Splendors of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Revealed by Progress at San Francisco. SUPERB WORKS OF SCULPTURE AND ART COLOSSAL EXHIBIT PALACES FOR AMER ICA'S PANAMA CANAL CELEBRATION. IN G LINTS of gold from vrnit oriental domes, Venetian bluo on mlnnrctn, pro- tlliiloiia works of nculnturo mid tlio orrlvnl of notables from nil iiittd of tbo globe rIvo RlliniweM of tlio great I'miiimn-Pnclflc Intornntlonni Exposition an It will nppeur when Its gntcs swing open to tho world In Han FrntielHCO on Fob. 20, 11)10. Not for many yenrs will tbo world bo enabled to enjoy so mnrvclons n collection of the works of conteinpornry sculptors. Tbo World's Columbian Exposition at CblcaRO first proved that tbo greatest talent might bu engaged to produce work of even temporary value Htnco then moro and more atten tion has been given at each succeedlnif exposition to sculpture ns it form of decoration, and tbo great Pnnnmn-Pnclflc International Exposition at San Francisco promises to surpass even Chicago's exquisite display. Every phaso of the exposition la far advnnccd. Thirty-four of tho world's nations will participate with government displays, Argentina leading with a KOTN-ument appropriation of $1,1100,000 gold. ORDINANCE NO. 599 An Ordinance Providing the Time and Manner of Im proving Burr Street from Smith Avenue to1 Banks Street in the' City of St. Johns, Oregon. AIRSHIPS WILL RACE AROUND FRANCISCO If THE GLOBE I 1915. FROM SAN AUItONAUTS from all tho rlvlllzt-d nations of the globo with ovcry Htaudard typo of nlr mi ft ililvcn by melon will pnrtk'lpiito In H an aerial raco around tbo world, which will bo n Couture of tlio Hporlliig liveuU to bo held during tho I'liimnm-I'acllle Interna tloinil ExpoHltlon nt Kan I'iiiiu Nco In 1015. The race will Mart from tho grounds of tho Exposition In May, 101ft, ml will end then'. Thrco hundred tlioimnnd dolltnn has been hung up In prizes for this Miipmidiim world girdling contest. A number of tbo world's grutit avlaton have idgnlflcd their Inlentlon of entering the in cm. Tho roceiit Might of Htnctller, ending at MiiIIiniikpii, tier nuiiiy, In which ho covered l.:t7f milt, convlncox nvlatora that long flight nro a matter of in!oiiiiito Hiipply Htiitloim. Tho nliovv photogrnpli howa tbo routo around tbu woild and tho varloiu aiipply stiitloiiH, Oopyrlsht, 114, by J'anama l'a iflo International reposition Co. COLOSSAL GLASS DOME FOR PALACE OF HORTICUL TURE AT WORLD'S GREATEST EXPOSITION. THE photograph nbovo hIiowh (ho bugo Palace of Horticulture at tbo rananm-ractflp international Exposition at Han Francisco In 1015 Tho building Mill bo constructed almost entirely of glass. Tbo bugo domo will bo ISO feot In height and IBS feet In diameter. At night colored MNm-hllghta placed within tho building will play upou tbu Itudde of tbo dome, giving It tbo uppcarunco of a luagnltlceut voap bubble, liKlomout with all tbo color of tbu ruin bow. Tbo building will cover II vo iieiva. Copyright. 19U, by Panama-Pa iflc International Exposition Co. SUPERB FRIEZE FOR WONDERFUL EXHIBIT PALACE, PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, 1915. THE world will enjoy at San Francisco In 1015 the most marvtl. ous collection of sculpturo ever presented at u universal exposi tion. The photograph aliove shows an exquisite bas-relief rep resuming the ilveloiment of tho industry, to bo placed over tbo nuance, of the colossal I'alaco of Varied Industries. The tlgurea are of huge Mia Tho work Is by Itulph Htackpole, tbu brilliant American sculptor, and roprukout. one of his Uuest creations. The city of St, Johns does ordain follows: The council of the city of St. Johns, liming ascertained the cost of itntirovttig Hurr street from the norlbcny side Hue of Smith avenue to the southerly side Hue of llnnksl Street in the city of St. Johns, as shown by the resolution ot the council ot said city, dated oijj the 31st day of Mar., 1914, and recordciP in the office of the recorder of said city, mill notice thereof bavin); hecu published in the St. Johns Review, a weekly news-' Mtcr of general circulation, on the 1 3rd and loth days of April, 19M,, as shown in toe aiiidavit 01 Hie 1 foreman of said tmpcr, which .said afliil'i vit is 011 file in the office of the city re corder; niid legal posting of notices of Mich improvement, an shown by the affi davit of the city engineer on file in the office of the city recorder; and 110 runon Ktrmirn linvlmr lifi'ii fitf.,1. mid. nt rim. jvliicd tiy Miiil resolution, tbu