St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 24, 1914, Image 3

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20 Per Cent Reduction
On Our Big Line of Up-to-thc-Minuto
Fresh Air means Health for the Baby
3-4 inch wheels, padded seat and back. Reg
ular $20; special ? 16.00
Auto Go-Cart, nickel trim, mohair hood,.
Regular $18; special 14.40
Tubular steel constructed cart. Regular $16;
special 12.80
Extra large cart, long leaf spring. Regular
$16.50; special 12.40
4 Jbow hood Go-Cart, with cushion seat. Reg
ular $13.50, special 10.80
Tan color cart, auto hood. Regular $12.50
special 9.85
Strong Go-Cart in the black. Regular $12;
special 9.60
Nickel trimmed tan cart. Regular $9; special 7.00
Maroon color, sericeable cart. Regular $7.60;
special 5.75
Baby Baskets from $8.50 to $15.00
Ormandy Bros.
Set to Spitzenberg and
Newtown Apples
Trees in perfect condition;
fourth year. Located in the best
part of the famous valley, in Fruit
Home Colony. On the Trout Lake
road and also a public road run
ning along one side. Splendid
spring of water on the place.
Probably worth $10,000 in three
years, with a large and ever in
creasing income therefrom.
A Rare Bargain at $7,000
Also 8 acres adjoining the
above orchard, five acres in bear
ing commercial orchard, and three
acres set to almonds, 3 years old.
Good house and other outbuild
ings on place. Will be sold at a
bargain. Call at or
Phone Columbia 131
H. HENDERSON 311 North J6rsey Street
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance l
I Abstracts of Title Prepared.
Htilitcn tip time is here.
The time to clean tip
nliout the house, tcmodel
anil inn kc the old tilings
look ncnt niul clean ngnin.
We enn help yoti in the
work with our line of
Sherwln Williams
Paints and Varnish
Tills is Clenn Up Week.
Kemcmhcr we nre giving
10 per cent discount on
Paints and Varnishes
just for this week.
address this office.
Slabwood '.
Accurate Work Guaranteed
Local News.
DAN'S That's all. adv
Al Harris and family have
gone to Crabtree, Oregon, for"
the summer.
A pair of bouncing twins were
recent arrivals at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Marcy.
Rev. B. T. Thomas of Forest
Grove will preach at the Con
gregational church next Sunday
A trood list of the latest Dance
Records for Columbia or Victor
Machines at the St. Johns Phar
macy, adv.
Albert Fayson Terhuno mav
have another subject for his ar
ticles on "Little Causes of Great
Mrs Annn Harrison, mother of
Mrs. W. S. Farris, died Tuesday
n a Portland hospital, a com
plete account of which will ap
pear next week.
Ambulance service, day and
night. St. Johns Undertaking
Co., successors to Blackburn
Undertaking Co.; oflke Col. 527;
Rusidonco, Col. 299.
Seven new members were add
ed to the Moose enrollment last
night, making a total member
ship of 409. The charter will
remain open for n few days
The Debonair Club was de
lightfully entertained at the
homo of Mrs. J. N. Keelor yes
terday afternoon, at which a de
licious lunch was served.
Every person who lives in St.
Johns and owns property is per
sonally interested in having D.
C. Lewis in tho next Legislature
as our representative. A vote
for him is a boost for St. Johns.
Otis Learned and family re
turned this week from a winter's
stay in California, and while
they enjoyed tho sojourn im
mensely, arc glad to once more
return to St. Johns.
W. 12. ABhby brought a young
chick into the Review olllcc
yesterday that was a curiosity.
It had four perfectly formed
legs, but unfortunately it died
after two days of earthly exist
Mrs. A. Learned has returned
from a most delightful sojourn
in California, whero sho had
pleasantly spent tho greater part
of the winter. Her many friends
wore glad to welcome her back
to St. Johns.
The scenic hillside drivo on
tho west sido of tho river is now
an assured fact, as tho city of
L nnton has begun proceedings
toward its accomplishment. Bids
for construction will uo called
for in a couple of weeks.
The Lincoln Republican Club
will hold a meeting in the city
hall noxt Monday overling at 8
o'clock. Prominent speakers
will bo present. Everybody in
vited. If you caro for good
speaking, don't fail to attend.
