen that formerly served
have expressed satisfaction with
the new addition to the fire
cmiipmcnt. and are reorganizing.
Tho city council has shown that
it can grapple with and solve an
emergency when it arises, and
have done the best they could
do under the circumstances.
Now. since the auto has vir
ttially been secured, it behooves
tho property owners of St. Johns.
in front of whose property the
streets are not improved, to get
busy with petitions ami have all
streets placed in first class con
dition. so that tho greatest sor
vice may bo obtained by use of
the now auto truck.
samm mm eaaamjax," " m-wm 1 "-uuc-
Pleasant Reflections
usually come to those who deserve memories
of pleasant moments. One of the pleasant
est recollections in many a man's life is
when he thinks of the time he started his
first bank account. For doesn't he owe his
independence to-day to THAT start? To
day he has a business of his own, a cozy
home, and a comfortable bank surplus. All
by the great lesson taught by the little bank
account) he once started. Why not benefit
by experiences such as these?
Warm Weather Comfort
in our underwear, shirts, etc. The short or no
drawers, the soft bosomed sliirts. all conduce to a
cool comfort that is only equalled by tneir gooa
looks and evident class.
B. V. D.
Underwear Will Seen be I" Oemansi. uoi
Your Eupplr Mere
Game Law Deputies
The Commercial club has
taken up the matter of the im
provement of Richmond street,
between Willamette boulevard
and the river, and intends to
aid the city council in working
out some method whereby it may
he improved this year. 11 is
said that St. Johns ha loxt one
or two good industries becaiiHe
this street had not prcvioiuly
been placed in Urst class con
dition for hauling over, and it
is proposed to not lose any more
on that account. It is said that
the only reason tho Nicoli sash
and door factory now located at
Kenton did not locate on Hrad
ford street wus because Rich
mond street was not placed in
propor condition. Thos. Autzen.
V. S. Lnuthora and W. M.
Tower were appointed a coin
mittce to look up data and as
cortnin if any impediments now
existing in tho way of improve
ment of Richmond street might
not bo surmounted. Tho indus
tries along Bradford street have
been at a disadvantage on ac
count of tho nbsonco of good
strcots leading to the business
section, mid it is high time that
ways and means for bettor road
ways to tho river iront aro pro-
ided. It is 0110 of tho chiof
things that any industrial com
nanv would look at when Book
ing n new location feasible and
adequate menus of ingress and
egress. St. Johns has not pre
viously given as much attention
to this subject as it has do-
served. But it is to bo hopod
that since tho Commercial club
has taken up one street loading
to the water front, that it will
not discontinue its olforts until
a completo syBtom of good roads
have been established so that
manufacturing plants will bo
given incentive to locate hore.
Tho regrotnblo fonturo con
nected with tho purchase of an
auto truck ior lire purposes is
tho displacement ol Mr. D. J,
Horsman as janitor nt tho city
hall. He has served in that
capacity for sovoral yoars in a
capable and satisfactory manner,
is a most worthy citizen, an old
soldier and n genial and highly
respected citizen. As a land
scape artist ho is a genius, and
has kept the grounds surround
ing the city hull in n most at
tractive condition. But in the
now oruer 01 unrigs mo my
council could not, in tho intorost
of economy, see their way cloar
to longer retain him us janitor.
Where shall I get my hair cut?
At Gilmore's barber shop. adv.
For the betterment of game
Inw enforcement throughout
Multnomah and Clnckamus coun
ties, District Game Warden
Frank l-Jrvin lias appointed,
through State Game Warden
IHvans. eight special
game wardens to assist in tho
enforcement of the game laws
throughout these two counties.
l lioso aro men who believe in
the protection of game birds,
animals and game fish. They
aro instructed to help protect
the game and assist in the pro
tection of all game fish through
out their respected localities.
State Game Warden Evans wants
to cooperate with tho sportsmen
throughout the state at all times
so as to keep the game violations
down as mucn us posstuic.
