St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 17, 1914, Image 3

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    New Arrival
WE have just received a large shipment
of New Scrim Lace Curtains from
one of the largest manufacturers and im
porters in New York.
The selection embraces the least 'expen
sive yet good ' Scrim Curtains. ' Voile,
Marquisette and Scrim Voile, all full two
and one-half yards long, and ranging in
prices from
As Low as $1.75 to $8
Planning the
Purchase of furniture
or house furnishings, it is well
to remember that we carry a large line
and can save you
Ormandy Bros.
JTtf t1 diu.M tirmn
Ut tftd Wtfrf m H kmdl W AltN
nft food ant drmk ky e Uitn Ml
gemn. iImuU uwj ktp Ihtm ul
Set to Spitzenberg and
Newtown Apples
Trees in perfect condition;
fourth year. Located in the best
part of the famous valley, in Fruit
Home Colony. On the Trout Lake
road and also a public road run
ning along one side. Splendid
spring of water on the place.
Probably worth $10,000 in three
years, with a large and ever in
creasing income therefrom.
A Rare Bargain at $7,000
Also 8 acres adjoining the
above orchard, five acres in bear
ing commercial orchard, and three
acres set to almonds, 3 years old.
Good house and other outbuild
ings on place. Will be sold at a
bargain. Call at or
. Dressed,
Phone Columbia 131
44 U
H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance f
Abstracts of Title Prepared,
Lace Curtains
as much as 20 per cent.
Get a Fly SWatter 10c
Now in tlic time to put up your
Screen. Wc lwvc n complete
Mock of "crcru Doorn, Aitjiutnlile
Winilow Screen it, nt the right
Just Telephone; wc will scml n
mnii to measure your window null
Screen Door from f 1 .25 up to
Ailjimlnbtc Screens 25o to 50c,
Hon- Ounrniitcril, f3.7f to f 7 M),
I.nwn Mower 53. CO to f 12.00.
Everything in the Hard
ware Line at the
St, Johns Hardware Go.
address this office. j
Accurate Work Guaranteed J
Local News.
Salute, gol darn you, salutol
DAN'S That's all. adv
Livinpr at any price would seem
high in Mexico.
With a woman a locrical conclu
sion is the one she jumps at.
Miss L. S. Perkins, teacher of
elocution, 634 Windell street, ad
Good luck to the new city offi
cials. May they all make good.
Twenty-nine more members
were added to the Moose lodge
ast evening.
Mis3 Emma Somers has been
appointed assistant recorder by
Recorder Dunsmore.
To get things for the peninsu
la district, don't fail to vote for
D. C. Lewis for the Legislature.
All patent medicines, toilet
articles at special cut rate prices
at The St. Johns Pharmacy, ad.
Mrs. Geo. Lynn of Hood River
is a guest of her mother and
brother and sister ut the Byerlee
home this week.
A fruit store is being opened
up in the room adjoining the St.
Johns Furniture Company's
store on North Jersey street.
Dr. B. F. Rambo spent Satur
day and Sunday at Bar View.
and says things look to be in a
thriving condition at that sea
side town.
J. M. Swisher and Frank Clark
have filed as candidates for the
office of Constable, St. Johns dis
trict. Mr. Swisher is at pres
ent filling that office most accept
ably. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Baker, old
time friends of Dr. and Mrs. A.
W. Vincent, camo over from
Portland and spent a day or two
with the new mayor and family
this week.
Don't forget that Monday is
cleanup day. Have all the rub
bish nnd debris about the prem
ises boxed nnd in readiness for
removal to the crematory. Don't
A meeting in the interest of
the Bonvillc System will be held
in the library auditorium this
evening. John A. Jeffrey will
nddress the meeting. All invit
ed to attend.
The tonsorinl artists of San
Jose, Cnl,, have advanced the
price of a shave to 25 cents, hair
cut GO cents. , Ip consequence
their former patrons are nearly
all beginning to look like tho los
ers of campaign wagorg.
David Starr Jordan, in his
book entitled "War nnd Waste."
urgos tho policy of generosity in
dealing with tho Panama tolls is
sue. Being merely generous
nnd n good fellow may win
friendship, but can never gain
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Stevens
and littlo daughter from Philips
burg, Pa., arrived in St. Johns
laBt Fridny ovening. and are
guests nt tho home of Mrs. Stev
ens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Dickson, on tho Ogdcn farm nt
the northern end of tho city.