cngi-' ' neer's prcliiiilimrv estimate of the cost of jsaid Improvement Is 1,IM.'10, but shall, i be more accurately determined by said . engineer. I Now. therefore, it Is hereby ordered I that snl'1 street be Improved and the tune lor tne completion 01 stun 1111 I movement is hereby fixed tit G0ilahfrom I last publication of notice of prnX)Mils of .wild work, which said proposals must be Tiled with the recorder of said city 011 or before the 12lh (lav of May, 11)11, I at H o'clock, p. til, of said day. I That said street shall be improved as as ioiiows: 11 v grading same 10 ine es tnblisbed grade by cut and (lit mid by sidcwalkiug mime 011 cither side with (I foot cement sidewalks 1G fool cement curbs entire length, together with all necessary cement cross-walks and cof. rugatcd Iron gutters, except at the intersection of l'eseudcu street; curb to have standard drain tile every fifty feet, bitch rings to be placed in curb as directeil by the City Engi neer. The city recorder shall give notice by publication for not less than three in- I W&&mBmmrm While They AT OUR MAIN QICEJ A Large Sample Wachusetts and sertlons In the St. Johns Review, the of- making said impruvement. ficlal newspaper, inviting projiosfils fur Said Improvement i-hall in all rot)ects be done and comiilctcil lu coutormitv with the provisions of Ordinances No.iGO inlKliji) except as otherwise provided 1 lu this ordinance; all work to be done 1 under the direction and siierviiloti of tile cllj engineer. That the cost of said Improvement shall be assessed against the property ill the local Improvement district des icribed in said resolution and designated as and declared to be Iwal Improve incut District No. 1(K). 1'iiH.ed by the council this 21st day of April, lyi l. Approved by the Mayor this 21st day of April, iyi l. A. W. VINCKNT, Mayor, Attest: A, It. DUNS.MORIJ City Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review 011 April 21th, 1914. Proposals lor Street Work Men's Toggery Line of Shirts, Whitney Lines, Last at One-Half Price. Actual Bargains and Will Long.". 1 STORE Sealed protHisals wilt be received at the office of the recorder of the citv of St. Johns until May i2, 101 1, at 8 o'clock p, 111. for tbu improvement of Hurr street from the northerly line ot Iiawsou street to the Miutherly line of Smith av enue, in the manner provided by ordinance No. AOS, subject to the provi iousof the charter and ordinance pf the city of St. Johns, and the estimate of the city engineer, 011 file. I lie engineer's estimate Is fUlh.2l llldmuuH le strictly In accordance with printed Dlanks which will lw turn (i-hed oil alinliciitlon at the olliiu of th recorder of tlie city of St. lolius. And said Improvement must be completed on or oeiore on days iroui the dale of the but publication of this notice. No proposals or bids will be considered unlcMt accomiMiilcd bv a ceitifieil check isiyablu to the mayor of the city of St Johns, certified by a rvsKuslble bank An assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Shoes at a little more than one-half price.These are all lace shoes of excellent value at the regular price, but we desire to clean up on them. If you are interested in growing plants, shrubs, roses or vegetable garden you will find nothing more fascinating than a Burbank Garden. We have the seed. BON HAM & CURRIER EDMONDSON CO. 107 S Jersey Street for mi amount euunl to ten nor cent, of the HKKrcKUte projxwil. The riKbt to reject any and till bids is ; ncreoy ruservMi, by order of the city council. A. It. DUNSMORU, City Recorder. Published lu the St. Johns Review April .May 1 ami n, 191 1. RBVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The follcwitiK list of legal blanks nrc kept for snle nt this olhce una others will be added as the demand arises; Wnrrnnty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds. Rcnltv and Chattel Mort Kiikc, Sntisiuctioti of MortRncs, Cotitrnct.i loi Sale of Realty, IJill: of Sale, Leases. G. W. OVERSTREET Plumbing and Gas Fitting Job work promptly attended lo. Phone Columbia 590 311 S. Jersey Street St, Johns, Oregon Good Clothes for Acn and Women ON CREDIT EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. 405 Washington St. Portland, - Oregon J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage W daliver your Roods to and from 11 perta of Portland, Vancouver, Unn ton, Portland and Suburban txprsi Co., city dock and all point accessible ky wagon. Plan and furniture mettaf Note the label on your paper, .Work (or Ore iter St, Jobaa. Bi, , T'i ,i;f MNNdltODSl IN Plumbing, Tinning AND furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 St. Johns Furniture Company Gus Salmond, Mgr. New and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Ex changed Central Market! 