These special deputies aro under
the orders 01 District unmo
Warden ICrvin, and will report
to him for their orders at all
times. Most all the men appoint
ed own or ride motorcycles and
arc in lite Holds or on the streams
every Sunday and a great deal
of the time throughout the weekj
days. The names of the spccinl ,
lepuiieM nppunucu are as ioi-
lows: Harry Richards of Fort-
land; Harry Long of tho Con-
Htable's olllco. Portland: Leroy
Weirof Milwaukee; Warren Cor
nell of Portland i Leonard Gard
ner of Canby; Arthur Howling
of Milwaukee; A. E. Kessler
and Bon Atthows of Grcsham.
Any violations of tho game laws
n this district can bo reported
to District Dopnty Ervin. 800
oon bldg., Portland.
inn Club extended its vote of
i thanks to tho entertainers and
. .
rcsoiveu to neeoine hotter ac
quainted by entering the James
John High School next Fall and
helping to make it a grand suc
cess, and to patronize not only
"Currins for Drugs," but "Cur-
rins for Music."
The Coronu Bovs Chorus is
deputy engaged in a lively competition
with the Corona girls' gleo club.
At present tho odds are in favor
of the boys, in both tone and
popularity. Reporter.
Don't forget that our towns
man D. C. Lewis is n cundidute
for Representative on tho Re
publican ticket. Ho has lived
in St. Johns for several years
and is known to most of our citi
zens as an active and hustling
gentleman. That ho would do
anything in his power if elected,
to advance the interests of this
section is a foregone conclusion.
Corona Club Events
Thursday evening tho Corona
Orchestra played in tho Odd Fol
lows' hall at an entertainment
given by the Women's Relief
Corns. Four selections were
rendered, consisting of Aloha,
Evening Bells, bunshino and
Roses, and Chesapeake Bay.
Friday ovening found tho Co
rona Orchestra at the Evangeli
cal church, playing hymns and
enjoying the rest of the program
givon by the children of tho vn-
rous bimdny schools of tho city.
l he Corona I lub wishes to
thank tho several associations
that havo so kindly recognized.
encouraged and entertained tho
Club Orchestra.
M. F. Biirghduir and hor Co
rona 'hive wires" issued spe
cial invitation to tho High School
faculty to moot tho Corona Club
and addiuss it at its regular
Tuesday evening session at the I
bt. Johns Branch Library. Asi
tho Club is composed of the
members of the Contrnl School
Graduating Class, it is interest-'
cd in knowing what tho James.
John High School has to offer
for tho next semester, and in be-!
coming acquainted with tho fu
ture instructors.
Miss Rundull gave a very in
structive talk on High School '
English, its importance and con-,
neotion with every day life.
Mr. White spoke ot athletic ac
tivities and the necessity of a I
well balanced body, both men-1
tally and physically. !
Miss Clinton spokoof thend-l
vantages of n collego education !
and the high school as prepara-!
tory for higher intellectual ad
vancement, 'lhe program was
made especially interesting by
several musical solections from
a Victrola machine, which was
kindly loaned by Mr. Currin for
tho ocension.
Tho Club manager gavo n treat
of chgico candies, and tho Coro-
"I.i'M Delnv, Less Tecliniciilltyntul
Mote Justice hi our Court."
l Ircult JiiiIkc for Multnomah County
Candidate for the Republican K0111
limtlou for
Do not fardel that the Supreme
llcnch of Oregon I couiosel of
seven member; four of the seven
places nre to lie filled at the forth
coming election. Multnomah County
it not reprekviiteil oil the Supreme
llench. Jiuljje Cleeton is the only
Candidate tor the Supreme lleucli
from Multnomah County.
1)0 not Cornet that Judge Cleeton
closed the bridges, thereby giving to
those who had to cross the bridges
during the busy part of the day
closed periods for three half hours
each, morning and evening.