They expect to remain in St.
Johns permanently.
A special clean-up film will he run
ut the Multnomah Theatre Satur
day and Sunday, showing how the
people u( a community should
clean up their premises. Kvery
body go and get sonic new ideas on
civic improvement, The 3t. Johns
Hardware Co. is putting on the
picture at their own for the
benefit of the community.
A delightful affair was the BOO
party given by the Women of
Woodcraft in Bicknor hall Inst
Tuesday ovening, and all who
braved the profuse April show
ers to attend declared themselves
well repaid in the good time they
enjoyed. First prizes were
awarded to Mrs. R. J. Dry den
and Mr. E. L. Strickland, and
the consolations were well
earned by Mrs. Sarah L. Brice
and Mr. R. J. Dryden.
Tho Neighbor Ladies' Progres
sive Study Club met with Mrs.
A. W. Donnelly Thursday after
noon, April 9th. After the bus
iness session a short but inter
esting program took place, as fol
lows: Vocal solo, Mrs. Brown;
violin sol Mrs. Gilpin, with
piano accompaniment, by Mrs.
Donnelly; reading, Mrs. Page.
Delicious refreshments of ice
cream and cake were served
and a social time enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Muck en
tertained the Jolly 'Steen club in
a delightful manner at their
pleasant riverside dwelling Wed
nesday evening. The game of
500 was the principal diversion,
followed by a most delicious and
inviting lunch. Tho first prize
was won by Mr. and Mrs. Ingle
due, the second by Mr. and Mrs.
Evens, and the guest prize by
Mrs. Day.
The Bachelor Club gave a de
lightful dancing party in the
rinkWednesday evening. Rudd's
orchestra furnished the music.
The function was largely at
tended and thoroughly enjoyed.
The Bachelors are perfecting
elaborate preparations for their
annual dance, which they pro
pose to make tho greatest event
of its kind ever given in this
Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's
barber shop. adv.
Picture framing douc at Portland
prices at H. F. Clark's, the fund
utrc man. Adv.
Furniture for Sale -Practical
ly new; will be sold at reason
able prices. Cull at this office.
All of President Wilson's mes
sages are so snort and eaBy to
rend that nobody likes to find
fnult with them.
There is nothing stnrtiinir in
the statement that this country
is not prepared for war. It
never was.
Most tuiKing nuisances are
willing to concede the listener
enough time to express his ap
proval of what they are saying.
Some men will do almost any
thing for money. Two Ameri
cans have become English sub
jects to escape the income tax.
Oh, yes, we know that Hucrtn
reiused to salute the flag and
hat war is imminent, but
what was the score to-day.
"We know more about women
than our fathers did," suys nn
English writer. Probnbly he
ias the suffragettes 111 mind.
When whisky kills n man some
old soak will remark, sympa
thetically: "Too bad, but he
didn't know how to handle it."
Champ Clark is quoted as
saying that "it doesn't take
much sense to be a president."
But. ofcourso. he hnd other rea
sons for wanting the job.
A few special deals on Colum-
)ia Phonographs which you can
not duplicate elsewhere; terms
to suit, nt Tho St. Johns Phar
macy, adv.
A lot of old toners will be sur
prised to learn that n Washing
ton man has kept himself alive
or 01) years on only three drinks
of whisky a day.
An Illinois man, 07 years old.
Bays he has gone to bed every
night.of his life nt 7 o'clock. He
msn't lived so very long, after
Both Dr. Mary Walker and
Uncle Joe Cannon endorse the
tnngo. If they could be induced
to dance it together tho railroads
might be persuaded to give ex
cursion rates.
An exchange says that after a
woman has talked over tho phone
for ten minutes she saysgoodby,
langs up the receiver and then
thinks of something she wants
to suy.
The once envied boy with the
most wurl8, tho largest stone
bruiso and the greatest amount
of freckles is numbered among
tho missing in tho present per
iod of existence.
Tho Commercial Club dance to
bo given in the rink next Mon
day evening will .be u swell
affair, and it is expected the
rink's capacity will bo reached
in point of attendance.
Tho Big Four Comedy Com
pnny promise something out of
the ordinary nt the Multnomah
theatre next Monday ovening, in
tho way of singing, comedy nnd
J. E. Williams was tho only
one to filo as a candidate for the
office of Justice of tho Peace
for tho St. Johns district, and
the probabilities are that he will
bo re-elected without opposition.