Dr. Slocum. present county
coroner, and candidate for re
election, has inaugurated a sys
tem whereby inquests will be
held in St. Johns in all local
cases. This is something that
tho people of St. Johns should
Plans are being mado to erect
tho mammoth flag nolo donated
to the Panama-Pacific Exposition
during the latter part of the
month when the Rose festival
Queen and her maids visit San
Francisco. The pole is of Doug
las fir. 216 feet long, BJ feet at
the butt and weighs 93,000
The Corona Club extends its
thanks and appreciation to tho
Mothers' Club and to the East-
em &tar uoago ior tno nonors
dven to the Club Orchestra. The
"Live Wires" have been making
short circuits lately, and flash
ing around a great deal, so we
may expect a show at any time.
S. Misner, W. Chancy and A.
S. Scales have been elected dele
gates to the grand lodgo of Odd
Fellows, which will convene at
McMinnville May 19 and 20.
The Rebekah lodge elected Mrs.
W. Chaney, Mrs. J. Day and
Mrs. Effa Beam delegates to the
state assembly of Rebekahs,
which meets at McMinnville on
the same date.
E. S. Wright has exchanged
his property in St. Johns for a
well stocked general merchan
dise store at Heiser, Washing
ton, and he moved his family
to their new home on Wednes
day. It ia with much regret
that their friends see them leav
ing St. Johns, but their best
wishes for success and prosper
ity follow them to their new
Re v. James E.Murphey preach
ed his farewell sermon at the
Congregational church Sunday
morning. Rev. Murphy's sever
ance as pastor of the Congrega
tional church is a matter of re
gret to many of our people. He
has proven to be an earnest,
faithful and energetic pastor,
and a man broad minded in his
ideas, and is universally respect
ed. The people of St. Johns will
learn with a great deal of pleas
ure that Rev. Murphey will con
tinue to be a resident of this
Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's
barber shop. adv.
Picture framing done at Portlaud
prices at H. F. Clark's, the fund
utre mau. Adv.
All the local churches were
well attended last Sunday. which
was "Uo to uhurcn" Sunday.
Furniture for Sale Practical
ly new; will bo sold at reason
able prices. Call at this ofllce.
That old Biblical injunction.
"Return good for evil," is not
taken very seriously in dealing
with governmental allairs.
Wo Inadvertently failed to note
tho fact that a fine baby girl had
arrived nt the home of Dentist
B. F. Rambo about three weeks
A. A. Johnson, a former resi
dent of St. Johns, but now locat
ed at Waldport, Oregon, greeted
old time friends in St. Johns
last week.
The St. Johns base ball club
will give an entertainment and
dance in tho Eagles' hall Satur
day evening, May 2. Admission
25 cents; dancing free. A thor
oughly good time is promised.
"Captain" Kidd of near Ore
gon City paid this ofllce a very
pleasant, visit Monday, and treat
ed the force to cigars and Ice
cream. The Captain Is a souve
nir maker of fine skill and in
The meeting held by the Lin
coln Republican club in the city
hall last Monday evening was
not as well attended as should
have been the case. Counter
attractions diverted the people
to other places.
A reception for the Mothers
of St. Johns and the Grammar
and High school teachers held
by tho W. C. T. U.. Tuesday
afternoon, in the auditorium of
the High school, was a most
pleasing affair. A splendid pro
gram was rendered.
Mayor Vincent makes a most
excellent presiding ofllcer. He
takes a grip on things with a
master hand, and his knowledge
of city affairs is particularly val
uable. It is certain that the des
tinies of the city are safe and
secure under his guidance.
Try our famous Roso Spray.
ready for use; only 25 cents per
gallon. Also a complete lino of
tho various sprays, fumigalors
and insecticides, parasite des
troyers, etc., for flowers, plants,
fruits, vegetables and animals.
At the St. Johns Pharmacy, ad
Tho Goldeif Wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Parker was cel
ebrated in tho Christian church
Tuesday evening. A more com
plete account 01 tlio event cele
brating this most worthy cou
ple's long and happy period of
companionship will appear next
Miss Stella Campling, a form
er well known and popular St.