Hemeuiber, also, that iie upheld
the minimum wage law, and declared
the tax penalty law invalid,
PATTERN COUPONS: Our supply of
redeem your Coupons May 1 0th
Free Patients have nrrivrtl. Kindly
S. & H. Green Trad
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases,
and on charge ac
counts when Paid
in Full at least every
30 days.
litis Coupon Good Tor
to WK or
mure, these stainl v.111 lw In addition to regular stamp
given with the purchase.
Ten 10 S. & H.
If presented uinhi making a purchase amounting
Not Good After May 30
S. &. H.
Stamps nre the
umera Uiteount.
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St Johns, Ore.
jPhone Columbia 137
A new assortment of Silk
coats have arrived
and are now
at $2.25
on sale
IO Years in St. Johns
Our KovcriVtnent's accepting
tho olFor of the ministers from
Brazil. Argentine und Chili
should have one Rood result. It
should be a notice to the most
churlish of tho Mexican liars,
who have sought to inflame
public opinion- which by tho
way is a monumental joke- tnat
the United States is not covetous
of anything in Mexico, nnd that
our only desire is that tho Mexi
can peoplo should restore order
and peaco in their country, and
Ko on in pouce to occupy their
own country, ncaco witn oruer
and without icar, that they
may develop tho wonderful pos
sibilities that 'are being tram
pled on now Qoodwin's Weekly.
Vote For
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereliv uiveu that npiwtlon
incut of thecmtnl improvement (if Hart
man street, from the north lineof Cent nil
avenue to tlie west sine line 01 uswcko
sin-el. total ci-ft of which isfGC27,37,
I lias Ih-cii iipxtrliinvd mid is on file in the
Mine ol tlie until P.IHHCH, suiijcci iocx
Ukttauuicut district extends back to
tlie center of Int.. blocks or tracts of
land nbiitttiiK on wid street hs provided
liy the clly charter ami rcwlullou.
Hcmonsirtiuci' against' Niid npxrtIou
mint may he made in writing and lilci
widi the uudcrtlL'iied until 5 o'clock
1'. M. June 1.1911.
I'ublishnl in the St. Johns Review
May 15 mid 22. 1911..
Geo. S. Shepherd
Republican Candidate
Deep Water
To The Sea
Mayor J. B. Schaefer
of Unnton, for
Republican Nomination for
County Commissioner
Multnomah County
Republican Candidate for Judge
of the Circuit Court.
Department Six.
' l relv iiiMjn tuv record as Circuit
' Judj-e, and. if uomtiiated am) elected, I
will continue to ndmiuster justice with
out delay or trcliuicaltics. and as an
earnest advocate of judicial reforms."
(laid Advertisement.)
Candidate for Re-election for
It is resolved by the City of St. Johns
That It deems it expedient mid licccs.
snry to improve the Kasierly side of
North IvcIIokk street, from tlie Norther
ly Hue of St. Johns Ave. to the Southerly
line of llruce Ave. In the City of M.
Johns In the following manner, to wit:
Ily cradliiK the said easterly side of
Noith KclloxK street to the established
Hrmle nnd by luyiuj; n 6 foot cement
walk, 12 foot curb on said easterly side
uf said street, witli necessary cement
cross walks and corrugated iron gutters
according to the plans and specifications
oi tlie city engineer on lilc in the oitice
of the City Recorder relative thereto,
which said plans nnd stweificatious and
estiiuulcs arc satisfactory nnd arc hereby
approved. Said improvements to be
in accordance with the charter nnd
oidiuances of the city of St. Johns,
nnd under the suiicrvisiou ami direction
of the city engineer.
That the cost of said Improvement to
be nsscsscd ns provided by the city chart'
er upon the proticrty especially nnd par
ticulnrly benefited thereby, and which is
hereby declared to be all of lots, parts of
lots, blocks and parcels ol laud between
the termini of such improvements abut
ting upon adjacent or nproxlmate to said
sireei, iroiu me marginal lines ol satii
street back to tlie center of the block or
blocks or tructs of laud abutting thereon
or proximate thereto.