Judge Willinms has made u most
capable official, and the office
could not be in better hands.
The Lincoln Republican Club
of Portland will hold meetings
at the city hall, St. Johns, on tho
evenings of April 20. 21, 27, and
Mny 1, 11 and 18, at which sev
eral candidates for Governor,
Congress nnd other important
offices will speak,
Tho finance committee of tho
Commercial Club appointed for
the purpose of securing funds for
the Annual Sweet Pea Show,
School Garden and Manufactur
ers' exhibits, report meeting
with the most gratifying suc
cess and the committee is fully
assured that sufficient funds will
be raised to meet nil require
ments for making the event the
best ever held. Tho dates have
not been definitely set, but it is
quite probable that July 3d nnd
4th will be decided upon. More
details will be published next
Mrs. F. A. Rice entertained
most delightfully n num
ber of her lady friends at
her homo yesterday afternoon.
The home was beautifully dec
orated with bridal wreath and
dogwood. Five tables of "500"
were in progress. The first
prize, a handsome piece of Bo
hemian glass, was won by Mrs.
Fred Couch, and the second
prize, a potted plant, was award
ed to Mrs. P. H. Edlefsen. A
delicious lunch consisting of
salads, ice cream, cake, coffee
and candy, was served. Those
present were Mesdames Drink
er, Thompson. McLean, P. H.
Edlefsen. J. E. Williams. Fred
Couch, John Edlefsen, Tuttle,
Autzen, Anton Edlefsen, W. R.
Evens,' Day, Gray, Russell, Percy
Douglass, Valentine, Markle,
Muck, Misses Edlefsen, Drinker,
Tuttle and Switzer.
Cyclone Cold Lure is curing
hundreds of colds. Get it at
The St. Johns Pharmacy, a'dv,
NoU th lbl on your paptr.
Where shall 1 get my haircut?
At Gilmore's barber shop. adv.
Por Sale Silver Campine Kggs
and early seed potatoes R. L
Lamb, 613 Smith Avenue N. adv.
For SaleG room house close
in: will take lot as wiyment.
015) lii John street. ndv.
Furniture for Sale Practical
ly new: will be sold nt reason
able prices. Call at this office.
Screens of all kinds and sizes
made promptly nnd at reasonable
prices at the Jersey Street Re-
pair Shop.
The White House gives good
rooms nnd good straight board
for five dollars per week. Your
patronage is solicited. adv.
Wanted middle aged woman
to do housework. Address bM-l
N. Jersey street.
For Sale-IGO Egg St. Helens
ncubator, cheap. Also, a few
settings from choice matings
White Leghorns, the greatest
egg machines in the world.
Come nnd be shown. W. Loren
zen, 013 Myers street, St. Johns.
For Rent- Modern five room
muse in St. Johns, close to bus-
ness section; three rooms furn
shed complete for housekeeping.
Yard and garden. All conven
iences. $18 monthly inadvnnce.
Call at or address this officce.
Patent medicines and drugs at
ortlnnd' prices- St. Johns Phar
macy, adv.
Bantams for Sale. 35 cents to
")0 cents apiece.- 802 North
vanhoe street, adv.
Found- A couple of keys on a
string. Owner can have same
by calling ut thiH office and pay-
ng lor notice.
Wanted- To trade two small
louses and lot 50x100. St. Johns
property. Will tnke part cash
and Vacant property for balance;
phone Columbia 281.
Our line of bulk chocolntcs and
ancy package candies is the
most complete and best in tho
city. Come in nnd let us con
vince you. - St. Johns Pharmacy.
Convict life depicted in the
Multnomah theatre Monday and
Tuesdny evenings was well worth
while, and was highly instruc
tive us well as interesting.
The bird houses built by mem
crs of the Corona Club tire al
ready securing occupants. The
Corona Orchestra bus purchased
new music and is still holding
semi-weekly rehearsals.
The Women 0 Woodcraft will
give a Maypole dance in the St.
Johns rink Fridny evening, Mny
1st. Dancing nt 8:30. Admis
sion, 50c per couple; extra ladies
25c; spectators 10c. Everybody
welcome, adv.