Johns young lady, is a contest
ant for Roso Carnival Queen.
St. Johns peoplo aro requested
to save coupons which aro print
ed in the daily papers and hand
them in at tho St. Johns Phar
macy for her benefit. Sho is a
most deserving young lady, and
any aid lent her in this contest
will bo duly appreciated, bavo
tho coupons every day.
Ray Detson & Co.. proprietors
of the Richmond street garage,
havo submitted a proposition to
furnish chmplete a combination
hoso and ohemicnl auto truck
for $2500. with a speed of CO
miles an hour and capable of
carrying a ton and one-half, It
would bo built in St. Johns, and
in annearanco and In ovory other
way equal or bettor than any oth
er apparatus of its kind, This is
by far tho best proposition yet
offered, and the chances are that
council will accept tho same.
Arthur Percy and D, W. Aul-
bach of Kenton were recently
convicted before Judge Williams'
Court for seining bass with a
net. and each fined. Deputy
State Game Warden Frank Ervin
caused the arrest of these men
for the violation. Mr. Ervln,
who makes a most capable ofli
clal. Btates that he would much
prefer that people would refrain
from violating tho game laws,
that while he is willing to give
all a chance, yet so long as he is
officer he will enforce the law.
He is very oath to arrest any
one, but peoplo must realize that
the laws are maue to do ODeyeu,
All sportsmen should take fair
warning and not violate tho
game laws.
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Blackburn,
former undertakers of St. Johns,
were pleasantly surprised Friday
evening at their home, 652 Un
ion avenue, Portland, by mem
bers of the Fraternal Brother
hood and Rebekah Lodges of St.
Johns. The evening was spent
in playing five hundred and dan
cing. Dainty refreshments were
served. It was not until the Owl
cars began to run that the mer
rymakers thought ot going
home, and then with a great
deal of reluctance. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. M, G.
O'Malley. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Locke, Hattie McKinney, Bessie
Schultz, Faye Glasgow, Irene
Hartle. Ada Thor, lna Keates
and Edna McKinney, Mr. Na.
than Gee, Ora Balke, James
Welch, Wesley Heck and Elmer
Not tha lfal on your paper.
For Rent, Housekeeping rooms.
Apply at 535 S. Jersey street.
Where shall I get my hair cut?
At Gilmore's barber shop. adv.
For Sale Silver Campltie lvggs
and early seed potatoes R. I,
Lamb, 613 Smith Avenue N. adv.
For Sale- 6 room house close
m : will take lot as payment.--
619 E John street. adv.
Furniture for Sale Practical
ly new: will bo sold nt reason
able prices. Call at this ollice.
A young girl wants a place in
house work and cooking. Call
or write 612 Oswego street, St.
Patent Medicines at cut rate
prices: to urn bin Phonographs
and Records, Ansco Cameras and
iMlms: best line of bulk and
package candles in tho city at
The St. Johns Pharmacy, adv.
The White House gives good
rooms and good straight board
for five dollars per week. Your
patronage is solicited. adv.
Wanted--middle aged woman
to do housework. Address 8-14
N. Jersey street.
For Rent- Modern five room
house in St. Johns, close to bus
iness section; three rooms furn
ished complete for housekeeping.
Yard and garden. All conven-.
tences. $18 monthly in advance.
Call at or address this oificce.
Bantams for Sale. 1)5 cents to
50 cents apiece.- 802 North
Ivanhoe street, adv.
For Sale Fine folding bed
and springs; also Barred Rock
hens and eggs cheap. 019 E.
John street; phone Columbia
Lost In St. Johns -A gold bar
pin with amethyst set. Finder
kindly leave with Miss Pinsket
at Bonham & Currier's store; re
ward. Wanted- To trade two small
houses and lot 50x100, St. Johns
property. Will take part cash
and vacant property for balance;
phone Columbia 281.
Feed your young chicks Hess'
Poultry Panacea and keep them
free from ice by using Instant
Louso Killer, and you will In
sure rapid growth. Get it at
tho St. Johns Pharmacy, adv.
The Women o' Woodcraft will
give a Maypole dance in the St.
Johns rink Friday evening, May
1st. Dancing at 8:30. Admis
sion, 50c per couple; extra ladles
25c; spectators 10c. Everybody
welcome, adv.