That nil the property Included In said
Improvement district aforesaid is hereby
iirciurcii 10 ie"i,ocai improvement wis
trictNo. 112."
That the city engineer's assessment
of the probable total cost of said liu
proveiuciit of said street is f 1817.63.
That the cost of said street to be as
setsed agulust the proderty In said local
assessment district ns provided by the
charter of the Citv of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this 5th day
oi .uny, rjH.
Published in the St. Johns Review
May 8 and IS, l'JH.
Fumiturc'Mfg. Co.
533535 Dawsou St.
In the l'rench lllock
Special Furniture Built to Order.
Popular Mechanics
"witrrrtN so vou can understand it"
A CREATContIouJStoryof lh.Vo.U'
" troirwhi.h ou may twain reading
t any time, and which will hold your
Interest forever. ou are llvija in ihebtit
ycir. of the most wonderful age. of what is
aouou casino
A rendent
reatett world in the universe.
aian wouu gumy pay-
61 nfifl FOR ONX YEAR'S
to this order to keep Informed of
our progress la bnsuuvring and Mechanics.
Aic iou reading it? Two millions of your
n. hbors are. and it is the faronte raaga
slue in thousands of the best Ameiican
homes. It appeals to all classes old and
young men and women
Th "Stop Vttf" BnuiaMt (SO pscm)
BUM nii ways to do iuuhj how to nuts
Uitul arUlM for doom slid ttiop, repairs, eta.
" Ann t tar If Khimki" (10 rSM) tells how to
nuke Sltwhu furntwr. wlrelM outflu. bruu
ntf toes, angle, and all lha things a boy lotes?
S1.SOP1R YIAH. smcui Goncs is eCNTSS
wwtc ron mt amiik crv today
The Store of Style
Summer Frocks
A .splendid collection uf Pretty Summer Frocks in Plain mid
Stripped Voiles, in Crepe Cloth, Saline, Linen. In llltie, Pink,
White, Lavender nnd Tan. Some nre Lnce nnd Hmhroidcry
Trimmed, others with Overskirt KlTcct and contrn.stiiiK color
combinations. Ideal Summer Dresses for Comfort nnd Uconoiny,
Range in Grades up to $13.00, Specially Priced for Jjo PZ
Friday nnd Saturday nt only. IpOiOU
in Lingerie nnd Marquisette, Beautifully Styled and Finish
ed. The Latest touch of fashion plainly seen in every
model. Waists really worth $3-50 nnd $4.00, Specially
Priced at only $2.50
While trading at our store you can supply your needs with
out nn Outlay of Rendy Cash. You can Remit for your Pur
chases in Weekly or Monthly Payments. This Credit Accomo
datfon is Free of Charge,
Ask for People's Trading Stamps
405 Waslijngton St., Cor. IQIIi, Portland. Ore.
. The Store of Service
Dr. F. Ii. Darnmasch
ais v. n wuajEtoa sc. CHICAGO
NoU th label on your paper.
F.OQ RENT cards at this efflea.
My only opponent in the nomination of Coroner at
the coming primaries, has made the statement that
"he is in favor of a public morgue by the people,"
which means, as he interprets it, an act of the legisla
ture and an appropriation; this in turn means addition
al TAX.
My platform is simple and plain. I have not at
tempted to fog the vital points by claiming to indorse
a public morgue, if the people will vote a TAX to
maintain it.
I will establish and maintain a public morgue with
out ADDITIONAL TAX. Is this plain?
I will be Coroner of Multnomah county and not
the representative of an undertaker. Is this plain?
I positively will not place the office at any under
taker's place of business, nor will they or any of then
assistants be associated in any way with the office.
Is this plain?
(PsU AdrcttUcmcBt)