The ladies of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union
have two rure treats for the
people of St. Johns this coming
week. Ono is the lecture by
Miss Rowan as mentioned on tho
first page of this paper. The
other equally important, is u lec
ture ut the city hull next Mon
day nfternoon by Dr. Brown Ly
man of Portland on Rcscuo
Work. ThiB is tho regular meet
ing of tho W. C. T. U.. and wc
hope thnt every member will
bring some other person. Es
pecially bring the mother. All
need to know how to protect our
boys and girls. Do not miss
this meeting. Reporter.
A decided improvement in tho
appearance of that part of the
French Block which is occupied
by the Columbia Furniture Man
ufnetoring Co. bus been made.
Tho store front has been painted
and tho displuy in the show
windows of the articles which
this firm manufactures has ad
ded greatly to the cheerfulness
of that locality. Judging from
thesigns in their windows they
are placing on sale such articles
ub they manufacture at factory
cost prices, to more quickly ac
quaint the people of St. Johns
with the quality of the goods
manufactured right here in our
own city. They also do all kinds
of furniture repairing in a first
class manner. It would be well
for the peoplo of St. Johns to
patronize home industry and
thereby not only make n big sav
ing for themselves, but also sup
ply work for our men. Statis
tics have proven that for every
$5 worth of goods turned out of
n factory one man can be given
one day's employment. It would
be well for all to consider this
and leave your money in your
home town.
You don't plant oats upon a hill,
A hundred miles away,
And somewhere else, your corn
to drill,
You know would never pay.
You plant nt home to get the
Whatever crops are grown :
For planting in some other field
Will never help your own.
And it's the sume with dollars;
For dollars, too, are seed,
The cash today, you uend away,
Tomorrow you may need.
Don't send your cash away to
But wiser learn to sow:
Just plant your dollars here at
And watch your dollars
prow. Exchange,
Oldest Bank on
PitTim Autzkn, Pres.
John N.'Skn, Cash.
A Splendid Record
Mayor J. H, Sclmcfer, of Mnntou,
1ms nmiouticcd his cntulidncy for
nomination ns County Commission
er in the Republican primary.
Air. benaefer, who lins been a
resident of Oregon for 36 years,
and of Multnomah county for 11
years, has served witli distinction
u many public capacities, notably
among them as Post master nt I.inn-
ton for a perio of six years, in
which office hisrecotd was splendid,
practically evcrv patron of the office
signing a petition for his retention
at ul the Postmaster's League of
Oregon electing him as President;
School Clerk in the district in which
Mnnton is located, to which posi
tion he been elected eight times
without opposition, and during his
incumbency the affairs of the dis
trict have been managed in such a
iiuiniier that the small one-story
hut which served as 11 school house
has been replaced' by 11 fine building
tvith splendid grounds nud equip
ment; Mayor of Mnntou since the
town was incorporated; his three
elections to to fill this )Msitiou hav
ing also been without opposition.
The public activities in Mnntou,
the incorporation of which Mr.
Schaofer took an active part, have
been many nud important during
his incumbency ns Mayor. Hxcel
lent lighting agreements iu the na
ture of franchises with the Portland
Railway, Ught & Power Co,, and
the Mt. Hood Railway Co., have
been procured; n franchise entered
into by which gas is furnished the
town by the Portland Oas and Coke
Co , an elaborate first class water
system lias been installed through
which Hull Run water is uvuilable
for the citizens of that town, and a
general and cnmpieliciisive sewer
system is now in progress of install
ation. Mr. Sclmcfer is greatly interested
iu roads unci road building, and has
a thorough practical knowledge
thereof, having had immediate sup
er vision of a gmat deal of work in
widening and rocking oi various
sections of the St. Helens road.
At this time he is bending his ener
gies toward the work 011 the magni
ficent Sky I.iiie Hnulevnrd, dedica
tions for which have been procured
from ptoperty owners' along a
stretch of fourteen miles and which
promises to be not only one of the
most majestic boulevards in Amer
ica, so fur as grandeur of scenery is
concerned, but will serve an ex
tremely valuable commercial ser
vice. The announcement on this peti
tion is as follows:
If nominated and elected I will
during my term of office investigate
fully nnd carefully the necessity and
merits of every proposed expendi
ture; favor the improvement and
extension of roads with a view to
commercial interest and better
means of access for producers ns
well ns pleasure seekers; fewer com
missions and delegations of respon
sibility; closer personal contact
with actual wotk, iu nu earnest nud
faithful effort to procure for tax
payers a dollar's worth for every
dollar expended, by conscientious
attention to county business rather
than political intrigues; to the end
that by a prudent administration
taxes may Ik: reduced rather than
iucreased, and yet an efficient dir
ection of affairs maintained.