I havo for sale cheap a block
of land, onco the property of
former Councilman W indie, on
Tyler street, adjoining the WIN
lamette boulevard, consisting of
a fine dwellln ghouse and one lot
75x100, of beautiful cleared land
in crop, which 1 will sell cheap
and on easy terms. Apply to
tho owner, Mrs. E. Burtch, 514
West Tyler street. adv.
New York high school pupiU
spelt "Isosceles" fifty-six differ
ent ways. Can you blame 'em?
The old fashioned man who
used to say ho took nothing on
trust would bo greatly worried
theso days at tho sight of skirls
draped to look as if they wero
falling off.
An Ohio farm hand has not
had a pay day for twenty-five
years, and now he is suing for a
reckoning, Tho farmer's daugh
ter must havo married the other
The only thing wrong with
the dandelion is that it is too
common. If it wero rare tho
government would bo sending
out dandelion seeds in neat little
packages and urging cultivation
of tho plant.
What has become of tho old
fashioned little boy who used to
ride a broomstick and imagine
he had the fastest horse in the
That old bottle scarred veteran,
Huerta, will find a disngrceablo
difference between being half
shot and shot at.-
'Twould bo a hard job to bring
up a boy in the way tho neigh
bors think ho ought to go.
Willard Emigh of Burley, Ida
ho, was a guest of tho editor
last week. He has been engag
ed in the newspaper business
there for a number of years.
Tho St. Johns Pharmacy ball
club was disappointed Sunday
afternoon by the non-appearance
of tho Villa Reds of Portland,
which team had contracted to
play the locals on the Hill
grounds. Quito a crowd had col
lected in anticipation of the
game, The Reds probably fear
ed that it would be too wet to
play, which, however, was not
the case.
The Board of Governors of the
Commercial Club met at lunch
eon Monday noon and heard the
reports of the various commit
tees. All reported good progress
being made. No further new
business was taken up in order
that the business on hand may
receive the fullest attention.
It was, however, decided that a
booth should be taken at the
Rose Carnival in which a proper
display will bo made. President
Bonham and Secretary Hiller
hRY this matUr in chargo,
I .-v" llNUHtST
Oldest Bank
Pktuk Ai'Tiw, Pres.
John N. Udi.hi'Siw, Cash.
At Wliitwoocl Court, a piece
of ground 600 feet long and 100
feet wide, being the upper half of
block 16, and located not far from
the Railroad and Street Car Line,
on Mill Street. As Whitwood will
soon have the great Scenic Drive
way passing through it, and other
activities are to take place, this
tract will soon become most valu
able. Price for a short time $2500.
Call on or Address this
Notice to Voters
We, the undersigned, duly li
censed and (nullified physicians
and surgeons of tho city of Port
laud, county of Multnomah, and
state of Oregon, having known
DR. SAM C. SLOCUM for the
nasi several yearn, and believing
In his hononty, integrity and
olllciuncy, do hereby endorse his
past administration of tho olllco
of Coronerof Multnomah county,
and heartily recommend his re
election to that ofllce for a sec
ond term;
Geo. AinBl'e, .1. A. Apple
white. 15. II. Anthony. Otis F.
Akin. I., Edgar Anderson, .1. M.
Bilderbaeh.Marr Bisaillon, C. I).
BoDine, Banner R. Brooke, Loyd
W. Brook, A. L. Berkley, Otto
S. Binswanger, F. M. llrooks,
Gustav Baar. S. P. Bittner. Giis
tavo K. Uruere, Walter W. Bruce,
C. O. Boyor, II. R. Hlowlorf,
David Brnoro, R. C. Coll'oy,
Charles T. Chamberlain, 10. De
Witt Connoll, T. Honior Cotton,
Georgo A. Calhey. A. L. Can
field. Mao II. Cardwoll, W. R.
Coli'man, C. T. Croddy. G. 13.
Christmas, J. F. Donnelly, (J. II,
Douglass, 10. S. Donnelly, .1. Et
tolson, K. B. Katun, Gertrude C.
French, Thomas .1. Fox, Theo.
Fossler, .John Fnwcott, S. M.