205 S, Jersey Street See its for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order rifled and Tamil) Trade SoIkJui. T. P. WARD, Proprleter. We buy or sell St. Johns Property McKINNEY & DAVIS Real Estate ,ist your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns TEN ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANTS Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Lilit & Power Company for the purpose of providitiK Reliable Electric Service to its patrons. Through high tension transmission lines each of these generating plants are inter communicative, so that the service is insured against unforeseen interruption. Where Located Portland (t) Oregon City Silverton Cazadcro Kstacada Dull Run Poring St. Johns Sulcm Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Broadway and Alder Streets Phone Marshall 5100 Home A. 6131 R. A. JAYNE, A. D. Office over First National Dsnk Office Phone Columbia 262 Pes. Phone Columbia 1 96 JOSCI'H McCMESNCY, M. D. Physicinn and Surgeon. Dsjr k. Night Office In McChesnej blk. St. Johns, Oregon. ?iano instruction Studio 401 Altn Street. Ilrglniima 8cclUy MISS MALENA E. LONG I'lion CnlumbU 7 DR. FRANK F. CASSEDAY Specialist In Disuses 4f the Eye, Ear, Nese, inrojt jia usjs Operative and Medical Treatment Expert Fitting of Glaoea Moilcmte Pi ices Mt-Si? DVum Uldg . Third and Wailtingtoa SU. rhonrt Main UJ and A-4J4I. t'ortUnd, Ore, Orlng In your Job prtntlnK while you think ot It. Don't nalt uutll you are eutlrely out, V are equipped to turn out tiMt ud tutjr prUUiig i Atk for Conkey's Freo Poultry Booklet Keep Your Fowls Free from Lice Chicken lice cost the poultryman more money than all other items ot poultry expense com bined. They kilt thousands of chickens tvery J rear. Prevent this lots by dustinc your awls with Conkey's Lice Powder combination of effective lice killing inpe dlenta. It's quick and sute. Kills the Lice, Doesn't Harm Chickens Its use means bigger poultry profit Restores health and vitality to your flock. Guaranteed. Price 2Jc and 50c. Conkey's Lice Liquid Sprayed about the poultry house will rid your chickens of the life-tapping mites that live In the cracks and crevices. QL 33c, half gal 60c, gal 11.00. Conkey's Head Lice Ointment rubbed on the head of little chicks will quickly kilt the deadly head louse without injury to the chick. Safe and sure. I Oc and JSC Yt Msmj But II Cwltr'i U. KHU Lauthers Mercantile Company IStwdtOc CLIJ)0 Q UHaadXSr Office Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving a Specialty. Haul' ing done to and from Portlaud Residence 400 Kast Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street Dally trie to Portland. CHAS, 5AGKRT, Prop, ORDER EASTERN STAR Mlfltna Chapter No. 105 Meets Every First and Third k Tuesday Kvening of Each Month in Uickncr'sHall, Zalla., Johmtos, Worthy Matron. Mrs. J, A, Stspaaai, Stmtary. Edlefsen Fuel Co. Phone Columbia 215 "HIAWATHA" Th t Good Col One Ton $10.00 Two Ton '...$19.00 Cord wood, first growth $6.00 per Cord. Lt&v Orders at t. Johns Vatr O. J. GAT2AIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Duildina ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Dank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON TiiAD. T. PARKER ATTORNGY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Rooms 7 and 8 Holbrook Buildiug ST. JOHNS OR. R AM BO DENTIST Phone Columbia SI First National Hunk buildup, ST. JOHNS. OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Kvanlnga and Sundaya polntment. Office Pboue Columbia 140 Keslileut I'lione Columbia j8 LALKlL LODGLv No. 186 I. O. O. f. ST. JOHNS, OI4CGON HaeU each Monday evening la Odd FV Ions hall at 7:10. A cordial welcome lu all risitinK brotllcrs. Noble Grand. G. P. l'rqbm. Tlrnur.r II. Y Clark.. Kc. Sec . O 8. llMDtl. l io Sec., It s. Wright. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMGHTS Of I'VIIIIAS Meets every Pridav niRlit at 7:30 o'clock in I.'O. O. P Hall. Visitors always wel come, A, W. PICKRI..C. C. A. CARI, NELSON. K.R. S. 7 DORIC DODGE NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Regular communications on first Wednesdays of each month in Blckoer'a Hall. Visitors welccwe. Cbai, X. Fry, W. y. A. W. 9Tis, warjr,