The followiue sloean is asked to
be printed after Mayor Schaefer's
name on the hallot:
Oood Roads for Producers; Work
instead of Politics; hvery Hxpendi
lure Curefully Investigated,
'H mjflflr H
When Your Bank Ac
count Is Balanced
It shows accurately what you
have received, what you have
paid out and how much cash
you have left. What is more,
the cancelled checks show to
whom you have paid money
and arc Indisputable receipts.
Isn't It about time you availed
yourself of these advantages?
the Peninsula
F. C. Knai'I, Vice Pres.
S. L. DontK, Ass't Cash.
Evangelical Church
Easter Sunday was a very
husy day. The sunrise meeting,
a union meeting of the Young
People's societies of StJohns,
wus well attended and every ono
seemed to have the Easter
spirit. Among the interesting
things on the program was a
recitation hy Floyd Gilbert and
a pantomime by two little girls,
Elizabeth Ogdcn and Wilma
Maxwell, ono clinging to and
the other pointing to the cross.
The audience appreciated these
so much they were repeated in
the regular services, morning
and evening. An interesting
program was rendered in tho
Sunday School by the primary
and intermediate departments.
The church was beautifully dec
orated. The morning sermon by
the pastor was an Easter mes
sage. Tho choir sang a beauti
ful Easter anthem in the morn
ing. We had a good beginning
for our now conference year.
We expect, with our Bister
churches, that next Sunday will
be a red letter day a "Go To
Church Sunday." Everybody Is
going. Where, 1h to be the choice
of. the goers. Remember the
church bells will suy, "Go to
church, go to church, everybody
go." The theme for the morn
ing sermon will be, "The Prob
lems of The West," and for tho
evening. "Success lleauiBltes."
The choir will furnish special
music. Don't forget that Sun
day, April 10. is "Go to Church
Sunduy," ami everybody go,
I. A. Gootle, Pastor.
The election surprise was not
the only one on election night,
as soino of the many friends of
Mr. and Mrs. It. McKinney. 1 1 11)
South Hayes street, tendered
them the surprise of their lives
when, ut about .) p. m.. they
marched in on them with bells
on and well filled baskets. After
urectings were extended to the
surprised pairamUvory one set
tled down, cards wore brought
forth and "Five Hundred" was
indulged in. Mr. Willard Evans
and Mrs. Anna Dryden securing
lii'Ht, and Air. Hex Dryden and
Mrs. W. Greenwell consolation
prizes. At aiioui iz o'ciock lliu
guests departed, voting it one of
the most enjoyable and success
ful surprises of the year. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs.
McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W.
Evans. Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. Dahl,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Green woll. Mr,
and Mrs. Hubert Simmons, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Juckson of Ken
ton, Mrs. N. J. Halloy, Elllo
Ileum, Mrs. Irish, Mrs. HoshIq
Sluiltz, Miss Klingsell, Mist
June Middicswart of Mosier,
M 88 Hazel Johnston of Port
land, Miss Edna and Ruby Mc
Kinney. Mr. nrown and Mr.
Wclshor of Kenton. One who
was there.
North School Notes
For week ending April 10th
Rutherford Shappee and Choluy
King of nth grade hud the groat-
cab II11IIHJI.-1 Ul OKIIO, twill l.uill
York and Nellie Jones of tho (ith
grude had tho best record.
Fifth and sixth grades wore
entitled to ono hour's holidtty
for attendance during last
month. Wo hope the paronta
will Hnd fewer occasions for
keeping tho children out, for it
is not only a detriment to the
child, but to the whole school.
- Reporter.
Mrs. Sarah Show died at her
home at 918 North Hayos street
Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock, of
liver complaint. Sho was aged
115 years, and was tho wife of
William Shaw. Tho remains
were shipped to Salmon Creek,
Wash., for interment yesterday,
tho Odd Fellows' lodge of that
place having charge of tho fun
eral. Mrs. Shaw was a native of
Washington and had resided
here for 10 years. Sho is sur
vived by her husband, a brother
and sister residing here and a
brother, W. S. Lindsey, a com
missioner In Clarke county,
Subitrltxt (or tu St foliai Rgylew