Gellert. L. K. Graves, O. J. Guf
fin, A, J. Giey, ,1. Allen Gilbert,
II. M. Greene, .I.G.Grimm. Rob
ert G. Hall, .lames C. Hayes,
CharloM K. Hill, II. II. Hughos,
P. K. Hae. W. B. Ilamiton, II.
II. Unitary. Curtis Holcomb, W.
T. Houser. 0. A. Hens, E. D.
Johnson. S. K. Joseph, Donald
Jessop. R. F. .lames, G. Orlo
Joll'erson, J K Kane, Georgo F.
Kochler. Wm.Kiingsworth. Rob
ert Karkeot. J. C. Elliott King,
Frank B.Kistner, Stanley Lamb,.
Huhort 15. Leonard. Charles Loed-,
ing, F. .J. Laird, Sanford Loeb,
Fred Lieuallen, Mary V. Madi
gan, C. C. Moore, Ralph C. Mat
son, J. Lome Manion, J. A. Mer-.
riman, J. H. Montgomery, ('.
Stuart Menzies, F, I. Marks, 15. i
A. Marshall, R. J. Marsh. K. A. !
J. MacKonzio, M. G. McCorkle,
Joseph McChesney, P. F. Me-'
Murdo. J. II. MeSloy, J. W. Me.;
Collom, Ben L. Nordon. W. II.
Norton, A. F. Nomiro. J. C. ()'
Day. J. A. Pettit. Thomas W.
Ross, L. Ricen, Charles Ryhke,
A. 13. Hockey. D. H. Rand. J. (
Ross, L. O. Roberts. 15. A. Reed,
John Ross, Ci G. Sabin. J. I).
Sternberg, Earl Smith, E. H. 1
Streit, Ernest A.-S'0mmers. An
drew' O. Smith. George B. Story.
Harry E. Shoot. A. B. Stone,
John J. Sollwood. Clayton Sea-1
man. J. Arch Stewart, James
Sprout, W. E.Stowar't. Frank M. .
Taylor, A. lllzor. Ernest F.
Tucker. W. A. Trimble, J. C.
Twitcholl. G. F. Trommald. J.
Philippe Tamiesio. Charles Vis
otti. James O. C. Wiley. G. S.
Whitesido, Sanford Whiting,
It's to Your Interest
to sec that your money Is not
idle, Make It cum something
fur y 011. Dc)osit It with the
I'cniiisuln Notional Savings
Hank where it Will work for
you every day in the yciir ntnl
every hour of the tiny. Where
it will lie wifcr than In any place
you enn keep it. Whore you
cuu Kct it uny time you hnvc
necil for it.
on the Peninsula
V, C. Knai'I', Vice Pres.
S. h. Domk, Ass't Cash.
! George F. Wilson, L. J. Wolf,
I William L. Wood, Holt C. Wil
son, R. II. Wellington, R. 0.
iWaalker, James C. Zan, J. F.
Dickson. Oscar DoVaul, J.J. Mn
honey. Catherine Mahoney, J. J.
Rosenberg, W. R. Laidlaw, G.
V. Ketchum. 15. R. Fountain, II.
F. Fleckenstein, .1. Earl Else, A.
T. Yielding, H. Dudley Young,
P. 1 1. McKonzio. A. M. Webster,
L. 15. Story, 15. V. Sheafo. Chen
terG. Hall. Philo Everett Jonof.
Frank W.Wood. Georgo II. Buck,
.Charles R. McClure, 15.15. VanAI
ifltine, A. F. McGinn. adv. ,
Notice to Dog Owners
All owners of dogs in St. JohiiH
are hereby notified to seuuro
dog licenses without dolay.
April 1st was the day when all
dog licenses were due, and it in
expected that all ownors will se
cure a license not later than May
lfith, or they will bo dealt with
as the law directs.
Chief of Police.
The following list of legal blanks
arc kept for Kale ut this office and
others will be added as the demand
Wurrunty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Kealty mid Chattel Mori
Rages, Satisfaction of MortHaeuti,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, Lenses.
An electric massage, only one
in town.- Gilmore's barber shop,
Vote For
Mayor J. B. Schaefer
of Linnton, for
Republican Nomination for
County Commissioner
Multnomah County